[is-lam] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 5 Shabaan 1427 H - 29.8.06

2006-08-28 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer
Palestinian Children Assaulted by Israeli Army
The other three boys were still there, and the police officer told
the HRW, who tried to intervene, that he should leave because they were
“taking the kids back home”. The HRWs moved back several yards and saw
the border police and the police officer take one boy after another into
the military post, behind the camouflage netting, where the HRWs couldn't
see what was being done. When the first boy came out again (after about
15 seconds), the HRW saw that he was holding his head, so they suspected
that those boys were taken in there to beat them.


Resident, child, killed in Beit Hanoun and Rafah
Palestinian medical sources in Beit Hanoun, in the northern part of
the Gaza Strip, reported that one child died after an explosive left by
the army detonated near him.

Israeli Occupation Forces attacks in Gaza kill 5 Palestinians
Two members of a Hamas-led security force and two presidential
guards, were standing on a street in the Shajaiyeh neighborhood of Gaza
City when a missile hit them, witnesses said. The four were severely
burned and killed, Palestinian doctors said.

Israeli Occupation Forces kill 64-year-old man in Jenin
Palestinian sources said Monday that Sabri Khalil worked as a night
watchman at a local school

Israeli Occupation Forces Kill Teen Killed
Palestine Authority sources earlier on Monday afternoon reported an
18-year-old male was killed by IOF fire in the Rafiah area of southern

The Americanization of Canada by Harper
You may like or dislike his act as the chief cheerleader for Israel
and the United States. You may even feel cheated that he had kept his
ideology well concealed prior to and during the last election. But at
least you know where he stands now.


Stalin and the Ukranian Massacre
Almost unknown is the genocide of 2 million of the USSR's Muslim
peoples: Chechen, Ingush, Crimean Tatars, Tajiks, Bashkir, Kazaks. The
Chechen independence fighters today branded terrorists by the
US and Russia are the grandchildren of survivors of Soviet concentration

Vast majority of us now officially 'bitter and angry'
Who are these 35 percent of Americans who still approve of Bush's job
And why do they accuse us Bush critics of being bitter and
angry, as though our lack of complacency is some sort of character


Is this Bush's secret bunker?
As the Bush administration wages its war on terror, Mount Weather is
believed to house a shadow government made up of senior
Washington officials on temporary assignment.

Brown says White House wanted him to lie
The ousted head of the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency says
the White House wanted him to lie about the response to Hurricane


-muslim voice-

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Re: [is-lam] Perpecahan di Ummat Islam

2006-08-28 Terurut Topik Harry Sufehmi
On 8/24/2006 at 6:40 PM A Nizami wrote:
Di ayat terakhir kita diperintahkan menyebut diri kita
MUSLIM. Bukan sunni atau syi'ah atau salafi. Hendaknya
kita kembali ke sunnah Nabi.

Sekalian juga pak, kelompok Lia Eden kita rangkul dan akui sebagai umat Muslim 
juga  :-)

Poin saya, sebagaimana kita tidak boleh sembarangan menuding kelompok lain 
sebagai kafir, demikian juga kita tidak boleh sembarangan memudah-mudahkan 
mengakui kelompok yang belum jelas akidah  syariatnya sebagai bagian dari umat 


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[is-lam] The Real Holocaoust : Stalin and the Ukranian Massacre

2006-08-28 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of God, the
Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Real Holocaoust : Stalin and the Ukranian
By Eric Margolis

Almost unknown is the genocide of 2 million of the USSR's Muslim
peoples: Chechen, Ingush, Crimean Tatars, Tajiks, Bashkir, Kazaks. The
Chechen independence fighters today branded terrorists by the
US and Russia are the grandchildren of survivors of Soviet concentration

Rockwell -- -- Five years ago, I wrote a column about the
unknown Holocaust in Ukraine. I was shocked to receive a flood of mail
from young Americans and Canadians of Ukrainian descent telling me that
until they read my article, they knew nothing of the 1932–33 genocide in
which Stalin's regime murdered 7 million Ukrainians and sent 2 million to
concentration camps. 
How, I wondered, could such historical amnesia afflict so many young
North-American Ukrainians? For Jews and Armenians, the genocides their
people suffered are vivid, living memories that influence their daily
lives. Yet today, on the 70th anniversary of the destruction of a quarter
of Ukraine's population, this titanic crime has almost vanished into
history's black hole. 
So has the extermination of the Don Cossacks by the Soviets in the
1920's, and Volga Germans, in 1941; and mass executions and deportations
to concentration camps of Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, and Poles. At
the end of World War II, Stalin's gulag held 5.5 million prisoners, 23%
Ukrainians and 6% Baltic peoples. 
Almost unknown is the genocide of 2 million of the USSR's Muslim peoples:
Chechen, Ingush, Crimean Tatars, Tajiks, Bashkir, Kazaks. The Chechen
independence fighters today branded terrorists by the US and
Russia are the grandchildren of survivors of Soviet concentration camps.

Add to this list of forgotten atrocities the murder in Eastern Europe
from 1945–47 of at least 2 million ethnic Germans, mostly women and
children, and the violent expulsion of 15 million more Germans, during
which 2 million German girls and women were raped. 
Among these monstrous crimes, Ukraine stands out as the worst in terms of
numbers. Stalin declared war on his own people. In 1932 he sent
Commissars V. Molotov and Lazar Kaganovitch, and NKVD secret police chief
G. Yagoda to crush the resistance of Ukrainian farmers to forced
Ukraine was sealed off. All food supplies and livestock were confiscated.
NKVD death squads executed anti-party elements. Furious that
insufficient Ukrainians were being shot, Kaganovitch the Soviet
Adolf Eichmann set a quota of 10,000 executions a week. Eighty
percent of Ukrainian intellectuals were shot. 
During the bitter winter of 1932–33, 25,000 Ukrainians per day were being
shot or dying of starvation and cold. Cannibalism became common. Ukraine,
writes historian Robert Conquest, looked like a giant version of the
future Bergan-Belsen death camp. 
The mass murder of 7 million Ukrainians, 3 million of them children, and
deportation to the gulag of 2 million (where most died) was hidden by
Soviet propaganda. Pro-communist westerners, like the New York Times'
Walter Duranty, Sidney and Beatrice Webb, and French Prime Minister
Edouard Herriot, toured Ukraine, denied reports of genocide, and
applauded what they called Soviet agrarian reform. Those who
spoke out against the genocide were branded fascist
The US, British, and Canadian governments, however, were well aware of
the genocide, but closed their eyes, even blocking aid groups from going
to Ukraine. The only European leaders to raise a cry over Soviet
industrialized murder were, ironically, Hitler and Mussolini. Because
Kaganovitch, Yagoda and many senior communist party and NKVD officials
were Jewish, Hitler's absurd claim that communism was a Jewish plot to
destroy Christian civilization became widely believed across fearful
When war came, Roosevelt and Churchill allied themselves closely to
Stalin, though they were well aware his regime had murdered at least 30
million people long before Hitler's extermination of Jews and gypsies
began. Yet in the strange moral calculus of mass murder, only Germans
were guilty. 
Though Stalin murdered 3 times more people than Hitler, to the doting
Roosevelt he remained Uncle Joe. At Yalta, Stalin even
boasted to Churchill he had killed over 10 million peasants. The
British-US alliance with Stalin made them his partners in crime.
Roosevelt and Churchill helped preserve history's most murderous regime,
to which they handed over half of Europe. 
After the war, the Left tried to cover up Soviet genocide. Jean-Paul
Sartre denied the gulag even existed. For the Allies, Nazism was the only
evil; they could not admit being allied to mass murders. For the Soviets,
promoting the Jewish Holocaust perpetuated anti-fascism and masked their
own crimes. 
The Jewish people saw their Holocaust as a unique event. It was Israel's
raison d'être. 

[is-lam] Mohon Bantuan Artikel tentang Sholat, dsb

2006-08-28 Terurut Topik A Nizami
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,

Alhamdulillah situs www.media-islam.or.id sudah siap
dan sudah dikunjungi lebih dari 17.000 kali.

Meski demikian banyak artikel yang belum lengkap
misalnya artikel tentang sholat (dari thaharoh, adzan,
dsb), puasa, zakat, dsb.

Butuh bantuan rekan2 untuk melengkapinya. Ada pun
artikel tersebut hendaknya memuat dalil Al Qur'an dan
Hadits yang sahih disertai penjelasan ringkas sehingga
pembacanya bisa mengerti. Dalil juga lengkap misalnya
ketika shalat ada yang bacaan bismillah dikeraskan dan
ada juga yang dipelankan kedua haditsnya harus

Artikel bisa dikirim ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Seandainya artikel tsb kutipan dari sumber lain, mohon
izin dulu kepada pemiliknya. Sesungguhnya ini niatnya
untuk dakwah semata.

Jazakumullah khoiron katsiroo.


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Re: [is-lam] Tanya seputar Sya'ban

2006-08-28 Terurut Topik IPD Wiska Susetio

Wa'alaikum salam warohmatullaahi wa barokaatuh,

Mas Akhmad Yani,

Bulan sya'ban ialah bulan ketika Rasulullah banyak berpuasa, sebagaimana
diterangkan dalam hadits :

Saya tidak melihat Rasulullah SAW menyempurnakan puasanya, kecuali di bulan
Ramadhan. Dan saya tidak melihat dalam satu bulan yang lebih banyak puasanya
kecuali pada bulan Sya'ban (HR Imam Muslim dari Siti Aisyah rodhiallaahu

Tapi di hadits tersebut tidak dirinci tanggal pelaksanaannya. Dari hadits itu
barangkali kita bisa termotivasi untuk memperbanyak puasa sunnah. Misal yang
tadinya nggak pernah senin-kemis, maka pada bulan sya'ban dilakukan. Atau yang
sudah biasa senin-kemis jadi puasa Daud, dsb.

Di sisi lain terdapat pula hadits yang melarang puasa pada paruh terakhir bulan
sya'ban menjelang Ramadhan :

Apabila bulan Sya'ban sudah setengahnya, maka janganlah berpuasa hingga
Ramadhan. (HR Imam Tirmidzy dari Abu Hurairah rodhiallaahu 'anhu).

Tetapi status hadits ini khilaf / diperdebatkan, ada yang menerimanya, ada yang
menganggapya mungkar.

Yang lebih jelas adalah larangan untuk berpuasa satu dua hari menjelang
Ramadhan, bila memang tidak rutin puasa sebagaimana diriwayatkan :

Janganlah kalian mendahului Ramadhan dengan melakukan puasa satu atau dua hari
sebelumnya kecuali seorang yang telah rutin berpuasa maka berpuasalah (HR Imam

Pada bulan Sya'ban ini terdapat pula malam Nisfu sya'ban (pertengahan bulan
sya'ban). Malam ini dalam sebagian riwayat yang mursal dan lemah merupakan malam
spesial untuk ibadah, termasuk berpuasa pada siang harinya. Akan tetapi terdapat
khilaf / perdebatan para ulama mengenai ibadah khusus pada malam nisfu sya'ban
ini, banyak yang menganggapnya lemah karena hadits-haditsnya dianggap lemah.

Wallaahu 'alam,

= Wizh =

Please respond to Milis is-lam is-lam@milis.isnet.org

To:   is-lam@milis.isnet.org
cc:(bcc: IPD Wiska Susetio/QA/domino_srv)

Subject:  [is-lam] Tanya seputar Sya'ban


Saya ditanya sohib tentang puasa sya'ban, berhubung saya belum bisa
menjawab dengan sohih.
Daripada jawaban saya tanpa ilmu, maka saya menanyakan ke antum semua:
Apakah puasa sya'ban itu ? apakah ada dasar / dicontohkan Nabi SAW ?
Tanggal berapa dilaksanakan puasa sya'ban?
Atas jawabannya ana ucapkan SyukronKatsiron


Akhmad Yani
Berau - Kalimantan Timur

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