[is-lam] US Terrorize The World - 26 Shabaan 1427 H (19.9.06)

2006-09-19 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer



In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===


Total number of Muslim civil rights cases tops 1,900 in 2005

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 9/18/06) - A report released today by a prominent national Islamic civil rights and advocacy group indicates an almost 30 percent increase in the total number of complaints of anti-Muslim bias from 2004 to 2005.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) report - the only annual study of its kind - outlines 1,972 incidents and experiences of anti-Muslim violence, discrimination and harassment in 2005, the highest number of civil rights cases ever recorded in the Washington-based group's annual report. (Hundreds of anti-Muslim incidents reported immediately following the 9/11 attacks were detailed in a separate report.) According to the study, called The Struggle for Equality, that figure is a 29.6 percent jump over the preceding year's total of 1,522 cases.
URL: http://www.cair.com

The complete The Struggle for Equality report may be viewed at:


Racist : Feds raid Southfield Muslim organization

SOUTHFIELD -- FBI agents from the Joint Terrorism Task Force raided the Southfield offices of an American Muslim relief organization today, but would not disclose the nature of the criminal investigation they were conducting.

The FBI executed a search warrant at the offices of Life for Relief and Development, located off 10 Mile Road, at about 9 a.m. and remained there for several hours, FBI Special Agent Dawn Clenney said.

The reasons given to a federal judge to obtain the search warrant were sealed and no arrests had yet been made. The search is pertaining to a criminal matter, Clenney said.


Islamophobia : An insufficient apology

When Pope Benedict recently delivered a lecture and managed to find the time and space to take a swipe at Islam, the Prophet Mohammed and effectively every Muslim, he must have expected the kind of reaction that followed across the Muslim world. If he hadn't, then he has either been on another planet these last few years or he shouldn't be in the high position he is.

what makes the Pope's words even more incredible is that he conveniently chose to ignore the reality that whilst the Catholic church was cementing the barbarism of Europe's dark ages for centuries, in which atrocities of unspeakable volumes within its lands and beyond were committed under its very guise and with its blessings, the Muslim world stretching from southern Europe to the far borders of China was busy writing literature, philosophy, art, architecture, medicine, chemistry, physics, biology, algebra and music.


Pope: Karen Armstrong: We cannot afford to maintain these ancient prejudices against Islam 

The Pope's remarks were dangerous, and will convince many more Muslims that the west is incurably Islamophobic 


A Question for the Pope: Was it Muhammad who was flying those Bombers over Beirut?

Benedict quoted a medieval Catholic source on the violence of Islam's Muhammad just a couple of weeks after the armies of Judaism bombed Lebanon into the stone age for thirty-three days (a significant number in the Kabbalah).

The greatest orgy of violence by the military of any religion since the fruit of Bush's Third Awakening Christianity pummeled Iraq and Afghanistan's cities and villages with bombs and bullets, was perpetrated in Lebanon in July and August, with religious injunctions in favor of the mass murder issued by Orthodox Israeli rabbis.

But Pope Benedict's stern admonition last week was directed not at them, but only at the violence of Muhammad. Excuse me, your ass-holiness, but was it Muhammad who was flying those bombers over Beirut? 


The Path from 9/11

There is little doubt that that the 9/11 commission report has become the Warren commission report of our time - a fatally flawed official examination that ended up raising more questions than it answered, owing to a toxic brew of politics, partisanship, personal agendas and presidential obstruction. Chairman Thomas Kean's recent paid involvement with ABC's fictitious historical docudrama is but the latest reminder that the 9/11 tragedy has yet to be investigated fully or fairly.


Dictatorship Banned From The Classroom: 911 Physics Scientist Who Proved Thermite Involved In WTC Demolitions

Like a modern-day Galileo or Socrates, the highly respected physicist, who has challenged with logic and scientific evidence the 


2006-09-19 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer



In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===



Total number of Muslim civil rights cases tops 1,900 in 2005

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 9/18/06) - A report released today by a prominent national Islamic civil rights and advocacy group indicates an almost 30 percent increase in the total number of complaints of anti-Muslim bias from 2004 to 2005.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) report - the only annual study of its kind - outlines 1,972 incidents and experiences of anti-Muslim violence, discrimination and harassment in 2005, the highest number of civil rights cases ever recorded in the Washington-based group's annual report. (Hundreds of anti-Muslim incidents reported immediately following the 9/11 attacks were detailed in a separate report.) According to the study, called The Struggle for Equality, that figure is a 29.6 percent jump over the preceding year's total of 1,522 cases.

CAIR also received 153 reports of anti-Muslim hate crime complaints, an 8.6 percent increase from the 141 complaints received in 2004. As in past years, CAIR said factors contributing to the sharp increase in reported incidents included the lingering impact of post-9/11 fears, increased awareness of civil rights issues in the Muslim community and a general increase in anti-Muslim rhetoric in American society.

We believe the biggest factor contributing to anti-Muslim feeling and the resulting acts of bias is the growth in Islamophobic rhetoric that has flooded the Internet and talk radio in the post-9/11 era, said CAIR Legal Director Arsalan Iftikhar, the report's author.

Iftikhar said the report also outlines CAIR initiatives taken in the past year designed to decrease anti-Muslim prejudice. The report cites CAIR's coordination of the fatwa, or Islamic religious ruling, by U.S. Muslim scholars repudiating terrorism and religious extremism, the Not in the Name of Islam public service announcements (PSA) and the Explore the Quran and Muslims Care educational and volunteerism campaigns.

A statement issued today by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) thanked CAIR for its steadfast dedication to ameliorating the civil rights of American Muslims and stated in part: By all accounts, racial profiling, harassment, and discrimination of Muslim and Arab Americans have increased since 9/11. . .We cannot allow xenophobia, prejudice, and bigotry to prevail, and eviscerate the Constitution we are bound to protect.

Overall, nine states and the District of Columbia accounted for almost 79 percent of all civil rights complaints to CAIR in 2005. They are (in descending order): California (19 percent), Illinois (13 percent), New York (9 percent), Texas (8 percent), Virginia (7 percent), Florida (6 percent), District of Columbia (5 percent), Maryland (4 percent), Ohio (4 percent) and New Jersey (4 percent).

The complete The Struggle for Equality report may be viewed at: http://www.cair.com/pdf/2006-CAIR-Civil-Rights-Report.pdf

CAIR began documenting anti-Muslim incidents following the 1995 attack on the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The council is America's largest Islamic civil liberties group, with 32 regional offices and chapters nationwide and in Canada. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

- END -

CONTACT: Arsalan Iftikhar, 202-488-8787 or 202-415-0799, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-488-8787 or 202-744-7726, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Council on American-Islamic Relations
453 New Jersey Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
Tel: 202-488-8787, 202-744-7726
Fax: 202-488-0833
URL: http://www.cair.com


-muslim voice-

is-lam mailing list

[is-lam] A Question for the Pope: Was it Muhammad who was flying those Bombers over Beirut?

2006-09-19 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

A Question for the Pope: 

Was it Muhammad who was flying those Bombers over Beirut? 

by Michael A. Hoffman II 

As some of you may have heard or surmised, I am engaged in writing the introduction to one of the rarest books in the world, a volume that has not been printed in English in more than 250 years. It will go to press next week, after which we will offer a pre-publication opportunity for you to reserve a copy. 

I want to leave no stone unturned, no detail overlooked in my introduction to this magnificent work, and I debated whether it would be worthwhile to pause from my labors to remark upon Pope Benedict XVI's recent utterance on Islam, which has the Catholic and Neocon world ecstatic with glee at the thought that Rome is about to drop the syncretic universalism of Benedict's predecessor and launch a full-scale crusade against the mad mullahs. 

The gesture by the man said to occupy (usurp might be a more apt word) the chair of Peter, is too egregious in itself and too symptomatic of the schizophrenia that grips conservative Churchianity in these Kabbalistic End of Days, when male fish in the Potomac river are discovered to be carrying female eggs, and other portents of a world turned upside down abound, to pass by it in silence. 

Benedict quoted a medieval Catholic source on the violence of Islam's Muhammad just a couple of weeks after the armies of Judaism bombed Lebanon into the stone age for thirty-three days (a significant number in the Kabbalah). 

The greatest orgy of violence by the military of any religion since the fruit of Bush's Third Awakening Christianity pummeled Iraq and Afghanistan's cities and villages with bombs and bullets, was perpetrated in Lebanon in July and August, with religious injunctions in favor of the mass murder issued by Orthodox Israeli rabbis. 

But Pope Benedict's stern admonition last week was directed not at them, but only at the violence of Muhammad. Excuse me, your ass-holiness, but was it Muhammad who was flying those bombers over Beirut? 

In the eyes of the rabbis, including the crypto-rabbi in the Vatican, the one thousand Lebanese civilians who were murdered, their infrastructure wrecked, their food and medicine obstructed, the sea polluted and the land strewn with cluster bombs in the last days of the onslaught, are not a subject of particular concern. After all, God's holy master race has a 007 license to kill, and if the swarthy sheikhs of sin-strewn Arabia are on the receiving end, so much the better. The killings perpetrated by the Israelis are sanctioned by the Talmud, the holy book of Benedict according to his own writings and the study habits of the cardinals he patronizes. The Koran? Why, that's a venal book of violence! 

So the old Judaic double-standard raises its ugly head yet again, last week through the mouth of its papal dummy, yesterday out of the orifice of the US President, and tomorrow from the baying hounds of American Churchianity, who confirm Ludwig Fuerbach's observation of more than a century ago, that Christianity has disappeared. Everywhere it has been substituted by the appearance of Christianity. 

The wisdom of the old German philosophers is not welcome in post-war Germany, or among Germans like the current Pontiff, who is now being hailed by terminally perverted traditional Catholics and pseudo-Protestants as the paladin of western civilization. 

Let us peer a bit closer at the Renaissance Benedict is said to be rebirthing. In Germany, the suicide rate is intolerable and the birth rate has been below replacement level for thirty years. This is attributed to the consumerist hedonism that also infects Italy, Britain, France and Scandinavia. What is overlooked is the special circumstance, unique to Germany, the self-hatred that has been internalized by three generations bombarded with the guilt-laden mental genocide that is the Auschwitz gas chamber tale, which incessantly repeats that the Germans are collectively a race of hereditary willing executioners, to quote from the best-selling thesis of Harvard's Daniel Goldhagen. This bigoted toxicity has been pounded into the German psyche in movies, plays, books, TV shows, schoolrooms and synagogues disguised as Holocaust museums, for decades. 

Shortly before he burned himself alive in protest, Reinhold Elstner, a WWII German army vet, termed the Holocaust agit-prop a Niagara of lies. For trying to dam the flow of that deadly sewage, historian David Irving is in jail in Austria, and the Max Planck chemist Germar Rudolf is in prison in Germany, as is the revisionist writer Ernst Zundel, the latter confined to his cell 22 hours-a-day. It is not the first time that a pope has approved -- by silence or commission -- the presence of writers in dungeons. 

The rape of the German psyche and the repression against revisionists is 

[is-lam] America Corruption : The 13 most corrupt members of Congress

2006-09-19 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

America Corruption : The 13 most corrupt members of Congress 

Beyond DeLay: Report Summaries

* Executive Summary of the Report
* Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO)
* Rep. Randy Cunningham (R-CA)
* Rep. Tom Feeney (R-FL)
* Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA)
* Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO)
* Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH)
* Rep. Richard Pombo (R-CA)
* Rep. Rick Renzi (R-AZ)
* Rep. Charles Taylor (R-NC)
* Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)
* Sen. Conrad Burns (R-MT)
* Sen. Bill Frist (R-TN)
* Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) 

Executive Summary of the Report

Over the past year, the issue of Congressional ethics has taken on new resonance. Where questionable conduct was once shrugged off as business as usual, now both the public and the press are demanding greater accountability from Members of Congress. At a time when a recent Gallup Poll reports only that 36% of those polled express approval of Congress, people are taking a harder look at the actions of their representatives.

The ethics issues surrounding House Majority Leader Tom DeLay are well documented and frequently reported. In fact, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has been one of Rep. DeLay's harshest critics. Nonetheless, we recognize that Rep. DeLay is not the only Member of Congress whose behavior merits scrutiny. There are a significant number of other members who have engaged in similarly egregious conduct, thus the name of the report: Beyond DeLay.

In the following report, CREW documents the unethical activities of thirteen Members of Congress: 10 House Members and three Senators. Although much of the information is available in a variety of documents, until now it has not been compiled in one place. The allegations against some of those on the list have been well publicized while the activities of others have gone relatively unnoticed.

This is not intended to be a definitive list of all of the Members of Congress facing ethics issues. For example, other members, such as Senator David Vitter (R-LA), Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), Rep. John Doolittle (R-CA) and Rep. J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ), have connections to now-indicted Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff that are worth exploring should either the Senate Select Committee on Ethics or the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct ever decide to initiate an investigation into the range of Mr. Abramoff's influence on the Congress.

CREW has a dual goal in releasing this report. First, we hope to bring greater attention to the unethical conduct of those named in the report as well as to the subject of congressional ethics in general. Second, we hope to galvanize both the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct and the Senate Select Committee on Ethics into action. The ethics committees of both houses have lain largely dormant over the past years despite the often appalling conduct of their members. It is time for our representatives to take their constitutional obligation to police themselves seriously, an obligation that members of both political parties have ignored to the detriment of the American people.


To create this report, CREW reviewed articles, Federal Election Commission (FEC) reports and audits, sworn testimony, emails, and personal financial and travel disclosure forms. We then analyzed that information to determine whether the information discovered suggested that a Member of Congress's conduct violated any federal laws, regulations or congressional ethics rules.



-muslim voice-

is-lam mailing list

[is-lam] Islamophobia : An insufficient apology

2006-09-19 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

An insufficient apology

What makes the Pope's remarks about Islam so incredible is that he conveniently ignores Christianity's own barbarous past.

When Pope Benedict recently delivered a lecture and managed to find the time and space to take a swipe at Islam, the Prophet Mohammed and effectively every Muslim, he must have expected the kind of reaction that followed across the Muslim world. If he hadn't, then he has either been on another planet these last few years or he shouldn't be in the high position he is.

Therefore, the cold reaction with which his so-called apology was met did not come as a great surprise. A true and sincere apology would have been to retract his remarks, however the Pope merely expressed regret at how Muslims had been offended without actually apologising for the quotation that he used in his lecture in Germany last week. In other words, he was sorry that Muslims took it badly.

While Pope Benedict stated that he was merely quoting a medieval Byzantine emperor (ie don't shoot the messenger), it is beyond ridiculous to assume that this quotation came as a by the by, and did not formulate a main element of the argument he was trying to make in what was clearly a well-prepared speech.

Quotations are an odd thing, you see. When they are employed by the likes of a president, a prime minister a figure of authority or a pope, they potentially become a dangerous weapon. To pick a quote that asserts one thing is essentially to exclude many, often hundreds or even thousands, others that assert the exact opposite. However, since such an esteemed figure has cited the quote, then of course it must be true and his argument must hence be valid and taken at face value. This is why the Pope's apology for the offence caused is almost meaningless as the original sin, as one may say, has caused immense harm and possible lasting damage. 

The Vatican was expected to be at the helm of the campaign to build bridges, to reach out and to mend what politicians had managed to savagely destruct over recent years. If ever there was an antidote to the frenzy of an inevitable clash of cultures and civilisations, it was to come from people of faith, all faiths. At a time when all main representative Islamic organisations and figures of authority are speaking out against terrorism and against the barbarism of killing others under the false guise of faith, belief, ideology or religion, one would have thought that such calls would be supported and backed by the likes of the Pope.

However, when he spoke of reason it was clear that he was asserting that such notion is almost exclusive to Judaism and Christianity, whilst Islam is void thereof. In a sense he was ridiculing all attempts to conduct dialogue or communication with Islam, as it demonstrated no sense of reason; an accusation that Islam is inherently violent, fundamentally blood-thirsty and an enemy of all others. An extremely dangerous assertion to make, albeit implicit and embedded between the lines, when the world lies on the verge of an all out clash that threatens everyone and everything. 

However, what makes the Pope's words even more incredible is that he conveniently chose to ignore the reality that whilst the Catholic church was cementing the barbarism of Europe's dark ages for centuries, in which atrocities of unspeakable volumes within its lands and beyond were committed under its very guise and with its blessings, the Muslim world stretching from southern Europe to the far borders of China was busy writing literature, philosophy, art, architecture, medicine, chemistry, physics, biology, algebra and music. Manuscripts on law, botany, etiquette and fashion were being produced and students from Europe, Africa and China converged in their tens of thousands upon the vast and illustrious universities and libraries of Baghdad, Damascus, Cordoba, Seville and Cairo. Indeed, Spanish historians hold in pride the 100 years of glorious co-existence among Muslims, Christians and Jews, which saw an outstanding leap on technology, medicine and science as well as the production of the most amazing fruits of human endeavour on all fronts. It is notable that the rulers of the time were Muslims, who did not think twice about employing Christian and Jewish ministers, advisors and ambassadors as long as they were the best suited for the job.

Only a few days ago, I ended my first ever visit to Iran where I took part in the regional meeting of the World Health Organisation in the exquisitely beautiful city of Isfahan. Among the 14,000 or so historic and heritage sites and monuments that adorns this city alone, we were taken on a tour to the city's cathedral and were shown what was claimed to be the biggest synagogue in the region, both constructed many centuries ago. Both were in beautiful and impressive 

[is-lam] Mohon kirimkan hadits

2006-09-19 Terurut Topik Hermanto
Assalaamu'alikum wr. wb.Ikhwan sekalian di milis yg saya cintai ini.Jika ada yang mempunyai hadits Khutbah Rasulullah menyambut Ramadhan dalam bahasa Arabnya mohon di-share ke saya donk, melalui 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] atau ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Selama ini yg saya punya hanya terjemahannya saja.Jazakumullah khairan katsitra.Wass. wr. wb.
is-lam mailing list

[is-lam] US Terrorize The World - 27 Shabaan 1427 H (20.9.06)

2006-09-19 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


Senate Bills Would Allow for Lifelong Detention Without Trial, Torture Without Accountability

Both proposed bills in the Senate strip away the right to habeas corpus and cut back the ability of rape survivors of to hold their perpetrators accountable. We speak with Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights. 


How Bush Rules: Torture and The Quest For Unfettered Power 

The Bush administrations new torture policy prompted the export of torture technique from Guantanamo to Abu Ghraib.


Harry Reid : Not a single terrorist has been brought to justice 

Five years after September 11, not a single terrorist has been brought to justice under the Presidents flawed policy. 


List of countries describes as Terrorist breeding grounds increases 

Fragile countries, whose deepening poverty puts them at risk from terrorism, armed conflict and epidemic disease, have jumped to 26 from 17 since the report was last issued in 2003.


Iraq : There is more than one triangle of resistance 

What the occupiers of Iraq still refuse to accept is that the resistance is supported and protected by Iraqis. 


British soldier admits Iraqi war crime 

The guilty plea was entered as seven British soldiers went on trial in connection with events in Iraq.


Iraq : U.S. Resorting to 'Collective Punishment' 

Ahmad, a local doctor who withheld his last name for security purposes told IPS. This city has been facing the worst of the American terror and destruction for more than two years now, and the world is silent. 


Kurdish party to get shut down in Iraq 

The Iraqi government said Tuesday it will shut down all offices belonging to the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, around the country. 


At least 9 Killed As U.S. Occupation Continues 

The United States military reported the deaths of two U.S. soldiers in two different attacks in Baghdad, one by small-arms fire and the other by a roadside bomb.


3 American Soldiers Killed in Baghdad



Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 18 September 2006. 

Resistance source says six US Marines killed in three Resistance attacks in al-Hadithah on Monday. 
Tribal leaders in al-Anbar pledge loyalty to the Resistance, deny report circulated by Reuters and New York Times claiming tribal support for US effort against Resistance. 
Two US troops reported killed in bombing of US personnel carrier in Hit Monday. 
Patriotic Iraqi journalist re-arrested hours after her release, as efforts to repress media, conceal truth of Resistance struggle continue. 
Resistance bomb kills three foreign contractors, believed to be Israelis in ad-Durah Monday morning. 
Resistance car bomber blasts puppet army recruiting center in ar-Ramadi late Monday afternoon. 
Resistance bomb blasts US patrol in 'Anah Monday morning. 
Resistance bomb destroys US Humvee east of al-Qa'im Monday morning. 
Resistance mounds intense mortar attack on puppet Interior Ministry Shock Troops in Baghdad's al-Jihad district. 
Resistance bombards US base in at-Taji Sunday evening. 
Iraqi puppet police help Shi'i sectarian gunmen kidnap Sunnis from Baghdad mosque Sunday evening. 
Resistance blasts US-occupied al-Bakr Base with Katyusha rockets at dawn Monday. 
Resistance mortars blast US-Iraqi puppet army headquarters in al-Latifiyah.



Afghanistan: Time for Truth

The respected European think-tank, Senlis Council, which focuses on Afghanistan, just reported the Taliban movement is taking back Afghanistan and now controls that nation's southern half.

This is an amazing departure from claims by the US and its NATO allies that they are steadily winning the war in Afghanistan. Or, more precisely, winning it again, since the Bush Administration claimed to have won total victory in Afghanistan in 2001. At the time, this column predicted that victory was an illusion and the war would resume in force in 4-5 years.


Deepening catastrophe in Afghanistan 

The Nato occupation of Afghanistan is facing growing resistance after almost five years. Jonathan Neale looks at the crisis facing US and British troops in the region


IAEA exposes US committee's lies on Iran's nuclear programs


[is-lam] Islamophobia - Prejudice: Arar cleared at last - Looks forward to enjoying 'normal life'

2006-09-19 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer
: Here is the official press release from the Arar inquiry

And here is the full text of the inquiry report: 

Ottawa must learn from Arar fiasco

Arar inquiry calls for review of terror suspects' cases

How Canada failed to protect Maher Arar

MEDIA ADVISORY: Montreal Protest against Canadian complicity in all kidnap and torture, illegal and legal - Sept 21

An indictment of racial profiling

Others seek answers, too


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