Bismillah [IslamCity] The Brotherhood opens up Courtesy:

2008-01-04 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal
  Thursday, January 03, 2008, Zill-Haj 23, 
1428 A.H. Editor-in-Chief: Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman 
  The Brotherhood opens up
Thursday, January 03, 2008
By Ibrahim El Houdaiby

The Muslim Brotherhood, like other opposition groups in Egypt, is going through 
a period of repression. It is repressed more than any other organisation to the 
widespread popularity it enjoys. 

Hundreds of its members have been detained over the past few months and a 
severe media distortion campaign is run by state-owned press and TV channels, 
while security threats restrict independent media outlets from reporting an 
objective and balanced image of the group. 

In spite of this, and in an unprecedented initiative, the Muslim Brotherhood 
sent a draft of its political manifesto a few weeks ago to be reviewed by a 
selected group of intellectuals and opposition leaders from different 
backgrounds (including seculars and critics of the Brotherhood), a definite 
sign of political openness, tolerance and confidence. 

It also shows the Brotherhood’s willingness to accept criticism, contrary to 
the repeated claim of several adversaries. There is a realisation within the 
Brotherhood that there is nothing sacred about the political programme; it is a 
man-made programme that aims at achieving the objectives of Islam: justice, 
equality, peace, and compassion among all members of society. The draft was 
leaked to the media by some of the recipients and that triggered an intense 
debate far beyond the borders of Egypt. 

One of the positive outcomes of this is that it revealed the Brotherhood’s 
internal diversity, which is the norm in any large and long-running 
organisation. Several researchers have previously pointed out this diversity as 
a sign of political maturity.

The draft was not put solely by group members, but rather utilised the 
experience and knowledge of a large number of intellectuals and academics, 
including women, Copts and secularists; three groups usually said to be 
sceptical of the Brotherhood if not actually repressed thereby, another clear 
sign of openness and transparency. 

Brotherhood leaders clarified that the manifesto was the first step in a three 
step process to form a civil political party autonomous from the group.

No one expects the Egyptian regime to legitimise such a party soon, as it has 
already turned down legitimization appeals of strong political groups from 
different backgrounds. 

Some issues brought up by the draft were viewed by some intellectuals as a 
“setback” for the Brotherhood, which has illustrated more moderate stances on 
these issues in its political activity over the past few years. The critics 
highlight that the draft excludes women and Copts from becoming president, and 
proposes an advisory council of scholars to review laws passed by the 

As soon as the draft was released, several Brotherhood members spoke out 
against these points, as well as other aspects of the manifesto. These include 
some senior figures as well as junior members of the group. 

Furthermore, major worldwide Muslim Brotherhood figures also expressed 
opposition to these controversial points, including Sheikh Rashid Ghannoushi 
from al-Nahda Movement in Tunisia, Ali al-Bayanouni, leader of Muslim 
Brotherhood in Syria, and Abdulmajeed al-Manasra from Algeria. 

This ongoing debate is a healthy sign that would contribute to political 
maturity within Islamist groups worldwide. 

The manifesto does not deny women and Copts the right to run for presidency. It 
only states that the Muslim Brotherhood will not support them if they do. 

This is a view held by many within the group; yet other members - including 
myself - think it is not one’s gender or religion that decides his or her 
eligibility to the presidency, but rather personal capacities and competence as 
well as political orientation. 

Those who endorse the draft argue that it is based on the assessment of the 
status quo.

The Brotherhood opts for a highly institutionalised state with sufficient 
checks and balances, where the president would not enjoy the power the current 
constitution affords Mubarak.

In such a system, conditions for presidency should not be any different than 
those needed from a prime minister; a position the manifesto keeps open for 
all, including Copts and women. 

Yet, having this clause is not as catastrophic as some critics tried to make 
out. Moderate Islamists will of course vote for the moderate Islamist in any 
election, just as leftists, liberals, secularists and others would vote for 
candidates from their respective political orientation. If there were no 
Islamists running, I would vote for the candidate I regard as being the most 
capable, regardless of gender or religion. 

During Egypt’s last (and first) presidential elections, I voted for Ayman Nour 
because I thought he was the best alternative, and his platform for reform was 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Maulana Tariq Rashid Firangi Mahali on Dars-e Nizami and Madrasa Reform in South Asia

2008-01-04 Thread S A Hannan
Dear members,

Assalamu Alaikum.Please read this very important interview on Madrasah 

Shah Abdul Hannan

- Original Message -
From: Yogi Sikand

Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2008 9:39 PM
Subject:Maulana Tariq Rashid Firangi Mahali on Dars-e Nizami and Madrasa Reform 
in South Asia

39-year old Maulana Tariq Rasheed Firanghi Mahali is a
ninth generation direct descendant of Mulla Nizamuddin
Firanghi Mahali, who framed what is known after him as
the dars-e nizami, the basic syllabus that continues
to be followed by the vast majority of Islamic
madrasas in South Asia even today. He is one of the
few remaining members of the renowned Firanghi Mahali
family of Lucknow who carry on with their family's
centuries'-old tradition of Islamic scholarship. A
graduate of the Nadwat ul-Ulema madrasa in Lucknow, he
is presently Director of the Islamic Society of
Greater Orlando, Florida, in the United States. In
this interview with Yoginder Sikand, he talks about
his family's scholarly tradition and its decline and
reflects on the dars-e nizami and madrasa education in
South Asia today.

Q: Could you briefly describe your family's tradition
of Islamic scholarship?

A: We trace our descent from a companion of the
Prophet Muhammad, Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari , in whose
house in Medina the Prophet stayed following his
migration from Mecca. Our family has, over the
centuries, produced leading Islamic scholars. In the
early eighteenth century, the Mughal Emperor granted
Mulla Qutubuddin, one of our ancestors, a mansion in
Lucknow, the Firanghi Mahal, which was earlier used by
a European or firanghi merchant, and hence its name.
Mulla Nizamuddin, son of Mulla Qutubuddin, prepared an
outline for studies, which came to be known after him
as the dars-e nizami or the 'Syllabus of Nizamuddin'.
This was, for its time, a very relevant syllabus, and
soon became so popular all across India that almost
all the madrasas that were later established adopted
its pattern. And even today most madrasas in South
Asia claim to follow the dars-e nizami and so are
called Nizami madrasas.

Q: What was so special about the dars-e nizami?

A: For its times, the dars-e nizami provided a
well-rounded education. It included subjects such as
Mathematics, Astronomy, Medicine, Philosophy, Logic,
Geography, Literature, Chemistry and so on, as well as
the Quran, the Prophetic Traditions or Hadith, Islamic
Jurisprudence or Fiqh and Sufism. Those who passed
through this course of study went on to assume a
variety of careers, not just as imams and qazis, but
also as bureaucrats in the courts of various princely
states. And this is why even Shia and Hindu students
studied with the ulema of the Firanghi Mahal family.
It was not like today, when, in a climate of
increasing sectarianism and narrow-mindedness,
madrasas are associated with one sect or the other,
and often play a key role in fanning inter-sectarian
conflicts. They are now unwilling to tolerate each
other. What a contrast this is to the ecumenism that
characteristic of the early ulema of Firanghi Mahal!

The dars-e nizami, as Mulla Nizamuddin developed it,
was not intended to be a hide-bound, fixed and
unchanging syllabus, as it is sometimes made out to be
today by some maulvis. This is evident from the fact
that although Mulla Nizamuddin authored several books,
he did not include even one of these in the syllabus
that he framed. The syllabus was flexible enough to
allow for the inclusion of new or better books. In
place of bookish learning, which is characteristic of
many madrasas today, Mulla Nizamuddin did not teach
entire books to his students. Rather, he taught them
only some chapters of each book, and encouraged them
to study the rest of these books on their own, so that
they could thereby enhance their critical capacities.
This was unlike in most madrasas today, where
questioning is strongly discouraged.

Q: How did the tradition of learning based in
Firanghi Mahal develop after Mulla Nizamuddin?

A: Mulla Nizamuddin did not establish a madrasa in
Firanghi Mahal. Rather, students would come to him
from different parts of India to learn from him in his
house in the Firanghi Mahal. There was no regular,
fixed course of study or examinations, as in the case
of madrasas today. Students would stay in mosques in
the neighbourhood or else rent a place close-by and
regularly meet with and study various books from Mulla
Nizamuddin or other members of his family. He was also
a spiritual instructor for many of them, because he
was a Sufi, and a disciple of the noted Qadri saint
Shah Abdur Razak Bansavi.

This system of informal learning at Firanghi Mahal was
then carried on by several generations of our family.
Basically, students came from Muslim elite or ashraf
families. The system was a product of the feudal
period, and our family, like many other scholarly
families of that time, was patronised by the Muslim
feudal elite. It was only in 1906 that Maulana Andul
Bari Firanghi Mahali, who 

Bismillah [IslamCity] What makes Muslims believe that the Quran is not written by Prophet Muhammad?

2008-01-04 Thread Ahumanb
What makes Muslims believe that the Quran is not written by Prophet Muhammad? 
Does the Quran claim that it is from God? Could the Prophet have copied some 
portions of the Bible? Are there scientific facts in the Quran?

Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad is not the author of the Quran. God is 
its Author. The following points bear the fact:

*First of all, the Quran itself, at a number of places and in different ways, 
says that it is from God. One of the claims runs thus: This is indeed a Quran 
most honourable, a Book well-guarded...a Revelation from the Lord of the 
Worlds. (Quran 56:77-80) 

(Here, one ought to know the features of the Quran to understand the claim 
better. For instance, if the Quran had consisted of a number of books, and each 
book was made up of a number of chapters, then each of the books had to claim 
that it was from God in order to render the WHOLE volume as coming from God. 
But, this is fortunately not so with the Quran. The Quran is just ONE Book made 
up of 114 chapters. So, if the Quran claims, in any of its chapters, that the 
Book is from God, then the WHOLE Quran is from God. Yet, the Quran does not 
make the divine claim only once, but several times in different phrases and in 
different chapters.)

*If the Prophet had written the Quran _ a Book par excellence _ surely he would 
have claimed credit for it, but he did not. He could not claim what was not 
his. Indeed God says: This Quran is not such as can be produced by anyone 
other than God. (10:37)

*The Prophet was unlettered. However, even if he was educated and had written 
the Quran, how could he be bold enough to make this statement: Do they not 
consider (ponder over) the Quran (with care)? Had it been from other than God, 
they would surely have found therein discrepancies. (4:82) 

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, commenting on this verse (verse 4:82) in his English 
translation of the Quran, says: From a mere human point of view, we should 
have expected much discrepancy, because (1) Prophet Muhammad who promulgated it 
was not a learned man or philosopher, (2) it was promulgated at various times 
and in various circumstances, and (3) it is addressed to all grades of mankind. 
Yet, when properly understood, its various pieces fit together better than a 
jigsaw puzzle even when arranged without any regard to chronological order. 
There was just the One Inspirer and one inspired.

*The Quran took 23 years to complete. Had the verses of the Quran (which 
contains 6,666 verses) been written by the Prophet, he would have needed a 
number of drafts and the work would have needed editing, updating, etc. But 
this did not happen, yet the information is consistent throughout the Quran. 
The verses were taken down as dictated by the Prophet only once and no 
redrafting, editing or updating took place after that.

*At a number of stages during the 23-year period, challenges to reproduce, even 
a chapter of the Quran, were made. If the Prophet had written the Quran, he 
would not have made the challenges, for fear that the learned 

Arabs and eminent poets of his time would have taken up his challenges and 
shamed him. One of the challenges goes thus: And if you are in doubt as to 
what We have revealed (from time to time) to Our servant (Muhammad), then 
produce a chapter like thereunto... (2:23)

*The Quran says that the Prophet was not learned. 

So, if the Prophet was educated in some institution but mentioned in the Quran 
that he wasn't, he would have been accused of being a liar and his mission 
would have fallen through.

*Even if the Prophet was learned, how could he have written such an inimitable 
Book of Information and Wisdom without resorting to consultation with prominent 
scholars and the best books from the best libraries in the world?! If he did 
this, it would surely have been known, since every move he made was known to 
people. The Prophet was a historical figure, not a mythological figure.

*The Prophet was the busiest and most active person in history. So, how could 
he have found the time to write (even if he were educated) such a comprehensive 
and extensive Book of Guidance which would have needed years of seclusion and 
concentration to complete?

*In the Quran, in Chapter 111, it is mentioned that Abu Lahab, one of the 
Prophet's uncles who was always against Islam, would never accept Islam. This 
Revelation came some ten years before the death of Abu Lahab. How could the 
Prophet have dared to write this chapter because all he (Abu Lahab) needed to 
do to prove that the Quran was not the Words of God, was to accept Islam 

*The Prophet was mentioned by name in the Quran only five times whereas Jesus 
Christ's name was (honourably) mentioned 25 times. Could the Prophet go to such 
an extent of honouring someone more than himself if he had written the Quran?

*There is a chapter in the Quran entitled and dedicated to Mary, the mother 
of Jesus Christ, while there is no chapter called, or 

Bismillah [IslamCity] FREE Intensive Courses by Senior Scholars - Saturday, Jan. 5th, 2007 @ 1:00 pm EST

2008-01-04 Thread ALBaseerah Org
  Senior Scholars and 
  Mashaykh of Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamah  
  Details of our seminars attended - in person - by Senior Scholars and 
Mashaaykh = 
  Scholars  Attended --- Books Covered---   Field Trips---   
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  Details of our FREE – On-Line - Intensive Courses – ‘Aqeedah – Tafseer - Fiqh 
- by Senior Scholars and Mashaaykh = 
  Courses in Session -- Certification -- How to Listen?  -- Scholars
  Upcoming Lectures -Schedule-
  (Translated Arabic-English)
  Saturday, January 5th, 2008
  1:00 pm EST ( New York ) = 6:00 pm  - London- 
9:00 pm –Makkah- time
  Tafseer Surah al-Hujuraat (Final Session)
  Honorable Scholar Ash-Shaykh 
  Abdullaah Ibn Abdur-Rehmaan Al-Ghudyaan
   (Member of Council of Senior Scholars)
   (Member of Lajnah Ad-Daaimah lil Iftaa)
  Registration Form can be found at
  For monthly schedule (Date + Time) please visit
  Methods of Broadcasting:
  You may listen to the lectures via following options, Absolutely FREE !!!
   1- Masaajid, Islamic Centers and Groups = Use our Telephone Conference 
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Bismillah [IslamCity] upset: US court overturns $156 million award in terrorism suit against Islamic relief charities

2008-01-04 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal

Dick Eastman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  From: Dick Eastman [EMAIL 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: upset: US court overturns $156 million award in terrorism suit against 
Islamic relief charities
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2008 10:31:33 -0800

Appeals court sends case against charities accused of being complicit
in murder of 17-year-old American teenager in 1996 West Bank shooting

US court overturns $156 million award in
terrorism suit against Islamic charities

A United States federal appeals court on Friday overturned a $156
million award against US-based Muslim activists for their involvement
in the terrorist death of an American teenager in the West Bank more
than a decade ago.

The 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals said the judge in the case had
failed to require the parents of 17-year-old David Boim to properly
show a link between the boy's shooting death by Hamas - a group
designated by the US as a terror organization - and the fundraising
activities of the charities.

Because of that error, it sent the case back for a possible new trial.

The Boims' attorney, Nathan Lewin, said an appeal to the U.S. Supreme
Court is possible.

''This court of appeals decision is wrong, very wrong,'' Lewin said.
''It amounts to encouragement of financial contributions to terrorist

Stanley and Joyce Boim had sued the Holy Land Foundation for Relief
and Development; the American Muslim Society, also known as the
Islamic Association for Palestine; the Quranic Literacy Institute, and
Mohamed Salah, and an alleged Hamas fundraiser.

Their son, a yeshiva student, was gunned down in 1996 while waiting
with other students at a bus stop in Beit El, on the West Bank.

A federal court jury in 2004 ruled in their favor and awarded them $52
million in damages in one of the first jury awards against US-based
institutions accused of supporting terrorism.

In accordance with US anti-terrorism law, a federal magistrate
subsequently tripled the amount of the damages levied against the
defendants, who had all denied financing terrorism.

The ruling in 2004 came in addition to a crackdown against a group of
US-based Islamic charities and others who saw their assets frozen and,
in some cases, faced federal charges for allegedly funding groups
deemed by the US as terrorist organizations.

The case against the Holy Land Foundation, the largest Muslim charity
in the country when it was shut down in 2001, was the government's
biggest terror-financing case since the Sept. 11 attacks. Authorities
closed it down after accusing it of funneling more than $12 million to
Hamas. Several people connected to the group were charged.

But, in a blow to the government, the case ended in a mistrial after
none of the group's leaders was convicted and many acquittals were
tossed out in October after some jurors took the rare step of
disputing the verdict.

Salah was sentenced in July to 21 months in federal prison. He was
convicted of obstruction of justice for lying under oath on a written
questionnaire involving David Boim's death, stemming from the civil
lawsuit filed by the teen's parents.

The jury, however, acquitted Salah of taking part in a racketeering
conspiracy aimed at bankrolling Hamas.


$156M Terrorism Damage Award Thrown Out

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — A federal appeals court overturned a $156
million award Friday against U.S.-based Muslim activists for their
involvement in the terrorist death of an American teenager in the West
Bank more than a decade ago.

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the judge in the case had
failed to require the parents of 17-year-old David Boim to properly
show a link between the boy's death and the fundraising activities of
the charities.

Because of that error, it sent the case back for a possible new trial.

Nathan Lewin, an attorney for the parents, Stanley and Joyce Boim,
said an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court is possible.

This court of appeals decision is wrong, very wrong, Lewin said. It
amounts to encouragement of financial contributions to terrorist

The Boims had sued the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and
Development; the American Muslim Society, also known as the Islamic
Association for Palestine; the Quranic Literacy Institute of suburban
Oak Lawn; and an alleged Hamas fundraiser.

Their son, a yeshiva student, was gunned down in 1996 while waiting
with other students at a bus stop in Beit El, on the West Bank.

All the defendants denied financing terrorism.

Attorneys for the Quranic Literacy Institute and Holy Land did not
immediately return calls seeking comment.

In the 2004 trial, a federal court jury had set damages at $52
million. A U.S. magistrate tripled the amount in accord with U.S.
anti-terrorism law. It was the first in which jurors awarded damages
from U.S.-based 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Why Stanley Jones chose Islam?

2008-01-04 Thread Ahumanb
Why Stanley Jones chose Islam?

Every honest Jew who knows the history of his people cannot but feel a deep 
sense of gratitude to Islam, which has protected the Jews for fifty 
generations, while the Christian world persecuted the Jews and tried many times 
'by the sword' to get them to abandon their faith. (Uri Avnery, a Jewish 


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Bismillah [IslamCity] Join us on 11 January

2008-01-04 Thread J M
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On 11 January, it will be six years since the first detainees were
transferred, hooded and shackled, into Guantánamo Bay.

In the years that have followed the US has detained over 700 men, none
of whom have had access to a full and fair trial. Today nearly 300 men
continue to be detained at the base - many have suffered ill-treatment
or torture.

Join us outside the US Embassy in London from 9:30am on Friday 11
January to add your voice to our call for Guantánamo to be closed. The
more people that can be there the louder our voice will be. If you
aren't able to come to London, there will be major events across the UK,
including Edinburgh and Belfast. Go to our website to find out more
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RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] Dr. Zakir Naik on Terrorism and Jihad

2008-01-04 Thread Tabessum Ahmed

My sentiments exactly alhumdulillah couln't have put it better myself

There are too many judge, jury and executors that exist
Jazhak'Allah khair brother

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 23:59:09 -0800Subject: RE: 
Bismillah [IslamCity] Dr. Zakir Naik on Terrorism and Jihad

Assalaam Alaikum w r w b

In the holy Quran Allah SWT calls the believers, muslims. This is the basis of 
the argument of Zakir Naik when he says dont give names but stay united as 
muslims and not as hanafis, shafis, ahle sunna, salafi ... This makes much 
sense. By no means is Zakir Naik against correct aqeeda or the true concept of 
Islam. Neither does he consider himself a scholar par excellence.

If the scholars of Ahle Sunnah see problems in Zakir Naik, why do they not sit 
with him on one to one basis and try to sought out the differences. Are they 
not into creating fitna and discord by publicly refuting him and even calling 
him names without giving Zakir Naik the chance to counter argue.

And if they are so bold enough, let them attend the lectures of Zakir Naik and 
refute him direct on one to one basis so that Zakir naik has a fair chance to 
counter and we all get to see the outcome.They are bound to get numerous 
opportunities as Zakir Naik gives lectures in hundreds in different parts of 
the world.

The problem is that some of these scholars of Ahle Sunnah have become so 
obsessed by their scholarship that it has taken a toll of their heads. There is 
a need for them to come out of their cozy little world and see the bigger 
picture and get involved with the masses. I dare them to do their real duty and 
stand in front of a congregation of thousands and thousands of hindus and 
christians and invite them to Islam with sound lectures and arguments and 
provide replies to their doubts and questions.

I wonder if such scholars of ahle sunnah can invite one non-muslim to the fold 
of Islam with their vast knowledge. There record pales in front of the not so 
perfect Zakir Naik and Ahmed Deedat.

I remember the words of Dr. Israr Ahmed who purportedly meant these ahle sunnah 
scholars when he said that they are seas of knowledge but in their use and 
interpretation of the knowledge they are not simply generations but centuries 

It is imperative for muslims with even an iota of wisdom, not to propagate 
discord amongst the community by forwarding such messages.


M. wrote:

Wa alikum Salaam,
Hope from the following site we can learn a lot about the deviation of Zakir 
naik and the advice of the great Scholars regarding his issues (Masha Allah). 
Therefore it is advisable to stick to the advice of the Ulamas of Ahlus Sunnah 
waljama to hold fast to the truth instead of falling into deviation and 
May Allah Guide us to the Truth and Save from Hell fire!
Jazakallaahu Khair

-Original Message-From: Shakeel 
[mailto:Shakeel] Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 
2:54 AMTo: eGroup For Muslims Around The WorldSubject: {Disarmed} Bismillah 
[IslamCity] Dr. Zakir Naik on Terrorism and Jihad

Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatahu.Video: Dr. Zakir Naik on 
Terrorism and Jihad ... just click on this line to watchVideo: Bilal Philips on 
Islam and Terrorism ... just click on this line to watchPS: Actions may not 
always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action, so act we 
MUST. - Wishing you and all your loved ones greatest of times 
ahead!Aspiring 2 c u happy!Shakeel AhmadDubai, United Arab 
Emirates+971.50.4599172 - Largest network of people 
from Bihar or JharkhandRemember, growing older is mandatory. Growing up is 
optional.  We make a Living by what we get, we make a Life by what we give.If 
you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, you 
have no today to be thankful for.
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Bismillah [IslamCity] Not paranoid? Read this and you will be

2008-01-04 Thread MA PA
Wednesday, January 2, 2008  
  Not paranoid? Read this and you will be   
   Be sure to read the final two paragraphs.
Predictions for 2008
The un-parodiable state of civil liberties in America
Radley Balko 

December 21, 2007
 As the end of the year approaches, it's time for another column of 
government overreach predictions for the New Year. What outrageous, 
beyond-parody grabs at power and erosions of civil liberties will transpire in 
2008? My predictions:
  • The Bush administration will claim it has the power to kidnap citizens of 
foreign countries for violating U.S. law, and extradite them to the U.S. for 
trial and imprisonment—even for white collar crimes unrelated to terrorism, and 
even for acts that aren't illegal in the countries where the target is a 
  • Police will take enforcement of prostitution laws to a new level, by 
arresting and seizing the cars of anyone who merely talks to an undercover cop 
posing as a sex worker.  Good samaratans, beware.
  • The war on prescription painkillers will also reach new absurdities, as 
people will begin to be arrested and convicted of possessing painkillers for 
which they have a prescription .  Prosecutors will weirdly argue that there is 
no prescription defense to possessing prescribed medication.
  • How about sex crimes laws? I predict that here too, prosecutors will 
overreach. Watch, as some overzealous district attorney will charge middle 
school kids with sex crimes  for such childhood shenanigans as slapping fellow 
classmates on the buttocks.
  • While it continues to federalize crime and find new reasons to toss people 
in prison, members of Congress will simultaneously continue to attempt to put 
themselves above the law. I predict that the House of Representatives will 
attempt to prevent police from searching the computers of one of its members, 
even if that member is being investigated for soliciting sex with minors.
  • Public schools will teach not just reading, writing, and arithmetic, 
they'll start teaching students to spy on their parents , and to report their 
parents to local authorities for minor violations of city codes, such as 
failing to recycle, or failing to keep their lawn trimmed.
  • Pressed for revenue, at least one state in the country will pass draconian 
new traffic laws mandating fines of $1,000 or more for routine traffic 
violations, in a bald attempt to fill state treasury coffers. The bill will be 
sponsored by a lawmaker who, conveniently enough, also has a law practice that 
specializes in defending people accused of traffic violations. He will not 
disclose during the debate that the bill will almost certainly benefit him 
financially. He'll be reelected, anyway.
  • A state governor will propose legislation calling for two-year prison terms 
for people who play online poker . Rather shamelessly, the proposal will come 
in the same bill that calls for allowing the construction of three new casinos 
in the same state.
  • While we're talking about gambling, states will continue to crack down on 
the poker craze. Even VFW posts won't be immune. Soon, we'll see cops sent to 
break up $5 cribbage games, and SWAT teams to break up charity poker games.  In 
fact, cops will raid bars where it merely looks like people are gambling, even 
if no gambling is actually taking place. Meanwhile, states will continue to 
spend millions promoting their own lotteries.
  • Standing on the sidewalk will become a crime .
  • Cities will begin seizing the cars of people who play their stereos too 
loud . In fact, they'll seize the cars based on little more the word of someone 
else that the car's owner was playing his stereo too loud.
  • Proving there's no part of your life the Nanny State can't reach, states 
will begin asking bars to install talking urinal cakes, which will warn men as 
they relieve themselves that drinking and driving isn't cool.
  • Another state's lawmakers will propose a bill that bans eating, drinking, 
smoking, reading, writing, personal grooming, playing an instrument, 
interacting with pets or cargo, talking on a cell phone or using any other 
personal communication device while driving.
  • Two years after banning traffic cameras in the name of liberty, the 
Virginia legislature will decide that revenue is more important than liberty, 
and will revoke the ban .
  • The FBI will imply to Congress that sometimes it has to let it's undercover 
informants get away with murdering American citizens  so as not to disrupt drug 
  • Following up on the enormous success (that's sarcasm) of laws putting 
cold medicine behind the drug store counters because they can be used to make 
meth, legislators will propose putting baking soda behind the counter , too, 
because it can be used to make crack.
  Too over-the top?  Too paranoid?  As you may have guessed from clicking 

Bismillah [IslamCity] A Glimpse at Early Women Islamic Scholars

2008-01-04 Thread saiyed shahbazi
A Glimpse at Early Women Islamic Scholars
  By Imam Zaid 

  The following is a transcript of a lecture delivered by Dr. Mohammad Akram 
Nadwi of Oxford University, on the role of women scholars in preserving and 
transmitting prophetic tradition (Hadith) in Islam. The original transcript has 
been edited by Imam Zaid Shakir to enhance readability. 
  The Female Scholars of Islam 
  O Mankind! Fear your Lord who has created you from a single soul, and from it 
He created its mate; and from them both, He brought forth multitudes of men and 
women. Be mindful of Allah through Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and 
revere the wombs that bore you. Surely, Allah is ever watching over you.  (4:1) 
  From the very beginning of the human saga, Allah makes it quite clear that 
men and women are equal beings created from one single soul, sharing the same 
father and mother, and subservient unto the same Lord. The verse mentioned 
above came to the Messenger of Allah, peace upon him, at a time when women were 
being humiliated and tortured. Allah says: …and when the female child, buried 
alive, will be asked: For what sin was she killed. (81:8-9) This is in refers 
to an ancient practice of the Arabs (and even some modern societies through 
abortion) who would kill their female children from fear of being humiliated in 
the community, or out fear that they would not have the means to provide for 
them. Islam came to eradicate these ignorant practices, amongst others, and 
after twenty-three years of prophetic teachings it had conferred unto women a 
status that was previously unthinkable. 
  The first revelation: Read in the name of your Lord who created… (96:1) left 
the Prophet, peace upon him, severely shaken, for he could not comprehend such 
an event happening to an unlettered, orphaned, desert Arab. It is related that 
he was consoled by Khadijah, May Allah be pleased with her, who believed in him 
and comforted him in a time of great need and distress. She was the backbone of 
his initial efforts for the advancement of the new faith, and a noble business 
woman of high lineage. 
  After three years of secrecy he was ordered by Allah to call his own family 
to the faith. He, peace upon him, gathered his family and openly called upon 
the tribe of Hashim and the tribe of Abdul Muttalib to believe in his message. 
Towards the end of the narration of this event, he, peace upon him, 
specifically says to ‘Abbas b. ‘Abdul Muttalib, May Allah be pleased with him: 
“I cannot benefit you on the Day of Judgment.” He uttered the same statement to 
his aunt, Safiyyah bint ‘Abdul Muttalib and to his daughter, Fatima, May Allah 
be pleased with both of them. He added: “Ask me of my wealth in this world, but 
on the Day of Judgment I cannot avail you in any way.” In this address the 
Prophet, peace upon him, specifically named two women and one man, 
demonstrating that women possess independent religious responsibility that has 
no connection to their gender. 
  This independence in faith is exemplified by the fact that the wives of Noah 
and Lot, peace upon them, both rejected faith. Hence, the Qur’an affirms that 
even the wife of a Prophet is free to believe or disbelieve. Furthermore, Umm 
Habiba became a believer while her father, Abu Sufyan, May Allah be pleased 
with them both, was a staunch opponent of the Prophet, peace upon him. He 
possessed neither the power nor priviledge to influence her independent choice. 
At the second Pledge of Aqabah, a covenant that involved specific political and 
strategic obligations, the Prophet, peace upon him, took an oath from both men 
and women. He was not content to have women confined to their houses, totally 
divorced from any involvement in public affairs. 
  The Quran, the most sacred and important source in Islam, was memorized by 
many of the companions. After the Battle of Yamama, where a large number of 
those memorizers were killed, Umar, May Allah be pleased with him, advised Abu 
Bakr to issue a standardized edition of the entire Qur’an in the dialect of 
Qureish, whose protection he vouchsafed. Abu Bakr, May Allah be pleased with 
him, issued such an edition. After his death it passed into the protection of 
Umar, May Allah be pleased with him, and after his passing, it was given to 
Hafsah bint Umar, may Allah be pleased with her, to be carefully guarded and 
preserved. During the caliphate of Uthman, May Allah be pleased with him, it 
was noticed that divergent and erroneous recitations of the Qur’an were 
emerging among the newly converted non-Arab people in places like Armenia and 
Azerbaijan. Uthman, may Allah be pleased with him, then borrowed the edition of 
the Qur’an in Hafsah’s protection, may Allah be pleased with her,
 to make six standardized copies to send to the major political and cultural 
centers in the Islamic realm. He ordered all non-standardized editions to be 
burned. It is clear here that no one questioned Hafsah’s trustworthiness, 

Bismillah [IslamCity] Trade Marks Registration , to avoid the confusions

2008-01-04 Thread raja chemayel
  Registered Trade Marks
  are an international registration-norm to protect the names , 
  the signs and commercial symbols and logo.
  It is not 100% proof that nobody would copy it
  or try to copy it
  I , for example , am wearing a fake Swiss-Watch
  with a very illustrious name...for three good- reasons:
  first because it looks good and secondly because
  it costs me about 100 Dollars only.
  And third this watch of mine serves my purpose
  of socially looking better and that on the expenses of another.
  The same goes for Al Qua'eeda ( Al Kayda or El Caiida)
  which nobody has registered it yet as a Registered-Trade-Mark.
  So what is happening is that anybody and everybody
  can and does use it for his own purpose...
  Some assassinated Mrs. Butho
  others are active in Algeria
  others park their cars carelessly in Baghdad
  others use the Underground Metro in London
  today they are in Morocco and tomorrow in Fiji islands
  and the most famous one took place in Manhattanremember ??
  So what we ought to do is to oblige its creator , the CIA ,
  to registered it officially
  and secondly to agree on the way of spelling:
  Al Qua'eeda or El Kaiida
  just to avoid fake and copies and further abuse.
  Eng. Moustafa  Roosenbloom
  Trade Mark' s Registration Office Manager.
  the third day in 2008
  PS :
  George Bush has registred for a Trade-Mark on Democracy
  Israeli has applied for  owners of Palestine
  Zionist have applied for  victims of Terrorism
  Jews have applied for  the only victims of a genocide
  Palestinians have applied for  Peace of the Brave
  Italians have applied for  Mama's big love
  Germans have applied for  I know better 
  and finally Lebanese have applied for  cleverer than the others

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