Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-26 Thread java2d
 Er... is StrictMath already FPU accelerated?  If it
 is then, oh well...
Its as far accalerated as the FPU produces acceptable results.
For example on x86 the sin-command is used only in a special range where its 
known to be correct.

 The current Math package is really not very good.
 or low level graphics stuff where 5 significant
 digits is
 the minimum accuracy that is useful.
Almost can't believe that its so inaccurat, they do a great amount of work to 
ensure that as far as I know.
After all, using straight FPU commands, accuracy won't be any better, at least 
on x86.

lg Clemens
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Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-25 Thread java2d
 A better optimized solution would be to look up for
 the right color in setRGB depending on the angle of
 the currently drawn pixel - this way you draw the
 circle only once, altering the color is bascially
 free :)

I modified the setRGB() method of your program as follows to get my optimized 
coloured concentrics arcs.

Is there an alternate, faster way to do the maths?

Thanks very much Ig for you input.
void setRGB(int x, int y, Color[] colors)
 double angleInRadians = Math.atan2(y-cy, x-cx);
 double angle = angleInRadians  0 ? Math.toDegrees(angleInRadians + 
(2*Math.PI)) : Math.toDegrees(angleInRadians);
 angle = Math.round(angle);
 angle = angle == 360 ? 0 : angle;

 int rgb = colors[(int)angle].getRGB();

int index = y * bimg.getWidth() + x;
if (index  data.length)
data[index] = rgb;
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Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-25 Thread java2d
 Is there an alternate, faster way to do the maths?
The problem here is Math.round and Math.atan2, the Math class is optimized for 
high precission but often sacrifices speed.

Your original version took 205ms on my C2D, replacing atan2 with this unprecise 
version and removing the round braught it down to 35ms.
Be sure to use the server-runtime if possible, it gave me a solid 40% speed 
boost :)

private final double aTan2(double y, double x) {
double coeff_1 = Math.PI / 4d;
double coeff_2 = 3d * coeff_1;
double abs_y = Math.abs(y);
double angle;
if (x = 0d) {
double r = (x - abs_y) / (x + abs_y);
angle = coeff_1 - coeff_1 * r;
} else {
double r = (x + abs_y) / (abs_y - x);
angle = coeff_2 - coeff_1 * r;
return y  0d ? -angle : angle;

However that method seems to be very unprecise, a slightly better looking 
result can be archived using this lookup-table based implementation, however 
its slower (45ms):
package waterfall;

public class TableMath
private static final int TABLE_SIZE = 1;
static double[] atanTable = initAtanTable();

private static double[] initAtanTable()
double[] table = new double[TABLE_SIZE];

for(int i=0; i  TABLE_SIZE; i++)
table[i] = Math.atan(((double)i) / TABLE_SIZE);

return table;

private static double atan_1(int y,int x)
int index;
int vorz;
double erg = 0;
vorz = 1;
if (((x  0)  (y  0)) || ((x  0)  (y  0)))  {vorz = 0;}
else x = -x;
/*atan of y/x */
index =(int) (((y*(TABLE_SIZE-1)*10)/x+5)/10); //+5 for rounding

erg = atanTable[index];
if (vorz == 0 ) return erg;
else return -erg;

public static double atan2(int y, int x) {
double result;
if(Math.abs(x)  Math.abs(y))
result = atan_1(y,x);
result = atan_1(x,y);
if(result  0)
result = -Math.PI/2 - result;
result = Math.PI/2 - result;
if (x  0)
if(y  0)
result = result - Math.PI;
result = result + Math.PI;
return result;

I don't know if any of those two implementations fit your needs, but they are 
definitily faster ;)

Another possible optimization would be multi-threading, so each thread could do 
a part of the total work - should be perfectly paralizeable. I am not sure if 
unsynchronized write-access is valid (if no one is reading), but I guess it is. 
That would bring the fastest version down to 20ms on my machine :)

lg Clemens
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Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-25 Thread Ken Warner

YES!  Why not FPU acceleration?  That's what it's there for.

Er... is StrictMath already FPU accelerated?  If it is then, oh well...

The current Math package is really not very good.  Especially
for low level graphics stuff where 5 significant digits is
the minimum accuracy that is useful.


I've wanted to gripe about the slowness and
inaccuracy of
the Math package but who do I talk to?

I totally agree. It would be great if the programmer could choose between the 
StrictMath implementation which is hard-wired now and maybe something like, 
call ist FastMath.
FastMath could be implemented without any guarantees, and really 1:1 instrified 
in hotspot to a corresponding CPU instruction if there is any, that would be 
really cool :)

lg Clemens
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Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-24 Thread java2d
I don't modify the Graphics2D default stroke value, so I assume that the arcs 
are 1 pixel wide.
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Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-24 Thread java2d
Ig thanks for your reply.  I'm amazed by how much quicker your method is 
compared to g2d.draw( Ellipse2D));   There is a MASSIVE difference.

I have tried to adapt your solution to draw arcs;   i've googled but have not 
been able to find an arcs algorithm that I can use (at least not one that works 
correctly).  And not being a mathematician some of the algorithms meant nothing 
to me.   Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-24 Thread java2d
this thing is called midpoint circle algoyrthm.
There is also a version which draws the circly only in a defined angle, I was 
not able to find such a version with a quick look at search machines, but I 
think there are definitivly ready-to-use implementations available.

A better optimized solution would be to look up for the right color in setRGB 
depending on the angle of the currently drawn pixel - this way you draw the 
circle only once, altering the color is bascially free :)

lg Clemens
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Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-24 Thread java2d
 this thing is called midpoint circle algoyrthm.
Yes after my previous post I found this:
Which led me to hack your version of the waterfall code to do arcs.
Unfortunately I don't think it is accurate for small angles, for example less 
than 10 degrees.  Any idea where I'm going wrong?

 A better optimized solution would be to look up for the right color in setRGB 
 depending on the angle of the currently drawn pixel - this way you draw the 
 circle only once, altering the color is bascially free
This is a cool idea!

package waterfall;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Random;
public class WaterfallCircle01_LH_Arc extends javax.swing.JPanel {
private final int diameter = 1000; // pixels
private final int sectorExtent = 1;  // degree;
private final int numberSectors = 360/sectorExtent;
Random seed = new Random();

BufferedImage bimg = new BufferedImage(1000, 1000, 
int[] data=((DataBufferInt)bimg.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();

LinkedListColor[] list = new LinkedList();

public WaterfallCircle01_LH_Arc() {
ActionListener taskPerformer = new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
javax.swing.Timer t = new javax.swing.Timer(50, taskPerformer);

private void generateNewData()
Color[] sectors = new Color[numberSectors];

for(int i=0; inumberSectors; i++)
sectors[i] = getColor();


if (list.size()diameter/2)

private Color getColor() 
return new Color(seed.nextInt(0x100));

protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)

void setRGB(int x, int y, Color[] colors, Rectangle bounds)
int rgb = colors[0].getRGB();

if (bounds.contains(x, y))
int index = y * bimg.getWidth() + x;
if (index  data.length)
data[index] = rgb;

private Rectangle arcBoundingRectangle(Point startPoint, Point endPoint)
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(Math.min(startPoint.x, endPoint.x), 
Math.min(startPoint.y, endPoint.y), 
return r;

private Rectangle arcBoundingRectangle(Point2D startPoint, Point2D endPoint)
Rectangle r = new Rectangle((int)Math.round(Math.min(startPoint.getX(), 
(int)Math.round(Math.min(startPoint.getY(), endPoint.getY())), 
return r;

private void rasterCircle(int x0, int y0, int radius, Color[] colors, 
Rectangle arcBounds)
int f = 1 - radius;
int ddF_x = 1;
int ddF_y = -2 * radius;
int x = 0;
int y = radius;

setRGB(x0, y0 + radius, colors, arcBounds);
setRGB(x0, y0 - radius, colors, arcBounds);
setRGB(x0 + radius, y0, colors, arcBounds);
setRGB(x0 - radius, y0, colors, arcBounds);

while (x  y)
if (f = 0)
ddF_y += 2;
f += ddF_y;
ddF_x += 2;
f += ddF_x;

setRGB(x0 + x, y0 + y, colors, arcBounds);
setRGB(x0 - x, y0 + y, colors, arcBounds);
setRGB(x0 + x, y0 - y, colors, arcBounds);
setRGB(x0 - x, y0 - y, colors, arcBounds);
setRGB(x0 + y, y0 + x, colors, arcBounds);
setRGB(x0 - y, y0 + x, colors, arcBounds);
setRGB(x0 + y, y0 - x, colors, arcBounds);
setRGB(x0 - y, y0 - x, colors, arcBounds);

Point calcEndPoint(int anchorX, int anchorY, double radius, double 
return new Point((int)Math.round(anchorX+(radius * 
Math.cos(angleRadians))), (int)Math.round(anchorY+(radius * 
Point2D calcEndPoint2D(int anchorX, int anchorY, double radius, double 

Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-23 Thread java2d
Well, this seems really hard to optimize ... tons of very small primitives.

The only advice I can give you is to grab the Raster of a INT_RGB buffered 
byte[] data=((DataBufferByte)tex.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData()  (in 
your case its an int[] of course), and write code that does the drawing on the 
pixel-array itself.

It should be really fast to colour those few pixels if you don't have to walk 
through a general framework, but instead do exactly what you need and that 
The downside of course is quite a lot of hand-written low-level code.

lg Clemens
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Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-23 Thread Jim Graham
In other words each new arc is effectively underneath all of the 
previous arcs?

You could use intermediate images for this.

Create 2 INT_ARGB images the size of your drawing (or the portion with 
this waterfall-ish effect).  On each frame you have the one that holds 
all of the previous arcs and the one that you will draw the new arcs 
into.  Then you simply do:

BufferedImage oldframe;
BufferedImage newframe;
loop {
Graphics2D g = newframe.createGraphics();
if (need to clear new frame) {
g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
g.fillOval(...); /* or g.fill(Ellipse2D); */
g.drawImage(oldframe, 0, 0, null);
... render newframe to destination ...
BufferedImage tmp = newframe;
newframe = oldframe;
oldframe = tmp;

If your arcs are all opaque and each one is bigger than all of the 
previous ones then you don't need the clear part, but if drawing the 
new arc on each frame doesn't obliterate all of the old stuff drawn 
there, then you should clear it for good measure...



In an animation component that I am writing I have to draw colored concentric 
arcs.   In each frame I draw a new outer arc, and the inner arc is what in the 
previous frame was the outer one and so on.  (To help you understand, if I was 
drawing straight lines, instead of arcs, this would give a waterfall effect).

In the attached program, I am drawing as many concentric arcs so as to complete 
a circle.

The problem is that with each successive frame the rendering time increases to 
such an extent that this algorithm is unusable.  Is there any way to improve 
the performance without reducing the diameter of the whole circle (1000px) 
and/or the angle of each segment (1 degree).  (Note that if the segment angle 
is 90 degrees the performance is pretty bad too.)

If I were drawing lines instead of arcs the optimisation is easy, I’d just copy 
the previous image down one pixel and then paint the new top line.  But with 
arcs I’m have to issue a drawArc() for every arc that has to appear.

I hope that somebody has some idea on how to optimize this.

package waterfall;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.geom.Arc2D;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Random;

public class WaterfallArc01 extends javax.swing.JPanel {

private final int diameter = 1000; // pixels
private final int sectorExtent = 1;  // degree;
private final int numberSectors = 360/sectorExtent;
Random seed = new Random();

LinkedListColor[] list = new LinkedList();

public WaterfallArc01() {

ActionListener taskPerformer = new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
javax.swing.Timer t = new javax.swing.Timer(500, taskPerformer);

private void generateNewData()
Color[] sectors = new Color[numberSectors];

for(int i=0; inumberSectors; i++)

sectors[i] = getColor();


if (list.size()diameter/2)


private Color getColor() 

return new Color(seed.nextInt(0x100));


protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)

private void render(Graphics g)
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;

long startTime = System.nanoTime();

int size = diameter;
int x=0;
int y = x;
double startAngle=0;
double oldX=x;

// Erase background to white
g2d.fillRect(0, 0, diameter, diameter);

Color[] sectors;
IteratorColor[] it = list.descendingIterator();
while(it.hasNext())  // each update
sectors =;

for(int i=0; i sectors.length; i++)  // all sectors

g2d.draw(new Arc2D.Double(x, y, size, size, startAngle, 
sectorExtent, Arc2D.OPEN));

startAngle += sectorExtent;
oldX = x;
size = size - 1;
x = (diameter - size)/2;
} while(x == oldX);
y = x;

Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-23 Thread java2d
 In other words each new arc is effectively
 underneath all of the 
 previous arcs?

No, the opposite.  Each new arc needs to be painted on the outside/on top, the 
previous arcs are 'effectively' pushed in towards the center.In any case I 
like your proposal.

Another observation from the program that I posted: if sectorExtent is set to 
90 degrees (and with no other changes) the performance is pretty bad as well.  
But if it is set to 10 degrees the performance is much better than with 1 or 90 
degrees.  Unfortunately I need it to be 1 degree. :-(
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Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-23 Thread Jim Graham

Are these 1-pixel wide arcs or wider?

Currently we have 2 different paths for drawArc.  If we determine that 
the stroke size is less than or equal to a pixel then we trace along 
the arc and use a bresenham-like algorithm to touch the pixels.  If it 
is wider then we invoke a line widening algorithm which takes the 
original arc path and computes a path which surrounds the pixels touched 
for stroking it.  This widening algorithm can take comparatively much 
longer to run than a simple single pixel arc or a filled arc.

If you want to get a fast ring to draw, it would be better to create a 
path which can be filled to draw it.  You would draw CW for the outer 
part of the ring, then draw a line towards the center, then draw another 
arc CCW for th inner part of the ring and close the path.  Calculating 
and filling that path would go much faster than drawing an arc with a 
wide stroke.

The Arc2D class can generate bezier paths for arcs of arbitrary size, 
but it always generates them in the same direction so it would be hard 
to use it to do the above.  Alternatively you can google for the math to 
create bezier curves to draw an arc - the math is pretty simple - and 
create your own GeneralPath manually.

Hope that helps...



Well, this seems really hard to optimize ... tons of
very small primitives.

i've calculated that when i'm dealing with a full set of data, thats after 250 
frames, i need to do 90,000 draw-Arc calls.

The only advice I can give you is to grab the Raster
of a INT_RGB buffered image:
.getData()  (in your case its an int[] of course),
and write code that does the drawing on the
pixel-array itself.

It should be really fast to colour those few pixels
if you don't have to walk through a general
framework, but instead do exactly what you need and
that optimized.
The downside of course is quite a lot of hand-written
low-level code.

lg Clemens

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Re: [JAVA2D] Optimizing concentric arcs

2008-09-23 Thread java2d
Hi again, 

It does not draw segments but I guess it should be easily extendable to do so - 
its late and I'll go to bed now instead of playing any further. Btw. it does 
500 lines in 12ms on my C2D.
Did not think about the gradient solution, sounds really good :)


package waterfall;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.geom.Arc2D;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Random;
public class WaterfallArc01 extends javax.swing.JPanel {
private final int diameter = 1000; // pixels
private final int sectorExtent = 1;  // degree;
private final int numberSectors = 360/sectorExtent;
Random seed = new Random();

BufferedImage bimg = new BufferedImage(1000, 1000, 
int[] data=((DataBufferInt)bimg.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();

LinkedListColor[] list = new LinkedList();

public WaterfallArc01() {
ActionListener taskPerformer = new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
javax.swing.Timer t = new javax.swing.Timer(50, taskPerformer);

private void generateNewData()
Color[] sectors = new Color[numberSectors];

for(int i=0; inumberSectors; i++)
sectors[i] = getColor();


if (list.size()diameter/2)

private Color getColor() 
return new Color(seed.nextInt(0x100));

protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)

void setRGB(int x, int y, Color[] colors)
//   int angle = (int) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(x, y));
//   angle = angle == 0 ? 1 : angle;
 int rgb = colors[0].getRGB();

int index = y*bimg.getWidth() + x;
if(index  data.length)
data[index] = rgb;

 void rasterCircle(int x0, int y0, int radius, Color[] colors)
int f = 1 - radius;
int ddF_x = 1;
int ddF_y = -2 * radius;
int x = 0;
int y = radius;

setRGB(x0, y0 + radius, colors);
setRGB(x0, y0 - radius, colors);
setRGB(x0 + radius, y0, colors);
setRGB(x0 - radius, y0, colors);
while(x  y) 
  if(f = 0) 
ddF_y += 2;
f += ddF_y;
  ddF_x += 2;
  f += ddF_x;
  setRGB(x0 + x, y0 + y, colors);
  setRGB(x0 - x, y0 + y, colors);
  setRGB(x0 + x, y0 - y, colors);
  setRGB(x0 - x, y0 - y, colors);
  setRGB(x0 + y, y0 + x, colors);
  setRGB(x0 - y, y0 + x, colors);
  setRGB(x0 + y, y0 - x, colors);
  setRGB(x0 - y, y0 - x, colors);
private void render(Graphics g)
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) bimg.getGraphics();

long startTime = System.nanoTime();
int size = diameter;
int x=500;
int y = x;
double startAngle=0;
double oldX=x;
// Erase background to white
g2d.fillRect(0, 0, diameter, diameter);

Color[] sectors;
IteratorColor[] it = list.descendingIterator();
while(it.hasNext())  // each update
sectors =;

/*for(int i=0; i sectors.length; i++)  // all sectors
g2d.draw(new Arc2D.Double(x, y, size, size, startAngle, 
sectorExtent, Arc2D.OPEN));
startAngle += sectorExtent;
rasterCircle(500, 500, size/2, sectors);
oldX = x;
size = size - 1;
x = (diameter - size)/2;
} while(x == oldX);
y = x;

long estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
System.out.println(list.size()+ lines, render time: 

g.drawImage(bimg, 0, 0, null);
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