Re: [JAVA2D] High performance graphics on

2001-11-02 Thread Damon Maria

Just to let everyone know I've downloaded and installed JDK 1.4 beta 3 and the
performance issues I posted about below have all disappeared. Yay!

But, unfortunately, a bug has appeared in beta 3 that screws up my test


Damon Maria wrote:

 Hi all,

   having read thru the above document I'm currently writing a test of JDK 1.4's
 Java2D performance for a project. I know it's in beta still but...

 In the section Tips for Attaining Better Performance it talks about
 acceleration of images with 1-bit transparency (which I assume is
 Transparency.BITMASK). To quote:

 Acceleration support for 1-bit transparency enables you
 to accelerate sprites with transparent pixels so...

 However when I gc.createCompatibleImage( width, height, Transparency.BITMASK )
 the resulting drawImage()'s are really slow. My test (filling the screen with
 10x10 of these images) for different transparencies passed into
 createCompatibleImage() results in:

 OPAQUE  25 fps
 BITMASK 1 fps

 fps = frames/second - higher = better

 Strange, I would have thought BITMASK would have been close to OPAQUE because it
 would be accelerated by DirectDraw, and TRANSLUCENT would be the slowest. Can
 someone explain why BITMASK isn't accelerated as the document says it should be.

 Also, how do I create a VolatileImage with 1-bit transparency? I can't seem to
 find anyway to do it? There is no createVolatileImage( width, hieght,
 transparency ). And incidentally, using a VolatileImage in the above test
 results in 50 fps.

 My system:
 Windows 2K, DirectDraw 8, Riva TNT 2, JDK 1.4 beta 2.

 thanks in advance,

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Re: [JAVA2D] High performance graphics on

2001-11-01 Thread Chet Haase


 One reason I'd prefer VolatileImages over BufferedImages is that it allows the
 application to manage the video card memory as a cache.

 As one example: Keep track of all the VI's we've created and when last used. If
 we try to create a new one and getCapabilities().isAccelerated() == false then
 we can flsuh() some old ones, and re-create the new one accelerated. If a
 flushed one is asked for again, re-create it.

 This control is not possible with BufferedImages. I know this is implementation
 detail but could someone describe how BufferedImages being loaded into and
 out of VRAM currently works? Is it something similar to what I described above.

Unfortunately it is not that sophisticated.  VRAM is currently managed
as a pool for both Volatile and non-Volatile images and is allocated
on a first-come, first-served basis.  Volatile images can control their
use of this resource (via the flush() call), but hidden-acceleration
images (those that we try to cache and accelerate under-the-hood) will
sipmly grab the memory if it's there and if it looks like acceleration
is worthwhile.  For example, a non-Vol buffer that is being modified
every frame will probably never allocate VRAM because we never see the
advantage from copying down the changes to the cached version.  A static
sprite, on the other hand, will grab some VRAM almost immediately
  and will continue to use it until the image is GC'd.

 What are the conditions that cause a BufferedImage to go into VRAM. Is there
 anyway to hint to a BufferedImages to be put into VRAM. Like graphics.dispose()
 or seomthing?

See above explanation...

 The reason I'm asking is because the application I'm developing will rely
 heavily on caching of accelerated images.

The best recommendation I have for you now is to pre-allocate the stuff
that you really want in VRAM, keeping in mind the first-come, first-
served principal.  Also, you should be able to manage vram for your
own Volatile images even if there are also non-Volatile images taking
up the same resource.  As an example, let's say someone just resized
your window and you need to create a new back buffer.  You obviously
don't need the old back buffer any more and you want to use that VRAM
for your new back buffer.  The best thing to do (and this is what's
done inside of Swing) is to first flush the old back buffer and then
allocate the new one.  Assuming there are no other threads in your app
allocating image memory at the same time, this should guarantee that
the VRAM from the old buffer is available for reuse immediately by the
new buffer.

In the next release, when we will hopefully
be able to support even more functionality in hardware (such as
alpha compositing and more advanced drawing primitives), we will
hopefully have more ways to create different kinds of accelerated
images (both explicitly and implicitly).

 Sounds like what I want. By next release are you talking 1.4 (release), 1.4.1 or

Certainly not 1.4 (we're freezing that in the next few days).  Anything
requiring API changes would have to be 1.5.  Anything that could be done
under-the-hood (such as VRAM management or acceleration for certain
existing image types) could be done between 1.4 and 1.5, depending
on the work required.

 Thanks for the help and detailed response,

Sure thing.  Thanks for the input.  It's great to see people actually
starting to use the stuff we've been working on for a while; input from
actual users is key to getting the API and the implementation


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Re: [JAVA2D] High performance graphics on

2001-11-01 Thread Jim Graham

Hi Damon,

Have you tried your application on 1.4 beta 3 yet?  I believe that beta2
was missing support for the 25-bit format we use for transparent images in
most Graphics Configurations.  That should help with your transparent
performance numbers quite a lot.

1.4 beta 3 also has much better support for scaling Volatile and transparently
accelerated offscreen and toolkit images...


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Re: [JAVA2D] High performance graphics on

2001-10-31 Thread Damon Maria

Chet Haase wrote:

 is a flag to force hardware acceleration through ddraw if that
 is what you are trying to do (-Dsun.java2d.ddscale=true)).

This flag doesn't change my results. I'm not currently scaling anyway. But will
be testing that soon.

 If you could send me more information about your testing situation
 (especially your test app), I can take a look at what's causing
 the problem.

Will do, but off this list.

 On your second question, there is currently no way to create
 a VolatileImage with transparency.  This simply did not make
 this first cut at our accelerated image API.  Although this would
 be useful functionality, we were trying to be pretty spare at this
 point and get the common cases right first (like creating a back
 buffer in hardware).

One reason I'd prefer VolatileImages over BufferedImages is that it allows the
application to manage the video card memory as a cache.

As one example: Keep track of all the VI's we've created and when last used. If
we try to create a new one and getCapabilities().isAccelerated() == false then
we can flsuh() some old ones, and re-create the new one accelerated. If a
flushed one is asked for again, re-create it.

This control is not possible with BufferedImages. I know this is implementation
detail but could someone describe how BufferedImages being loaded into and
out of VRAM currently works? Is it something similar to what I described above.

What are the conditions that cause a BufferedImage to go into VRAM. Is there
anyway to hint to a BufferedImages to be put into VRAM. Like graphics.dispose()
or seomthing?

The reason I'm asking is because the application I'm developing will rely
heavily on caching of accelerated images.

 In the next release, when we will hopefully
 be able to support even more functionality in hardware (such as
 alpha compositing and more advanced drawing primitives), we will
 hopefully have more ways to create different kinds of accelerated
 images (both explicitly and implicitly).

Sounds like what I want. By next release are you talking 1.4 (release), 1.4.1 or

Thanks for the help and detailed response,

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