[LAAMN] El Salvador: Mining companies want their share

2013-04-17 Thread Cort Greene

El Salvador: Mining companies want their

*Environmental contamination and sickness are the result of years of mining
in La Unión*

[Translation of an article from *ContraPunto* of El Salvador for April 13,
2013. See original

By Gerardo Arbaiza

*San Salvador* – In the extreme east of the country, in the canton of San
Sebastián in the Santa Rosa de Lima municipality of La Unión, is a good
example of extreme neglect by government authorities, despite its being
beside the most profitable gold mine in the country, a mine worked from
1968 to the beginning of the ‘80s by the United States company Commerce
Group, from which a total of seven billion dollars is said to have been
extracted, from which no benefit for the community is to be seen.

The list of tribulations in San Sebastián is long: the sulphurous color of
the water in the San Sebastián River extends a depressing welcome to a
community that, its inhabitants say, is visited by officials only when
legislative and mayoral candidates are looking for votes. The acidity of
this water (pH between four and five) makes it impossible to drink,
comments Cidia Cortez, a researcher with the Centro de Investigación sobre
Inversión y Comercio (CEICOM – Center for Research into Investment and

According to Cortez, the sulphurous rock taken from the mine, which also
has high levels of iron, turns the water reddish upon contact. Animals
continue drinking the water and it is feared that the harmful substances
taken from the mine are getting into people’s bodies through the food chain.

Cortez points out another detail as well: upstream, the water is more
clear, so the people use it a little more confidently, but she delares that
it is just as contaminated. “The mine waste is spread throughout the area
and the adobe in some houses is made with the waste,” she adds.

“People here are aware of the dangers but some seem indifferent,” Humberto
Cruz of the Comité del Medio Ambiente [Committee on the Environment] of
Santa Rosa de Lima says. Cruz explains that another problem for the
community is the contamination of the soil because of the sulphur, for
which reason it cannot be used for cultivation. Cruz says that because of
this phenomenon very few people work in agriculture and leave for other
areas outside the canton. In addition, others move to Santa Rosa de Lima to
work in the service sector.

The activist indicates that there have been attempts in the past by other
companies to resume the intensive mining operation but that opposition from
the communities has prevented it. “Several other businesses have come here
to try to exploit but we know that they are the same people, who have
changed costumes and claimed they are new, that it was the others who
caused the damage,” Cruz declares.

Despite the fact that there is no large-scale exploitation, the *
“güiriceros”* are another particular element in this context. The *
güiriceros* separate gold in an artisanal way, with a solvent based on
mercury, without the protection called for and in the same way go into the
mine, subjecting themselves to high temperatures.

Another concern is access to potable water from other sources. Luis Alonso
Blanco, a resident of the area, says that in summer the wells cannot be
used and that the only source of useable water comes from the surface of
the wells and only in winter. In general, Blanco explains, well water is
used only to wash dishes and clothes, so they need to buy barrels of water
to drink, at a cost of two dollars and fifty cents.

CEICOM specialists mention that the contaminants in the water and the soil
are related most importantly to renal insufficiency and to the rare
Guillain-Barré syndrome, which has a serious effect on the nervous system.
CEICOM reports from the area list six cases of the syndrome in the
community of 3,000 inhabitants. The World Health Organization has
established that the average level of incidence of the syndrome is one case
for every 100,000 persons.

Commerce Group abandoned its operations in the San Sebastián mine in 1983,
leaving a legacy of contamination that has expanded gradually in the three
decades since then.

In 2006, the Salvadoran state denied Commerce Group a permit to continue
operating in San Sebastián and the mining company counter-attacked with a
100-million-dollar lawsuit before the tribunal of the International Center
for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). They argued in their lawsuit
that the Salvadoran state had denied them the ability to extract the
estimated 3.5 million ounces of gold still in the mine. On the
international market, an ounce of gold is valued on the New York market at
1480 dollars.

Humberto Cruz states that at the current rate of 

[LAAMN] Mariano, the struggle for justice does not end

2013-04-17 Thread Victor
[Published in Prensa Obrera by Partido Obrero (Argentina) | April 11,
2013 |
ina/] On April 19, the verdict
  On April 19, the court hearing the trial for the murder of our comrade
Mariano Ferreyra will reach a verdict. The proximity of the date has
sparked strong political pressures to bear on the outcome of the
verdict. Jorge Asís, concerned about the fate that may befall his
associate, the former governor of Neuquén Jorge Sobisch, responsible
for the murder of teacher and activist Carlos Fuentealba, has just
called out to the union bureaucracy from his blog, calling on them to
join forces to prevent a decisive conviction against [Railway Union
leader] Pedraza and his gang. The rightwing scribe forgot the admiration
lavished on the members of our party in the fight against the
dictatorship in his novel on [the newspaper] Clarín, to take up a
stance against what he now qualifies as the aggressive left, following
a line whose ultimate goal is amnesty for the last military

  The Crime and the State
Public knowledge of the audio of conversations between [Minister of
Labour, Employment and Social Security] Carlos Tomada and Pedraza,
requested by a suit we brought before the Court some time ago, reveals
close political ties between a major government ministry (no less than
that created by Peron) and the union bureaucracy, and consequently has
become an additional pressure brought to bear on the government. A life
sentence for Pedraza and his gang would unleash an unquestionable crisis
among all the union gangs and football club hooligans banked by top
political leaders, especially the PJ [Justicialist Party, i.e.
non-Kirchnerist Peronists] and the FPV [Kirchnerist Front for Victory].
After the establishment of association between the former Secretary and
former Under-Secretary of Transportation --Schiavi and Luna,
respectively-- with corruption rife in the railways, and the
responsibility of both in the massacre of the Once station train crash,
the political responsibility of the government in relation to the murder
of our comrade --determined by those interests-- is irrefutable. [See
enos-Aires-kills-49-brakes-fail.html - see also background in Spanish
and http://po.org.ar/blog/2012/03/01/plaza-once-estacion-terminal/] This
is a statement of some magnitude, coming at a time when the government
is calling for a 'judicial reform' placing the Judiciary in tune
politically with the Executive branch of government.

  The verdict will be announced one month after the so-called 'incidents'
of March 24, which turned the President from plaintiff to defendant when
the presence of hooligans egged on by [Secretary of Domestic Trade]
Guillermo Moreno was revealed. [See
el-gabinete-nacional/ ] After a pilgrimage to the Vatican and with the
discovery that the incoming Pope was nothing less than a Peronist, the
McCarthyite barrage made by CFK [President Cristina Fernandez Kirchner]
against the left and the red flags revealed a side of the government in
violent contradiction with progressivism. It is true that Bergoglio
transfered from the subway to the bus in order to get to the Bajo Flores
neighborhood, but the deep links between the Social Pastoral and he
himself with the trade union bureaucracy are equally significant. It is
impossible not to notice this conjunction of McCarthyism and clericalism
on the eve of the verdict.

The murder of our comrade cannot be analyzed in any other way, because
it is a political crime against the working class and youth in struggle.

  The lawsuit accuses
In the course of the 75 hearings held over eight months of trial, our
lawyers passed before the court, one after the other, with overwhelming
evidence gathered against José Pedraza, his gang and the police
charged with the murder of Mariano, and clearly demonstrated all the
connections between this crime and the political, trade union and bosses
power involved in the administration of the railways. [For a short
background statement on the event in English see
http://crciweb.org/en/node/431] In short, they gave expression in the
courtroom to the social truth expressed in the streets by the hundreds
of thousands of workers and youth, artists, journalists and
intellectuals. The crime of Mariano sheds new light on problems that
workers face daily: job insecurity, the union bureaucracy, the
integration of the latter with the bosses and the state, and the
irreversible decay of the repressive apparatus. A political crime
against the working class cried out the front page of Prensa Obrera
only hours after the murder of Mariano. The evidence gathered during the
investigation did nothing more than to give legal form to that political

[LAAMN] Cuban Doctors,fireman,collectives help save clinic European United Left denounces attempts to undermine Venezuelan democracy

2013-04-17 Thread Cort Greene
*Last night there was still some violence by the fascists in a few cities
and towns, a MERCAL store was and attacked and a another health clinic, but
thanks to the collectives who alerted people early this was happening
those collectives, Venezuelan fireman and Cuban Doctors helped saved the

[image: Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela*

Cuban doctors and Venezuelan firefighters defend Palo Verde health centre
against arson attack pic.twitter.com/sysqykLpWh http://t.co/sysqykLpWh @*
FBUNational* https://twitter.com/fbunational

[image: Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela*

European United Left @*GUENGL* https://twitter.com/GUENGL denounces
attempts to undermine Venezuelan democracy by Capriles http://

GUE/NGL denounces attempts to undermine Venezuelan democracy


El GUE/NGL denuncia los intentos de desestabilizar la república bolivariana
de Venezuela
[image: GUE/NGL denounces attempts to undermine Venezuelan democracy]

Credit: Joka Madruga / Terra Livre Press

The GUE/NGL group in the European Parliament has warned of the
destabilisation campaign and violence generated by Venezuelan opposition
candidate Henrique Capriles who has not recognised the presidential
election results that gave victory to Nicolas Maduro in a fair and
democratic poll carried out in a reliable electoral system.

The GUE/NGL denounces the putschist attitude of the opposition and its
candidate. All international organisations must support the free and
sovereign decision of the Venezuelan people.

It is not the first time that the Venezuelan right has breached democratic
norms to destabilise the democratic will of Venezuelans. Opposition groups
have unleashed a wave of violence, burning public health centres and
assaulting the employees of the National Electoral Council. These actions
have caused several deaths, in a scenario similar to the lead up to the
2002 coup against democratic constitutionality.

The Chairperson of the National Electoral Council, Tibisay Lucena, declared
Maduro the winner with 7,563,747 votes, 50.75% versus 48.97% for Capriles
with a turnout of 78.71%. In fact, the very day of the election the Council
proceeded with a manual check of 54% of the ballot boxes as part of the
audit process. With the participation of witnesses from all political
parties, this process indicated a 100% correlation between the recounted
votes and the result of the automated system.

Given the right's destabilising manoeuvres, the GUE/NGL reiterates its
solidarity with the people of Venezuela, with President Nicolas Maduro and
will denounce in all fora such attempts to destabilise, through putschist
acts, the sovereign will of the people Venezuela yet again expressed at the
ballot box.


*El GUE/NGL denuncia los intentos de desestabilizar la república
bolivariana de Venezuela*

El Grupo de la Izquierda Unitaria Europea/Izquierda Verde Nórdica en el
Parlamento Europeo ha alertado sobre la campaña desestabilizadora mediante
actos violentos instigados por el candidato opositor Capriles al no
reconocer el resultado electoral que dio el triunfo a la candidatura de
Nicolás Maduro en unas elecciones limpias y democráticas realizadas en  un
sistema electoral absolutamente confiable.

El GUE/NGL denuncia el espíritu golpista de la oposición y de su candidato
Capriles ante todos los organismos internacionales, que deben acompañar la
decisión libre y soberana del pueblo de Venezuela.

No es la primera vez que la derecha venezolana se sitúa fuera de las normas
democráticas para intentar desestabilizar la voluntad democrática de las y
los venezolanos. Grupos opositores han desatado una ola de violencia,
incendiando centros de salud públicos y agrediendo a trabajadores del
Consejo Nacional Electoral, acciones reprobables que han provocado varios
muertos, en un escenario similar al previo al golpe de Estado de 2002
contra la constitucionalidad democrática, recordaron.

La Presidenta del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE), Tibisay Lucena,
proclamó como triunfador a Maduro con 7.563.747 votos, el 50,75 %, frente
al 48,97 % del candidato Capriles con una participación del 78,71%. De
hecho, el propio día de las elecciones el CNE procedió a una verificación
manual del 54% de las urnas electorales como parte del proceso de
auditoría, junto con técnicos y testigos de todos los partidos políticos
que arrojó una coincidencia del 100% entre los comprobantes de voto
escrutados y el resultado del sistema automatizado.

Ante estas maniobras desestabilizadoras de la derecha, la Izquierda
Unitaria Europea/Izquierda Verde Nórdica redoblará su solidaridad con el
pueblo de Venezuela, con su Presidente Nicolás Maduro, y denunciará en
todos los ámbitos posibles los intentos de 

[LAAMN] El intento de golpe de estado se combate con la movilización revolucionaria

2013-04-17 Thread Cort Greene

El intento de golpe de estado se combate con la movilización
por Prensa Lucha de Clases   Miércoles 17 de Abril de 2013

hemos visto en los últimos días es un golpe de estado en desarrollo como lo
correctamente lo describió el camarada presidente Nicolás Maduro. No se
trata simplemente de protestas pacíficas de compatriotas que creen que ha
habido fraude, sino de un plan orquestado para tumbar el gobierno
bolivariano y aplastar la revolución. ¿Cómo combatirlo?

En el plan están implicados los medios de comunicación privados, los EEUU,
la OEA y el gobierno español del PP, la oligarquía local (capitalistas,
banqueros y terratenientes).

Hemos presenciado una campaña coordinada de ataques a todos los símbolos de
la revolución bolivariana y sus conquistas: Centros de Diagnóstico
Integral, edificios de los Simoncitos comunitarios, Mercales y PDVALes,
medios de comunicación del estado y comunitarios, PDVSA, casas del PSUV,
Petrocasa, además de edificios del CNE y residencias particulares de
funcionarios del estado y dirigentes bolivarianos y sus familias.

Desde el día del cierre de campaña de Maduro en Caracas hemos visto además
un factor nuevo, la presencia de sicarios, en muchos casos motorizados,
disparando aleatoriamente contra activistas revolucionarios. Siete
militantes fueron asesinados en la noche del lunes al martes en varias
partes del país cuando defendían la revolución.

La combinación de declaraciones públicas con amplia cobertura mediática,
presión internacional, marchas en las calles, actos de violencia
sistemática y organizada, cortes eléctricos, desabastecimiento, sabotaje de
la economía, amenaza de paro patronal, etc. está calculada para crear una
situación de zozobra e ingobernabilidad que pueda forzar a sectores del
aparato del estado a intervenir contra el gobierno legítimo.

¿Cómo respondemos a éste plan golpista?

La única manera de responder a una amenaza de este tipo, como demuestra
toda la experiencia anterior de la revolución, es mediante la movilización
revolucionaria. Eso no quiere decir caer en provocaciones sino la
movilización organizada y consciente del pueblo revolucionario y la clase
trabajadora. Esto es lo que ya ha empezado a suceder en los últimos días en
los barrios y ciudades del país, cuando activistas revolucionarios han
retomado y defendido las instalaciones de VTV, recuperado centros
regionales del CNE, defendido CDIs, etc. Es necesario darle a esta
movilización espontánea un carácter organizado y coordinado.

En cada barrio y en cada fábrica hay que formar comités contra el golpe,
que organicen la vigilancia revolucionaria, con patrullas de autodefensa
para defender los espacios (Simoncitos, CDIs, medios estatales, locales
revolucionarios, etc). En estos comités deben de estar integrados todos los
factores revolucionarios, motorizados, sindicatos clasistas, consejos de
trabajadores, medios comunitarios, CTUs, consejos comunales, comunas
socialistas, etc que hacen vida en cada lugar.

Ellos están amenazando con un paro nacional. Los trabajadores de Polar ya
denunciaron la existencia de galpones secretos de acaparamiento. El
gobernador de Mérida Vielma Mora denunció que los ganaderos estaban
organizando el sabotaje de la distribución de leche y carne. A estas
amenazas sólo se puede responder con el control obrero.

Si hay paro patronal o cualquier intento de sabotaje de la economía hay que
aplicar, como muy correctamente explicó la camarada Blanca Eekhout, la
consigna del 2002: a fábrica cerrada, fábrica tomada y habría que añadir
y expropiada.

En todas las fábricas, empresas e instituciones hay que organizar asambleas
masivas de trabajadores para discutir la situación y crear comités de
control obrero y vigilancia revolucionaria. Estos comités deben de rendir
cuentas a la asamblea de trabajadores y ejercer la vigilancia contra los
patronos y también contra los burócratas y elementos infiltrados en
empresas e instituciones del estado.

A la primera señal de sabotaje de la economía el gobierno debe expropiar
las empresas responsables y ponerlas bajo control obrero. La amenaza que el
camarada Maduro le hizo a Repsol y demás empresas españolas, se aplica
también a la burguesía “nacional”.

Ante el sabotaje eléctrico hay que responder con el control obrero por la
base. No es posible que haya infiltrados en estas instituciones que
saboteen el suministro eléctrico en los momentos cruciales. Declarar la
electricidad como institución de 

[LAAMN] Honduras:Partido Libre does not accept electoral reforms

2013-04-17 Thread Cort Greene
[image: Partido Libre]*Partido Libre*
8m https://twitter.com/partidolibrehn/status/324556278384979968

MAGISTRADOS DEL @*tsehonduras* https://twitter.com/tsehonduras
pic.twitter.com/KPtXUdoaQZ http://t.co/KPtXUdoaQZ

   1. Noticias Libertad y Refundación | Partido Libertad y Refundación *
   Libre* http://libre.hn/
   *libre*.*hn*/ - Translate this
   El Partido Libertad y Refundación, *LIBRE*, saluda al valiente pueblo de
   la República Bolivariana de Venezuela por una nueva jornada democrática, en
   la que *...*
   Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular - Sitio
   www.resistenciahonduras.net/ - Translate this
   En la década de los ochenta, en plena guerra de agresión contra
   Nicaragua *Libre*, en tiempos de la vergüenza nacional, de la ocupación
   y el militarismo *...*
- Sitio 
- Fuerza de Refundación
- Documentos del

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] Peace Activist Carlos Arredondo Hailed as Hero for Aid to Boston Marathon Bombing Victims ~ Carlos his Wife Melida were on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman on April 16th.

2013-04-17 Thread Frank Dorrel
Peace Activist Carlos Arredondo Hailed as Hero for Aid to Boston Marathon
Bombing Victims
Carlos  his wife Melida were on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman on April

Peace http://www.democracynow.org/topics/peace  activist Carlos Arredondo
http://www.democracynow.org/appearances/carlos_arredondo  has come to be
known as the man in the hat and widely described as a hero for a viral
image of him in a cowboy hat pinching the severed artery of a bloodied,
wheelchair-bound victim in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings.
Arredondo is no stranger to tragedy: He became a prominent opponent of the
Iraq http://www.democracynow.org/topics/iraq  War
http://www.democracynow.org/topics/war  after his son, Lance Cpl.
Alexander Arredondo, was killed in Iraq in 2004. His surviving son, Brian,
committed suicide in 2011. Carlos and his wife Mélida, join us to describe
witnessing the Boston Marathon bombings and the immediate response to aid
the victims. 
I have met Carlos  Melida many times over the years. They are such very
nice people. I remember the first time I met Carlos was at an anti-war event
in San Diego. He took the time to help me carry boxes of books  DVD to my
table. I saw them at the Veterans For Peace Convention last August. And I
saw them in October of 2012 in Hollywood at the premiere screening of: 
TRUTH BEHIND THE IRAQ WAR - Based on THE Book by Vincent Bugliosi:  
www.prosecution2012.com . They are both in that very well done film. So are
Jane  Jim Bright.

You can read more about Carlos  Melida at:

Transcript -
AMY GOODMAN: We begin today's show with Carlos Arredondo
http://www.democracynow.org/appearances/carlos_arredondo  and his wife
Mélida. They're joining us now on the phone from Boston. They were both at
the scene of the bombing yesterday.
We welcome you to Democracy Now! Carlos, let's begin with you. Tell us what
you experienced, what you saw, where you were.
CARLOS ARREDONDO: I was across the street from where the bombs explode with
Mélida. And what I saw in the beginning was a big fire coming out across the
street from where we are at the time. And then the loud noise occur, and
then the big smoke. And people running. And a second explosion just right
after that.
My reaction was to just jump the fence, where the-to the street and cross to
jump the second fence and landing in this area where was pretty much the
serious injuries. You know, everybody was on the ground. There was broken
limbs, people with no limbs, people totally passed out, so many injuries
today. I never see in my life like this. You know, it was a very, very
horrible moment in that particular moment there. People was running. And a
lot of people was really doing a great job in handling the best we could at
the time.
AARON MATÉ: And, Carlos, you're being cited in the media as a hero for what
you did for the victims. Tell us how you reacted to the bombing.
CARLOS ARREDONDO: Well, it took really few minutes to understand that this
was a IED explosion. And my first reaction, being a volunteer for the Red
Cross http://www.democracynow.org/topics/red_cross , and my first reaction
was to just go, you know, and do my duty. So many people was doing the same
thing-police officers, National Guards, people from the stands, veterans
http://www.democracynow.org/topics/veterans . You know, everybody just got
together into the side. You know, we didn't know if it was a third bomb
waiting for anybody there, you know, but everybody removed the fence by
their hands and pushed everything around. And in a matter of time, everybody
was wheeled out to the next 150 yards, you know, emergency area, which was
piled with emergency medical service and units. That was a lot of help.
AARON MATÉ: And tell-I'm sorry.
AMY GOODMAN: Carlos, you helped a man. You tied a tourniquet around his leg.
You were there because one of the runners was honoring your dead son in Iraq
http://www.democracynow.org/topics/iraq ?
CARLOS ARREDONDO: One of the runners was doing it to remember Alexander, and
two of the National Guard members start 4:00 a.m. that morning walking. They
went-they start going by a little bit around 2:00 in the afternoon. I was
right in the street waiting for the one who was running for my son, because
they was passing by at around between 2:00 and 3:00. And the explosion
happened before 3:00. And fortunately, none of them got hurt.
AMY GOODMAN: But you were helping wounded people.
CARLOS ARREDONDO: I just concentrate in removing the fence to help everybody
coming to the scene. And then I concentrate on a young man who lost both of
the limbs. I ripped up a T-shirt, and another gentleman helped me out, and
we put this tourniquet on the legs. And then the 


2013-04-17 Thread Williams Camacaro
CHAVEZ PRESENTE, MADURO PRESIDENTE!Right-wing elements backed by U.S. 
imperialism are attempting a coup against constitutional rule in Venezuela. 
Seven people in Venezuela have already been killed. There is a witch hunt 
against Cuban doctors who have made great sacrifice to provide health care 
there. The Venezuelan masses, other Latin Americans and progressives worldwide 
have stood up and said “no” to this coup, which follows the rightist defeat in 
that country’s free and fair election April 14.There is no question that the 
Bolivarian candidate, Nicolas Maduro, won the election. With a much higher 
proportion of the population voting than in U.S. elections, Maduro’s victory 
was as substantial as Barack Obama’s last November and much stronger than any 
of George W. Bush’s. And he won this election even though 90 percent of the 
still privately owned media slandered him and his party throughout the 
campaign.No one outside Venezuela has any right
 to challenge the authenticity of the April 14 election. That the Obama 
administration has demanded a recount is only proof of the dangerous 
intervention of U.S. imperialism in Venezuelan and Latin American 
affairsObama’s aggressive stand is a sign that Washington believes that the 
Bolivarian movement can be overthrown now that Hugo Chávez is no longer alive. 
The European Union and especially the Spanish regime has joined the U.S. in 
this attempt. This imperialist offensive must be stopped.JOIN THE NATIONAL DAYS 
front of the Venezuelan Consulate7 East 51st. St.  Take the “M” or “E” to 5th 
Ave, “F” to 47-50 Rockefeller CenterSponsored by Alberto Lovera Bolivarian 
Circle, International Action Center, HondurasUSAResistencia, IFCO/Pastors for 
Peace, July 26 Coalition, Casa de las Americas, FMLN, La Peña del Bronx, May 
1st Coalition, Peoples Power Assembly, Alianza
 Paiz de Ecuador, Peoples Power Movement, International Concerned Friends  
Family of Mumia,ProLibertad, Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5;

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] Angela Davis Friday, Jericho Saturday, Kathleen Cleaver Sunday + more

2013-04-17 Thread part2001
Friday April 19, 7:30 AM, Angela Davis at African American Museum in
Exposition Park.

Saturday, April 20, 5-7:00 PM, Jericho Amnesty Movement L.A. chapter meeting:
Free Russell Maroon Shoatz, Southern CA Library, 6120 S. Vermont Ave.

Sunday, April 21, 2 PM, Black Panther Alumni fundraiser for Elder Freeman with
Kathleen Cleaver, Emory Douglas, and screening of 41st  Central, Mayme A
Clayton Library, 4130 Overland, Culver City CA

Monday, April 22, 6 PM, UC Santa Barbara MultiCultural Center Lounge,
Dreaming of Freedom: Prisons, Politics, and Black Liberation, Theresa Shoatz
and Quincy Saul discuss Maroon the Implacable by Russell Maroon Shoatz,
former Black Panther and current political prisoner. Part of national campaign
to Free Maroon from solitary.

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[LAAMN] demands rise on congress to guarantee immigrant rights

2013-04-17 Thread David Bacon
By David Bacon
TruthOut  (4/15/13)

In San Diego, California, nine activists 
completed six days of a hunger strike outside the 
Mission Valley Hilton Hotel on April 10 -- the 
day demonstrations took place across the U.S. 
demanding immigration reform.  Hunger strikers 
were protesting the firing of 14 of the hotel's 
workers, after Evolution Hospitality, the company 
operating the Hilton franchise, told them that it 
had used the government's E-Verify database to 
determine that they didn't have legal immigration 
The company says that E-Verify is making 
them do this, even though many of the workers 
have been working here for years, said Sara 
Garcia, a supporter and hunger striker from House 
of Organized Neighbors, a local community 
organization.  But they started firing them when 
the workers were organizing a union.
I clean 16 to 18 rooms a day, and they 
pay me $8.65 an hour.  No one can live on that, 
explained Leticia Nava, a fired worker.   I'm a 
widow with three children who depend on me.  What 
is happening is not just.  We are immigrant 
workers, and the only thing we're asking is to 
work.  That's not hurting anyone.
Garcia and Nava accuse the company of 
using the government system for immigration 
enforcement in the workplace, a database called 
E-Verify, in order to retaliate against 14 women 
for their union support.  But they also say that 
the E-Verify system is used much more 
extensively, to fire workers even where no union 
organizing is taking place. 

San Francisco demonstrators call for an end to immigration-based firings.

Many companies are doing the same thing. 
They're manipulating the system because what 
they're really interested in is low wages, Nava 
charged.  This isn't the first time this 
happened to me.  I was fired the same way two 
years ago.  Now my children are all scared 
because they see it's harder for me every day. 
Tomorrow I'll have to go out and find another 
job, and E-Verify makes that more and more 
difficult.  The impact on us is not just money - 
it affects all aspects of my life. 
Nava and Garcia joined the tens of 
thousands of immigrants and immigrant rights 
activists who demonstrated on April 10, calling 
for the reform of U.S. immigration laws.  Yet on 
the same day, legislators drafting reform 
proposals in the U.S. Senate proposed changes 
that would make Nava's experience more widespread 
than ever, which were then contained in a bill 
they introduced a week later.
Both Garcia and Nava agreed that getting 
rid of E-Verify should be part of immigration 
reform.  This part of the law is inhumane and 
unjust, Garcia says.  It has economic, 
psychological and even moral effects.  Instead of 
children worrying about schoolwork they're 
worried about how they'll survive or even just 
eat.  Nava declared simply, This part of the 
law should be eliminated.
Congress, however, proposes to exact a 
price for the legalization of undocumented 
immigrants.   The Gang of Eight Senators 
drafting the reform bill announced they intend to 
expand the E-Verify system to cover all 
employers, and make its use mandatory.  This was 
only one of a number of measures that would 
increase the severity of many of the 
anti-immigrant measures already part of U.S. law.

Lorena Reyes, who was fired from her job as a 
housekeeper at the San Jose Hyatt Hotel because 
she supports the union and protested sexual 
harassment, marched for immigrant rights.

The Hilton workers and their supporters, 
as well as the union helping them, UniteHere, all 
believe that immigration reform should include a 
legalization process.  They want one that would 
give the 11-12 million undocumented people living 
in the United States a quick and accessible way 
to gain legal status.  That demand ran through 
all of the hundreds of demonstrations around the 
country, from the 30,000 people on the mall in 
front of the Capitol Building in Washington DC to 
the thousand marchers in downtown San Francisco. 
It was a demand voiced by hundreds of janitors 
and security guards in Silicon Valley, and by 
teachers and elementary school students in 
Berkeley, California. 
The Senators, however, are proposing a 
plan that would require undocumented people to 
spend a decade in a provisional status before 
even being able to apply for permanent legal 
residence.  Then they would have to maintain that 
status for another three years before they could 
apply to become citizens, and gain basic 
political rights.  The citizenship process is so 
overloaded that processing applications now takes 
months, even years. And instead of anticipating 
the logistical bottleneck of millions of people 
applying for citizenship at the same time, the 
Senators declared that 

[LAAMN] El Salvador, April 19, in Defence of the Bolivarian revolution

2013-04-17 Thread Cort Greene
[image: B.P.J.]*B.P.J.* @*BPJCMI* https://twitter.com/BPJCMI

Publiqué una nueva foto en Facebook http://fb.me/2WIPM6KOX

[image: Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela*

Mexico rally against coup in Venezuela April 18 FB Event: https://www.
facebook.com/events/501326739914868/ … https://t.co/7HuOBfbwpS @*
LaIzqSocialista* https://twitter.com/LaIzqSocialista
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[image: Hands Off Venezuela]*Hands Off Venezuela*

El Salvador, April 19, in defence of the Bolivarian revolution
pic.twitter.com/p0ewQOlHds http://t.co/p0ewQOlHds

16m https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign/status/324691639010463744
El Salvador, April 19, in defence of the Bolivarian revolution
pic.twitter.com/p0ewQOlHds http://t.co/p0ewQOlHds
*Details* https://twitter.com/HOVcampaign/status/324691639010463744

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