[LAAMN] If A Tree Falls: A Story Of The Earth Liberation Front

2012-02-03 Thread bigraccoon
If A Tree Falls: A Story Of The Earth Liberation Front


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[LAAMN] Fw: [JVP-Chgo-Appeals] Petition: Support Dr. Terri Ginsberg's academic freedom case!

2012-02-03 Thread Romi Elnagar


US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
www.usacbi.org + usacbi@usacbi .org +  Facebook + Twitter @us acbi

Sign Petition: Support Dr. Terri Ginsberg's academic freedom case! 
The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel is a co-sponsor 
of the following important petition in support of Terri Ginsberg, a professor 
involved in in important battle for academic freedom, challenging North 
Carolina State University.
Click here to sign the petition. (http://www. gopetition.com/petitions/open- 
letter-to-nc-supreme-court- ginsberg-vs-ncsu.html)
The following Open Letterwill be sent with signatures to the Supreme Court of 
North Carolina and to North Carolina State University (NCSU) Chancellor Randy 
Sponsored by:
British Committee for the Universities of Palestine (BRICUP)
U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI)
Center for Constitutional Rights
Jewish Voice for Peace-Westchester
WESPAC Foundation
Committee for Open Discussion of Zionism (CODZ)
At North Carolina State University, shortly after Dr. Terri Ginsberg made 
supportive political comments at a screening of a Palestinian film in 2007, she 
went from being the favored candidate for a tenure-track position to being 
denied even an interview. Her efforts at redress were summarily rejected by 
NCSU and two courts.A jury should be permitted to decide whether NCSU's real 
reason for firing Dr. Ginsberg was its hostility to her political views, but 
this legal right has been denied. We urge the Supreme Court of North Carolina 
to review Dr. Ginsberg's case and to reverse the lower courts' decisions to 
dismiss it. On this basis, the Court would help set a precedent upon which 
contingent faculty at NCSU and elsewhere may exercise their right to academic 
free speech on the topic of Palestine/Israel.
Grievance Petition rejected
In March 2008, Dr. Terri Ginsberg filed a Grievance Petition with the NCSU 
Faculty Senate for violations of First Amendment rights and other rights 
guaranteed under the University Code that were perpetrated by senior, 
administrative colleagues during her employment there as a one-year, 
non-tenure-track Assistant Professor with possibility of renewal. These 
violations constituted concerted attacks on Dr. Ginsberg's academic speech 
supporting Palestinian rights and legitimacy and criticizing U.S. and Israeli 
policy in the Middle East, and they culminated in her non-reappointment to her 
position at NSCU.
Despite strong, legally grounded recommendations on the part of James Martin, 
NCSU Faculty Chair, that Dr. Ginsberg's case should have been given a fair 
hearing on campus, NCSU Chancellor James L. Oblinger chose in June 2008 to 
dismiss her Grievance upon the basis of an Appeal he was sent by the Grievance 
Petition's named respondents which argued, erroneously, that the Petition was 
filed too late, and that, moreover, as contingent faculty, Dr. Ginsberg had no 
right to grieve under the University Code. Subsequently both the University of 
North Carolina (UNC) Board of Trustees and, later, a local North Carolina 
circuit court upheld Oblinger's decision.
North Carolina Superior Court: dismissal of case
In October of 2009, Dr. Ginsberg filed a lawsuit in the North Carolina Superior 
Court against the UNC Board of Governors alleging First Amendment speech and 
right to conscience violations. A week of depositions followed, during which 
NCSU admitted that it suppressed her speech critical of Zionism and supportive 
of the Palestine liberation struggle while she was under its employ as a 
visiting professor, and that it chose not to interview or hire her for a 
tenure-track position because of her scholarship focusing on Palestine/Israel, 
the Middle East, and the Jewish. For example, NCSU’s witnesses, including 
Marsha Orgeron, the director of the Film Studies Program and chair of the Film 
Studies faculty search committee, and Akram Khater, the director of the Middle 
East Studies Program, admitted to having reacted negatively to Dr. Ginsberg's 
supportive statements at a screening of a Palestinian film, Ticket to 
Jerusalem (dir. Rashid Masharawi), during
 which she thanked the audience for attending and thereby supporting the airing 
of Palestinian liberation perspectives such as the views displayed in the film. 
Orgeron and Khater stated that Dr. Ginsberg's comments caused them to worry 
that members of the audience would perceive the Film Studies and Middle East 
Studies programs as biased. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Ginsberg was forced to 
resign from the Middle East screening series that she had helped curate; she 
also went from being the favored candidate for a tenure-track position to being 
denied so much as an interview. Palestinian films were not purchased for her 
Spring 2008 course on Israeli–Palestinian conflict cinema, 

[LAAMN] FW: Paul Krugman: Romney Isn't Concerned, Robert Scheer: The Democrats Who Unleashed Wall Street and Got Away With It

2012-02-03 Thread Ed Pearl


From: Ed Pearl [mailto:epear...@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 1:29 AM
To: Ed Pearl
Subject: Paul Krugman: Romney Isn't Concerned, Robert Scheer: The Democrats
Who Unleashed Wall Street and Got Away With It

Here's a double whammy from two of the best analysts and writers on the
economy, predators and liars.  Unfortunately, neither
has been asked to serve, even advise in government, precisely because of
their moral characters, skills, whom and what they judge.  Alas.
l?nl=todaysheadlinesemc=tha212 emc=tha212
Romney Isn't Concerned
By Paul Krugman
NY Times: February 3, 2012
If you're an American down on your luck, Mitt Romney has a message for you:
He doesn't feel your pain. Earlier this week, Mr. Romney told a startled CNN
interviewer, I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net
Faced with criticism, the candidate has claimed that he didn't mean what he
seemed to mean, and that his words were taken out of context. But he quite
clearly did mean what he said. And the more context you give to his
statement, the worse it gets. 

First of all, just a few days ago, Mr. Romney was denying that the very
programs he now says take care of the poor actually provide any significant
help. On Jan. 22, he asserted that safety-net programs - yes, he
specifically used that term - have massive overhead, and that because of
the cost of a huge bureaucracy very little of the money that's actually
needed by those that really need help, those that can't care for themselves,
actually reaches them. 

This claim, like much of what Mr. Romney says, was completely false: U.S.
poverty programs have nothing like as much bureaucracy and overhead as, say,
private health insurance companies. As the Center on Budget and Policy
Priorities has documented, between 90 percent and 99 percent of the dollars
allocated to safety-net programs do, in fact, reach the beneficiaries. But
the dishonesty of his initial claim aside, how could a candidate declare
that safety-net programs do no good and declare only 10 days later that
those programs take such good care of the poor that he feels no concern for
their welfare? 

Also, given this whopper about how safety-net programs actually work, how
credible was Mr. Romney's assertion, after expressing his lack of concern
about the poor, that if the safety net needs a repair, I'll fix it? 

Now, the truth is that the safety net does need repair. It provides a lot of
help to the poor, but not enough. Medicaid, for example, provides essential
health care to millions of unlucky citizens, children especially, but many
people still fall through the cracks: among Americans with annual incomes
under $25,000, more than a quarter - 28.7 percent - don't have any kind of
health insurance. And, no, they can't make up for that lack of coverage by
going to emergency rooms. 

Similarly, food aid programs help a lot, but one in six Americans living
below the poverty line suffers from low food security. This is officially
defined as involving situations in which food intake was reduced at times
during the year because [households] had insufficient money or other
resources for food - in other words, hunger. 

So we do need to strengthen our safety net. Mr. Romney, however, wants to
make the safety net weaker instead. 

Specifically, the candidate has endorsed Representative Paul Ryan's plan for
drastic cuts in federal spending - with almost two-thirds of the proposed
spending cuts coming at the expense of low-income Americans. To the extent
that Mr. Romney has differentiated his position from the Ryan plan, it is in
the direction of even harsher cuts for the poor; his Medicaid proposal
appears to involve a 40 percent reduction in financing compared with current

So Mr. Romney's position seems to be that we need not worry about the poor
thanks to programs that he insists, falsely, don't actually help the needy,
and which he intends, in any case, to destroy. 

Still, I believe Mr. Romney when he says he isn't concerned about the poor.
What I don't believe is his assertion that he's equally unconcerned about
the rich, who are doing fine. After all, if that's what he really feels,
why does he propose showering them with money? 

And we're talking about a lot of money. According to the nonpartisan Tax
Policy Center, Mr. Romney's tax plan would actually raise taxes on many
lower-income Americans, while sharply cutting taxes at the top end. More
than 80 percent of the tax cuts would go to people making more than $200,000
a year, almost half to those making more than $1 million a year, with the
average member of the million-plus club getting a $145,000 tax break. 

And these big tax breaks would create a big budget hole, increasing the
deficit by $180 billion a year - and making those 

[LAAMN] NO WAR AGAINST IRAN! ~ Two Protests Happening This Saturday, February 4th ~ 12:00 Noon at Wilshire Western Metro Stop ~ And 2:00 PM at Westwood Federal Building ~ Who Is the Real Threat to P

2012-02-03 Thread Frank Dorrel


Two Protests Happening This Saturday, February 4th 

First Protest:

12:00 Noon at Wilshire  Western Metro Stop in Los Angeles 

For Information Contact ANSWER Coalition: 213-251-1025 or:
mailto:answe...@answerla.org answe...@answerla.org

Second Protest:

2:00 PM at Westwood Federal Building – 11000 Wilshire Blvd. (Corner of
Wilshire  Veteran)

For Information Contact IAC: 323-306-6240 or: iacente...@peoplesmail.net 



Who Is the Real Threat to Peace?

Fact: Iran does not possess a nuclear weapon.

Fact: Iran has the right, according to international law, to develop nuclear
energy for civilian use.

Fact: Iran’s nuclear energy program is regularly monitored by the
International Atomic Energy Agency.

Fact: Iran has never started a war.

Fact: The United States possesses 10,600 nuclear warheads in its stockpile,
7,982 of which are deployed and 2,700 of which are in a contingency
stockpile. The total number of nuclear warheads that have been built from
1951 to present is 67,500.

Fact: The United States is the only country to have ever used nuclear
weapons. It did so when it incinerated hundreds of thousands of Japanese
people living in the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Neither city had any
military significance. 

Fact: The United States has spent $7 trillion on nuclear weapons. The U.S.
military budget for 2012 alone is about equal to Iran’s entire Gross
National Product.

Fact: Israel, the largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid (about $3 billion in
2011), unlike Iran, possesses hundreds of nuclear weapons.

Fact: Israel, unlike Iran, refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty, or allow the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) into Israel
to monitor its nuclear program. 

Fact: There is active discussion in the Israeli media about whether Israel
will carry out military strikes against Iran’s nuclear energy facilities.
Israel bombed similar nuclear civilian energy facilities in Iraq in 1981
(“Operation Babylon”) and in Syria in 2007 (“Operation Orchard”).

Fact: The United States and Britain used severe economic sanctions and CIA
covert operatives to overthrow the democratically elected government of Iran
led by Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953. The Iranian government under
Mosaddegh had nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), which
became known as British Petroleum (BP), in a campaign to use oil profits to
eradicate widespread poverty within Iran. The successful CIA and British
Intelligence coup d’état put the Shah of Iran (King) back in power. The
Shah’s dictatorship denationalized Iranian oil and returned it to the
ownership of British and U.S. oil companies. The Shah executed and tortured
thousands during his 26-year bloody reign, which ended in the 1979
revolution that created the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Fact: The United States broke diplomatic relations with Iran and has pursued
a policy of economic sanctions against the country since the overthrow of
the U.S.-backed Shah (King).

Fact: Iran’s oil reserves are the fourth largest in the world—it has 12.7
percent of the world’s known oil reserves. That makes Iran’s oil reserves
second only to Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, greater than those of Iraq.

Fact: The new economic sanctions against Iran include a ban on the import,
sale and trade of Iranian oil, which constitutes half of Iran’s Gross
National Product. It forbids any company in the world that does any business
with Iran or its Central Bank from having any trade or economic transaction
with a U.S. bank or corporation.

Fact: The economic sanctions are an effort to create economic suffering in
Iran and to deprive the country of the goods and services to sustain life.
According to international law, these economic sanctions constitute a
blockade or an act of war against Iran even though Iran poses no threat to
the people of the United States or Europe.



*   ALBA U.S.A


· The ANSWER Coalition is calling on everyone to join a
demonstration or to organize one on the National Day of Action on Saturday,
Feb. 4, to demand: “No War on Iran, No Sanctions, No Intervention, No

In Los Angeles, there will be a protest on Saturday, Feb. 4, 12 noon at the
corner of Wilshire  Western, near the Metro Stop (3790 Wilshire Blvd., LA

· The U.S.-led campaign to bring about regime change is escalating.
Just today, the European Union announced a complete 

[LAAMN] Fwd: Protest: ELA Police Checkpoint Friday, Feb. 3: 7:00 pm Stop Car Impounds in ELA; Whittier and Hoefner Ave.

2012-02-03 Thread Carlos Montes

We invite you to join us this Friday night in ELA to protest the car 
confiscations that take place at these police checkpoints. They target 
unlicensed drivers which is our gente, Mexican/Chicano, Centro Americano and 
immigrants! City of Commerce, LA County and Official Police Garages make 
millions by taking our cars, lets day NO! Yes, lets do the ELA one, its in a 
major shopping district area with major car and pedestrian traffic. With lot of 
light and shops, restaurants etc, very high visibility for us on corners etc. 
can NLG send a rep? We have successfully pressured the LAPD to change their 
procedure in the City of LA, now lets do it in ELA with the CHP and the 

Meet at 7 pm at the corners of Whittier Blvd. and Hoefner Avenue, 6 blocks East 
of Atlantic and Whittier Blvd. one of old cruising areas!. Look for us with the 
signs that will say cuidado reten police check point!  Legalizacion Para 
Todos, Ahora Ya!Bring your signs and bull horns.

Carlos Montes cell: 213-712-0370
Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right.
Henry Ford.

 On Friday at 7:30 p.m., California Highway Patrol officers will begin 
a six-hour sobriety/driver’s license checkpoint at Whittier Boulevard near 
Hoefner Avenue in East Los Angeles.–


Meet at 7 pm at the corners of Whittier Blvd. and Hoefner Avenue, 6 blocks East 
of Atlantic and Whittier Blvd. one of old cruising areas!. Look for us with the 
signs that will say cuidado reten police check point!  Legalizacion Para 
Todos, Ahora Ya!Bring your signs and bull horns.

Carlos Montes cell: 213-712-0370
Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right.
Henry Ford.

 On Friday at 7:30 p.m., California Highway Patrol officers will begin 
a six-hour sobriety/driver’s license checkpoint at Whittier Boulevard near 
Hoefner Avenue in East Los Angeles.–


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] Susan G. Komen Reverses Planned Parenthood Decision

2012-02-03 Thread Ed Pearl
Well, lookie here.  The middle class has just learned something from the Tea
Party and Occupied;
Public Pressure can work.  Halleluaih.   Please support Readers Supported
News.  They're in their
own very necessary fund drive and have provided much materials for my
pass-ons.  I'm a staff of
one and don't need or ask for anything.  They're a real, very small outfit
with a big job, very well done.
From: ReaderSupportedNews [mailto:re...@inbound.readersupportednews.org] 
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 12:46 PM
To: epear...@earthlink.net
Subject: BREAKING: Susan G. Komen Reverses Planned Parenthood Decision

 RSN Godot Logo http://readersupportednews.org/em/rsn.godot.logo.200px.gif

Reader Supported News | 03 February 12 

It's Live on the HomePage Now: 
3ff2785137f023054505d7bL=2 Reader Supported News


*OK Guys This Is the Point Where We Pay the Bills: It's not magic and it's
not voodoo, it's funding. Simple concept. If you are not an active donor
jump in here. Let's keep RSN doing what RSN does. Nuff said. Thank you! --

3ff2785137f023054505d7bL=11 Okay, I'll make a donation.



Susan G. Komen Reverses Planned Parenthood Decision

By Associated Press

03 February 12

usan G. Komen for the Cure reversed its decision to end grants to Planned

In a statement on the foundation's website, the breast cancer charity
apologized for recent decisions that cast doubt upon our commitment to our
mission of saving women's lives.

We have been distressed at the presumption that the changes made to our
funding criteria were done for political reasons or to specifically penalize
Planned Parenthood. They were not.

In ending funding to Planned Parenthood, Komen incurred heated criticism
from some members of Congress, numerous liberal advocacy groups and some
newspaper editorial writers. But it was applauded by many conservative
religious and anti-abortion groups that abhor Planned Parenthood for its
role as the leading U.S. abortion provider.

Planned Parenthood said the funding cutoff was a result of Komen succumbing
to pressure from anti-abortion activists. Komen, in a statement issued
Wednesday evening, denied that politics played a role and reiterated that
its decision was based on newly adopted criteria for issuing grants.

The criteria - now being amended - barred grants to any organization that's
under local, state or federal investigation. Planned Parenthood is being
investigated for alleged financial improprieties by a Republican congressman
acting with the encouragement of anti-abortion groups.

In its statement Friday, the foundation said it was not funding grant
applications made by organizations under investigation and will now amend
that criteria so that disqualifying investigations must be criminal and
conclusive in nature and not political.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[LAAMN] New York Times Special: Outcry Grows Fiercer After Funding Cut by Cancer Group

2012-02-03 Thread Ed Pearl
This  is in response to the  mealey-mouthed, slanted article in this
morning's LATEXTRA .What's not mentioned below is the the prosecutor for the
Republican congressional 'investigation' is a notorious attack dog chosen as
was Roy Cohn in McCarthy days.  Clearly, Komen was provided an excuse to
escape some heat, while advancing the agenda of destroying Planned
Parenthood.  -ed .   

Outcry Grows Fiercer After Funding Cut by Cancer Group

on/index.html?inline=nyt-per Jennifer Preston and
s/index.html?inline=nyt-per Gardner Harris

NY Times: February 3, 2012

The nation's leading breast
?inline=nyt-classifier cancer advocacy organization confronted the growing
furor Thursday over its decision to largely end its decades-long partnership
with Planned
_parenthood_federation_of_america/index.html?inline=nyt-org Parenthood,
with rising dissension in its own ranks and a roiling anger on the Internet
showing the power of social media to harness protest. 
All seven California affiliates of the organization, the Susan G. Komen for
the Cure foundation, released
ml a statement saying they opposed its decision. Twenty-six senators urged
the foundation to reconsider its decision. And a
anned-parenthood/ pledge of $250,000 from Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New
York helped Planned Parenthood, which provides family planning and abortion
ne=nyt-classifier  services in hundreds of clinics across the country, to
more than make up the money it lost. 

Politics have no place in health care, Mr. Bloomberg said in a statement,
an echo of the complaints voiced by many women elsewhere. Breast
?inline=nyt-classifier cancer screening saves lives, and hundreds of
thousands of women rely on Planned Parenthood for access to care. 

The deluge of criticism Komen faced on Twitter
https://twitter.com/#!/search/%23komen , Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/susangkomenforthecure  and Tumblr
http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/susan+g+komen  came two weeks after online
protests led Congress to suspend an effort to pass anti-piracy legislation
that some in the Internet community saw as a threat to online freedoms. It
demonstrated again how social media can change the national conversation
with head-snapping speed. 

The furious debate is also a sign of the intense polarization of the
nation's politics in a campaign season during which Planned Parenthood, led
by Cecile Richards, has become a lightning rod for attacks from Republican
presidential candidates. 

Komen's founder and chief executive, Nancy G. Brinker, held a news
conference Thursday and insisted that the organization's decision had
nothing to do with abortion or politics. Rather, she said, it resulted from
improved grant-making procedures and was not intended to make a target of
Planned Parenthood. 

We think this is the right thing to do from a stewardships standpoint, Ms.
Brinker said. 

Her comments directly contradicted those of John D. Raffaelli, a Komen board
member and Washington lobbyist, who told The New York Times on Wednesday
that Komen made the changes to its grant-making process specifically to end
its relationship with Planned Parenthood. Mr. Raffaelli said that Komen had
become increasingly worried that an investigation of Planned Parenthood by
Representative Cliff Stearns, Republican of Florida, would damage Komen's
credibility with donors. 

Komen gave Planned Parenthood $700,000 last year - a tiny portion of its $93
million in grants - to finance 19 separate programs. A growing number of
religious organizations had become concerned that donations to Komen would
benefit Planned Parenthood and had advised members not to give to Komen.
Rather than risk offending some donors with a relatively small portfolio of
grants, Komen decided to largely cut off Planned Parenthood, Mr. Raffaelli

To Planned Parenthood, that decision amounted to a betrayal of the
organizations' shared goal of saving lives through breast screening
programs. Ms. Richards, Planned Parenthood's president, said her
organization was gratified by the support the 

[LAAMN] Fw: Sign the Don’t Bomb Iran Petition Today

2012-02-03 Thread Romi Elnagar
Please join me in signing this petition to our government officials.

If the link below doesn't work, you can sign the petition by going to 


Hajja Romi/Blue

P.S.  And please forward it to everyone you know.

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | Action Alert  

1902 18th St NW • Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 368-5788 • Fax: (202) 265-4574
February 3, 2012 Contact: news_edi...@wrmea.com 
Sign the Don't Bomb Iran Petition Today!
Starting February 4, Americans are holding mass actions to stop an attack on 
Visit http://www.change.org/petitions/dont-bomb-iran to sign our petition (text 
below). Tell lawmakers you don’t want either Israel or the United States to 
bomb Iran. Pass the petition along to your friends and associates.
Dear Congressional and Presidential Candidates, including President Barack 
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta believes that Israel will strike Iran this 
spring—before Iran even begins building a nuclear bomb. Both he and President 
Barack Obama are said to have warned the Israelis that the United States 
opposes an attack, which would derail the international economic sanctions 
program and other non-military efforts to stop Iran from building the bomb.
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak guesses if Tehran retaliates, Israel would 
suffer fewer than 500 civilian fatalities. He does not even consider the 
thousands of Iranian civilians who could be killed or wounded by Israeli 
preemptive airstrikes.
Iranian leaders have consistently said their nuclear program is for peaceful 
purposes. An unprovoked Israeli air strike—illegal under international 
law—would strengthen Iran’s leaders, promote domestic solidarity and gain 
sympathy and support from Iran’s neighbors.
Iran could retaliate by targeting American ships and troops in the region and 
closing the Strait of Hormuz. Oil prices would soar, devastating the fragile 
global economy.
The White House hasn’t yet decided how the United States would respond if the 
Israelis attack. If Israel acts on its own, the United States should cut $3 
billion in military aid it gives to Israel each year.
We cannot afford a new war in this volatile region. I will not give my vote in 
November to anyone who supports bombing Iran.

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, PO Box 53062, Washington DC 20009. 
Phone: (202) 939-6050, Fax: (202) 265-4574, Toll Free: (800) 368-5788, 
www.wrmea.com Published by the American Educational Trust, a non-profit 
foundation incorporated in Washington, DC to provide the American public with 
balanced and accurate information concerning U.S. relations with Middle Eastern 
states. Material from the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs may be 
printed with out charge with attribution to the Washington Report on Middle 
East Affairs.        

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[LAAMN] Marcy Winograd is Now a Member of the California Green Party ! Read Her Excellent Post Below.

2012-02-03 Thread Frank Dorrel
Formerly with Progressive Democrats of America, Marcy Winograd joined the 
California Green Party to work on implementing progressive policies in the 
cities. She serves on the board of the Ocean Park Association, a neighborhood 
council in Santa Monica, and is active on the Human Rights Committee of United 
Teachers of Los Angeles. A high school English teacher, Marcy helped organize 
Occupy LAUSD to protest education budget cuts. In 2010, Marcy mobilized 41% of 
the Democratic Party primary vote in her peace challenge to incumbent Blue Dog 
Congresswoman Jane Harman. Advocating a Blue-Green coalition to elect Greens 
for every non-partisan office, Marcy serves on the California Green Party's 
media committee and often guest-hosts for Lila Garrett on radio station KPFK's 
(90.7 FM/LA) Connect the Dots.


Building a Blue-Green Coalition in California 
Posted January 30th,  2012
By Marcy Winograd - winogradte...@gmail.com 
Former Democratic Candidate for Congress 

After the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act, with its 
codification of imprisonment without charge or trial, I could no longer 
register voters for the Democratic Party even with the hope of involving new 
registrants in the California Democratic Party’s popular Progressive Caucus. If 
I could not ask someone to join the Democratic Party, I could not in good 
conscience stay in the party, even as an insurgent writing resolutions and 
platform planks to end our wars for oil. 

Unfortunately, too many corporate Democrats, beholden to big-money donors or to 
a jobs sector dependent on militarism, vote for perpetual war and the 
surveillance state, replete with secret wiretaps, black hole prisons, and 
targeted assassinations. Far too many who are fearful or bought by the American 
Israel Public Affairs Committee vote for legislation that relegates 
Palestinians to second-class citizenship and threatens to take our country to 
the brink of an unthinkable war on Iran. 

President Obama, despite his eloquence and initial popularity, has continued, 
and in some cases, expanded Republican Party policies under George Bush by 
escalating drone attacks on Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia; hiring deregulators 
from predatory banks to craft economic policy; repeatedly putting Social 
Security cuts on the table; lifting a 20-year moratorium on new nuclear power 
plants; signing NDAA legislation that eviscerates due process; increasing U.S. 
Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) raids and arrests of undocumented 
workers. As the US empire crashes on the shores of rapacious greed, as power 
shifts from the federal to the local level, the Green Party can play a crucial 
role in creating and promoting local economies, worker or consumer-owned 
cooperatives, model municipal policy and participatory democracy. The time is 
ripe for municipal federalism with its emphasis on cities sharing expertise, 
policies, and strategies for community building in a sustainable world. 

I want to be part of that movement to create a post-empire future that rejects 
perpetual war, addictive consumerism and vulture capitalism to embrace a 
life-affirming vision of sustainability with measurable goals for energy, water 
and food independence.As more people struggle financially and the cost of 
energy and optional travel increases, Americans will stay closer to home to 
invest and recreate more intensely in their communities and neighborhoods. Our 
challenge in the age of withering empire is to set a new economic course that 
helps us invest our resources in ourselves, rather than multinational companies 
that extract our wealth and labor for the 1%.

While running Greens for federal office may help to register new Greens, to 
attract young people to the Party, the Greens’ resources economic and 
grassroots are best used at the local level where the Party has experienced the 
most success in the United States. In 2011, 8 out of 12 California Green Party 
members running for local office got elected. In Richmond, California, the 
working class city’s Green Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, representing more than 
100,000 residents, took on Chevron, resulting in a 115-million dollar pollution 
settlement, enacted a waiver on residential solar power fee installation; and 
spearheaded one of the nation’s toughest anti-foreclosure ordinances that 
exacts a $1,000 a day fine on banks who fail to maintain foreclosed property. 
McLaughlin was one of several Green Mayors to publicly oppose the dirty tar 
sands project, signing on to a letter to President Obama urging him to reject, 
as he recently announced, the XL pipeline that would carry the dirtiest crude 
from Canada across the United States to the Gulf of Mexico. In the city of 
Fairfax in Marin County, Green Mayor Pam Hartwell-Herrero and a majority Green 
city council has banned intrusive Smart Meters, and authored successful ballot 
initiatives to ban plastic bags and the cultivation of genetically modified 
organisms. Fairfax 

[LAAMN] Fw: Will You March Against Nuclear Madness?

2012-02-03 Thread Romi Elnagar





 Join List  

  Will you March Against Nuclear Madness?

People  all around the country – and the world – are organizing events  
throughout March (and in February and April, too) to commemorate the  deadly 
Fukushima Daiichi multiple reactor disaster in Japan. Please join  an event 
near you or create your own and post it to our March Against Nuclear Madness 
Facebook page. See our current calendar of events.

March Against Nuclear Madness is part of Beyond Nuclear’s nationwide Freeze our 
Fukushimas campaign to close down the country’s dangerous GE Mark I Boiling 
Water Reactors and phase out of nuclear power.

 Native American lands again targeted for radioactive waste dumps
The final report of the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future 
advocates for revival of a Nuclear Waste Negotiator, an infamous program which 
Native American environmental justice champions such as Grace Thorpe, pictured) 
abolished 20 years ago in their successful resistance against scores of 
high-level radioactive waste parking lot dumps targeted at indigenous 
communities. More.

Why Thorium is not the Answer 

Do you hear from (desperate) nuclear power proponents that now thorium is the 
magic answer? Read our new fact sheet about the Myths of Thorium, with grateful 
thanks to IEER/PSR and Dr. Gordon Edwards. More.


Celebrate 25 years of the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability

The Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA) invites you to join our annual DC 
Days advocacy event March 18th-21st. This  year's theme is Nuclear 
BudgetAccountability Now! Disarmament  and  environmental activists from 
across the country will deliver our  message  to Congress and the Obama 
Administration - will you be among  them? 
 Thanks for taking action. And please also consider making a donationto Beyond 
Nucleartoday. Your support will help us build a grassroots movement to close
dangerous nuclear plants and create a safe energy future for   ourchildren. 


 Thank you for working with us for a nuclear-free world.

The Beyond Nuclear Team

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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