RE: [lace] Jeri's posts

2014-08-14 Thread malvaryj
This has been interesting because I didn't receive Jeri's post, nor Jacquie's.
I did go back to check because someone else (Sue?) replied to Jeri about
thread, and I thought -'that's weird, I don't remember seeing that' and now I
hadn't seen these messages either.  Interesting that both of these are aol
messages.  Perhaps when I think Jacquie hasn't replied to me, she has, but I
just haven't received the message
Malvary in Ottawa where it is only 14c and showery.

   Jacquie Tinch wrote:
  Maybe *some people* don't read what you write on Arachne but I'm sure
there are enough of us who do to justify asking you to continue.
  Jacquie in Lincolnshire. wrote:

  I was told again this week, that people do not read what I write on
  Arachne.  So sorry, since my free-to-you contributions  might suggest a
  for dinner conversation or a local lace group  meeting.  Maybe I am just
  writing for future researchers who will delve  into Arachne archives?  Or,
  our archives will die and evaporate (as  our early correspondence did),
  all will have been for  naught.
  Jeri Ames in Maine USA
  Lace and Embroidery Resource Center

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RE: [lace] learning on your own

2013-10-22 Thread malvaryj
When I started learning from a book after a visit to England where both my mum
and Jacquie had started.  I bought 6 pairs of bobbins and started with the
lessons in Golden Hands.  When I'd been working on my own for some weeks I
heard about a class in my own town with a teacher from Toronto.  When she saw
what I'd done she said It's not very good is it.  Of course, you are using
cotton and you can really only make good lace using linen thread.
Funnily most of the people who took the course with her were not able to
progress with the bookmark she had started them on because she hadn't
explained the process adequately and had the students working pin to pin not
letting them know stitch names or what they were doing.  I worked on from the
books and was then able to help them to finish their project after we formed
our first Ottawa Lace group.   Its replacement lace group, The Ottawa Guild of
Lacemakers has just celebrated its 25th anniversary.

Malvary on Peterborough where I'm spending a few days away on holiday to see
the beautiful fall colour

 Subject: Re: [lace] learning on your own
 Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 16:29:27 +0100

 Hi Arachnids,

 That is as appalling as some of the students in my class who had a previous
 teacher who would never show or teach them how to start or finish a piece
 nor how to turn a corner (she used to take their pillow home with her and
 did it for them to help them). She also put them completely off doing
 picots or leaves with her comments - they do their own starts and finishes
 now and do leaves/picots/corners as and when needed; although one is still
 reluctant to do picots. I am just thankful that she could not kill their
 enthusiasm for lace altogether.

 I feel that they would have been better off learning from a book, although
 that is not for everybody either.

 Happy lace making.

 Joepie in East Sussex, UK where it is raining hard again.

 -Original Message-
 From: Elizabeth Ligeti
 Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 3:31 AM
 Subject: [lace] learning on your own

 Up in the Top End (of Australia), .  ... (1980s), I remember
 looking at my Beds lace I
 was working on, and wishing she knew enough to move on to Beds and Bucks
 laces.  Her teacher was keeping her on little torchon edges, - and she told
 me she had only been learning for 3 or 4 years, so was not knowledgeable
 enough to move to another lace yet !!  I am Still appalled about that, and
 have never forgotten it!  Exploitation, - like the bums on seats in class

 Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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[lace] sorry

2013-10-22 Thread malvaryj
I just sent a message on my tablet with the incoming message still attached.
I haven't found out how to delete it, but I'm working on mastering this thing

Malvary in Peterborough on holiday

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RE: [lace] 4 bookmark scans recieved so far

2012-04-26 Thread malvaryj
I have received mine from Janet Theaker, and mine to her is going off in the
mail today.  However, I'm in the UK at the moment and won't be able to scan
Janet's or download the photo of mine until I get home next week.

Malvary, currently at Lace Guild headquarters, visiting.

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RE: [lace] Message to Lyn Bailey

2012-04-20 Thread malvaryj
But there is no problem if you reply to arachne, surely.  I personally find it
a bit annoying when I'm checking my messages when the Reply All includes a
reply to me and a reply to Arachne.  When questions are asked, it is helpful
to see all the replies especially if it is something that one has been
thinking about but not seriously enough to write a question.

I filled in Lynn's filter once and now we correspond quite freely - that
doesn't mean I totally agree with it and perhaps Lynn could make the filter
accept everything that has 'Lace' on the subject line.

Malvary in Yorkshire, England where it has finally stopped raining, but I'm
going back to London today.

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RE: [lace] Handkerchief fabric

2012-04-19 Thread malvaryj
One place to look for cotton is your local charity or thrift shop.  They often
have handkerchiefs of sufficient size that you can crop off anything which is
already there.  Failing that, check out men's cotton handkerchiefs.  They are
often not square but as they are plenty big, you can pull a thread and
straigten the edges you want to use.

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RE: [lace] keeping the bobbins safe and in order.

2011-12-09 Thread malvaryj
I like the wooden ones, but ones which are wider than tne tongue depressor
width.  I made some from the wooden stir sticks that come with a tin of paint.
They work very well and are quite sturdy - I cut them on half, cut out 2
notches at one end and drilled some holes for the elastic.  I was quite
disappointed when my local paint store changed to plastic.

I also use the knitting stitch holders both the straight needle like ones and
the giant safety pin type.  When I'm setting up my students with theiur
equipment I give them a shoelace, but I'll think about the pipecleaner type
thingies now.  As long as they can get home without losing all their bobbins
that is what matters.

On the question of transporting your pillow, if you use spangled bobbins it is
useful to fold your cover cloth over the bottom of the bobbins, then if by
chance any of the spangles decide to leave the bobbins to have a party in the
bottom of the bag, they will be caught by the cover cloth.

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RE: [lace] Re: roller pillow and lace

2011-12-07 Thread malvaryj
Sue wrote: Once I have used up this thread I am planning on designing and
making a wider and longer
strip of lace for a tablecloth edge

As someone with a couple of travel pillows might I suggest that you try a
wider piece with more bobbins before you commit to making a long length.
There is nothing more frustrating than finding that you don't have enoiugh
room for your bobbins in the small space.  I  know that about 22 pairs is the
maximum comfortablle on one pillow and the other fold-up to a carrying one it
would be less.

When you have designed your lace you might want to try a sample to see how it
works before committing to a table-cloth length.

Malvary on holiday near Bodden Town, Grand Cayman where it is 84f today and no

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RE: [lace] Re: roller pillow and lace

2011-12-07 Thread malvaryj
Lyn wrote: As I understand it, block pillows are a recent invention.

It deppends what you mean by recent.  Some of the Ottawa Lace Group recently
had the opportunity to visit a local lace collector to see some of her
beautiful lace.  She showed us a block pillow which I think was dated about
1880.  It was French, but whether French from France or from Quebec or other
part of Canada it wasn't clear.

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RE: [lace] Architects' Linen, Muslin v. Calico, pre-pricking

2011-01-12 Thread malvaryj
Pat wrote:   I use beeswax for several things. I usually keep one of the
plastic incased disks near my desk and will stick the needle in it while
pricking. So I do
 have a question.   Is just rubbing the back of the card sufficient or do you
heat it a little?

If I am doing a pricking straight on to card (where I have printed the pattern
on to the card), I use my beeswax pot.  If, on the otherhand, I am using a
paper photocopy and pricking through it into card. I use a candle and rub it
right on to the front of the paper.  When the pricking is done, I remove the
paper and put what markings I need on to the card.

Malvary in Ottawa where we have, so far, avoided most of the big snow storms
which have been hitting parts of the US and Canada.

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RE: [lace] Monica Ferris titles

2010-12-29 Thread malvaryj
Thanks Jean for the update of the books in the series - I need to get to the
used book store to look for the ones I haven't seen.

I've never done a raffle before, but if anyone hasn't read Crewel World - I
have a copy and would like to offer it.  Please e-mail me separately and I
will put all the names in a hat and get it drawn on 12th night (Jan 6), just
in case people are still travelling and away from home at the moment.

Malvary in Ottawa, Canada where we are supposed to have a heatwave on Sunday

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RE: [lace-chat] Spam?

2010-03-07 Thread malvaryj
 I would consider that this is spam from beginning to end.  You should delete
it immediately and do not reply to it in any way, shape or form.

If you need to verify anything with aol do it outside of the e-mail and do not
click on any of the links it gives you.  It may be too late for this message
as you may have already clicked, but in future just immediately delete the

Banks, financial institutions, ISP's etc do not need to ask you that kind of
information.  If they need to confirm something they will either call, or
write you a letter and they NEVER ask for pin numbers or any of the other
information that seems to have been requested in the e-mail you received.

I am writing this from my laptop because my computer has been invaded by a
virus, not from any e-mail I received but from doing some research on the
internet.  In spite of cleaning it twice the virus is still there and I am
waiting for the technician to come to clean it with stronger software than
what I have.

Malvary in Ottawa where it will be +10c today and the snow is melting fast,
but I don't think it will last as the forecast for later in the week isn't so

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RE: [lace] Posh Bags - testimonials sought

2009-08-18 Thread malvaryj
Looking at their advertisement in the latest edition of the Lace Society
magazine it would not appear that they have a web-site.

They offer:

Bobbin Bags

Bits + Bobs Bags

Pillow Bags

Pin Cushions

Pillow Tidies

It says for details and fabric samples send a s.a.e. (stamped or self (?)
addressed envelope).  Their address is

P.O.Box 2114


Wilts.  SP2 2DB


Tel: 01722 320161

Malvary in Ottawa where it is still very hot - temp: 28c humidex: 35c.  Cooler
than yesterday when we were in the 40's.

 I'd like to know if Posh Bags that Viv asked about, has a web site...

 Betty Ann Rice in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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RE: [lace] polystyrene pillows

2009-08-15 Thread malvaryj
 The other thing to remember if you are cutting your own blocks (and I think
most bought pillows have them) is to have two half blocks.  These are most
useful to move your work - you don't always want to move a whole block and the
half blocks make life s much easier.  You never work on the half blocks
they are just used to move the lace around.

The pillow I'm using at the moment has extra wide blocks and I am able to do
two strips of my curtain at the same time, but it doesn't come with half
blocks and sometimes it is either quite a stretch to reach where I'm working
or I have all the bobbins hanging off the bottom into my lap.

Malvary in Ottawa, Canada where we are finally having some summer 30c today
with humidity index of 35.  After the wettest July ever recorded (in fact it
was the wettest month ever recorded) this is welcome.  Even hotter tomorrow
and Monday.

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Re: [lace] Variegated thread

2008-05-18 Thread malvaryj
I would have replied earlier as I use variegated thread a lot in my coloured 
idrija, but Brenda replied for me.

I am currently in England to help Jacquie organize my dad's funeral.  He 
passed away on Saturday last week (10th) and I haven't had time to write 

Malvary (normally in Ottawa) in Sanderstead, Surrey

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RE: [lace] Danish/Swedish lacemaker

2008-03-16 Thread malvaryj
At least some of the lacemakers and Arachne members will be in Sheffield at 
the Lace Guild convention for part of the time that Suzanne will be in 
London, but there will perhaps be someone left who can visit with her.

Malvary (normally in Ottawa, Canada; but currently on holiday in England 
with a side-trip at the moment to France where I am struggling with a 
keyboard that has several letters in the wrong place)

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[lace-chat] Deja Vu!

2005-11-17 Thread malvaryj

Deja vu

Very interesting...

Year 1981
1. Prince Charles got married
2. Liverpool crowned Champions of Europe
3. Australia lost the Ashes
4. Pope Died

Year 2005
1. Prince Charles got married
2. Liverpool crowned Champions of Europe
3. Australia lost the Ashes
4. Pope Died

In future, if Prince Charles decides to re-marry  please warn the Pope!!

and the Aussie cricket team too!!!

Malvary from Ottawa (usually)

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