I like the wooden ones, but ones which are wider than tne tongue depressor
width.  I made some from the wooden stir sticks that come with a tin of paint.
They work very well and are quite sturdy - I cut them on half, cut out 2
notches at one end and drilled some holes for the elastic.  I was quite
disappointed when my local paint store changed to plastic.

I also use the knitting stitch holders both the straight needle like ones and
the giant safety pin type.  When I'm setting up my students with theiur
equipment I give them a shoelace, but I'll think about the pipecleaner type
thingies now.  As long as they can get home without losing all their bobbins
that is what matters.

On the question of transporting your pillow, if you use spangled bobbins it is
useful to fold your cover cloth over the bottom of the bobbins, then if by
chance any of the spangles decide to leave the bobbins to have a party in the
bottom of the bag, they will be caught by the cover cloth.

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