Re: Setting up a PBX for Israel-US communication

2009-02-12 Thread Arik Baratz
2009/2/12 Amos Shapira

 How do I test this?

Write an extensions file and use
to test DIDs for free.

 I have a Nokia E71 with a built-in SIP client which I'd like to
 connect to this thing.

Set up the credentials in sip.conf and connect from the Nokia, verify
you can register and you can see the registration.

 Going to I'm not sure what should I look for - Phone to
 VOIP or Phone to IP-PBX? both options cost $US10 a month, I don't
 see an option to pick the allegedly cheaper 077 numbers.

Indeed, it is gone from their screen. A mistake perhaps? Try emailing Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with DIDWW in any way
other than being a happy customer.

 Anything beyond about $5/month makes this possibly uneconomical, as
 for the long term I don't spend that much on international calls and
 Skypeout subscription can provide unlimited calls for 5 euro/month
 (for minimum of three months). (We have 4000 free Skype minutes from
 our mobiles so Skypeout is very convenient to call from wherever we

For me it's not about my cost, it's about the (perceived) cost of
people who call me. This way I can have people call an Israeli number
to get at me and they know they don't pay much.

Plus don't dis the geek factor...

-- Arik

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Setting up a PBX for Israel-US communication

2009-01-31 Thread Arik Baratz
2009/2/1 Ori Berger
 sammy ominsky wrote:

 Worse than that, asterisk will not work in an OpenVZ VE unless you have
 access to the underlying host to install the zaptel kernel modules.

 (Note that in another email, Sammy mentions that it works but some features

 It looks like Xen would therefore be needed?

Personally I'm using OpenVZ. I wanted to switch to Xen, but didn't put
the time and effort into it. I get what I need from the system, and
yes it does complain that it doesn't have a timing source, but It
Works For Me (tm).

-- Arik

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Setting up a PBX for Israel-US communication

2009-01-31 Thread Arik Baratz
Hey Ori, long time.

2009/1/31 Ori Berger

 - VPSLink is still the cheapest VPS host at $8/month (or $80/year) for
  64MB of memory. It seems like the OpenVZ package is better suited
  than the Xen package, being less resource intensive. And from past
  experience I would bet on Debian -- however, can anyone here share
  their experience (Arik?). Will apt-get install asterisk be enough,
  or will I have to compile everything myself?

I have installed Ubuntu and not Debian. I installed Asterisk from
packages, I didn't compile anything. In fact I don't have any dev
tools in my machine and I doubt they will run with only 64MB of RAM.
Heck I have to stop Asterisk when I want to run some commands, like
for example apt-get...

 - grnvoip still seems like the cheapest termination service - but
  only provides SIP connection, whereas voipjet, still competitive,
  provides only IAX2. Any recommendation here? IAX2 is supposed to
  be less resource intensive than SIP, but I don't know if that'll
  matter on a 64MB machine routing at most two calls.

I use voipjet/IAX2. Viopjet claim that they are not to be used by end
users, and I simply ignore that. So far I haven't asked for support
and haven't gotten any. They have the occasional downtime, if you use
a DNS name for the host and not an IP you will usually not feel it
because they change DNS records to compensate. You have to have more
than $20 in your account at all times or else you can't use most of
their servers.

 - is competitive on DIDs ($3/month for 077- number in IL,
  $10/month for 03- number, $2/month US number), but other such as provide same prices, and also do termination (although
  not as cheaply as grnvoip or voipjet).

I use I did not check out any others. I have a number in
the US, in Israel and in Australia. I used to have a number in France
but some stupid French decided to limit VoIP numbers to the physical
region they seem to be from, so lacking an address in Paris I had to
give that number up.

 - Any positive or negative experiences routing SMS between those

Didn't try it, I have no idea if it will be successful. I know Nir
Simionovich and Oded Arbel have messed around with SMS quite a bit,
and I think they are both on the list.

 Does anyone have experience, specific software versions and/or configuration
 scripts to share with regards to such a setup?

I can share my extensions.conf with you if you want.

-- Arik

Linux-il mailing list

Re: [OFFTOPIC] Daily Maily Spam

2008-12-09 Thread Arik Baratz
2008/12/9 Gilad Ben-Yossef [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Omer Zak wrote:

 During December (since the anti-spam law came into force), I received so
 far three E-mail messages from Daily Maily, without giving them
 permission to continue to E-mail me.

  If you ever went to one of those free people  Computers events, such as
 Go Linux, you signed an agreement to receive their publication. So it might
 not be my cup of tea or yours,  but neither it is SPAM as the law defines

 Just unsubscribe and AFAIK they'll stop.

   My experience is that they stop immediately. Mine started when I gave
Peli the Tiger my business card after he took my photo. I guess he
subscribed me manually so I can see the result...

-- Arik

Re: Israeli ISP and Blacklisting

2008-07-25 Thread Arik Baratz
On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 6:30 PM, Imri Zvik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I cannot discuss this further when you refuse to give ANY factual data. You
 publicy trash people (the abuse@ and all the other people behind that ISP)
 with quite a harsh words, and refuse to back it up with facts.

So don't. I didn't mean you to. It was a rant. It was a single sided
exclamation of my thoughts about the topic. If I wanted your response, I
could have asked for it.

 You, yet again, dismiss my attempts to help you, saying it's won't help
 (???). It seems you don't really want to be helped, but just taking
 advantage of the free and cheap shot.

Precisely. This is exactly what I did. I used this stage to rant. Finally,
you got it.

I must emphasize this - almost 24 hours after the original flametory post, I
 still didn't get ANYTHING to work with.

Nor will you, unless you happen to belong to the ISP I was talking about and
have access to the abuse mailbox.

Actually, I bet the messages to the abuse mailbox are archived somewhere. My
name is pretty unique.

Since my sophisticated loop detection algorithms detected a loop in this
conversation, I will stop responding unless I observe something new.

-- Arik

Re: Israeli ISP and Blacklisting

2008-07-24 Thread Arik Baratz
On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 10:11 PM, Noam Rathaus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am taking my stuff elsewhere, the ISP's responsibility is to provide
 service, and it should be good service - meaning stopping others from
 the network, which in turn is used against me - as I am blocked in an RBL.

Let me suggest a radical idea.

I think that it is a good thing that Israel will be blocked in as many RBLs
as possible.

And here's why. For the people on this list, it's a big deal but not
critical. I put it to you that most companies will deal with it one way or
another, by tunneling their ways somehow. I can think of 10 ways right now.

The people who will suffer are the regular users, those who use the ISP
mailbox (gaaa!) and have zero technical knowhow. There are a lot of them,
which means that they will make a lot of noise.

The ISPs will then become a relatively unregulated industry that apparently
doesn't work properly without regulation. It also has a status of a
quasi-essential infrastructure. I sincerely hope that the regulator will
step up to the plate and regulate the ISPs and what they need to do to
spammers, in an effort to make the infrastructure usable again. Maybe our
star will shine and we'll see some heavy-handed anti-spam law, especially if
the ISPs respond to regulation by saying the burden is too high because
spammers don't have an incentive to stop.

So before you start flaming, consider this: Change only happen out of
necessity. The stronger the necessity - the swifter the change. Lithium-ion
batteries did not come to be before laptops and cellphones became a
commodity. Hybrid cars didn't become a reality before gas prices went so
high that people actually started buying them. And conversly, think of
Israel's desalination plants - how they come to be whenever there's a year
or two of draft, and then fall apart at the first sign of a rainy year.

And since one of the participants in this discussion at least seems to work
for an ISP, the same ISP from which I get most of my Hebrew spam, the same
ISP from which spam contains the header of the ISP's own relay, and passes
SPF checks, the same ISP which gets messages to the abuse alias from me
every month and never responds (robots excluded) - I view your behaviour as
aiding and abetting the spammers. I have proof that the addresses the
spammers use could never have been gotten from me (heck my domain was
dictionary-attacked by them), and I hope that you get blacklisted as much as
possible. I also hope that your users leave you for this very reason and
that you fail financially, so the spammers have to find a less hospitable
environ. I wish this ruin on you because you are acting, in my personal
opinion, in bad faith and in cohorts with the sort of people who I would
like to see their activity as felonious. I hope that once the regulation
comes you will continue with your bad behaviour as to become the first test
case of disobeying the regulation and that you shall lose and become the
precedent for any other such case. You know who you are.

-- Arik

Re: Israeli ISP and Blacklisting

2008-07-24 Thread Arik Baratz
On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 11:22 PM, Imri Zvik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I can only assume you are addressing me.

Due to the latest trend of libel suits, I cannot confirm nor deny.

  You are just flaming now. You have no idea what we are doing to stop or
 fight spam, and this public list is not the place to list those things.

 For the particular ISP I was talking about, I know that the same
authenticated user has sent me messages after several complaints, so I know
for a fact that the same user keeps spamming. I'm only answering you here
because I don't want to create the state of שתיקה כהודאה (silence as
admittance, lit trans)

 2.   If you have any repeating issues with spammers using our mail
 system, I would be GLAD to know about it. Please provide me with full

I appreciate your suggestion. I will obviously not contact you because that
would mean that you are the ISP I was talking about. I will however make an
attempt to create a compendium of the headers from the last 30 days of spam
that I have and send it to the abuse address of the offending ISP. It will
take me some time as analyzing 1000s of spam messages means that I need to
write code to do it, but I will get to it eventually.

-- Arik

Re: Israeli ISP and Blacklisting

2008-07-24 Thread Arik Baratz
On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 11:59 PM, Imri Zvik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It means they have 208 IPs that sent at least *one* spam in the past 7 days
 from a range that includes 131070 hosts!
 The way they are calculating it, it means it could be that they only got
 208 spam emails in the last 7 days, and that was enough to block the whole A
 class. I'm sorry, but this is not reasonable - It doesn't even leave room
 for the ISP to cooperate and deal with the spammer.

 I need to understand - are you in favor of blocking port 25? How many
 people in this list thinks it's a good idea?

Although I don't think it's good to block port 25, I think that allowing
port 25 only for customers who sign an agreement which says that:

* They will pay 1500NIS for every message from their account
   - backed by a credit card with pre-authorization of the card
* If a recipient has complained
   - showing the full headers
   - and the message was sent in bulk
   - and the sender cannot prove that the recipient actually asked for the
  = by showing the double opt-in message logs complete with IP addresses

Sometimes people forget that they signed up for a list.

-- Arik

Re: Israeli ISP and Blacklisting [summary and stop]

2008-07-24 Thread Arik Baratz
On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 12:13 AM, Noam Rathaus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Arik didn't disappear, maybe he has work to do beside answering emails here
 I trust Arik to get back to you.

  Only one person (Arik) complained about actual problem, and when I asked
  for information he disappeared.

Nope I didn't disappear - I sent a message 35 minutes ago to the list -
wasn't it received?

-- Arik

Re: SIP gateway providers in Israel?

2008-06-26 Thread Arik Baratz
On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 12:40 AM, Gadi Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been using successfully for a few years now as a
 Have you ever had any problems with them?  I'm only been using them now
 for a few days :), but yesterday all of my DIDs were unavailable at
 random intervals.  From a tcpdump and the call log, it looks like they
 only tried to connect the call some 20 minutes after it was made.
 Anyways, today is everything is working.

Most of my complaints are for the low bandwidth allocation that made a
few of my calls hard to hear, but that has been resolved, I'm having
clear calls for about a year now.

 My termination service for the box is which has a very
 And your experiences with them?  I signed up a week ago (and paid!) and
 my account still hasn't been activated yet... they keep posting a
 message on their website saying new accounts might only be activated on
 approximately XX and keep moving the date forward.  No response from
 their fastsupport email, and from reports on the Internet it doesn't
 look like they've ever answered that email for the past few years.

Interesting. When I signed up with them they opened the account
automatically immediately and I was able to use their free 25c on the
spot. That was almost 3 years ago, though. I never used their support.
There was a recent outage of about a day, which is the first time I
had such a long outage, but they're back. There have been a few
outages for an hour or two here and there, but they're generally okay.
Join their mailing list, it's important. Since I don't use it for
business, only making private calls, it's been really good.

 I must also point out that they are in violation of PayPal's terms of
 use (they charge a surcharge for payments) and their own TOS is
 incredibly dodgy.  You're actually already in violation for disclosing
 to other people that you use their service.  You also agreed never to
 sue them, and of course that, the customer acknowledges that the
 service may not be working for some, most or all of the time..

Unenforceable, in my opinion. IANAL. There is nothing that they can
write and that you agree to that can make you not sue them. I don't
know who wrote that but I am willing to bet it wasn't a lawyer.

 The potentially good news though is that after A LOT of searching
 (indeed, good rates to Israel aren't easy to come by), I did find the
 services of  Here's a comparison of prices to Israel (in USD):

 Land Line  Cell
 VoipJert.Com   0.01980.0949
 GrnVoip Standard   0.0138   0.0792
 GrnVoip Premium0.0166 0.0951

Thanks, I will research that. I have no loyalty to voipjet whatsoever.

 My setup allows the following:

 Did you configure everything by hand?  Or did you use a web manager?

By hand, sure. The machine I use is so small that I can't run a web
server on it when Asterisk is running.

 Downside: I get calls in the middle of the night from MILUIM... don't ask.

 Mmm... you could always block calls from unlisted numbers... at the very
 least after hours.  Or you could direct unlisted numbers to some silence
 and they'll need to know in advance they'll have 5 seconds to press 1
 after the phone stops ringing...  there are a lot of creative solutions
 here :)

My plan is actually have the system know where I am (perhaps I'll get
my phone to send the timezone or something automatically) and make it
play a recording when I go to sleep in local time - to make sure I
don't get that. It won't help with the Miluim automated draft drill
system - unless I teach it to dial my personal number :-)

 Again, thanks for the inspiration.

You're welcome. Your bill for 2c is in the mail.

-- Arik

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Re: SIP gateway providers in Israel?

2008-06-16 Thread Arik Baratz
On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 11:38 PM, Amos Shapira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Could you explain exactly what part of the equation does voipjet fullfill?

Voipjet is a Termination service - it takes a VOIP call and
terminates it in the public telephone system network. I.e. you connect
using VoIP and a physical telephone rings.

 I'm a relative newbie in this area (been using VoIP at home for a
 couple of years but once I setup the ATA to login to my SIP provider I
 never touched it).
 I'll try to explain the two situations I have:
 1. Family in Brazil - I'd like to enable them to just pickup the phone
 there and dial a local Brazilian number and make it ring my phone
 (already connect to one SIP provider, Sipura SPA-3000, I think it can
 be called from multiple SIP providers). should allow me to
 do just that - right?

For that you need a DID in Brazil, and indeed didww has that option
($10/month). Then the phone needs to be terminated at your phone. I
don't know the details of your SIP provider; didww will forward calls
for you to several providers for free. If not you can always use an
Asterisk box as the destination of your calls, where you can do
whatever you want, for example, use voipjet to initiate a call too
your home / cellphone / computer whenever someone dials the DID.

 2. Calling family in Brazil from Israel - how? I want to pick up the
 phone in Israel and dial an Israeli number and have it ring in the
 home in Brazil. Is this where VoIPjet comes into play? Another
 interesting scenario is to program some special prefix in the ATA in
 Israel to behave as if the dial-tone is from Brazil.

For that to work you need a DID in Israel, and use a termination
service that serves Brazil. voipjet is such a termination service.
It's not the only one though, shop for prices. didww offers to
redirect the call to a land-line for you, but I think they charge too
much for it ($15 flat rate, where call to Brazil with voipjet cost 3-4
cent/min). You need an Asterisk box (or another PBX) to do the
switching for you.

 3. My company is in the process of setting up our small sales office
 in the Silicon Valley. We bought a couple of VoIP boxes (IP PABX and
 ATA for the main office, another ATA for the branch in the valley). We
 are looking at ways to allow:
 3.1. People in the main office to pick up the phone and call the
 office in the Valley through the VPN - that's probably doable with
 PABX programming.
 3.3. People in the US pick up their mobiles, call the office in the
 Valley and get an Israeli dial tone.

All of these are doable. You can do it over the VPN or outside of the
VPN, your choice. You don't need a DID provider or a termination
provider if you supply your own phone lines and the necessary hardware
to connect to them on both ends. My solution is nice because it uses
zero hardware.

 2. Whenever I dial my own US DID (caller ID...) I get a second dial
 tone and after punching a code I can dial anywhere in the world, like
 a calling card.

 Is this (2) what VoipJet gives you or is this doable with didww alone?

It's using both. didww supplies the US number that I call, and voipjet
supplies the connectivity for the call from my asterisk box to the

 Downside: I get calls in the middle of the night from MILUIM... don't ask.

 Caller ID? :)

I need to write some scripts for that and I'm lazy. I want to set up a
recorded message to tell people that if they continue with the call
they'll wake me up, and make the message play only when I am asleep,
local time.

-- Arik

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Re: SIP gateway providers in Israel?

2008-06-16 Thread Arik Baratz
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 1:06 PM, Geoff Shang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Note that Voipjet only accepts inter-asterisk exchange (IAX2) protocol
 connections.  I thought I should mention this as the original poster was
 asking about SIP.  Of course, you can get Asterisk to do the switching
 duties and I in fact do this.

The original poster did not specify a protocol in his question. Being
a Linux list, I assumed asking for a solution may include a Linux
system running Asterisk. Perhaps I was wrong.

 Yes Voipjet is only meant to be for carriers but like others, I'm a happy
 customer and they've not kicked me off yet.

 I'd be interested in Israeli termination services though if people know of
 any that don't want you to rent an ATA.

I'd say that voipjet's rates are competitive even as an Israeli
termination service. They're not the cheapest, 2c/min is expensive for
a landline, but 9.4c/min (=40 agorot, right?) is pretty good for
cellphones. When I come back to Israel I intend to use them to call

-- Arik

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Re: SIP gateway providers in Israel?

2008-06-15 Thread Arik Baratz
On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 6:52 AM, Ira Abramov
 A friend of mine is moving abroad, and wanted to keep in cheap contact
 with his friends and fanily in Israel. He tried talking me into
 installing Asterisk at my home for him to be able to do that, but I
 don't want to diving into the maintenance of more equipment and software
 (though he was more than willing to donate all the hardware needed,
 etc). Question is, if there's an Israeli company that provides Packet8
 or Vonage-like service with an Israeli local line and number?

Hi Ira,

I have moved to the US 3 years ago, and I have a system in place that
I believe accomplishes what he wants.

I've been using successfully for a few years now as a
DID in Israel. Friends and family call my Israeli number and the call
gets routed to my Asterisk box in the US. The cost is very reasonable
(an 077 number is $3/month) and it's a flat rate for up to two
simultaneous calls.

My termination service for the box is which has a very
reasonable rate for Israel (2c/min LL, 10c/min cell). They say that
they don't want end users to use their services, only carriers; they
didn't kick me out though so I guess that as long as everything is
okay they won't care.

As for the asterisk box, I'm hosting it on the cheapest Linux VPS
server from, and it costs $8/month. I can't run
anything else when the asterisk process is running (it has only 64M
RAM), but it's working like a charm for over two years now. Plus, an
extra box to SSH to in times of need is always nice. I use it to
tunnel out of tough spots on occasion (ssh -N -n -f -D 1080 host)

My setup allows the following:

1. People dialling the DID in Israel, France and the US (coming soon:
Australia) get routed to both my softphone and my US cellphone
(whichever answers first)

2. Whenever I dial my own US DID (caller ID...) I get a second dial
tone and after punching a code I can dial anywhere in the world, like
a calling card.

Downside: I get calls in the middle of the night from MILUIM... don't ask.

-- Arik

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Re: Store selling Linux computer with support

2008-05-31 Thread Arik Baratz
On Tue, Dec 4, 2007 at 10:04 AM, Maxim Veksler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: are resellers of which
 delivery hardware + software for the home marked based on Ubuntu.

 1. They will support you in your first steps of connecting to the
 Internet by working with the ISP.
 2. They sell Monthly (100NIS) / Yearly (600NIS) technical support. A
 home visit will cost you 250 NIS. Their support covers PC not booting,
 no X and other user land stuff.

 From the business point of view, they've sold ~100 PCs in Israel and
 are expending abroad. Their offer includes Ubuntu core + 3rd party
 software (mostly binary freeware such as Skype, games and toys). It's
 seems like a small PC shop (6 employees with hardware backing from

 On the community side, they have plans on donating hardware for, I'll believe it when I see it happening.

Hello list,

Does any of you have an update on this? My brother is contemplating
buying a computer now, and he came across their advert.

If anyone has one of those, I'd love to get in touch and hear any
comments, for better or worse.

The one downside that I already discovered is that at least one of
their resellers advertise using SPAM. I'm going to report it to the
company and see how they handle it.

Thanks in advance and take care,

-- Arik

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Re: external DNS service

2007-04-10 Thread Arik Baratz

On 4/9/07, Gabor Szabo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Looking at again their server keeps giving me
Internal Server Error on some of the management pages. Not a good start.

What about ? That's free and if I understand it is built on
some free software too.

I had a good track record with for the last few years. They
write the software and maintain the DNS, either primary or secondary.
Their interface leaves much to be desired and (my pet peeve) they
don't support SRV RRs but they're good friendly and reliable. They
will also appreciate a monetary donation for any sum.

-- Arik

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Re: Why doesn't traceroute work for me?

2007-03-11 Thread Arik Baratz

On 3/8/07, Shachar Shemesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] speedy]$ /usr/sbin/traceroute
 traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte
 1 (  0.641 ms  0.611 ms  0.572 ms
Sound like your firewall mangles the TTL of outgoing packets.

Try to do a manual traceroute using ICMP packets instead, in the
following manner:

ping -t 1
ping -t 2

until you stop seeing the Time to live exceeded error message. This
is actually what traceroute does, only it does it with UDP packets.
Post the results.

-- Arik

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Re: Preventing email spoofing

2006-06-19 Thread Arik Baratz

On 6/19/06, Ilya Konstantinov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Note that SPF is not something reserved for high-profile domains. Every
Nigerian scam domain can deploy SPF and then it'll be verifiable fair
and square. So, no easy way of killing off all those Nigerian scams? You
betcha there isn't.

That's because SPF is not intended to solve the spam problem, it's
intended to solve the domain masquarading problem. It's basically an
authentication method where you trust a trusted 3rd party (the DNS
server) to tell you which hosts are allowed to send mail on behalf of
the domain that you're querying about.

For example, my SPF record is:   IN  TXT v=spf1 ~all

This means that I trust to tell which hosts are
allowed to send email on my behalf. Google's SPF record is:   7200IN  TXT v=spf1

and IN  TXT v=spf1
ip4: ip4: ip4:
ip4: ?all

so these are the addresses that can send email for my domain.

The immediate benefit from SPF is that it prevents joe-jobs, some
spammer using your domain to send spam from.

The future benefit when it is widely deployed would be black-list of
domains that have sent spam. Since you can't forge your domain, you'd
have to send spam from a domain you own, therefore you'd have to keep
on buying domains as the existing ones get into the blacklist.

-- Arik

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Re: hosts.allow issue.

2006-06-08 Thread Arik Baratz

On 6/8/06, Livneh Ran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Is there a way to block certain user from specific network?

I'd like to deny access for user internal from the outside world, or allow
access to that user only from 10.x.x.x networks.

You can prevent a user from accessing a network by socksifying your
network applications and using socks for access control.

It's not a perfect solution though.

Another way is using netfilter:

using the owner module:


   This module attempts to match various characteristics of the
packet creator, for locally-generated packets. It is only valid in the
OUTPUT chain, and even then some packets (such as ICMP ping responses)
may have no owner, and hence never match.

   --uid-owner userid

   Matches if the packet was created by a process with the given
effective (numerical) user id.
   --gid-owner groupid

   Matches if the packet was created by a process with the given
effective (numerical) group id.

-- Arik

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Re: No interactive shell prompt when using passwordless (rsa) ssh login ?

2006-05-08 Thread Arik Baratz

On 5/8/06, Maxim Vexler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey).
debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]
debug1: Entering interactive session.
debug1: client_input_channel_req: channel 0 rtype exit-status reply 0

Did you try adding a -t parameter to force tty allocation?

-- Arik

Re: [OT] Google is Anti-semetic

2006-04-25 Thread Arik Baratz
On 4/24/06, Yonah Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Google is a bunch of Anti-Semites. You can read the details on my blog:

I do believe, Yonah, that you might be jumping to conclusions here. In
fact, I think what you have written above is calumniatory, defamatory,
denigratory, libellous and slanderous. Had I been Google I would have
sued you for that.

 I suggest everyone write an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 complaining about this injustice.
 Here is a sample email for your use:
 To whom it may concern,

To Google Analytics Support

 It has been brought to my attention that Google, much like Hamas,
 refuses to recognize the Sovereign State of Israel. I find this deeply
 disturbing, especially in light of the fact that countries like Iran,
 Iraq, Afghanistan, and North Korea (the likes of which threaten the
 existence millions on a daily basis) are listed in your Analytics
 service without prejudice

This is a demagogic statement, meant to illogicaly tie Google to the
Hammas. You took one fact - that Israel's time zone is missing - and
built a mountain of logically inconguant statements that cannot be
proven or even strongly tied to the original fact. You completely
ignore mitigating factors - like the existence of, of, the Hebrew interface language and the Hebrew
language translation project, and the fact that they have an office in
Israel and hiring Israelis. Oh, don't let reality get in your way to

 Please correct this immediately and may I suggest that a public
 apology to Israel and the Jewish people would be appropriate.

That's rich, considering you send your email messages from GMail (yes
I checked the headers) and use their Analytics service.

 If this goes uncorrected, I'm afraid I will have to boycott Google's services.

Were I Google I would have closed all your accounts after that email.
But I think that they will follow Hanlon's Razor [1], which you should
have followed when you discovered that missing timezone:

- Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to stupidity.

-- Arik


[OT] Google is Anti-semetic

2006-04-24 Thread Arik Baratz
On 4/24/06, Yonah Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Google is a bunch of Anti-Semites. You can read the details on my blog:

I do believe, Yonah, that you might be jumping to conclusions here. In
fact, I think what you have written above is calumniatory, defamatory,
denigratory, libellous and slanderous. Had I been Google I would have
sued you for that.

 I suggest everyone write an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 complaining about this injustice.
 Here is a sample email for your use:
 To whom it may concern,

To Google Analytics Support

 It has been brought to my attention that Google, much like Hamas,
 refuses to recognize the Sovereign State of Israel. I find this deeply
 disturbing, especially in light of the fact that countries like Iran,
 Iraq, Afghanistan, and North Korea (the likes of which threaten the
 existence millions on a daily basis) are listed in your Analytics
 service without prejudice

This is a demagogic statement, meant to illogicaly tie Google to the
Hammas. You took one fact - that Israel's time zone is missing - and
built a mountain of logically inconguant statements that cannot be
proven or even strongly tied to the original fact. You completely
ignore mitigating factors - like the existence of, of, the Hebrew interface language and the Hebrew
language translation project, and the fact that they have an office in
Israel and hiring Israelis. Oh, don't let reality get in your way to

 Please correct this immediately and may I suggest that a public
 apology to Israel and the Jewish people would be appropriate.

That's rich, considering you send your email messages from GMail (yes
I checked the headers) and use their Analytics service.

 If this goes uncorrected, I'm afraid I will have to boycott Google's services.

Were I Google I would have closed all your accounts after that email.
But I think that they will follow Hanlon's Razor [1], which you should
have followed when you discovered that missing timezone:

- Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to stupidity.

-- Arik


Re: [OT] Google is Anti-Semitic

2006-04-24 Thread Arik Baratz
On 4/24/06, Yonah Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That was more to get your attention than anything else- it worked- right?

So what you are saying that you are in fact not only engaging in libel
but also in manipulation of this group for your own agenda. Tsk Tsk.

 Companies like google should not go public with non-policy websites. 

Huh? Should?

 a) several people have told me that in the past Analytics allowed the
 choice of Israel so this has apparently been removed on purpose.

How do you know? Do you have some insight into the Google Timezone
Removal Comeetee deliberations?

 b) Palestinian territory was never included in any stock country
 list I found on the web when creating a website.

Uh, unfortunately for you, this is also a mistake on your side. Gaza
is its own timezone, and when contemplating timezones, see there, you
have to include it. It's different from the Jerusalem timezone by the
application of Daylight Saving Time or lack thereof.

  And for the record, Google employs several Israelis and Jews, have an 
  office, and have set up the localised portal. So it
  would be a stretch to say they are anti-Israeli.

 As I've told others, unfortunately I know many anti-semetic Jews.
 In any case, my point is that google has taken a side in our little
 conflict and I don't believe it to be a valid one.

Whoa! Did I read that correctly? Are you accusing the Jewish Google
employees of being anti-Semitic? I wish I was a Google employee just
so I can take you to court for just that statement.

 You could also comment on and digg the story:

Actually I'm going to do it right now. I don't suppose you'd like what
I write though.

-- Arik

Re: [OT] Google is Anti-Semitic

2006-04-24 Thread Arik Baratz
On 4/24/06, Yonah Russ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here's a dilema. On one hand I'm offended by what you write. On the
other, any future word I write would be simply troll food. I opt to
stop this right now.

-- Arik

Re: [Solved] Burning podcasts easily?

2006-04-03 Thread Arik Baratz
On 4/3/06, Oded Arbel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The next problem is that most podcasts are very large, and I can fit
 maybe one or two at most to a CD - sometimes just half. K3b has a nice
 option where you can split a track (that is stored in a single file)
 and you can burn one CD compilation with the first part, and just drag
 and drop it to a second CD compilation to burn the other half.

That's why I've solved the problem by buying the cheapest flash MP3
player I could find. No more CDs to burn. I interface it to the radio
with an FM transmitter.

Since I don't listen to regular radio (just podcasts) I folded the
car's antenna, it improves the transmitter's reception quality

-- Arik

Re: Apache to do everything except milk delivery (was: Re: My Anti-qmail Page)

2005-11-06 Thread Arik Baratz
On 11/6/05, Omer Zak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Then all it will miss is mod_bootloader.

 You forgot the catch-all mod_emacs.

Uh uh, tsk tsk. mod_vi comes first, I say!

-- Arik

Re: My Anti-qmail Page

2005-11-05 Thread Arik Baratz
On 11/5/05, Eli Marmor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maybe it's too early to include mod_smtpd in the list of alternatives,
 but I believe that in the long run, it has good chances to become the
 best MTA for Linux/UNIX, especially if it will be integrated well with
 the HTTP module, as well as the surrounding modules (mod_pop3,
 mod_mbox, the black lists module, etc.). The only missing piece, at
 least in my opinion, is mod_dns (or mod_bind or mod_named, the name is
 not important...).

Then all it will miss is mod_bootloader.

-- Arik

Re: PC-to-phone VoIP

2005-08-25 Thread Arik Baratz
On 25/08/05, Geoffrey S. Mendelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 They invested $100,000,000 in BPL, which will destroy all long range
 radio communictions including shortwave radio, ham radio, VHF lowband
 television and all of the IDF communitcaions where you see the long

Too bad it will go down the drain - it's my personal belief BPL
(Broadband over Power Lines) will never see the light of day.

 A friend of mine from the U.S. pointed out that Google Earth uses
 the Arabic names for places in Israel that have both Hebrew and
 Arabic names. This has caused quite a stir in the Jewish community
 in Silicon Valley.

Well, I just checked. Not true. The place names layer has the Hebrew
name for all Israeli cities that I checked, including Ariel settlement
and places in the Golan Height. There is also a layer of locations
specified by users on the web forum, where you can find Hafa' near
Haifa and Acre near Akko, but the name layer Google provides has the
current, modern, Hebrew names.

 They are planing on blanketing the world with free wifi, putting out
 of business the small business that are doing the same thing, and
 preventing places that offer wifi such as coffee houses from turning
 it off when they want customers to come and buy drinks, not use free
 wifi and buy nothing or stay for hours keeping other customers out.

Sorry, but this is the meaning of competition. It's much like Linux is
putting (or will put) the commercial OS makers out of business because
it's free. And if the coffee shops don't like freeloaders, they can
kick them out. If you come into a coffee shop and read a book for hour
you will also be kicked out, wifi or no wifi.

 The New York times has an article about how their hiring practices
 have destoyed the job market in that area for startups. Personaly
 I think that's good, maybe more people will invest in startups here

Can you enlighten us? I can't imagine how a company's hiring practice
may destroy the job market in this area.

I live in Palo Alto now, and I don't really see it happening.

-- Arik

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Re: PC-to-phone VoIP

2005-08-25 Thread Arik Baratz
On 25/08/05, Nadav Har'El [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 you mention (shortwave, etc.) actually should matter to any of us, now
 that we have the Internet, which is far better than any of those options
 (most of us never could operated *servers* for these technologies, but can
 do so on the Internet. Also, Internet *clients* are far more versetile than
 the clients of these older technologies you mentioned).

All this technology is great, and better than shortwave, but:

A. Shortwave is widely deployed and used, practically everywhere in
the marine and avionic world, for emergency and for daily use

B. Shortwave is a simple and reliable technology. In case of
emergency, it is immeasurably easier to set up a shortwave station.
Not to mention build one from available parts. Let's meet after the
EMP pulse hits and see who has emergency services faster.

C. I had email sent on SF systems over shortwave at 9600 baud when
most people's modems were 1200 baud, so don't diss it.

BPL does threaten to hurt shortwave quite a bit, and this is precisely
the reason why it won't come to be, IMHO - quite a bit will be way too
much in case of emergency.

-- Arik 4Z5RX

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Re: Private instant messaging server

2005-08-08 Thread Arik Baratz
On 08/08/05, Shachar Shemesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm trying to set up a network for a client in extreme paranoia mode.
 The network will be unconnected from the Internet, no floppies, etc. No,
 this is not a military institution.

If the clients are using GAIM, and you don't necessarily have to have
a protocol accessible by Windows machines, you can sse SILC from for which there is a native GAIM plugin - a
super-secure network complete with public key infrastructure etc.

-- Arik

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Re: Parsing a hebrew website and maintaining the encoding to something readable

2005-07-05 Thread Arik Baratz
On 05/07/05, Dvir Volk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not a python expert, but you can use libiconv to convert the text to
 utf-8. I use it with C and PHP, it probably has pyhton bindings, and it
 also has a small app called iconv, which you can pipe to get what you need.
 if you're not sure what your source encoding will be in all cases, i'd
 also recommend trying to detect the encoding from the html source, with
 a regex, and passing the result to iconv as the source encoding.

Python has its own conversion routines, and an internal Unicode
representation. The way to go is to use the decode() string method to
convert the page to the internal unicode representation, and then
render that representation in the encoding of your choice using
encode(). For instance:

s='Hebrew cp-1255 text שלום'

-- Arik

Re: Parsing a hebrew website and maintaining the encoding to something readable

2005-07-05 Thread Arik Baratz
On 05/07/05, Lior Kesos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Pasted from the python-il list.
 Thanks Viktorija (vika?) - that provided half of the solution.
 The full one is -

This one uses the unicode constructor to create the unicode object. I
rather like factories over constructors. It's a matter of personal
preference :-)

-- Arik

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Re: primary / second DNS Records

2005-06-02 Thread Arik Baratz
On 02/06/05, shimi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 nameserver about your domain. The TLD's authoritative nameserver replies
 with the list of nameservers you supplied to the registrar; If those
 nameservers are within your domain, it'll also send _in_the_same_reply_
 the IP addresses of these nameservers; No loop.

The technical name for this is Glue records

-- Arik

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Re: Prive mail-server issues (or: I am not a spammer!)

2005-05-22 Thread Arik Baratz
On 21/05/05, Hetz Ben Hamo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2. I see that you have a GMAIL account, so I would suggest you to use
 it's SMTP capabilities instead of your machine's SMTP.

Gmail rewrite the sender to point to the GMAIL account, AFAIK

-- Arik

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Re: ms on the offensive again

2005-05-20 Thread Arik Baratz
On 20/05/05, Tzafrir Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For the record: what are the limitations of such XP/cheapo? IIRC it is
 not intended to be a real independent workstation but rather a thin
 client mostly.

It won't run on a modern machine - only celerons and PIIIs and Durons.
Checked by CPUID.

-- Arik

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Re: nezeq overcharge for internet calls

2005-05-20 Thread Arik Baratz
On 20/05/05, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anyone had this problem or similar and how did you solve it.

Complaining and asking for a recheck sometimes help. It's called the
 system - eyther they succeed or they don't.

In my company we have an always-on 128k ISDN line for backup (when the
ADSL goes down). ISDN is a dialing medium, and there's a Cisco router
that's constantly dialing the line if it goes down. No big deal.
There's a payment to Bezeq, around 100 NIS a month, for dialing to
ISPs from that line.

Anyway, the company's accountant came to me one day asking me if we
need this line. I said sure, that's our backup, and it doesn't cost
much anyways. Not much? How about 4000NIS per month? My jaw dropped.

It turns out we weren't on the program for paying only 100NIS for
dialing to ISPs. We used to be, but for some reason we weren't. I told
the accountant to straighten it with Bezeq. He said they said we never
were on that program, and we can go on it starting next month...

I told the accountant I was SURE we were at a time in the past on this
program, and he has dug into the old bills and records, and he found
out that indeed up to 10 months back we were. A few more calls to
Bezeq and a 40K NIS check from Bezeq was mailed to us.

Do double-check every bill. It's worth your time. And raise hell if it
doesn't seem right. If you're on the wrong, you won't lose a thing. I
have more stories, but I have to go now.

-- Arik

Re: nezeq overcharge for internet calls

2005-05-20 Thread Arik Baratz
On 20/05/05, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 20 May 2005, Arik Baratz wrote:
  Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 21:08:40 +0300
  From: Arik Baratz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: nezeq overcharge for internet calls
   [Error: Formatting error: Internal base64 decoder error]
 Sorry Arik, can't read your reply.

Your mailer does something wrong or it doesn't treat the message as UTF-8.

Complaining and asking for a recheck sometimes help. It's called the
'MAZLIAX' system - either they succeed or they don't.

In my company we have an always-on 128k ISDN line for backup (when the
ADSL goes down). ISDN is a dialing medium, and there's a Cisco router
that's constantly dialing the line if it goes down. No big deal.
There's a payment to Bezeq, around 100 NIS a month, for dialing to
ISPs from that line.

Anyway, the company's accountant came to me one day asking me if we
need this line. I said sure, that's our backup, and it doesn't cost
much anyways. Not much? How about 4000NIS per month? My jaw dropped.

It turns out we weren't on the program for paying only 100NIS for
dialing to ISPs. We used to be, but for some reason we weren't. I told
the accountant to straighten it with Bezeq. He said they said we never
were on that program, and we can go on it starting next month...

I told the accountant I was SURE we were at a time in the past on this
program, and he has dug into the old bills and records, and he found
out that indeed up to 10 months back we were. A few more calls to
Bezeq and a 40K NIS check from Bezeq was mailed to us.

Do double-check every bill. It's worth your time. And raise hell if it
doesn't seem right. If you're on the wrong, you won't lose a thing.

-- Arik

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Re: Maintaining Python code

2005-05-01 Thread Arik Baratz
On 01/05/05, ik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File ./, line 6, in ?
 from distutils import log
 ImportError: cannot import name log
 I'm using Python 2.2 on a Red-Hat server.

'log' is a relatively new module in package 'distutils'. My Python 2.3
has it. Upgrade to Python 2.3 or 2.4 and it should work.

-- Arik

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Re: A Brief History of Linux in Israel

2005-04-24 Thread Arik Baratz
On 23/04/05, Shlomi Fish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I did the best to get the facts right, and do justice to the history. I'm not
 aware of any other one who documented the Israeli open-source history this
 way. Note that the page is world-editable so feel free to correct typos and
 stuff. I just ask that if you have more substantial modifications you'd like
 to incorporate there, that you'll raise them here before actually editing the

I don't know if it's relevant, but I have installed the 1st Linux
machine in the Technion's computer center (TCC), it's name was on my own personal machine with a TCC network
card. Slackware, Kernel was 1.2.3. I was working with Oved Ben-Aroya
at the time, and after a while Oved installed his own Linux on another
machine, and used it as a backup DNS server for the technion during
maintenance work on the network infrastructure.

Slackware 2.2 with kernel 1.2.3 is dated April 1995, so that's around
when it came to be. I'm not sure it was a first in any university's
computer center, but it's definitely one of the first systems around.

Oved, feel free to correct or add details about the second Linux in TCC.

-- Arik

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Re: weirdest problem ticket opened today.

2005-04-23 Thread Arik Baratz
On 21/04/05, Ez-Aton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's not a contest I want to win in. It happened once, and the backups were
 one week old. Yep. Bad luck. 

Yeah, bad luck. And I quote from your own words:

I played with a spare disk (small one) I had, and a backup script,
using tar... It happened that I was very drunk that night, and it
seemed like the best idea to play with the script

Your honor, this is a clear and cut case of DUI - Debugging Under the
Influence. The accused was trying to hide his actions, as is plainly
clear from his words again:

...a user starts talkint to me, saying he can't login to his home
dir... I've explained there are some maintanance works on the server,
and that it will be ok by morning. He claimed he can't read his mail
using pine (wonder why...), and I've used the same explanation...

After this overwhelming evidence, the prosecution demands that the
accused will receive the maximum penalty set for DUI in the law:
Running Windows 3.10 for 3 years.

-- Arik

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Re: weirdest problem ticket opened today.

2005-04-20 Thread Arik Baratz
 Few years ago, while (and still) administrating the Israeli Radio Amature
 Commette (IARC) server, which is a Linux machine, and back then it was old
 rm -Rf home

AAARG! NOW I know what happened to my f-ing files on that server!
Your backups were NOT up to date enough!!!

-- Arik 4z5rx

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Re: print a formatted directory tree

2005-04-07 Thread Arik Baratz
On Apr 7, 2005 3:44 PM, Noam Meltzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I remember I once encounted a utility which can print a formatted
 output of the directory tree.
 But can't find it now.

Hi Noam

There's a package named tree on my Mandrake installation, but I mainly
use a Python routine which I customize to my heart's content.

-- Arik

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os,sys,stat

def Crawl(sFolder,sIndent=):
crawl a folder


for sFile in lFiles:
except OSError:
print 'Cannot stat file %s' % sAbsFile

if stat.S_ISDIR(nMode):
print %s%s/ % (sIndent,sFile)
Crawl(sAbsFile,sIndent+   )
print %s%s % (sIndent,sFile)

def main():
if len(sys.argv)1:

if __name__ == '__main__':

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Re: Linux AP at a good price in Israel?

2005-03-15 Thread Arik Baratz
On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 13:55:59 +0200, Ira Abramov
 I was hoping for something closer to 350-400 NIS... am I dreaming?

Have someone import it for you. It's less than $200 so it can easily
be brought in the green lane, and even if the tax persons find it you
can show a receipt and tell them it's a wireless network adaptor. They
will probably not bother with figuring if it's legal or not.

What I usually do is I take the package apart, fold it, ship it in
another bag with my clothes, same goes for manuals etc. and put the
actual electronics in my carryon, which is littered with other,
visibly used electronics, cables and stuff anyway.

-- Arik

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Re: [OT] Python code is not Pseudocode [was Re: [OT] CS Languages for Teaching ]

2005-02-10 Thread Arik Baratz
On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 13:14:30 +0200, Shlomi Fish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Another thing to note is that I'm not sure Python code will be understandable
 by people who are not familiar with it, with OOP, etc. Pseudo-code can be
 understood by people with a minimal amount of CS education.


I think Pseudo-code needs to transmit an idea. Describe an idea in a
way that is relatively accurate and compact. When you want to describe
an algorithm in a way that it can be readily programmed.

It does NOT NOT NOT need to be understood by people without CS
education or little CS education, because writing pseudo-code already
intends your article to this type of audience.

From my experience with real people, python-esque pseudo-code is well
understood by people 'skilled in the art'. Even 2-page algorithms.

And Shlomi, stop nitpicking. If there is one way to find the len() of
an object, and that limits you in the pseudo-code that you are
writing, well, I can't do anything for you, but for me (and I believe
for most) it is EASIER to READ pseudo-code written in a single,
consistant way. Yes I know it's the one-way vs. many-ways argument,
but I think it holds especially for code that is read ONLY by humans,
and almost never by a computer.

-- Arik

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Re: Anyone using 013 ADSL here? (make sure they work with linux)

2005-02-10 Thread Arik Baratz
On Fri, 04 Feb 2005 02:08:38 +0200, Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 07:07:35PM +0200, Arik Baratz wrote:
  Don't tell them you're using Linux. Big mistake.
   I believe you are wrong. That doesn't mean they will support it. But
 they won't hang up either. I do believe that these days many supporters
 on the support desk are interested in other OSs too.

I'm sorry, Shaul, but in those times when the network is down and I
needed support, the people I had spoken to had me (get this!) take a
laptop, plug it to my ADSL network, change my ADSL address back to the
original, set up a fixed address of on my
laptop, and try to login. Of course it wouldn't work that way as well.

My strategy is to try to avert the subject as much as I can, for
instance, if I see 'LCP Timeout' I just say timeout, etc, and the
supporter assumes I am using windows. In these rare cases when I did
tell the supporter I am using Linux, he asked me if I can switch BACK
to Windows and check again. So I tell the guy okay, switching... Hold
on... Nope, didn't work

The only times I was successful was when I insisted that I was working
the exact same way for a year and didn't change my setup.

Favorite ISP support dialog:

Me: Hello, I have a problem with the backup DNS you are hosting for us...
Me: Hello, I am having problem running traceroute on your net
Me: Hello, for some reason I can't ping a host on your network
Supporter: Can you surf okay?

-- Arik

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Re: Anyone using 013 ADSL here? (make sure they work with linux)

2005-02-10 Thread Arik Baratz
On Fri, 04 Feb 2005 02:08:38 +0200, Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 07:07:35PM +0200, Arik Baratz wrote:
  Don't tell them you're using Linux. Big mistake.
   I believe you are wrong. That doesn't mean they will support it. But
 they won't hang up either. I do believe that these days many supporters
 on the support desk are interested in other OSs too.

I didn't say they hang up. In my experience the knee-jerk reaction is
to tell you to try it in Windows, or tell you that they don't support

-- Arik

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Re: Anyone using 013 ADSL here? (make sure they work with linux)

2005-02-03 Thread Arik Baratz
On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 19:28:36 +0200, Micha Feigin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was wondering if anyone connects to them through linux, and what is needed?
 I am currently using PPPoE with beseqint, and that is relatively easy to 
 What do 013 use?

I use a PPTP tunnel with them, but I guess if your PPPoE setup works
with BezeqInt it should work with 013, just change your secrets file
and your login.

Tip: They sometimes have strange login names, which can be very VERY
long, for example [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yes, the
is part of the username.

 From previous experience when I call support and tell them that I connect
 through a gateway which is an old G3 mac running linux I loose them on the 
 ;-) so I want to be prepared before hand.

Don't tell them you're using Linux. Big mistake.

-- Arik

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OT: Looking for Alcatel SpeedTouch Home

2005-02-03 Thread Arik Baratz
Hi all

Looking for an Alcatel SpeedTouch Home DSL modem, in working
condition, either modified or unmodified.

It's the one with the Ethernet connection.


-- Arik

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Re: OT: Looking for Alcatel SpeedTouch Home

2005-02-03 Thread Arik Baratz
On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 19:13:53 +0200, Arik Baratz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all
 Looking for an Alcatel SpeedTouch Home DSL modem, in working
 condition, either modified or unmodified.
 It's the one with the Ethernet connection.

Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention: I am looking to BUY it.

-- Arik

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Re: OT: Looking for Alcatel SpeedTouch Home

2005-02-03 Thread Arik Baratz
On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 21:08:13 +0200, Marc A. Volovic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention: I am looking to BUY it.
 ebay, dear.

Well, there are not many Israeli sellers in eBay, and I don't want to
ship it from abroad. If requesting on Linux-IL won't help, then maybe.
But my current Alcatel SpeedTouch Home was bought on... Linux-IL, from

-- Arik

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Re: Help make OpenOffice 2.0 better for Hebrew users

2005-01-09 Thread Arik Baratz
On Sun, 09 Jan 2005 15:30:25 +0200, Shoshannah Forbes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have complied a list of the most important of these bugs, and I would
 be glad if people take the time, sign up to the bug tracking system,
 and vote for them:

I just did it, and I must say that the OOO registration process is
super-easy, and so is the voting. Registration and voting takes
literally 5 minutes of your time.

-- Arik

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Re: sign up for go-linux

2004-12-21 Thread Arik Baratz
On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 16:29:34 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have just visited the signup page. I whanted to know out why
 my ID number is needed in order to sign up ?

Just lie to them. Very simple. You're under no obligation - moral or
otherwise - to give them the correct information. I can proudly say
that I always lie about my national ID number, except for one case
when I didn't (so if you ask me if I lied to you, I can say you're the
one case I didn't lie about)

And if they run a checksum, keep trying - 1 in 10 numbers is valid, a
manual brute force attack would do it.

-- Arik

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Re: [OT] buying a domain name

2004-12-10 Thread Arik Baratz
On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 18:01:41 +0200, Noam Meltzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was looking for a referal to one of those.


I've been with them for several years now, and they are okay, very
cheap. They also have a feature that prevents domain hijacking.

I get no kickback.

-- Arik

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2004-11-28 Thread Arik Baratz
On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 17:21:04 +0200, Ira Abramov
 - Ira, the windows server's NIC died, we want to take the unused one
   from the Linux, OK?

I am afraid there is only one thing to do.


Actually, the ethernet emPOWERment device might be useful :-)

-- Arik

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Google and Firefox

2004-11-18 Thread Arik Baratz
I guess Google has Firefox fans

-- Arik

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Re: Configuring Postfix to use in the MAIL FROM SMTP Command.

2004-10-25 Thread Arik Baratz
On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 16:58:12 +0200, Shlomi Fish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all!
 I'm using postfix on Mandrake, so I can use the sendmail command to send mail.
 At the moment, postfix sends messages like this:
 As you can see the problem there is that the MAIL FROM header reads:

First your domain setup is incorrect. Refer to

Second, you need to modify your send command - add the '-f' command to
the sendmail command and specify the envelope address:

sendmail -f [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...

More postfix's sendmail emulation options in

-- Arik

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Re: sweet!

2004-10-20 Thread Arik Baratz
 who wants to kiss at midnight?
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ uptime
  20:48:22 up 355 days, 19:48,  4 users,  load average: 2.35, 0.96, 0.71

Anything can happen in 10 days...

-- Arik

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Re: as root doing 'ls' i get Permission denied

2004-09-11 Thread Arik Baratz
On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 15:50:46 +0300, Kfir Lavi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 stat64(spaces2points, 0x805b08c)  = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)

How about the following commands in order:

# chmod 777 dir-name
# chmod -R 777 dir-name
# chown -R 0.0 dir-name

-- Arik

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Re: Hauppauge WinTV-PVR in Israel

2004-07-25 Thread Arik Baratz
I got this in my mail today:

--- cp ---
New stuff @ Plonter

We got Hauppauge PVR Cards (PVR = Personal video recorder)

--- cp ---

The prices are a bit higher there.

-- Arik

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 13:55:16 +0300, Udi Finkelstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Recently several people have looked for Hauppauge's hardware TV encoding
 It seems that have started selling Hauppauge cards in
 WinTV-PVR 350 for 1250 NIS (IR remote + TV-0ut + FM Radio)
 WinTV-PVR 250 for 925 NIS (IR remote)
 WinTV-PVR 250 MCE for 850 NIS (FM Radio)
 Note: I have no connection with, nor am I their
 customer. I just ran into their site.
 I have a WinTV-PVR 350 bought elsewhere.
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Postfix and DNS question

2004-06-09 Thread Arik Baratz

Hello all

I have a question regarding postfix and DNS servers.

I'm running postfix, and I'm trying to get it to use a specific DNS server. Try as I 
might, I can't seem to convince it to use the DNS server in /etc/resolv.conf - it goes 
to the DNS installed on the machine, as tcpdump confirms.

How does postfix decide on the DNS server to use? I couldn't make it out.

Oh, and /var/spool/postfix/etc/resolv.conf is linked to /etc/resolv.conf


-- Arik

RE: Fwd: FW: Skype for Linux

2004-05-20 Thread Arik Baratz

 -Original Message-
 From: Tzahi Fadida [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 there are numerous others that can do the same. the only 
 difference of skype
 to others is that
 if you are in some office or some isp that don't provide a 
 real ip(which is
 not really done anymore
 since no one will pay for this) and also your other friend 
 have the same
 problem then you have a problem
 other then that many applications match skype ability to call 
 another user.

Like I mentioned before, Free World Dialup ( works nicely 
with (or without) NAT on both sides of the link. It does this by employing some kind 
of nat traversal equipment which coordinates the two communication sides ports, and in 
the case of the really bad NATs, even makes the packets go through it and tunnels it 
to the other side.

And the protocol is both OPEN and STANDARD (SIP/RTP)

I have it working very nice for me. Saved me a small fortune in international phone 
calls too!

-- Arik (FWD #23501)

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RE: Fwd: FW: Skype for Linux - an alternative

2004-05-19 Thread Arik Baratz

 -Original Message-
 From: Diego Iastrubni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 4:15 AM
 To: Ilya Konstantinov; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Linux-IL
 Subject: Re: Fwd: FW: Skype for Linux
 and yet, I have not decent way to talk with my family abroad 
 using linux/free 
 Any ideas?

How about giving FreeWorldDialup (FWD) a try?

The protocol is SIP (RFC2543). Interoperability - check. The audio uses RTP.

The endpoint needs to be a SIP phone - either a hardware one (and there's one for $70) 
or a software one. There's KPhone and some proprietary Linux ones.

The service itself is free. There are a few other free proxies, so if this one goes 
down you can use another.

What's really nice about FWD is that Pulver supplies a NAT proxy. If both sides are 
behind a NAT, they can still converse!

If you get to configure it and use it, drop me a line at FWD #23501

I can testify that I had spoken with my X-GF for literally HOURS from India to Israel, 
for nothing.

-- Arik

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RE: X on the machine

2004-05-11 Thread Arik Baratz

   Now that he's able to ssh, he cannot run X appl., he needs to use Lyx:
   X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication at Tue May 11 11:37:12 
   Rejected connection at Tue May 11 11:37:12 2004: X11 connection from port 1356
   lyx: Fatal IO error: client killed

  if he's logged on directly to that machine without ssh'ing to it he is able  
  to run X appl.

Try to logout and login again using:


That turns on X11 forwarding, and ssh handles the authentication.

-- Arik
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RE: Help manipulating new cell phone numbers

2004-04-22 Thread Arik Baratz

-Original Message-
From: Ehud Karni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 21:17:18 +0300 (IDT), Geoffrey S. Mendelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Enclosed is a perl script I wrote (in simple easy to follow code) that
  reads a file exported by morotola phone tools, and converts it. The
  actual conversion is done in a subroutine that can be used elsewhere.
 Below is an Emacs command that will find current cellular phone numbers
 and possibly (with user approval) will replace it.

Below is a Python script that is multi-functional.


To convert a single number:

./ num=055-123456 

To convert a Nokia Content Copier 1.3 file (part of Nokia Data
Suite 4.88 and maybe others) use (supply only the PhoneBook.ncc
and Calendar.ncc files):

./ nokiafile=PhoneBook.ncc

To convert an excel spreadsheet by scanning the entire spreadsheet
and changing everything that looks like a phone number (WARNING
Win32 platform only): excel=c:\temp\file.xls

For all conversions, you can add the keyword 'i18n' anywhere on
the command line and if the number was in the local notation
(055-123456) it will be converted to an international notation

./ num=055 123-456 i18n

The script recognizes the following formats:


and it tries to maintain formatting as much as possible, so
if you write:

./ num=+972 (55) 123-456

you will get:

+972 (54) 512-3456

If you wish, you can extend it for more file formats (I'll
leave CSV files as an excercise to the reader).

You can also use the convertion function in your own Python
scripts. The API is simple - it takes a string and returns a
string. If the conversion fails or is unnecessary it returns
the original string. If an optional 2nd parameter is True, i18n
conversion is performed.

import CellNum
print NumConvert(sNum,True)

-- Arik

--cut here--
# Israeli cellular smart numbering system convertion

import os
import time
import codecs

def NumConvert(sNumber,bI18N=False):

Detect the different parts of an Israeli phone number
Convert the number to the new system
Prefixes an international prefix (+972) if it doesn't exist (optional)
Retains as much as possible from the original format of the number

dAddedDigit = { u'50':(u'50',u'5'), u'51':(u'50',u'7'), u'52':(u'52',u'2'),
u'53':(u'52',u'3'), u'54':(u'54',u'4'), u'55':(u'54',u'5'),
u'56':(u'50',u'6'), u'57':(u'57',u'7'), u'58':(u'52',u'8'),
u'64':(u'52',u'4'), u'65':(u'52',u'5'),
u'66':(u'54',u'6'), u'67':(u'54',u'7'), u'68':(u'50',u'8') }
sNumDigits = u'+1234567890'
sCellPrefix = u'56'


# scan the original number, extract digits and link back to original position
for i in range(len(sNumber)):
if sNumber[i] in sNumDigits:

# sanity
if len(sRealNum)8:
return sNumber

# already internationalized?

# check for intel prefix like +972-55-987617
if sRealNum[0:4]==u'+972':
# fix misguided people who write '+972 (055) 987617'
if sRealNum[4]==u'0':
# check for intel prefix w/o the plus, like 972.55.987617
elif sRealNum[0:3]==u'972':
# fix misguided people who write '972.055.987617'
if sRealNum[3]==u'0':
# check for dialing from the US, like 011 (972) 55-987617
elif sRealNum[0:6]==u'011972':
# check for local prefix, like 055-987617
elif sRealNum[0]==u'0':
# check for poorly formatted numbers of the form (55) 987 617
elif len(sRealNum)==8:
# else unknown format
return sNumber

# check for cellular
if not sRealNum[nPrefixStart] in sCellPrefix:
return sNumber
# extract the prefix component

# verify that it's a cell number due for change
if not sPrefix in dAddedDigit:
return sNumber

# extract the suffix

# verify old length
if not len(sSuffix)==6:
return sNumber

# It's eligable for change!
sNewPrefix,sNewDigit = dAddedDigit[sPrefix]

## build the new number


# I18N?
if bI18N and not bAlreadyI18N:
# if the first character was not a digit, add a space for better formatting
if lOrig[0]!=0:

RE: bounced messages

2004-02-17 Thread Arik Baratz

Oh well, time to get the magnifying glass out again... are routing the mail back to

Received: from ([]
by with esmtp
id 1At30B-0007it-Fx
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 17 Feb 2004 13:03:01 +0200

which in turn redirect it to the list again ad infinitum (or until the built-in loop 
detection mechanism in SMTP kicks in).

This can be caused by some piece of software in that company that attempts to deliver 
to a sender that's not in the envelope but rather in the body of the message somewhere.

A clue may be found in this header:

x-bbh: 2/17/2004 3:02:48 AM

which is stuck between two Exchange Server 2003 headers:

Received: from mail pickup service by with Microsoft
 Tue, 17 Feb 2004 03:02:49 -0800
thread-index: AcP1RZRfFG3/AIG2RnGN2CKbWwQbFQ==
x-bbh: 2/17/2004 3:02:48 AM
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.0); Tue,
 17 Feb 2004 03:02:48 -0800

The Ex2K3 server, CLMAILQ4, gets the mail and does something with it. The second 
Receive line, after the strange x-bbh header, belongs to the same CLMAILQ04 server, 
but this time it receives the mail from a mail pickup service - if I'm not mistaken 
this is the Exchange pickup folder (similar to the pickup folder in postfix).

After that, CLEX02 gets the message. Its name suggest a cluster, and in my experience 
this means mailbox server. My guess is a direct delivery by means of a smarthost on 

Then CLEX02 sends the message outside, doing MX-based delivery, but the envelope 
recipient has changed:

Received: from ([]
by with esmtp
id 1At30B-0007it-Fx
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 17 Feb 2004 13:03:01 +0200

it is now [EMAIL PROTECTED] - this address could not have appeared in the envelope 
prior to entering - it was invented along the way Something has copied 
the To: header from the body of the email message and used it as an envelope recipient 
- something that's expressly forbidden by RFC2821.

I don't have enough experience with Ex2K3, but my Ex2K experience tells me that 
Exchange doesn't violate the RFC in such a blatant way (it does, but in more subtle 

I would guess that the whole reason for CLMAILQ4's existance is to filter incoming 
mail (for viruses?) and the piece of crappy software used is nick-named or shortened 
to BBH. Someone should clue these guys. I've CC-ed their postmaster. If the list 
maintainer cares, they should search the address database for addresses 
or any address which MX resolves to a matchnet address, and send them a warning (and 
remove them from the list if they fail to clue their sysadmins)

-- Arik

-Original Message-
From: Ely Levy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 1:26 PM
Subject: bounced messages

I saw few bounced messages to the list,
I can't figure out from which list subscriber it comes,

last one headers was:

Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Delivery-date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 13:12:29 +0200
Received: from localhost
([] helo=cs ident=listar)
by with esmtp
id 1At31p-0007rZ-Pp; Tue, 17 Feb 2004 13:04:38 +0200
Received: with LISTAR (v0.124a; list linux-il); Tue,
 17 Feb 2004 13:03:35 +0200 (IST)
Received: from ([]
by with esmtp
id 1At30B-0007it-Fx
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 17 Feb 2004 13:03:01 +0200
Received: from ([]) by
with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.0);
 Tue, 17 Feb 2004 03:02:49 -0800
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.0);
 Tue, 17 Feb 2004 03:02:49 -0800
Received: from mail pickup service by with Microsoft
 Tue, 17 Feb 2004 03:02:49 -0800
thread-index: AcP1RZRfFG3/AIG2RnGN2CKbWwQbFQ==
x-bbh: 2/17/2004 3:02:48 AM
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.0); Tue,
 17 Feb 2004 03:02:48 -0800
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
Importance: normal
Received: from (  by
with ESMTP; 17 Feb 2004 03:02:48 -0800
Priority: normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.3790.0
X-BrightmailFiltered: true
Received: from localhost ([] helo=cs ident=listar) by with esmtp id 1At2qM-0007FS-5t; Tue,
 17 Feb 2004 12:52:46 +0200
Received: with LISTAR (v0.124a; 

RE: Configuring GDM to limit user actions

2004-02-09 Thread Arik Baratz

-Original Message-
From: David Sapir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Arik,
 Thanks for your answer.
 How can I disable the RunAs service?

Start -- Run -- Settings -- Control Panel -- Administrative tools -- Services

Right-click the Run-As service, select properties, click 'Stop', change the startup 
mode to 'Disabled', click Ok.

It's a WINDOWS service. There's no Linux parallel (except maybe sudo but that's not a 

 How can I modify the menues?
 Reminder: running Gnome on RH9.

Sorry, I don't do Linux desktop yet. I work in a Windows-oriented company.

-- Arik

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RE: Configuring GDM to limit user actions

2004-02-08 Thread Arik Baratz

-Original Message-
From: Mark Veltzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 1. The operating system does not, per se, state which applications each user 
 can run. If a user has running capabilities then he can launch any executable 
 file. Even an executable file which was derived from consulting some greek 
 all knowing oracle who can program in binary.

Nope. It is definitely possible.

Using group permissions, it is possible to define different levels of users who can
run different applications depending on their group membership. All that's needed
to do is:

A. put the users in relevant groups
B. restrict execute access to the binaries to the relevant groups
C. prevent the users from running their own binaries, by restricting execution rights
   to disk space they can write into

 2. The desktop may hide some buttons but this is no guaratee what so ever that 
 the user wont be able to launch an application. You better look at buttons as 
 fast ways of doing things and not as you can/can't separators. This is not 
 windows we are talking about.

You can limit access to the actual binaries, see my previous response.

 3. No set of standard desktop applications has been certified as not allowing 
 in some strage way to launch a shell since launching a shell is absolutely 
 allowed in Linux (and encouraged for that matter).

If your application dictates it, you can indeed restrict a user from running a shell, 
the mechanism disscussed before.

 4. If you take konqueror for example, it will allow you to have a shell 
 running inside it.

Konq. still needs to run the actual shell, and it runs under the UID of the launching 
so any restrictions you put on the shell will be reflected by Knoq.

 5. The number of ways you could manipulate an application to launch a shell 
 for you is so numerous that I can't really think of a large GUI application 
 which I CANT launch a shell from by manipulating it in some way.

If you limit access to the actual shell executables on your system and make sure
everything the user runs is with his own privileges, you can do it. It takes work but 
possible, I say 1-2 days of tinkering.

 6. If this entire concept of yours is some marketing peoples idea for the 
 users not touching our system go back to them and tell them it's a dream

On the contrary, it is very possible, and I have seen it done more than once on various
free-shell accounts and other places.

 7. GDM is just the login application and does not control what the user sees 
 or does not see on his desktop. The user can even login from GDM to a KDE 


 BTW: just for the record - the situation in windows is a lot worse since in 
 most windows distributions the user has installation priveleges on the 
 machine so he can actually halt the machine (for instance by running an 
 installation process which removes critical files) or render the machine 
 unbootable. In Linux he could just launch applications and not hurt anyone 
 but himself. Quite an improvement.

Actually Microsoft has enough tools to make it possible. Indeed the original
configuration NT (4.0 and above) comes with does define the global user
Everyone with permission to most of the hard-drive, but it is very possible to
build a machine with the correct permission-set.

Oh, yes, and disable the RunAs service.

-- Arik

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RE: [OT] SPAM: Hakupon shel Hamdina / Ha'Luach Hainterneti

2004-02-01 Thread Arik Baratz

I complained to both 012 (where the mail came from) and BezeqInt (where they host 
their site which serves the images).

-- Arik

-Original Message-
From: Ben-Nes Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 5:08 PM
To: Alon Altman; Linux-IL
Subject: Re: [OT] SPAM: Hakupon shel Hamdina / Ha'Luach Hainterneti

I think we all should complain infront of the ISP about this spam

I already forwarded this mail to spamcop

Canaan Surfing Ltd.
Internet Service Providers
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- Original Message - 
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RE: [JOB OFFER] Adwise Seeking - PHP Professional

2004-01-18 Thread Arik Baratz

-Original Message-


  so, what do you chose - to keep people antagonized towards your company,
  or to be a little more flexible?

 Our company wants to get people that are open minded. Not the ones that will be
 stuck with something. We are working here, not playing games with 'open' source.
 We need a professional programmers. People that can create products.

Huh? Run that by me again? Playing games? I can't begin to describe how
wrong you are.

 Really all those messages looked childish to me.

Eliezer Ben Yehuda had to take exactly this kind of cr*p when he tried to
convert people to use Hebrew in Israel.

 If you have some moral reasons for using MS Word you are not welcomed here.

You are on the wrong mailing-list, buddy. Marc, don't you have some SCSI cable
handy for this purpose?

 For people that just do not have MS Word send you documents in HTML or rtf of
 plain ASCII format.

Now that's more like it. At least the need is recognized.

-- Arik
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RE: and what's with pine+imap? (was: Re: Suggentions for server sidespam control)

2003-12-31 Thread Arik Baratz

-Original Message-
From: guy keren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 i'm beginning to think i'm asking for the imposible - to filter the
 letter, i need to first download it. however, i should be able to filter
 out by the message headers that _are_ downloaded by imap, thus eliminating
 a large part of the spam, and only then downloading the rest of it for
 further inspection...

 oh, well. no spam solution for me...

Actually there is.

I'm using the Outlook plugin version, and it works great.

Basically what they say is that there are two folders: Decided spam
and Suspected spam. There are two thresholds, spam threshold and
suspect threshold. The suspect folder is intended to catch all those
messages that are undecided for the purpose of training (and initially
they are all suspect). After some training it gets really good at it.

The application is an IMAP proxy. You set it up on some port, and connect through it. 
It senses when you move mail to the spam folder or from the
suspect folder into the inbox folder and considers that to be traininig.

-- Arik
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RE: Analysis of the Y1 authentication scheme (RE: An approach I madeto 1st yashir bank)

2003-12-30 Thread Arik Baratz

Hi Shachar

 3. To unlock the teller's terminal, you have to answer a
challange provided by the terminal. The teller aids you
by reading the challange to you and typing your vocal
reply into the terminal. The challange is derived from
a one-time-pad that you have filled out during your
 This is not a one time pad. For one thing, it's not one time. This can 
 be more correctly called broken zero knowledge proof. You must admit 
 that it does provide SOME protection from replay attacks.

You are correct and I appologize - it's a shared secret.

 1. Replay attack - the 1 time pad I filled upon signup is
5x8=40 characters. Authentication is done based on the 
first few letters of the one time pad (I was never asked
to provide a char farther than 5th) so it is 25 possible
characters. If someone has been listening to 10 random
calls they have a 33% chance of making it in the 1st try
and 56% on both attempts, without guessing.
 I'm not sure that part is correct. Did you take into account the chances 
 that some of those 10 calls I listened on will not yeild me new questions?

No, I didn't specify my assumption that they choose questions
in a pattern that repeats only after the pool is exhausted, but
you are correct. In reality they don't, which only improves on
the chances.

 2. The users are asked to choose hebrew names for the OTP.
This increases the chance of success considerably. If the
evesdropper can pick out enough characters they can guess
at the responses, without resorting to social engineering
notwithstanding. Some of the questions are damn right easy
to guess - name of the city you were born? from a 26**8 =
2e11 possibilities this field is now only the number of
cities in Israel (less than 1000, I think), with some
large cities with a higher probability. Names are not
much better. IMHO the strongest question is the name of
the school attended, which is usualy not mentioned and
doesn't follow any pattern, except the word IRONI ()
 That's where the implementation is broken beyond the chosen security 
 level. This security is a constant tradeoff between needing the human to 
 remember the passwords and securing the authentication. I don't really 
 care about that level, because I'm not the one taking responsibility for 
 it. Everything I do over the phone is insured against identity theft.

Are you sure? What if John Doe does something to your account
which costs you a bundle. You call the bank to complain, and
they reply that YOU have committed those changes. You're
screwed, because they have the bank records to show you did,
and the phone conversation was conviniently erased.

 A while back, however, I noticed that I get asked ONLY THE SAME 4 
 LETTERS THE WHOLE TIME!!  This means that if I listen in to a single 
 call, and then call you ONCE, I have a 50% chance of breaking the 
 system. Like I wrote in the fax, I never got around to actually telling 
 anyone about it. I even worked out a scheme where I can do this 
 practically using only a cell-phone frequency scanner. I feel this 
 problem has been fixed, since.

I will follow up on this. I rarely call today because I do
most stuff over the internet.

 The problem I have today is not that bad, but still negligant. When I 
 have to answer a question with one of the final letters, I have to 
 specifically say whether it's a final form or not. This gives Eve more 
 information about the word in question than intended.

I wasn't aware of that, thanks.

 Answering two questions is a nice idea! I'll suggest it if/when someone 
 gets back to me. Increasing the size of the shared secret (that's what 
 it is) is nice.

And necessary, I'm afraid.

 Please remember that humans are notorious for not remembering important 
 Maybe you can remember a random sequence of characters, but most can't.

It's not random, it's pseudo random in an associative way.

Let's say their question is . I take the
identifying theme - - - and I invent a phrase which
associated with it:   
(which associates with another story of me contradicting my 6th
grade nature teacher regarding this issue)

Now take the first letter of each word, and fill as the 8 chars
in the shared secret: =. It's
easy to remember (I have to remember a sentence associatively)
and when asked the question I have to go over the phrase and
give the 1st letter of the word.

It's less strong than random, but it's not so weak. That's how
I choose passwords too, BTW.

And no, please don't try to hack my bank account, this is not
the sentence I used.

 And the 3rd point can be countered by refusing to supply
 the teller (or imposter) with any details that can aid in
 a MitM attack. Demand that they supply you with verifyable
 information. Put them on hold while you call and verify.
 I had them tell me the last two digits of my balance, which
 I could verify by calling back.
 I usually force out 

Analysis of the Y1 authentication scheme (RE: An approach I made to 1st yashir bank)

2003-12-29 Thread Arik Baratz

I wish to comment about the stupid/lacking security.

First, a description.

The Y1 authentication mechanism relies on the following two

1. Upon calling, you have to type in your account number and
   a 6 digit password. You can only try the password 3 times
   before you are locked out. The system forces the user to
   replace the password every few months. The password is
   sent using touch-tone dialing, which makes it vulnerable
   to a replay attack on the audio signal and to a replay
   attack where the attacker can decode and re-encode the
   signal. New passwords are sent in-band. Chance of a
   brute-force attack:  1% (due to the lockout)

   After the password is supplied you have read-only access
   to a lot of information that can be either read to you
   over the phone or faxed to you. It is rumored that there
   are some operations that you may perform on your account
   from some obscured menu, but I was never successful
   (although I tried) and the actions are limited and non-

2. When you request it, you can ask to talk to a teller. The
   system then puts you on a queue and connects you to a
   human. The human has very limited read-only access to your
   account information, and cannot be social-engineered to
   give it to you - it is unavailable.

3. To unlock the teller's terminal, you have to answer a
   challange provided by the terminal. The teller aids you
   by reading the challange to you and typing your vocal
   reply into the terminal. The challange is derived from
   a one-time-pad that you have filled out during your
   account set-up. The size of the challange is a position
   on the OTP, and the response size is one Hebrew character
   from that position on the OTP. You are locked out after
   two attempts. The OTP has a 5x8=40 positions. Each row
   has a name, and each column has an ordinal number.

   The chance of a successful brute force attack is 9%, in
   theory, due to the small length of the response.

3a. A relatively new system has been installed, which
replaces step 3, identifies the user's voice to the
terminal. If the voice identification is successful
the terminal is unlocked, while if it is unsuccessful
the terminal reverts to method 3. I have no data
regarding the accuracy of that system. This provides
the bank with a true 2F authentication... with a
fallback to a 1F method. Go figure.

Although the system sounds good on paper, it is lacking in
these respects:

1. Replay attack - the 1 time pad I filled upon signup is
   5x8=40 characters. Authentication is done based on the 
   first few letters of the one time pad (I was never asked
   to provide a char farther than 5th) so it is 25 possible
   characters. If someone has been listening to 10 random
   calls they have a 33% chance of making it in the 1st try
   and 56% on both attempts, without guessing.

2. The users are asked to choose hebrew names for the OTP.
   This increases the chance of success considerably. If the
   evesdropper can pick out enough characters they can guess
   at the responses, without resorting to social engineering
   notwithstanding. Some of the questions are damn right easy
   to guess - name of the city you were born? from a 26**8 =
   2e11 possibilities this field is now only the number of
   cities in Israel (less than 1000, I think), with some
   large cities with a higher probability. Names are not
   much better. IMHO the strongest question is the name of
   the school attended, which is usualy not mentioned and
   doesn't follow any pattern, except the word IRONI ()

3. Sometimes they call you back. When they do, THEY ask YOU
   to identify yourself to THEM. Hilarious! When I demanded
   that they first prove to me that they are indeed the Y1,
   they put me on hold SO I CAN LISTEN TO THE HOLD MUSIC!!!
   which is very vulnerable to a replay attack.

I think the system is not bad to begin with. If you are not
paranoid enough to suspect a wiretap, you can disregard #1,
although the size of the OTP is really small. I'd be happy
with a longer one, from which you have to reply with 4-5
letters. Even replying with two letters reduces the chance
of a random attack from 9% to below 0.5%. The chance of
someone reaching that stage is low, because they have to
guess the 6-digit password first.

To counter point #2, you obviously have to disregard the
stupid questions they ask you and invent your own scheme
for filling up the OTP with random or pseudo-random data.
My OTP does NOT have any hebrew words in it.

And the 3rd point can be countered by refusing to supply
the teller (or imposter) with any details that can aid in
a MitM attack. Demand that they supply you with verifyable
information. Put them on hold while you call and verify.
I had them tell me the last two digits of my balance, which
I could verify by calling back.

It's not foolproof, but if you are security conscious you are
safer than most people. Regretfully 

RE: Hard Disk mirroring

2003-12-22 Thread Arik Baratz

It really depends on what you're trying to do.

If you want a logical copy, you can use the ol' tar trick:

tar --preserve --one-file-system -cf - | (cd /mountpoint ; tar --preserve -xf -)

If you want a physical copy, you can do:

mount /mountpoint-of-old-disk -oremount,ro
dd if=/dev/old-disk-dev of=/dev/new-disk-dev

This will probably mess up your patrition table on the
new disk, you'll have a partitioning scheme the same as
the old drive, but it's good for backup.

If you are worried about a disk failure, you can leave
both disks in the machine and run them in RAID-1 mode
using raidtoold or mdadm. There's a procedure to be
followed for adding another disk to an existing one and
creating a mirrored pair without destroying your
current copy, at: (read Q 10 and the reply) - older but 
still true

The mdadm tools are better and newer. Some of the stuff
I have linked to refers to raidtools which are older.

-- Arik

-Original Message-
From: Amir Spivak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 11:49 AM
Subject: Hard Disk mirroring

I have a server which i want to copy in case of a HD failure, the way i want to do it 
is just copying all its contents to a new HD that i will mount on the server, after 
mounting, i want a utility that will mirror entire HD to it in the simplest way 
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RE: Hard Disk mirroring

2003-12-22 Thread Arik Baratz


1. Boot from a Redhat rescue disk or Mandrake rescue
   disk or some other kind of bootable CD or floppy
   that has mount, tar, mkfs for your filesystem,
   fdisk etc.
2. Mount both disk drives (I assume the new drive is
   partitioned and formatted)
3. CD to the original drive
4. Run the tar command from below
5. Chroot to the new drive
6. Run /sbin/lilo or whatever you need to run to
   rebuild the boot record on the drive
7. Test it before you announce that it's good.


-- Arik

-Original Message-
From: Amir Spivak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 1:47 PM
To: Arik Baratz
Subject: Re: Hard Disk mirroring

i want to copy all the contents of the old HD into the newly mounted drive,
so in the case of failure of the old one i can just install the newly
mounted one and everything will work.
- Original Message - 
From: Arik Baratz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 1:30 PM
Subject: RE: Hard Disk mirroring

It really depends on what you're trying to do.

If you want a logical copy, you can use the ol' tar trick:

tar --preserve --one-file-system -cf - | (cd /mountpoint ;
tar --preserve -xf -)

If you want a physical copy, you can do:

mount /mountpoint-of-old-disk -oremount,ro
dd if=/dev/old-disk-dev of=/dev/new-disk-dev

This will probably mess up your patrition table on the
new disk, you'll have a partitioning scheme the same as
the old drive, but it's good for backup.

If you are worried about a disk failure, you can leave
both disks in the machine and run them in RAID-1 mode
using raidtoold or mdadm. There's a procedure to be
followed for adding another disk to an existing one and
creating a mirrored pair without destroying your
current copy, at: (read Q 10 and the
reply) -
older but still true
The mdadm tools are better and newer. Some of the stuff
I have linked to refers to raidtools which are older.

-- Arik

-Original Message-
From: Amir Spivak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 11:49 AM
Subject: Hard Disk mirroring

I have a server which i want to copy in case of a HD failure, the way i want
to do it is just copying all its contents to a new HD that i will mount on
the server, after mounting, i want a utility that will mirror entire HD to
it in the simplest way possible,
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Hebrew CMS / Wiki

2003-12-17 Thread Arik Baratz

Hello all

I'm on the look for a Hebrew CMS or Wiki.

My requirements are:

1. That it will be localized (i.e. the on-screen instructions will
   also be localized)
2. That it will have the option to lock pages to a specific author,
   and password-protect the author's account
3. Easy to install on a standard web host (a Linux one)
4. Better if it's written in a programming language one can read
   and make changes to (i.e. not Perl CGI)

I've been looking at MoinMoin, and it does most of what I want,
except for the protection of pages. The stable CVS dump works
quite nicely, but it doesn't have localized Hebrew. Since MacMac
( is localized, I guess the nightly contains the
localized file.

Do you know of any other? One that's in active development and has

-- Arik

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RE: Hebrew CMS / Wiki

2003-12-17 Thread Arik Baratz

-Original Message-
From: Gabor Szabo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  4. Better if it's written in a programming language one can read
 and make changes to (i.e. not Perl CGI)
 Talk about FUD

Sorry, Gabor, I'm a Python person. My ignorance of Perl combined with my
lack of will to study it prompted me to mentioned it. Perl might be a
wonderful language but it's not for me. Hence I respectfully prefer other
languages to it, although if there's one which supports what I want more
fully I will go for it.

-- Arik
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RE: Hebrew CMS / Wiki

2003-12-17 Thread Arik Baratz

If it's a CMS-type thingy I prefer one more akin to

My PHP/HTTP skillz are not good. I prefer to work on things closer to my
heart, where I can express myself more fully.

-- Arik

-Original Message-
From: Oleg Kobets [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 4:38 PM
To: Arik Baratz; Linux-IL
Subject: Re: Hebrew CMS / Wiki

Actually, I faced the exact same problem. In the end I wrote my own CMS, as
you can look at my site:

I do not have some of the functions that you mentioned, but we can come with
something up if you are willing to help on the dev side. I use PHP and MySQL
and nothing else.

What do you say, let's make it an opensource project ? :-)


- Original Message - 
From: Arik Baratz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 4:06 PM
Subject: Hebrew CMS / Wiki

Hello all

I'm on the look for a Hebrew CMS or Wiki.

My requirements are:

1. That it will be localized (i.e. the on-screen instructions will
   also be localized)
2. That it will have the option to lock pages to a specific author,
   and password-protect the author's account
3. Easy to install on a standard web host (a Linux one)
4. Better if it's written in a programming language one can read
   and make changes to (i.e. not Perl CGI)

I've been looking at MoinMoin, and it does most of what I want,
except for the protection of pages. The stable CVS dump works
quite nicely, but it doesn't have localized Hebrew. Since MacMac
( is localized, I guess the nightly contains the
localized file.

Do you know of any other? One that's in active development and has

-- Arik

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RE: Hebrew (was [KINDERGARDEN])

2003-12-09 Thread Arik Baratz

-Original Message-
From: Aaron [aamehl at bezeqint dot net]

  How about configuring people, who don't know Hebrew, but their E-mail
  clients are already Hebrew-enabled, so that they can understand perfectly
  Hebrew language messages?
 sounds painful

A few weeks in a decent ULPAN and they can start conversing. Add a year or so of 
constant effort, reading newspapers etc...

-- Arik
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RE: I wish stack traces had line numbers

2003-12-07 Thread Arik Baratz

-Original Message-
From: Oded Arbel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 But they don't. instead they have memory addresses and the function name. so 
 I've been thinking - suppose I have a binary with debugging information, and 
 the source code and a stack trace - shouldn't I be able to extrapolate from 
 it in what line in the code each frame in the stack is ?
 Note: I don't have a core dump - just a textual stack trace.

Well, from what I recall from Compiler Theory 101, if you have enough debug 
information to enable a good IDE to give you visual step-by-step debugging, you should 
have enough info to correlate addresses with lines. Given that, all you have to do is 
correlate the address on the stack with the appropriate line, and go one line back 
(because the stack trace always gives you the line after the call). I think you need 
to adjust the values in the binary with the process load address if you want to do 

Maybe the main() address on the stack (provided you get it) can give you the load 
address if you use it right, and then you can work out the rest.

-- Arik

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RE: VMWare in Israel

2003-12-04 Thread Arik Baratz

Actually I have some VMWare licenses that I bought for my company. I have bought some 
online and some from REL. I have to say there is absolutely no difference, in price or 
in service, between the two options. VMWare is a good product, which needs little 

I am using VMWare but otherwise have no connection with VMWare the company.

-- Arik

-Original Message-
From: Gil Freund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 8:17 AM
To: IGLU Mailing list
Subject: Re: VMWare in Israel

Not quite, VMWare is (also?) represented by WE 
(, which did some rather impressive work with 
it (consolidating Windows servers).

I have no commercial relation with either WE or VMware.


Daniel Feiglin wrote:
 This may be of interest :
 REL claims to be the sole local agent for VMWare.
 Contact info:
 *Carmit Harari*
 Marketing Manager
 REL (Renaissance)
 Tel. +972-9-7643571
 Fax. +972-9-7643566
 I have no commercial interest whatsoever in REL
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Gil Freund  Sysnet consulting
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RE: disk problems

2003-12-02 Thread Arik Baratz

And don't use the computer (halt(8) it) until you do.

-- Arik

-Original Message-
From: Aaron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 12:23 AM
Cc: Moshe Kaminsky; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: disk problems

Hi I got the same errors,
I even backed up to cds but never checked if they were good.

when the hard drive finally died I lost over 5 months of work.

quick backup and get a new drive.
On Mon, 2003-12-01 at 23:57, Shachar Tal wrote:
 Moshe Kaminsky wrote:
 I have some disk problems: when I try to access certain files, I hear 
 strange sounds from the hard disk, the computer has a delay, and I get 
 the following type of messages in /var/log/messages:
 Dec  1 23:05:36 localhost kernel: hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady 
 SeekComplete Error }
 Dec  1 23:05:36 localhost kernel: hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, 
 LBAsect=34897754, sector=1048672
 Dec  1 23:05:36 localhost kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 03:0a (hda), sector 
 Dec  1 23:05:36 localhost kernel: EXT3-fs error (device ide0(3,10)): 
 ext3_get_inode_loc: unable to read inode block - inode=59969, block=131084
 Anyone knows what is it, and how can it be fixed?
 This is a very strong indication of a bad sector (especially if the 
 problem persists). If you value your data, you better replace the drive. 
 Probably even if you don't.
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RE: X Forwarding via SSH

2003-11-18 Thread Arik Baratz

-Original Message-
From: Leonid Podolny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Mon, 17 Nov 2003, Arik Baratz wrote:
  Can you plese post the result of:
  ssh -v -n -X [EMAIL PROTECTED] xlogo

 -- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --
 -- File: out.log
 OpenSSH_3.7.1p2, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0.9.6k 30 Sep 2003
 debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config


 _X11TransSocketOpen: socket() failed for tcp


Can you please do ssh -X to the machine, and then:


will give you something along the lines of localhost:10.0

Then take the number after the ':' (10 in this example) and add 6000 to it, and run 

telnet localhost 6010

Replace the 6010 with the number you got (if it's different than 10). Let us all know 
what that gives you - the exact error message.

Can you also do

iptables -L -v -n 

and mail the result? I'm assuming that the machine has iptables. The ipchains command 
is very similar.

My current guess is that you have ipchains/iptables rules on computer A that prevent 
local users from connecting to port 6010 from localhost, but that needs to be 
confirmed. What's baffeling to me is that the error message mentions the socket() 
function rather than the connect() function as I would expect in the case that my 
assumption is correct.

-- Arik
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RE: Fw: What's wrong with this code?

2003-11-17 Thread Arik Baratz

-Original Message-
From: Gilad Ben-Yossef [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Bad closed source company: no one watches the code.
 Good closed source comapny: one or two person watches the code.
 Open Source: ~10k of the world best programmer watch the code.

I think you should rather say:
Popular open source: ~10k of the world's best programmers watch the code.
Unpopular open source: One of the maintainers watch the code, occasionally, when he 
introduces new code.
Abandoned open source: No one watches the code. Ever. No one knows where to find it. 
Only binaries are left, and only on and only in some obscure folder.

-- Arik

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RE: X Forwarding via SSH

2003-11-17 Thread Arik Baratz

-Original Message-
From: Leonid Podolny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 _X11TransSocketOpen: socket() failed for tcp
 _X11TransSocketOpenCOTSClient: Unable to open socket for tcp
 _X11TransOpen: transport open failed for tcp/localhost:10
 Error: Can't open display: localhost:10.0
   Hope someone can help, L.

Can you plese post the result of:

ssh -v -n -X [EMAIL PROTECTED] xlogo

Type the password if necessary. If the window opens, close it. Cut and paste the 
results and post here.

-- Arik
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RE: Fw: What's wrong with this code?

2003-11-17 Thread Arik Baratz
-Original Message-
From: Muli Ben-Yehuda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Abandoned open source: No one watches the code. Ever. No one knows
  where to find it. Only binaries are left, and only on
  and only in some obscure folder. 
 If no sources are left, it's not open source, is it?

Sometimes the sources are no longer available because the original
homepage domain is no longer registered, it's not GNU, and some binary
package is in simtel or similar repository.

-- Arik
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RE: Red Hat 9 installation problem.

2003-11-03 Thread Arik Baratz
-Original Message-
From: Josh Roden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 One of our students tried to install RH9 on a computer with the following:
 Mother board: ABIT
 Chipset: VIA
 Hard disk: Seagate SATA
 When he got to the disk formatting part of the installation he got an
 error stating that no hard disk was found.
 Does anybody have any idea what can be the problem and a
 possible solution?

Have him try to temporarily put an IDE disk in the machine, install Linux, make sure 
he has the SATA loadable modules in place, mount the SATA disk and copy everything 
over. He'd probably need to rebuild his initrd to have the drivers load on boot time.

I've never tried it, but I do know that Mandrake 9.1 doesn't come with SATA drivers 
compiled in. Maybe it can be done with an external drivers disk for the installer, but 
I don't know how.

-- Arik

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RE: he-en dictionaries...

2003-11-02 Thread Arik Baratz

-Original Message-
From: Dan Kenigsberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It would be very nice if somebody would add english description to each of the
 words that are available in the hspell distribution
 ( ). I do not plan to start doing it
 anytime soon, although it has very interesting implications, such as germinating
 a hebrew-english automated translation.

If you create a nice web interface for the entry of translations, and open it up on 
the web, and let people subscribe to a 'daily translation' mailing list and translate 
a word a day, and announce it in linux-il, I bet you can have a working dictionary 
file in notime, created by and for the community.

You'd have to accept multiple submissions for each word and choose the ones that were 
received the most times, to prevent wiseguys translating to obscene words...

-- Arik

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RE: AOL doesn't accept mail - free relaying of email

2003-10-21 Thread Arik Baratz

-Original Message-
From: Boris Ratner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Now all customers suffer from this if their ISP got blocked by AOL.

And they should. They should suffer for choosing an ISP that disrespects its own 
acceptable use policy, and gets itself into some kind of blackhole or another. What 
the customer must do is switch to an ISP that actually enforces its AUP and doesn't 
get its address blocks blackholed. This is the ONLY way IMHO to convince an ISP to 
change their ways. Once large customers start doing their business elsewhere because 
of the ISP's incompetence, they will think twice before deleting the next abuse report.

-- Arik

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RE: AOL doesn't accept mail - free relaying of email

2003-10-21 Thread Arik Baratz

-Original Message-
From: Herouth Maoz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Great. I don't know which ISPs AOL blocks, but I assume based on my own past
 spams that these include Internet Zahav, Netvision, 012, Actcom, and if I'm not
 mistaken, Barak. Now tell me which viable option can I have for an ISP in Israel
 that knows how to spell Linux, and is not a lying cheat (like, say, Aquanet).

Well, you can start by moving to a different ISP, explaining them why you did. Then 
you should choose the one with the best record... If none of them is perfect, choose 
the least worse.

-- Arik

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RE: AOL doesn't accept mail - free relaying of email

2003-10-21 Thread Arik Baratz

-Original Message-
From: Stanislav Malyshev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

AB And they should. They should suffer for choosing an ISP that
AB disrespects its own acceptable use policy, and gets itself into
AB some kind of blackhole or another. What the customer must do is

 Oh come on. It is a common knowledge that at least some of these relays
 are too quick to add whole netblocks and too slow to explain why they did
 that or how to make this not happen again. And the ISP couldn't care less
 what some freak out there thinks about its policies - its responcibility
 is its own paying clients and not convinvcing some trigger-happy sysadmin
 jumping out of his pants to be BOFH-like and blacklist whatever possible
 without too much investigation.

As I see it, depending on who you are and how important it is for your messages to get 

If you're a corporate and contact mostly other corporates, mostly you don't care. I 
know I don't. If someone from my company wants to send mail to someone with an RBL 
that doesn't let my static IP (I don't use the IP relay, heavens forbid) send him mail 
- I'm fine with that. The person on the other side will have to find a way to accept 
this mail message, because it's also his priority to do business with us.

If you're a private person, or contact mostly private people, that's damn annoying. In 
the rare occasions I have encountered it I opted to use a different provider to send a 
message telling that person that they are using an RBL and he should do something 
about it.

Personally I use a BezeqInt ISDN line to send and receive email, and it seems like 
this IP range is pretty much okay. I had it blocked once, and the BezeqInt guys went 
out of their way to un-block it.

But BezeqInt is guilty of spamming me themselves, for which I did never forgive them. 
I have stopped buying new services from them and I am slowly switching.

There should really be an Israeli ISP monitoring site, which will score ISPs based on 
their non-blackholeness, but I am not the one who will set it up so I have no right to 
speak about it.

You're right about RBL admins that are too trigger happy, but I never encountered a 
case when I asked to be removed (when I had my own address range) and not removed 
within a few days. Yes, some ignoramus has misconfigured a mail server on my range, 
and I picked up the pieces.

And regarding the ISP's responsibility for the customer - the quick BezeqInt reaction 
came after I have told them that since I use their network to send email, and it is 
important to me that the email gets there, I hold them responsible for any blackholing 
of their range and will switch if I can't send my email decently from my equipment.

-- Arik

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RE: AOL doesn't accept mail - free relaying of email

2003-10-21 Thread Arik Baratz

  Well, you can start by moving to a different ISP, explaining them
  why you did. Then you should choose the one with the best record...
  If none of them is perfect, choose the least worse.

 Yes, and don't forget to put an elephant at the end to make sure the
 algorithm will terminate.

Do you want to open the Israeli ISP-monitoring site? You can rate the
ISPs based on the precentage of their address ranges that are black-holed.
The position is yours if you accept :-)

-- Arik

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RE: filesystem for database box

2003-10-19 Thread Arik Baratz
 Hello, Linux People!
 after short consultation, i have come to this conclusion about which
 filesystem i should use on my database box (or server)
 the winner is: ex2 linux extended filesystem, yes, lassies  lads
 - why not ext3/Reiser's ?
 - because journalling is already implemented in the DBMS.

The DBMS journal and the FS journal serve two distinct purposes.

The DBMS journal is there to make sure the database transactions either finish 
successfully or disappear altogether like they never happened (commit or roll-back in 
DB-speak). The log is also kept until the next backup, so that the database objects 
(like a database table) can actually be reset to a specific point in time, as long as 
in that point there are no open transactions (actually it can be restored to a point 
in time when there are open transactions but the open transactions would not have any 
effect on the database - they would have been 'rolled back'). To sum it up, the role 
of the DB journal in recovery is to undo/redo database operations. The database 
assumes that the journal itself is okay.

The FS journal is kind of the same thing, but the database objects are files, and the 
transaction is a write() operation. This log is used to maintain the file system 
integrity in case of a failure. When a failure occurs the log is traversed and any 
transaction that can be completed is completed, while the FS data structures are 
maintained. Once the file system reaches some point when the disk representation of 
the file system is consistent enough, the log is deleted (this can be thought of a 
database full backup) and everything starts from scratch.

If in your imaginary setup a power failure occurs, the file system will lose 
consistency (because an ext2 file system saves parts of its internal data structures 
in memory. Every FS does). If you are lucky, you can fsck it back to life, long fsck 
time applies.

After you do that, and only if you are successful, you can proceed to the database 
restoration section, where the log will be examined by your DBMS, and will be compared 
to the database status. Any completed transaction will be written, and incomplete 
transactions will be rolled back. Only then can you take the database online again.

If you opt to use the ext2, more power to you. Remember that you will stand longer 
recovery times and a higher likelihood of data corruption. If you manage to corrupt 
your database file, you will have to restore it from backup and re-apply the log file 
(you did backup the file, and keep all the logs from the backup until present time, 
right?). If you loose the log file... may the deity you believe in have mercy on 
whatever concept of soul you may posses, as your database will be at an unknown state. 
If you have points of quiescence, and your DBMS supports this feature, you may be able 
to recover to that point. Otherwise your latest backup (which I trust does exist) is 
your only resort, and you will lose whatever data you have written to your database 
since the latest backup. To sum it up, the integrity of your log files is of utmost 

When you use a raw device for your database, the DBMS manages it, in effect creating 
its own file system. Whether it's good or bad for recoverability is left as an 
exercise to the reader.

-- Arik

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RE: when was the beginning?

2003-08-14 Thread Arik Baratz
 -Original Message-


 When did the use of Linux in Israel have begun ??

First Linux box in the Technion computer center - August 1995.

My personal 486/DX33/16MB, a borrowed LAN card, slackware 3.0.3, kernel 1.23 from 

Second box was a DX66, installed by Oved Ben-Aroya, used to back up the main 
nameserver during maintenance

Third was IIRC a sparc - after the good experience with the nameserver Oved installed 
it in a dual-boot with Solaris 2.5 on his pet machine for testing.

-- Arik
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RE: [ Warning! Your message was rejected]

2003-08-03 Thread Arik Baratz

 -Original Message-
 From: Shaul Karl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 5:43 AM

Hello all

You are talking about the SPAM problem but ignoring a bigger problem: The misuse of 

This announcement is automatic; yet instead of replying to the envelope sender (a la 
RFC2821) it replies to the sender in the body. That's why the message got to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED] In fact, if the sender IP address or the 
sender envelope would have been used for the test, Shaul's message wouldn't have been 

What could be even MORE conductive is a 5xy SMTP error message with the proper 
explanation - that would have prevented the need for the delivery of the entire 
message and the delivery of an additional bounce message back, while reducing the 
chance of a mail loop.

This is extremely annoying, because many auto responders do that. It is the stuff mail 
loops are made from.

-- Arik

 Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Delivery-date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 04:37:23 +0300
 Received: from localhost ([] ident=fetchmail)
   by localhost with esmtp (Exim 4.14)
   id 19ilKk-0001Lq-SK
   for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sat, 02 Aug 2003 04:37:22 +0300
 X-Sieve: cmu-sieve 2.0
 Received: from []
   by localhost with POP3 (fetchmail-6.2.2)
   for [EMAIL PROTECTED] (single-drop); Sat, 02 Aug 2003 
 04:37:22 +0300 (IDT)
 Received: from ( [])
   by (8.11.6/8.11.6) with ESMTP id h721RU209100
   for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sat, 2 Aug 2003 04:27:30 +0300
 Received: from ([])
   by (8.12.8/8.12.8) with ESMTP id 
   for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sat, 2 Aug 2003 04:28:35 +0300
 Received: from [] by []
   with RAW (MDaemon.PRO.v6.5.2.R)
   for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sat, 02 Aug 2003 04:24:45 +0200
 Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 04:24:45 +0200
 Subject: Warning! Your message was rejected
 X-MDaemon-Deliver-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Mime-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
 Your message was delayed by mail server.
 The reasons for that might be the following:
 1. Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) is unwilling to
 cancel spammers' accounts
 2. Your ISP does not enforce/have Acceptable User Policy (AUP) 
 3. Your ISP does not have anti-spam policy
 Message delay is necessary to verify that you are an actual
 person and not a spammer.
 In order to deliver your message to the original recipient, 
 please RESEND the original message including the following words
 in the 'Subject' field (including parentheses):
 (not spam)
 Regards, Abuse Dept.
 Message delayed:
 Subject: Re: Keysigning issues
 Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 04:13:49 +0300
 - End forwarded message -
 Script started on Sat Aug  2 05:25:33 2003
 $ whois
 Found a referral to
  The data contained in the WHOIS database, while
 believed by the company to be reliable, is provided as is,
 with no guarantee or warranties regarding its accuracy.  This
 information is provided for the sole purpose of assisting you
 in obtaining information about domain name registration records. 
 Any use of this data for any other purpose, including, but not
 limited to, allowing or making possible dissemination or
 collection of this data in part or in its entirety for any
 purpose, such as the transmission of unsolicited advertising and
 solicitations, is expressly forbidden without the prior written
 permission of this company. By submitting an inquiry, you agree
 to these terms of usage and limitations of warranty.
 Please limit your queries to 10 per minute and one connection.
Slav BA
Tel Aviv,  90210
Domain Name: TMICHA.NET
   Created on: 07-MAY-01
   Expires on: 07-MAY-04
   Last Updated on: 05-MAY-03
Administrative, Technical Contact:
   Tel Aviv,   90210
Domain servers in listed order:
 End of Whois Information
 $ whois
 % This is the RIPE Whois server.
 % The objects are in RPSL format.
 % Rights restricted by copyright.
 % See
 inetnum: -
 netname:  IL-EURONET-RG-990603
 descr:Euronet Digital Communications
 descr:Provider Local Registry
 country:  IL

RE: SMB mount point hangs

2003-07-29 Thread Arik Baratz
 -Original Message-
 From: Gil Freund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Arik Baratz wrote:
  In short: Why doesn't smbumount have a 'force' option? It's 
  SUID root anyways, so it can in theory run umount as root.

 I don't know, but I guess such an option would actually be very 
 dangerous. If you mount an smb share under one login context, use it 
 under another login and try to force an unmount under a 
 third, you other 
 logins things can get really confusing.
 A windows client will not have this problem, as windows is 
 not multi-user.

smbumount can allow only the mounting user or root to unmount the share.

-- Arik
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RE: SMB mount point hangs

2003-07-28 Thread Arik Baratz
 -Original Message-
 From: Oded Arbel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Sunday 27 July 2003 22:37, Arik Baratz wrote:


  Did anyone encounter this before?
 Yes, can't tell you why or how to fix it, but if you can't 
 unmount the share, 
 you can kill -9 the smbmount process.

Actually I managed to kill it with a TERM signal (-15) and the process died It did 
not, however, cause the mountpoint to clear up. It is still unusable. I had to mount 
using a different mountpoint, but this is clearly not a solution.

-- Arik
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RE: SMB mount point hangs

2003-07-28 Thread Arik Baratz

 1. Do you get a valid responce when do:
 nmblookup win2000host

[EMAIL PROTECTED] arikb]$ nmblookup -A
Looking up status of
INet~Services   1c - GROUP M ACTIVE

 2. Do you use WINS (Samba pre 3.0 is closer in nature to 
 Windows NT then 
 to Windows 2000, and will use WINS), and who is the WINS server?

I use both WINS and DNS, both are updated correctly and give the same result (my WINS 
server is

[EMAIL PROTECTED] arikb]$ nmblookup -A arikb -U
Looking up status of
INet~Services   1c - GROUP M ACTIVE

 Also check the following:
 1. Has the share (mount) been unused for over a week? (Windows cycles 
 host credentials once a week)

It's been mounted for over a week, but used during this period. How come my Win2K can 
maintain a share window open for this amount of time but SAMBA can't? And if the 
credentials are incorrect, why can't I unmount?

 2. Has the user information under which the mount taken place changed?

Now that you've mentioned it, I recently replaced my password (in Active Direcory). I 
will test it again, because I am pretty sure that I have had that happen even between 
password changes (our policy is 45 days).

And then again: So the credentials don't match; so what? Why prevent me from 
unmounting it? Can I change the credentials in smbmount while the folder is mounted?

Thanks for the info and for your help.

-- Arik
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RE: SMB mount point hangs

2003-07-28 Thread Arik Baratz

 -Original Message-
 From: Gil Freund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


 More to the point:
 You cannot change credentials on a monted CIFS share. Even in 
 if you changed your password while logged in, you will find 
 that network 
 shares will act in an unpredicted manner (Some will work, 
 some will not, 
 as windows caches the credentials).
 the smbmount command is acts as a proxy between the unix 
 mount and the 
 CIFS file system. If the credentials have changed, samba cannot 
 determine the state of the share and returns the actual mount (or 
 umount) an invalid state.

I can dig that, but this behaviour is IMHO not acceptable. If I do something as a 
regular user, I should not need root privileges to tidy it up. If smbmount (which is 
SUID root) messes up my mount point, and I need to be root to clear it up, I cannot 
for instance allow regular users to mount CIFS filesystems. Short: If it messed things 
up, it should be able to fix them. For instance - allow smbumount to unmount it 
regardless of the credentials.

-- Arik

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SMB mount point hangs

2003-07-27 Thread Arik Baratz

Hello folks

When I mount an SMB share over the network from a 2000 machine, after a few days the 
mount point becomes unreachable, to the point that stat () on the mount point fails. 
Furthermore it cannot be unmounted.

Did anyone encounter this before?

-- Arik

Windows 2000 Professional / SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] arikb]$ stat mnt
stat: cannot stat `mnt': Input/output error
[EMAIL PROTECTED] arikb]$ smbumount mnt
Could not umount mnt: Device or resource busy

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RE: [OT] Public wifi access

2003-07-17 Thread Arik Baratz

[lotastuff deleted]
 Internet Explorer needs to be used on public hotspots where 
 authentication is 
 web based (haven't seen those in Israel, but it's the common hotspot 
 authentication mechanism abroad). Many of those 
 authentication gateways 
 simply hijack your browser to the authentication page. 
 Konquerrer and 
 mozilla seem to be less hijackable than IE, and therefore 
 you may need IE 
 for some hotspots.

A. If you're in Ra'anana you can drop by my company for 5 minutes, I'll let you use my 
AP for the test.

B. The 'hijacking' thingie is done using port redirection, and it works with EVERY 
browser. The web server might not serve Mozilla-compatible pages, but I never 
encountered one that did not, and I've been places. My Mozilla works fine.

C. Get an iPASS account, and install their dialer (if it works with WINE). There are 
some access points that work only with iPASS, and I didn't see any charge in my iPASS 
account for them (Narita airport, Japan is one example). Getting an iPass account is 
easy and free (at least in Barak, where I tried).

-- Arik
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RE: [OT] Public wifi access

2003-07-17 Thread Arik Baratz

  A. If you're in Ra'anana you can drop by my company for 5 
 minutes, I'll let
  you use my AP for the test.
 Thanks :-) Next time I come to visit Guy...

Amazing. It seems like everybody knows him. I hope your card supports WEP, because 
that's what we use.

  B. The 'hijacking' thingie is done using port redirection, 
 and it works
  with EVERY browser. The web server might not serve 
  pages, but I never encountered one that did not, and I've 
 been places. My
  Mozilla works fine.
 Can you elaborate on that? (off list, pehaps, as I'm sure 
 there aren't many 
 people who are really interested) I'm just curious about it.

Yes, sure. It's the same trick used when using transparent proxy. First you get an IP 
address from a private range, and DNS server using DHCP. Then there are rules that 
rewrite the destination address. They do it for all unknown MAC addresses. The new 
address points to themselves, where there is a web server with the appropriate script. 
What you actually do is go to your homepage (mine's google for example). They allow 
DNS traffic, so resolution is no problem. Then the address is rewritten so you 
actually see the logon screen. The equivalent iptables rule is:

iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT 
--to-ports 80

Then after you login, the rule is no longer valid for your MAC address, hence you 
undergo routing as usual.

 Anyway,  it didn't work with my mozilla, but there could be 
 hundreds of 
 reasons for that (Narita airport, for example, has a 
 submission form that 
 didn't work for me for anything that wasn't IE). Mozilla 
 isn't my primary 
 browser, so you're probably right to assume it was a 
 configuration problem on 
 my part.

Like I said I used iPass for Narita.

 There are many other places (Starbucks on the west coast, 
 many European 
 airports) that worked perfectly with konquerrer, so I guess there are 
 different versions.


 Since you mention Narita: no need to use the dialer there, 
 you can easily 
 input the iPass name and password using the web interface. 
 I totally agree about the advantage of iPass: but has here 
 got iPass working 
 under Linux? (I'd really rather not use their dialer under WINE).

Frankly I used Windows XP and iPass, so I don't know. But while I was there I saved 
some dumps of the communication between the iPass client and the server, and they seem 
like regular HTTP. I don't have those logs, but maybe it's worth reverse-engineering.

-- Arik
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