Re: resolution Problem Ubuntu 10.4

2010-06-22 Thread dave lilley

As a footnote to this I've been told right or wrong that the
xorg.conf should be put in /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d

At least that's where I put my xorg.conf for a touch screen
monitor I've got.
but suppose it wouldn't matter too much if it's put in
/etc/X11 directory either.

Take what you want from this posting.


- Original Message Follows -
 On Wed, 2010-06-23 at 00:48 +1200, aaron wrote:
  i think something like this:
  Section Monitor
  Identifier DVI-0 # or whatever yours is
  Option PreferredMode 1680x1050
 Many thanks, I shall try that today.
 get back to you
 regards Chris T

Re: Telecom kills Bigtime plan

2010-05-24 Thread dave lilley
Good luck taking that one to any court :)

even better if you won but then the legal fees (if you got a
lawyer in) might make it not worth while.


- Original Message Follows -
 On 24 May 2010 16:12, wrote:
  I just got sent the following email from Telecom:
  we're sorry that we cannot continue to provide a plan
 with no monthly data allowance. 
 Seems to me that we (as consumers) would have to pay a
 early contract termination fee if we backed out of the
 I read one post who said there telecom wouldn't charge us
 a ECT fee if we leave telecom... (how kind of them)   Yet
 seeing as they are the ones pulling the plug early, my
 contract isn't up, they should be on the hook for the same
 fee they would have charged us.

Re: This years format.

2010-02-16 Thread dave lilley

- Original Message Follows -
 On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 12:24 +1300, Nick Rout wrote:
 Unfortunately illness at home is going to stop me from
 coming into town tomorrow evening.
 Could someone have a pint of twisted ankle on my behalf??
 Cheers, Steve

+1 Hope patient gets better.



Re: Where have you seen linux today?

2010-01-31 Thread dave lilley
Was in auckland last week and the kiosk free internet PC i
was on locked up.

I 3 finger saluted it (thinking windows box) but was
surprised to see it go down with a linux display and then
rebooted with Ubuntu - using Opra for the browser.

I was very surprised to say the least.

my 2c worth.


- Original Message Follows -
 I volunteer at Trade Aid, and they use Red Hat on their
 server in Auckland. For one reason or another, we need
 real time access to this server when processing a sale -
 so it's essential and used by everyone. We still have XP
 on the computer behind the counter though.

Re: Linux and RAM size

2009-07-22 Thread dave lilley


reminds of someone famous who once said 640Kb is more than
enough for anyone way back when...

Now why wouldn't 60MB be enough well right now i can't
answer that but as user interfaces gets better/worse
(depending on ones views) and move perhaps to voice/audio
Recognition then 640MB may seem too low.

- Original Message Follows -
 On Wed, July 22, 2009 19:48, yuri wrote:
  What kind of performance boost should I expect when
  upgrading from 256MB of RAM to 640MB?
 640MB should be enough for anyone.

Re: Screencasting software

2009-07-09 Thread dave lilley

Thanks I was wondering about horse power, I've got an AMD
3000+ with 1gig ram.
will wait bit longer as i know someone had used cinderalla
(if that is the right spelling)
and will also do some digging in the archives when i get
home tonight.

thanks for your insights.


- Original Message Follows -
 On Thu, 2009-07-09 at 23:53 +1200, dave wrote:
  I am looking at installing Istanbul screencast software.
  Has anyone here used such a program and what was your
  experience? How easy was it to edit and the specs of
  your PC you used. 
  From my brief search it looks like Istanbul is one
  in my repositories i have 3.
  - recordmydesktop which is gnome based 
  - Byzanz which i understand uses gif files
  - Istanbul 
  would appreciate the lists input and I do know from the
  brief search that  there are other but war stories etc
  from the list on the 3 above (as they are  in my
  repository would be appreciated). 
 Hi Dave,
 I tried to use Istanbul on Ubuntu Intrepid (8.10) 64 bit,
 but found that it was buggy and poorly maintained,
 especially sound.  It seems like you can't record sound. 
 If you use compiz, you also have to tick the record 3d
 option before it works at all.
 recordmydesktop however worked out of the box (default
 sudo apt-get install recordmydesktop) - no extra settings
 or anything.  Even the sound worked perfectly.
 I cannot comment on Byzanz, but if you want my advice, go
 with recordmydesktop first and see if you like it.  Seems
 like the least effort.
 My laptop has 4Gb of RAM and a Intel Core2 Duo (2.10GHz)
 processor and I use the nvidia driver - I did not pick up
 any sluggishnes while recording, but having said that, I
 did not test it with intense graphic programs so far...

Re: OT- FAT head doco on documentary channel last night

2009-03-29 Thread dave lilley

Yes you are SO RIGHT Nick!

Question I am wanting to view the HOLE documentary.
I missed the start both Sat  Sunday (and it was by chance
that i came across both boardcasts, I shall now check out to
see if it's going to be on again and record it).
THE subject Line does say Ot as in it's off topic!

Explain what the difference is between me getting (copying
myself)/asking for a copy or video taping? OR using anyother
form of copy-left (i presume that's what this is called)
act. Isn't both a form of copyright infringement? regardless
of the person recording to view later and erasing the

We're all in violation of copyright in some form or other at
some stage of our lives be it for only a short period of

I was wanting to use a re-writable disc so i could watch it
then reuse te Disk.

MY oppinion is that what the guy has to say *is* very
important and says alot about US Government/Lobbiests
involvement in areas of our lives.

I.E. Just because the US Govt says something is okay DOESN'T
mean it is but i would think that our Govt and the Dr's in
NZ take those reports as being valid without looking
critically at such reports.
there was a piece in the documentary where in the 50's a
group of Dr's attended a Govt. review on health and what's
accepted as healthy eating. The Dr's told the chairman that
what he was proposing (i think it was a low-fat high carb
diet was nonsense) but he and his staffers said they where
paid flukies of the meat industry and looked around for like
minded Dr's to agree with his views.
But this is by memory and i stand to be corrected on what
was actually said/meant in that piece.

My only hope was someone on list HAD recorded it and
would've been able to provide a copy so i could watch it
from start to end.

No offence was intended by myself to those who see these
sorts of requests as being copyright infringements or noise.
I also applogise to the list as i had replied to Chris via
the list and not personally 
where it should've gone.

End of thread as far as i'm concerned.


- Original Message Follows -
 On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 10:19 PM, dave wrote: was on again today but
  only saw what i'd seen last night, could i trouble you
 for a copy? 
  can stop round with disc for a copy to be put to.
 This is not a clearing house for copyright infringement!
 Nor is this topic relevant to linux.

Re: help with mencoder/kino

2009-01-13 Thread dave lilley
Have you tried Avidmux or mix?

this will take AVI, DVD, CD video, SCD video and reencode it
to another format.
No Sorry i tell a lie it's DeeVeeDee.

Avidmux or mix allows you to edit the video clip.



- Original Message Follows -
 On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 11:31 PM, Lee Begg wrote: On Tue, 13 Jan 2009
 22:42:16 Barry Marchant wrote: 
  mencoder reports
  Video stream: 28800.000 kbit/s  (360 B/s)  size:
 1800 bytes  5.000 secs  125 frames
  Audio stream:  352.800 kbit/s  (44100 B/s)  size:
 220500 bytes  5.000 secs 
  Kino reports
  Impossible frequency??
  Impossible frequency??
  Impossible frequency??
  Any ideas welcome
  Kino is fairly specific to DV video (ie, video from
  Digital Video Cameras). One thing about the audio in DV
  is that it is not 44100 Hz, but is 48000 Hz (16bit @
 48kHz). Try using a higher sampling rate for the audio. 
  Hope this helps.
  Lee Begg
 What he said, but also kino converts on import of .avi
 How about importing the original avi into kino and then
 adding the sound file as soudtrack, and let kino do the

Re: OT: Section 92 of the Copyright Amendment Act assumes Guilt Upon Accusation

2009-01-07 Thread dave lilley
This is *very* political!!

the aim of said act is to get the free trade agreement with
the US (aka get to the same customer base as american
private business have within america without traffifs or
other red tape) end of story.

Now do you honestly think any (NZ) politician will care if
someone in NZ gets their internet connection pulled due to
an unproven claim?

then here's a couple of hints:
 - Lay a charge against a (NZ) politican and see
what happens
 yep nothing even if you can prove the claim
 - Lay a charge against a non politican
 yep they've lost the connection

How could one possibly do so against a politican?
err, by illegally placing the content on the site yourself
(then laying the charge), or by knowing that what has been
claimed is TRUE
Yes i know - in regards to the 1st part your asking for all
sorts of things to come down on you as well. And for the
second part well who is going to believe you?

politicians are self serving (helen proved that with
and the next election isn't due for another 2 years!

Now fire away i know what i've said is full of holes BUT the
essences of it is true.


- Original Message Follows -
 On Wed 07 Jan 2009 20:23:06 NZDT +1300, Christopher
 Sawtell wrote:
  None, but as soon as your introduce the idea of a fail
  trial you bring the whole Justice and Corrections
  departments in on the Act. Do you _really_ want criminal
  convictions recorded against naive minors who  are
 proven to have downloaded a few flicks and songs. I would
  not want that at  all.
 Wasn't the issue ISPs disconnecting customers, not court
 trials against anyone?
  This whole discussion can be boiled down to the
 No it does not. That question is already answered in the
 affirmative. The issue is the copyright mafia subverting
 the process of enforcement away from the established
 channels and on to non-accountable private business.
  Should people who devote a lot of time, effort, and 
  financial investment, which  is not without risk,
  producing something either for the benefit or 
 entertainment of other people receive a financial reward
 for so doing?
  In this connection note that the producers of the film
  Sione's Wedding ended up  without any financial benefit
  whatsoever because spivs and shysters made illicit 
 copies of the DVD and sold them in South Auckland flea
 Stay on the floor. For starters I fail to see how
 disconnecting Internet customers impacts on flogging DVDs
 on Auckland flee markets, and then you haven't established
 said flogging being the *cause* of said financial
 disappointment or whether the movie may have been just
 boring. In any case the correct response would be to deal
 with flee marketeers, not ISPs.
 But you won't be able to share your contemplations on
 copyright holder business revenue much longer with us
 Chris, because as due process is skipped, you can get on
 with your life outside of the Internet after someone sets
 up their cron to send the same complaint several times to
 your ISP (of a country reputed to be a lapdog to the
 Americans). Whether the complaint is at all factual or you
 did appropriately pay for your viewing of Sione's Wedding
 is not something anyone will be asking...
 Have a nice day ;)
 Volker Kuhlmannis list0570 with the domain in
 header do not CC
 list postings to me.

Re: OT: Section 92 of the Copyright Amendment Act assumes Guilt Upon Accusation

2009-01-07 Thread dave lilley
This is *very* political!!

the aim of said act is to get the free trade agreement with
the US (aka get to the same customer base as american
private business have within america without traffifs or
other red tape) end of story.

Now do you honestly think any (NZ) politician will care if
someone in NZ gets their internet connection pulled due to
an unproven claim?

then here's a couple of hints:
 - Lay a charge against a (NZ) politican and see
what happens
 yep nothing even if you can prove the claim
 - Lay a charge against a non politican
 yep they've lost the connection

How could one possibly do so against a politican?
err, by illegally placing the content on the site yourself
(then laying the charge), or by knowing that what has been
claimed is TRUE
Yes i know - in regards to the 1st part your asking for all
sorts of things to come down on you as well. And for the
second part well who is going to believe you?

politicians are self serving (helen proved that with
and the next election isn't due for another 2 years!

Now fire away i know what i've said is full of holes BUT the
essences of it is true.


- Original Message Follows -
 On Wed 07 Jan 2009 20:23:06 NZDT +1300, Christopher
 Sawtell wrote:
  None, but as soon as your introduce the idea of a fail
  trial you bring the whole Justice and Corrections
  departments in on the Act. Do you _really_ want criminal
  convictions recorded against naive minors who  are
 proven to have downloaded a few flicks and songs. I would
  not want that at  all.
 Wasn't the issue ISPs disconnecting customers, not court
 trials against anyone?
  This whole discussion can be boiled down to the
 No it does not. That question is already answered in the
 affirmative. The issue is the copyright mafia subverting
 the process of enforcement away from the established
 channels and on to non-accountable private business.
  Should people who devote a lot of time, effort, and 
  financial investment, which  is not without risk,
  producing something either for the benefit or 
 entertainment of other people receive a financial reward
 for so doing?
  In this connection note that the producers of the film
  Sione's Wedding ended up  without any financial benefit
  whatsoever because spivs and shysters made illicit 
 copies of the DVD and sold them in South Auckland flea
 Stay on the floor. For starters I fail to see how
 disconnecting Internet customers impacts on flogging DVDs
 on Auckland flee markets, and then you haven't established
 said flogging being the *cause* of said financial
 disappointment or whether the movie may have been just
 boring. In any case the correct response would be to deal
 with flee marketeers, not ISPs.
 But you won't be able to share your contemplations on
 copyright holder business revenue much longer with us
 Chris, because as due process is skipped, you can get on
 with your life outside of the Internet after someone sets
 up their cron to send the same complaint several times to
 your ISP (of a country reputed to be a lapdog to the
 Americans). Whether the complaint is at all factual or you
 did appropriately pay for your viewing of Sione's Wedding
 is not something anyone will be asking...
 Have a nice day ;)
 Volker Kuhlmannis list0570 with the domain in
 header do not CC
 list postings to me.

Oh my GOD - is Obama serious - LOL

2008-12-03 Thread dave lilley
We have a new president elected, and Change is coming to
America.  One of the first things the US government will
change is the methods by which terrorists use computers to
destroy targets.  

Once Obama gets into office in January 09, Linux will be
banned by the Federal Government.  Linux is a threat to
national security, and is most often used by terrorists to
detonate bombs.  Obama has already enacted a law to entirely
ban Linux in the United States.  Anyone who continues to use
Linux after a specified date, will be prosecuted and charged
as a felon for threatening the American government.  

Linux is a bigger threat to National security than Osama Bin
The reason that Linux is used to anhilate nations is because
Linux has too many variations, and contains secret embedded
codes which are too difficult to crack by authorities. 
Additionally, all versions of Linux contain subliminal
anti-American messages, which is proof in itself that Linux
has been authored by terrorists and terrorist organizations.

If you are currently using Linux, now is the time to begin
to use another operating system before the ban on Linux
becomes law.

Linux users are anti-American.  If you want to continue to
use Linux, please leave America and move to any foreign
nation where terrorism thrives.

America, Love it, or Leave it !!!

Re: Redhat support subscriptions

2008-11-04 Thread dave lilley

- Original Message Follows -
 dave wrote:
  On Tuesday 04 November 2008 23:34:02 Christopher Sawtell
  2008/11/4 Zane Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Funnily enough, the one time support would have been
 welcome (this  

  took months to resolve) both Oracle NZ and RedHat
 were absolutely  useless. Wandering through source
 code eventually highlighted the  

  which was resolved quite effectively once the cause
 was found.  
  I think that is my experience too.
  If you are a reasonably knowledgeable sysadmin or
 whatever, any support  you want is going
  to be for a relatively obscure problem which is
 unlikely to be  something a phone-support person is
 able to deal with.
  You might also care to consider one of the *BSDs.
  FreeBSD is _very_ stable for server use.
  if so then OpenBSD would be even better wouldn't (I mean
  it's the server  version so to speak) FreeBSD is the
  desktop version so to speak i mean. eg netbsd = network
 server, OpenBSD = web server, FreeBSD = desktop etc. 
  I stand to be corrected on this tho.

 Similar code - different foci.
 PcBSD is the desktop version. Nice but I still prefer

thought this was another fork of FreeBSD by another group
who where trying to remove some of the complexity (read like
ubuntu or Linsipre did/do) of the installation/usage.
again i stand to be corrected.

 Linux. FreeBSD is the server version. I run this both at
 work and home for my  servers.
 OpenBSD is the paranoically secure version. Never needed

Re: Redhat support subscriptions

2008-11-04 Thread dave lilley

as the criteria?
  Have I gone too OT here?...
 No you didn't. ( at least you didn't suggest BSD :-/)
  Zane you do know how to offend don't you (hahahaha)


Re: devede - dvd

2008-11-03 Thread dave lilley

bit different but same issue (AVI to video CD)
I converted the file from AVI to a Video CD and got it on
the CD size was 813Megs now i want to copy it but haven't
suceeded yet (tried disk copy, burning the original think i
have to shrink it first this is a project i *must* do for


- Original Message Follows -
 Click Adjust disc usage and will work. It worked for me
 for up to 130% space adjusted.
 On Mon, 2008-11-03 at 16:54 +1300, Steve Holdoway wrote:
  If devede says it needs 103% of a dvd, will it fit???

Re: devede - dvd

2008-11-03 Thread dave lilley
Should've said i had used k3b to try this but failed (that
that used vcimager).

think the process i used originally was devede to convert
file to videoCD
resulting mpeg file burnt to cd-r result was a good clean

have tried this again to no luck.
Will go to the link when i get home (at work at moment -

thanks for the pointer nick.


- Original Message Follows -
 On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 9:32 AM, dave lilley
  bit different but same issue (AVI to video CD)
  I converted the file from AVI to a Video CD and got it
  on the CD size was 813Megs now i want to copy it but
  haven't suceeded yet (tried disk copy, burning the
  original think i have to shrink it first this is a
  project i *must* do for wife).
 IIRC video-cd does not have a regular file system on it,
 so disk copy may not work. The reason you can get 813MB on
 a video cd is because you aren't clogging up a great chunk
 of the CD with an ISO filesystem's redundancies (which are
 important for data integrity on regular files, but not
 used on videoCD)
 However google does assist with this page:
 To copy a Video CD (these use audio CD disks--the common
 CD-R) the following should do the trick:
   $ cdrdao read-cd --paranoia-mode 2 --read-raw data.toc
 To then write it to another CD-R:
   $ cdrdao write data.toc
 There are other tools including readvcd, vcdimager, and

Re: kubuntu-8-10 md5sum results

2008-11-03 Thread dave lilley


this was why i thought you should do a check on the validity
of the file.
Chris how was the copy you got from me?

Gave chris S a copy of the same file i left on the desktop,
how is that?

from wesley's email   82c02dc7386dfb6858a9ec09a5059e1e 
this is from citylink  82c02dc7386dfb6858a9ec09a5059e1e

So with my MKI eye balls they are the same code (or am i
going blind)?


- Original Message Follows -
 These are the results from the md5sum run I did on the
 kubuntu iso image placed on Caledonian's desktop.
 It appears to be a corrupted image.
 Wesley Parish
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Desktop]$ md5sum
 /kubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso\ Please\ do\ a\ MD5sum\ on\
 this\ to\ ensure\ it\'s\ a\ good\ iso

 /kubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso Please do a MD5sum on this
 to ensure it's a good iso [EMAIL PROTECTED] Desktop]$ md5sum
 -c ./kubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso\ Please\ do\ a\ MD5sum\
 on\ this\ to\ ensure\ it\'s\ a\ good\ iso md5sum:
 ./casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop: No such file or
 directory ./casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop: FAILED
 open or read md5sum: ./casper/initrd.gz: No such file or
 directory ./casper/initrd.gz: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./casper/filesystem.squashfs: No such file or
 directory ./casper/filesystem.squashfs: FAILED open or
 read md5sum: ./casper/vmlinuz: No such file or directory
 /casper/vmlinuz: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./dists/intrepid/Release: No such file or
 directory ./dists/intrepid/Release: FAILED open or read
 ./dists/intrepid/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz: No
 such file or directory
 /dists/intrepid/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz: FAILED
 open or read md5sum:
 ./dists/intrepid/restricted/binary-i386/Release: No such
 file or directory
 ./dists/intrepid/restricted/binary-i386/Release: FAILED
 open or read md5sum: ./dists/intrepid/Release.gpg: No such
 file or directory ./dists/intrepid/Release.gpg: FAILED
 open or read md5sum:
 ./dists/intrepid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: No such
 file or directory
 ./dists/intrepid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: FAILED open
 or read md5sum: ./dists/intrepid/main/binary-i386/Release:
 No such file or directory
 ./dists/intrepid/main/binary-i386/Release: FAILED open or
 read md5sum: ./pics/blue-upperright.png: No such file or
 directory ./pics/blue-upperright.png: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./pics/blue-lowerleft.png: No such file or
 directory ./pics/blue-lowerleft.png: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./pics/blue-upperleft.png: No such file or
 directory ./pics/blue-upperleft.png: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./pics/logo-50.jpg: No such file or directory
 /pics/logo-50.jpg: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./pics/red-upperright.png: No such file or
 directory ./pics/red-upperright.png: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./pics/red-upperleft.png: No such file or
 directory ./pics/red-upperleft.png: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./pics/red-lowerright.png: No such file or
 directory ./pics/red-lowerright.png: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./pics/red-lowerleft.png: No such file or
 directory ./pics/red-lowerleft.png: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./pics/debian.jpg: No such file or directory
 /pics/debian.jpg: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./pics/blue-lowerright.png: No such file or
 directory ./pics/blue-lowerright.png: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./.disk/casper-uuid-generic: No such file or
 directory ./.disk/casper-uuid-generic: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./.disk/release_notes_url: No such file or
 directory ./.disk/release_notes_url: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./.disk/info: No such file or directory
 /.disk/info: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./umenu.exe: No such file or directory
 /umenu.exe: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./autorun.inf: No such file or directory
 /autorun.inf: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./install/README.sbm: No such file or directory
 /install/README.sbm: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./install/sbm.bin: No such file or directory
 /install/sbm.bin: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./install/mt86plus: No such file or directory
 /install/mt86plus: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./preseed/kubuntu.seed: No such file or directory
 /preseed/kubuntu.seed: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./preseed/cli.seed: No such file or directory
 /preseed/cli.seed: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./pool/restricted/d/drdsl/drdsl_1.2.0-1_i386.deb:
 No such file or directory
 ./pool/restricted/d/drdsl/drdsl_1.2.0-1_i386.deb: FAILED
 open or read md5sum:
 tu1_i386.deb: No such file or directory
 u1_i386.deb: FAILED open or read
 _all.deb: No such file or directory
 all.deb: FAILED open or read
 md5sum: ./pool/main/h/hwtest/hwtest_0.1-0ubuntu10_all.deb:
 No such file or directory

Re: Kubuntu 8.10 i386

2008-11-02 Thread dave lilley

Where when?
You place?
can drop off to Edgeware community centre for their
repository if you like.

- Original Message Follows -
 2008/11/2 dave [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I have this if anyone is interested
 Sincerely etc.
 Christopher Sawtell

Re: OT Learning 'C' - any pointers?

2008-10-29 Thread dave lilley
Is this CPIT?
if so thought cobol had been scrapped sometime ago.
I started on BBC basic - cobol - vb 1-3, delphi 1-3 (self
taught), VERY little on java,
some Ruby 1.8.6 (V. good online site
satish kumar runs it FOC!!!).

but think this is for intro course he now does an
¨intermediate and advanced¨ courses too
but the site will explain all that. it#347; 3 months online
interaction so it#347; your discrection as how fast you go
(each module/chapter/lesson is 1 weeks worth of learning)
you can fall behind but you cannot jump ahead as each week
is sat - sat STD India time.

for what it#347; worth.


- Original Message Follows -
 On Tue, 2008-10-28 at 19:50 +1300, Steve Holdoway wrote:
  On Tue, 28 Oct 2008 19:38:22 +1300
  Kerry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm currently learning my first real language (outside
   of various web-based languages) as part of my studies.
   I'm keen on bringing some of my work home to expand on
   it but the compiler/debugger we use is windows based
 and I'm keen on using something on my Ubuntu box that has
   a nice GUI interface as at the moment I'd rather spend
   my time learning C and not mucking around learning how
   to use command line compilers/debuggers (I'll save
   that for later...).
   Also does anyone know of any sites online that have
   good (basic/intermediate) howtos on C - I kinda prefer
   real world pointers rather than hello world type
  I learnt C from Kernigan and Ritchies 'An introduction
 to C programming', and it was my reference book for years.
 Now that's good for  book - both a teaching aid and a
  I think there'll be a load of people suggesting you
  learn an objective language.

 Thanks Steve, Our manuals are actually pretty good for a
 learning institution, but I'll keep your recommendation in
 mind - I picked up Programming in C 3rd ed. by Stephen
 G. Kochan from the library today, the seemed pretty thin
 on the ground when it came to C programming.

 I get no choice in the programming languages as part of my
 course, (learning C, COBOL, Java and .NET) and choose one
 as my elective (which will probably be C)


Re: vertual managers

2008-10-20 Thread dave lilley

i tried unsuccessfully to remove directories and files at
the time.

and always got something during startup (prior to getting
GUI loaded) that implied i hadn't removed *all* config files
but wasn't sure where to look and 

Now i'm looking at starting afresh (wiping the user home dir
etc) thought it would be good to get lists views on VM s/w.

- Original Message Follows -
 would it then just be a matter for him to locate and
 delete the relevant  remaining directories?  or is it
 likely to have caused a bigger mess?   in your opinion /
 experience . . .
 Kerry Mayes wrote:
  Sometimes it works perfectly.
  Sometimes it leaves stuff behind.
  Sometimes, the stuff it leaves behind prevents another
  version of vmware from installing.
  2008/10/20 Roger Searle [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  [note reply-to of original post is brokeden]
  what happens if you do:

importing an old Kmail folders to a new HD

2008-10-20 Thread dave lilley
Again got a question for one  all.

got a fresh install of mepis and would like to import the
old Kmail file structure across.
old syetem was/is Kubuntu  7.10

i have tried 

Kmail import tool (within mepis) with no luck.

copy folders from old location across into new location so
joy with some sadness (some messages popup with no subject
(aka index errors me thinks as i came across some of these
in old system).

did have some issues with this and wanted to kill the
indexes off too see if this would solve the problem but
didn't have disk capacity to do this until now.

Not sure if i've used mbox format or not!!

Hope this helps ...
Each message has some funny lettering (e.g.
Fdfhhgvde34rff) and you have a directory stucture like
this .kde/.../kmail-mail-inbox, outbox, sentbox
in each of these you have 3 directories named cur temp new.

hope this help folks sort out the type of mailbox i have in
the old one.

the boss is getting narly at me, and i might have my rations
cut (aka no tea cooked for me at nights if this isn't sorted

my tummy might be largish but i'm afraid i'll thin down too
much and then be forced to cook for myself (and no one wants
me doing that - 1 pot man and was dangerous when single).


dave - the thinning man...

vertual managers

2008-10-17 Thread dave lilley
HI ho all,

Like to get a feel for what folks who are using these
managers which is the best approach in using them and the
most preferred one (taking into account the ease of setup

I'm thinking a long the of 

A) have a partition of x gigs set aside for 1 or N images to
sit in.

B) have these sitting within the home partition.

the object would be so that i could install and run various
distro's (as in a sort of sandbox).

So the ability to setup a image and destroy it without
affecting others will be a must.

I did install and run a VMware image but did something and
screwed it up comepletey (not being able to reinstall the
server or player again).

currently playing with Mepis 7.0.



Re: OT: testing psus

2008-09-27 Thread dave lilley
Chap in a unit beside where i work *might* be able to help.

He does PCB designs from scratch and makes up controller
cards for remote gates and doors etc.

call me at work Monday 3482506 (i'll be the one who answers)

will ask him if he'd be interested in looking at the PSU at
least and how much if anything he'd charge for the service

if you'd like me to


- Original Message Follows -
 Does anyone know of a place in Chch that can test and
 potentially fix PSUs? I'd usually just chuck it, but in
 this case is's out of a 2U server box, and has pretty
 specialised wiring to run 6 removeable hdd bays. 
 The server itself is running fine on an old AMD socket 478
 board which was becoming a bit flakey after the best part
 of 3 years constant use in a dusty environment. I have
 spent about 2 months trying to replace it with a new quad
 core replacement, and after spending a month on the first
 one, my supplier admitted that the memory didn't really
 work with the modo I was using. So I replaced this with an
 Intel equivalent, which was a real pain due to the new
 intel graphics stuff not really being supported in the
 mainstream kernels, and other things. Anyway, the first
 board never even passed POST, and the replacement lasted
 less than a week. In this situation, my supplier is
 blaming my PSU ( which is still working fine as far as I
 can see ), and I'm blaming shoddy goods. I really do need
 to be sure that they are not wrong before trying to put
 another replacement mobo, etc into the server. I can
 temporarily lift the bonnet and run a standard sized PSU
 in the meantime.
 All I've done is to open the unit up and clean the dust
 out of it. Can anyone suggest a local company to service
 As usual the tenuous link is that this is out of my linux
 server (:
 Steve Holdoway [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT: testing psus

2008-09-27 Thread dave lilley

Chap in a unit beside where i work *might* be able to help.

He does PCB designs from scratch and makes up controller
cards for remote gates and doors etc.

call me at work Monday 3482506 (i'll be the one who answers)

will ask him if he'd be interested in looking at the PSU at
least and how much if anything he'd charge for the service

if you'd like me to


- Original Message Follows -
 Does anyone know of a place in Chch that can test and
 potentially fix PSUs? I'd usually just chuck it, but in
 this case is's out of a 2U server box, and has pretty
 specialised wiring to run 6 removeable hdd bays. 
 The server itself is running fine on an old AMD socket 478
 board which was becoming a bit flakey after the best part
 of 3 years constant use in a dusty environment. I have
 spent about 2 months trying to replace it with a new quad
 core replacement, and after spending a month on the first
 one, my supplier admitted that the memory didn't really
 work with the modo I was using. So I replaced this with an
 Intel equivalent, which was a real pain due to the new
 intel graphics stuff not really being supported in the
 mainstream kernels, and other things. Anyway, the first
 board never even passed POST, and the replacement lasted
 less than a week. In this situation, my supplier is
 blaming my PSU ( which is still working fine as far as I
 can see ), and I'm blaming shoddy goods. I really do need
 to be sure that they are not wrong before trying to put
 another replacement mobo, etc into the server. I can
 temporarily lift the bonnet and run a standard sized PSU
 in the meantime.
 All I've done is to open the unit up and clean the dust
 out of it. Can anyone suggest a local company to service
 As usual the tenuous link is that this is out of my linux
 server (:
 Steve Holdoway [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: FreeView7 - internet debate

2008-09-23 Thread dave lilley
really wanted to watch this via the net as i don't get TV7.

Had tried to no avail to get the bloody stream but kept
having to load a plugin for FF which there was none

when i tried from TVNZ it told me (forget the exact words)
that it wasn't available.

ask in the Chat room but that didn't allow me to choose
Mplayer or other media streaming s/w.

didn't want to go through the hassle of installing a flash
or some such s/w either last night.

- Original Message Follows -
 On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 8:53 AM, dave
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Been trying to get it
  on tvnz with no luck! watching some of the live chat
 room feeds 
  anyone able to point me to an archive of this debate?
 it will be repeated on TVNZ7 today just after midday and
 tomorrow just after 10.00 pm.

Re: Postgres Training

2008-07-15 Thread dave lilley

I'd like to add myself as being interested in this!

Chris H (if your reading) didn't you work with this???

dave L.

- Original Message Follows -
 I have had a request for a source of Postgres training.
 (probably admin and client programming)
 Does anyone know of any reputable source of training for
 Possibly even someone with the requisite skills maybe to
 offer it.
 Visit our website at 
 CAUTION: The information contained in this email is
 privileged  and confidential.  If you read this message
 and you are not the  intended recipient, you are hereby
 notified that any use,  dissemination, distribution or
 reproduction of all or part of the  contents is
 prohibited. If you receive this message in error,  please
 notify the sender immediately.
 Any opinions or views expressed in this message are those
 of the  individual sender and may not represent those of
 their employer.


2007-10-17 Thread dave lilley
i'm will to do this and burn a copy for the resource.


- Original Message Follows -
 It's actually several list members.
 I have very gratefully received many gigabytes on DVDs and
 CDs from several traffic volume donors. All I have done is
 a bit of talking, a lot of typing, and a some nicely
 exercising leg-work.
 All we need now is, for members to demonstate that it's
 all been worthwhile, by voting with their feet and getting
 distros from the archive, which I will be maintaining for
 at least 6 months.
 We do realize that folks with good broadband connections
 and large volume caps don't really need to be involved.
 It's specifically aimed at people who are on dial-up
 access or who have tiny volume caps imposed on them  by
 If list members with big pipes could get the 'Gutsy
 Gibbon' release version in a co-ordinated way when he
 breaks out of his zoo in a few days time, that would be
 most appreciated.
 Sincerely etc.
 Christopher Sawtell


2007-10-16 Thread dave lilley

I agree, it's important for this group to show appreciation
on such a matter in a formal way.


- Original Message Follows -
 I propose a vote of thanks to:
 a) the list member
 b) the St. Albans Resource Centre
 c) Chris and all the others who have worked so hard
 towards this project.
 and that this be put in writing by someone for the SRC who
 presumably are  not list members!
 At 13:34 17/10/07 +1300, you wrote:
 Greeting to CLUGgers,
 The St. Albans Resource Centre has, without being
 commissioned to do so by CLUG, purchased a 120GB hard
 drive for us at a cost of $40. The disk is to be used to
 host  the .iso file collection on the machine housing the
 distro archive we have established there. The machine runs
 linux (dual booted with windows) and will have a donated
 DVD-writer installed soon. This will enable us to house
 more distros and give us an independent drive that we can
 remove and situate elsewhere if need be. A list member,
 who is on a very limited budget, has given them this
 amount of money out of his own account. The CLUG's bank
 account signatories would like the group's permission to
 reimburse said list member. If anybody objects to this
 use of CLUG funds please could they make their wishes
 known to us promptly. 
 Sincerely etc.
 Christopher Sawtell
 For all your legal work;
 P O Box 1386
 Phone 64 - 3 - 366 1152
 FAX   64 - 3 - 366 1151

Re: Xtra/Yahoo email services

2007-05-18 Thread dave lilley

am a yahoo user so it's [EMAIL PROTECTED] but when i login i
get redirected to a NZ or australian server eg
and all's i get is a blank screen with done on the bottom
left corner as if all data has been transmitted.

current been on the phone with TC for @ 45 minutes trying to
fix this fault.

they are curently trying a different  IP range incase mine
is being rejected for some reason by the HTTPS service at

Also imported flash and Shockwave (all this under winders in
an attempt to get access again.


- Original Message Follows -
 Are you trying to use the [EMAIL PROTECTED] email or
 On 18/05/07, dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  anyone having trouble accessing this from within NZ??
  I go and login get asked my p/w and while getting
  transferred to nz.blahblah. it dies.
  then when i go to like the yahoo search site it says
  welcome dave  as if i
  am online (which i suppose i am just that i cannot get
  to my email account.
  sent the buggers an email (not that i think it'll do
  much good). Now i'm asking the community if anyone esle
  has experianced the same problems.
 Pieroth Wine Executive
 and XBox 360 freak!

MS and it's FUD

2007-05-14 Thread dave lilley
wouldn't it be interesting to see the NZ commerce commisions
reaction to the article.

Okay it's US based but they have an office in NZ and that
office has to do as the World head office says (until the
head office say's don't or we'll be caught doing a SCO).

So the rumblings from the US potentially affects us here in
NZ. Ergo potential business and consumer problems here in NZ
and anti-competitive issues arise.

Right okay so we'd have months of commerce commission wring
it's hands because some smart arse raised a prickly issue
with them (think Boardband here and how toothless and
clawless they were on that - okay govt didn't want telecon
to lose too much profit).

We'd (who ever raised the issue) probably get hammered by
comm comm for annoying them and putting 'em in a pile of
s**t and or have a big stick waved as a way of keeping
things quite and gagging the person/company from reveling
anything specific.

But and a big but if MS was forced by comm comm to show it's
hand on the Violations in court then the rest of the world
could hammer MS based on the declared violations here.

So one person dies for the common good :)

upshot Don't pick me!!!

but it'd be good to stick it to MS over this issue. and the

Global celeb over night.
Movie rights (dam RMS would probably claim 'em  i want mel
brookes to be Steve B.).
Chat show offers speaking engagements
a chin wag with Paul Homes (so i can't spell what's new).
a chin wag with 60 minutes oh and PCuser oh and
list could be endless.

but what after the 60 seconds of fame


Re: converting a Avi movie to burn to CD (VCD/SVCD)

2007-01-08 Thread dave lilley

yup you did mention any2dvd before.


- Original Message Follows -
 dave wrote:
  many thanks for your help on this but after looking at
  the info in the first  link you sent me last night i
  think i'll obtain by fair or foul means a usb  dvd burn
 work has and burn a dvd disc as you sugested in the first

 you will still need to convert the video to dvd compliant
 mpeg. As I  think I said earlier in the thread (or did I?)
 any2dvd works well,  creates a DVD with chapters every 10
 minutes, 5.1 ac3 soundtrack and has  a few other nice


2007-01-08 Thread dave lilley
sorry i've now been given some duties to do (painting around
the house) to be done by friday.
and i've not started yet! haha.

Re: Where would the kontact addressbook be found ?

2005-08-03 Thread dave lilley

Magic :)

did troll around the .kde and saw the vcf files but thought they were 
vcf's files of a mate of mine.

thanks muchly.

ps i did troll google briefly on this topic.

Robert Fisher wrote:

On Wed, 03 Aug 2005 05:56, dave lilley wrote:

moved off mandrake to ubuntu and from kmail to thunderbird.

Would like to get the address imported into the thunderbird addressbook.

thanx for any pointers.

I asked a similar question back in September - slightly different in that I 
wanted to transfer from one computer to another. I suspect the answer (my own 
answer) would do what you want.

Export from Kontact contacts then import into Thunderbird.

Having a look after a Google search I found:-

/home/robert/.kde3.4/share/apps/korganizer/std.ics (iCalendar file)


I think that this is the one you want.


Where would the kontact addressbook be found ?

2005-08-02 Thread dave lilley

moved off mandrake to ubuntu and from kmail to thunderbird.

Would like to get the address imported into the thunderbird addressbook.

thanx for any pointers.

Re: dual utp cable-end

2005-07-17 Thread dave lilley

what about a laplink type arrangement ?
eg  booting up under dos and trying out laplink / fast wire (i have this 
program if you want to try it ( fits on a 1.44 floppy so could email to 
you ) but then you'd need a box at both ends running dos or win9x.


Nick Rout wrote:

On Sun, 2005-07-17 at 20:23 +1200, Nick Rout wrote:

dse xh4248, although described as a voice data splitter will do this I

hmm looking closer I am not so sure now, maybe it was a similar thing
but wired for two data.

looking now at jaycar...

On Sun, 2005-07-17 at 20:18 +1200, Jim Cheetham wrote:

I have a small cabling problem, and a thought for a solution - but no 
actual tools to test it out ...

I have a long run of a single UTP cable from the garage to the study at 
home. No opportunity to run a second cable (we tried a second one at 
the time the first was put in, but there was no way it was going to fit 
through the cable run that has been made).

Now, for purposes of network segregation, I need to have two classes of 
network at both ends of that single cable. I'm not able to VLAN the 
switches at either end (which is the 'expensive equipment' way to solve 
problems of sharing things).

However, it's an 8-core cable with all 8 wired up, and utp signals only 
over 4 wires. So I should be able to basically have two RJ45s at each 
end, and therefore have two independent signals.

I don't know if there's an official wiring spec for this usage - any 
references welcome. However, even if I pick a 'bad' way to use the 
cable, I'll still get useable signal out of it.

Now, because the cable in question is physically pretty much stuck 
where it is, and I'd hate to stuff it up, I'm proposing leaving it 
entirely untouched. But what I can do, I hope, is to get a couple of 
double-headed extension cables ... a single socket at one end, and a 
pair of plugs at the other end. If the socket bit is difficult to sort 
out, I could use a plug and then one of those double-socket extenders 
to join on to the original.

Now, has anyone tried a double-headed cable? Care to whip up a couple 
for me? ;-)



Re: Gentoo Installfest (was Re: OpenBSD)

2003-06-11 Thread Dave Lilley
I've only got the one box linux is on a 15gig Hd but wanted to see if
gentoo was okay on the 2gig (push goes to shove i'll use the 15 gig


normal pc stuff word processing, Programming (eg kylix).

On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 20:28, Nick Rout wrote:
 depends what he wants to run on it and whteher he has other machines
 to distcc to.
 On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 17:14:14+1200 Christopher Sawtell
  On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 16:30, Dave Lilley wrote:
   i'd be in on this.
   got a 2gig hd (spare) and a p200 96meg ram (my pc).
  I'm a bit worried that you may find that updating and generally
  maintaining a Gentoo machine with that speed of processor would be
  somewhat, shall we say, tiresome. To completely update the base of KDE
  on a PII/400 takes from Saturday morning until some time on Wednesday.
  While we will be able to compile applications for you on the much
  faster machines which folk are bringing, I'm a bit concerned that we
  might be landing you with a machine which is - in practice -
  What do others think?
   where  when ???
  Not known yet, depends how many people want to come.
  C. S.

RE: Gentoo Installfest

2003-06-11 Thread Dave Lilley
Snipped lots out

 OK. How does Saturday 05/july/03 suit folks?
 That's the Saturday immediately after the next CLUG meeting on Monday 
 30/june/2000. I think we need some time at the meeting to try out the distcc

5 July 2003 is a goer for me.


RE: Gentoo Installfest (was Re: OpenBSD)

2003-06-10 Thread Dave Lilley
i'd be in on this.

got a 2gig hd (spare) and a p200 96meg ram (my pc).

where  when ???


On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 09:37, gjw49 wrote:
 I also think this is a good idea, but maybe not as a public installfest like 
 the Mandrake/RedHat ones. Just a small gathering of everyone on the list who 
 wants to try Gentoo (*puts up hand* ;-) or who wants to get updated packages 
 quickly for their current system (if they're on a modem connection at home). 
 If you can share the portage tree... and you can share the compiling...
 Could we have, say, everyone who gets an install up and working leave their 
 machine running to help others who are still installing? Is it just me, or 
 would that be _damn_cool_? ;-)
 = Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
 I think this is a good idea, though I expect it to be far more complex than a 
 standard (Redhat/Mandrake) installfest.  As such, I would suggest that the 
 organisers have a practise run with a few experts who are willing to give 
 Gentoo a try - so that some of the issues can be ironed
 out earlier.
 Personally I'm willing to come along  help out, and I'll bring my box to 
 help out with the distcc compile effort.
  -Original Message-
  From: Christopher Sawtell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, 10 June 2003 11:16 p.m.
  Subject: Re: Gentoo Installfest (was Re: OpenBSD)
  On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 11:22, you wrote:
   Gentoo is looking more feasible by the minute...I am running out of
   excuses not to at least try it. =)
  Does all theis interest in Gentoo mean that we are going to
  have to organise a
  Gentoo Installfest?
  Not as silly as it might at first seem because it would then
  allow the sharing
  of the portage tree. Mine is now at something of the order of
  Some of it might be old files, but I did have a big purge not
  so long ago. That fileset could be shared around to minimise
  download bother, also gentoo
  can now use the distributed compiling idea, so a group could
  probably get it
  all going pretty quickly - In a living memory time-span anyway :-)
  Remember that the installation of Gentoo is not for the total
  newb, but
  getting new packages and doing upgrades is totally ( 99.999%
  :-) free of
  Note that the Gentoo Weekly News reports today that the
  Gentoo system has been
  ported to the the Darwin Kernel on PPC. You can now have all
  your X11 based
  toys _and_ Photoshop etc on the same machine without rebooting!
  C. S.

Re: Gentoo Installfest (was Re: OpenBSD)

2003-06-10 Thread Dave Lilley
Ya well from some of the messages i too think that but maintainability 
is a concern (want to be able to update OS  packages without too much
hassle - missing support files etc as i'e found with m'drake 8.2).


ps have a bigger drive too (15gig).

On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 17:14, Christopher Sawtell wrote:
 On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 16:30, Dave Lilley wrote:
  i'd be in on this.
  got a 2gig hd (spare) and a p200 96meg ram (my pc).
 I'm a bit worried that you may find that updating and generally maintaining a 
 Gentoo machine with that speed of processor would be somewhat, shall we say, 
 tiresome. To completely update the base of KDE on a PII/400 takes from 
 Saturday morning until some time on Wednesday. While we will be able to 
 compile applications for you on the much faster machines which folk are 
 bringing, I'm a bit concerned that we might be landing you with a machine 
 which is - in practice - unmaintainable.
 What do others think?
  where  when ???
 Not known yet, depends how many people want to come.
 C. S.


2003-06-06 Thread Dave Lilley

Hi there folks,

Anyone played or using OpenBSD ??

What's your opinion of it ???

interested in it.
