Re: Note formatting bug?

2019-08-22 Thread Daniel

On 2019-08-23 02:37, Daniel wrote:

On 23/8/19 0:13, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 8/22/19 2:47 PM, Daniel wrote:

On 2019-08-22 19:42, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 8/22/19 1:26 PM, Daniel wrote:

Could someone please test the following with the attached document:
1. Open it
2. Select all text
3. Insert LyX note

For me all text becomes formatted like a section heading. But bot 
so if I first create the note and then paste the content into it 
which seems strange.


Same here (LyX 2.3.3).


Thanks for checking. The problem seems to be that the LyX note uses 
the "Plain Layout" (rather than "Standard" layout) which inherits the 
layout of the paragraph the inset is placed in. I am not sure there 
is currently a way to fix this.

Note that the first line is section* and the second line is plain. As 
they were, except for the switch from standard.

By default, insets do inherit the font from their parents. But you can 
change this:

InsetLayout Note:Note


Size normal

Shape up

Series medium



I would have expected

InsetLayout Note:Note

ResetsFont true


to work, but it does not seem to.


Thanks. Same here. Adding the first approach to my user dir. That 
actually solves an annoying behavior.


Patching the note inset makes working with them so much nicer! Should I 
file a report?


Re: Note formatting bug?

2019-08-22 Thread Daniel

On 23/8/19 1:38, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 06:15:00PM -0400, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

This trick resets the outer layout to standard. But I think the issue
was that notes have the big font if they're in headings. I've always
found that wrong.

I also have found it annoying.


I find it annoying too.

Maybe the idea behind the original approach was that notes should give a 
preview of what its content looks like if the note was dissolved? At 
least for notes that have only one paragraph it has this effects. But 
this idea breaks down anyway if there are several plain paragraphs in 
the note.


Re: Note formatting bug?

2019-08-22 Thread Daniel

On 23/8/19 0:13, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 8/22/19 2:47 PM, Daniel wrote:

On 2019-08-22 19:42, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 8/22/19 1:26 PM, Daniel wrote:

Could someone please test the following with the attached document:
1. Open it
2. Select all text
3. Insert LyX note

For me all text becomes formatted like a section heading. But bot so 
if I first create the note and then paste the content into it which 
seems strange.


Same here (LyX 2.3.3).


Thanks for checking. The problem seems to be that the LyX note uses 
the "Plain Layout" (rather than "Standard" layout) which inherits the 
layout of the paragraph the inset is placed in. I am not sure there is 
currently a way to fix this.

Note that the first line is section* and the second line is plain. As 
they were, except for the switch from standard.

By default, insets do inherit the font from their parents. But you can 
change this:

InsetLayout Note:Note


Size normal

Shape up

Series medium



I would have expected

InsetLayout Note:Note

ResetsFont true


to work, but it does not seem to.


Thanks. Same here. Adding the first approach to my user dir. That 
actually solves an annoying behavior.


Re: Note formatting bug?

2019-08-22 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
On 8/22/19 7:38 PM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 06:15:00PM -0400, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>> This trick resets the outer layout to standard. But I think the issue
>> was that notes have the big font if they're in headings. I've always
>> found that wrong.
> I also have found it annoying.

Why doesn't ResetsFont work here? Should it? Or does it do something
else, say, indicate something about the LaTeX output?


Re: Note formatting bug?

2019-08-22 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 06:15:00PM -0400, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

> This trick resets the outer layout to standard. But I think the issue
> was that notes have the big font if they're in headings. I've always
> found that wrong.

I also have found it annoying.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Note formatting bug?

2019-08-22 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
On 8/22/19 6:11 PM, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 08:47:43PM +0200, Daniel wrote:
>> On 2019-08-22 19:42, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>>> On 8/22/19 1:26 PM, Daniel wrote:
 Could someone please test the following with the attached document:
 1. Open it
 2. Select all text
 3. Insert LyX note

 For me all text becomes formatted like a section heading. But bot so
 if I first create the note and then paste the content into it which
 seems strange.

>>> Same here (LyX 2.3.3).
>>> Paul
>> Thanks for checking. The problem seems to be that the LyX note uses the
>> "Plain Layout" (rather than "Standard" layout) which inherits the layout of
>> the paragraph the inset is placed in. I am not sure there is currently a way
>> to fix this.
> Insert an ampty ERT before the section. Put everything (including the ERT)
> into a LyX note. Now remove the empty ERT. See attached, where the previous
> three steps are illustrated.

This trick resets the outer layout to standard. But I think the issue
was that notes have the big font if they're in headings. I've always
found that wrong.


Re: Note formatting bug?

2019-08-22 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
On 8/22/19 2:47 PM, Daniel wrote:
> On 2019-08-22 19:42, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>> On 8/22/19 1:26 PM, Daniel wrote:
>>> Could someone please test the following with the attached document:
>>> 1. Open it
>>> 2. Select all text
>>> 3. Insert LyX note
>>> For me all text becomes formatted like a section heading. But bot so
>>> if I first create the note and then paste the content into it which
>>> seems strange.
>>> Daniel
>> Same here (LyX 2.3.3).
>> Paul
> Thanks for checking. The problem seems to be that the LyX note uses
> the "Plain Layout" (rather than "Standard" layout) which inherits the
> layout of the paragraph the inset is placed in. I am not sure there is
> currently a way to fix this.

Note that the first line is section* and the second line is plain. As
they were, except for the switch from standard.

By default, insets do inherit the font from their parents. But you can
change this:

InsetLayout Note:Note


Size normal

Shape up

Series medium



I would have expected

InsetLayout Note:Note

ResetsFont true


to work, but it does not seem to.


Re: Note formatting bug?

2019-08-22 Thread Enrico Forestieri
On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 08:47:43PM +0200, Daniel wrote:
> On 2019-08-22 19:42, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> > On 8/22/19 1:26 PM, Daniel wrote:
> > > Could someone please test the following with the attached document:
> > > 1. Open it
> > > 2. Select all text
> > > 3. Insert LyX note
> > > 
> > > For me all text becomes formatted like a section heading. But bot so
> > > if I first create the note and then paste the content into it which
> > > seems strange.
> > > 
> > > Daniel
> > Same here (LyX 2.3.3).
> > 
> > Paul
> > 
> > 
> Thanks for checking. The problem seems to be that the LyX note uses the
> "Plain Layout" (rather than "Standard" layout) which inherits the layout of
> the paragraph the inset is placed in. I am not sure there is currently a way
> to fix this.

Insert an ampty ERT before the section. Put everything (including the ERT)
into a LyX note. Now remove the empty ERT. See attached, where the previous
three steps are illustrated.

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\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Section*

\begin_layout Standard

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Note Note
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Section*

\begin_layout Plain Layout



\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Note Note
status open

\begin_layout Section*

\begin_layout Plain Layout




Re: Some exports are currently failing on master

2019-08-22 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 05:17:18PM +0200, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 22.08.2019, 10:44 -0400 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:
> > If I accept all changes and then do the above command, I get a
> > different
> > error:
> > 
> >   Paragraph ended before \xthreesent was complete.
> Try again, please.

Works well! That fixes four tests. Thanks for the quick fix.

There are four other failing tests, but I think two are because of the
Polyglossia bug. The other two I think are tests that should be disabled
since they have to do with exporting to very old formats. For example,
if in master you export the Spanish Linguistics.lyx file to 1.6.x format
and then open that exported file in master, it appears to be an
incorrect .lyx file. I get a lot of warnings. The first one is the

  The module \begin_local_layout has been requested by this document but
  has not been found...

Can you confirm that it is not worth the time to fix this
round-trip-with-1.6.x issue and that we should disable those tests for
this document?



Description: PGP signature

Re: Note formatting bug?

2019-08-22 Thread Daniel

On 2019-08-22 19:42, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 8/22/19 1:26 PM, Daniel wrote:

Could someone please test the following with the attached document:
1. Open it
2. Select all text
3. Insert LyX note

For me all text becomes formatted like a section heading. But bot so 
if I first create the note and then paste the content into it which 
seems strange.


Same here (LyX 2.3.3).


Thanks for checking. The problem seems to be that the LyX note uses the 
"Plain Layout" (rather than "Standard" layout) which inherits the layout 
of the paragraph the inset is placed in. I am not sure there is 
currently a way to fix this.


Re: Note formatting bug?

2019-08-22 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 8/22/19 1:26 PM, Daniel wrote:

Could someone please test the following with the attached document:
1. Open it
2. Select all text
3. Insert LyX note

For me all text becomes formatted like a section heading. But bot so 
if I first create the note and then paste the content into it which 
seems strange.


Same here (LyX 2.3.3).


Note formatting bug?

2019-08-22 Thread Daniel

Could someone please test the following with the attached document:
1. Open it
2. Select all text
3. Insert LyX note

For me all text becomes formatted like a section heading. But bot so if 
I first create the note and then paste the content into it which seems 

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\begin_layout Section*

\begin_layout Standard


Re: Missing lyxeditor.cmd?

2019-08-22 Thread Chris Menzel
On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 11:26 AM Richard Kimberly Heck 

> ...
> >>> I have installed LyX 2.3.3 on a Dell XPS laptop and, Lo, the
> installation's bin directory appears to be missing lyxeditor.cmd, which is
> of course crucial for inverse search. Is this an oversight? Or is it now in
> some other directory?
> >> We don't distribute this file.
> > Huh. Unlike the macOS version, apparently. Why the difference with the
> Windows distribution?
> I guess Stephan includes it. Maybe Uwe used to as well? I could include
> it, too, I suppose, but I'm not actually a Windows user. We really do
> need someone who is to take over Windows packaging.

I'm not really a Windows user either, but I got so irked with recent Mac
laptops that I bought the (quite lovely) Dell in a fit of pique. I have to
say that, once you get it set up right, LyX under Windows (and Linux) works
rather better than it does under macOS. It loads *much *faster and just
seems snappier all around; forward/inverse searching in particular is
faster and more accurate. (Both startup and forward search on macOS have
been glacial under the last few iterations, though they're improved in

>> According to this page of the wiki:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> it's something you need to create yourself.
> > The need to create lyxeditor.cmd is only mentioned in the section on
> Okular for Windows. That one needs to create it oneself is as far as I can
> see not mentioned in the section on configuring SumatraPDF, which is the
> PDF viewer I'm using. Might the Keepers of the Wiki consider mentioning the
> need to create this script right at the top of the section on SumatraPDF.
> The wiki is, well, a wiki, so anyone can edit it.

Oh...right. :-) I'll try to gussy up the sections on LyX+SumatraPDF once
the semester is comfortably under way. It could definitely use some work.


Re: Missing lyxeditor.cmd?

2019-08-22 Thread Daniel

On 2019-08-22 18:26, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

On 8/22/19 12:06 PM, Christopher Menzel wrote:

On 22 Aug 2019, at 10:39 AM, Richard Kimberly Heck  wrote:

On 8/22/19 10:48 AM, Chris Menzel wrote:

Gentle LyX folk,

I have installed LyX 2.3.3 on a Dell XPS laptop and, Lo, the installation's bin 
directory appears to be missing lyxeditor.cmd, which is of course crucial for 
inverse search. Is this an oversight? Or is it now in some other directory?

We don't distribute this file.

Huh. Unlike the macOS version, apparently. Why the difference with the Windows 

I guess Stephan includes it. Maybe Uwe used to as well? I could include
it, too, I suppose, but I'm not actually a Windows user. We really do
need someone who is to take over Windows packaging.

According to this page of the wiki:

it's something you need to create yourself.

The need to create lyxeditor.cmd is only mentioned in the section on Okular for 
Windows. That one needs to create it oneself is as far as I can see not 
mentioned in the section on configuring SumatraPDF, which is the PDF viewer I'm 
using. Might the Keepers of the Wiki consider mentioning the need to create 
this script right at the top of the section on SumatraPDF.

The wiki is, well, a wiki, so anyone can edit it.


I still think that the SumatraPDF section in the wiki might just be 
rolled back. Everything seems to work fine for me without having the 


Re: Missing lyxeditor.cmd?

2019-08-22 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
On 8/22/19 12:06 PM, Christopher Menzel wrote:
> On 22 Aug 2019, at 10:39 AM, Richard Kimberly Heck  wrote:
>> On 8/22/19 10:48 AM, Chris Menzel wrote:
>>> Gentle LyX folk,
>>> I have installed LyX 2.3.3 on a Dell XPS laptop and, Lo, the installation's 
>>> bin directory appears to be missing lyxeditor.cmd, which is of course 
>>> crucial for inverse search. Is this an oversight? Or is it now in some 
>>> other directory?
>> We don't distribute this file.
> Huh. Unlike the macOS version, apparently. Why the difference with the 
> Windows distribution?

I guess Stephan includes it. Maybe Uwe used to as well? I could include
it, too, I suppose, but I'm not actually a Windows user. We really do
need someone who is to take over Windows packaging.

>> According to this page of the wiki:
>> it's something you need to create yourself.
> The need to create lyxeditor.cmd is only mentioned in the section on Okular 
> for Windows. That one needs to create it oneself is as far as I can see not 
> mentioned in the section on configuring SumatraPDF, which is the PDF viewer 
> I'm using. Might the Keepers of the Wiki consider mentioning the need to 
> create this script right at the top of the section on SumatraPDF.

The wiki is, well, a wiki, so anyone can edit it.


Re: Missing lyxeditor.cmd?

2019-08-22 Thread Christopher Menzel
On 22 Aug 2019, at 10:39 AM, Richard Kimberly Heck  wrote:
> On 8/22/19 10:48 AM, Chris Menzel wrote:
>> Gentle LyX folk,
>> I have installed LyX 2.3.3 on a Dell XPS laptop and, Lo, the installation's 
>> bin directory appears to be missing lyxeditor.cmd, which is of course 
>> crucial for inverse search. Is this an oversight? Or is it now in some other 
>> directory?
> We don't distribute this file.

Huh. Unlike the macOS version, apparently. Why the difference with the Windows 

> According to this page of the wiki:
> it's something you need to create yourself.

The need to create lyxeditor.cmd is only mentioned in the section on Okular for 
Windows. That one needs to create it oneself is as far as I can see not 
mentioned in the section on configuring SumatraPDF, which is the PDF viewer I'm 
using. Might the Keepers of the Wiki consider mentioning the need to create 
this script right at the top of the section on SumatraPDF.

Thanks for the info!


Re: Missing lyxeditor.cmd?

2019-08-22 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck
On 8/22/19 10:48 AM, Chris Menzel wrote:
> Gentle LyX folk,
> I have installed LyX 2.3.3 on a Dell XPS laptop and, Lo, the
> installation's bin directory appears to be missing lyxeditor.cmd,
> which is of course crucial for inverse search. Is this an oversight?
> Or is it now in some other directory?

We don't distribute this file. According to this page of the wiki:

it's something you need to create yourself. If you do a web search for
"lyxeditor.cmd", you'll find some other info along the same lines.


Re: Some exports are currently failing on master

2019-08-22 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Donnerstag, den 22.08.2019, 10:44 -0400 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:
> If I accept all changes and then do the above command, I get a
> different
> error:
>   Paragraph ended before \xthreesent was complete.

Try again, please.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Missing lyxeditor.cmd?

2019-08-22 Thread Daniel

On 22/8/19 16:48, Chris Menzel wrote:

Gentle LyX folk,

I have installed LyX 2.3.3 on a Dell XPS laptop and, Lo, the 
installation's bin directory appears to be missing lyxeditor.cmd, which 
is of course crucial for inverse search. Is this an oversight? Or is it 
now in some other directory?


Chris Menzel

I don't have lyxeditor.cmd in the bin directory (or apparently anywhere 
else) either. But reverse search works just fine. So it seems not true 
that this file is necessary for it to work. I have SumatraPDF set up 
according to However, my inverse 
search command in the SumatraPDF Options is

CMD /C (ECHO LYXCMD:revdvi:server-goto-file-row:%f %l) > \\.\pipe\

Someone named KJO seems to have changed the command there in the summer. 
Not sure why. Maybe someone can restore it to a working version?


Re: [LyX/2.3.x] Fix encoding issues with configuration under Python 3.

2019-08-22 Thread Stephan Witt
Am 22.08.2019 um 17:01 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller :
> Am Donnerstag, den 22.08.2019, 16:55 +0200 schrieb Stephan Witt:
>> The status entry is missing.
>> I don’t know where to add it…
> I'll do when I push the fix proposed at

Wouldn’t it be a good idea to record the python version in configure.log?


Re: [LyX/2.3.x] Fix encoding issues with configuration under Python 3.

2019-08-22 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Donnerstag, den 22.08.2019, 16:55 +0200 schrieb Stephan Witt:
> The status entry is missing.
> I don’t know where to add it…

I'll do when I push the fix proposed at


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [LyX/2.3.x] Fix encoding issues with configuration under Python 3.

2019-08-22 Thread Stephan Witt
Am 21.08.2019 um 23:10 schrieb Günter Milde :
> commit d30da478d4f8ca861ee36ff77f6cc10c6f7bfd2b
> Author: Günter Milde 
> Date:   Wed Aug 21 23:20:27 2019 +0200
>Fix encoding issues with configuration under Python 3.
>Backported from [b9cc642/lyxgit].
> ---
> lib/ |  262 --
> 1 files changed, 134 insertions(+), 128 deletions(-)

The status entry is missing.

I don’t know where to add it…


Missing lyxeditor.cmd?

2019-08-22 Thread Chris Menzel
Gentle LyX folk,

I have installed LyX 2.3.3 on a Dell XPS laptop and, Lo, the installation's
bin directory appears to be missing lyxeditor.cmd, which is of course
crucial for inverse search. Is this an oversight? Or is it now in some
other directory?


Chris Menzel

Re: Some exports are currently failing on master

2019-08-22 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 04:04:57PM +0200, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 22.08.2019, 09:38 -0400 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:
> > Thanks, a TL update made the important tests pass. There are still
> > some
> > failures, but I'm not sure if they're worth fixing. Could you please
> > let
> > me know if the failure should be fixed or if I should disable the
> > test
> > corresponding to the following round-trip export:
> > 
> >   lyx -e lyx23x Linguistics.lyx && lyx -e pdf2 Linguistics.23.lyx
> > 
> > I tested with the English version but I think it also fails for other
> > versions. 
> I don't think so.

Good to know.

> > The error I get is:
> > 
> >   Paragraph ended before \\digloss was complete.
> > 
> > This might be necessary though, if e.g., we make ERT when exporting
> > to
> > 2.3.x, and then when converting it back to master's format we should
> > not
> > expect to take into account the ERT. If this is the case we should
> > disable the test.
> This is due to the change tracking marks in that (English) document.
> Strikes me too complicated to handle that in the reversion routine.

Makes sense.

> It
> will go away once the changes have been accepted.

If I accept all changes and then do the above command, I get a different

  Paragraph ended before \xthreesent was complete.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Some exports are currently failing on master

2019-08-22 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Donnerstag, den 22.08.2019, 09:38 -0400 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:
> Thanks, a TL update made the important tests pass. There are still
> some
> failures, but I'm not sure if they're worth fixing. Could you please
> let
> me know if the failure should be fixed or if I should disable the
> test
> corresponding to the following round-trip export:
>   lyx -e lyx23x Linguistics.lyx && lyx -e pdf2 Linguistics.23.lyx
> I tested with the English version but I think it also fails for other
> versions. 

I don't think so.

> The error I get is:
>   Paragraph ended before \\digloss was complete.
> This might be necessary though, if e.g., we make ERT when exporting
> to
> 2.3.x, and then when converting it back to master's format we should
> not
> expect to take into account the ERT. If this is the case we should
> disable the test.

This is due to the change tracking marks in that (English) document.
Strikes me too complicated to handle that in the reversion routine. It
will go away once the changes have been accepted.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Some exports are currently failing on master

2019-08-22 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 07:40:07AM +0200, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Am Montag, den 12.08.2019, 22:24 -0400 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:
> >   lib/examples/Modules/Linguistics.lyx
> You might need to check whether your covington version is up to date.
> The linguistics module now supports some rather new features and
> formats.

Thanks, a TL update made the important tests pass. There are still some
failures, but I'm not sure if they're worth fixing. Could you please let
me know if the failure should be fixed or if I should disable the test
corresponding to the following round-trip export:

  lyx -e lyx23x Linguistics.lyx && lyx -e pdf2 Linguistics.23.lyx

I tested with the English version but I think it also fails for other
versions. The error I get is:

  Paragraph ended before \\digloss was complete.

This might be necessary though, if e.g., we make ERT when exporting to
2.3.x, and then when converting it back to master's format we should not
expect to take into account the ERT. If this is the case we should
disable the test.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Again many failing export tests in lyx2.4

2019-08-22 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 09:39:18AM +0200, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Am Sonntag, den 26.05.2019, 16:25 +0200 schrieb Kornel Benko:
> > This is the minimal example. User preamble is empty. Removing any
> > part
> > from the paragraph makes it compilable. Even setting the whole text
> > to English does so.
> This compiles with the development version of polyglossia.

That's great news! Thanks for checking.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Again many failing export tests in lyx2.4

2019-08-22 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Sonntag, den 26.05.2019, 16:25 +0200 schrieb Kornel Benko:
> This is the minimal example. User preamble is empty. Removing any
> part
> from the paragraph makes it compilable. Even setting the whole text
> to English does so.

This compiles with the development version of polyglossia. It's the bug
Scott referred to.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Again many failing export tests in lyx2.4

2019-08-22 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Freitag, den 24.05.2019, 20:56 +0200 schrieb Kornel Benko:
> LaTeX.cpp (719): Log line: Class scrbook Warning: \float@addtolists
> detected!
> LaTeX.cpp (719): Log line: (scrbook)  Implementation of \
> float@addtolist became
> LaTeX.cpp (719): Log line: (scrbook)  deprecated in KOMA-
> Script v3.01 2008/11/14 and
> LaTeX.cpp (719): Log line: (scrbook)  has been replaced
> by several more flexible
> LaTeX.cpp (719): Log line: (scrbook)  features of package
> `tocbasic`.
> LaTeX.cpp (719): Log line: (scrbook)  Since Version 3.12
> support for deprecated
> LaTeX.cpp (719): Log line: (scrbook)  \float@addtolist
> interface has been
> LaTeX.cpp (719): Log line: (scrbook)  restricted to only
> some of the KOMA-Script
> LaTeX.cpp (719): Log line: (scrbook)  features and been
> removed from others.
> LaTeX.cpp (719): Log line: (scrbook)  Loading of package
> `scrhack' may help to
> LaTeX.cpp (719): Log line: (scrbook)  avoid this warning,
> if you are using a
> LaTeX.cpp (719): Log line: (scrbook)  a package that
> still implements the
> LaTeX.cpp (719): Log line: (scrbook)  deprecated \
> float@addtolist interface .
> This is the same warning as for
> export/doc/fr/Customization_pdf5_systemF.
> We use deprecated (since 2008!) interface.

That's listings using the command.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Again many failing export tests in lyx2.4

2019-08-22 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Mittwoch, den 21.08.2019, 22:31 -0400 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:
> I'm getting something similar on a just-updated TL19 for the English
> Customization manual with system fonts and pdf5. Googling leads to
> here:
> Maybe it will just take time for the fix to end up in TL.

There's hope. Polyglossia maintenance got some live again in recent
weeks, and many long-standing bugs have already been fixed (this one


Description: This is a digitally signed message part