LyX & feature wishes

2018-01-17 Thread Bernt Lie
Dear LyX developers,

I have used LyX for 1-2 years. Before that, I used FrameMaker (1988-1992), raw 
LaTeX (1992-1994), Scientific Workplace (1994-2016). I still occasionally use 
Scientific Workplace and FrameMaker  (opening old files, etc.).

LyX does much of what I need, but there are a few things I miss. Some of these 
are related to what FrameMaker refer to as "object tags", I guess. In LyX: 
Graphics (click on a LyX graphics), under LaTeX and LyX options: the 
possibility to define Graphics Groups is extremely useful... when I import 
plots generated in MATLAB, I can assign the same graphics group to these plots, 
and get a consistent size of these. If I change the definition of the group, 
this immediately propagates to all plots within the group.

A key suggestion is to *extend* this to other objects. Thus:

1.   I have spent tens of hours trying to get a consistent look for Program 
Listing. It would be really, really helpful if I can assign a Program Listing 
to a "program listing group", where I define computer language, possible 
numbering of lines, location of line numbering, fonts for line numbering, fonts 
for code, line breaks, tabs, etc.,etc. Thus, I'd like to be able to define 
groups such as "Displayed-MATLAB", "InLine-MATLAB", "Displayed-Python", etc., 
etc. Such a possibility would be priceless for getting a consistent look.

2.   Similarly: styles for Floats would be useful. By default, all floats 
seem to be left adjusted. I tend to use center adjustment of figures/tables and 
caption. If I could set a default, or define a group - that would be useful.

Another thing related to efficiency:

3.   I tend to experiment a bit with my notation. What symbol should I use 
for dimensionless variables? I have tried with math expressions with bar 
decoration, with subscript asterisk, etc., etc. I should probably have defined 
macros for this (but haven't looked too much into that possibility). Instead I 
have used the Math Find/Replace option. Some difficulties with this:

a.   Suppose I want to replace math variables with bar decoration to the 
same math variables with superscript asterisk? (\bar{x} to x^\ast, \bar{z} to 
z^\ast, etc., etc.). Currently, I cannot do it in one batch: I have to remember 
each of the variable names for which I want to do this.

b.   When doing search/replace in math expressions... suppose I want to 
change E to K (e.g., if I write about kinetic energy). The math tool for search 
and replace then also goes through ordinary text, and not only the math 
expressions. It would be nice if there was an option so that ordinary text 
(i.e., not enclosed in $.$ or $$.$$) is left out of the replacement.

When I preview documents, LyX often gives me error messages - which very often 
are difficult to decipher.

4.   It would be useful with some improvement (if possible) in what exactly 
is wrong when I get error messages, and in which part of the document I should 
look for problems. With the current level of information (ok - it may be that I 
simply don't understand how to debug), I essentially end up with a binary 
search of the document... remove the last half of the document and see if the 
error message persists, if persists, then re-insert the latter part and remove 
the first quarter, etc., etc. Not particularly efficient, and prone to 

Some integration of Jupyter Notebook/Lab with LyX??

5.   I tend to more and more use Jupyter Notebooks when I develop examples 
in courses, etc. (and soon: Jupyter Lab). Jupyter Notebooks are notebooks that 
are opened and run in a web browser, and currently supports some 40 computer 
languages (Jupyter  originally referred to Julia, Python and R). In a Jupyter 
Notebook, I can download the document as LaTeX. Such notebooks have a simple 
markdown system for defining document structure.

a.   Unfortunately, it is not straightforward to import the downloaded 
LaTeX document into LyX. Problems are related to how to import/typeset active 
cells, but also figures, math, etc.

b.   I will use such Notebooks more and more in the future, and it would be 
extremely useful if I could import then in an easy way into LyX.

c.   It would also be useful if there was a simple way to copy math from 
LyX, and insert it into Jupyter Notebooks. Currently, multiline math doesn't 
fare well.

OK: these were some wishes based on experience with LyX. There are lots of 
things I have only scratched the surface of in LyX (e.g., typesetting chemical 
symbols, etc.), and many things I will look into in the future.

Best regards,
Bernt Lie

Re: LyX & feature wishes

2018-01-17 Thread Bernt Lie
On Jupyter & LyX:

See presentation by noted researcher Randall J LeVeque (numerics of hyperbolic 
PDEs) on how to produce a LaTeX book from Jupyter Notebook; I find this very 

I currently develop examples partly in Jupyter, and need to integrate them in 
LyX documents.

Best regards

Get Outlook for Android<>

From: Joel Kulesza <>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 8:00:41 AM
To: Bernt Lie
Subject: Re: LyX & feature wishes

On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 2:51 AM, Bernt Lie 
<<>> wrote:
1.   I have spent tens of hours trying to get a consistent look for Program 
Listing. It would be really, really helpful if I can assign a Program Listing 
to a “program listing group”, where I define computer language, possible 
numbering of lines, location of line numbering, fonts for line numbering, fonts 
for code, line breaks, tabs, etc.,etc. Thus, I’d like to be able to define 
groups such as “Displayed-MATLAB”, “InLine-MATLAB”, “Displayed-Python”, etc., 
etc. Such a possibility would be priceless for getting a consistent look.

I'm not sure about in-line use; however, I've defined a style for the 
"listings" package that colors language keywords, strings, etc. consistently 
across languages. See this gist: and the 
attached screenshot.  Note that when I use a program listing I only need to 
specify the language to obtain highlighting.

2.   Similarly: styles for Floats would be useful. By default, all floats 
seem to be left adjusted. I tend to use center adjustment of figures/tables and 
caption. If I could set a default, or define a group – that would be useful.

This is a mechanism I'd also like to have. You might be interested in the 
discussion here:  In particular, and in 
the meantime, you might be interested in using JMarc's snippet from that 


in your preamble to achieve the desired effect.  However, floats aren't 
reflected as centered in the LyX interface.

Some integration of Jupyter Notebook/Lab with LyX??

5.   I tend to more and more use Jupyter Notebooks when I develop examples 
in courses, etc. (and soon: Jupyter Lab). Jupyter Notebooks are notebooks that 
are opened and run in a web browser, and currently supports some 40 computer 
languages (Jupyter  originally referred to Julia, Python and R). In a Jupyter 
Notebook, I can download the document as LaTeX. Such notebooks have a simple 
markdown system for defining document structure.

I've used Jupyter (and before that IPython) somewhat extensively.  However, I'm 
not sure I see a use case for combining both pieces of software.  Maybe you can 
describe how you would integrate Jupyter and LyX together in your workflow 
(maybe I can improve my own workflow)?  Because of Jupyter's simple markdown 
and ability to export integrated documentation, code, and results, I don't see 
what part LyX plays.  In this instance, I keep both tools available and select 
the one that will suit my task better: interactive documentation/investigative 
coding or archival documentation.

b.   I will use such Notebooks more and more in the future, and it would be 
extremely useful if I could import then in an easy way into LyX.

Here I've used the pdfpages 
package<> to 
include PDFs from Jupyter (or other tools) embedded in the containing 
LyX-produced PDF.

c.   It would also be useful if there was a simple way to copy math from 
LyX, and insert it into Jupyter Notebooks. Currently, multiline math doesn’t 
fare well.

If you use View -> Source Pane (in 2.2.3), you can see the LaTeX equation code 
that can be copied/pasted into Jupyter.  See attached screenshot (sorry for 
economizing two very different responses into the same PNG).

Sorry also for a response full of hacks, but I've had similar types of needs 
and these are the expedient albeit inelegant solutions I've used.


Re: LyX & feature wishes

2018-01-18 Thread Bernt Lie
I'm out of office, and read e-mail on a smartphone, so it is a little difficult 
to see the image. However, the Listing options menu with its 10-20 choices 
clearly illustrate the problem of creating totally inconsistent documents wrt 
style of listing. And the need for optionally defining named styles.

Is there a package for this? I think it is so important that it should be 

Best regards

Get Outlook for Android<>

From: Bernt Lie
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 9:00:46 AM
To: Joel Kulesza
Subject: Re: LyX & feature wishes

On Jupyter & LyX:

See presentation by noted researcher Randall J LeVeque (numerics of hyperbolic 
PDEs) on how to produce a LaTeX book from Jupyter Notebook; I find this very 

I currently develop examples partly in Jupyter, and need to integrate them in 
LyX documents.

Best regards

Get Outlook for Android<>

From: Joel Kulesza <>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 8:00:41 AM
To: Bernt Lie
Subject: Re: LyX & feature wishes

On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 2:51 AM, Bernt Lie 
<<>> wrote:
1.   I have spent tens of hours trying to get a consistent look for Program 
Listing. It would be really, really helpful if I can assign a Program Listing 
to a “program listing group”, where I define computer language, possible 
numbering of lines, location of line numbering, fonts for line numbering, fonts 
for code, line breaks, tabs, etc.,etc. Thus, I’d like to be able to define 
groups such as “Displayed-MATLAB”, “InLine-MATLAB”, “Displayed-Python”, etc., 
etc. Such a possibility would be priceless for getting a consistent look.

I'm not sure about in-line use; however, I've defined a style for the 
"listings" package that colors language keywords, strings, etc. consistently 
across languages. See this gist: and the 
attached screenshot.  Note that when I use a program listing I only need to 
specify the language to obtain highlighting.

2.   Similarly: styles for Floats would be useful. By default, all floats 
seem to be left adjusted. I tend to use center adjustment of figures/tables and 
caption. If I could set a default, or define a group – that would be useful.

This is a mechanism I'd also like to have. You might be interested in the 
discussion here:  In particular, and in 
the meantime, you might be interested in using JMarc's snippet from that 


in your preamble to achieve the desired effect.  However, floats aren't 
reflected as centered in the LyX interface.

Some integration of Jupyter Notebook/Lab with LyX??

5.   I tend to more and more use Jupyter Notebooks when I develop examples 
in courses, etc. (and soon: Jupyter Lab). Jupyter Notebooks are notebooks that 
are opened and run in a web browser, and currently supports some 40 computer 
languages (Jupyter  originally referred to Julia, Python and R). In a Jupyter 
Notebook, I can download the document as LaTeX. Such notebooks have a simple 
markdown system for defining document structure.

I've used Jupyter (and before that IPython) somewhat extensively.  However, I'm 
not sure I see a use case for combining both pieces of software.  Maybe you can 
describe how you would integrate Jupyter and LyX together in your workflow 
(maybe I can improve my own workflow)?  Because of Jupyter's simple markdown 
and ability to export integrated documentation, code, and results, I don't see 
what part LyX plays.  In this instance, I keep both tools available and select 
the one that will suit my task better: interactive documentation/investigative 
coding or archival documentation.

b.   I will use such Notebooks more and more in the future, and it would be 
extremely useful if I could import then in an easy way into LyX.

Here I've used the pdfpages 
package<> to 
include PDFs from Jupyter (or other tools) embedded in the containing 
LyX-produced PDF.

c.   It would also be useful if there was a simple way to copy math from 
LyX, and insert it into Jupyter Notebooks. Currently, multiline math doesn’t 
fare well.

If you use View -> Source Pane (in 2.2.3), you can see the LaTeX equation code 
that can be copied/pasted into Jupyter.  See attached screenshot (sorry for 
economizing two very different responses into the same PNG).

Sorry also for a response full of hacks, but I've had similar types of needs 
and these are the expedient albeit inelegant solutions I've used.


RE: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

2024-04-10 Thread Bernt Lie
> knitr integration...


I don't use R, so I guess knitr is not useful to me. [In in the JU corner of 
Jupyter...] There is also Quarto which is developed in the R community, 
although it can also be used with other languages. Don't know how Quarto scales 
to large documents, though... My experience is that Jupyter Notebooks start to 
become slow with documents in the order of some 30 pages (i.e., with plenty of 
plots), while LyX is still quick with documents in the order of 1000 pages.


-Original Message-
From: lyx-users  On Behalf Of Pavel Sanda
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 11:05 AM
To:; lyx-users 
Subject: Re: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

On Tue, Apr 09, 2024 at 11:37:48AM -0400, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> On 4/9/24 08:48, Bernt Lie wrote:
> >Is there a way to import Jupyter Notebooks into LyX 2.4.0 (when v. 2.4.0 is 
> >released)?
> >
> >I'm particularly interested in the possibility to...
> >
> >* link the notebooks into LyX so that I always get the latest 
> >version/computations in the notebook, i.e., preferably not a static 
> >import
> >
> >* inclusion of mark-up text with headlines, math, etc.
> >
> >* inclusion of input and output cells, with figures, etc.
> >
> >* linked-in notebooks would be multipage. Perhaps it should be possible to 
> >embed the notebooks in some theorem-like environment.
> >
> >OK -- don't know if this is possible, but it would go a long way towards 
> >getting a literal programming environment.
> The most plausible way to do this would be to use an external inset. 
> That's the way that Lilypond files (music) are included, for example. 
> Such insets are user definable. Basically, you tell LyX how to convert 
> the file to something LaTeX can process. This is discussed in section 
> 7.1 of the Embedded Objects manual. You can use the existing xtemplate 
> files as a starting point, too.

You might also want to check how knitr integrates into lyx (basically embedding 
R code into lyx).

lyx-users mailing list
lyx-devel mailing list

RE: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

2024-04-10 Thread Bernt Lie
OK - I'm in the process of downloading LyX 2.4.0 RC4, with MikTeX as back-end 
(I already had MikTeX installed...).

This is what didn't work so far (during installation):
* installation of dictionaries and thesauri in both Norwegian forms failed 
(Norsk Bokmål, Nynorsk)
* installation of thesauri in US and GB English failed.


-Original Message-
From: Richard Kimberly Heck  
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 2:00 AM
To: Bernt Lie ; LyX Developers ; 
Subject: Re: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

On 4/9/24 15:59, Bernt Lie wrote:
> OK -- so I could just as well start using RC4?

I have been using the master branch for regular work for well over a year. My 
recent book

was produced using it. I.e., the book was printed from a PDF I provided to OUP. 
So it's entirely usable.

> I'm not super software savvy, so I have been hesitant not knowing:
> * Can I install RC4 and still use LyX 2.7.1?
That may depend upon your OS, but someone else should be able to say. 
The one thing you have to do is keep the user directories separate.
> * Do I have to uninstall RC4 and install the official release when it becomes 
> available?
Again, that will depend upon your OS.
> * With 2.7.1, I have used MikTeX. Should I still use MikTeX, or use 
> something else? (Does MikTeX also come with LuaTeX, XeTeX, TeXLive, or 
> whatever?)

The background TeX installation should not matter. They all have the same bits. 
(TeXLive, though, is an alternative to MikTeX.)


lyx-devel mailing list

RE: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

2024-04-10 Thread Bernt Lie
Hm… It is possible there is some “crap” in my file. If I take a fresh LyX 2.4.0 
file and insert “\hat{H}”, then the alignment seems to work.

Also, in a fresh file, Ctrl+R seems to work.
I do worry how I can import my 1000 page lecture notes, though…


From: Bernt Lie
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 2:44 PM
To: Richard Kimberly Heck ; LyX Developers 

Subject: RE: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

LyX 2.4.0 RC4... some immediate questions/bug:

* In LyX 2.3.7, shortcut Ctrl+R always generated a PDF file with preview in my 
chosen Acrobat Reader program.

* When I open a file from LyX 2.3.7 in LyX 2.4.0, Ctrl+R doesn't work. If I 
open a help file in 2.4.0, Ctrl+R produces the expected PDF file, but this does 
not happen in the file imported from 2.3.7.


There is a problem with math. A similar problem started to show up on LyX 
2.3.7, and has not really been fixed. The following screen shot illustrates the 


Observe that:

  *   “\rho” is slightly too low when I go out of the math box.
  *   “\hat{H}” is *way to low* when I get out of the math box.

I use Windows 11 64 bit, and updated to the latest version today. Computer: HP 
Dragonfly 12 generation intel, 13.5 inch screen, resolution 1920*1080.



-Original Message-
From: Richard Kimberly Heck>>
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 2:00 AM
To: Bernt Lie>>; LyX Developers>>; lyx-users>>
Subject: Re: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

On 4/9/24 15:59, Bernt Lie wrote:

> OK -- so I could just as well start using RC4?

I have been using the master branch for regular work for well over a year. My 
recent book

was produced using it. I.e., the book was printed from a PDF I provided to OUP. 
So it's entirely usable.

> I'm not super software savvy, so I have been hesitant not knowing:

> * Can I install RC4 and still use LyX 2.7.1?

That may depend upon your OS, but someone else should be able to say.

The one thing you have to do is keep the user directories separate.

> * Do I have to uninstall RC4 and install the official release when it becomes 
> available?

Again, that will depend upon your OS.

> * With 2.7.1, I have used MikTeX. Should I still use MikTeX, or use

> something else? (Does MikTeX also come with LuaTeX, XeTeX, TeXLive, or

> whatever?)

The background TeX installation should not matter. They all have the same bits. 
(TeXLive, though, is an alternative to MikTeX.)


lyx-devel mailing list

LyX 2.4.0, Listing, and computer language?

2024-04-10 Thread Bernt Lie
How can I add another computer language to the Program Listing Settings?

  *   Is there a file where I can add reserved words, etc.?
  *   ...and then have it show up in the Program Listing Settings language 

lyx-devel mailing list

RE: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

2024-04-10 Thread Bernt Lie
LyX 2.4.0 RC4... some immediate questions/bug:

* In LyX 2.3.7, shortcut Ctrl+R always generated a PDF file with preview in my 
chosen Acrobat Reader program.

* When I open a file from LyX 2.3.7 in LyX 2.4.0, Ctrl+R doesn't work. If I 
open a help file in 2.4.0, Ctrl+R produces the expected PDF file, but this does 
not happen in the file imported from 2.3.7.


There is a problem with math. A similar problem started to show up on LyX 
2.3.7, and has not really been fixed. The following screen shot illustrates the 


Observe that:

  *   “\rho” is slightly too low when I go out of the math box.
  *   “\hat{H}” is *way to low* when I get out of the math box.

I use Windows 11 64 bit, and updated to the latest version today. Computer: HP 
Dragonfly 12 generation intel, 13.5 inch screen, resolution 1920*1080.



-Original Message-
From: Richard Kimberly Heck 
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 2:00 AM
To: Bernt Lie ; LyX Developers ; 
Subject: Re: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

On 4/9/24 15:59, Bernt Lie wrote:

> OK -- so I could just as well start using RC4?

I have been using the master branch for regular work for well over a year. My 
recent book

was produced using it. I.e., the book was printed from a PDF I provided to OUP. 
So it's entirely usable.

> I'm not super software savvy, so I have been hesitant not knowing:

> * Can I install RC4 and still use LyX 2.7.1?

That may depend upon your OS, but someone else should be able to say.

The one thing you have to do is keep the user directories separate.

> * Do I have to uninstall RC4 and install the official release when it becomes 
> available?

Again, that will depend upon your OS.

> * With 2.7.1, I have used MikTeX. Should I still use MikTeX, or use

> something else? (Does MikTeX also come with LuaTeX, XeTeX, TeXLive, or

> whatever?)

The background TeX installation should not matter. They all have the same bits. 
(TeXLive, though, is an alternative to MikTeX.)


lyx-devel mailing list

RE: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

2024-04-10 Thread Bernt Lie
Experimenting with LyX 2.4 RC4... Specifically, I'm testing whether there is 
Unicode support.

  *   I have successfully pasted in a Unicode character from VSCode into a LyX 
2.4 RC4 document, so this seems to work:


Here, the first symbol is produced in VSCode using "\frakm + TAB", and then 
pasted into a LyX text line.  The second occurrence (slightly different in 
form) is produced as in-line math "\mathfrak{m}".

I can also decorate this symbol with a dot on top, "\frakm + TAB \dot + TAB" in 
VSCode. When I paste this symbol into LyX, the dot on top of "\frakm + TAB" is 
somewhat skewed to the right.

OK - so Unicode in LyX seems to work. It also works if I preview the document 
as a PDF file.


Next, I try to use Unicode in listings. That does not work at the moment... 
Here is what I do:

  *   Insert/Program Listing
  *   I paste the "\frakm + TAB" symbol from VSCode into this box.
  *   This gives a paste error message:


  *   I then go to Document/Settings/Listings, and change Syntax Highlighting 
Package to *minted*, which provides a message:


I don't understand this message...

  *   I'm on Windows, and the documentation says that Pygments driver is 
installed by default (??). Anyways, reading this warning...
  *   Where am I supposed to place command "\AtBeginDocument{...}"?? Are we 
talking about putting this command in the Document/Settings/LaTeX Preamble 
window??? Or should I open the LyX document in an ASCII editor and add the 
line... somewhere?
  *   What is the "driver command", i.e., the string I'm supposed to insert 
instead of `driver`? Is it simply `pygmentize`??

  *   Anyways, for now I just neglect this command, and go to 
Tools/Preferences/File Handling/Converters, and scroll down to


Here I have changed Converter from `pdflatex $$i` to what is shown above.

When I go back to the document and insert a listing, and then paste the Unicode 
symbol into the listing, I get the same error message with paste error as shown 
at the top of this e-mail.


So - I'm stuck. The only possible reason for the problem now are:

  *   I need to find the correct place to insert the string 
"\AtBeginDocument..." string with the correct `driver` (whatever that is), and 
live with the warning of mint & `-shell-escape` causing a security risk. 
Perhaps this will solve the problem.
  *   Or: it is not possible to use Unicode characters in LyX 2.4 listings.

Any suggestions?


lyx-devel mailing list

RE: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

2024-04-10 Thread Bernt Lie
Ah. OK.

-Original Message-
From: lyx-users  On Behalf Of Pavel Sanda
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 2:51 PM
To:; lyx-users 
Subject: Re: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 12:11:08PM +0000, Bernt Lie wrote:
> > knitr integration...
> Thanks.
> I don't use R, so I guess knitr is not useful to me.

I did not mean that you will use R, but that you can check how knitr scripts 
establish two-way communication street and reuse it for jupyter instead of R

lyx-users mailing list
lyx-devel mailing list

LyX 2.4.0 RC4 - bug? Abstract headline is missing

2024-04-12 Thread Bernt Lie
When I use KOMA script and Article style, and insert an Abstract, the headline 
"Abstract" is not inserted. This is different from previous versions, I think??

Is this a bug?
lyx-devel mailing list

RE: LyX 2.4.0 RC4 - bug? Abstract headline is missing

2024-04-12 Thread Bernt Lie
OK -- in 2.3.7, I did not use KOMA script article, but standard LaTeX article. 
And there the label shows up in my installation. 

The "problem" to me is that it is not just that the "label" is missing in the 
LyX editor, but the word "Abstract" does not show up in the pdf file either. 

-Original Message-
From: José Matos  
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2024 11:55 AM
To: Bernt Lie ;; lyx-users 

Subject: Re: LyX 2.4.0 RC4 - bug? Abstract headline is missing

On Fri, 2024-04-12 at 09:41 +, Bernt Lie via lyx-users wrote:
> When I use KOMA script and Article style, and insert an Abstract, the 
> headline "Abstract" is not inserted. This is different from previous 
> versions, I think??
> Is this a bug?

I tested in 2.3.x and it does not show there as well.
So at least the change is not specific to lyx 2.4.

If you change to the standard class then the label is there both for
2.3 and 2.4.

So the question is if the label should be there for consistency.
I am inclined to say yes but I have no strong feelings about this. :-)

José Abílio
lyx-devel mailing list

RE: LyX v2.4.0 RC4 -> Unicode in Program Listing (again...)

2024-04-17 Thread Bernt Lie
OK… I just found I had put the “-shell-escape” string in the wrong cell…

I have now changed the preferences, and inserted this string in both of the 
XeTeX and LuaTeX converters from LaTeX to PDF.

Now, I get the (expected) warning that using the “-shell-escape” string is 

Question 1:

  *   Dangerous, because LyX is more likely to *crash*, or
  *   Dangerous, because it opens up my computer to hacking??

Experience – here is some listing in LyX:
This expression is taken from a Jupyter Notebook running in VSCode (language: 
Julia), where the symbols are created by “\frakm + TAB \dot + TAB = m\dot + TAB 
…and here is what it looks like when I use XeTeX/LuaTeX:


Questions 2:

  *   Could I expect a better response if I install a font that supports 
Unicode, and specifies this font in the fonts scheme of Listings?
  *   If I install such a font with Unicode support (e.g., JuliaMono), would 
that rule out using XeTeX so that I should use LuaTeX?

Question 3:

  *   If I should use LuaTeX, how can I change LyX so that issuing command 
Ctrl+r produces the PDF using LuaTeX?


From: Bernt Lie 
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 7:22 PM
To: Bernt Lie ;; lyx-users 

Subject: LyX v2.4.0 RC4 -> Unicode in Program Listing (again...)

OK -- this is the status on my on-going experimentation on Windows 11... (I 
hope I'm almost there):

1. I experiment with KOMA script Book

2. I have:

* Upgraded all packages in MikTeX

* Installed Pygments ("pip install Pygments" in Windows Prompt)

* Figured out where the "pygmetize" script is located on my computer,

  and added location to PATH.

* In the LyX document, Documents/Settings/Fonts, checked "use non-TeX fonts

* In the Documents/Settings/Listings, changed "Syntax Highlighting Package" 
to "minted"

  [This didn't work until I set the PATH to "pygmetize"]

* In Tools/Preferences/File Handling/Converters, added "-shell-escape" at 
the end

  of the Converter line:


  [This line is slightly different from the Embedded document, 
since that assumed pdflatex as converter).



QUESTION 1: What is wrong? I *did* envoke the “-shell-escape” flag, didn’t I?

QUESTION 2: By default, Ctrl+R is keyboard shortcut for generating PDF via 
pdflatex. After I chose “use non-TeX fonts”, Ctrl+R implies generating PDF via 
XeTeX. How can I change the set-up so that Ctrl+R implies using luatex?

lyx-devel mailing list

LyX v2.4 RC4 - keyboard shortcut

2024-04-17 Thread Bernt Lie
I just discovered the “character” shortcuts Alt + C…, e.g., Alt + C R for 
mathroman in math.

  *   I’m a touch typist, so I prefer to use keyboard shortcuts over menus
  *   I’m not a pianist, so I don’t have extremely independent movement of 
  *   Because the “Alt” key is on the lefthand side of the keyboard and the “C” 
 key also is on the lefthand side, this makes it very awkward to hold down the 
Alt key and at the same time hold down the C key.
  *   This difficulty is increased by that the Alt key should be hit with the 
*middle finger* (which must be bent in an awkward way to hit the Alt key). The 
problem is much less pronounced with the Ctrl key, which is hit with the pinkie.

Probably not a popular suggestion, but it would be much simpler to use Alt with 
a key on the righthand side of the keyboard, e.g., replacing Alt+C with Alt+K.

lyx-devel mailing list

RE: LyX v2.4.0 RC4 -> Unicode in Program Listing (again...)

2024-04-17 Thread Bernt Lie
I'm not using gnuplot at all. But I assume you mean that as long as I have 
produced the input (e.g., Unicode files, plots, etc.), there should be no 

-Original Message-
From: José Matos  
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 6:52 PM
To: Bernt Lie ;; lyx-users 

Subject: Re: LyX v2.4.0 RC4 -> Unicode in Program Listing (again...)

On Wed, 2024-04-17 at 13:17 +0000, Bernt Lie wrote:
> Question 1:
>  * Dangerous, because LyX is more likely to *crash*, or
>  * Dangerous, because it opens up my computer to hacking??

The script that you call can run any code using the gnuplot "system"
call. That is the same as having access to a shell...

If the gnuplot files that you use are your own, or from one that you trust, 
then there is no risk... or actually the same risk that you had if you run the 
script outside of LyX.
José Abílio
lyx-devel mailing list

LyX v2.4.0 RC4 -> Table styles??

2024-04-17 Thread Bernt Lie
I've read large portions of the documentation, and am eager to try the Table 
style facility of LyX v2.4.0. I'm on Windows 11, and play with RC4.

When I do Insert/Table…, this is what I get.


In the Style menu, “Default” is the only possible option. If I click on the 
[cid:image002.png@01DA9106.80E67870]  icon, the only possibility is to choose 
the table size.

If I insert the table and right-click on it, everything related to other styles 
than the default is grayed out:


  *   I’m confused. What is it that I do that is incorrect?
lyx-devel mailing list

LyX v2.4.0 RC4 -> Unicode in Program Listing (again...)

2024-04-16 Thread Bernt Lie
OK -- this is the status on my on-going experimentation on Windows 11... (I 
hope I'm almost there):

1. I experiment with KOMA script Book

2. I have:

* Upgraded all packages in MikTeX

* Installed Pygments ("pip install Pygments" in Windows Prompt)

* Figured out where the "pygmetize" script is located on my computer,

  and added location to PATH.

* In the LyX document, Documents/Settings/Fonts, checked "use non-TeX fonts

* In the Documents/Settings/Listings, changed "Syntax Highlighting Package" 
to "minted"

  [This didn't work until I set the PATH to "pygmetize"]

* In Tools/Preferences/File Handling/Converters, added "-shell-escape" at 
the end

  of the Converter line:


  [This line is slightly different from the Embedded document, 
since that assumed pdflatex as converter).



QUESTION 1: What is wrong? I *did* envoke the “-shell-escape” flag, didn’t I?

QUESTION 2: By default, Ctrl+R is keyboard shortcut for generating PDF via 
pdflatex. After I chose “use non-TeX fonts”, Ctrl+R implies generating PDF via 
XeTeX. How can I change the set-up so that Ctrl+R implies using luatex?

lyx-devel mailing list

LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

2024-04-09 Thread Bernt Lie
Is there a way to import Jupyter Notebooks into LyX 2.4.0 (when v. 2.4.0 is 

I'm particularly interested in the possibility to...

* link the notebooks into LyX so that I always get the latest 
version/computations in the notebook, i.e., preferably not a static import

* inclusion of mark-up text with headlines, math, etc.

* inclusion of input and output cells, with figures, etc.

* linked-in notebooks would be multipage. Perhaps it should be possible to 
embed the notebooks in some theorem-like environment.

OK -- don't know if this is possible, but it would go a long way towards 
getting a literal programming environment. 


-Original Message-
From: lyx-users  On Behalf Of Rich Shepard
Sent: Monday, April 1, 2024 11:58 PM
To: LyX Developers ; lyx-users 

Subject: Re: LyX 2.4.0 RC4

On Sun, 31 Mar 2024, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

> What we hope will be the final release candidate for 2.4.0 is now 
> available
> here:
> Please report bugs to


Just upgraded from to 2.4.0~RC4 on Slackware64-15.0 on a ThinkPad T430; 
no bugs seen crawling around. The issues that bugged me in and (not finding biblatex.sty and biber, needing to use the File menu to 
export a pdflatex because c-x h wouldn't work) are gone.

I had a concern about Tools -> Preferences -> Look & Feel -> Display showed 
Default when I use emacs turned out that (at least on my system) emacs key 
chords are the default.

Congratulations and many thanks to all devs.

Best regards,


lyx-users mailing list
lyx-devel mailing list

RE: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

2024-04-09 Thread Bernt Lie
Thanks. Will look at it when the new version is released.

-Original Message-
From: Richard Kimberly Heck  
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 5:38 PM
To: Bernt Lie ; LyX Developers ; 
Subject: Re: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

On 4/9/24 08:48, Bernt Lie wrote:
> Is there a way to import Jupyter Notebooks into LyX 2.4.0 (when v. 2.4.0 is 
> released)?
> I'm particularly interested in the possibility to...
> * link the notebooks into LyX so that I always get the latest 
> version/computations in the notebook, i.e., preferably not a static 
> import
> * inclusion of mark-up text with headlines, math, etc.
> * inclusion of input and output cells, with figures, etc.
> * linked-in notebooks would be multipage. Perhaps it should be possible to 
> embed the notebooks in some theorem-like environment.
> OK -- don't know if this is possible, but it would go a long way towards 
> getting a literal programming environment.

The most plausible way to do this would be to use an external inset. 
That's the way that Lilypond files (music) are included, for example. 
Such insets are user definable. Basically, you tell LyX how to convert the file 
to something LaTeX can process. This is discussed in section
7.1 of the Embedded Objects manual. You can use the existing xtemplate files as 
a starting point, too.


lyx-devel mailing list

RE: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

2024-04-09 Thread Bernt Lie
OK -- so I could just as well start using RC4?

I'm not super software savvy, so I have been hesitant not knowing:
* Can I install RC4 and still use LyX 2.7.1?
* Do I have to uninstall RC4 and install the official release when it becomes 
* With 2.7.1, I have used MikTeX. Should I still use MikTeX, or use something 
else? (Does MikTeX also come with LuaTeX, XeTeX, TeXLive, or whatever?)

If these three bullet points do not cause any problems, I may try to download 
and use RC4.

-Original Message-
From: Richard Kimberly Heck  
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:51 PM
To: Bernt Lie ; LyX Developers ; 
Subject: Re: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks

On 4/9/24 12:00, Bernt Lie wrote:
> Thanks. Will look at it when the new version is released.

I don't think there have been any major changes in that machinery. And there 
definitely won't be any before the final release. Changes from RC4 to the 
official release are going to be pretty minor (as one would hope).


> -Original Message-
> From: Richard Kimberly Heck 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 5:38 PM
> To: Bernt Lie ; LyX Developers 
> ; lyx-users 
> Subject: Re: LyX 2.4.0 & Jupyter Notebooks
> On 4/9/24 08:48, Bernt Lie wrote:
>> Is there a way to import Jupyter Notebooks into LyX 2.4.0 (when v. 2.4.0 is 
>> released)?
>> I'm particularly interested in the possibility to...
>> * link the notebooks into LyX so that I always get the latest 
>> version/computations in the notebook, i.e., preferably not a static 
>> import
>> * inclusion of mark-up text with headlines, math, etc.
>> * inclusion of input and output cells, with figures, etc.
>> * linked-in notebooks would be multipage. Perhaps it should be possible to 
>> embed the notebooks in some theorem-like environment.
>> OK -- don't know if this is possible, but it would go a long way towards 
>> getting a literal programming environment.
> The most plausible way to do this would be to use an external inset.
> That's the way that Lilypond files (music) are included, for example.
> Such insets are user definable. Basically, you tell LyX how to convert 
> the file to something LaTeX can process. This is discussed in section
> 7.1 of the Embedded Objects manual. You can use the existing xtemplate files 
> as a starting point, too.
> Riki


Richard Kimberly (Riki) Heck
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University

Pronouns: they/them/their

lyx-devel mailing list

LyX 2.4.0 -- annoying bug (?) in Windows with multiple documents open

2024-06-06 Thread Bernt Lie
LyX 2.4.0 on Windows 11, latest version.

When I have more than one document open in LyX and click on the document tab


[any one of them], the following warning pops up:


This message shows up irrespective of whether I have made any changes, or not.

Has anyone else seen this?

lyx-devel mailing list

RE: LyX 2.4.0 Released!

2024-06-01 Thread Bernt Lie
Thanks a lot for your hard work!!!

* Do you recommend that we *uninstall* RC4 before installing the released 
version? Or just install the released version over RC4?

-Original Message-
From: lyx-users  On Behalf Of Tobias Hilbricht
Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2024 11:12 AM
To: markhsalmon ; Murat Yildizoglu 
Cc: lyx-users ; LyX Developers 
; Richard Kimberly Heck ;
Subject: Re: LyX 2.4.0 Released!

Yes, thanks a lot for time, expertise and patience to the developers!


Am Samstag, dem 01.06.2024 um 08:33 +0100 schrieb markhsalmon:
> A simple thank you all
> Mark
> The more you know, the more you realise how little you know
> One earth, one family, one future…
> > On 1 Jun 2024, at 05:24, Murat Yildizoglu  wrote:
> > 
> > Congratulations and our gratitude for the magnificent team of 
> > developers!
> > Best regards to all.
> > Murat
> > 
> > --
> > lyx-users mailing list
> >
> >

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