[Marxism] Palestine thanks Latin America for its solidarity

2014-08-30 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Palestinian officials have recognised that Latin American countries were
the first to condemn the Israeli onslaught against Gaza.

The Palestinian National Council (PNC), the legislative body of the
Palestine Liberation Organisation, thanked Latin America on August 27 for
its solidarity with the people of Gaza and its condemnation of the
seven-week Israeli massacre in the enclave.
“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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Re: [Marxism] Feedback on Cancer, Politics and Capitalism

2014-08-30 Thread Ratbag Media via Marxism
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The problems with the august 'China Study' are many: sloppy citations,
cherry-picked references, omission of data that contradicted the thesis,
and recommendations that went beyond the data.
DENISE MINGER's critique of 'THE CHINA STUDY' is sharp and warrants reading
before accepting Campbell's  argument in toto..
There's a lot of discussion about nutrition today but relying on T. Colin
Campbell is complicated by the vegan or vegetarian POV as 'The China Study'
has been deployed as a core argument against the consumption of  animal
products http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_product,So there's  more in
play than what seems to be.

The jury is still out on this questiona question that is constantly
being held hostage  to  ethics rather than nutrition.

Not eating dead animals  may be a preference...but let's not layer that
penchant with justifications  that abhors scrutiny...and  The China Study'
warrants scrutiny.

dave riley

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[Marxism] Rational Unreason of Imperial War

2014-08-30 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Rational Unreason of Imperial War

2014-08-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 8/30/14 8:29 AM, Ron Jacobs via Marxism wrote:


From the article above: In other words, NATO plans to build and 
maintain military bases in several nations that share direct borders 
with Russia.

Did Yeltsin decide to make war on Chechnya because of being threatened 
by NATO?

In yet another sign that the disintegration of the Soviet Union was 
turning global politics upside down, the Russian President, Boris N. 
Yeltsin, wrote to NATO today saying Russia hoped to join the alliance 
some time in the future.

Mr. Yeltsin's letter was sent in conjunction with the first meeting 
ever held at the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization 
between NATO foreign ministers and those of the former Warsaw Pact -- 
the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland and Romania.

--Thomas Friedman, NYT, 12/21/1991

Just 3 years after the pro-capitalist drunk wrote his letter, he invaded 
Chechnya. And just 1 year after he had changed his mind about NATO:

President Boris N. Yeltsin, apparently under pressure from his armed 
forces, has sent a letter to President Clinton opposing any expansion of 
NATO to include East European nations like Poland or the Czech Republic, 
Western diplomats said today.

Sent after President Yeltsin dissolved Parliament on Sept. 21 and 
embarked on a collision course with members opposed to his reforms, the 
letter amounts to sharp retreat from the position the Russian leader 
outlined during a visit to Warsaw in August. At the time he expressed 
understanding of Poland's desire to join NATO and said it did not 
threaten Russian interests.

--Roger Cohen, NYT, 10/1/1993

Despite its backward economy, the Russian Empire had much in common with 
the United States. In the same way that the USA seized territory through 
military force like Texas, so did the Kremlin. Think of Ukraine as 
Texas. But unlike the USA, where the conquered territories were rapidly 
assimilated into the prevailing socio-economic relationships on the 
basis of equality--at least if you were Anglo, in the Ukraine suffered 
from forced underdevelopment outside of Donbas. In Texas, you had a 
local ruling class that did quite well in oil and ranching while the 
Spanish-speaking population concentrated in the South were treated like 
typical colonized subjects.

By contrast, colonized Ukraine was largely a victim of the the same kind 
of dependency as south Texas except that it was much worse. Stalin saw 
fit to wreak havoc in the countryside through his forced march to 
Communism in the 1920s. Millions died even if it was only an accident.

In 1991 the yoke was lifted from Ukraine. O frabjous day! Callooh! 
Callay! The first thing that happens under free Ukraine is the 
development of an oligarchy that took advantage of its privileged 
position in the bureaucracy to become owners of coal mines, steel 
factories, and all the rest. A layer of the bourgeoisie in the western 
and central regions feeling resentful exploited the anger of those 
beneath them in the Orange Revolution and catapulted into power. Once 
they were in power, they resorted to the same corrupt deals with the 
Kremlin that preceded them. Yulia Tymoshenko, the Orange Revolution's 
icon, gets caught in a crooked deal with Gazprom and goes to prison.

None of this is of interest to our anti-imperialists. They are 
interested in one thing and one thing only. How to defend the Kremlin. 
This is not the first time we have seen this on the left but at least 
when the CP was at its height, you could at least make the excuse that 
they were defending socialism. Nowadays, it is nothing less than 
defending naked Russian imperial appetites.

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[Marxism] Ahmed Seif, Who Was Tortured in Egypt and Became Rights Defender, Dies at 63

2014-08-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, August 30 2014
Ahmed Seif, Who Was Tortured in Egypt and Became Rights Defender, Dies at 63

Ahmed Seif, whose experience of torture as a political prisoner in Egypt 
inspired him to become a leading human rights lawyer defending leftists, 
Islamists, atheists and gays, died on Wednesday in Cairo. He was 63.

His family said the cause was complications from heart surgery.

Crowds leaving the cemetery after his funeral on Thursday held up 
banners calling him “the sword of the people” and “the exemplary 
fighter.” Among them were his son, Alaa Abdel Fattah, and his daughter 
Sanaa Seif, who were temporarily released from prisons to attend the 
ceremony. They have been incarcerated for protesting repression by the 
Egyptian government.

In his funeral remarks, Mr. Fattah was defiant. “My father died a 
martyr, and you know who killed him,” he said, according to The 
Associated Press. He referred to the stress caused by the arrest of Mr. 
Seif’s children and the postponement of necessary surgery because of 
judicial procedures.

Mr. Seif was himself imprisoned at least four times, twice during the 
rule of President Anwar el-Sadat and twice under President Hosni 
Mubarak, who was ousted in 2011.

Mr. Seif’s contrarian nature, for good and ill, defined his career. In 
2011, he found himself in the familiar position of being under arrest, 
this time for participating in protests against President Mubarak. Abdel 
Fattah el-Sisi, then Egypt’s defense minister and now its president, was 
touring the prison and stopped to tell a group of prisoners that 
included Mr. Seif that people should respect the military leadership, 
stop protesting and go home.

Mr. Seif replied that Mr. Mubarak was corrupt. Mr. Sisi “became angry, 
his face became red,” Mr. Seif was quoted as saying in the newspaper The 
Guardian. “He lost it.”

That incarceration lasted only 48 hours. In the 1980s, he was jailed for 
five years for joining a left-wing group. He endured beatings and 
electrical shocks, and he came to detest torture as “a form of cancer 
that can eat up a country’s youth and stifle its ability to change, 
criticize, reform and rebel,” he said.

He responded by studying law while in prison. After his release, he 
apprenticed with a law firm and started volunteering to do legal work 
for causes he supported. In 1983, he handled the case of Nasr Abu Zayd, 
a liberal professor who was denied a promotion by Cairo University 
because of his views. Mr. Zayd was convicted of apostasy and forced to 
divorce his wife because under Islamic law a Muslim woman cannot be 
married to an apostate.

Mr. Seif took many unpopular clients, including Islamists with whom he 
fundamentally disagreed. In 2001, he represented 52 men who were 
arrested aboard a floating gay nightclub moored on the Nile and charged 
with “habitual debauchery.” Despite worldwide criticism of the 
prosecution, 23 of the men were convicted and sent to prison.

In 2004, Mr. Seif represented men accused of bomb attacks on tourist 
hotels in the Sinai Peninsula that killed 34 people. He did not defend 
the bombings, but argued that the men should have been exonerated 
because they were tortured to get confessions. Three were sentenced to 
death, and 10 received lesser sentences.

Two years later, Mr. Seif defended a blogger, Kareem Amer, who was 
prosecuted on charges of antireligious remarks and insults to President 
Mubarak. He was the first blogger in Egypt explicitly arrested for the 
content of his writing. Mr. Amer was sentenced to several years in 
prison, where he was beaten, according to human rights groups.

Ahmed Seif al-Islam Hamad was born on Jan. 9, 1951, in the delta 
province of Beheira in Egypt. His father, he said, belonged to the 
Muslim Brotherhood, whose fundamentalist ideology was far removed from 
the leftist views the son adopted. He earned degrees in politics and 
economics and in law at Cairo University. In a biography on the Human 
Rights Watch website, he said he joined an underground Communist 

But politics, he decided, was not enough. During his five years in jail 
in the 1980s, he said, “I made a decision that it was no use to have 
political activity without human rights.”

He continued: “The Communists would say secretly, ‘It doesn’t matter if 
the Islamists are tortured.’ And the Islamists would say, ‘Why not 
torture Communists?’ ”

The solution was to make basic rights a part of the law, and Mr. Seif 
gave even Mr. Mubarak credit for moving in that direction, if only for 
“cosmetic purposes,” Mr. Seif said. In 1999, he helped found the Hisham 
Mubarak Law Center to support people whose human rights had been 
violated. It was named for one of Egypt’s first human rights 

Re: [Marxism] Rational Unreason of Imperial War

2014-08-30 Thread Shane Mage via Marxism

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On Aug 30, 2014, at 8:29 AM, Ron Jacobs via Marxism wrote:


 Although I think the tendency among commentators to call the current  
situation between Russia and the West a “new cold war” is not only  
symptomatic of the Western press’s short term memory, but a misnomer  
(inter-imperialist rivalry is a much more accurate description), the  
truth is permanent NATO military bases along Russia’s borders are  
nothing short of a serious provocation.

new cold war is a misnomer only insofar as it echoes the dishonest  
Anticommunist ideology used against the USSR, which, of course,  
utilized a comparably dishonest Anticapitalist ideology against its  
rival. The truth is that inter-imperialist rivalry was then, just as  
it is today, a much more accurate description.  Which is not in the  
least to deny that permanent NATO military bases along Russia’s  
borders are nothing short of a serious provocation.

Shane Mage

scientific discovery is basically recognition of obvious realities
that self-interest or ideology have kept everybody from paying  
attention to

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[Marxism] Fwd: Free Speech Now! | Why we should all hail the Redskins | Free speech | spiked

2014-08-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Every once in a while I check in on these people to see how far they can 
go with a contrarianism that lands them in Rush Limbaugh territory. 
Here's the latest:


There’s a good reason why most people are against changing the name: 
common sense. The anti-Redskins campaigners are cut off from the real 
world. Everyone but a small minority recognise that there is no racist 
intent or malice behind the name. Fans of the team have used the name 
with pride since it was introduced in the 1930s.

It was 18 years ago that I began researching and writing about American 
Indians after reading an article in LM magazine justifying the forced 
assimilation of the Yanomami in the name of Marxism. Nothing has changed 
with these people except that--thankfully--they have dropped the 
pretense to Marxism.

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[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Re: Fwd: The BRICS Remix Climate Damage and Corporate Collusion | Opinion | teleSUR

2014-08-30 Thread Patrick Bond via Marxism

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On 2014/08/30 04:27 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

But Walden Bello thinks that BRICS is a good thing

Walden brings up many of the standard critiques. However in spite of the 
overwhelming evidence of superexploitative practice by BRICS at home and 
abroad, you're right, Walden arrives at this surprising conclusion: In 
the geopolitics of development, the BRICS currently fulfill the role 
that the Soviet Union once played, which was to provide a pole that 
developing countries could play off the United States as they struggled 
to achieve political and economic independence. The dark period of 
unipolar domination by the United States, with its neoliberal 
institutions and ideology, has come to an end with the emergence of the 
BRICS bloc, and this is an extremely positive development.

This is tempting but, I fear, overoptimistic - except when it comes to 
the Russia-Crimea-Ukraine theatre, the 2013 Obama threat to bomb Syria, 
the Snowden asylum and most importantly the historic role of Brazil and 
India in challenging intellectual property for life-saving medicines 
like AIDS drugs. Those are four sites where Walden's argument holds up.

But on climate and financial turmoil - the two most serious crises 
(according to world opinion, as even the Pew Research Center global 
surveys suggest) - there is every reason to fear that the BRICS are 
/amplifying /imperial destructive power. My case is here: 

By and large, the BRICS illustrate what Rui Mauro Marini termed 
'subimperialism,' and it would be a foolish mistake to believe that, as 
one lad put it a couple of weeks ago on Counterpunch, that soon, who 
knows, it may be interpreted as the Broad Revolutionary Internationalist 
Causeway towards Socialism 

   The BRICS: Challengers to the Global Status Quo

*By Walden Bello 
Foreign Policy in Focus 

August 30, 2014

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[Marxism] Another example of the rank dishonesty of these people - highlighting Jason Ditz

2014-08-30 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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In yesterday's mis-named antiwar.com Jason Ditz claims no Russian invasion
of Ukraine is taking place and no proof has been offered.

The US, which had been rubber stamping Ukrainian allegations for months,
 seems to be particularly hesitant this time, and is saying they can’t
 independently confirm
 of the allegations being made this time.

In the link above.
we find:

Russian troops and weaponry were creating momentum for a counteroffensive
 along a significant new front that threatened Mariupol, a key southeastern
 seaport and one of the region’s biggest cities with nearly half a million
 Continue reading the main story

 In the town of Novoazovsk, Ukrainian militiamen manned checkpoints. But
 evidence of a Russian presence was abundant, including unmarked Russian
 military vehicles with no license plates. A soldier on a truck greeted
 journalists by shouting in English: “Back in the U.S.S.R.!”

 A cashier at a Novoazovsk grocery store said Russian soldiers had bought
 sausages and cigarettes. Asked how she knew they were Russian, the cashier,
 who identified herself as Olga, snapped: “You think I’ve only lived one

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/

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Re: [Marxism] Another example of the rank dishonesty of these people - highlighting Jason Ditz

2014-08-30 Thread Tristan Sloughter via Marxism
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My favorite has been the always wrong WSWS seeming to accept Russia's claim
that the Russian troops in Ukraine are just on vacation,

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[Marxism] Fwd: More Subversive Than You Think

2014-08-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Paul Buhle reviews Perlstein's The Invisible Bridge.


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Re: [Marxism] Another example of the rank dishonesty of these people - highlighting Jason Ditz

2014-08-30 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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rackspace may be happy to let you take your company supplied notebook on
vacation with you but what army would allow you to borrow a tank for your

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/

On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Tristan Sloughter via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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 My favorite has been the always wrong WSWS seeming to accept Russia's claim
 that the Russian troops in Ukraine are just on vacation,
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[Marxism] Facing Hard-Liners and Sanctions, Iran’s Leader Toughens Talk

2014-08-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(It looks like the alliance between the USA and Iran against jihadists 
fell apart before it got started, as well as with the Baathists. My 
guess is that the power of the Israeli lobby trumped realpolitik. If you 
are looking for military blocs with rightwing religious states, there's 
nothing that tops Israel. Netanyahu must have told Obama over the phone 
that he had to get tough with Iran or else. I don't agree with 
Mearsheimer-Walt, but sometimes it does look like the White House takes 
orders from Israel.)

NY Times, August 30 2014
Facing Hard-Liners and Sanctions, Iran’s Leader Toughens Talk

TEHRAN — For more than a year, Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, had 
been walking a tightrope by trying to restore relations with the 
country’s archenemy, the United States. His hard-line opponents pelted 
him with eggs, but those who voted for him hoped for a possible thaw.

Mr. Rouhani, a Shiite cleric nicknamed the ‘diplomatic sheikh’ here 
because of his skills in dealing with foreigners, even held a historic 
phone call with President Barack Obama, later saying he found him polite 
and intelligent. Since then he has publicly pleaded to explore open 
discussions and at least some cooperation with the United States.

But on Saturday Mr. Rouhani struck a starkly different tone, making him 
sound more like the conservatives who have long criticized him for being 
too soft on the United States.

In a news conference on the occasion of being over a year in office, Mr. 
Rouhani echoed the long- standing Iranian viewpoint that the United 
States can never be trusted.

Not only did he rule out any cooperation on fighting regional terrorist 
groups like the fiercely anti-Iranian Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, 
he also hinted that America’s actions were responsible for creating the 
group, as well as Al Qaeda and the Taliban, a mantra among the Iranian 

He criticized the United States for not taking action on the militants 
when Syrians were being killed, and only taking steps when it felt 
Americans and their interests were threatened. “Now they say: “we want 
to defend our embassy and consulate in Iraq; this is not fighting 
terrorism,” he said. “The Americans should be ashamed of their words.”

In the complicated world of Iranian politics, it is difficult to know if 
Mr. Rouhani’s statements — his toughest on the United States in a year — 
represent a shift in his thinking or are tailored to a domestic audience 
where hard-liners have been criticizing him harshly for months.

It is also possible the speech was a tactical move to strengthen Iran’s 
position before renewed talks on Iran’s nuclear program.

Mr. Rouhani’s statements came just a day after the Obama administration 
imposed new sanctions on Iran, blacklisting 30 people and entities it 
said are linked to the country’s nuclear program.

In a statement, the White House said the sanctions were a continuation 
of its strategy to crack down on groups suspected of seeking to avoid or 
violate existing sanctions, even as “the United States remains 
committed” to striking an accord by late November that includes “a 
long-term, comprehensive solution that provides confidence that Iran’s 
nuclear program is exclusively peaceful.”

But the sanctions appeared to upset Mr. Rouhani.

“Yes, of course, we bypass the sanctions,” Mr. Rouhani said during his 
news conference. “We believe they are illegal and crimes against humanity.”

He added that for relations to improve, the United States must make the 
first move.

“Our people distrust Americans,” he said. “It would be better if 
Americans could do something that could help to build some trust in the 
future. Unfortunately, their moves only deepen distrust.”

And although he was one of the political stars of the United Nations 
General Assembly meeting in September, hobnobbing with international 
leaders who had long shunned Iran, he said Saturday that he had not yet 
decided whether he would make the trip to the United Nations 
headquarters in New York. “And I have no plans to meet with Mr. Obama,” 
he added.

The historic phone call between the two men came after last year’s 
United Nations session and started a temporary nuclear agreement in 
November, under which some parts of Iran’s nuclear program were 
suspended, along with some sanctions against Iran.

Mr. Rouhani’s statements come after months in which Iran’s supreme 
leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has stepped up his criticism of the 
United States and said he is pessimistic that the nuclear talks and 
direct talks with the United States will lead to anything.

Some analysts said Mr. Rouhani’s angry tone might be aimed at 
pre-empting criticism from influential hard-liners who are seemingly 

[Marxism] The Violence of Organized Forgetting - Giroux 2014

2014-08-30 Thread Brian via Marxism
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The Violence of Organized Forgetting, Henry Giroux 2014

Giroux takes us on a timely tour through this maddening age with this 
passionate book. The Violence of Organized Forgetting  is remarkable for its 
hard won insights into our crushing times -- as interpreted through the lens of 
one of our premier public intellectuals. Giroux focuses on the damning amnesia 
that grips us all, as neoliberalism tightens its deadly grip on our minds. He 
calls it organized forgetting, a malady that strikes at the very the moment 
of crisis. Giroux rips events from their headline entombment (Chicago teacher's 
strike, Boston bombings, Hurricane Sandy etc), and illuminates the hidden 
terrors behind them, meanings rarely countenanced by a subservient media. Like 
C. Wright Mills, Giroux is determined to convert our private sufferings into 
public issues, and he takes no prisoners. Giroux is inventing a new form of 
writing combining three ingredients: 1) He rips events from the headlines, 2) 
refracts them through the latest in critical social theory (the biblio
 graphy itself commands our attention as necessary reading in itself) and 3) 
produces a brilliant alchemy of poetic metaphors and sentences that crystallize 
reality in a new way. Reading Giroux is like listening to music --  its 
powerful emotional effects cannot be articulated. . .it is art with a firm 
moral compass. He quotes fellow artist James Baldwin on the importance of 
remembering, people who remember court madness through pain, the pain of the 
perpetually recurring death of their innocence; people who forget court another 
kind of madness, the madness of the denial of pain and the hatred of 
innocence. Giroux cries from the rooftops: Do not normalize this descent into 
madness; see where you are in history, love your brothers and sisters - and 
help make a revolution.

Brian McKenna

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[Marxism] A 20% discount offer for ‘GREEK CAPITALISM IN CRISIS’

2014-08-30 Thread Stavros Mavroudeas via Marxism
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Dear comrades
this might be of interest to you:

A 20% discount offer for ‘GREEK CAPITALISM IN CRISIS’
Posted on 17/06/2014 | Γράψτε ένα σχόλιο
Routledge is offering a 20% discount for #8220;GREK CAPITALISM IN
CRISIS’. Details follow.
20% discount with this flyer #8211; Order online using discount code LRK69
*This 20% discount is only available on titles ordered directly from our
website, until 31st December 2014, and cannot be combined with any other
offer or discount.

Greek Capitalism in Crisis: Marxist Analyses
Edited by Stavros Mavroudeas
HB: 978-0-415-74492-8#8211; $145.00,£85.00
With 20% Discount: $116.00, £68.00
Published: July 2014
Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy

Despite the depth of the Greek crisis, the exorbitant burdens placed upon
the working people and the massive popular resistance movement to
capitalist policies, there is a definite lack of consistently Marxist
analyses of the Greek problem. International debates regarding the Greek
crisis have been dominated by orthodox (Neoclassical and neo-Keynesian)
The heterodox side of these debates has been occupied by Radical Political
Economy approaches (usually radical post-Keynesian or Marxo-Keynesian
perspectives). Moreover, they are dominated by the ‘financialisation’
thesis which is quite alien to Marxism, neglects the sphere of production
and professes that the global crisis is simply a financial crisis that has
nothing to do with ‘real’ accumulation and the profit rate.
This book argues that by emphasising the sphere of production and
profitability, classical Marxist analysis better explains the Greek crisis
than its orthodox and heterodox competitors. The contributors present
critiques of the prevalent approaches and offer studies of the Greek
crisis that use the methodology and the analytical and empirical tools of
classical Marxist Political Economy. In particular, it is shown that the
Greek crisis was caused by falling profitability and the ensuing
overaccumulation crisis. The ‘broad unequal exchange’ existing between the
euro-center and the euro-periphery contributed to Greek capital’s falling
profitability. This book enriches the debate about the Greek economic
crisis by demonstrating the insights that can be drawn by considering the
Marxist alternative to the dominant mainstream and heterodox approaches.

PART I: Critiques of mainstream and heterodox analyses of the Greek problem
1. Mainstream accounts of the Greek crisis: more heat than light?
2. Fiscal crisis in Southern Europe: Whose fault?
3. Explaining the rising wage-productivity gap in the Greek economy
4. The Memoranda: a problematic strategy for Greek capitalism
5. ‘Financialisation’ and the Greek case
PART II: Marxist explanations of the Greek crisis
1. The Law of the Falling Rate of Profit and the Greek economic crisis
2. Profitability and crisis in the Greek economy (1960-2012): an
3. The Greek crisis: a dual crisis of over accumulation and imperialist
PART III: Crisis, Poverty and the Labor Market
1. Economic crisis, poverty and deprivation in Greece. The impact of
neoliberal remedies
2. A comparative study of the structure of employment in Greece before and
after the crisis
3.Recession and atypical employment: a focus on contemporary Greek
metropolitan regions

To purchase this title: http://www.routledge.com/9780415744928/

For more information, contact Beth Henderson at
beth.hender...@taylorandfrancis.com, (212)216-7843
*This 20% discount is only available on titles ordered directly from our
website, until 31st December 2014, and cannot be combined with any other
offer or discount.

Stavros D. Mavroudeas

Professor (Political Economy)
Dept. of Economics
University of Macedonia
156 Egnatia
54006 Thessaloniki
e-mail: sma...@uom.gr; sma...@uom.edu.gr
web: http://stavrosmavroudeas.wordpress.com
off. Tel: +30-2310-891779

Recent books:
The Limits of Regulation

Greek Capitalism in Crisis

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[Marxism] countdown to the next Gaza slaughter

2014-08-30 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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