[Marxism] currencies and IT

2015-07-16 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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The SWIFT exchange was in the news when Iran's access to it was threatened,
and was mentioned in passing today in a Times article now that sanctions
will be loosened.

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[Marxism] Fwd: What Next in the Greek Crisis? | New Politics

2015-07-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Useful article by Barry Finger.

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[Marxism] after 1/4 of Syriza MPs reject new austerity deal, what next for Syriza gov't, Syriza left?

2015-07-16 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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38 Syriza MPs reject the agreement
by Stathis Kouvelakis
International Viewpoint, July 16

38 Syriza MPs reject the agreement. Overall result: 229 yes, 64 no, 6
abstain/present, one absence. Today is a tragic day for Greece and for
its Left.

More than two thirds of Syriza MPs voted jointly with the
pro-austerity parties (New Democracy, Pasok, Potami) and the junior
coalition partner Anel the prerequisite bill for the toughest by far
austerity package ever accepted by any kind of left (including
social-democracy) government in Europe, the only possible comparison
being the 1st Memorandum passed by Pasok in 2010.

But it’s even more serious in a way than draconian austerity in a
country already devastated by five years of ’shock therapy’: it’s the
total destruction of democracy, of popular sovereignty, the
perpetuation and aggravation of the sharpest form of subjection.

But 38 Syriza MPs (out of a total of 149) saved the honour: 32 voted
no, six voted present (there was also one absence)

It appears that all Left Platform MPs, + KOE (maoists) + Zoe
Kostantopoulou + former ministers Varoufakis and Nandia Valavani and a
couple of others voted No while six MPs of the 53 current (left wing
of the former majority bloc) voted present.

In any case, the government has lost control of its own majority: of
the 162 MPs of the Syriza-ANel coalition, only 123 supported it, far
less than the required by constitutional practice parliamentary
majority of 151 MPs coming from the ranks of the government.

In principle Tsipras should resign, he blackmailed this afternoon the
Syriza MPs saying that if he hadn’t the support of all them he would
do so. But of course he won’t, he was just trying to manipulate his
troops. However it seems clear that it is only a matter of time for
this new de facto pro-austerity majority to translate in a proper
political coalition of some sort.

The 38 [Syriza MP’s who voted NO or abstained ] saved the day . So
there remains the possibility of a future. The left to be transformed
through the struggles of workers and the people.

Defiance against the parliament's surrender
by Lee Sustar
Socialist Worker, U.S., July 16

Greece's parliament listens to a speech by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras

AMID A public-sector workers' general strike and large demonstrations
in Athens and other cities, Greece's parliament voted to accept the
European authorities' demands for drastic new austerity measures, with
members of traditional parties helping Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras
to survive a rebellion of left-wing representatives from the radical
left party SYRIZA.

The final vote in the Greek parliament was 229 to 64, with six
abstentions, on measures that will cut pensions, raise the regressive
value-added sales tax, put Greek assets in hock and repeal progressive
measures that the SYRIZA government passed since winning election on
January 25.

The vote has accelerated an internal struggle within SYRIZA--a party
rooted in the social movements and working class struggles of the past
15 years, and especially the recent crisis years. A total of 32 SYRIZA
members of parliament voted no and six abstained to show their
opposition to what they call a third Memorandum--the term used for
the agreement to impose harsh austerity in return for a bailout of the
Greek financial system by European and international financial

Among the prominent no votes in the early morning hours of Thursday,
July 16, was Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis, the leading voice
of SYRIZA's Left Platform; Speaker of Parliament Zoe Konstantopoulou;
and even former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, who himself offered
huge concessions to the European authorities when he was in office.

The 13 members of ANEL, the right-wing party that is part of the
governing coalition with SYRIZA, voted yes. But Tsipras needed the
support from the two main parties of the Greek political system for
the past half century, the conservative New Democracy and the
center-left PASOK. The prime minister railed against New Democracy and
PASOK in the run-up to the January 25 election for having negotiated
the previous austerity Memorandums. Now, he needed their support to
pass his own Memorandum.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
THE PARLIAMENT'S surrender came just 10 days after a referendum in
which 61.3 percent of voters rejected a proposal that was basically
the same as the deal that Tsipras is now trying to sell.

Tsipras had called for a no vote--but only, he insisted, as a way to
strengthen Greece's 

Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right… | naked capitalism

2015-07-16 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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sorry, I hit Send accidentally; here's the finished paragraph from the
middle of my post:
The answer is simple: IT is not used to rationalize, simplify, and make
more efficient the economy. It's designed to sell more goods, both consumer
and IT business systems. (It IS used to speed up the supply chain, but that
affects only distribution, not production; which however, as I explained re
Walmart, is nothing to sneeze at re potential future rationalization and
therefore minimization of needed computer code in the economy-wide sphere
of distribution.)

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 9:24 AM, Andrew Pollack acpolla...@gmail.com

 Yes, the upcoming battles are key, and it's no mystery where they will
 come. For instance see quote from linked article below.
 But Louis's logic STILL argues against a revolution anywhere, anytime. As
 the country with the most, and most complex, IT systems, a socialist
 revolution in the US would by his logic be forever impossible.
 This brings us to the productivity paradox, i.e. the decades-old
 conundrum of why computerization hasn't transformed the economy the way
 railroads and then auto did.
 The answer is simple: IT is not used to rationalize, simplify, and make
 more efficient the economy. It's designed to sell more goods, both consumer
 and IT business systems. (It
 That's why, for instance, nurse unions point out that successively more
 complex healthcare IT systems - which DO capture more and more patient data
 - DON'T mean higher quality or safety in healthcare (whereas higher nurse
 staffing WOULD). Yet hospitals (including my own) are always competing with
 each other to get the newest, biggest systems - and when the conversion is
 made it requires countless (wasted) person-hours.

 One could read on a banner deployed before the Parliament: “No to
 privatizations, let us save the ports, DEI (national electricity company),
 the hospitals”.

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 8:41 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
 marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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 On 7/16/15 8:20 AM, Marv Gandall via Marxism wrote:

 Is the suggestion here that all of the peoples in the eurozone are
 trapped in it because the technical problems of converting to a
 sovereign currency are intractable, or is there something special
 about the technological structure of Greek capitalism?

 Absolutely not. But all this talk about Tsipras should have come up with
 a plan B while he was in these intense negotiations with the eurozone
 bigs is nuts. As I have repeatedly tried to explain, converting to a new
 currency requires a full project life-cycle implementation just as it did
 moving from a drachma to the euro. I have been involved with 5 such massive
 projects during my career so I can guarantee you that it would take Greece
 or any other euro-based nations a full 3 years to effect a change. As Doug
 pointed out, such a declared intention would have consequences of capital

 In any case, the challenge is more political than technical at this
 point. We have a left developing in Greece today out of the disaffected
 Syriza members, Antarsya and the KKE (not that these people are capable of
 working in a united front). As I urged a FB friend yesterday, the focus
 should be on what's next and not on what just happened.

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[Marxism] SYRIZA betrays the NO vote

2015-07-16 Thread Stavros Mavroudeas via Marxism
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Dear comrades

Attached as a file and underneath as text is an article on the Greek
situation after SYRIZA's unconditional capitulation to the EU.



Stavros Mavroudeas



Stavros D. Mavroudeas


Professor (Political Economy)

Dept. of Economics

University of Macedonia

156 Egnatia

54006 Thessaloniki


e-mail: sma...@uom.gr; sma...@uom.edu.gr 

web: http://stavrosmavroudeas.wordpress.com


off. Tel: +30-2310-891779


Recent books:

The Limits of Regulation



Greek Capitalism in Crisis




SYRIZA betrays the resounding NO vote of the Greek people and signs a 3rd
troika austerity program

The Left should create a popular front against the EU


In the 5th of July 2015 the huge majority of the Greek people (61%) rejected
the insolent demands of the EU for the extension and deepening of the
austerity and pro-capital restructuring policies in Greece. These demands
were codified in the so-called Juncker Plan for Greece that set barbaric
terms for the extension of the previous austerity program (the 2nd Economic
Adjustment Program for Greece) in exchange for releasing much delayed
tranches of the troika loans to Greece. These tranches were urgently needed
for repaying instalments of previous loans by the troika. As I have argued
in a previous note (
-the-tasks-of-the-left/ 'The Greek referendum and the tasks of the Left')
SYRIZA was led unwillingly to call this referendum because of the failure of
its unrealistic program for a 'decent compromise' with the EU and for
'staying in the Eurozone at any cost'. Moreover, the whole affair proved
beyond any doubt that EU is a capitalist and imperialist integration that
cannot be reformed towards serving peoples' needs.

The referendum's victory with such huge margin was unexpected even for the
NO supporters. In the short one-week campaign the Greek economic and
political elites unleashed a blatant terror and misinformation campaign
through their mass media purporting that a NO vote would destroy Greece and
that EU's terms should be unconditionally accepted. In this unconcealed
blackmail the Greek politico-economic elite was directed and abetted by the
EU with direct interventions by J.C.Juncker, the German government and the
rest of EU's high priesthood. Moreover, the EU proceeded to literally slowly
strangle the Greek economy by curtailing, through the ECB, the injection of
liquidity to the moribund - because of the troika policies - Greek banking
sector. This led the SYRIZA government - on top of foolishly (?) emptying
the state coffers for paying previous troika installments - to impose
capital controls the very day that pensions were going to be paid. This
alienated significant portions of the middle and lower strata and turned the
previously almost sure NO victory to a gamble.

On top of that, SYRIZA for almost half the campaign week dragged its feet;
flirting with canceling the referendum, revoking its support for NO and with
several of its prominent members and ministers covertly helping the YES
coalition. Only the last two days SYRIZA actually threw its support behind
the NO campaign. Last but not the least, the Communist Party also
facilitated the elite's assault by campaigning for a null vote or
abstention; a move that cost it dearly in its electoral support. Only the
independent and extra-parliamentary Left and grass-roots initiatives and
movements fought from the very beginning for NO.

Despite all these adversities, the NO ended winning by a landslide. It was a
silent landslide because in the mass media and the public debate there was a
suppressing dominance of the YES instigated by the Greek politico-economic
elite and by the incompetent acts of SYRIZA (particularly the banking
'holiday', the capital controls and the problems in paying pensions and
wages). It was also a class landslide in that the working people, the
peasants, the lower middle strata and overwhelmingly the unemployed youth
voted for No whereas the bourgeoisie and the upper middle strata voted for
YES (see

It is now evident that SYRIZA's leadership and systemic centers did not
welcome this landslide. They expected the win of NO or YES to be by a small
margin that would 

Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right… | naked capitalism

2015-07-16 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Yes, the upcoming battles are key, and it's no mystery where they will
come. For instance see quote from linked article below.
But Louis's logic STILL argues against a revolution anywhere, anytime. As
the country with the most, and most complex, IT systems, a socialist
revolution in the US would by his logic be forever impossible.
This brings us to the productivity paradox, i.e. the decades-old
conundrum of why computerization hasn't transformed the economy the way
railroads and then auto did.
The answer is simple: IT is not used to rationalize, simplify, and make
more efficient the economy. It's designed to sell more goods, both consumer
and IT business systems. (It
That's why, for instance, nurse unions point out that successively more
complex healthcare IT systems - which DO capture more and more patient data
- DON'T mean higher quality or safety in healthcare (whereas higher nurse
staffing WOULD). Yet hospitals (including my own) are always competing with
each other to get the newest, biggest systems - and when the conversion is
made it requires countless (wasted) person-hours.

One could read on a banner deployed before the Parliament: “No to
privatizations, let us save the ports, DEI (national electricity company),
the hospitals”.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 8:41 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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 On 7/16/15 8:20 AM, Marv Gandall via Marxism wrote:

 Is the suggestion here that all of the peoples in the eurozone are
 trapped in it because the technical problems of converting to a
 sovereign currency are intractable, or is there something special
 about the technological structure of Greek capitalism?

 Absolutely not. But all this talk about Tsipras should have come up with a
 plan B while he was in these intense negotiations with the eurozone bigs
 is nuts. As I have repeatedly tried to explain, converting to a new
 currency requires a full project life-cycle implementation just as it did
 moving from a drachma to the euro. I have been involved with 5 such massive
 projects during my career so I can guarantee you that it would take Greece
 or any other euro-based nations a full 3 years to effect a change. As Doug
 pointed out, such a declared intention would have consequences of capital

 In any case, the challenge is more political than technical at this point.
 We have a left developing in Greece today out of the disaffected Syriza
 members, Antarsya and the KKE (not that these people are capable of working
 in a united front). As I urged a FB friend yesterday, the focus should be
 on what's next and not on what just happened.

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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right… | naked capitalism

2015-07-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/16/15 9:24 AM, Andrew Pollack wrote:

But Louis's logic STILL argues against a revolution anywhere, anytime.
As the country with the most, and most complex, IT systems, a socialist
revolution in the US would by his logic be forever impossible.

Not really.

That being said, Andrew's tendency to superimpose his hopes for 
socialism on Greece is a mistake. Syriza got elected because it 
reflected the mood of the voters and even now there is little evidence 
of a revolutionary situation. Demanding that pensions not be cut is not 
the same thing as what Lenin wrote about in State and Revolution. Keep 
in mind that dual power often constitutes the basis for a revolutionary 
transformation such as workers taking over factories in Catalonia in 
1938. I understand that Marxists would like to think that something like 
that is happening in Greece but I prefer to base my hopes on reality 
rather than fantasy.

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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right… | naked capitalism

2015-07-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/16/15 8:20 AM, Marv Gandall via Marxism wrote:

Is the suggestion here that all of the peoples in the eurozone are
trapped in it because the technical problems of converting to a
sovereign currency are intractable, or is there something special
about the technological structure of Greek capitalism?

Absolutely not. But all this talk about Tsipras should have come up with 
a plan B while he was in these intense negotiations with the eurozone 
bigs is nuts. As I have repeatedly tried to explain, converting to a new 
currency requires a full project life-cycle implementation just as it 
did moving from a drachma to the euro. I have been involved with 5 such 
massive projects during my career so I can guarantee you that it would 
take Greece or any other euro-based nations a full 3 years to effect a 
change. As Doug pointed out, such a declared intention would have 
consequences of capital drain.

In any case, the challenge is more political than technical at this 
point. We have a left developing in Greece today out of the disaffected 
Syriza members, Antarsya and the KKE (not that these people are capable 
of working in a united front). As I urged a FB friend yesterday, the 
focus should be on what's next and not on what just happened.

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[Marxism] US/ 'The key is the organization of the supply-chains for fast food and the new retail stores'

2015-07-16 Thread Celeste Murillo via Marxism
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Full interview:

The notion of the “precariat” as a social category with interests different
from the rest of the working class is both empirically and theoretically
problematic. First, it greatly exaggerates the degree to which a growing
number of workers are in insecure and temporary jobs, often part-time and
sometimes for employment agencies and other ‘non-traditional’ employers.

Contrary to what many believe, about 90% of all employed people in the US
work in traditional employer-employee arrangements, with 83% of those in
full-time work. US Bureau of Labour Statistics surveys done in 1995 and
2005 both showed that those working in ‘alternative arrangements’, such as
independent contractors or temporary agency workers, consistently compose
about 10% of the workforce. While the number of those working through
‘employment services’ soared from 1,512,000 in 1990 to 3,849,000 in 2000,
by 2010 their number had fallen to 2,717,000, a drop of 1,132,000. Even if
those in non-traditional jobs increase significantly as employers seek to
expand production without taking on permanent hires, they are certain to
remain a distinct minority.
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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right… | naked capitalism

2015-07-16 Thread Jon Flanders via Marxism

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On 07/16/2015 09:24 AM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

the decades-old
conundrum of why computerization hasn't transformed the economy the way
railroads and then auto did.
I can't claim authority for the whole US economy, but in the railroad 
industry where I worked, computers most definitely increased 
productivity by eliminating thousands of mainly clerical jobs. Now not 
just clerical, but with crews and mechanical forces, with sensors and 
gps maxed out on the power.(locomotives)

Certainly likely true with the rest of transportation and distribution, 
trucks, Walmart, Amazon etc. Bricks and mortar are on life support.

Jon Flanders
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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right… | naked capitalism

2015-07-16 Thread Marv Gandall via Marxism
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On Jul 16, 2015, at 8:41 AM, Louis Proyect l...@panix.com wrote:

 On 7/16/15 8:20 AM, Marv Gandall via Marxism wrote:
 Is the suggestion here that all of the peoples in the eurozone are
 trapped in it because the technical problems of converting to a
 sovereign currency are intractable, or is there something special
 about the technological structure of Greek capitalism?
 Absolutely not. But all this talk about Tsipras should have come up with a 
 plan B while he was in these intense negotiations with the eurozone bigs is 
 nuts. As I have repeatedly tried to explain, converting to a new currency 
 requires a full project life-cycle implementation just as it did moving from 
 a drachma to the euro. I have been involved with 5 such massive projects 
 during my career so I can guarantee you that it would take Greece or any 
 other euro-based nations a full 3 years to effect a change. As Doug pointed 
 out, such a declared intention would have consequences of capital drain.
 In any case, the challenge is more political than technical at this point. 

Well, yes. As, I noted two days ago on this thread: “The problem, Louis, as is 
so often the case, is less “technical” than it is political.”

No one disputes that conversion from a stronger currency to a weaker one is 
economically wrenching, and inevitably results in capital flight. It has to be 
carefully managed by the state. Which is why it is preeminently a political 
rather than a technical issue. Your position has hitherto been that conversion 
to a new currency is so impossibly daunting that it should be ruled out, no 
matter how wretched the status quo - certainly in the case of Greece. You 
neglect to answer whether and why this rule would also be applicable to larger 
and more complex economies.  

But your fears about a Grexit being worse than the status quo seem greatly 
exaggerated, especially if an orderly Grexit can be arranged, which is in where 
the interests of the Greek people and the NATO powers converge for different 
reasons. That option has been on the table since Syriza took power, but its 
leadership, like yourself, has feared it as too radical a step and consequently 
did nothing to prepare the people and the state administration for that 
possibility. In fact, it actively discouraged speculation about a Grexit for 
fear of further antagonizing the troika. 

As for capital flight, it can take wings anytime where there is a perception 
that assets may be threatened by a left wing leadership susceptible to 
pressures from its restless base. Don’t take power if you don’t want to 
frighten away foreign and domestic capital. It is no more complicated than 
that. We know that even though the Syriza government bent over backwards to 
assure its creditors and depositors of its unshakeable commitment to the euro, 
euros continued to drain out of the country. 

In these circumstances, the Tsipras leadership was confronted with the stark 
choice of imposing more stringent capital controls, nationalizing the insolvent 
Greek banks, issuing a parallel currency, repudiating the debt, and inviting 
the US and Europe to negotiate in their own economic and geopolitical interests 
on that basis, or…abjectly accepting further cuts to the labour and pension 
rights of its followers, a further squeeze on their incomes, and the 
de-nationalization of important public assets. You’d have a difficult time 
persuading me it made the right choice because the difficulties of a “full 
project life cycle implementation” somehow trumped all these other 

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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right… | naked capitalism

2015-07-16 Thread James Creegan via Marxism
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Proyect wrote:

 We have a left developing in Greece today out of the disaffected Syriza
members, Antarsya and the KKE (not that these people are capable of working
in a united front). As I urged a FB friend yesterday, the focus should be
on what's next and not on what just happened.


I'm glad that you finally seem to realize that the future of the Greek left
lies in a recomposition of forces, and not with Syriza as a party. But is
politically impossible to forget about the betrayal that has just taken
place and simply move on. The Tsipras faction of Syriza (which is
probably still a majority) is hardly about to roll over and play dead. They
will argue that they have not betrayed and that therefore no recomposition
of the left is necessary. The KKE leadership will continue to defend its
sectarian-abstentionist policies. And many more on the left will
be bewildered and confused by what has taken place, not knowing what the
future holds or where to turn. Recomposition demands political
clarification, which in turn demands a struggle of ideas and political

I know that branding people betrayers, and the whole notion of a right-left
struggle within the left is your idea of a Spartacist nightmare, and is
anathema to every bone in your anti-sectarian body. But it is unavoidable
at this juncture. Lenin didn't skip over the struggle against Kautsky, and
move effortlessly on to the founding of the Third International, letting
bygones be bygones. He would not have accepted the excuse that voting for
war credits in the Reichstag simply reflected the wishes of the German
people (which it did at the time, btw, to a much greater extent than voting
for austerity now reflects the wishes of the majority of the Greek people).
I know we aren't in the same situation here, and that the issue is a
Grexit, not war and revolution, so please do not invoke that straw man. But
an event of great consequence is now transpiring, and the left, in Greece
or Europe, can't move forward without digesting its implications.

Jim Creegan

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 8:41 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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 On 7/16/15 8:20 AM, Marv Gandall via Marxism wrote:

 Is the suggestion here that all of the peoples in the eurozone are
 trapped in it because the technical problems of converting to a
 sovereign currency are intractable, or is there something special
 about the technological structure of Greek capitalism?

 Absolutely not. But all this talk about Tsipras should have come up with a
 plan B while he was in these intense negotiations with the eurozone bigs
 is nuts. As I have repeatedly tried to explain, converting to a new
 currency requires a full project life-cycle implementation just as it did
 moving from a drachma to the euro. I have been involved with 5 such massive
 projects during my career so I can guarantee you that it would take Greece
 or any other euro-based nations a full 3 years to effect a change. As Doug
 pointed out, such a declared intention would have consequences of capital

 In any case, the challenge is more political than technical at this point.
 We have a left developing in Greece today out of the disaffected Syriza
 members, Antarsya and the KKE (not that these people are capable of working
 in a united front). As I urged a FB friend yesterday, the focus should be
 on what's next and not on what just happened.

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[Marxism] Greece and the Left, the fight against Austerity continues through the EU, not for a ‘new Britain’.

2015-07-16 Thread andrew coates via Marxism
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Greece and the Left, the fight against Austerity continues through the EU, not 
for a ‘new Britain’Extract.

Can I say by the way how useful and important I - and I'm sure many others - 
have found the Marxism List posts/links/discussions on Greece over the last 

The Greek crisis has been a 
perceived as proof that the ‘pro-European’ left has failed, largely by 
those who were already convinced that this is so.
Briefly basking in Syriza’s reflected glory they have now returned to their own 
political projects.

In France, apart from the 
anti-Euro and ‘Sovereigntist’  Front National, a minority of the Parti 
de Gauche (45%) voted at their recent conference for this as part of a 
general “Eurosceptic” line (Libération).  Their leader, Jean–Luc Mélenchon, has 
made frequent nationalist and anti-German remarks during the Greek crisis.

He said a few days ago,

“Pour la troisième fois dans l’histoire de l’Europe, l’obstination d’un 
gouvernement allemand est en train de détruire l’Europe”
For the third time in the History of Europe, the obstination of the German 
government is destroying Europe.

There is little doubt the same mood exists across Europe.

In Britain some see the Greek crisis as a sign to join in the campaign for the 
UK to leave the European Union.

This, Owen Jones dreams, 
 ” focus on building a new Britain, one of workers’ rights, a genuine 
living wage, public ownership, industrial activism and tax justice. Such
 a populist campaign could help the left reconnect with working-class 
communities it lost touch with long ago.”

Unfortunately this option 
will appear on no Referendum Ballot paper, when, one assumes the 
believers in a New Britain will mark their slips in the same way as the 
‘populists’ of the far-right,  and hard-line anti-socialist economic 


Andrew Coates 
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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right… | naked capitalism

2015-07-16 Thread James Creegan via Marxism
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Mark Lause wrote:

Jim urges us to act appropriately *to* this juncture, as though we were
historical materialists.  But the next lines urge us to follow the example
of Lenin's struggle against Kautsky and voting against war credits in the
Reichstag.  For historical materialists, these are different junctures
altogether, no?

 I acknowledge the differences in the respective junctures in the
sentence following the text of mine that you select.  I might also add to
the differences that, unlike the German Social Democracy, Syriza is not,
 and never claimed to be, a working-class socialist party, and never
proclaimed its intention to answer the class enemy with a general strike,
as the SPD had pledged to do in the event of war. But the juncture is
not *altogether
*different. Tsipras it has betrayed every election pledge his party ever
made at the cost of untold damage and agony to his people, and is, like New
Democracy and Pasok, employing TINA arguments to justify his actions. Any
socialist (or even committed Keynesian) must categorically repudiate
all TINA arguments  A betrayal is a betrayal, in 2015 as it was in 1914,
and there must be a political sorting out and assigning of blame before any
political realignment can take place.


Reply to all

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 11:56 AM, Mark Lause markala...@gmail.com wrote:

 Jim Creegan writes, I know that branding people betrayers, and the whole
 notion of a right-left struggle within the left is your idea of a
 Spartacist nightmare, and is anathema to every bone in your
 'anti-sectarian' body. But it is unavoidable at this juncture. Lenin didn't
 skip over the struggle against Kautsky, and move effortlessly on to the
 founding of the Third International, letting bygones be bygones. He would
 not have accepted the excuse that voting for war credits in the Reichstag
 simply reflected the wishes of the German people (which it did at the
 time, btw, to a much greater extent than voting for austerity now reflects
 the wishes of the majority of the Greek people).

 Jim urges us to act appropriately to this juncture, as though we were
 historical materialists.  But the next lines urge us to follow the example
 of Lenin's struggle against Kautsky and voting against war credits in the
 Reichstag.  For historical materialists, these are different junctures
 altogether, no?


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Re: [Marxism] AP Exclusive: Palestinians quit medical study in Venezuela

2015-07-16 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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There are a great number of scholarship programs available to the students
in the upper classes in Palestine, why should they take one that is not
academically rigorous? Shame.

- Amith

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 1:55 PM, Joseph Catron via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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 This is unfortunate news. Does anyone have insights on Venezuelan medical
 education? I do not know many Palestinians who would walk away from
 international scholarships easily.


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Re: [Marxism] AP Exclusive: Palestinians quit medical study in Venezuela

2015-07-16 Thread Joseph Catron via Marxism
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But the demand far exceeds the supply, and admission to all of them is
extremely competitive, which is why this story strikes me and some others
as so incredible. For a program to trigger this kind of mass exodus, it
would seemingly have to be really, really awful.

(Educational attainment there, and the resulting opportunities abroad, probably
have less to do with class than here, although
that's certainly a factor everywhere.)

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 7:58 AM, A.R. G amithrgu...@gmail.com wrote:

There are a great number of scholarship programs available to the students
 in the upper classes in Palestine, why should they take one that is not
 academically rigorous? Shame.

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[Marxism] Day of strikes and demonstrations in Greece, clashes with police in Syntagma Square

2015-07-16 Thread Celeste Murillo via Marxism
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Full article:

This is the first general strike carried out during the Syriza government,
which is now facing numerous contradictions in order to justify this defeat
as the lesser of two evils. In fact, it is a truly colonialist pactwhich
includes pension reforms, and increase in taxes and social security
contributions, and a privatizations program which will include numerous
state assets, most notably among them, the Port of Pireo.

The Greek people gave a resounding NO (OXI) to the agreement proposed by
the Troika on July 5, but they also voted NO to austerity, to misery, and
to blackmail by the international financial institutions. However, Syriza
has only moderated its program since then in order to reach a deal with the
Troika, a strategy that has ended in absolute failure and profound
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[Marxism] Syntagma Sq., July 15, 2015. And now?

2015-07-16 Thread michael a. lebowitz via Marxism

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Here are some videos from yesterday in Syntagma Square, sent to me by a 
friend in the Red Network. Aside from the difficulties that we all 
recognise, this statement from the Red Network (cited in Lee Sustar's 
piece included in a recent Marxmail post) cannot be dismissed by all who 
pinned their hearts and hopes to Syriza:

The Red Network, an alliance of socialist organizations that is a main
part of the Left Platform, declared in the text of a leaflet
distributed during the strikes and protests on Wednesday:

This new Memorandum essentially and practically overthrows the
government led by SYRIZA: programmatically, but also politically,
since it transforms SYRIZA into an austerity government with an
increasingly pro-austerity composition (more so after the removal of
left-wing cabinet ministers and the potential openings to the
austerity camp).




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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right… | naked capitalism

2015-07-16 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Jim Creegan writes, I know that branding people betrayers, and the whole
notion of a right-left struggle within the left is your idea of a
Spartacist nightmare, and is anathema to every bone in your
'anti-sectarian' body. But it is unavoidable at this juncture. Lenin didn't
skip over the struggle against Kautsky, and move effortlessly on to the
founding of the Third International, letting bygones be bygones. He would
not have accepted the excuse that voting for war credits in the Reichstag
simply reflected the wishes of the German people (which it did at the
time, btw, to a much greater extent than voting for austerity now reflects
the wishes of the majority of the Greek people).

Jim urges us to act appropriately to this juncture, as though we were
historical materialists.  But the next lines urge us to follow the example
of Lenin's struggle against Kautsky and voting against war credits in the
Reichstag.  For historical materialists, these are different junctures
altogether, no?

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[Marxism] Fwd: opportunity for US-Greece solidarity: Fw: AFL-CIO Endorses July 30 Med icare Actions

2015-07-16 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Greek pensioners are getting hit at least 3 ways from Sunday: 1) the
healthcare sector is in shambles; 2) their pensions are being cut back; and
3) the VAT tax is decimating their budgets.
The 50th anniversary celebration/protests for Medicare in the US are an
opportunity for us to make the connections. Lord knows our seniors are in
dire straits themselves on the same fronts.
Free, socialized healthcare under worker/community control, from the US to
55 and out retirement at union-scale wages, from America to Athens!
(ps concrete solidarity is already under way from nurse unions here, more
on that soon.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Andrew Pollack acpolla...@juno.com
Date: Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 3:16 PM
Subject: opportunity for US-Greece solidarity: Fw: AFL-CIO Endorses July 30
Med icare Actions
To: acpolla...@gmail.com

-- Forwarded Message --
From: Mark Dudzic Labor Campaign for Single Payer 
To: acpolla...@juno.com
Subject: AFL-CIO Endorses July 30 Medicare Actions
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2015 19:04:34 +

 Dear a,

We are two weeks away from the *July 30 Celebration of Medicare's 50th
Birthday.*  Activists will gather in 42 cities in 21 states
to honor one of our most successful social insurance programs and to call
on the American people to work to *Protect *it, *Improve *it and *Expand *

In a letter to affiliates
AFL-CIO President *Richard Trumka *urged all of labor to come together to
mark this momentous occasion. [A]dopting improved Medicare for All is the
only solution to the increasing cost and access problems of our current
healthcare system, wrote Trumka.

You can help make this day a success:

   - Find your local celebration here
   or join us in Washington DC for a day of rallies, briefings and lobbying
   beginning at 9:30 AM in  Upper Senate Park.
   - Ask your local union to endorse and participate in an event near you.
   - Contact your local Central Labor Council
   and local chapter of the Alliance of Retired Americans (ARA)

Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right… | naked capitalism

2015-07-16 Thread Marv Gandall via Marxism
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(Schauble represents that wing of the European bourgeoisie - still a minority, 
but growing - which no longer wants to throw “good money after bad”. It wants 
to force Greece out of the eurozone, providing it with a one time injection of 
seed money rather than continued bailouts costing hundreds of billions of euros 
which will never be fully recovered.)

Germany’s Wolfgang Schäuble puts Grexit back on the agenda
By Stefan Wegstyl
Financial Times
July 16 2015

Days after Greece appeared to escape crashing out of the euro, hawkish German 
finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble has put Grexit back on the political agenda, 
raising tensions in Berlin and across the EU.

Speaking before a key Bundestag vote on Friday, Mr Schäuble said voluntary 
departure from the eurozone “could perhaps be a better way” for Greece than a 
proposed €86bn bailout package, which was painfully assembled at a marathon 
eurozone summit in Brussels over the weekend.

Despite his misgivings, the 72-year-old German minister said he would still 
personally put the package to parliament. His hollow-sounding pledge was eerily 
familiar to one from Athens this week, where Greek premier Alexis Tsipras 
presented the same plan to Greece’s parliament while admitting he did not 
believe in it.

Mr Schäuble’s manoeuvre makes clear he is leaving open a Grexit option, even as 
he is formally backing the latest rescue plan to keep Greece in the eurozone. 
It is uncertain how much leeway he has been given by chancellor Angela Merkel 
to advance a historic rupture of the eurozone that he believes would ultimately 
strengthen both Greece and the single currency.

Ms Merkel, who celebrates her 61st birthday on Friday, has long given more 
weight than Mr Schäuble to the geopolitical costs of Grexit but has also said 
that a deal to prevent it cannot come “at any price”.

Her approach has hardened since June 26 when Mr Tsipras infuriated Greece’s 
international creditors by calling for a national referendum on their latest 
bailout offer.

It later emerged Mr Tsipras had informed the chancellor and French president 
François Hollande of his plans in a telephone call. But he neglected to say he 
would campaign against the deal. Ms Merkel only learnt the truth after Mr 
Tsipras announced his intentions on television. The chancellor’s complaints 
about the loss of trust in Athens have since multiplied.

Mr Schäuble said in a radio interview there was widespread concern — including 
at the International Monetary Fund — that Greece needed a debt cut for the 
rescue to work. But, he noted, a “debt cut is incompatible with membership of 
the currency union”.

Even if he favours a Grexit, Mr Schäuble may have to take a roundabout route to 
get there. He is wary of being seen to push Athens out the door for fear of 
breaking Germany’s decades-long commitment to European unity.

Such a move would also risk casting Ms Merkel as Europe’s bully — a claim many 
are already making after a summit in which she forced the capitulation of 
Greece’s defiant leftwing prime minister.

Berlin has already signalled that should Grexit come, Germany would generously 
support Athens, including with a debt cut.

Some EU officials believe Mr Schäuble’s repeated insistence that the IMF, which 
has partnered the EU in previous rescues, be included in a new bailout may be 
intended to engineer an eventual Grexit. The IMF has suggested it might not 
join a new Greek programme once its current rescue expires in March without 
heavy restructuring of existing eurozone loans. One EU official said Mr 
Schäuble could use this as “an excuse”.

Ms Merkel in the meantime seems certain to win the Bundestag vote on Friday on 
the proposed bailout. But about 60 MPs from her CDU/CSU bloc could rebel in 
protest against lending Athens even a cent more. The fact that Mr Schäuble will 
on Friday recommend the plan could win over some sceptics, thereby reducing Ms 
Merkel’s embarrassment.

The vote authorises only the start of negotiations, meaning Mr Schäuble will 
have time to manoeuvre before a second vote on the package itself, once 
negotiations are concluded.

Eckhardt Rehberg, the CDU’s budget spokesman, said: “The debate over a 
temporary Grexit has been important.”

But social democrats, also part of the coalition, are furious that Mr Schäuble 
harps on about Grexit and are urging him to stick to the script. Many suspect 
the finance minister is playing up Grexit partly to embarrass the leader of 
their SPD party, Sigmar Gabriel.

Mr Gabriel had agreed with Ms Merkel and Mr Schäuble that the Grexit option 
should be aired at the weekend summit as a way to put pressure on Athens. 

Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right… | naked capitalism

2015-07-16 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 6:41 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:
 . . .  But all this talk about Tsipras should have come up with a
 plan B while he was in these intense negotiations with the eurozone bigs
 is nuts...

As far as i know, Louis, you are the only one talking like this.  What
the talk is about is whether Tsipras as the national leader of Syriza
for several years before Syriza won the January 2015 elections and he
became Prime Minister should have delegated work on preparing a plan
B within the party and since January also within the government.
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Re: [Marxism] Merkel reduces teenage Palestinian refugee to tears

2015-07-16 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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According to Merkel, politics is hard, what would Reem know about

- Amith

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 10:30 PM, Joseph Catron via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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 On top of all the other reasons to love her this week:


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[Marxism] Greek parliament vote breakdown

2015-07-16 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right… | naked capitalism

2015-07-16 Thread Marv Gandall via Marxism
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On Jul 16, 2015, at 2:55 PM, Dayne Goodwin via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 6:41 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism
 marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:
 . . .  But all this talk about Tsipras should have come up with a
 plan B while he was in these intense negotiations with the eurozone bigs
 is nuts...
 As far as i know, Louis, you are the only one talking like this.  What
 the talk is about is whether Tsipras as the national leader of Syriza
 for several years before Syriza won the January 2015 elections and he
 became Prime Minister should have delegated work on preparing a plan
 B” within the party and since January also within the government.

In fact, didn’t Varoufakis confirm earlier this week that a committee was 
instructed to study a Plan B during the negotiations but the project was 
quickly shelved?

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Re: [Marxism] currencies and IT

2015-07-16 Thread Marv Gandall via Marxism
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On Jul 16, 2015, at 2:01 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

 The SWIFT exchange was in the news when Iran's access to it was threatened,
 and was mentioned in passing today in a Times article now that sanctions
 will be loosened.

Again, I’m not an IT expert, but it seems to me what’s been overlooked in this 
discussion is the distinction between the instantaneous electronic transfer of 
funds made possible by modern technology and the much longer timeframe required 
for the subsequent issuance of new coins and banknotes.

Louis has made much of the time factor in introducing and distributing a new 
currency. I’m not clear as to what precisely he’s referring to when he asserts 
there are years of complicated computer programming required to implement the 

The origin of the eurozone is instructive in this regard. The conversion to the 
euro of 11 sovereign currencies involving hundreds of banks and hundreds of 
millions of Europeans was done at a keystroke and trading in the new currency 
began immediately. All that what was required was for the central banks in each 
country to fix the respective exchange rates at which the old currencies would 
be exchanged for the euro, and for the commercial banks to implement this 
change in depositors’ accounts. This conversion rates were the subject of 
negotiation between the central banks and with the new European Central Bank.
The euro was launched on 1 January 1999, when it became the currency of more 
than 300 million people in Europe. For the first three years it was an 
invisible currency, only used for accounting purposes, e.g. in electronic 
payments. Euro cash was not introduced until 1 January 2002, when it replaced, 
at fixed conversion rates, the banknotes and coins of the national currencies 
like the Belgian franc and the Deutsche Mark.”

In recognition that cash was still widely used, he old currencies continued to 
coexist with euro transactions and were gradually phased out over a three year 
period with minimal disruption to the financial system. 

Even today, cash is by far the most widely used means of payment for retail 
transactions in the euro area in terms of the number of transactions, although 
in terms of value it has a significantly smaller share. In both respects, 
however, the role of cash has been gradually declining in recent decades, while 
the use of debit and credit cards has been growing, a trend that is expected to 

For more detail, see: 


A Grexit would be politically difficult - but not, it appears, technically 
difficult - were it not an orderly process undertaken in concert with the 

In this connection, I linked to an article yesterday which explained:

The government and banks could work together to convert all bank deposits from 
euros into drachmas, either overnight or over a set period of time. Practically 
speaking, this would mean a person with 100 euros in their bank account on 
Tuesday could find that they instead have 100 drachmas in their account on 
Wednesday. There wouldn’t be any physical drachmas available yet, but the money 
would exist digitally…If the Greek government resolves to push ahead with its 
drachma currency, it would eventually have to print banknotes and coins. The 
process of designing and printing new banknotes would take at least a year, 
according to Bernd Kuemmerle, who is head of the banknote business division at 
German-based Giesecke  Devrient, a leading global banknote producer.”

This seems to me to be consistent with the apparent technical ease of 
converting drachmas into euros in 1999, except the process would work in 

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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right… | naked capitalism

2015-07-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/16/15 10:33 AM, James Creegan wrote:

But it is unavoidable at this juncture. Lenin didn't skip over the
struggle against Kautsky, and move effortlessly on to the founding of
the Third International, letting bygones be bygones.

Between Kautsky and the Comintern, I don't know which was the bigger 
disaster. Not surprising that you would refer to the Comintern like some 
Catholics refer to St. Peter.

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[Marxism] Merkel reduces teenage Palestinian refugee to tears

2015-07-16 Thread Joseph Catron via Marxism
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On top of all the other reasons to love her this week:


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Re: [Marxism] AP Exclusive: Palestinians quit medical study in Venezuela

2015-07-16 Thread Joseph Catron via Marxism
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For others who are curious, I think I've got this thing figured out. It
sounds like these students thought they were going to an MD program, but
then discovered it was actually a PhD program. The initial confusion, according
one, was the error of the PA, not Venezuela.

I don't know how early in the morning you have to wake up to pull off
a shit-show
like that, or like the AP article for that matter!

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Re: [Marxism] AP Exclusive: Palestinians quit medical study in Venezuela

2015-07-16 Thread Joseph Catron via Marxism
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Nah, the version I relayed came from a relative of one of the students who
returned. Sorry, I should have made that part clearer.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 9:20 PM, Andrew Pollack acpolla...@gmail.com

 actually I read it as a misunderstanding about what is indeed an MD
 program, but one tailored to a more radical and valid approach. At the same
 time, the students who thought they would get more traditional training
 deserve empathy.
 It would be nice if this could be worked out.

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 4:40 PM, Joseph Catron via Marxism 
 marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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 For others who are curious, I think I've got this thing figured out. It
 sounds like these students thought they were going to an MD program, but
 then discovered it was actually a PhD program. The initial confusion,
 one, was the error of the PA, not Venezuela.

 I don't know how early in the morning you have to wake up to pull off
 a shit-show
 like that, or like the AP article for that matter!

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[Marxism] NZ Labour Party's new racist anti-Chinese campaign

2015-07-16 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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The early NZ Labour Party - it was founded in 1916 - was fiercely racist
against the Chinese and competed with the Liberal and Reform parties to see
who could be most anti-Chinese (I think it was a draw, but Labour won the
hypocrisy stakes as they pretended to be 'internationalists').

Now, Labour, in the form of its housing spokesperson Phil Twyford, is
trying to blame the Chinese for the ridiculous house prices in Auckland.

Unfortunately, most of the left in NZ is left-nationalist.  So, while many
have been appalled at the 'dogwhistle' racism of Labour's housing
spokesperson, they simply counterpose a more 'fair' anti-foreign

We desperately need an anti-capitalist left as opposed to a nationalist

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[Marxism] Fwd: How Goldman Sachs Profited From the Greek Debt Crisis | The Nation

2015-07-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Another insane person found guilty of murder | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-07-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] AP Exclusive: Palestinians quit medical study in Venezuela

2015-07-16 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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actually I read it as a misunderstanding about what is indeed an MD
program, but one tailored to a more radical and valid approach. At the same
time, the students who thought they would get more traditional training
deserve empathy.
It would be nice if this could be worked out.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 4:40 PM, Joseph Catron via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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 For others who are curious, I think I've got this thing figured out. It
 sounds like these students thought they were going to an MD program, but
 then discovered it was actually a PhD program. The initial confusion,
 one, was the error of the PA, not Venezuela.

 I don't know how early in the morning you have to wake up to pull off
 a shit-show
 like that, or like the AP article for that matter!

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[Marxism] The consolidation of the White New Zealand policy, 1900-1910

2015-07-16 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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This looks at how and why opposition to the White New Zealand policy became
extremely rare from 1900 onwards and how White NZ immigration policy became
thoroughly entrenched, after being somewhat contested in the late 1800s.

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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right…

2015-07-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/16/15 7:41 PM, Marv Gandall via Marxism wrote:

I would without hesitation have stood with Konstantopoulou, Lafazanis, 

Don't forget Schnauble, you ingrate.
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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right…

2015-07-16 Thread Marv Gandall via Marxism
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On Jul 16, 2015, at 5:23 PM, Louis Proyect l...@panix.com wrote:

 On 7/16/15 3:19 PM, Marv Gandall wrote:
 Louis has made much of the time factor in introducing and
 distributing a new currency. I’m not clear as to what precisely he’s
 referring to when he asserts there are years of complicated computer
 programming required to implement the change.
 I recommend that you look at the comments thread under my article at 
 Naked Capitalism for anything posted by me, Yves Smith, Nathan Tankus 
 and someone named Clive. 

Grexit is for tomorrow. It will very likely be forced on the Greeks, no matter 
what you, Nathan, Yves, and Clive think about it. So the debate about its 
effects is largely academic at this point. We’ll have the opportunity to test 
how technically difficult it will be to partially or wholly reintroduce the 
drachma in real life when the the time comes.

The immediate issue facing Syriza was whether to accept or reject the new round 
of cuts, regressive tax increases, deregulation, and privatization demanded by 
its creditors.

Were I in the Greek parliament last night, I would without hesitation have 
stood with Konstantopoulou, Lafazanis, Stratoulis, and - to his credit - 
Varoufakis, as well as the other three dozen Syriza lawmakers in voting against 
these additional hardships the government agreed to impose on those it purports 
to represent.

The logic of your position, and that of Panitch, Gindin, and Henwood, would 
have seen you stand with the majority of Syriza MPs and minority of central 
committee members who voted - “with deep regret” or otherwise - for the 
troika’s austerity program, in violation of both the Syriza program and the 
July 5th referendum result.

At the end of the day, this is what this discussion has really been about. 

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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right…

2015-07-16 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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this requires explanation; if I'm reading it right it's inappropriate for
this list:
Don't forget Schnauble, you ingrate.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 7:54 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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 On 7/16/15 7:41 PM, Marv Gandall via Marxism wrote:

 I would without hesitation have stood with Konstantopoulou, Lafazanis,

 Don't forget Schnauble, you ingrate.
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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Convert to the Drachma – Piece of Cake. Right… | naked capitalism

2015-07-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/16/15 2:55 PM, Dayne Goodwin via Marxism wrote:

the talk is about is whether Tsipras as the national leader of Syriza
for several years before Syriza won the January 2015 elections and he
became Prime Minister should have delegated work on preparing a plan
B within the party and since January also within the government.

In other words, he should have be considering an exit from the eurozone 
when his entire political trajectory has been Europeanist? And for that 
matter, Stathis Kouvelakis, the most prominent hard Marxist in the 
Greek parliament and Grexit advocate, writes a book for Verso titled 
Crisis in the Eurozone that has less than a page on what that would 
amount to. I've been referred on FB repeatedly to Grexit made Easy 
type articles but every one of them is idiotic. Mostly the appeals to 
Grexit sound like Burl Ives's Big Rock Candy Mountain but I'll give 
credit to Marty Hart-Landsberg for laying it on the line:

To be a bit more specific, a break from the Eurozone would require 
nationalization of the banks -- an act that would immediately draw the 
country into a serious legal test with Europe since the banks are 
technically under the control of the European Central Bank.  It would 
require the government to quickly issue new scrip as it prepared a new 
currency, and aggressively engage in an expanded public works program. 
At the same time it was unclear whether the new scrip would be accepted 
and whether the country would have sufficient foreign exchange to 
maintain minimum purchases of key import items such as food and 
medicine.   Moreover, many businesses, holding debts denominated in 
euros, would likely be forced into bankruptcy necessitating government 
takeover.  And, all this would take place in a relatively hostile 
international environment.  No doubt some countries would offer words of 
solidarity, but it appears unlikely that any would or could offer 
meaningful financial or technical assistance.  Still, with proper 
preparation the possibilities for success could have been greatly enhanced.

Unfortunately, he has confidence in the BRICS that seems unwarranted in 
light of China's interest in buying the Port of Piraeus at fire sale prices:

Strikingly, Varoufakis mentioned that Syriza had established a small 
team to think about what a break would mean shortly after their January 
2015 election, a team that no doubt was kept small because the 
government wanted to keep the planning secret.  But that was a mistake. 
 Planning should have happened on a large scale and in a visible way. 
Discussions should have been held with international legal experts as 
well as with the BRICS countries concerning possible use of their new 
lending and investment facilities.

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[Marxism] Schnauble veers to the left

2015-07-16 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Schnauble veers to the left

2015-07-16 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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the subject line (him veering to the left) appears to be baiting grexit
supporters as allies of reaction. If so, this too is inappropriate for this

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 6:10 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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