[Marxism] Reenactment of Paul Robeson's testimony to HUAC with James Earl Jones.

2017-04-09 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Green Left Weekly article on Syria

2017-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 4/9/17 9:54 PM, Chris Slee via Marxism wrote:


The filthiest trash ever written by Iltis and he has written some awful 
stuff in the past 6 years.

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Re: [Marxism] Sanders: 'Make Democrats a party of the working class, not liberal elite'

2017-04-09 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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As someone campaigning for single payer locally before the Board of 
Supervisors and the Health Care District, this suggested much to me 
about Senator Bernie Outreach the reform Democrat and his ties to the 
Senator from Wall Street:


'The senator from Vermont also tweeted 
 on Saturday, 
"Right now we need to improve the Affordable Care Act and that means a 
public option."

But corporate crime watchdog and single-payer advocate Russell Mokhiber 
warned against embracing the public option 
as a stand-in or even a stepping stone for Medicare for All.

In a piece published Sunday, Mokhiber quoted pediatrician and PNHP 
member Margaret Flowers, who co-directs the group Health Over Profit for 
Everyone. She said:

   Introducing a public option will divide and confuse supporters of
   Medicare-for-All. Senators who should co-sponsor Medicare-for-All
   will be divided. Sanders seems to be urging a public option to
   please the Democratic Party, but Sanders cannot serve two
   masters—Wall Street's Chuck Schumer and the people. Sanders must
   decide whom he is working for.

   While it might seem politically pragmatic to support a public
   option, it is not realistically pragmatic because a public option
   will not work. Senator Sanders knows that and he knows that the
   smallest step toward solving the healthcare crisis is National
   Improved Medicare for All. This would fundamentally change our
   health system that currently treats health as a commodity so that
   people only have access to what they can afford to a system that
   treats health as a public necessity so that people have access to
   what they need. Medicare-for-All achieves the savings needed to
   provide comprehensive coverage to everyone.

"We look to Senator Sanders to act on what he promised during his 
presidential campaign, a national improved Medicare-for-All now, not 
tomorrow," Flowers said. "Tomorrow never comes. It is not up to him to 
decide if single-payer can pass in Congress. That task is for the people 
to decide."'

The people have already decided, polling 70% in favor of Single Payer. 
What we need and are not getting are Senators and Representatives who 
are respectful of that decision. We insure against accidents and 
disasters elsewhere, everywhere, of people, property and nature, often 
affordably, but this fundamental imperative to protect human health 
affordably is barred by a powerful medical complex, who conceal from us 
the glaring fact that we are the only major country on earth not to 
guarantee healthcare to all people as a right.

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Re: [Marxism] Question about IZA-Institute of Labor Economics

2017-04-09 Thread Gulf Mann via Marxism
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Sounds to me like  a right-wing, anti-labor org pushing racial segregation
under the guise of "identity politics".

On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 2:49 PM, Manuel Barrera via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> "Hello, I wonder if any on this list can provide information on a
> German-based foundation, IZA-Institute of Labor Economics."
> P.S. I found some of this information myself. IZA is funded by an
> apparently a foundation in Germany that supports deregulation of labor laws
> ultimately aimed at removing the minimum wage and other fair labor
> practices in Europe (mostly Germany). It is led by Klaus Zumwinkel, former
> CEO of Deustche Post and forced to resign for tax evasion. WSWS reported
> some of that recently https://www.wsws.org/en/
> articles/2015/04/13/germ-a13.html (no endorsement of WSWS In Any Way
> intended) and is also reported in the business journal, Hansblatt Global
> (behind a pay wall, however, a brief abstract available at
> https://global.handelsblatt.com/companies-markets/
> deutsche-posts-second-class-system-500513
> Thanks anyway
> [https://global.handelsblatt.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/
> 04/D-Post-HQ-GettyImages.jpg] com/companies-markets/deutsche-posts-second-class-system-500513>
> Deutsche Post’s Second-Class System – Handelsblatt Global handelsblatt.com/companies-markets/deutsche-posts-second-
> class-system-500513>
> global.handelsblatt.com
> SVI, a subsidiary of Deutsche Post, could face a fine and criminal
> proceedings if it is found to have illegally provided Deutsche Post with
> temporary workers ...
> [http://www.wsws.org/img/open-graph-icon.png] wsws.org/en/articles/2015/04/13/germ-a13.html>
> German postal workers strike against outsourcing of jobs ...<
> https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2015/04/13/germ-a13.html>
> www.wsws.org
> World Socialist Web Site wsws.org Published by the International
> Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)
> _
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> Set your options at: http://lists.csbs.utah.edu/options/marxism/gulfmann%
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[Marxism] Fwd: Notes on the Global Condition: Chinese Capital, the US and Germany – ADAM TOOZE

2017-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Question about IZA-Institute of Labor Economics

2017-04-09 Thread Manuel Barrera via Marxism
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Hello, I wonder if any on this list can provide information on a German-based 
foundation, IZA-Institute of Labor Economics. Here is the website: 

They just published an interesting (sounding) study on the role of "Same race" 
teachers and educational outcomes, specifically among Black U.S. students (cf. 
 However, in their description they tout their interests as "building a bridge 
between science and society. We want to facilitate the communication of 
existing knowledge while at the same time stimulating research to close 
knowledge gaps. We see this approach as complementary to purely academic 
research. The transfer of scientific knowledge is an important task which has 
often been undervalued in traditional research and requires extra efforts." 
They also say they are seeking "to achieve a fair balance between individual 
wealth and societal wealth. In light of rapidly developing technological 
innovations and changing social policy needs, the search for eff
 ective solutions will remain a continuous challenge."

My  interest here is to find on-the-ground background knowledge about their 
credibility regarding their findings and their intents regarding the study I 
mentioned before about Black students benefiting from Black teachers. I'm sure 
some of you may simply think the issue is too much "identity politics". If so, 
just ignore the post and go about your business. Those of you who may some 
information, I would greatly appreciate it.



Study: Black students from poor families are more likely to graduate high 
school if they have at least one black 
The results are most marked for male African American students from very 
low-income families, the Johns Hopkins research finds.

IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
IZA is an independent economic research institute that conducts research in 
labor economics and offers evidence-based policy advice on labor market issues.

Manuel Barrera, PhD
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[Marxism] Fwd: The chemical brothers: Putin and Assad | Russia | Al Jazeera

2017-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Why Being Against Assad Matters Too | Jacobin

2017-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Information Wars: A Window into the Alternative Media Ecosystem

2017-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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21stCenturyWire.com is a typical domain in our network graph, positioned 
in the upper left corner (of Figure 1) and strongly connected to both 
NoDisinfo and VeteransToday (which both spread strong anti-Semitic 
content). 59 tweets in our collection linked to this domain, referencing 
multiple articles explicitly supporting alternative narratives about 
several mass shootings, including claims that both the Dallas police 
shootings and the Orlando nightclub shootings were staged events. 
However, the conspiratorial focus of this domain extended far beyond 
alternative narratives of shootings. Domain content supported a wide 
range of conspiratorial themes, with articles promoting claims about 
vaccines causing autism, government-engineered weather events, George 
Soros-backed anti-Trump protests, and pedophile rings operated by 
powerful people. Through our analysis of domain content, we also 
determined 21stCenturyWire to be strongly supportive of Russian 
political interests (another prominent theme in our data).


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: How Things Hang Together | Articles | Inference: International Review of Science

2017-04-09 Thread Manuel Barrera via Marxism
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"I've never seen so many non sequiturs, debater's tricks . . ."
My very short commentary was not really intended to debate you, Andrew. Simply 
to point out that just because a scientist tries to explain the whole of 
science doesn't absolve one of the context he is writing within. Science 
doesn't happen in a vaccuum it isn't "blind" (postivism) and unbiased, and, 
therefore, one who hopes to explain "science's" patterns should recognize any 
theory he develops is going to be at one abstract and subject his limitations. 
I found the paper interesting, but not really as laudable as you seem to think.

Your defensiveness about being a White male (and looking for other White male 
experts to "set me straight") only proves my point. I got the impression you 
were trying to make yourself appear "intellectual" and informed in your overly 
idolatrous commentary, so, I am sorry if I struck a nerve (seems to be 
happening with more frequency these days). I suppose you may believe that my 
"short contribution" was trying somehow to denounce Scialabba's review of 
Watson's book and Watson's book and take them on with petty debater's tricks. 
It was nothing of the sort and simply observing the nature of this kind of 
discourse--it is constrained by White male bias despite your wishing such 
intellectualism were somehow free and untouched by our social order--is not 
something I at least am willing to accept given this social order. And, you are 
 correct that I harbor an antagonism to White people thinking that they have a 
franchise on the truth just because they get to write and be all intellectual wi
 th so much more recognition and, you know, attention and cash, than too many 
people of color who may have similar or, horror of horrors, different than the 
established discourse.

It is endemic to the discourse of even the best political left (which I do 
count you among) to believe that White people have so much more to contribute 
to ideas "in general" that aren't seen as  directly the purview of the 
oppressed, which, of course, that same White political left take such great 
pains to ally themselves because, after all, you are Marxists and can't afford 
to appear uncaring of "our" interests even if "we" don't really have that much 
to say on such matters as "big history" and whether or not "convergent 
patterns" are, you know, a thing.

Finally, you may be tempted to observe that none of what I said above appears 
to have much to do with the actual ideas within Scialabba's review or of 
Watson's book and, therefore, appears "non sequitur" or irrelevant. That is 
largely your fault and more broadly the fault of the White political left who 
demonstrate with every word their utter arrogance about the "common enterprise" 
we--you all and, you know, the oppressed--supposedly share. It is quite easy 
for you to appear all "solidarity" when you perceive the oppressed to need you, 
but your color (or lack of it) always tends to show at those times when you 
believe "we" (that's the oppressed in case you can't follow) really aren't 
reading or have little to understand never mind say. I can understand why many 
people of color (and women for that matter) tend to just "skulk" on some of 
these lists because it can be disheartening and frustrating to raise an opinion 
among the more "erudite" (read, the more able to be published and hear
 d). You can largely accept differences of opinion or even be enthralled with 
the opinions people of color if they are from other countries, especially if 
they coincide with your way of thinking, but let anyone raise a point, any 
point, if they are to "close" to you but have the wrong color (or name), then, 
we are just engaging in non-sequitur, debater's tricks, and irrelevancies 
(after all, what else could we be doing since we don't really know anything). 
You probably can't even imagine how tiring it gets to feel you have to write 
more just to defend yourself to have an opinion and really have so little 
opportunity to discuss actual ideas when you are assaulted with banalities and 
racist antagonism simply because you made an observation that didn't set well 
with the more "knowledgeable" in our midst. You probably don't even believe I 
have any will to say anything else than to decry the racist hostility of the 
"progressive" Marxist left. I have much to say, but I actually refuse to d
 o so because such racist antagonism (and I a!
 m using the term consciously and in its true scientific meaning) leaves me 
cold and unfeeling to your and such people's sensibilities. I find it 
therapeutic to lambaste your racially founded antagonisms than to engage you