[Marxism] Academic gathering on Marx

2017-04-24 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Marx's Capital after 150 Years:

Critique and Alternative to Capitalism


International Conference

May 24-26, 2017


The Marx Collegium

York University

Conference Participants: Immanuel Wallerstein, Etienne Balibar, 

Saskia Sassen, Bob Jessop, John Bellamy Foster, Silvia Federici,

Richard Wolff, Moishe Postone, Kevin B. Anderson, Bertell Ollman, Leo Panitch, 
Ursula Huws, Michael Kraetke, Terrell Carver, Ricardo Antunes, 

Himani Bannerji, Seongjin Jeong, Alfonso Maurizio Iacono, Mauro Buccheri, 
Pietro Basso, George Comninel, Paresh Chattopadhyay, William Roberts, 

Gary Teeple, Kohei Saito, Paula Rauhala, Tomash Dabrowski,

Babak Amini, Marcello Musto.

Conference Program: http://www.marxcollegium.org

After the eruption of the international financial crisis in 2008, Marx's 
Capital received renewed academic and popular attention. Leading newspapers 
throughout the world discussed again the contemporary relevance of its pages. 
Faced with a deep new crisis of capitalism, many are now looking to an author 
who in the past was often wrongly associated with the "actually existing 
socialism", and who was hastily dismissed after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 

For many scholars, today Marx's analyses are arguably resonating even more 
strongly than they did in Marx's own time. This international conference brings 
together several world-renowned sociologists, political theorists, economists, 
and philosophers, from diverse fields and 13 countries. Its aim is to explore 
diverse scholarly perspectives and critical insights into the principal 
contradictions of contemporary capitalism and, in so doing, to draw attention 
to alternative economic and social models.

The presenters will critically reconsider Marx's Capital as a work that 
continues to provide an effective framework to understand the nature of 
capitalism and the transformations of our times.


Conference Organizer: Marcello Musto, York University 

Info: marcello.musto at gmail.com 

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Re: [Marxism] US must occupy Syria now?

2017-04-24 Thread ioannis aposperites via Marxism

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On 25/04/2017 03:46 πμ, David McMullen via Marxism wrote:

Peace has to be imposed by an outside force. Otherwise the war will drag
on causing more death and destruction. In particular, the regime needs
an outside force to surrender to and the Alawites protected from slaughter.

“We must get away from the utopian notion of simply abandoning the 
colonies. . . . The colonies are there; we must come to terms with that. 
Socialists too should acknowledge the need for civilized peoples to act 
somewhat like guardians of the uncivilized. . . . "

Eduard Bernstein


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Re: [Marxism] US must occupy Syria now?

2017-04-24 Thread David McMullen via Marxism

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Peace has to be imposed by an outside force. Otherwise the war will drag 
on causing more death and destruction. In particular, the regime needs 
an outside force to surrender to and the Alawites protected from 
slaughter. As for wiping out Al Qaeda and Daesh, I imagine the 
legitimate opposition will be able to contribute a lot more to that 
effort if the regime has been neutralized.

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[Marxism] Fwd: The Slide Rule and the Crowbar: Henry David Thoreau in the Anthropocene - Los Angeles Review of Books

2017-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Treating Mental Health Patients as Criminals

2017-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A more interesting article than usual by Patrick Cockburn whose son 
Henry is schizophrenic. I reviewed Cockburn's book about Henry here:


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[Marxism] pandering to the Assad-enablers

2017-04-24 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Featured prominently on today's Socialist Worker (US) website is this great
speech on Leninism by Paul Le Blanc:

Unfortunately, the speech was delivered at the Russian Revolution
centennial conference of Counterfire, the group behind the Assad-enabling
Stop the War Coalition.

I would hardly characterize apologetics for genocide as being within the
Leninist tradition.

We spend a lot of time on social media debating whether to try to stop
reactionary speakers from presenting their views (a tactic I'm against); we
also need to be discussing when revolutionaries should tell
counterrevolutionaries where to stick their conference speaking invitations.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Tony Wood on Russia | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2017-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This weekend I went to the Historical Materialism conference in NY held 
at NYU that is basically an academic conference with presentations by 
graduate students and professors. Unlike the Left Forum that meets in 
early June, you won’t find any 9/11 Truther or Assadist panel 
discussions. That’s the upside. The downside is that you are likely to 
hear someone read a jargon-filled paper on their brand-new 
interpretation of Gramsci’s theory of hegemony for 15 to 20 minutes 
until your eyelids feel like they have been tied to anvils.

I went to hear Lars Lih and Eric Blanc defend Stalin and Kamenev as 
closer to Lenin on theorizing the Bolshevik revolution than Trotsky but 
was far more interested in hearing what Todd Chretien had to say in 
response. Todd was very good but far too civil. I would have thrown a 
pie in Lih’s face myself.

I only wish I had been able to hear George Ciccariello-Maher speak at a 
“Roundtable on Training Political Cadre: Historical Lessons and Currents 
[sic] Methods”. His insights on turning over garbage bins as a currents 
methods to stop fascism must have really wowed all the sociology students.

Instead of running down every panel discussion I attended, I want to 
touch on a couple of high points in this post and a follow-up tomorrow. 
The first today will recap Tony Wood’s presentation on Putin’s Russia 
that was included in a panel titled “Critical Geopolitics Today” and the 
one tomorrow will be about how CUNY adjuncts are pressing for their 
demands in the Professional Staff Congress (PSC).

I am not sure about Wood’s background but right now he is working on a 
PhD in Latin American History at NYU, which might explain how he ended 
up speaking at the conference. Wood is best known as a Russia specialist 
and has been around for a while. Since he would likely be close to 50 
after getting a PhD in Latin American History and qualified at that 
point for getting a position as an adjunct like the people I will be 
talking about tomorrow, I am not sure why he is bothering. But good luck 
to him anyhow since he is fucking brilliant.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2017/04/24/tony-wood-on-russia/
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Re: [Marxism] US must occupy Syria now?

2017-04-24 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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I changed the subject for discussion of this part of David's post.

David, much as I hate the pretend 'anti-imperialist' stance that an 
imaginary US intervention against Assad (in some parallel universe) 
would create ... "more killing" than now, I can't understand why you 
have taken the complete opposite tack here.  It seems to be "the 
situation is so catastrophic, that even a US occupation would be better, 
to end the killing."

Seems to me that this is falling into precisely the same trap as the 
pro-Assad and "no good guys in Syria" (!!) crowds fall into: no faith in 
the Syrian people to look after their own house. It can only be 
disaster, "like in Libya" (where the killing rate over the last 5 years 
is about 1/100th that of Syria, but never mind logic). If Assad falls, 
ISIS will take power etc etc. Jihadists etc. Fratricide. Everyone is bad 
in those God-forsaken places, only a progressive/secular enlightened 
tyrant with western values like Assad, or ... a US/western occupation, 
can save the Syrians from themselves. I'm not saying you think this, but 
somehow it is the same logic.

Have you asked Syrians about this? Because one thing seems to me for 
sure - even those anti-Assad Syrians who do favour certain forms of 
western intervention - usually some kind of no-fly zone to protect 
civilians, or targeted strikes on genocide-airfields - normally oppose 
any idea of western/US ground troops. They don't need troops, they've 
got 150,000 in arms - just that those arms are not the kind you need to 
fight an airforce (as anti-aircraft weapons have been blocked from 
reaching the rebels for 5 years by CIA border guards, ie, by the spooks 
of the power you think should occupy Syria).

-Original Message- 
From: David McMullen via Marxism

Anyone who is anti-war must support massive US intervention in Syria to
end the bloodshed and help the country in the painful process of getting
back on track politically and economically. In other words we need a US
lead occupation. The Russians should not be a major obstacle. They know
the Assad regime's days are numbered and they share the same concern
about defeating Al Qaeda and ISIS.

I really hope the US military is starting the trickle of troops and
equipment that will need to become a torrent in the next month or so.
Their job will be to the end the civil war by destroying Al Qaeda and
Daesh (ISIS) and any other troublemakers, and then facilitate the
postwar political process.  I am talking about something similar to the
NATO occupation of Bosnia which ended the slaughter and genocide in that
country 20 years ago.

Continuing massacres in Syria only add to the urgency of massive
intervention. We must demand that Trump acts immediately.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Lenin and the Russian Spark - The New Yorker

2017-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A hundred years ago this week, a German train that had been secretly 
carrying Lenin and other revolutionaries ended its journey in St. 

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[Marxism] Poutou on first round of elections, and the need to mobilize; mentions Syria

2017-04-24 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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I'd vote for this!

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[Marxism] Secret Testimony and Internal Records Identify who Bankrolled Terror in Colombia

2017-04-24 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] We can do better than capitalist liberty

2017-04-24 Thread David McMullen via Marxism

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Communist Manifesto Project YouTube channel. Latest video

We can do better than capitalist liberty

Communism can only succeed with the maximum amount of individual 
liberty. And only communism can deliver both "negative" and "positive" 


All videos, audios and transcripts

The Communist Manifesto Project Website


US must take the Bosnia option and occupy Syria now!

Anyone who is anti-war must support massive US intervention in Syria to 
end the bloodshed and help the country in the painful process of getting 
back on track politically and economically. In other words we need a US 
lead occupation. The Russians should not be a major obstacle. They know 
the Assad regime's days are numbered and they share the same concern 
about defeating Al Qaeda and ISIS.

I really hope the US military is starting the trickle of troops and 
equipment that will need to become a torrent in the next month or so. 
Their job will be to the end the civil war by destroying Al Qaeda and 
Daesh (ISIS) and any other troublemakers, and then facilitate the 
postwar political process.  I am talking about something similar to the 
NATO occupation of Bosnia which ended the slaughter and genocide in that 
country 20 years ago.

Continuing massacres in Syria only add to the urgency of massive 

We must demand that Trump acts immediately. If America's western allies 
were not so pathetic they would  be putting on the pressure and 
announcing their own contribution to an American lead effort.

It would also be a good time to ask why the major western European 
countries do not have the transport and logistic capacity to project 
military power into the Middle East North Africa region and have to rely 
excessively on the United States.

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