Re: [Marxism] Moderation - clarification

2016-01-14 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 21:43 13-01-16 -0800, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:
>What we have witnessed on this list and what Phillip reports of his off 
>line contact with Lüko suggests that he deliberately sets out to provoke

Yes, and he succeeded as should be expected given what he writes. But
beyond that, I have no doubt that (for whatever reason) he was TRYING to
get thrown off the list. On Sunday Louis "reminded" us that each subscriber
is limited to 3 posts per day (that's funny, I had recalled it being 5 or
6). The very next day, Luko posted no fewer than 11 times according to my
count! (Not to mention that the posts were extremely repetitive.)

Now if rules were strictly followed then after the 4th post he would have
been unsubbed, but that only happened the next day for a different reason.
What I have noticed over the years is that the main reason people get
kicked off the list is that they say the wrong thing at the wrong time on a
day when Louis got up on the wrong side of bed. The fact that a
justification is supplied (or is obvious) is beside the point, when you see
others being treated differently (I didn't say "preferentially," because as
I said, there appears to be a large random component involved) under
similar circumstances.

When "rules" and standards are applied at one person's whim (no matter how
valuable that one person's role), they become meaningless. I wish there
were a way for administrative actions, such as cutting off a discussion or
sanctions against an individual, to be subject to the wishes of all list
members affected, and not just one acting (at best) in what he determines
the collective interest to be. I do not consider the current system
acceptable nor would it be accepted by any other left discussion group or
study group that I have ever seen outside of a Stalinist state.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Moderation - clarification

2016-01-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/14/16 6:30 AM, Jeff via Marxism wrote:

Yes, and he succeeded as should be expected given what he writes. But
beyond that, I have no doubt that (for whatever reason) he was TRYING to
get thrown off the list. On Sunday Louis "reminded" us that each subscriber
is limited to 3 posts per day (that's funny, I had recalled it being 5 or

Yes, it actually is 5 posts a day. I screwed up by saying it was 3. In 
general I am pretty lax on the number of posts as long as comrades are 
making substantive contributions. The problem with the Cologne 
discussion was that it becoming very repetitious and very angry. That is 
why I was anxious to shut it down.

In terms of Jeff's complaint that Marxmail is more restrictive than a 
Stalinist state, I congratulate him for his mastery of the literary 
style of hyperbole that even tops my favorite from W.H. Auden's "As I 
Walked Out One Evening":

I'll love you, dear, I'll love you till China and Africa meet,
And the river jumps over the mountain
And the salmon sing in the street,
I'll love you till the ocean
Is folded and hung up to dry
And the seven stars go squawking
Like geese about the sky.
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Re: [Marxism] Moderation - clarification

2016-01-14 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 09:16 14-01-16 -0500, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
>In terms of Jeff's complaint that Marxmail is more restrictive than a 
>Stalinist state

In terms of Louis' misquoting the complainant for the purpose of ridicule
while avoiding any response to the subject matter, I could compare him
to well, any number of political writers that he frequently tears apart
for the same sin.  

But since this is an interactive list, he still has a chance to redeem
himself by responding to what was actually written:

At 12:30 14-01-16 +0100, Jeff via Marxism wrote:
>When "rules" and standards are applied at one person's whim (no matter how
>valuable that one person's role), they become meaningless. I wish there
>were a way for administrative actions, such as cutting off a discussion or
>sanctions against an individual, to be subject to the wishes of all list
>members affected, and not just one acting (at best) in what he determines
>the collective interest to be. I do not consider the current system
>acceptable nor would it be accepted by any other left discussion group or
>study group that I have ever seen outside of a Stalinist state.
>- Jeff


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[Marxism] Moderation - clarification

2016-01-13 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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My earlier comment:
The great thing about the internet is the access I get to information and 
opinion from much of the globe.
But it also allows someone ten time zones away to dump his pain and anger into 
my living room.  

Getting on line and engaging in angry fights meets a need for some people, but 
we do not have to accept that. 

While I think it is true of the internet in general that some people do go on 
line for the purpose of getting into fights, I did not intend to suggest that 
was characteristic of this list.  I did have in mine Lüko who has just been 
thrown off the list.
What we have witnessed on this list and what Phillip reports of his off line 
contact with Lüko suggests that he deliberately sets out to provoke anger.

  ken h
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[Marxism] Moderation

2016-01-13 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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The great thing about the internet is the access I get to information and 
opinion from much of the globe.
But it also allows someone ten time zones away to dump his pain and anger into 
my living room.  

Getting on line and engaging in angry fights meets a need for some people, but 
we do not have to accept that. 

ken h
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[Marxism] Moderation

2016-01-12 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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I wasn't going to get into a flame war with Luko on the list as that is not
what this list is for.  Louis puts a great deal of work into the list and
in finding interesting material and posting it here, and deserves better.

However I received a number of offensive emails from him off-list, the
worst of which suggested that the reason we reblog stuff on Redline could
be for financial gain - he began quizzing me about ads on Redline and I
explained to him that we do not put up the ads, they are done by
wordpress.  We gain no money form the ads, we don't solicit donations
either and we don't even have a bank account.

I was especially insulted because I have been unemployed for 18 months,
living off my redundancy pay.

When I told him I found his email stuff to me offensive, he denied he had
said any such thing - although there is t was right in front of me (and
him) and demanded I apologise or he'd 'expose' me on marxmail.

He then began stalking me on the internet.

The guy is nasty, vindictive and a nutter.

Good riddance.

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[Marxism] Moderation - clarification

2016-01-12 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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When I said "However I received a number of offensive emails from him
off-list" I was, of course, referring to Luko, not Louis!

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