Re: [Marxism] Greek Leader Who Said 'Jews Don't Pay Taxes' Named Defense Minister

2015-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/28/15 4:29 AM, Jim via Marxism wrote:

KKE is surely another anti-austerity party, and it has
enough seats to form a government coalition with Syriza, even if its ageing
Stalinism has made it into yet another quasi-social democratic party. You'd
think that would make it a good fit with the left social democratic Syriza.

I thought most of us would be aware at this point that the KKE despises 
Syriza and regards it as pro-austerity. Unlike any CP in the world, it 
is a throwback to 3rd period Stalinism and as such evokes the social 
fascism outlook of the pre-Popular Front period. This is why Syriza 
ended up in bloc with ANEL more than anything else.

I think that there's a somewhat idealized view of wielding power here. 
There's a tendency to idealize the Bolsheviks who never would have 
descended to such opportunist maneuvers. If you read E.H. Carr, however, 
you'll discover that they didn't always live up to their lofty ideals. 
For example, Mustafa Kemal was very amenable to friendly relations to 
the infant Soviet republic, so much so that the Kremlin looked the other 
way when he killed the leaders of the Turkish CP.

And then there's Fidel. The Cuban revolutionaries were so desperate for 
friendly relations internationally that they didn't break with Franco's 
Spain after taking power. When the PRI in Mexico that had taken Cuba's 
side in its dealings with the OAS massacred students in 1968, the Cuban 
press said zero.

If you are looking for purity, you'd better stick with the newspapers of 
self-declared vanguard parties that will never be forced to make choices 
that contradict their principles.

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Re: [Marxism] Greek Leader Who Said 'Jews Don't Pay Taxes' Named Defense Minister

2015-01-28 Thread ioannis aposperites via Marxism

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While it is true that KKE is running a second Third Period and does 
sees SYRIZA as almost socialfasiscts, it is not true that SYRIZA was 
forced by that fact to a coalition with the ultraright of Kamenos. The 
coalition had obviously been decided before the ballot.
SYRIZA had always the ease to form a left government by his own and 
ask for support in the parliament. The river and the independent 
Greeks having declared a definite no to new elections threre was no fear.
Even in case of refusal by these two bourgeois parties, the hot potato 
would be left in KKE's hands, to decide by their vote whether a left 
government could be formed according to the mandate or whether new 
elections were to be proclaimed, and of course subsequently pay for 
their decision.

For SYRIZA this would be a win win game: either to have the government 
by his own and now or to take it after the new elections less than month 

On 28/01/2015 03:28 μμ, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

On 1/28/15 4:29 AM, Jim via Marxism wrote:

KKE is surely another anti-austerity party, and it has
enough seats to form a government coalition with Syriza, even if its
Stalinism has made it into yet another quasi-social democratic party.
think that would make it a good fit with the left social democratic

I thought most of us would be aware at this point that the KKE despises
Syriza and regards it as pro-austerity. Unlike any CP in the world, it
is a throwback to 3rd period Stalinism and as such evokes the social
fascism outlook of the pre-Popular Front period. This is why Syriza
ended up in bloc with ANEL more than anything else.

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Re: [Marxism] Greek Leader Who Said 'Jews Don't Pay Taxes' Named Defense Minister

2015-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/28/15 9:04 AM, ioannis aposperites via Marxism wrote:

For SYRIZA this would be a win win game: either to have the government
by his own and now or to take it after the new elections less than month

Nobody on the left views the bloc with ANEL in a positive light.

However, the acid test will be over Syriza's record as a governing 
party. Will it be another PASOK? Some already disposed to this analysis 
will view the ANEL bloc as early confirmation. Meanwhile Michael 
Karadjis just posted an article that weighs much heavier in my view 
against that analysis. Halting the privatization of the Piraeus port 
should matter a lot more than granting ANEL a ministry post.

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Re: [Marxism] Greek Leader Who Said 'Jews Don't Pay Taxes' Named Defense Minister

2015-01-28 Thread Tristan Sloughter via Marxism
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I've been thinking the same about 'purity' and those who are attacking
Syriza for not being pure enough.

Many seem to be the same who defend (rightly more than not) Venezuela,
Cuba, former USSR, and any of their questionable dealings. But when it
is Syriza anything but pure is out of the question.

And even more annoying to hear Marxists and Leninist act like both
Marx and Lenin didn't explicitly argue in favor of taking part in
bourgeois government and against the idea that you should either wait to
do anything in the government until class consciousness is at a level
open to socialism or forcing it from above.

To me it often sounds like, Socialism must come from below! And Syriza
won't give it to us from above, so they are bad! It is baffling. 

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Re: [Marxism] Greek Leader Who Said 'Jews Don't Pay Taxes' Named Defense Minister

2015-01-28 Thread Jim via Marxism
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on Tue, 27 Jan 2015 23:36:52 -0500, Sheldon Ranz via Marxism wrote:

 On the one hand, Nixon and Stalin were two anti-Semites who supplied Israel 
with arms, so need to
 worry on that front (unless you're Palestinian).

 On the other hand, the only other anti-austerity party that got seats was the 
neo-Nazi Golden
 Dawn.  Talk about being between a rock and a hard place - or to please any 
Greeks out there,
 between Scylla and Charybdis.  Holy Odysseus, Batman - does Tzipris have 

This is not correct: KKE is surely another anti-austerity party, and it has 
enough seats to form a government coalition with Syriza, even if its ageing 
Stalinism has made it into yet another quasi-social democratic party. You'd 
think that would make it a good fit with the left social democratic Syriza.

More to the point for Marxists, however, is when you decide not to form a 
government, even when you can, or even participate as a minority in government. 
For revolutionaries it would be parliamentarist suicide to do so if there is no 
revolutionary situation and the overwhelming majority of the population is not 
with you. (And they aren't with Syriza yet.)

Jim Moody ( on 28/01/2015
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Re: [Marxism] Greek Leader Who Said 'Jews Don't Pay Taxes' Named Defense Minister

2015-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/28/15 11:01 AM, Jim via Marxism wrote:

Russia, Cuba, China, etc. were doomed to fail on this basis:
they turned into their opposite soon after their revolutions because revolution
was not generalized, causing misery to their populations and actually holding
back revolution within and elsewhere.

I always am stunned to see events that elapsed over decades involving 
huge contradictory tendencies reduced to a paragraph although I suppose 
that this is better than what I have seen on Twitter.

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Re: [Marxism] Greek Leader Who Said 'Jews Don't Pay Taxes' Named Defense Minister

2015-01-28 Thread Jim via Marxism
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on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 08:28:46 -0500, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

 I thought most of us would be aware at this point that the KKE despises 
and regards it as
 pro-austerity. Unlike any CP in the world, it is a throwback to 3rd period 
Stalinism and as such
 evokes the social fascism outlook of the pre-Popular Front period. This is 
why Syriza ended up
 in bloc with ANEL more than anything else.

 I think that there's a somewhat idealized view of wielding power here. 
a tendency to
 idealize the Bolsheviks who never would have descended to such opportunist 
maneuvers. If you read
 E.H. Carr, however, you'll discover that they didn't always live up to their 
lofty ideals. For
 example, Mustafa Kemal was very amenable to friendly relations to the infant 
Soviet republic, so
 much so that the Kremlin looked the other way when he killed the leaders of 
the Turkish CP.

 And then there's Fidel. The Cuban revolutionaries were so desperate for 
friendly relations
 internationally that they didn't break with Franco's Spain after taking 
When the PRI in
 Mexico that had taken Cuba's side in its dealings with the OAS massacred 
students in 1968, the
 Cuban press said zero.

 If you are looking for purity, you'd better stick with the newspapers of 
self-declared vanguard
 parties that will never be forced to make choices that contradict their 

Of course KKE despises Syriza. But the point responded to was by a contributor 
who left out KKE when listing those 'parties' opposed to austerity. Dismiss it 
by all means as a likely suitor for Syriza, but it cannot be ignored on the 
anti-austerity front, however this all plays out in coming months.

The 20th was a wasted century, so it's worse than pointless to idealize the 
Bolsheviks or any other set of Marxists from that time. One of the most foul 
ideas to have emerged via Stalin but espoused by those to his left who ought to 
know better is to imagine that you can have socialism in one country: that is, 
national socialism. Russia, Cuba, China, etc. were doomed to fail on this 
they turned into their opposite soon after their revolutions because revolution 
was not generalized, causing misery to their populations and actually holding 
back revolution within and elsewhere. And when the party substitutes for the 
class as leader, then we're certainly up that famous creek without a paddle.

Jim Moody ( on 28/01/2015
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Re: [Marxism] Greek Leader Who Said 'Jews Don't Pay Taxes' Named Defense Minister

2015-01-27 Thread Sheldon Ranz via Marxism
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On the one hand, Nixon and Stalin were two anti-Semites who supplied Israel
with arms, so need to worry on that front (unless you're Palestinian).

On the other hand, the only other anti-austerity party that got seats was
the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn.  Talk about being between a rock and a hard place
- or to please any Greeks out there, between Scylla and Charybdis.  Holy
Odysseus, Batman - does Tzipris have tsores!

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 11:24 PM, Charles Faulkner via Marxism wrote:

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 thanks for this. troubling.

 sorry if i missed the discussion but is this the only way they could have
 a majority? is he a placeholder until they have a clear majority or is
 there something else at work? isn't he exactly the kind of person you could
 not trust being a defense minister? where does this choice fit in syriza's
 three planks?


 - Original Message -

 From: jay rothermel via Marxism
 To: Charles Faulkner
 Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 5:29:14 PM
 Subject: [Marxism] Greek Leader Who Said 'Jews Don't Pay Taxes' Named
 Defense Minister

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