[Marxism-Thaxis] Opposite of what I say

2005-10-21 Thread Charles Brown
 Waistline2 at aol.com Waistline2 at aol.com
Thu Oct 20 18:41:07 MDT 2005 

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CB: CB: I have said that computerization does qualitatively alter the 
process. It makes it super-industrial,not post-industrial. It also does not
automatically, or shall we say robotically, burst asunder the capitalist
relations of production. It is a qualitative change in the technological
regime that has not as yet caused a qualitative change in the property

You misrepresent what I say very often. That significantly undermines
principled discussion and analysis with you.


WL: I do not misrepresent what you write. There has been occasional mistakes

by me over the past 4 or 5 years and when brought to my attention I correct 

I disagree and cannot understand your words from your conceptual framework. 

It makes it super-industrial, not postindustrial. Well, the word super 
contradicts a qualitative transformation of a thing, as I understand it. Not
you understand it. 

CB: When something is OVERcome, the over is equivalent to super .
Super means above or over. A qualitiative change is an overcoming and
preservation, a sublation. It is entirely appropriate to label a qualitative
change in the industrial , super-industrial, over-industrial.

It purposeful misrepresentation of what I am saying to pretend that you
think that when I say superindustrial that I am arguing that there is not
a qualitative change in the industrial process, especially when I say that
explicitly also, often, have layed a theory on the scattering of the points
of production as defining the qualitative change in industry, layed that out
in response to you about two or three times. All the while saying this is
_why_ its' a qualitative change in industry. Told you why I don't think
post is appropriate and super is appropriate the characterize this
qualitative change in industry. 

Computerization, advanced robotics and 
digitalized processes qualitatively alter the industrial process. In my
opinion this is indisputable and I know of no author that has written to the
contrary other than CB. 

You state we are not passing to postindustrial society but super industrial
society. I therefore state you deny the injection of a new qualitative
configuration into the production process that sublates the electro
mechanical process.

CB: It's post-manufactural. Super-industrial. I think those are better uses
of the semantic content or meaning of super and post , and using Marx's
chapters on modern industry and machines as the starting point for defining
basic factors.

I have several times on Thaxis spelled out the elements in this change that
make it a qualitative change in the tech regime, based on Marx's concepts in
_Capital_ I

Part IV: Production of Relative Surplus Value

Ch. 12: The Concept of Relative Surplus-Value 
Ch. 13: Co-operation 
Ch. 14: Division of Labour and Manufacture 
Ch. 15: Machinery and Modern Industr



Super indeed. 


CB: That's correct. Indeed. 


You state: It also does not automatically, or shall we say robotically, 
burst asunder the capitalist relations of production.

Automatically? Give me a break.

CB: Put it on automatic.


 What is burst asunder is the electro 
mechanical process. Society is compelled to leap to a new political basis
politics means the superstructure or the superstructure relations or the
arena where 
property rights are institutionalized. I do not misrepresent, I disagree. 

CB: You disagree and misrepresent.

Don't you mean the post-structure ?

The electromechanical process is part of the forces of production. In the
formulation in question , the forces of production socalled burst asunder
the chains or fetters placed on the forces of production by the relations of
production, impliedly leading to the expropriation of the expropriators, the
proprietors, the private property owners. How , oh give me a break, does
this happen just automatically, without class consciousness in humans, not
in forces of production ? 

The development of the forces of production and organzation of production is
to increase the division of labor, to become more and more socialized. In
the penultimate chapter 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Freemasonry's History of Racism

2005-10-21 Thread Charles Brown

Freemasonry's History of Racism

Draft 6/11/96, comments appreciated, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The book Christianity and American Freemasonry by William J. Whalen (Our
Sunday Visitor:1987, pgs 23-25) discusses the racism of Freemasonry at some

An organization dedicated to brotherhood, Masonry ironically remains
a bulwark of racial segregation in the United States. By 1987, decades after
most American institutions had accepted racial integration, only four of the
forty-nine Grand Lodges could count even one black member in their
jurisdictions. As the author of a recent scholarly study of black
Freemasonry observes, The legitimation of social intermingling between
black and white Masons has remained anathema in mainstream Freemasonry.'
(Handbook of Secret Organizations by Whalen) 

A lodge within the British military forces initiated Prince Hall
with fourteen free black men in 1775 after the men had been rebuffed in
their attempt to join St. John's lodge in Boston. Eventually the black
Masons received a charter from the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
England for African Lodge No. 459 (1784). Regular Masonry has continued to
deny recognition to Prince Hall lodges, and individual lodges have barred
black candidates by the simple method of the black cube. 

Except for one curious exception, Alpha Lodge No. 1 16 in New
Jersey, and a handful of blacks reported to be initiated by lodges in New
York and Massachusetts, regular Freemasonry remains ninety-nine and
forty-four hundredths percent white. A Prince Hall Mason may not visit a
white lodge, nor a white Mason visit a Prince Hall lodge, without risking
Masonic punishment. Albert Pike, no friend of blacks, admitted in 1875
Prince Hall lodge was as regular a lodge as any lodge created by competent
authority. It had a perfect right to establish other lodges and make itself
a Mother Lodge. 

When the Grand Lodge of New Jersey accepted several blacks into
membership, other Grand Lodges decried the action and some severed fraternal
relations with New Jersey. Mississippi was one. The Grand Master of that
state wrote in 1908 Masonry never contemplated that her privileges should
be extended to a race, totally, morally and intellectually incapacitated to
discharge the obligations which they assume or have conferred upon them in a
Masonic lodge. It is no answer that there are exceptions to this general
character of the race. We legislate for the race and not for the exceptions.
We hold that affiliation with negroes is contrary to the teachings of
Masonry, and is dangerous to the interest of the Fraternity of Free and
Accepted Masons. 

The Prince Hall lodges include a number of distinguished gentlemen
on their rosters such as Supreme Court Justice Marshall, Mayor Tom Bradley
of Los Angeles, Dr. Benjamin Hooks of the NAACP, Mayor Andrew Young of
Atlanta, and Mayor Coleman Young of Detroit. Of course, none of these black
Masons would be allowed to visit a white Masonic lodge. 

Whether Masonry influenced Southern mores or was simply influenced
itself is hard to determine. Even during the civil-rights battles of the
1960s, knowledgeable blacks discovered that many of the leaders of the
segregationist movement, such as Governors George Wallace of Alabama, Orval
Faubus of Arkansas, and Ross Barnett of Mississippi, were also active

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Masonic discussion

2005-10-21 Thread Charles Brown

Why don't Caucasian masons and black masons associate. ...




Question by Warrior 
Submitted on 7/10/2003  
Related FAQ: Anti-Masonry FAQ (v. 2.8.11)   
Why don't Caucasian masons and black masons associate.  

Is the Roman Catholic Church founded on the rites of freemasonry.
Is there a such thing as the dark pope?


Answer by bugtussle 

most of that is over i live in Maine 
and a mason is a mason


Answer by hashim
Submitted on 1/13/2004  

Whites have never changed, Its in there nature to hate and conquer. North
Africa(Egypt), where a lot of masonic symbols are derived from, was robbed
and destroyed buy whites,and these people would never give back to blacks
that had held them as the Great Builders and Great Minds of the world,
because that would mentally and spiritually set Black people free and white
masons who know the truth of there history are not accepting that in no way
shape or form. So when Prince Hall and 14 other African-American men where
made masons white masons knew their time was becoming short 


Answer by abiff 
Submitted on 3/11/2004  

i was told that there were no blacks present at time in which the brethern
were building the temple of king solomen


Answer by MERA  



Answer by PrinceHall
Submitted on 6/12/2004  

Prince Hall Masons and White masons are beginning to let go of past racial
anger and mutual recognition is happening all over the USA; the SOUTH being
the slowest to change for obvious reasons.  Freemasonry is sectioned off
much like Churches on Sunday morning in America.  As a Black Freemasonry I
have (for the most part) encountered respectful White brethren;  usually
extending tokens of brotherly affection when deemed prudent.  Freemasonry is
only a reflection of the culture in which it operates.


Answer by blackpix  
Submitted on 6/13/2004  

Sorry, but this is a QUESTION:  I am a professor who is searching the
history of a famous Black Mason in the West, James Pressley Ball. A
photographer, he founded - or helped found - more than one Black Masonic
Lodge in Montana and Oregon, at least.  he was also active in Cincinnati.
Does anybody have any information about him, his son, James Pressley Ball,
Jr., or his daughter-in-law, Laura Ball (of Hawaii and Seattle)?  Many
thanks for all you Masons out there. 


Answer by brothawhocares
Submitted on 6/23/2004  

If all do there true history, you would know that Solomon was black. So was
King Arthur and Jesus (See Revalations 1:14-15). Also, not to offend anyone
but, in my opinion a mason is not of GOD its under His shadow which is
Satan. There shouldnt be any Black masons, because we as blacks are GODs
chosen which is why we have no stake in America (The Devils kingdom). Our
Kingdom is when GOD returns and destroy all of the wicked including all that
are part of this Illuminati. Did you know that the most famous Mason,
Albert Pike (1809-1891), was also the founder of the KKK? Did you also know
that his statue is on the Federal Grounds of DC? Oh yes!!! Did you know that
he was also a confederate General who had slaves and was arrested for
treason but was pardoned by fellow mason President Andrew Johnson who met
with him in the White House the very next day? Did you know that the White
House was named after the founder of the evil Illuminati, Adam Wieshaupt
(Pronounced wise how-t which means White chief)Did you know that in 1871
Andrew Pike wrote the Game plan for how to enforce the New World Order
inwhich 3 World Wars had to take place? (2 World Wars have passed as he
instructed and the 3rd one is on its way). He said in his letter in 1871
that WWIII had to involve the Moslems and the Zionist (Jews) annihilating
each other to know end (sounds like Jeruselam today to me).  Did you know
that recently a man was shot in his head during a secret masonic ritual out
in Long Island? Before you decide to become a follower (Black Mason) make
sure that you know who you are actually following, and its not GOD


Answer by PrinceHall

I think it is unfortunate that some people think masonry is evil.  It is no
more evil than football teams/games, cable tv, lotto, casinos, police,
judges, or modern universities.  Evil is in the eye of the beholder. Masonry
is NOT evil.  Its a great fraternity that teaches lessons of charity, truth,
justice, and love through its symbolism.  I think its sad when non-masons

[Marxism-Thaxis] list

2005-10-21 Thread Charles Brown


Tell me thy company, and I'll tell thee what thou art.
Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), Spanish writer.

The creator of this web site is acutely aware of the aphorism that a person
who has a hammer views the whole world as a nail. However, if one compares
the number of famous and good people who were Masons or members of the
Masonic 'family' with the number of famous and good people who were against
Masonry, there is simply no contest. Anti-Masons who've achieved positions
of greatness and recognition can be counted on a few fingers. Compare the
list of 'famous Anti-Masons' we've provided on another page
http://www.masonicinfo.com/famousanti.htm  with the famous Freemasons
you'll find on our lists. If Masonry was evil, occultic, conspiratorial or
bad, why would these men - and the many millions more whose names are not
recorded here - voluntarily choose to affiliate with it over the past three
hundred years?

Find a Grave: Many Masons and members of the Masonic 'family' proudly
display their affiliation with the fraternity at their final resting place.
If you see this image gravestone.gif (67 bytes)
http://www.masonicinfo.com/images/gravestone.gif , you can click on the
Mason's name and be transported to the Find A Grave
http://www.findagrave.com/  web site to see an actual picture of their
grave located on the web. (There may be more than just those we've got noted
here; gravestone pictures at that web site are being updated  constantly.)
You might also find our page about Masonic gravestones
http://www.masonicinfo.com/gravestones.htm  of interest

Due to popular request, we now offer a printable version
http://www.masonicinfo.com/images/Masonicinfo_FamousFreemasons.pdf  of
this information (which includes the 'Black Sheep' and 'Infamous' pages) --
click here
http://www.masonicinfo.com/images/Masonicinfo_FamousFreemasons.pdf . 

You'll need the free Adobe Reader http://www.adobe.com/  in order to be
able to view/print this PDF file.

Our lists are not the 'standard' ones seen on other Masonic websites. They
are greatly augmented by additional material on the lives of these
distinguished persons as well as by the listing of many Masons whose
membership has been verified through news stories, personal knowledge, etc.
Many of these names have been provided by others and we've set up a special
page here http://www.masonicinfo.com/contributors.htm  to say thanks for
their contributions. We also note an exceptionally well-designed site which
shows many of the individual Masons we've named in 'categories'.
Congratulations to New Jersey Masons website http://www.njmasons.com/  for
their excellent presentation.

Due to the HUGE size of this page and the frequency of visitors to it, we've
finally been forced to divide it into sections. You can find our list
divided alphabetically A-L here http://www.masonicinfo.com/famous1.htm
and M-Z here http://www.masonicinfo.com/famous2.htm . 

Masonic Webmasters: If linking to this portion of our site, please be sure
to link to this page and not the individual 'child' pages of this section as
they may be subsequently changed with even further division as time passes
with more names being added. This page will provide the continuity to those
other pages.

Listings of those who are (or were during their lifetime) Masons serves to
remind us of the many notables who - of their own free will - chose to
associate with this noble institution. Those who preach anti-Masonic hate
must ultimately wonder how it is that so many have been (supposedly)
deceived - while they have found the 'truth' And while some will argue
that these men have been deceived; others contend they are/were part of a
New World Order conspiracy. What is not arguable is that they represent all
walks of life and that they were - in their respective ways - LEADERS!
Throughout the 300 years of Freemasonry in its current form, there have been
a precious few who have not behaved in a way that reflects positively upon
the organization. We talk about them on this page
http://www.masonicinfo.com/blksheep.htm . 

Important Note:
This listing is not all-inclusive nor is it an 'official' list of any sort.
Information is derived from sources believed to be accurate. Any errors are
solely the fault of the compiler!

Names for this site have come from many sources. Please take a moment to see
the list of contributors here http://www.masonicinfo.com/contributors.htm
. Please note, though, that we do not have unlimited space nor do we have
unlimited time. We'd love to keep adding to this section but have found far
too many submissions sent as: I think X is a Brother. or A fellow
mentioned in Lodge the other night that X is a Mason.. That simply isn't
sufficient for our purposes. Accordingly, we're now curtailing efforts on
these pages considerably and returning our focus to anti-Masonry. We believe
that the many Masons shown clearly acknowledge that 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Labor in the Era of Capitalist Globalization

2005-10-21 Thread Charles Brown
Labor in the Era of Capitalist Globalization

By Scott Marshall  http://www.politicalaffairs.net/article/author/view/23



Up until the early 1990’s the Socialist camp including the Soviet Union
acted somewhat as a brake on imperialism and on capitalist globalization. In
addition to checking military domination and adventures, as trading partners
the socialist block also provided the means for many developing countries to
resist and/or minimize unfair trade and the penetration of foreign capital. 

The collapse of socialism in Russia and Eastern European countries released
a tremendous capital scramble and global competition for markets. Under a
banner of capitalist triumph, deregulation, privatization and unfair,
predatory trade agreements swept much of the planet. 




To be sure, the technological and communication revolutions that feed and
accelerate globalization were already well developed by the 1990’s.
Capitalist globalization with its free flow of capital around the world
began much earlier, but it took on new aggressiveness and clearly
accelerated with the collapse of the Socialist block. And without the
socialist system acting as a brake, US capital became the undisputed top dog
– protected and developed by the world’s single remaining military super

Lenin made it clear in his Imperialism: the Highest Stage of Capitalism,
that imperialism is not a policy. It is a stage of capitalist development,
an objective process. The same is true of capitalist globalization. It is
not a policy of this or that government. It is an objective process of
transnational capitalist development. This distinction is important to
understanding the class struggle today. While government policy can have
impact on how capitalist globalization proceeds, as long as capitalism is
the dominant economic system, its globalization will continue. 

The process of capitalist globalization is important context for
understanding the labor movement in the US today. How did we get here? Why
such a decline in union membership in the last 35 years? Why such a steep
decline in industrial union membership with plant closings etc? Why have
so-called free trade agreements like NAFTA become such a big deal for
labor? What is behind all these sharp debates within the labor movement? 

The election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 signaled a sharpening corporate and
government attack on labor. It is no coincidence that the early 1980’s also
marked the acceleration of plant closings and downsizing in the
manufacturing sector and greater investment by US based transnational
corporations overseas. This period also featured increased outsourcing of
jobs and work overseas. 

During the 80’s and 90’s accelerated mergers and created vast new
manufacturing and financial empires. Take, for example, the steel industry.
Up until the 1980’s steel was, in most countries, a nationally owned
industry, whether private or public, with very little penetration of foreign
capital. Today, the worlds top three steel companies are based in India,
Luxemburg and Japan. Each has vast holdings around the world, including some
in the US. US Steel also now owns plants in other countries, including in
some formerly socialist countries in Eastern Europe. 

The growth and concentration of transnational capital has fueled far right
political trends in many of the industrialized countries, including the US. 

In the early years the strongest trend in the US labor movement was to
channel anti-capitalist globalization sentiment into right-wing and
jingoistic directions. Some fell for arguments that pitted US workers
against workers in other countries and against immigrant workers. Japan
bashing and Buy America campaigns mobilized xenophobic attitudes. Global
capitalist competitiveness was packaged as worker-against-worker competition
requiring wage and benefit sacrifices to beat the competition. 

The early 80’s saw big losses for workers in the form of concessions in
wages and benefits. It also was a time when unions lost ground in
coordinated bargaining with common contract expiration dates, and when
unions lost industry wide master agreements that had set higher standards
for many manufacturing sectors of the economy. 

At the same time, left-center coalitions and rank-and-file movements in
labor challenged these setbacks and put forward class struggle alternatives
that rejected concessions and give backs. They stressed global labor
solidarity and targeted the transnational corporations. By the late 1980’s,
many of the leaders of the rank and file movements of the 70’s and early
80’s were moving into leadership positions in local, state and national
unions. This process culminated in 1995 with the election of the Sweeney,
Chavez-Thompson, Trumka slate to the leadership of the AFL-CIO. 

Still, the objective process of capitalist globalization continued to
develop. With the 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Prince Hall

2005-10-21 Thread Charles Brown
Prince Hall

clergyman, abolitionist
Born: 1748
Birthplace: Barbados

Hall established the African Lodge of the Honorable Society of Free and
Accepted Masons of Boston in 1775. It was the first lodge of black
Freemasons in the world. The lodge received a permanent charter from the
Grand Lodge of England in 1784. The secret fraternity, which still exists,
promoted brotherly love and social, political, and economic improvement for
its members. 

Hall arrived in Boston in 1765 and was a slave for William Hall. He was
freed in 1770, shortly after the Boston Massacre, and worked at a variety of
jobs, including as a leather worker for the Boston Regiment of Artillery. He
was one of a few black men who fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill.

Hall became a minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church and
advocated black rights and the abolition of slavery. He opened a school for
black children in his home.

Died: 1807

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Freemasonry's History of Racism

2005-10-21 Thread Waistline2
The Prince Hall lodges include a number of distinguished gentlemen on their 
rosters such as Supreme Court Justice Marshall, Mayor Tom Bradley of Los 
Angeles, Dr. Benjamin Hooks of the NAACP, Mayor Andrew Young of Atlanta, and 
Coleman Young of Detroit. Of course, none of these black Masons would be 
allowed to visit a white Masonic lodge. 

Whether Masonry influenced Southern mores or was simply influenced itself is 
hard to determine. Even during the civil-rights battles of the 
1960s, knowledgeable blacks discovered that many of the leaders of the 
segregationist movement, such as Governors George Wallace of Alabama, Orval 
of Arkansas, and Ross Barnett of Mississippi, were also active Masons.  


I do not possess the intellectual capability to craft a book on the role of 
African Americans in the Masonic Movement. Or the desire or patients. The 
quoted comment above is instructive. Those recruited into the Prince Albert 
of the Mason - as best as I could tell in Detroit, tend to be of the middle 
strata (class) and that strata called the labor lieutenants of capital, and 
for me includes organizations like the NAACP, PUSH as well as the upper 
strata of the trade union movement. Or certain individuals with leadership 
Another small layer of people are retired auto workers who simply have the 
time and energy to engage any kind of civic activity. These retired autoworkers 
are in history and currently the upper layer of our working class. 

Lenin said we communist are just a drop in the bucket. 

I have been approached to join the Masons - Prince Hall of course, many times 
over the past 35 years, and mostly by union officials, number men, 
entertainers and generally folk of the entrepreneur mode - petty capitalist 
type. The 
Masons have working class members but so do the Democrats and Republicans. 

My work has carried me into various realms, some of which many comrades 
simply do not volunteer for or care to carry out their activity in. Like the 
and the old Theology in Americas Movement - Liberation Theology. I am a 
communist and do Marx - flat out, but I work where ever the action is. I have 
hid my politics, including siding with the Stalin polarity within the world 
communist movement. 

Hey . . . don't hate! :-) 

I was actually living in Atlanta Georgia when Andrew Young was elected Mayor 
and he was a despicable man in the political sense, and vastly different from 
a Coleman Young Jr.  Yet, certain class factors unite a Coleman Young Jr. and 
an Andy Young and even a Harold Washington. 

I have experienced some Mason initiation, because I wanted to know directly 
and my recruiters understood I was a communist worker and Marxist. My comments 
on the Masons is basically limited to that aspect of their history before the 
rise of speculative Masonry. 

The speculative Masons - basically all of them today, do not know jack 
about building structures. Speculative Masonry carries the same connotation as 
speculative capital - as a concept of being. 

Mason structures - real building, are works of art and contain mathematical 
equations. Mason were master builders passing down a real trade from one 
generation to the next. That is why I mentioned the Masonic Temple in Detroit 
why one should visit it and examine its structure and art symbols. Comrade CB 
evidently took my comments to mean that one something unique about this 
structure from those in other cities. What I meant was go look at it. Go inside 
examine its details . . . I have years before being invited into the Masons. 

In a sense the Masons were the very first form of organizations of what today 
is trade unions. Very skilled men of structure. Here is something to think 
about in terms of the future of trade unions and the industrial union movement 
in particular.

Masonry as an ideological movement is a lot different and a bonifde historian 
one should seek out. The Hiram Key is a must read. Got the book when it was 


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Frederick Choate on L.I. Akselrod and Abram Deborin

2005-10-21 Thread Jim Farmelant

Frederick Choate is in the process of assembling websites
on L.I. Akselrod and Abram Deborin who were two
leading figures in the Soviet philosophical debates of
the 1920s and early 1930s.  Akselrod was a leading
spokesperson for the Mechanists' tendency in
Soviet philosophy, whereas Deborin was the
leading spokesperson for the Dialecticians.
Both Akselrod and Deborin had been proteges
of Georgi Plekhanov, the father of Russian Marxism.

Liubov Isaakovna Akselrod 

Abram Moiseevich Deborin 

I summarized the debate between the
Mechanists and the Dialecticians at:

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