Re: [MLL] Lenin's Imperialism; Henry C.K., name calling and a self criticism

2008-07-05 Thread Nikogda Nichevo
It's not fascism when the Bush Republicans inflict it, so that must 
be why it's not the rankest revisionist opportunism of the most 
classic kind when Waistline practically repeats all the classic 
opportunist reformulations of critical Leninist principles amidst 
some formally correct textual quotations...

The moment a non-Marxist non-Leninist source is cited in a nominally 
M-L List as authoritative is yet another moment classical moment in 
revisionist opportunism.  M-L grows by digging out and thrashing what 
is non- or anti-Leninist in the works of those who have acquired 
currency. The TML Daily, daily central organ of the CPC(M-L), 
regularly reproduces all these bourgeois authorities --- alongside 
trenchant critique of a number of their asserted assumptions. That's 
the best way to deal with bourgeois authorities who enjoy some 
cachet. Every February the Cuban Economists Association sponsors an 
international conference on globalisation. They invite the Stiglitzes 
and all the other liberal and neoliberal authorities including some 
near-Marxist ones - these guys speak in the morning, each morning of 
the four-day plenary session.. In  the afternoon, the 1500-plus 
delegates from around the word tear the stuff limb-from-limb til 
there's almost nothing left. In the years before Fidel was sidelined 
from public participation by illness, he would show up on the evening 
of the last day's plenary session and deliver a barnburner 
x-hours-long speech reaffirming the fundamental Marxist-Leninist 
positions on the ruins of the now-demolished neoliberal compromise 
positions of the previous several days. But no one would ever think 
of just putting this non-ML stuff out there according to 
Waistline's logic that there's something progressive there or there's 
allegedly nothing comparable in quality from M-L sources.

It's not name-calling. Waistline. It's political method. The issue is 
not that you don't have M -L views, nor is there some issue of which 
points is your view not M-L. The issue is your approach. There's no 
M-L method in it anywhere. Wishing for communism does not make it so, 
nor does it make the individual covering themselves in such wishes a 
communist or Marxist or Marxist-Leninist. Waistline is not atypical 
of a large swath of Left political opinion in the U.S., especially 
from a generation and level and years of movement experience and 
participation. This experience and participation has turned such 
individuals into a kind of cordon sanitaire against the spread / 
revival / renewal of the people's movement on the basis of modern 
communism. The experience of fighting for modern communism includes 
the last decade and a half of resisting in practical ways and 
situations the negative consequences of the collapse of the old 
Soviet-led camp. I neither see, hear nor otherwise sense such a 
treasury of experience, or even a hint of its existence, coming from 
Waistline. Instead, there's some recycling of hints of Left-ish 
consciousness popping up here or there in Henry Liu or this writer or 
that writer.  So where are the shoots of modern communism to be found 
in North America? Try the commentaries of K.C. Adams in TML Daily. 
These are the summation of weekly discussions every Thursday among 
hundreds of industrial steelworkers at Canada's main industrial steel 
plant, Stelco Hilton Works, in Hamilton, Ontario (about 200 miles 
east northeast of Detroit/Windsor or 30 miles west southwest of 


It is characteristic of capitalism in general that the ownership of  capital
is separated from the application of capital to production, that money 
capital is separated from industrial or productive capital, and that 
the rentier 
who lives entirely on income obtained from money capital, is 
separated from the
  entrepreneur and from all who are directly concerned in the management of 
capital. Imperialism, or the domination of finance capital, is that highest 
stage of capitalism in which this separation reaches vast proportions. The 
supremacy of finance capital over all other forms of capital means the 
predominance of the rentier and of the financial oligarchy; it means 
that a  small
number of financially powerful states stand out among all the 
rest. The  extent
to which this process is going on may be judged from the statistics on 
emissions, i.e., the issue of all kinds of securities. 


1). Imperialism, or the domination of finance capital,

2). is that highest stage of capitalism in which this separation reaches 
vast proportions.

3). The supremacy of finance capital over all other forms of capital means 
the predominance of the rentier and of the financial oligarchy; it 
means that a
  small number of financially powerful states stand out among all the rest.

Lenin could not be clearer.


II)  Name Calling: A cover for a lack of substance

This round of discussion 

Re: [MLL] Lenin's Imperialism; Henry C.K., name calling and a self criticism

2008-07-05 Thread Waistline2
In a message dated 7/5/2008 9:03:41 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  

 The moment a non-Marxist  non-Leninist source is cited in a nominally 
M-L List as authoritative is yet  another moment classical moment in 
revisionist opportunism.  M-L grows  by digging out and thrashing what 
is non- or anti-Leninist in the works of  those who have acquired 

All of Marx sources where  . . . well non-Marxist. In the context of  this 
thread Lenin's sources in Imperialism - the economic data, are non-Marxist.  
fact of the matter is that Marxists and people on this list do not have the  
ability to gather the data and facts themselves and by default must learn to  
sift through data provided by the bourgeois intelligentsia. It is in fact the  
decay within the bourgeois intelligentsia that provides fresh elements of  
enlightenment to the proletariat. Many of us are more than capable of shifting  
through this material. 
This thread is about the modern form of financial imperialism, the new  
financial architecture and its impact on the world. It this important? Yes. 
Because every communist worth their salt understand that we can only really  
fight in the political arena and new forms of financial imperialism have their  
corresponding form of engagement called politics. The era of domination of the 
 speculator - not simply banking capital over/fused industrial capital, must 
by  definition produce a some what different form of social and class 
conflict.  That is why we study these things. 

Put it this way, we are not going to  re-fight the period of the rise of the 
industrial union form. Or the Civil  Rights Movement or the long eras of the 
national and then national colonial  revolutions. 
It is not well thought out to condemn non-Marxist sources without  evaluating 
the value of the material presented. What is truly scary is the  inability of 
some comrades to evaluate the environment of the class struggle in  real time 
and instead rest upon ideological proclamation. 
The demand is for clarity. 
Here is an example. Why is current US policy a push for a unipolar  world? 
The ideologue rest content with answering because the Soviet Union  no longer 
exists.  No, something else is taking place - and must be taking  place, that 
expresses a new relationship within finance capital. In this respect  I must 
offer a serious criticism of characterizing the essence of the financial  era 
of Imperialism as monopoly capital without understanding  financialization and 
how the financial industrial capitalist came to dominate  capital on the basis 
of the consolidation of banking capital and centralization.  

That is why it was necessary to reprint Lenin so comrades could evaluate  the 
material for themselves rather than rest content upon what  some individual 
It is sinning against reality to pretend that there is nothing to be gained  
from studying non-Marxists. In fact it is childishness of the worse kind. 

 It's not name-calling. Waistline. It's political  method. The issue is 
not that you don't have M -L views, nor is there some  issue of which 
points is your view not M-L. The issue is your approach.  There's no 
M-L method in it anywhere. Wishing for communism does not make it  so, 
nor does it make the individual covering themselves in such wishes a  
communist or Marxist or Marxist-Leninist. Waistline is not atypical 
of a  large swath of Left political opinion in the U.S., especially 
from a  generation and level and years of movement experience and 
participation.  This experience and participation has turned such 
individuals into a kind of  cordon sanitaire against the spread / 
revival / renewal of the people's  movement on the basis of modern 
communism. The experience of fighting for  modern communism includes 
the last decade and a half of resisting in  practical ways and 
situations the negative consequences of the collapse of  the old 
Soviet-led camp. I neither see, hear nor otherwise sense such a  
treasury of experience, or even a hint of its existence, coming from  
Waistline. Instead, there's some recycling of hints of Left-ish  
consciousness popping up here or there in Henry Liu or this writer or  
that writer. 
Name calling is not a political method. Name calling is an ideological  
weapon. Generally, the name calling on this list is simply a cover for a lack 
substance. I feel no need to continually label your particular theories on  
monopoly capitalism as thick ideology, imported directly from the CPUSA. 
For instance writing about the mean trend in the world being revolution  is 
just ideological posturing with no substance. If the main trend in the world  
we are living is revolution then produce the facts. Has not the main trend 
for  the past 100 years been revolution? Of course it has and this 
revolution was  from agricultural relations to industrial relations with