RE: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

2003-04-02 Thread Thomas Wheeler
How about a base class with derived classes?  The base class handles
exceptions and logging, and defers to the subclasses for actual processing.
Perhaps with a template method.


-Original Message-
From: Valeri Sarantchouk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 6:56 AM
Subject: RE: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

 If I can take more of your time, what do you think about
 multi-action controllers? For cases of related but small
 in processing weight actions, it's might be appropriate to
 invoke a single (static) method instead of a class based
 on the url query parameters. Is ControllerSingleton /
 FormBeanUser everything we would possible want for
 multi-action controllers?

You certainly can do this with ControllerSingleton - but why?  Is it
really that hard to have lots of individual classes, one for each
action?  What do you hope to gain?

I find that lots of little classes is far more convenient than few
big classes, especially with several engineers and version control.
YMMV though.

Jeff Schnitzer

I completely agree that in most cases a separate class per
action makes code easier to read and understand. 

I am just trying to simplify exception handling for 
many (16) tiny classes that take actions on the same model.

For now, the exception handling and related logging code
is repeated in each of those classes. Or it's not such a big
cost after all?

Thank you


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This email is sponsored by: ValueWeb: 
Dedicated Hosting for just $79/mo with 500 GB of bandwidth! 
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RE: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

2003-04-02 Thread Valeri Sarantchouk

Will definately work. Thank you Thomas.


On Wed, 2 Apr 2003 08:13:43   
 Thomas Wheeler wrote:
How about a base class with derived classes?  The base class handles
exceptions and logging, and defers to the subclasses for actual processing.
Perhaps with a template method.


-Original Message-
From: Valeri Sarantchouk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 6:56 AM
Subject: RE: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

 If I can take more of your time, what do you think about
 multi-action controllers? For cases of related but small
 in processing weight actions, it's might be appropriate to
 invoke a single (static) method instead of a class based
 on the url query parameters. Is ControllerSingleton /
 FormBeanUser everything we would possible want for
 multi-action controllers?

You certainly can do this with ControllerSingleton - but why?  Is it
really that hard to have lots of individual classes, one for each
action?  What do you hope to gain?

I find that lots of little classes is far more convenient than few
big classes, especially with several engineers and version control.
YMMV though.

Jeff Schnitzer

I completely agree that in most cases a separate class per
action makes code easier to read and understand. 

I am just trying to simplify exception handling for 
many (16) tiny classes that take actions on the same model.

For now, the exception handling and related logging code
is repeated in each of those classes. Or it's not such a big
cost after all?

Thank you


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Dedicated Hosting for just $79/mo with 500 GB of bandwidth! 
No other company gives more support or power for your dedicated server

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This email is sponsored by: ValueWeb: 
Dedicated Hosting for just $79/mo with 500 GB of bandwidth! 
No other company gives more support or power for your dedicated server

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This email is sponsored by: ValueWeb: 
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RE: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

2003-04-01 Thread Eelco Hillenius
IMHO a sensible strategy of developping apps is to first focus on the
behavoir and after that focus on performance issues. That does not mean that
it is wrong to take performance issues in account in an early stage, but
just do not let it overtake the main focus of your project.

In my experience caching CAN make a huge difference though, especially when
you have database heavy apps or - like Jeff said - object that have high
initialisation costs. But ya, things like synchronisation can be killers as
well. And if you use transactions for instance... be smart with them (like:
is it possible to do more in the same transaction... made huge differences
for us when working with OJB).

And as a side note: three years ago I developed several java webapps for the
AS-400 platform (JDK1.1.x). In that case object creation *was* very
expensive so it did make sense to use object caching. I do not know about
the current performance charactaristics of that platform.

Second side note: GC can give you problems at times. A recent project where
we made heavy use of JSTL could crash our server! There is/ are memory
leak(s) in JSTL presumably the forEach tag. The strange thing was that in
certain cases when the GC did a run the JVM ended up using more memory than
before this run. On several servers (both on Win and Lunix) the memory usage
could exeed gigabytes within one minute before crashing...
That brings me to an example where caching makes a big difference. If you
look at the performance gain Tomcat 4.1.x got compared to Tomcat 4.0.x: for
our apps it was the caching of the custom tags in Tomcat 4.1.x that made the
difference (about 1500 milis!). Funny thing though is that, allthough Tomcat
4.0.x is a lot slower with our JSTL intensive project than Tomcat 4.1.x, the
former never crashes. This is to illustrate that, allthough caching can make
a huge difference at times, it also adds complexity thus usually more bugs
(can confirm that from personal experience too!)

So my bottom line is to be practical. First build your app only addressing
the most obvious performance issues. When all works/ is stable look at
performance characteristics. IF you want to cache be aware of the added
complexity, maybe using something like JCS
( can help reducing that
(allthough I never used it).

The reason that I sometimes use singleton controllers is that those
controllers do a lot of initialisation that is equal for all users and
should be done only once.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Schnitzer,
Sent: maandag 31 maart 2003 23:42
Subject: RE: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

 From: Valeri Sarantchouk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am trying to avoid creating new objects at every request.
 Is it possible to use a servlet as a (Trhowaway2)
 Controller? Or other reusable accross requests conroller.


 ClientModel has 38 fields and its creation and rendering
 are costly operations. Plus we have at least 70 concurrent
 users (accessing the same view at the same time) at low
 periods and 350+ at high, so creating new objects for each
 request and passing old ones to gc doesn't look good from
 performace point of view.

 In old application, I use an object pool to get instances
 of Client objects for new users; and re-use Client objects
 found in user's session for logged-in users.

 Can you advise me on how to replicate an object pool with
 Maverick and how to reuse the same object found in session?

I see you found the ControllerSingleton (and presumably FormBeanUser)
controller base classes.  However, are you sure of the performance
characteristics of your application?

Much research has gone into this subject, and the general conclusion has
been that the performance cost of object creation and collection is
vastly less than the performance cost of synchronization.  The
generational garbage collection scheme in modern JVMs is very efficient,
especially with short-lived objects such as Throwaway controllers.  On
the other hand, the thread synchronization required for an object pool
is tortuous for an application with high concurrency.  Search the JBoss
list for this subject - they concluded that the object pooling of EJBs
is only of value when the initialization cost of a bean is very high
(establishing network connections, etc).

My own experience confirms this.  The Sims Online player website
produces zillions of objects (much, much more than a typical website)
yet when maxed out under load testing I find that threads are always
waiting for monitor locks.

Just to give you some more idea of relative scale, a single Tomcat
request produces a flurry of objects.  Populating bean properties with
BeanUtils produces a flurry of objects.  Every JDBC driver I've ever
seen produces *vast* quantities of garbage.  Watching an application
under a profiler is an enlightening experience

RE: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

2003-04-01 Thread Eelco Hillenius
I prefer Velocity for simplicity and, combined with the toolbox and velocity
servlet project, you can do all the stuff you can do in JSP's. With XML/XSLT
you have 'know' all the stuff you're going to use in a view beforehand (just
like using Velocity without the toolbox extention).

Personally I like program 'dirty' at times according to the majority of Java
programmers it seems. For instance, I have no problem with getting data from
a database with a query that's in a view (that needs no input). Just like
PhP :). I think one of the reasons that a lot of starters/ webdesigners
prefer PhP and ASP/.NET over Java (at least that what I see around me) is
not that it is harder, but that the Java way of programming webapps allways
has to be in perfect OO style. So, even for a small site, you *have* to
start with an object model. Then translate that (or the other way around) to
a RDBMS. Then use something like OJB/ Hibernate/ Castor to talk to your
model (and I NEVER have seen a project that did not cost a lot of time
thanks to bugs in these mapping layers). Then ofcourse for every trival
piece of info to show on your site you have to write an controller (hey, I
wonder where the C in MVC is for... could it the controller for INPUT
usage?). But then... finally we have build ourselves a nice and clean
webapp. Funny thing is though, that for the smaller to average sized web
projects your average PhP 'script kiddie' would have build the whole damn
thing in one third of the time it took us! And we did not even start
thinking about using EJB's. My point? Don't overengineer all the time. Seen
it happen too often. AND it gives Java a bad name for the more 'pragmatical'
programmers (read PhP/ ASP/ 4GL adepts) and managers in general.

Hah that's a relieve. I just had to put this on a mailing list. I seriously
have discussions at least once a week on this subject with my Java oriented
collegues (who strongly disagree on this, just as they prefer Struts over
Maverick as it 'does so much for you' (read: they have the form beans/
tags)), and I have to hear too often from collegues who use PhP/ ASP/ .NET/
Delphi to build applications that they think Java takes too long to develop
an application. Be practical! Engineer according to the complexity of your

Allright... I'm feeling like a scoolteacher/ know-all. Sorry about that. But
I *am* wondering what other people think about this. Maybe a new thread?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Valeri
Sent: dinsdag 1 april 2003 16:23
Subject: RE: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

Yes, sometimes I loose balance between adhering to initial
design and making shortcuts when I encounter a performance

I also considered contrast of JSTL simplicity from page
author point of view with its complexity from
precompiler/VM point of view, and concluded (but I still could be wrong)
that even JSF+JSTL don't make JSP ideal
View technology. I see XSLT as the cleanest and most
elegant approach to build a View. Though, I like XMLC and
Velocity for their performance.

(I might look unreasonably obsessed with performance
issues. I am :) I think that each new software
product I develop should perform at least on the same level
as its predecessor. Expecially knowing how good PHP- and
Perl-based solutions could be in simple applications.)




On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 10:41:51
 Eelco Hillenius wrote:
IMHO a sensible strategy of developping apps is to first focus on the
behavoir and after that focus on performance issues. That does not mean
it is wrong to take performance issues in account in an early stage, but
just do not let it overtake the main focus of your project.

In my experience caching CAN make a huge difference though, especially when
you have database heavy apps or - like Jeff said - object that have high
initialisation costs. But ya, things like synchronisation can be killers as
well. And if you use transactions for instance... be smart with them (like:
is it possible to do more in the same transaction... made huge differences
for us when working with OJB).

And as a side note: three years ago I developed several java webapps for
AS-400 platform (JDK1.1.x). In that case object creation *was* very
expensive so it did make sense to use object caching. I do not know about
the current performance charactaristics of that platform.

Second side note: GC can give you problems at times. A recent project where
we made heavy use of JSTL could crash our server! There is/ are memory
leak(s) in JSTL presumably the forEach tag. The strange thing was that in
certain cases when the GC did a run the JVM ended up using more memory than
before this run. On several servers (both on Win and Lunix) the memory
could exeed gigabytes within one minute before crashing...
That brings me to an example where caching makes a big difference. If you

RE: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

2003-04-01 Thread Valeri Sarantchouk
Yes, sometimes I loose balance between adhering to initial 
design and making shortcuts when I encounter a performance

I also considered contrast of JSTL simplicity from page
author point of view with its complexity from 
precompiler/VM point of view, and concluded (but I still could be wrong) that even 
JSF+JSTL don't make JSP ideal 
View technology. I see XSLT as the cleanest and most 
elegant approach to build a View. Though, I like XMLC and
Velocity for their performance. 

(I might look unreasonably obsessed with performance
issues. I am :) I think that each new software
product I develop should perform at least on the same level
as its predecessor. Expecially knowing how good PHP- and
Perl-based solutions could be in simple applications.)




On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 10:41:51   
 Eelco Hillenius wrote:
IMHO a sensible strategy of developping apps is to first focus on the
behavoir and after that focus on performance issues. That does not mean that
it is wrong to take performance issues in account in an early stage, but
just do not let it overtake the main focus of your project.

In my experience caching CAN make a huge difference though, especially when
you have database heavy apps or - like Jeff said - object that have high
initialisation costs. But ya, things like synchronisation can be killers as
well. And if you use transactions for instance... be smart with them (like:
is it possible to do more in the same transaction... made huge differences
for us when working with OJB).

And as a side note: three years ago I developed several java webapps for the
AS-400 platform (JDK1.1.x). In that case object creation *was* very
expensive so it did make sense to use object caching. I do not know about
the current performance charactaristics of that platform.

Second side note: GC can give you problems at times. A recent project where
we made heavy use of JSTL could crash our server! There is/ are memory
leak(s) in JSTL presumably the forEach tag. The strange thing was that in
certain cases when the GC did a run the JVM ended up using more memory than
before this run. On several servers (both on Win and Lunix) the memory usage
could exeed gigabytes within one minute before crashing...
That brings me to an example where caching makes a big difference. If you
look at the performance gain Tomcat 4.1.x got compared to Tomcat 4.0.x: for
our apps it was the caching of the custom tags in Tomcat 4.1.x that made the
difference (about 1500 milis!). Funny thing though is that, allthough Tomcat
4.0.x is a lot slower with our JSTL intensive project than Tomcat 4.1.x, the
former never crashes. This is to illustrate that, allthough caching can make
a huge difference at times, it also adds complexity thus usually more bugs
(can confirm that from personal experience too!)

So my bottom line is to be practical. First build your app only addressing
the most obvious performance issues. When all works/ is stable look at
performance characteristics. IF you want to cache be aware of the added
complexity, maybe using something like JCS
( can help reducing that
(allthough I never used it).

The reason that I sometimes use singleton controllers is that those
controllers do a lot of initialisation that is equal for all users and
should be done only once.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Schnitzer,
Sent: maandag 31 maart 2003 23:42
Subject: RE: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

 From: Valeri Sarantchouk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am trying to avoid creating new objects at every request.
 Is it possible to use a servlet as a (Trhowaway2)
 Controller? Or other reusable accross requests conroller.


 ClientModel has 38 fields and its creation and rendering
 are costly operations. Plus we have at least 70 concurrent
 users (accessing the same view at the same time) at low
 periods and 350+ at high, so creating new objects for each
 request and passing old ones to gc doesn't look good from
 performace point of view.

 In old application, I use an object pool to get instances
 of Client objects for new users; and re-use Client objects
 found in user's session for logged-in users.

 Can you advise me on how to replicate an object pool with
 Maverick and how to reuse the same object found in session?

I see you found the ControllerSingleton (and presumably FormBeanUser)
controller base classes.  However, are you sure of the performance
characteristics of your application?

Much research has gone into this subject, and the general conclusion has
been that the performance cost of object creation and collection is
vastly less than the performance cost of synchronization.  The
generational garbage collection scheme in modern JVMs is very efficient,
especially with short-lived objects such as Throwaway controllers.  On
the other hand, the thread

RE: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

2003-04-01 Thread Schnitzer, Jeff
 From: Valeri Sarantchouk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 But what about old good servlets? My simple tests comparing
 chains of JavaBeans with analogous servlet filters shows
 filters more performant.

I'm not sure what you mean by this - JavaBeans vs filters?

 If I can take more of your time, what do you think about
 multi-action controllers? For cases of related but small
 in processing weight actions, it's might be appropriate to
 invoke a single (static) method instead of a class based
 on the url query parameters. Is ControllerSingleton /
 FormBeanUser everything we would possible want for
 multi-action controllers?

You certainly can do this with ControllerSingleton - but why?  Is it
really that hard to have lots of individual classes, one for each
action?  What do you hope to gain?

I find that lots of little classes is far more convenient than few
big classes, especially with several engineers and version control.
YMMV though.

Jeff Schnitzer

This email is sponsored by: ValueWeb:
Dedicated Hosting for just $79/mo with 500 GB of bandwidth!
No other company gives more support or power for your dedicated server

Re: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

2003-04-01 Thread Eelco Hillenius
Thanks for the tip. We did not set these contex-params. Btw, since we had
our problems, there's been several reports about memory leaks in the Jakarta
lists as well. It only (AFAIK) shows up with Tomcat 4.1.x.

Our solution was to port the views to Velocity; three days of work and runs
like a baby!


- Original Message -
From: Schnitzer, Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 4:10 AM
Subject: RE: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

 From: Eelco Hillenius [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Second side note: GC can give you problems at times. A recent project
 we made heavy use of JSTL could crash our server! There is/ are memory
 leak(s) in JSTL presumably the forEach tag. The strange thing was that
 certain cases when the GC did a run the JVM ended up using more memory
 before this run. On several servers (both on Win and Lunix) the memory
 could exeed gigabytes within one minute before crashing...

FWIW, I haven't seen anything like this on the TSO site.  There are a
lot of synchronization issues in the Jakarta JSTL implementation, but I
haven't seen any memory leaks yet.  Make sure you explicitly set the
locale and timezone context-params in web.xml - the auto-discovery
process tickles a nasty synchronization bottleneck in java.util.Locale.


This email is sponsored by: ValueWeb:
Dedicated Hosting for just $79/mo with 500 GB of bandwidth!
No other company gives more support or power for your dedicated server

This email is sponsored by: ValueWeb: 
Dedicated Hosting for just $79/mo with 500 GB of bandwidth! 
No other company gives more support or power for your dedicated server

RE: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

2003-03-31 Thread Valeri Sarantchouk
Hi Jeff,

Thank you for such insightfull answer! I simply wasn't 
aware of much of these inner workings.

It breaks many of my stereotypes: 

1. Object pool stereotype: always create a cache of idle
 objects for average number of simultaneous users. 
 I thought if caching of static content and XSLT 
 templates is good, why don't we cache everything else?
 (Especially after Jason Hunter's article Cache As Mad.)
 After all, start-up time of Perl/CGI scripts (creating 
 a new process, loading program from disk into process in 
 memory, starting interpreter,..) is the major reason for
 scalability problem with CGI applications. And such 
 improvements to plain CGI as mod_perl with 
 Apache::Session use persistent in-memory data structures.

 But now, it appears to me that then the only usable type
 of object pool is the one for database connections. 

2. GC stereotype: Don't make GC work very hard - it takes
  valuable CPU time, plus it's prone to leaking memory.
  These issues, apparently, are exaggerated.

But what about old good servlets? My simple tests comparing
chains of JavaBeans with analogous servlet filters shows 
filters more performant. 

If I can take more of your time, what do you think about
multi-action controllers? For cases of related but small
in processing weight actions, it's might be appropriate to
invoke a single (static) method instead of a class based
on the url query parameters. Is ControllerSingleton / 
FormBeanUser everything we would possible want for 
multi-action controllers?

Thank you very much!



On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 13:42:22  
 Schnitzer, Jeff wrote:
 From: Valeri Sarantchouk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I am trying to avoid creating new objects at every request.
 Is it possible to use a servlet as a (Trhowaway2)
 Controller? Or other reusable accross requests conroller.

 ClientModel has 38 fields and its creation and rendering
 are costly operations. Plus we have at least 70 concurrent
 users (accessing the same view at the same time) at low
 periods and 350+ at high, so creating new objects for each
 request and passing old ones to gc doesn't look good from
 performace point of view.
 In old application, I use an object pool to get instances
 of Client objects for new users; and re-use Client objects
 found in user's session for logged-in users.
 Can you advise me on how to replicate an object pool with
 Maverick and how to reuse the same object found in session?

I see you found the ControllerSingleton (and presumably FormBeanUser)
controller base classes.  However, are you sure of the performance
characteristics of your application?

Much research has gone into this subject, and the general conclusion has
been that the performance cost of object creation and collection is
vastly less than the performance cost of synchronization.  The
generational garbage collection scheme in modern JVMs is very efficient,
especially with short-lived objects such as Throwaway controllers.  On
the other hand, the thread synchronization required for an object pool
is tortuous for an application with high concurrency.  Search the JBoss
list for this subject - they concluded that the object pooling of EJBs
is only of value when the initialization cost of a bean is very high
(establishing network connections, etc).

My own experience confirms this.  The Sims Online player website
produces zillions of objects (much, much more than a typical website)
yet when maxed out under load testing I find that threads are always
waiting for monitor locks.

Just to give you some more idea of relative scale, a single Tomcat
request produces a flurry of objects.  Populating bean properties with
BeanUtils produces a flurry of objects.  Every JDBC driver I've ever
seen produces *vast* quantities of garbage.  Watching an application
under a profiler is an enlightening experience - you'll be amazed at how
many char[] and String objects a running Java app produces.

A minimal Maverick invocation produces 3 or 4 short-lived objects
(including String manipulation).  This is like shouting into a jet
engine - nobody is going to hear it on the other side.

Jeff Schnitzer

This email is sponsored by: ValueWeb: 
Dedicated Hosting for just $79/mo with 500 GB of bandwidth! 
No other company gives more support or power for your dedicated server

Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

This email is sponsored by: ValueWeb: 
Dedicated Hosting for just $79/mo with 500 GB of bandwidth! 
No other company gives more support or power for your dedicated server

Re: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

2003-03-30 Thread Simen Brekken
My dad can beat up your dad!

- Original Message -
From: Michael McGrady [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2003 2:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

 I see, you meant to say I am trying to STOP applying my stuff to a
 frameless application instead of I am trying to apply my stuff to a
 frameless application.  So, you have to see that it was not a matter of
 ignorance, or knowledge, but basic communication.  There is no need to get
 snarky.  I was answering to try to be helpful.  Perhaps I should just
 ignore you.  You might in fact prefer that, and prefer to have help that
 soothes rather than helps.  That is okay with me.  Whatever!

 At 01:00 PM 3/29/03 -0800, you wrote:
  Valeri these are just standard coding things.  You essentially are
  asking how to code your project.
 I asked: is it possible?
  Maverick is a framework, so you can hardly apply
  it to a framework-less web application.
 You mean it doesn't make any sense to convert spagetti
 applicatios to a well-designed ones?
 Yes, you are right: why bother?
 Thank you for poining out at my total ignorance.
 On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 12:35:09
   Michael McGrady wrote:
  Valeri these are just standard coding things.  You essentially are
  how to code your project.  Maverick is a framework, so you can hardly
  it to a framework-less web application.  My apologies if I am not
  understanding you.  This is meant to be helpful.
  On your coding questions, I have no idea what your application does, so
  could not nor could anyone else give an intelligent reponse to the
  questions.  If you don't need a lot of the infomation in the
ClientModel, I
  would definitely use lazy initialization of the Client, or a similar
  At 12:14 PM 3/29/03 -0800, you wrote:
  Dear Maverick experts,
  I am trying to apply Maverick to a framework-less web
  application, and my question is a very basic one.
  I am trying to avoid creating new objects at every request.
  Is it possible to use a servlet as a (Trhowaway2)
  Controller? Or other reusable accross requests conroller.
  Situation: I have a servlet that checks if there is a
  Client object in the user's session. If yes, the Client
  object is reused, otherwise a new Client instance is
  created. The Client object looks like this:
  public class Client{
  private ClientModel model;
  private ClientModelHandler modelHandler;
  private CardViewHandler cardViewHandler;
  private FormViewHandler formViewHandler;
  private FormPrintHandler formPrintHandler;
  // methods go here...
  ClientModel has 38 fields and its creation and rendering
  are costly operations. Plus we have at least 70 concurrent
  users (accessing the same view at the same time) at low
  periods and 350+ at high, so creating new objects for each
  request and passing old ones to gc doesn't look good from
  performace point of view.
  In old application, I use an object pool to get instances
  of Client objects for new users; and re-use Client objects
  found in user's session for logged-in users.
  Can you advise me on how to replicate an object pool with
  Maverick and how to reuse the same object found in session?
  Thank you very much!
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  The Definitive IT and Networking Event. Be There!
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  This email is sponsored by:
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 Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.
 This email is sponsored by:
 The Definitive IT and Networking Event. Be There!
 NetWorld+Interop Las Vegas 2003 -- Register today!

 This email is sponsored by:
 The Definitive IT and Networking Event. Be There!
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Re: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

2003-03-30 Thread Valeri Sarantchouk

Do you know by any chance if it possible to have
a controller which itself can be borrowed from some 
kind of controller factory? Similar to servlet thread pool.




On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 22:31:30  
 Eelco Hillenius wrote:
Sure, np

If you're using ControllerSingleton (or FormBeanUser as it implements
ControllerSingleton) you should use the latest version of Maverick from CVS
as a bug that was fixed two weeks ago had the effect that
init(controllerNode) was never called for implementors of


- Original Message -
From: Valeri Sarantchouk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 10:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

 Hi Eelco,

 Thank you! I took a look at Maverick's source code, and
 found it: I can simply subclass ControllerSingleton and
 use object pools from the subclass.




 On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 21:46:42
  Eelco Hillenius wrote:
 I am not sure that understand you well, but...
 You can still use sessions (and all other servlet stuff) in Maverick.
 get it like getCtx().getRequest().getSession().
 If you are working with expensive controllers (controllers that have to
do a
 lot of initialising or have a lot of fields) you can extend
 org.infohazard.maverick.ctl.FormBeanUser or implement
 org.infohazard.maverick.flow.ControllerSingleton. This way, your
 are created only once. Be sure to read the javadocs and explore the code
 the org.infohazard.maverick.ctl package to clearify things ;-)
 And of course... use inheritance to factor common behaviour in your
 controllers. As for the object pool, sure you can use whatever you think
 suits you; Maverick won't stop you!
 Hope that helps a bit,
 - Original Message -
 From: Valeri Sarantchouk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 9:14 PM
 Subject: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects
  Dear Maverick experts,
  I am trying to apply Maverick to a framework-less web
  application, and my question is a very basic one.
  I am trying to avoid creating new objects at every request.
  Is it possible to use a servlet as a (Trhowaway2)
  Controller? Or other reusable accross requests conroller.
  Situation: I have a servlet that checks if there is a
  Client object in the user's session. If yes, the Client
  object is reused, otherwise a new Client instance is
  created. The Client object looks like this:
  public class Client{
 private ClientModel model;
 private ClientModelHandler modelHandler;
 private CardViewHandler cardViewHandler;
 private FormViewHandler formViewHandler;
 private FormPrintHandler formPrintHandler;
 // methods go here...
  ClientModel has 38 fields and its creation and rendering
  are costly operations. Plus we have at least 70 concurrent
  users (accessing the same view at the same time) at low
  periods and 350+ at high, so creating new objects for each
  request and passing old ones to gc doesn't look good from
  performace point of view.
  In old application, I use an object pool to get instances
  of Client objects for new users; and re-use Client objects
  found in user's session for logged-in users.
  Can you advise me on how to replicate an object pool with
  Maverick and how to reuse the same object found in session?
  Thank you very much!
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  The Definitive IT and Networking Event. Be There!
  NetWorld+Interop Las Vegas 2003 -- Register today!
 This email is sponsored by:
 The Definitive IT and Networking Event. Be There!
 NetWorld+Interop Las Vegas 2003 -- Register today!

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 This email is sponsored by:
 The Definitive IT and Networking Event. Be There!
 NetWorld+Interop Las Vegas 2003 -- Register today!

This email is sponsored by:
The Definitive IT and Networking Event. Be There!
NetWorld+Interop Las Vegas 2003 -- Register today!

Re: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

2003-03-29 Thread Michael McGrady
Valeri these are just standard coding things.  You essentially are asking 
how to code your project.  Maverick is a framework, so you can hardly apply 
it to a framework-less web application.  My apologies if I am not 
understanding you.  This is meant to be helpful.

On your coding questions, I have no idea what your application does, so I 
could not nor could anyone else give an intelligent reponse to the 
questions.  If you don't need a lot of the infomation in the ClientModel, I 
would definitely use lazy initialization of the Client, or a similar 

At 12:14 PM 3/29/03 -0800, you wrote:
Dear Maverick experts,

I am trying to apply Maverick to a framework-less web
application, and my question is a very basic one.
I am trying to avoid creating new objects at every request.
Is it possible to use a servlet as a (Trhowaway2)
Controller? Or other reusable accross requests conroller.
Situation: I have a servlet that checks if there is a
Client object in the user's session. If yes, the Client
object is reused, otherwise a new Client instance is
created. The Client object looks like this:
public class Client{

   private ClientModel model;
   private ClientModelHandler modelHandler;
   private CardViewHandler cardViewHandler;
   private FormViewHandler formViewHandler;
   private FormPrintHandler formPrintHandler;
   // methods go here...
ClientModel has 38 fields and its creation and rendering
are costly operations. Plus we have at least 70 concurrent
users (accessing the same view at the same time) at low
periods and 350+ at high, so creating new objects for each
request and passing old ones to gc doesn't look good from
performace point of view.
In old application, I use an object pool to get instances
of Client objects for new users; and re-use Client objects
found in user's session for logged-in users.
Can you advise me on how to replicate an object pool with
Maverick and how to reuse the same object found in session?
Thank you very much!


Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.
This email is sponsored by:
The Definitive IT and Networking Event. Be There!
NetWorld+Interop Las Vegas 2003 -- Register today!

This email is sponsored by:
The Definitive IT and Networking Event. Be There!
NetWorld+Interop Las Vegas 2003 -- Register today!

Re: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

2003-03-29 Thread Valeri Sarantchouk
Hi Eelco,

Thank you! I took a look at Maverick's source code, and
found it: I can simply subclass ControllerSingleton and 
use object pools from the subclass.




On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 21:46:42  
 Eelco Hillenius wrote:
I am not sure that understand you well, but...

You can still use sessions (and all other servlet stuff) in Maverick. Just
get it like getCtx().getRequest().getSession().

If you are working with expensive controllers (controllers that have to do a
lot of initialising or have a lot of fields) you can extend
org.infohazard.maverick.ctl.FormBeanUser or implement
org.infohazard.maverick.flow.ControllerSingleton. This way, your controllers
are created only once. Be sure to read the javadocs and explore the code of
the org.infohazard.maverick.ctl package to clearify things ;-)

And of course... use inheritance to factor common behaviour in your
controllers. As for the object pool, sure you can use whatever you think
suits you; Maverick won't stop you!

Hope that helps a bit,


- Original Message -
From: Valeri Sarantchouk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 9:14 PM
Subject: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

 Dear Maverick experts,

 I am trying to apply Maverick to a framework-less web
 application, and my question is a very basic one.

 I am trying to avoid creating new objects at every request.
 Is it possible to use a servlet as a (Trhowaway2)
 Controller? Or other reusable accross requests conroller.

 Situation: I have a servlet that checks if there is a
 Client object in the user's session. If yes, the Client
 object is reused, otherwise a new Client instance is
 created. The Client object looks like this:

 public class Client{

private ClientModel model;
private ClientModelHandler modelHandler;

private CardViewHandler cardViewHandler;
private FormViewHandler formViewHandler;
private FormPrintHandler formPrintHandler;

// methods go here...

 ClientModel has 38 fields and its creation and rendering
 are costly operations. Plus we have at least 70 concurrent
 users (accessing the same view at the same time) at low
 periods and 350+ at high, so creating new objects for each
 request and passing old ones to gc doesn't look good from
 performace point of view.

 In old application, I use an object pool to get instances
 of Client objects for new users; and re-use Client objects
 found in user's session for logged-in users.

 Can you advise me on how to replicate an object pool with
 Maverick and how to reuse the same object found in session?

 Thank you very much!


 Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

 This email is sponsored by:
 The Definitive IT and Networking Event. Be There!
 NetWorld+Interop Las Vegas 2003 -- Register today!

This email is sponsored by:
The Definitive IT and Networking Event. Be There!
NetWorld+Interop Las Vegas 2003 -- Register today!

Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

This email is sponsored by:
The Definitive IT and Networking Event. Be There!
NetWorld+Interop Las Vegas 2003 -- Register today!

Re: [Mav-user] reusable controllers and session objects

2003-03-29 Thread Michael McGrady
I see, you meant to say I am trying to STOP applying my stuff to a 
frameless application instead of I am trying to apply my stuff to a 
frameless application.  So, you have to see that it was not a matter of 
ignorance, or knowledge, but basic communication.  There is no need to get 
snarky.  I was answering to try to be helpful.  Perhaps I should just 
ignore you.  You might in fact prefer that, and prefer to have help that 
soothes rather than helps.  That is okay with me.  Whatever!

At 01:00 PM 3/29/03 -0800, you wrote:
Valeri these are just standard coding things.  You essentially are 
asking how to code your project.

I asked: is it possible?

Maverick is a framework, so you can hardly apply
it to a framework-less web application.
You mean it doesn't make any sense to convert spagetti
applicatios to a well-designed ones?
Yes, you are right: why bother?
Thank you for poining out at my total ignorance.


On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 12:35:09
 Michael McGrady wrote:
Valeri these are just standard coding things.  You essentially are asking
how to code your project.  Maverick is a framework, so you can hardly apply
it to a framework-less web application.  My apologies if I am not
understanding you.  This is meant to be helpful.

On your coding questions, I have no idea what your application does, so I
could not nor could anyone else give an intelligent reponse to the
questions.  If you don't need a lot of the infomation in the ClientModel, I
would definitely use lazy initialization of the Client, or a similar

At 12:14 PM 3/29/03 -0800, you wrote:
Dear Maverick experts,

I am trying to apply Maverick to a framework-less web
application, and my question is a very basic one.

I am trying to avoid creating new objects at every request.
Is it possible to use a servlet as a (Trhowaway2)
Controller? Or other reusable accross requests conroller.

Situation: I have a servlet that checks if there is a
Client object in the user's session. If yes, the Client
object is reused, otherwise a new Client instance is
created. The Client object looks like this:

public class Client{

private ClientModel model;
private ClientModelHandler modelHandler;

private CardViewHandler cardViewHandler;
private FormViewHandler formViewHandler;
private FormPrintHandler formPrintHandler;

// methods go here...

ClientModel has 38 fields and its creation and rendering
are costly operations. Plus we have at least 70 concurrent
users (accessing the same view at the same time) at low
periods and 350+ at high, so creating new objects for each
request and passing old ones to gc doesn't look good from
performace point of view.

In old application, I use an object pool to get instances
of Client objects for new users; and re-use Client objects
found in user's session for logged-in users.

Can you advise me on how to replicate an object pool with
Maverick and how to reuse the same object found in session?

Thank you very much!


Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

This email is sponsored by:
The Definitive IT and Networking Event. Be There!
NetWorld+Interop Las Vegas 2003 -- Register today!

This email is sponsored by:
The Definitive IT and Networking Event. Be There!
NetWorld+Interop Las Vegas 2003 -- Register today!

Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.
This email is sponsored by:
The Definitive IT and Networking Event. Be There!
NetWorld+Interop Las Vegas 2003 -- Register today!

This email is sponsored by:
The Definitive IT and Networking Event. Be There!
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