[media-dakwah] Terror is Me or Terrorisme?

2006-12-04 Terurut Topik bambang guridno
Tulisan dari seorang teman, semoga bermanfaat.
Terror is Me or Terrorisme ?

Agaknya kita sudah terlalu kenyang
disuapi kata-kata terorisme oleh Amerika
dan antek-anteknya. Mereka sepertinya
tidak bosan berperang untuk menunjukkan
bahwa mereka yang sebenarnya harus
ditakuti oleh dunia sekarang ini.
Baru saja perang Afghanistan berlalu,
dengan sigap mereka segera mencanangkan
perang terhadap Irak dengan alasan
mengada-ada: Irak mengembangkan senjata
pemusnah massal. Namun, siapa pun di
dunia ini sangat mengetahui bahwa negara
yang paling banyak dan paling dahsyat
bersenjata pemusnah massal adalah
Amerika Serikat. Ini bahkan dikatakan
sendiri oleh rakyat Amerika Serikat
dalam sebuah wawancara di TV ketika
terjadinya demo antiperang di sana
sebelum perang berlangsung.
Saddam dengan Iraknya belum berbuat
apa-apa sudah dibilang teroris, kemudian
digempur habis-habisan. Seperti biasa,
dalam setiap perang yang dilakoni
Amerika Serikat, pastilah rakyat sipil
yang menjadi korban utama. Bagi Amerika,
tidak penting membedakan antara tentara
dan rakyat jelata, yang penting menang
dan tujuan tercapai. Bukan hanya kali
ini Amerika tega berbuat demikian.
Nagasaki dan Hiroshima adalah bukti
nyata kekejaman mereka. Namun, jika
berhadapan dengan militer murni, mereka
biasanya keok, seperti di perang Korea
dan Vietnam. Jadi, sekarang dalam setiap
perang Amerika Serikat selalu mengajak
pihak lain untuk ikut membantu, agar
tidak hanya mereka yang menjadi korban.
Runtuhnya kekuatan Uni Sovyet telah
mendorong Amerika Serikat untuk semakin
menampakkan kecongkakkannya di hadapan
seluruh negara dunia. Bahkan, PBB pun
mereka kangkangi, kalau yang ini
sebenarnya sudah lama berlangsung, sejak
berdirinya PBB. Selama ini badan memble
ini hanyalah sebagai alat legitimasi
bagi kepentingan Amerika Serikat dan
antek-anteknya. Selalu yang menjadi
sekjen PBB adalah tokoh dari negara
kecil, yang tentunya tidak berani
apa-apa. Tinggal di Amerika saja, bagi
mereka yang diangkat jadi sekJen,
mungkin sudah luar biasa.
Amerika sendiri sebenarnya adalah alat
terdahsyat dari kepentingan negara
Yahudi Israel. Selama ini Amerika plus
Inggrislah yang selalu membela Israel,
membantu, dan menyediakan apa saja yang
dikehendaki oleh negara itu.
Demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia adalah
tunggangan utama mereka untuk menekan
negara-negara dunia. Mereka tampil
seolah-oleh yang paling menjaga
demokrasi dan HAM. Padahal, merekalah
yang paling tinggi pelanggarannya dalam
hal itu. Tetapi, begitulah bintang film,
bisa berakting sesuai pesanan sutradara.
Maklumlah, Amerika memang sarangnya film
dan bintang film, sebuah budaya yang
mereka sebarkan ke seluruh dunia untuk
membentuk opini dunia.
Secara verbal Amerika Serikat sekarang
sangat lantang meneriakkan
antiterorisme, bahkan hampir tidak ada
yang berani membantah. Kalaupun ada yang
membantah, suaranya hanya terdengar oleh
mereka sendiri. Kekuatan media dan
informasi sangat mereka pahami. Sehingga
mereka mengetahui bagaimana menggunakannya.
Namun, secara tindakan nyata Amerika
sebenarnya sedang memainkan peran
antagonis, yaitu sebagai teroris dalam
lakon yang diatur sendiri. Yang menjadi
masalah adalah Amerika berperan
sekaligus sebagai Arnold Schwarzeneger
lakon penumpas teroris dalam film-film
Holywood. Akibatnya, begitu si teroris
bertindak dan keasyikan dengan aksi-aksi
brutalnya, sang penumpas tidak
nongol-nongol, karena ia yang
memerankannya. Jadi bagaimana?
Harus ada pemeran lain yang tampil
sebagai penumpas teroris, entah siapa
dia, yang penting bukan PBB. Yang jelas
pemeran terorisnya tetap Amerika
Serikat. Karena, walaupun dia teriak
anti teroris, kenyataan membuktikan
sebaliknya. Amerika Serikat sekarang
sedang lantang meneriakkan sebuah
tantangan bagi dunia dengan
aksi-aksinya: ?TERROR IS ME... TERROR IS
ME? Biarlah mereka berbuat sesuka
mereka sekarang. Kemenangan dan
kesenangan adalah tipu daya bagi bangsa
Israel adalah pihak yang sangat
diuntungkan dengan perang ini. Karena,
Israel selama ini sangat ketakutan akan
kebangkitan bangsa Arab muslim. Dalam
hal ini Irak ternyata mengalami kemajuan
teknologi militer yang cukup signifikan
dibanding yang lainnya. Menghadapi batu
saja bangsa Yahudi ini sangat ketakutan,
apalagi menghadapi rudal dan peluru.
Lalu, dengan sangat licik mereka
menggiring Amerika ke dalam perang
melalui penasihat keamanan dan pertahan
si Bush yang notabene keturunan Yahudi
si Condoleeza Rice. Wallahu al-musta'an.

Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [media-dakwah] DUHHH...POLIGAMI

2006-12-04 Terurut Topik @Is low profile
Assalamu'alaikum waRohmatulahi waBorakaatuh.
Hyaa nih akhi Hilma (H.Abubakar)...janganlah n ndak perlulah antum or org2 awam 
lainnya pada sewot dlm masalah Poligami yang dilakukan oleh seorang AA yg 
menjadi Public Figur sebagian besar umat islam di Indonesia dan bebrapa warga 
muslim di mancanegaraklo memang belum tahu mengenai ilmu or hukum Poligami 
yg sudah jelas2 hak menurut Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunah..
Perlu diketahi bahwa berpoligami itu hukumnya sunnah bagi yang mampu, karena 
Artinya : Dan jika kamu takut tidak akan dapat berlaku adil terhadap (hak-hak) 
perempuan yatim (bilama kamu mengawininya), maka kawinilah wanita-wanita (lain) 
yang kamu senangi ; dua, tiga atau empat. Kemudian jika kamu takut tidak akan 
dapat berlaku adil, maka (kawinilah) seorang saja, atau budak-budak yang kamu 
miliki. Yang demikian itu adalah lebih dekat kepada tidak berbuat aniaya 
[An-Nisa : 3]
Dan praktek Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wa sallam itu sendiri, dimana beliau 
mengawini sembilan wanita dan dengan mereka Allah memberikan manfaat besar bagi 
ummat ini. Yang demikian itu (sembilan istri) adalah khusus bagi beliau, sedang 
selain beliau dibolehkan berpoligami tidak lebih dari empat istri. Berpoligami 
itu mengandung banyak maslahat yang sangat besar bagi kaum laki-laki, kaum 
wanita dan Ummat Islam secara keseluruhan. Sebab, dengan berpoligami dapat 
dicapai oleh semua pihak, tunduknya pandangan (ghaddul bashar), terpeliharanya 
kehormatan, keturunan yang banyak, lelaki dapat berbuat banyak untuk 
kemaslahatan dan kebaikan para istri dan melindungi mereka dari berbagai faktor 
penyebab keburukan dan penyimpangan.
Tetapi orang yang tidak mampu berpoligami dan takut kalau tidak dapat berlaku 
adil, maka hendaknya cukup kawin dengan satu istri saja, karena Allah berfirman.
Artinya : Kemudian jika kamu takut tidak akan dapat berlaku adil, maka 
(kawinilah) seorang saja. [An-Nisa : 3]
Oleh karena itulah ada hadits Nabi yang bersumber dari riwayat Aisyah 
Radhiyallahu anha. Beliau berkata.
Artinya : Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam melakukan pembagian (di 
antara istri-istrinya) dan beliau berlaku adil, dan beliau berdoa : Ya Allah 
inilah pembagianku menurut kemampuanku, maka janganlah Engkau mencercaku di 
dalam hal yang mampu Engkau lakukan dan aku tidak mampu melakukannya 
[Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Daud, At-Timidzi, An-Nasai, Ibnu Majah dan dinilai 
Shahih oleh Ibnu Hibban dan Al-Hakim]
Nah marilah kita cermati permasalhan poligami yang dilakukan oleh seorang AA 
(dia itu hanyalah seorang manusian biasa spt kita ini) dengan ilmu dan bukan 
dengan emosi sesaat yg sering menipu, seperti yang  umi safa tuliskan pada 
email tsb dibawah.
Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wa sallam bersabda.
Artinya : Dan Allah akan menolong seorang hamba selagi ia suka menolong 
saudaranya [Riwayat Imam Muslim]
Anda adalah saudara seiman bagi istri anda, dan istri anda adalah saudara 
seiman anda. Maka yang benar bagi anda berdua adalah saling tolong menolong di 
dalam kebaikan. Dalam sebuah hadits yang muttafaq alaih bersumber dari Ibnu 
Umar Radhiyallahu anhuma bahwasanya Nabi Shallallahu alaihi wa sallam telah 
Artinya : Barangsiapa yang menunaikan keperluan saudaranya, niscaya Allah 
menunaikan keperluannya
Akan tetapi keridhaan istri itu bukan syarat di dalam boleh atau tidaknya 
poligami (menikah lagi), namun keridhaannya itu diperlukan agar hubungan di 
antara kamu berdua tetap baik. Semoga Allah memperbaiki keadaan semua pihak dan 
semoga Dia mencatat bagi kamu berdua kesudahan yang terpuji. Amin.
Nah...seperti yang kita ketahui bersama di mas media electronik maupun koran2 
istri AAGym sdh mersetui.
Sesungguhnya sebaik-baik ucapan adalah ucapan Allah, dan sebaik-baik petunjuk 
adalah petunjuk Rasulullah Shollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam Sebaliknya 
sejelek-jelek perkara adalah apa yang diada-adakan dalam dien karena setiap 
diada-adakan dalam dien adalah bid’ah, dan setiap bid’ah adalah kesesatan, dan 
setiap yang sesat di neraka.
Semoga Allah memberi taufiq kepada segenap kaum Muslimin menuju apa yang 
menjadi kemaslahatn dan kesalamatan bagi kita semua di dunia dan 


- Original Message 
From: suhana hana [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Hilman Abubakar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: media-dakwah@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, December 4, 2006 2:17:43 PM
Subject: Re: [media-dakwah] DUHHH...POLIGAMI


kenapa harus kecewa?? apa yg harus dikecewakan dan disayangkan? ? 
memang kalau AA Gym sebagai panutan, lalu dilarang poligami?? bukankah sang 
panutan yg sesungguhnya yaitu Rasulullah Muhammad juga melakukannya? ?kenapa 
harus perduli dengan sangkaan yg ngalor ngidul?? AA Gym itu pengikut Muhammad, 
dan kita umat muslimpun pengikut Muhammad, masih layakkah disebut seorang 
pengikut, bila mengingkari yg pernah dikerjakan oleh para panutannya?? bisa 
jadi..AA sedang mengaplikasikan ilmunya dan menjadi pengikut Nabi Muhammad yg 
benar:) untuk 

Re: [media-dakwah] Re: Siaran Ulang Konferensi Pers Aa Gym dan Teh Ninih Via Webradio

2006-12-04 Terurut Topik Iwal
Wa'alaikum salam..

Menurut kami, semua perbuatan Rasulullah adalah contoh dan tauladan bagi 
kita semua. Semua perbuatan dan perkataan Rasul bukan tidak mungkin bisa 
dilakukan. Rasul bersifat jujur dan amanah, kita pun bisa seperti itu. 
Rasulullah bijaksana, kita pun bisa seperti itu. Rasulullah kuat dan 
pemberani, kita pun bisa seperti itu. Rasulullah berbuat adil, kita pun 
bisa seperti itu. Rasulullah wajahnya selalu tersenyum, kita pun bisa 
seperti itu. Rasulullah sangat lembut kepada ummatnya, dan juga sangat 
tegas kepada musuh2nya, kita pun bisa seperti itu.

Rasul dan kita sama-sama manusia, sama-sama punya akal, nafsu dan hati. 
Yang membedakan adalah perlakuan istimewa dari Allah SWT kepada beliau. 
Allah menjadikan beliau sebagi utusan-Nya, tapi kita tidak. Allah 
menjadikan perbuatan dan perkataan Rasul sebagai contoh, tetapi kita 
tidak, makanya kita sebaiknya tidak mengidolakan siapa pun selain 
Rasulullah. Allah mengkaruniakan segala akhlak yang baik kepada Rasul 
untuk dijadikan tauladan, sedangkan kita tidak. Allah memberikan 
mukjizat kepada para Nabi dan Rasul, sedangkan kita tidak.

Bersikap adilnya Rasulullah adalah manusiawi, bukan mukjizat dari Allah 
SWT. Jadi, kenapa ummatnya merasa pesimis untuk bisa bersikap adil? 
Allah Maha Tahu keadaan hamba-hamba-Nya, bahkan lebih tahu daripada 
hamba itu sendiri.

Mohon maaf kalau ada kekurangan karena keterbatasan ilmu.


Syamzaenal wrote:

 Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,

 Apakah ada manusia di dunia ini yang bersikap adil selain Nabi Muhammad
 saw, karena islam itu mengajarkan untuk tidak saling menyakitin orang
 lain, meskipun muka senyum siapa tahu hati menangis dan Jangan sampai
 berlindung kepada sunnah Nabi hanya karena nafsu berpoligami.

 Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb


All New Yahoo! Mail – Tired of [EMAIL PROTECTED]@! come-ons? Let our SpamGuard 
protect you. http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/nowyoucan.html

RE: [media-dakwah] Re: Siaran Ulang Konferensi Pers Aa Gym dan Teh Ninih Via Webradio

2006-12-04 Terurut Topik Tampubolon, Mohammad-Riyadi
alaykumussalam warohmatuLlohi wabarokaatuh
barokaLlohu fikum..
yang perlu kita 'urus' perkara dzohir saja.. siapa sech yang bisa tebak
isi hati orang..?
memang beliau sholallahu alayhi wassalam suri teladan terbaik hingga
akhir zaman,
tanggapan Teh Nini sendiri sangat bagus, ALloh azza wa jalla tidak ingin
kalau Teh Nini bersikap menghambat pembelajaran yang ingin dberikan Aa
berarti cinta kepada Alloh akan berada dibawah 'nafsu' [ego] memiliki Aa
coba kita lihat ayat QS Al An'am [6]:162
Katakanlah: sesungguhnya sembahyangku, ibadatku, hidupku dan matiku
untuk Allah, Tuhan semesta alam. 
Dalam pandangan Saya, sangat sedikit orang yang mampu mengatakan seperti
dikatakan Teh Nini, yang mampu menempatkan diri pada tempat semestinya
saat ego
berhadapan dengan sunnah, situasi yang sulit.. jauh lebih sulit dari
membayar zakat
dalam jumlah besar sekali [karena hartanya lebih besar..]
keikhlasan Teh Nini mencari ridho Alloh sudah teruji, ujian untuk orang
memang sesuai dengan tingkat keimanannya..kalau kita-kita yang masih
belajar di MD ini mungkin masih jauh dari tingkat ujian seperti itu..
semoga Alloh selalu melindungi dan membimbing hambanya yang ikhlas..
waLlohu 'alam bish showab..

From: media-dakwah@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Syamzaenal 
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 11:24 AM
To: A Nizami; media-dakwah@yahoogroups.com; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
ppiindia@yahoogroups.com; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: RE: [media-dakwah] Re: Siaran Ulang Konferensi Pers Aa Gym dan
Teh Ninih Via Webradio
 Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,

Apakah ada manusia di dunia ini yang bersikap adil selain Nabi Muhammad
saw, karena islam itu mengajarkan untuk tidak saling menyakitin orang
lain, meskipun muka senyum siapa tahu hati menangis dan Jangan sampai
berlindung kepada sunnah Nabi hanya karena nafsu berpoligami.

Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[media-dakwah] US Terrorize The World - 13 Dzulqaidah 1427 H (4.12.06)

2006-12-04 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Islam thrives as Russia's population falls

Russia is in the midst of startling transformation. Islamic faith is 
thriving across the country. If current trends continue, experts say, more 
than half of Russia's population will be Muslim by mid-century.

Spurring on the mob was Alexander Belov, charismatic head of the Movement 
Against Illegal Immigration, an increasingly powerful lobby group that has 
staged dozens of rallies in recent months. In an interview at a Czech 
restaurant in central Moscow, Belov railed against what he called the 
growing Islamification of Russia.

Russia is historically a Slavic, Orthodox Christian land and we need to 
make sure it stays that way, he said, adding that Orthodox Christianity 
should be enshrined as Russia's official religion and efforts made to 
convert Muslims. Islam is currently recognized as one of Russia's official 
religions, along with Orthodox Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism.

Like many nationalists, Belov makes no distinction between Muslim 
immigrants and Russian citizens of Islamic faith. He says Muslims, no 
matter what their citizenship, should be restricted from living in 
traditional Russian lands.


U.S. tracks Canadians for terror traits

Monitoring system stores data on flights, licence plates, credit cards, 

WASHINGTON­The U.S. government knows where you sat on your last 
cross-border flight, how you paid for your ticket, your email address, your 
phone number, even your special meal requests in the past.

They won't let you look at the information but they can share it with law 
enforcement agencies, foreign governments, even public health agencies and 
they can keep the dossiers compiled on millions of Canadian travellers for 
up to 40 years.


9/11 : Close-Up of WTC-7 Collapse Footage Shows Unmistakable Demolition Charges

I had stayed away from the issue of puffs of smoke and debris coming out of 
the World Trade Center buildings up until now because most of them could be 
explained as air being forced out through windows as ceilings collapsed 
onto the floors.

But this video (and this one HERE) is a convincer!


The U.S. Has a History of Using Torture

Mr. McCoy is J.R.W. Smail Professor of History at the University of 
Wisconsin-Madison and the author of A Question of Torture: CIA 
Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror (New York: 
Metropolitan Books, 2006).

In April 2004, Americans were stunned when CBS broadcast those 
now-notorious photographs from Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, showing hooded 
Iraqis stripped naked while U.S. soldiers stood by smiling.  As this 
scandal grabbed headlines around the globe, Defense Secretary Donald 
Rumsfeld insisted that the abuses were perpetrated by a small number of 
U.S. military, whom New York Times’ columnist William Safire soon branded 
creeps--a line that few in the press had reason to challenge.


End is near in Babylon

Iraq’s prime minister, Nuri Al Maliki, governs only over Baghdad’s 
US-protected Green Zone. The US controls what passes for Iraq’s police and 
armed forces. Maliki has no army of his own; his Shia supporters are 
divided and feuding. How can Bush expect a powerless prime minister to do 
what the mighty US cannot? Continue


Is President Bush Sane?

The president of the United States is so deep into denial that he is no 
longer among the sane.


Has He Started Talking to the Walls?

We’ve witnessed the troubling behavior of a president who isn’t merely in a 
state of denial but is completely untethered from reality. It’s not that he 
can’t handle the truth about Iraq. He doesn’t know what the truth is.


The US and the Middle East: A “Grand Settlement” Versus the Jewish Lobby

Because of the refusal of the peace movement to take a stand and confront 
the Zionist Lobby, it is condemned to playing a passive ‘spectator role’ in 
the ‘Baker versus-Lobby’ battle for control over US Middle East policy.


Iraq - Lantos: We'll be rid of the bastard soon enough. And in his place 
we'll install a pro-Western dictator

My dear Colette, don't worry, 

[media-dakwah] U.S. funding Somali warlords - intelligence experts

2006-12-04 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

U.S. funding Somali warlords - intelligence experts

By David Morgan

A member of a Somali Islamic Court militia holds...

A member of a Somali Islamic Court militia holds his weapon in the Bal'ad 
area after clashes with a self-styled anti-terrorism coalition of warlords, 
June 4, 2006. REUTERS/Shabelle Media

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has been funnelling more than 
$100,000 a month to warlords battling Islamist militia in Somalia, 
according to a Somalia expert who has conferred with the groups in the country.

The U.S. operation, which former intelligence officials say is aimed at 
preventing emergence of rulers who could provide al Qaeda with a safe haven 
akin to Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, appeared to be seriously set back on 
Monday when an Islamic coalition claimed control of Mogadishu.

U.S. government officials refused to discuss any possible secret U.S. 
involvement in the strategically placed Horn of Africa state, which has 
been wrecked by years of fighting.

But former U.S. intelligence officials, speaking on condition of anonymity 
because of the sensitivity of the subject, said an operation to support the 
warlords' alliance appeared to involve both the CIA and U.S. military.

John Prendergast, who monitors Somalia for the think-tank International 
Crisis Group, said he learnt during meetings with alliance members in 
Somalia that the CIA was financing the warlords with cash payments.

Prendergast estimated that CIA-operated flights into Somalia have been 
bringing in $100,000 to $150,000 per month for the warlords. The flights 
remain in Somalia for the day, he said, so that U.S. agents can confer with 
their allies.

The Bush administration has maintained a silence over allegations in recent 
months of a U.S. proxy war against Islamist radicalism in the country.

Pentagon spokesman Navy Lt. Commander Joe Carpenter reiterated the 
administration's position that the United States stands ready to disrupt 
the efforts of terrorists wherever they may be active.


Claims of clandestine U.S. support for secular warlords who call themselves 
the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism have been 
aired by Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf and independent analysts.

A United Nations team charged with monitoring a U.N. arms embargo against 
Somalia has also said it is investigating an unnamed country's clandestine 
support for the warlords alliance as a possible violation of the weapons ban.

The former intelligence officials said the operation was controlled by the 
Pentagon through U.S. Central Command's Combined Joint Task Force for the 
Horn of Africa, a counterterrorism mission based in neighbouring Djibouti 
established after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

On Monday, after months of fighting that has killed around 350 people, the 
Islamic militia claimed control of Mogadishu and a warlord militiaman said 
his coalition's leaders were fleeing the capital.

U.S. intelligence has produced no conclusive evidence of an active al Qaeda 
presence in Somalia, experts said. But there have been reports of al Qaeda 
members in the country, including suspects in the 1998 U.S. embassy 
bombings in East Africa.

The Pentagon, and now the U.S. government as a whole, is convinced these 
are elements for establishing a religious-based government like the 
Taliban, that could be exploited by al Qaeda, said a former intelligence 
official knowledgeable about U.S. courterterrorism activities.

The CIA has given its warlord allies surveillance equipment for tracking al 
Qaeda suspects and appeared to view the warlords as a counter to the 
influence of Afghanistan-trained Islamist militia leader Aden Hashi Aryo, 
Prendergast said.

By circumventing the new government and going straight to individual 
warlords, the U.S. is perpetuating and even deepening Somalia's fundamental 
problems, and compromising long-term efforts to combat extremism, 
Prendergast said.

Somalia, a country of 10 million people, has had no effective central 
authority since 1991 when warlords overthrew military dictator Mohamed Siad 
Barre. The central government is based temporarily in the town of Baidoa 
and has been unable to control events in Mogadishu.

Americans have bad memories of U.S. involvement in Somalia in 1993, when 18 
U.S. soldiers were killed and 79 injured in a battle with guerrillas loyal 
to warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid after entering the country to support a 
relief effort.

(c) Reuters 2006. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of 
Reuters content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is 
expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters 
and the Reuters sphere logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of the 
Reuters group of companies around the world.


[media-dakwah] The U.S. Has a History of Using Torture

2006-12-04 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The U.S. Has a History of Using Torture

Alfred W. McCoy

December 3, 2006

Mr. McCoy is J.R.W. Smail Professor of History at the University of 
Wisconsin-Madison and the author of A Question of Torture: CIA 
Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror (New York: 
Metropolitan Books, 2006).

In April 2004, Americans were stunned when CBS broadcast those 
now-notorious photographs from Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, showing hooded 
Iraqis stripped naked while U.S. soldiers stood by smiling.  As this 
scandal grabbed headlines around the globe, Defense Secretary Donald 
Rumsfeld insisted that the abuses were perpetrated by a small number of 
U.S. military, whom New York Times’ columnist William Safire soon branded 
creeps--a line that few in the press had reason to challenge.

When I looked at these photos, I did not see snapshots of simple brutality 
or a breakdown in military discipline. After more than a decade of studying 
the Philippine military’s torture techniques for a monograph published by 
Yale back 1999, I could see the tell-tale signs of the CIA’s psychological 
methods. For example, that iconic photo of a hooded Iraqi with fake 
electrical wires hanging from his extended arms  shows, not the sadism of a 
few creeps, but instead the two key trademark’s of the CIA’s 
psychological torture. The hood was for sensory disorientation. The arms 
were extended for self-inflicted pain. It was that simple; it was that 

After making that argument in an op-ed for the Boston Globe two weeks after 
CBS published the photos, I began exploring the historical continuity, the 
connections, between the CIA torture research back in the 1950s and Abu 
Ghraib in 2004. By using the past to interrogate the present, I published a 
book titled A Question of Torture last January that tracks the trail of an 
extraordinary historical and institutional continuity through countless 
pages of declassified documents. The findings are disturbing and bear 
directly upon the ongoing bitter debate over torture that culminated in the 
enactment of the Military Commissions law just last October.

 From 1950 to 1962, the CIA led a secret research effort to crack the code 
of human consciousness, a veritable Manhattan project of the mind with 
costs that reached a billion dollars a year. Many have heard about the most 
outlandish and least successful aspect of this research -- the testing of 
LSD on unsuspecting subjects and the tragic death of a CIA employee, Dr. 
Frank Olson, who jumped to his death from a New York hotel after a dose of 
this drug. This Agency drug testing, the focus of countless sensational 
press accounts and a half-dozen major books, led nowhere.

But obscure CIA-funded behavioral experiments, outsourced to the country’s 
leading universities, produced two key findings, both duly and dully 
reported in scientific journals, that contributed to the discovery of a 
distinctly American form of torture, psychological torture. With funding 
from Canada’s Defense Research Board, famed Canadian psychologist Dr. 
Donald O. Hebb found that he could induce a state akin to psychosis in just 
48 hours. What had the doctor done­drugs, hypnosis, electroshock? No, none 
of the above.

For two days, student volunteers at McGill University, where Dr. Hebb was 
chair of Psychology, simply sat in comfortable cubicles deprived of sensory 
stimulation by goggles, gloves, and ear muffs. One of Hebb’s subjects, 
University of California-Berkeley English professor Peter Dale Scott, has 
described the impact of this experience in his 1992 epic poem, Listening 
to the Candle:

nothing in those weeks added up

  yet the very aimlessness

  preconditioning my mind…

of sensory deprivation

  as a paid volunteer

  in the McGill experiment

for the US Air Force

  (two CIA reps at the meeting)

  my ears sore from their earphones’

amniotic hum my eyes

  under two bulging halves of ping pong balls

  arms covered to the tips with cardboard tubes

those familiar hallucination

  I was the first to report

  as for example the string

of cut-out paper men

  emerging from a manhole

  in the side of a snow-white hill

distinctly two-dimensional

Dr. Hebb himself reported that after just two to three days of such 
isolation the subject’s very identity had begun to disintegrate. If you 
compare a drawing of Dr. Hebb’s student volunteers published in Scientific 
American with later photos of Guantanamo detainees, the similarity is, for 
good reason, striking.

During the 1950s as well, two eminent neurologists at Cornell Medical 
Center working for the CIA found that the KGB’s most devastating torture 
technique involved, not crude physical beatings, but simply forcing the 
victim to stand 

[media-dakwah] Mister Death Squad Goes to Washington

2006-12-04 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Mister Death Squad Goes to Washington

by Ahmed Amr

Sunday December 3, 2006


Welcome to the final Byzantine round of the Machiavellian Iraqi war games 
in Washington. Making his triumphant appearance today is none other than 
Abdelaziz Al-Hakim – the wise one. He’s a veteran player who survived four 
years of preliminary elimination rounds to qualify for the final phase of 
what is turning out to be a truly Olympian imperial project.

Behold Hakim’s resplendent clerical robes. You can always spot the players 
who’ve spent a lifetime training for their roles on history’s stage. No one 
doubts that this ‘man of the cloth’ will pass the drug screening tests. 
This late in the game, we can only hope that our designated team captain 
resists the temptation to drown his Mesopotamian sorrows in a bottle of gin 
or indulge in a snow-snorting binge.

As far back as the qualifying events – when this quagmire was still a 
neo-con fantasy – Al-Hakim and his team mates were recruited to shower 
“rice and roses” on coalition forces as they cake walked their way from 
Basra to Baghdad.

Al Hakim’s resume is truly impressive. He’s an Ayatollah and a son of an 
Ayatollah. He speaks fluent Farsi – having spent half his entire life 
living in exile as an honored guest of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. As 
a dedicated theocrat – he allied his sectarian legions of Iraqi exiles with 
the Iranian army in the Iran-Iraq war. It’s safe to assume that he puts his 
faith based political doctrines above his country – a trait he shares with 
his host.

To get a measure of the man, you need to see past Hakim’s wardrobe. This 
guy is more than a religious missionary. He’s certainly no ordinary 
politician. You can’t even consider him a military man – although he was 
the leader of the Badr Brigades – the military wing of the Supreme Council 
of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq – SCIRI. Still, he’s so much more than 
that. The source of his political clout is his control over the Shiite 
death squads that have infiltrated the American-trained security forces.

And there’s more to recommend this man for the task of getting “the job 
done.” The death squads under Al Hakim’s command aren’t your run of the 
mill assassins. They usually leave their signature on their victims before 
grinding them up. Al Hakim’s dedicated cadres like to drill holes in other 
people’s skulls before dumping the mutilated cadavers on Baghdad’s streets 
as a warning to any real or potential adversaries.

It’s not yet clear why Bush invited Mister Death Squad to Washington. But 
let’s not ‘misunderestimate’ the President. This is the same POTUS who 
thundered from his bully pulpit that “we cannot turn a blind eye to 
repression because that repression is not in our back yard.” What he failed 
to mention was that – as the need arises - we would continue to invite 
vicious torturers and assassins to our front yard for tea in the Rose Garden.

Bush’s media collaborators are already calling Hakim a ‘moderate’ – 
compared to the mercurial Moqtada Al Sadr. Some death squad leaders are 
apparently more reliable than others.

What makes Hakim so special is that he seems such a mature thug – the kind 
of SOB that can be our SOB. The Badr militias have a reputation of being 
disciplined and heavily indoctrinated foot soldiers who follow the party 
line. Once they get orders to close down their torture dungeons, Hakim’s 
loyalists will likely obey his command. Of course, that also means that the 
torture sessions could only have started with Hakim’s explicit orders.

A few pundits are suggesting that the president is using Hakim’s visit as a 
way to build bridges to Tehran. Or maybe the administration is sending 
Al-Maliki a message that he should abandon his alliance with Al Sadr and 
stick with the scary guy from SCIRI.

You never know what Bush has in mind for ‘Plan Z.’ By the time he figures 
out a new course of action – he’ll need another plan.

No one in his right mind is suggesting that exiting Iraq was ever going to 
be a tidy business. But that doesn’t mean we have to ignore that the man 
invited to sip tea with the president is holding a common household drill 
dripping with blood and brain tissue. Hakim keeps trying to wipe it off 
with his clerical robes to the amusement of our emperor – who unfortunately 
has no clothes to help out his guest. Snickering in the corner, the 
assembled media dignitaries mind their manners and pretend not to notice.

Now, drive your imagination to some dark stink hole in Baghdad owned and 
operated by Al-Hakim’s thugs in the interior ministry. A Baghdad University 
professor is tied down to a sturdy blood drenched workbench about to get 
his skull drilled by professionals assigned to SCIRI’s torture squads. Two 
of his sons 

[media-dakwah] Ulama Kyai banyak yg bakal masuk NERAKA

2006-12-04 Terurut Topik Ahmadi Agung
Sabda Nabi Muhammad saw 
Jika kamu berangkat tidur dalam keadaan kenyang, tetapi 
tetanggamu berangkat tidur dalam keadaan lapar- 
Padahal kamu tahu akan keadaan itu tapi kamu TIDAK MAU membantu 
( memberikan makanan ) padahal kamu MAMPU untuk membantunya, maka..
Bau wanginya Syurga HARAM bagi kamu ( Apalagi MASUK SYURGA . 
pen ) walaupun kamu seorang yg AHLI IBADAH. 
Berapa MILYAR Rupiah uang yg telah  selalu di hambur-hamburkan 
oleh Para ULAMA  Para KYAI hanya untuk ber-megah-megahan, hanya untuk 
mengadakan MUKTAMAR, ISTIGHOSAH, Temu Gus Dur di Hotel berbintang, Temu Kader, 
Ratiban yg TIDAK ada Contoh dari Rosululloh saw, biaya Pernikahan bahkan Biaya 
ULTAH secara mewah anak-anak para Kyai  Ulama tersebut... 
yg mana semua kegiatan itu TIDAK memberikan SOLUSI apapun 
terhadap Semua permasalah yg sedang melanda  sedang di hadapi oleh Umat, 
seperti Kemiskinan, kelaparan, bencana, dsb,dsb 
Malah Justru semua kegiatan yg sering di lakukan oleh Para 
Ulama  Para Kyai tersebut hanya menyakitkan hati Umat  menjadikan banyak Umat 
yg menjadi bingung, frustrasi  putus asa... 
Padahal mereka, Para Ulama  Para Kyai itu tahu sesungguhnya 
banyak sekali umat Islam  non Islam di sekitarnya yg berangkat  bangun tidur 
perutnya selalu dalam keadaan LAPAR, seperti para gelandangan , para pemulung  
seluruh umat yg masih miskin yg jumlahnya ratusan juta  berada di 
Tapi Para Ulama  Para Kyai itu Banyak yg Menutup mata 

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[media-dakwah] Re: Siaran Ulang Konferensi Pers Aa Gym dan Teh Ninih Via Webradio

2006-12-04 Terurut Topik A Nizami
Poligami bukan sunnah, tapi mubah. Artinya boleh
dilakukan boleh tidak.
Sebab tidak semua orang bisa bermonogami dan juga
tidak semua orang bisa berpoligami.

Dari 4 presiden RI, Sukarno, Soeharto, Habibie, Gus
Dur, 3 terkait dgn lebih dari 1 wanita.

Presiden AS sendiri banyak yang tidak sanggup
bermonogami murni. Bill Clinton terlibat seks dgn
wanita lain. Kennedy, Woodrow Wilson, Roosevelt,
Jefferson, dsb juga begitu.

Di Alkitab juga tertulis bahwa Abraham punya lebih
dari 1 istri dan gundik, demikian pula Jakob, Daud,
Solomon, dsb. Di Alkitab bahkan disebut Daud yang
diurapi Tuhan punya 100 istri, sementara Solomon punya
700 istri dan 300 gundik.

Di Tempo pernah diberitakan bahwa dari 3 pria pasti
ada 1 pria yg punya wanita lain.

Yahya Zain juga begitu, karena ngotot bermonogami
akhirnya selingkuh/berzina. Ketika hamil, janin
selingkuhannya digugurkan. Itulah akibat memaksakan

Saat ini poligami yang dihalalkan oleh Allah dicerca
sebagian orang yang tidak beriman. Tapi mereka justru
mendukung keberadaan pelacuran. Tempat pelacuran
dilarang diberantas oleh mereka...:)

--- Rama B. Swandana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Iman K. Nawireja
  Nabi SAW marah besar ketika mendengar putri
 beliau, Fathimah binti
 Muhammad SAW, akan dipoligami Ali bin Abi Thalib RA.
 Ketika mendengar
 rencana itu, Nabi pun langsung masuk ke masjid dan
 naik mimbar, lalu
 berseru: Beberapa keluarga Bani Hasyim bin
 al-Mughirah meminta izin
 kepadaku untuk mengawinkan putri mereka dengan Ali
 bin Abi Thalib.
 Ketahuilah, aku tidak akan mengizinkan, sekali lagi
 tidak akan
 mengizinkan. Sungguh tidak aku izinkan, kecuali Ali
 bin Abi Thalib
 menceraikan putriku, kupersilakan mengawini putri
 mereka. Ketahuilah,
 putriku itu bagian dariku; apa yang mengganggu
 perasaannya adalah
 menggangguku juga, apa yang menyakiti hatinya adalah
 menyakiti hatiku
 juga. (Jâmi' al-Ushûl, juz XII, 162, nomor hadis:
 Saya mau bertanya. Meminjam kata yg sering digunakan
 Aa Gym, kalau
 poligami itu sunah, lantas apa 'hikmahnya' Nabi
 melarang anaknya

Ingin belajar Islam sesuai Al Qur'an dan Hadits?
Kirim email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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[media-dakwah] US Terrorize The World - 14 Dzulqaidah 1427 H (5.12.06)

2006-12-04 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

1,245 Secret CIA Flights Revealed by European Parliament

It has been reported that 737s were used for these flights. Each 737 
carries about 100 passengers.

So, do the math. Over 120,000 victims of US torture. That we know about.


The Price of Imperial Overreach - The Withering of the Bush Dynasty

The Bush family has been characterized in various ways including the Bush 
dynasty, crime family or syndicate. George Bush is just the latest in a 
line of unsavory characters but clearly the bad or worst seed and, in the 
eyes of most honest observers, the least worthy of an unworthy lot. He was 
supposed to be the latest in the Bush family line chosen to lay another 
golden egg for the dynasty but turned out instead to be an ugly duckling 
who's just been an embarrassment and much worse because of the course he 
chose and his rigid ideological obstinacy to change even in the face of 


The End of the Bush Dynasty

The Bush family has been characterized in various ways  including the Bush 
dynasty, crime family or syndicate.  George Bush is just the latest in a 
line of unsavory characters but clearly the bad or worst seed and, in the 
eyes of most honest observers, the least worthy of an unworthy lot.  He was 
supposed to be the latest in the Bush family line chosen to lay another 
golden egg for the dynasty but turned out instead to be an ugly duckling 
who's just been an embarrassment and much worse because of the course he 
chose and his rigid ideological obstinacy to change even in the face of 


Annan: Iraq in civil war, worse than under Saddam

UNITED NATIONS, Dec 3 (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said 
Iraq was in the grips of a civil war and many people were worse off now 
than under Saddam Hussein, according to an interview to be broadcast on Monday.


Annan: Average Iraqi's life is worse now

The level of violence in Iraq is much worse than that of Lebanon's civil 
war, outgoing U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said in an interview aired 

Speaking to the British Broadcasting Corp., Annan agreed that the average 
Iraqi's life is worse now than it was under Saddam Hussein and called the 
situation in the country extremely dangerous.


Bush's Meeting With A Murderer

President George W. Bush meets today with Abdel Aziz al-Hakim, the turbaned 
leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), a 
Shiite fundamentalist party that is strongly tied to Iran. In so doing, the 
president is meeting with someone who, perhaps more than anyone else in 
Iraq, is responsible for trying to destroy Iraqi national unity, prevent 
national reconciliation among Iraq’s ethnic and sectarian mix, and push 
Iraq into civil war. Al-Hakim, who was virtually Fed-Ex’d into Iraq by the 
Pentagon in March 2003, was a mainstay of the Iraqi National Congress, led 
by neoconservative darling Ahmed Chalabi throughout the 1990s. And today 
al-Hakim controls the SCIRI militia, the Badr Brigade, the Iraqi interior 
ministry and many of Iraq’s feared death squads. Not to put too fine a 
point on it, Hakim is a mass murderer...


Iraq : Excuse me, Ms Becket?

It was with complete arrogance that Britain’s Foreign Secretary Margaret 
Becket, was able to declare on the 1/12/2006, at the Forum for the Future 
conference in Jordan, that the education of young people in the Middle East 
was key to tackling global problems like chronic underdevelopment, climate 
change and terrorism. Joined by foreign ministers of the G8 countries, Ms. 
Becket made this announcement to the young people of the East, forgetting 
that it was her government and that of fellow conference delegate Ms. 
Condalezza Rice, who have helped to create the instability of the region. 
The Labour minister failed to mention in her statement, that over 655,000 
Iraqis have died as result of her governments fight against terrorism 
inside of Iraq with the colonial venture clearly failing with over 71 per 
cent of Iraqi's wanting the illegally based troops to leave their country...


Green Zone Iraqis cheer as Abeer is raped

O you Iraqis of the Green Zone. All you false Iraqis earning greenbacks as 
your sisters are raped and your brothers are hanged. Where is your honor? 
In the Philippines, a US soldier rapes a girl and is put on trial IN 
MANILA. In Iraq, several US soldiers rape a girl, burn her body, butcher 
her family and try

[media-dakwah] Bermanfaatkah Qurban Kita???

2006-12-04 Terurut Topik abdul azis
More Info dan Jemput Qurban :
  Abdul Azis 0813 10797114

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[media-dakwah] Kelahiran anak

2006-12-04 Terurut Topik Akhmad supandi
Assalamu'alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokaatuh,
  Apa saja kewajiban dan perlakuan terhadap anak yang baru dilahirkan ???  atas 
tanggapan dan jawabannya saya ucapkan banyak2 terima kasih
  kalau bisa disertakan hadistnya.
  Wassalamu'alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokaatuh,
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