[MoLiCo] WND: Obama Orders Mental Health Testing for Schoolchildren

2014-11-10 Thread 'Fred B. Ellison' via missourilibertycoalition

Using “gun violence” as its cover, the Obama administration has quietly 
unleashed a cache of federal dollars that will be used for testing students for 
signs of mental health issues in K-12 schools.

Critics say personal information scooped up in the screenings will be logged 
into databases that will follow the child throughout his or her academic career 
and beyond.

Public schools, which have increasingly taken on aspects of psychiatric clinics 
in recent years, will get infused with more than $150 million in federal grants 
to further this agenda under the auspices of Obama’s 2013 executive action 
titled “Now is the Time to Do Something About Gun Violence.”

Obama took the action following the Sandy Hook, Connecticut, school shooting, 
putting Vice President Joe Biden in charge of a task force on “gun violence.”

These are the goals that came out of Biden’s task force:

• Strengthen the background check system for gun sales
• Require background checks for all gun sales
• Pass a new, stronger ban on assault weapons
• Limit ammunition magazines to 10 rounds
• Finish the job of getting armor-piercing bullets off the streets
• Give law enforcement additional tools to prevent and prosecute gun crime
• End the freeze on gun violence research
• Make our schools safer with new resource officers and counselors, better 
emergency response plans and more nurturing school climates
• Ensure quality coverage of mental health treatment, particularly for 
young people.

The last two measures are where the mental health screenings for students come 
into play.

On Sept. 22, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M. 
Burwell announced $99 million in new federal grants to school districts for 
mental health services. The money will be used “to train new mental health 
providers, help teachers and others recognize mental health issues in youth and 
connect them to help and increase access to mental health services for young 

On Sept. 23, the U.S. Department of Education announced another $70 million in 
“School Climate Transformation grants.” More than half of the money “will be 
used to develop, enhance, or expand systems of support for implementing 
evidence-based, multi-tiered behavioral frameworks for improving behavioral 
outcomes and learning conditions.”

The goals of such measures include “connecting[ing] children, youths, and 
families to appropriate services and supports,” and increasing “measures of and 
the ability to respond to mental health issues among school-aged youth.”

Both HHS and DOE cited Obama’s “Now is the Time” declaration as the basis for 
the new programs.

“The administration is committed to increasing access to mental health services 
to protect the health of children and communities,” Burwell said.

Of the DOE’s $70 million package, $13 million is allocated to aiding school 
districts in creating “high-quality school emergency plans.” Another $14 
million goes toward “Project Prevent grants” for violence-plagued schools to 
“be used for school-based counseling services, or referrals to community-based 
counseling services for assistance in coping with trauma or anxiety.”

Such designs hint at broader motives and agendas, reports Professor James F. 
Tracy in an article for Global Research:

“1) the federal government’s continued aggressive transformation of the 
healthcare system; and 2) psychiatry and drug manufacturers’ shared mission to 
persuade an increasing segment of the national and global population that it 
has one or more undiagnosed mental or emotional ‘disorders’ that require 
analysis and treatment.

Introducing psychiatric explanations and methodologies into school 
environments guarantees a growing customer base for the psychiatric profession 
and pharmaceutical industry. Alongside government’s increasing control of 
healthcare, the technocratic surveillance and management of everyday thought 
and behavior is likewise emerging as part of what is deceptively termed 

In reality such efforts ensure an ever-expanding bureaucracy, handsomely 
line the pockets of a select few, and further normalize a culture of learned 
helplessness and control within an environment that already privileges 
conformity as a matter of routine.”

A very dangerous trend

Jane Robbins, senior fellow at the American Principles Project in Washington, 
D.C., said the federal government’s interest in testing students, not only for 
academic knowledge but for psychological and behavioral traits, has been a 
problem for many years.

“Never let a good crisis (a school shooting) go to waste, right?” Robbins told 
WND via email. “This appears to be part of the broader goal of focusing 
education less on academic knowledge and more on students’ feelings, mindsets, 
attitudes, etc. — so-called social and emotional learning (SEL).”


[MoLiCo] Fwd: [SpringfieldC4L] MO Against Common Core mtg, SGF, 10/22, 6:30p, Doling

2014-10-16 Thread 'Fred B. Ellison' via missourilibertycoalition

  Original message
 Subject:[SpringfieldC4L] MO Against
 Common Core mtg, SGF, 10/22, 6:30p, Doling
 From:'Mr. Bill' apollo6953-polit...@yahoo.com [SpringfieldC4L]
For those in Springfield, here is the notice for a meeting
 concerning Common Core. There are about 3 other meetings the
 same week in Jefferson City, St Louis,  Sikeston.  If possible,
 please attend 1 of these meetings. 

For more information: 

 Bill Boone, Chairman, Central Committee
 Greene County Libertarian Party

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[MoLiCo] FW: Springfield Citizens United Asks for Your Help

2014-10-07 Thread 'Fred B. Ellison' via missourilibertycoalition

Dear Liberty Minded Friend,

I write this letter in high hopes you will receive the same with an open mind 
and understanding perspective. I present this argument on behalf of Springfield 
Citizens United, a group assembled to protest the Springfield, Missouri City 
Council's attempt to pass legislation making sexual orientation and gender 
identity a category of “protected classes” in our city's legal code. This law 
will make it illegal to discriminate in hiring and housing due to one's sexual 
orientation or gender identity. The proposed law is written in Council Bill 
2014-189, and is being voted on by Springfield City Council on October 13, 2014.

In short, our opposition stems from several major concerns:

1.  This law, if passed, will expand the police powers of the Mayor's 
Commission on Human Rights. It will give this unelected, untrained body serving 
only at the will of the Mayor (accountable to him only) unprecedented abilities 
to inquire, investigate, and suggest to prosecutors and other government 
officials actions to be taken against private business owners and citizens of 
the community. Springfield Citizens United believes putting this power and 
oversight in the hands of such a board will cause great harm to individual and 
business liberties and private property rights.   

2.  If passed, this law will require business owners to perform services to 
the general public regardless of the fact that doing so may violate their own 
conscience and moral values, using the threat of penalty to force a business 
owner to participate in actions against his/her will. We believe that doing 
this will create an atmosphere that is the antithesis of freedom of thought and 
the freedom to exercise one's own conscience on one's own property.

3.  It will open the door for biological males, including heterosexual 
sexual predators, to legally use women's restrooms in restaurants, grocery 
stores, and shopping outlets inside the City of Springfield. This concern is 
not derived from the issue of transgender individuals using women's restrooms, 
rather insincere sexual deviants who are using this law to their advantage. 
This places in direct jeopardy our mothers, wives, and daughters to the threat 
of insincere deviants; this must not be deemed acceptable by the Springfield 

4.  This law will place senior citizens and other private citizens who rent 
property at risk of losing their home if a disgruntled tenant decides to use 
this law against the landlord, this due to the fact there is no “Mrs. Murphy's 
Clause” in this law. This clause is a common legal measure to protect private 
home owners from a law that is intended for businesses. We believe this is a 
direct attack on private property rights.

We wish to note that those found in violation of this ordinance will be subject 
to $1,000 fines and up to six months in jail.

Springfield Citizens United was organized from Libertarian, Conservative, 
religious and non-religious organizations that all agree on several things. We 
agree that this is not a fight against the LGBT community, rather an effort to 
protect Springfield's 1st Amendment right to the free exercise of religion; we 
agree that this is not an attack on the Gay Rights Movement, rather a defense 
against an attack on our property and intellectual rights by the extreme wing 
of that movement; we agree this is not about natural progress in a civil 
society, but it's antithesis – that being “progress” by force of government.

Our organizations' hope is that you will see past what the headlines make this 
situation out to be, and recognize that the members of SCU have family, 
friends, and business associates who have “alternative lifestyles.” Again, this 
is not about intolerance; it is merely requesting the same tolerance we are 
being told we need to display be displayed by all parties.

If you live in Springfield, own rental property in Springfield, or own, manage 
or work for a business in Springfield, please take action to oppose the 
ordinances. Also, please forward this email to anyone you know who fits into 
one of those categories and who is likely to oppose the ordinances.

To take action, we encourage you to petition Springfield City Council 
http://springfieldmo.gov/145/City-Council  to vote no on this Ordinance. You 
can do so by:

· calling (417) 864-1651 tel:%28417%29%20864-1651  (in which you can 
also request a visit), or

· faxing (417) 864-1649 tel:%28417%29%20864-1649 , or

· emailing at citycoun...@springfieldmo.gov.

Also, please attend the City Council meeting in which this law will be 
discussed and voted on. The meeting is on October 13, 2014 at 6:30 PM, and will 
be at 830 N. Boonville Ave (NE Corner of Chestnut Expwy and Boonville Ave) on 
the 3rd floor.

In closing, I was once asked what the definition of freedom is, and I appeal to 
you that my answer be heard and applied to this issue:

Freedom is the 

[MoLiCo] FW: Corrupt Craft (Paul Jacob on sneaky politicians and the people who applaud their antics)

2014-09-25 Thread 'Fred B. Ellison' via missourilibertycoalition

Forwarded message
From: p...@libertyifund.org
To: fbelli...@yahoo.com
Sent: Wed, Sep 24, 2014 8:26 AM CDT
Subject: Corrupt Craft (Paul Jacob on sneaky politicians and the people who 
applaud their antics)

September 24, 2014


Some political opponents win your respect, even if not your agreement. Others . 
. . well, not so much.

Earlier this week, a publication called Arkansas Business editorialized against 
Issue 3 on the Natural State's November ballot, calling it a freakish hybrid, 
a gambit to trick voters into expanding term limits for state legislators.

This constitutional amendment was proposed with overwhelming support from state 
legislators, who designed it to hoodwink voters into gutting their term limits. 
The measure hides that consequential change  from six years in the House to 16 
years and from eight years in the Senate to 16 years  inside a so-called 
ethics amendment.

The ballot wording only tells voters that the measure is setting term limits, 
which Arkansas Business correctly points out conveys something close to the 
opposite of what the amendment would do, adding it's certainly misleading.

Now, Arkansas Business is no fan of term limits. The editorial concludes, 
Arguments can be made for each of these proposals [in Issue 3], including 
longer term limits . . . But we can't endorse the current form, as much as we'd 
like to.

Arkansas Business seems clearly offended by the deception. How endearingly 

Meanwhile, more elite opinion applauds the brilliance of the scheme, the 
amazing skill of these politicians applying their sneaky technique.

Arkansas voters soundly rejected term-limit changes in 2004, reports 
Governing magazine, paraphrasing University of Arkansas Professor Janine Parry, 
but this time proponents craftily inserted their language into a broad package 
that, among other things, prohibits corporate contributions to candidates and 
lobbyist gifts to elected officials.


What on earth is their craft? Fraud?

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.

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Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit 
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a persuasive 
manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund (LIFe) as well 
as Citizens in Charge and Citizens in Charge Foundation. The opinions expressed 
in Common Sense (and at Townhall.com, where Paul has written weekend columns 
since 2003) are his own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Think 
Freely Media, Liberty Initiative Fund or Citizens in Charge.

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[MoLiCo] FW: For Some Reason (Paul Jacob on politicians' rationales for subsidy)

2014-09-19 Thread 'Fred B. Ellison' via missourilibertycoalition

Forwarded message
From: p...@libertyifund.org
To: fbelli...@yahoo.com
Sent: Thu, Sep 18, 2014 8:21 AM CDT
Subject: For Some Reason (Paul Jacob on politicians' rationales for subsidy)

September 18, 2014


Yesterday, the House voted to extend the
legal ability for the Export-Import Bank to
run . . . for another nine months. The
people's legislature passed the stop-gap
measure, 319-108, with both bipartisan
support and bipartisan opposition.

Just last month, President Obama expressed
dismay that Republicans would be against it.

For some reason, he intoned, right now the
House Republicans have decided that we
shouldn't do this. . . . He pretended to
incredulity and puzzlement. He gave the usual
reasoning for the subsidized financial
guarantees, and insisted that every country
does this.

When, he asked, did that become something
that Republicans opposed?

Obama could've asked all those members of his
own party who opposed it.

But then, he could have asked himself. Back
in 2008, he very clearly put the Ex-Im Bank
on the theoretical chopping block. Candidate
Obama gave the big business bank up as a
program that didn't work and one that had
become little more than a fund for corporate

So why the change of mind, Mr. Obama?

Has the Ex-Im ceased being a fund for
corporate welfare?

No. It's still there, propping up big
businesses doing business abroad  indeed,
multinationals abroad, the kind of companies
that Obama's Occupier friends despise so

What has changed? He's in power, now. And
that power derives from the mighty federal
purse, filled by taxing hundreds of millions
of Americans, and used to give hundreds of
millions and billions in benefits to the few,
the insiders.

President Obama and the congressional
leadership of both parties are tighter than
ever with special interests.

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.

comment, view source material:

print and share: 


social media:



Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit 
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a persuasive 
manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund (LIFe) as well 
as Citizens in Charge and Citizens in Charge Foundation. The opinions expressed 
in Common Sense (and at Townhall.com, where Paul has written weekend columns 
since 2003) are his own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Think 
Freely Media, Liberty Initiative Fund or Citizens in Charge.

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[MoLiCo] SW Mo Thinker: Scalawags, Carpetbaggers, and Uncle Toms - A Brief History

2014-08-26 Thread Fred B. Ellison



Scalawags, Carpetbaggers, and Uncle Toms - A Brief History

August 25, 2014
le-toms-a-brief-history/  Politics
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jr http://swmothinker.wordpress.com/tag/martin-luther-king-jr/ , racism
http://swmothinker.wordpress.com/tag/racism/ , reconstruction
http://swmothinker.wordpress.com/tag/reconstruction/ , republican

Sitting down with my daughter for her freshman-year homework nightly has
been a treat. The most flavorful treat yet has been her history homework. We
started by working through the Civil War and the era of Reconstruction.

It was a wonderful refresher in how reconstructed our minds have become.
Between what we are taught and a reality that exists, there is a great moat
that nobody dares to cross because doing so would include the admission that
one doesn't care to protect their own emotional, psychological, and
political well being. Those who cross will be called names and derided until
they submit.

For as long as I can remember, the racially driven politicians, educators,
and voters of this nation have associated the minority vote with Democrats.
The Democrat Party looks out for the little guy; they want to make sure no
minority is left behind.

But the difference between political posturing and historic reality is
stark. I want to spend this time looking back on history and what we as
Americans have apparently lost sight of. That is the fact that though the
iconic Democrat Hillary Clinton can pose as a plantation worker
http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/01/17/clinton.plantation/  at the podium,
she and her party have a dark secret: their party is not, nor has it ever
been, the party of Civil Rights.

As I was reviewing the unit on the Civil War and Reconstruction with my
daughter, we came across Hirum Revels, a Mississippi Senator during the
mid-1850s. From the US Senate website
Senator.htm  we learn on February 25, 1870, visitors in the Senate
galleries burst into applause as senator-elect Hiram Revels, a Republican
from Mississippi, entered the chamber to take his oath of office. Why the
applause? No, no - calm down! It wasn't because he was merely a Republican.
It was because he was the first Black American to serve in Congress. That's
right! This glass ceiling for Black Americans in politics was broken by a
Republican. What do Senator Revels, Blanche K. Bruce, and Edward W. Brooke,
III, all have in common? Yes they were all US Senators - but also they were
the first three Black US Senators and also all three were Republicans
s . As a matter of fact, the first Black American to serve in the Senate as
a Democrat was Carol M. Braun, who took office in 1993. It's amazing how the
Party of Progress was only 123 years behind the curve of electing this
minority to the two-seat per state Senate.

But then what do we expect?

Let's take a look at the history of the Democratic Leadership of the past. I
like quotes, so let's start with those:

rtys-two_b_933995.html I'll have those Ners voting Democrat for the
next 200 years. -President Lyndon B. Johnson, Democrat

I am a former Kleagle [recruiter] of the Ku Klux Klan in Raleigh County . .
. The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its
rebirth here in West Virginia. It is necessary that the order be promoted
immediately and in every state in the union. -Senator Robert Byrd, Democrat

I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of the negroes.
-US Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, Democrat

Going beyond quotes alone, let's not forget President Woodrow Wilson
tudes-and-policies-of-woodrow-wilson/  - Democrat. While in office he
thought it was a good idea to have a showing of Birth of a Nation. This
movie was adopted from the book, The Clansman, which - among other racially
sickening views, saw the Ku Klux Klan as an organization to be hailed.

A great set of further quotes from Democrats and platform statements of
their party can be found consolidated in the Wall Street Journal extra,

[MoLiCo] FW: Bombshell: DOJ Admits Lois Lerner's Emails Not Missing

2014-08-26 Thread Fred B. Ellison
On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 12:32 PM, Judicial Watch
i...@news.judicialwatch.org wrote:




Dear Friend  Supporter,
We wanted to make sure you saw the breaking developments in our IRS
investigation. In a bombshell admission, forced out by Judicial Watch
lawsuits, the Obama Administration has disclosed that backs-ups of Loris
Lerner's IRS emails do still exist...
irect Please donate right now to keep the heat on Obama's IRS.

Judicial Watch Statement on Discovery of Backups for Missing 
Lois Lerner IRS Emails

Judicial Watch announced the following developments in our IRS missing
emails investigation. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton stated: 

Department of Justice attorneys for the Internal Revenue Service told
Judicial Watch on Friday that Lois Lerner's emails, indeed all government
computer records, are backed up by the federal government in case of a
government-wide catastrophe.  The Obama administration attorneys said that
this back-up system would be too onerous to search.  The DOJ attorneys also
acknowledged that the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
(TIGTA) is investigating this back-up system


We obviously disagree that disclosing the emails as required would be
onerous, and plan to raise this new development with Judge Sullivan.

This is a jaw-dropping revelation.  The Obama administration had been lying
to the American people about Lois Lerner's missing emails. There are no
missing Lois Lerner emails - nor missing emails of any of the other top
IRS or other government officials whose emails seem to be disappearing at
increasingly alarming rate. All the focus on missing hard drives has been a
diversion. The Obama administration has known all along where the email
records could be - but dishonestly withheld this information. You can bet we
are going to ask the court for immediate assistance in cutting through this
massive obstruction of justice.

Here is the second set of
irect sworn declarations by IRS officials
irect in response to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan's investigation into the
missing emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS officials. The declarations were
provided after close of business on Friday, August 22. 

We've got the IRS up against a wall. An accomplishment we could not have
done without you and supporters like you.
irect Will you donate now to help us finish the job and expose these


Your Judicial Watch Team 


irect Make a Contribution


irect Facebook
irect Twitter
irect YouTube
irect RSS

irect Visit JudicialWatch.org
425 3rd St, SW Suite 800
Washington, D.C. 20024 

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[MoLiCo] FW: Springfield Missouri City Ordinance

2014-08-25 Thread Fred B. Ellison

 Original message 
Subject:Springfield Missouri City Ordinance
From:Mark Kiser pastormarkki...@yahoo.com

Good afternoon folks,


It is time to rally the troops and put boots on the ground.  Springfield City 
council is bring back the homosexual, gender identity ordinance!  


So here's what I know. The Mayor, City Council members, and clerk...have no 
real idea what their doing. They diffidently cant agree. We talk with Brenda at 
the clerks office this week and she told Reclaiming Missouri for Christ she is 
not sure when or what they (City Council) will bring forward, or will the 
proposed ordinance have the same number. That's scary.


Action alert:

 Please contact Springfield City Council (this week) and let them know we STILL 
oppose this ordinance.even with religious organization exemption.  Be nice 
in your email, but boldly tell/proclaim the truth. Even the Task Force 
couldn't agree on what direction to go. Simply there is no need.  

Below are the email addresses: 
Mayor Bob Stephens- rsteph...@springfieldmo.gov

**Please remember. The only way to win this battle is if the Lord Himself is 
fighting for us. Last time the shock and awe worked. It will work again. Jesus 
was not crucified for being nice, He was crucified for telling the truth.

Thank you for you time and help. Let's keep up the heat and fight the good 
fight of faith!  **Please forward this email to all that may be concerned.

Have a blessed day!

Mark Kiser 
Going as a forerunner before Him. Luke 1:17

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[MoLiCo] The Washington TImes: Chicago Crime Rate Drops as Concealed Carry Applications Surge

2014-08-25 Thread Fred B. Ellison



Chicago crime rate drops as concealed carry applications surge

City sees fewer homicides, robberies, burglaries, car thefts as Illinois
residents take arms

By Kelly Riddell http://www.washingtontimes.com/staff/kelly-riddell/  -
The Washington Times - Sunday, August 24, 2014 

An 86-year-old Illinois man with a concealed carry permit fired his weapon
at an armed robbery suspect fleeing police last month, stopping the man in
his tracks and allowing the police to make an arrest.

Law enforcement authorities described the man as a model citizen who
helped others avoid being victims at an ATT store outside Chicago where
he witnessed the holdup. The man, whose identity was withheld from the
press, prevented others from entering the store during the theft.

Police said the robber harassed customers and pistol-whipped one.

Since Illinois started granting concealed carry permits this year, the
number of robberies that have led to arrests in Chicago has declined 20
percent from last year, according to police department statistics. Reports
of burglary and motor vehicle theft are down 20 percent and 26 percent,
respectively. In the first quarter, the city's homicide rate was at a
56-year low.

It isn't any coincidence crime rates started to go down when concealed
carry was permitted. Just the idea that the criminals don't know who's armed
and who isn't has a deterrence effect, said Richard Pearson, executive
director of the Illinois State Rifle Association. The police department
hasn't changed a single tactic - they haven't announced a shift in policy or
of course - and yet you have these incredible numbers.

As of July 29 the state had 83,183 applications for concealed carry and had
issued 68,549 licenses. By the end of the year, Mr. Pearson estimates,
100,000 Illinois citizens will be packing. When Illinois began processing
requests in January, gun training and shooting classes - which are required
for the application - were filling up before the rifle association was able
to schedule them, Mr. Pearson said.

The temperature would be 40 below, and you'd have these guys out on the
range, having to crack off the ice from their guns to see the target, Mr.
Pearson said. But they'd do it, because they were that passionate about
getting their license.

The demand has slowed this summer, but Mr. Pearson expects the state to
issue about 300,000 concealed carry permits when all is said and done.

Illinois became the 50th state in the nation to issue concealed weapons
permits. An individual permit costs about $600 and requires at least 16
hours of classes.

The Chicago Police Department has credited better police work as a reason
for the lower crime rates this year. Police Superintendent Garry F. McCarthy
noted the confiscation of more than 1,300 illegal guns in the first three
months of the year, better police training and intelligent policing

The Chicago Police Department didn't respond to a request for comment from
The Washington Times.

However, the impact of concealed carry can't be dismissed. Instead of
creating more crimes, which many gun control advocates warn, increased
concealed carry rates have coincided with lower rates of crime.

A July study by the Crime Prevention Research Center found that 11.1 million
Americans have permits to carry concealed weapons, a 147 percent increase
from 4.5 million seven years ago. Meanwhile, homicide and other violent
crime rates have dropped by 22 percent.

There's a lot of academic research that's been done on this, and if you
look at the peer-reviewed studies, the bottom line is a large majority find
a benefit of concealed carry on crime rates - and, at worst, there's no
cost, said John Lott Jr., president of the Crime Prevention Research Center
based in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. You can deter criminals with longer
prison sentences and penalties, but arming people with the right to defend
themselves with a gun is also a deterrence.

Within Illinois, Cook County, which encompasses Chicago, has the state's
largest number of concealed carry applications, with 28,552 requests,
according to the county's website. Accounting for population, however, less
than 1 percent are carrying.

Mason County has the top per-capita rate in Illinois, with 14 percent of its
residents holding concealed carry licenses, followed by Shelby County, with
9 percent.

When I talk to folks that are supporters of concealed carry here, a lot of
them want to get their permits so they can keep a gun in the car just so
they have it when they travel to bigger towns and cities, said Shelby
County Sheriff Michael Miller.

Shelby County is in southwestern Illinois, about an hour and 45 minutes
driving time from St. Louis. Its crime rate is low, and the majority of
charges are domestic-related, Sheriff Miller said. He doesn't anticipate
concealed carry to change the statistics much.

These are 

[MoLiCo] FW: Candid Cameras for Cops (Paul Jacob on the rational response to disputed events such as the fateful shooting in Ferguson)

2014-08-22 Thread Fred B. Ellison


August 22, 2014 

Candid Cameras for Cops 

Should policemen be required to wear cameras? 

Some already do. The rationale for the proposal is this: when police wear 
cameras that — with a few carefully defined exceptions — must be on whenever 
officers are on the job, they do their jobs better. 

With respect to the furor in Ferguson 
 , Missouri, a big question is what exactly happened there the day a cop shot 
and killed Michael Brown. 

Officer Darren Wilson claims self-defense; he and eyewitnesses disagree about 

It would have been helpful to have video of what happened. (We do have video 
  of an immediately preceding incident: of Brown, a large man, robbing cigars 
from a local store and shoving the protesting store owner, a much smaller man.) 

Or consider another case I've discussed 
 , that of Eric Garner, the New York City cigarette seller killed by an 
officer's chokehold despite Garner's repeated insistence that he couldn't 
breathe. That death was recorded on a bystander's cell phone. What if it hadn't 
been? The shock has spurred renewed calls 
  to begin outfitting NYPD with cameras. 

But there's no reason to limit pilot programs to the Big Apple. 

Some police work, like meetings with confidential informants, cannot be 
recorded without making the work impossible. But cops who are on the beat, 
entering a home, stopping motorists and the like should be recorded while doing 
these things. With appropriate safeguards against malfunction, the cameras 
could both prevent unnecessary violence and support officers who are in fact 
justified in using deadly force. 

Until the advent of universal peace and harmony, let's give the cameras a try. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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On August 22, 1952, France closed its penal colony on Devil's Island. At first 
a leper colony, by the end of the 19th century it had been transformed into a 
prison tasked primarily with housing enemies of the French state. 


 Reason is not 

[MoLiCo] FW: What's Going On Here? (Paul Jacob on a corruption-fighter in Tennessee)

2014-08-20 Thread Fred B. Ellison


August 20, 2014 

What's Going On Here? 

Sometimes asking What's going on here? (repeatedly) can keep a problem in the 
public eye -- when many who should know better would rather sweep it under the 
rug. In this case, the problem is $1.6 million unaccounted for in recent Penn 
Forest Township budgets. The Tennessee township's annual budget is only $4 
million or so. 

Former supervisor Paul Montemuro is one of those chastising the current board 
of supervisors. If they'd just agree to conduct the forensic audit of the 
couple of years leading up to 2008, I would shut up, he says 
 . The board approved that audit in 2012 but has not followed through.   
http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/Schutter.png Another fellow not shutting 
up is township auditor Matt Schutter, elected last November as a Libertarian. 
Throughout 2014 he has demanded that the audit go forward and township spending 
be fully accounted for, and has also asked the state attorney general to launch 
an investigation. 

Schutter tells Common Sense that despite sundry harassment, he won't relax the 
pressure any time soon. The board in July meeting voted that no one of the 
public can speak in a supervisors meeting about the money, Schutter explains. 
At the August meeting, I informed them that they were violating the First 

He then formally advised the supervisors that he would pursue further legal 
action (under 42 USC 1983! 
 , pertaining to civil action for deprivation of rights) if they continue 
violating their oaths of office. 

Let's send about 535 guys like this to Congress. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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  http://thisiscommonsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/ronpaul.png On 
August 20, 1991, Estonia issued a decision to re-establish independence on the 
basis of historical continuity of the Baltic country's pre-World War II 
statehood, sloughing off Soviet rule since 1940. 
On August 20, 1935, Ron Paul (pictured) was born. Paul is now famous for his 
heroic congressional record, his several presidential campaigns, and for books 
such as End the Fed and Liberty Defined. 


A nation is poor or is rich according as the quantity of property which she 
annually creates, in proportion to the number of her people, is great or is 
small. Now commerce tends to increase this annual produce by occasioning a more 
productive application and distribution both of the land and of the labour of 
the country. 
—James Mill 


Click HERE http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/ 
 to see Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit 
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a persuasive 
manner. Paul Jacob is President 

[MoLiCo] FW: Regarding Amendment 3 and Common Core

2014-08-18 Thread Fred B. Ellison
From: Sarah Baumgartner 
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2014 2:40 PM


I believe the amendment for teacher evaluation is on the highlighted area of
the first paragraph.   I do not know if it matches the wording on the
petitions that were signed by the citizens though.  Ellen B.



On Sunday, August 17, 2014 8:19 AM, Mary Byrne mary.byrn...@att.net wrote:


For those of you in MO -- Amendment 3 will be on our Nov. ballot. 



I received the following question (in italics) this morning. Below the
question is my response.


Is amendment 3 linked to common core besides both linking teacher evals with
student assessment scores?


In a way, yes --


Amendment 3 is tied to common core, in that, it is the students' SBAC test
scores that will be used to evaluate the teachers. The common core standards
and aligned assessments (meaning SBAC) and the building of the Statewide
Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) are mentioned as items 2 and 3 in the four
assurances agreed to by Governor Nixon when he applied for the State Fiscal
Stabilization funds (see p. E-1 of his application that is the Four
Assurances page attached)


As you know, Sinquefiled's team exchanged communication with Chris
Nicastro and others in the education elite who knew the conditions of SBAC
and the Statewide Longitudinal Data System, and though Sinquefield himself
may not know all the details, Chris Nicastro certainly did. SBAC is aligned
to common core state standards copyrighted to the National Governors
Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers (see the PPt
slide -- the copyright means teachers evaluations are tied to standards and
privately controlled tests that neither their school district nor their
statewide teachers association have any input). I think teachers are
uninformed about the implications of the copyright.


Look on page 2 of the attached MOU between the SBAC consortium and the USED
(this is the agreement that was signed to give SBAC the USED money to float
it until next month). The middle of the page shows language that the U.S.
DoE will have access to the teacher evaluation data -- this would violate
contract law, unless the school boards are no long the teachers' employers.




Look at page 15 of file called Secretary to Secretary Checklist which
illustrates the framework for the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (which
MO has developed).


The two documents describe the system to eliminate local control of
education, and centralize the management of classrooms -- including teacher
evaluations -- in the federal government.


Amendment 3 is not really necessary for the SBAC/SLDs  teacher evaluation
plan -- it is already in the works, but, if it passes, it will add state
constitutional support for the hijacking of local school district.


 NOTE: the above comment simply answered the question about the link between
CC and Amendment 3. The fact that SBAC has no validity or reliability data
to justify its use for ANYTHING, and that the Value Added Model (VAM ) of
teacher evaluation assumes a mathematical impossibility (parsing out the
effects of teacher instruction on a student's observed test score) was not
included in the response. Both of these issues are fundamental to the
concepts assumed by our MO DoE in promoting this travesty. School boards
MUST insist on integrity in assessment and their role as employers in the
board-teacher contracts to kill this absurd amendment.


But that's just my opinion . . .






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[MoLiCo] Southwest Missouri Thinker: War: A Nasty Little Secret

2014-08-18 Thread Fred B. Ellison


War: A nasty little secret

August 18, 2014
Current Events http://swmothinker.wordpress.com/category/current-events/ ,
Politics http://swmothinker.wordpress.com/category/politics/ Gaza
http://swmothinker.wordpress.com/tag/gaza/ , Hamas
http://swmothinker.wordpress.com/tag/hamas/ , Iraq
http://swmothinker.wordpress.com/tag/iraq/ , ISIS
http://swmothinker.wordpress.com/tag/isis/ , Israel
http://swmothinker.wordpress.com/tag/israel/ , Radical Islam
http://swmothinker.wordpress.com/tag/radical-islam/ , Syria
http://swmothinker.wordpress.com/tag/syria/ , War

Peace is purchased through strength. It's not purchased through weakness or
unilateral retreats. -Benjamin Netanyahu

With the news of America re-inserting itself in Iraq
http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/09/world/meast/iraq-crisis/index.html  through
airstrikes, we also have word that ISIS (Radical Islamic Terrorists) is
changing tactics
complicating-us-airstrike-mission/  in order to counter the United States.
The UN has now stated
militants-9665003.html  that genocide is possible at any time.

Several hundred miles away, the Israeli government and Hamas (Radical
Islamic Terrorists) have seemingly had a volley of bombings and other
military attacks
d-approaches  between intermittent cease fires aimed at ending the violence
over the past couple of months.

This post is not aimed to talk about these two instances, or any other
particular instance at that. It is, however, intended to discuss something
that has been on my mind and pressed in my heart while watching all of these
events unfold on the news.

It may seem a bit brutal, but it's the truth as I see it.

I recall standing on a runway in Taqaddum, Iraq, in October 2005. It was a
cool night and the sky was clear. As I loaded on to the C-130 cargo plane to
be taken out of Iraq, I was overwhelmed with a feeling I will never forget.
It was a feeling of gratitude for the men and women who never made the trip
home that I was about to take; a feeling of loss for the families that would
never hold their loved one again; a feeling of relief that I wasn't one of
them; a feeling of guilt for the feeling of relief I had. After 47 convoy
missions, after being under fire more times than I can count on my ten
fingers, after loading the wounded and dying on helicopters and in to
hospital emergency rooms, after receiving the command to lock and load my
rifle more than 90 times, after all of this - I was going home.

I say this not out of pride or for bragging purposes, but to make clear that
what you are about to read is not written by some professor in a suit
sitting in an ivory tower; not by a historian who has read a whole lot about
what he hasn't experienced; and not by some politician who knows nothing of
the reality of war when he stands in front of a microphone saying we need to
leave the battlefield. then go back then go back.

With all that out of the way - here goes:

The nasty little secret about war? It's a horrible business.

There are no winners in war; only those who hold out on submission the

When you read of men dying on the battlefield, it's not glorious. Chances
are they were in complete medical shock and had no clue what was going on or
they were screaming for their mother at the top of their lungs in blood
curdling anguish.

This act, war, is not meant for the pansy-toed, light footed individual.
It's rough, it's mean, it's vicious, and it's relentless. Your stomach may
turn, you may have the natural fear any man would, but you still have to
proceed with the mission and placing emotions aside.

Chances are that politics aside, the victor of war is the one with the
most resolve. The one who feels they have the most to lose. The one who
feels their cause is most just.

There is a lot more I could point out about war - the bullet points could go
on for miles, but it is the last point I noted that I want to concentrate

We can avoid it if we want; we can say what we will about our enemy and
their capabilities. But the fact is this: whether it's al Quaeda, ISIS,
Hamas, Iran, or Syria, what we are really fighting is Radical Islam - and
the more we deny the real threat the more we are sitting around while they
are strengthened and emboldened.

This enemy is a group of people who say they want to decimate another
culture as a whole. They state they want a Caliphate. With many other goals
that involve force and violence, this enemy is willing to decapitate their
enemy, cut children in half

[MoLiCo] FW: The Right to Remain Recording (Paul Jacob on the evolving case law on the citizen/police relationship)

2014-08-15 Thread Fred B. Ellison


August 15, 2014 

The Right to Remain Recording 

Every once in a while, a judge makes a judgment so sensible, it's as if he had 
this Common  Sense column in mind. 

U.S. Magistrate Judge Edmund Brennan has determined 
  that the same right to video-record police in public also applies within a 
would-be videographer's home. 

The case 
  involves a 2011 search of the home of Mary Crago, which was subject to search 
without warrant 
  under the terms of her probation. Defendant Kenneth Leonard deleted a video 
recording she made of the search, telling her that recording it was prohibited. 
In court Leonard has contended that no right to video-record police officers 
has been established for persons on probation or in a non-public setting.  

To this, Judge Brennan responds that if a plaintiff has a clearly established 
constitutional right to record from a public place where the plaintiff has the 
lawful right to be, a plaintiff surely has such a right in his or her home. 

Brennan sees no no principled basis for the assumption that we have a 
protected right to record officers performing their duties in public that does 
not extend to those performed in a private residence. The public's interest in 
ensuring that police officers . . . do not abuse [their] authority . . . does 
not cease once they enter the private residence of a citizen. 

If anything, it is even more urgent to protect a citizen's right to document 
proceedings when an officer's actions are shielded from public view — from 
other witnesses. 

But of course. It's just Common Sense, isn't it? 

I'm Paul Jacob. 

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On a sad August 15 in 1971, President Richard Nixon removed the last vestiges 
of the once-great bulwark of capitalism, America's adherence to the 
international gold standard, ending convertibility of the United States dollar 
into gold by foreign investors. The dollar has remained fiat money ever since, 
but did not succeed in retaining its previous value.
But then, the dollar under the previous quasi-gold, Bretton-Woods Agreement 
wasn't stable either, which is why Nixon had to close the gold window. 


If you see what is right and fail to act on it, you lack courage. 


Click HERE http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/ 
 to see Paul's latest! 


[MoLiCo] FW: Absence of Talk (Paul Jacob on the right way to think about the Ferguson riots)

2014-08-14 Thread Fred B. Ellison


August 14, 2014 

Absence of Talk

Yesterday morning, Paul Waldman of the Washington Post wondered why 
libertarians and limited government conservatives weren't all over the Ferguson 
riot suppression, and the police shooting that sparked the whole fracas. He 
recognized that Reason magazine's website has covered it, but, he noted 
 , the politicians and conservative media figures who claim to be the most 
fervent advocates of individual freedom and to care the most about misuse of 
government power have been silent. 

One might be tempted to conclude they believe that when somebody's grandson has 
to pay taxes on their inheritance, it's a horrifying injustice that demands 
redress, but when somebody else's grandson gets shot walking down the street, 
that's just how things go sometimes.

Or maybe one should yield, instead, to the temptation to wait and see what they 
say when they say it. Rep. Justin Amash tweeted 
  about it later in the day. But Waldman got his licks and innuendo in first.  

The whole thing smacks of bad government to me — deadly misgovernment — but I 
can understand why many folks might want to reserve judgment. 

Weighing on the wait-and-comment-later side of this particular debate, it is 
worth acknowledging that the information so far has been awfully confusing. 
Especially since the Ferguson government has been cracking down on reporting 
and video recording, as well as being not very forthcoming about the initial 
shooting or the autopsy.* 

The 24-hour news cycle is bad enough. The 24-hour commentary/reaction cycle is 
doubly daunting. Forgive me if I don't have anything profound to say yet. I'm 
sure, when the facts become clearer, at least I will make my thoughts known. 

Isn't it too early to make comments about comments not made? 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.   

* Those are good reasons to be protesting in Ferguson. There are no good 
reasons for looting Ferguson businesses.

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On August 14, 1980, Lech Wałęsa led strikes at the Gdańsk, Poland shipyards. 


And this is man's prerogative and no further; so much and no more may be given 
or received thereof: even so much as is conducent to a better being, more 
safety and freedom, and no more. He that gives more, sins against his own 
flesh; and he that takes more is thief and robber to his kind — every man by 
nature being a king, priest and prophet in his own natural circuit and compass, 
whereof no second may partake but by deputation, commission, and free consent 
from him whose natural right and freedom it is. 
—Richard Overton 


Click HERE http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/ 
 to see Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is 

[MoLiCo] FW: The Inequality Problem (Paul Jacob mulls over the conscience - and acuity - of a progressive economist)

2014-08-12 Thread Fred B. Ellison


August 12, 2014 

The Inequality Problem

Ah, the Paul Krugman Problem! How does Nobel Laureate economist-cum-New York 
Times progressive-blogger come to his conclusions? 

The other day, the eminent Scott Sumner noted — in The power of wishful 
  — that in the space of one year Krugman seemed to gain a great deal of 
certainty about how vital it is to reduce inequality. 

Sumner quotes Krugman from a year ago, when he frankly admitted that he'd like 
to agree with Joe Stiglitz's thesis about inequality, but just wasn't able to 
persuade himself.  http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/doesnotequal.png 

Unfortunately, Krugman hasn't given us a lot of reason to follow his lead, 
his new-found faith in Stiglitzian equality. Sumner cites a possible 
inspiration for Krugman's new tune: Krugman's employer, the New York Times, 
has, as editorial policy, shifted leftward on such issues. And then Sumner 
waxes philosophical: 

Sometimes an economist will change his view on a single issue because of some 
new empirical study (although that actually doesn't happen as much as you'd 
think, or as much as you might like). But what about when an economist suddenly 
swings sharply to the left or right on a whole range of unrelated issues?

Many people do go through radical conversions; you can find interesting 
conversion testimonies of a religious nature, if not so many in political 

As for me, the subject of inequality continues to fascinate, like picking at a 

I suspect that rising inequality is caused by the very institutions that Paul 
Krugman regards as bedrock: institutions that redistribute money from one group 
to another; institutions that regulate behavior for the benefit (we're told) of 
the worse off; institutions altogether progressive. 

Surely there would be more downward mobility for the rich and upward mobility 
for the poor in a freer society than in a more Krugman-approved society. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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On August 12, 30 BC, Queen Cleopatra commited suicide, ending the Ptolemaic 
dynasty of Egypt and providing grist for literary works such as Shakespeare's 
great tragedy, Antony and Cleopatra. 
On this day in 1898, an Armistice ended the Spanish-American War, a war 
commemorated best by sociologist and economist William Graham Sumner in his 
classic essay The Conquest of the United States by Spain. 


Certain ills belong to the hardships of human life. They are natural. They are 
part of the struggle with Nature for existence. We cannot blame our fellow-men 
for our share of these. My neighbor and I are both struggling to free ourselves 
from these ills. The fact that my neighbor has succeeded in this struggle 
better than I constitutes no grievance for me. 
—William Graham Sumner 


Click HERE http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/ 
 to see Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit 
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a persuasive 
manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund 

[MoLiCo] FW: Rapid-Response Counterfire (Paul Jacob on fighting back with the apt word and image)

2014-08-06 Thread Fred B. Ellison


August 5, 2014 

Rapid-Response Counterfire

If somebody tries to polemically gun down your rights, button your flak jacket 
and shoot back. 

It may take years — say, if you're John Locke answering Robert Filmer. 

Sometimes you've got only seconds. 

You're on a gab show being watched by millions. Somebody says something unwise, 
illogical and destructive — but possibly persuasive to a certain percentage of 
viewers. Unless you reply, instantly, with something wise, logical and 
constructive, you lose your chance. 

If it's dueling YouTube videos, maybe it takes a couple of days to blast the 
enemy and win a viewership the size of a small city.  

The offending celluloid I have in mind is a Bloomberg-funded skit 
  that opens with the caption Warning: this video depicts scenes of domestic 
violence. An armed ex-boyfriend breaks into a woman's home and threatens to 
take their kid. The woman calls the police — minutes away when seconds count. 
The video implies that the way to stop gun violence against women is to get 
rabid-ex-boyfriend-empowering guns off the streets. 

Two days later, Liberty PA had posted a parody-rebuttal 
 . This time, the prospective victim flourishes a shotgun to scare off the ex. 
Opening caption: Warning: this video depicts scenes of self-defense. Closing 
caption: Stop gun control against women. 


The video-rebuttal didn't cost much more to make than the quick wit and time of 
a few alacritous participants. Within a couple days — credit partly yours, O 
modern technological infrastructure! — it had garnered 72,000 hits. 

On Fox's Red Eye and elsewhere the inanity of the original propaganda piece was 
pointed out. But it was the Liberty PA video response that really brought the 
point home. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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On August 5, 1861, the U.S. Army abolished flogging. The same day 23 years 
later, Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor became the site for the Statue of 
Liberty as the first foundation stone is laid. The island was later renamed 
Liberty Island. President Ronald Reagan (pictured) fired 11,359 striking 
air-traffic controllers (who had ignored his order for them to return to work) 
on August 5, 1981. 


 The truth is, that those who have never entered upon scientific pursuits know 
not a tithe of the poetry by which they are surrounded. 
—Herbert Spencer 


Click HERE http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/ 
 to see Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit 
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a persuasive 
manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund 

[MoLiCo] FW: The Deliberate Agrarian

2014-08-06 Thread Fred B. Ellison

 http://thedeliberateagrarian.blogspot.com/ The Deliberate Agrarian 


 Esther StermerWas AConspiracy Theorist 

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 09:11 AM PDT

Dateline: 5 August 2014



Esther Stermer (seated 2nd from left) was a conspiracy theorist. 
She didn't believe the German government. 


I have friends who are holocaust deniers. They assert that six million Jews did 
not die in WW2. They say the  number was much lower. Furthermore, they are 
adamant that Jews were not gassed to death by Zyklon B pesticide. 

I have listened to them. I have read some of their literature. I think they 
might be right in many of their claims. HOWEVER, there is no question that a 
great many innocent people (primarily Jews) were severely persecuted, put in 
concentration camps, and died at the hands of the German government. How many 
died and how they died is beside the point in my mind. What the German 
government of that day did was an atrocity. It was reprehensible. And it should 
never be forgotten.

Those sentiments are in my mind after watching  
http://www.noplaceonearthfilm.com/ No Place On Earth last night. It is a 
documentary about how a Jewish family in rural Western Ukraine managed to 
survive the Nazi persecution. 


I also have The Secret of Priest's Grotto, a 2007 book that I acquired a couple 
of years ago. The book (and the movie) tells not only the amazing story of this 
family's survival, but how the story was brought to light by a man in New York 
City (Christos Nicola) who was exploring a newly discovered cave in Western 
Ukraine (in 1993) and came upon several evidences of human habitation.

Nicola was intrigued by the discovery. He asked some of the old-timers in the 
village near the cave if they knew who had lived in the cave. He learned that 
some Jews had hid there during the war. That was it. No more information could 
be found.


Christos Nicola looks at the names written on the ceiling of Priest's Grotto in 
1942 by the Jews who hid there.

Back in New York, Nicola started a web site to try and learn more about the 
story of these Jewish survivors. Four years later, he got an e-mail. It was 
from the son-in-law of a man who, as a young boy, had lived in the cave with 
his family. That e-mail led Christos Nicola to a discovery of human survival 
that, when you learn the details, and imagine yourself in the same situation, 
is absolutely amazing.

38 Jews hid in the cave for over a year. They ranged in age from two to 
seventy-five. It was not a pleasant existence. They barely survived. 

The heroine of the story is Esther Sterner. Esther, the mother of six, was a 
well-read woman who, in our day and time might be considered a conspiracy 
theorist.  She was skeptical of the government and mainstream propaganda. The 
German government wanted the Jews to move into the ghettoes, which, for those 
who don't know, are densely populated areas of cities.

In the book, Esther's son says this of his mother…

My mother never trusted authority. Shulim continued. The Germans, Russians, 
the Ukranians. It didn't matter. She taught us early on that no matter who it 
was, if they told you to do one thing, you always did the opposite. If the 
Germans said go to the ghettoes, you'll be safe there, you went to the forest 
or the mountains…. You went as far away from the ghettoes as you could go.

Another quote…

My mother always said 'We are not going to the ghetto. We are not going to go 
to the slaughterhouse. She said to my brother Nissel, 'Go into the forest, 
find a hole, any place. But we are not going there.

Nissel found a cave and the family lived there for several months, until the 
Germans found them. All but two of the Jews managed to escape the discovery. 
They regrouped and found another cave—a cave that almost no one else knew about.

How could 38 people survive in a muddy, cold, dark cave for over a year? Well, 
you'll have to watch the movie, and get a copy of the book too. 

One aspect of their survival that is not discussed much is that they had a few 
non-Jewish friends who helped them... for awhile. If  I understand the story 
correctly, most of the villagers turned against them, and the few friends they 
had stopped helping them, except one man. 

The one man lived in the woods and it was he who told Nissel of the second 
cave. When the Germans were finally driven away by the Russian army (the battle 
raged for awhile on land above the cave), their 

[MoLiCo] FW: Old Rules Gotta Go (Paul Jacob on the revolution now occurring)

2014-08-01 Thread Fred B. Ellison


August 1, 2014 

Old Rules Gotta Go

Old hat. Long in the tooth. Creaky as an outhouse door. 

These are just some of the expressions that apply to how our cities, states and 
metro areas are run — by ancient principles that do not serve the common good. 

Last weekend I wrote 
  about the ongoing revolution in transit, the peer-to-peer online app services 
offered by Uber, Lyft and the like. These ride-sharing services allow normal 
folks to give and receive car rides at great convenience. 

They blow mass transit out of the water and throw taxi service sideways. 
Super-convenient, they make it cheap and safe for people to co-operate in new 
and productive ways.  http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/taxi.png 

Art Carden, at EconLog 
 , notes the social waste that governments add to the system. While the new 
app-based services provide true solutions to the high transaction costs of 
negotiating among many people, governments give us squabbles: the battle over 
the rules governing the conditions under which people will be allowed to do 
certain things is pure social waste, Carden argues. The social waste is 
reflected in the resources consumed in the fight over the rules. 

We've gotta have rules, of course. But they needn't require micromanagement, 
massive restrictions, or high taxes. 

The new era will be run (if allowed) on the basis of convenient co-operation, 
transaction costs reduced by communications technology. 

The old era that still rules the roost runs on clunky old ideas that Carden 
rightly calls mercantilism, the political ideology that Adam Smith 
  argued against . . . in 1776. 

Government should undergird free markets, not intrude and dominate by licensing 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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On August 1, 1834, Great Britain's Slavery Abolition Act 1833 took force, 
freeing slaves throughout the British empire. Technically, it freed slaves 
under the age of six. On the August 1 date in 1838 and 1840, the rest of the 
empire's slaves were freed, practically speaking.  
 August 1 births include Francis Scott Key (1779), composer of the poem The 
Star-Spangled Banner; American authors Richard Henry Dana, Jr. (1815) and 
Herman Melville (1819); and Thomas E. Woods, Jr. (1972), historian and 
popularizer of Austrian economics (pictured). 


Democracy does not attach men 

[MoLiCo] FW: Property as Persons (Paul Jacob on the weirdest element of modern law)

2014-07-31 Thread Fred B. Ellison


July 31, 2014 

Property as Persons

Think corporate personhood is bad? Well, there's a far stranger notion in 
American law: civil forfeiture. That's where corporeal property is said to have 
personhood, and thus can be sued — rather than its owner. This goofy doctrine 
allows governments — state and local, as well as, of course, federal — to take 
property from people without establishing that the owner had done anything 
wrong by strict standards of evidence and rules of culpability. 

The property is just nabbed, really.  

It's a horrible atavism, an old idea from the bad old days before a rule of law 
was established. And it encourages governments to be kleptocratic. Whole law 
enforcement agencies fund their luxuries and perks by this method. 

A typical example? In 2003 a Nebraska state trooper stopped Emiliano Gonzolez 
for speeding on Interstate 80, writes 
  Jacob Sullum at Reason, and found $124,700 inside a cooler on the back seat 
of the rented Ford Taurus he was driving. Gonzolez said the money was intended 
to buy a refrigerated truck for a produce business, but the cops figured all 
that cash must have something to do with illegal drugs. So the government took 
the money. 

This sort of takings — confiscation — helps drive the drug war, of course. 

But it often takes from the innocent as well as the criminal. 

Since suing the property conforms to neither normal civil nor criminal law, 
it's all rigged in the government's favor. It's scandalous that courts have 
ruled it constitutional. Something has to be done to curb its use in America. 

Rand Paul wants to reform civil forfeiture. Seems like an awfully small step. 
How much better to abolish it! 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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  http://thisiscommonsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/defoe.png On July 
31, 1703, Daniel Defoe — who would later become famous as the author of 
Robinson Crusoe and other literary works — was placed in a pillory for the 
crime of seditious libel. The sedition pertained to a satirical pamphlet he had 
published, The Shortest-Way with the Dissenters; Or, Proposals for the 
Establishment of the Church. The mob pelted him with flowers. On the same date 
in 1912, Milton Friedman was born. 


The advantages which freedom brings are only shown by the lapse of time; and it 
is always easy to mistake the cause in which they originate. 
—Alexis de Tocqueville 


Click HERE http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/ 
 to see Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit 
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a persuasive 
manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund 
http://libertyifund.org/  (LIFe) as well as Citizens in Charge and Citizens 
in Charge Foundation. The opinions expressed in Common Sense (and at 

[MoLiCo] FW: Foreign Policy Evacuation? (Paul Jacob on failure and the failure to recognize it)

2014-07-30 Thread Fred B. Ellison


July 30, 2014 

Foreign Policy Evacuation?

Last week, the United States  
 closed and shuttered the embassy in Tripoli, Libya, evacuating from the 
country its personnel — 158 diplomats and 60 Marines. Fighting between two 
rival militias reportedly got so close that the embassy was actually being hit 
by stray small arms fire. 

I certainly don’t object to the decision to pull people out. Seems prudent, 
especially in light of the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, 
Libya, which left four Americans, including our ambassador, dead. 

But the protective move sends an unmistakable signal about Libya and US foreign 
policy. Obama’s 2011 military intervention into Libya via NATO — famously 
promoted as “leading from behind” — has clearly and obviously failed.  

Libya is in chaos, unsafe for Americans . . . or Libyans. 

President Obama is hardly the sole leader deserving blame. Military campaigns 
launched by President Bush, who led from in front, haven’t worked, either. 

After years of “pacifying” Iraq, at the cost of thousands of American lives, 
and building up Iraq’s military forces, the Iraqi army disintegrated at the 
first sign of conflict. The Iraqi government remains thoroughly corrupt. 

Sadly, the same fate awaits the end of our nation-building stint in 
Afghanistan. A recent Washington Post story quoted Sgt. Kenneth Ventrice, a 
veteran of three tours in Iraq and now serving his second in Afghanistan, 
saying, “It’s going to fall a lot faster than Iraq did.” 

These foreign interventions are failures. 

But the biggest failure? Not to learn from our mistakes. 

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob. 

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  http://thisiscommonsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/jimmystevens.png On 
July 30, 1980, the Pacific Islands nation of Vanuatu gained independence — it 
had previously been a French-English colony, New Hebrides — with foreign 
government aid from a variety of First World nations, placing as prime minister 
the very statist Walter Lini. Lini’s first act was to send troops to crush the 
Nagriamel secessionist movement on the island of Espiritu Santo, imprisoning 
its leader, Jimmy Stevens (pictured), in August. 


Men cannot be cured of the love of riches; but they may be persuaded to enrich 
themselves by none but honest means. 
—Alexis de Tocqueville 


Click HERE http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/ 
 to see Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit 
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a persuasive 
manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund 
http://libertyifund.org/  (LIFe) as well as Citizens in Charge and Citizens 
in Charge Foundation. The opinions expressed in Common Sense (and at 

[MoLiCo] FW: Amendment 7: Missouri road tax proposal is a cynical grab by special interests

2014-07-30 Thread Fred B. Ellison

 Missouri Alliance forFreedom 

Dear ,

John Lamping: Missouri road tax proposal is a cynical grab by special interests

There are so many bad things about Amendment 7. Any one of them is reason 
enough alone to vote no.

First, this would be the largest tax increase in Missouri’s state history. This 
proposal would increase our state sales tax by 17.75 percent to nearly 5 
percent on all taxable purchases.

The increase, combined with existing local sales taxes, would place Missouri as 
the ninth highest combined state and local sales tax burden in the country.
John Lamping

St. Louis and Kansas City would have higher sales taxes than Chicago and New 

The tax would raise $500 million dollars the first year and would grow over 
time, resulting in $6.1 billion in new taxes collected over the next 10 years. 
This will make our cities and our state less competitive.

Second, the tax is unfair.

For the first time in infrastructure taxation, we would not be implementing a 
“use” tax. Traditionally, roads have been paid for by fuel charges and tolls. 
It makes sense that those that use the roads should pay for the roads. While we 
have little in the way the way of tolls, Missouri has one of the country’s 
lowest per gallon gas and diesel tax rate.

Not only does this proposal not raise the use tax, it ensures by law that fuel 
taxes could not be increased! Even though truckers are 40 percent of interstate 
traffic and 60 percent of interstate wear and tear, their cost to use the roads 
would be unchanged.

Third, the tax is cynical. The proponents assume you’re not paying attention.

Over $3 million dollars will be spent on TV ads without mentioning the tax to 
convince 50.1 percent of those that vote on August 5 (turnout expected to be 
less than 15 percent of registered voters) to agree to raise their taxes.

But Missouri already had money for roads. This year’s General Assembly voted to 
reduce taxes beginning in 2017, and when ultimately phased in, would reduce 
taxes by $600 million a year, money that could have been used for 

So, why not just redirect the $600 million to roads and not increase the sales 
tax? Recall this year’s tax cut calls for an 8.3 percent reduction in the state 
income tax rate over seven years. At the same time, it is a 50 percent tax cut 
for business organized as LLCs.

Many of the supporters of the sales tax — trucking companies, road builders, 
and materials suppliers — are organized as LLCs. So while they push for a $500 
million tax increase for all Missourians, they can expect their state tax 
burden to fall by 50 percent over the next seven years.

Even many of those who publicly support the tax acknowledge its flaws and wish 
there was another way.

Others in support are being coerced with promises of bike paths and light rail. 
There is another way. Vote no and demand a better policy solution.

John Lamping of Ladue represents Missouri's 24th Senate District.

To read the original column by Sen. John Lamping in the Kansas City Star 
  click here 

 Get Involved








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This is a Free Speech forum. 

[MoLiCo] FW: Yes, You Are a Suspect (Paul Jacob rounds up the usual targets for investigation)

2014-07-29 Thread Fred B. Ellison


July 28, 2014 

Yes, You Are a Suspect

Sometimes the Internet makes a mistake. 

The other day, one of my favorite websites embedded a Fox News video 
  about NSA spying. Fox News entitles their video Citizens Treated As 
Suspects. At the site showcasing Fox's story, though, the headline reads: The 
NSA Grabs Information from Non-Suspects; Ninety percent of those spied upon are 
under no suspicion. 

Can this be right? When you're treated as a suspect, you are a suspect, aren't 
you? You're being suspected of … something. At least of being somebody who 
might be up to something worth snagging in an all-embracing fishing expedition. 
If you're not guilty, somebody else leaving comparable data traces is, surely. 

On the other hand, no matter how innocent you feel, you gotta be guilty of 
something for which the government could come after you, right? 

I do not say you have done something actually wrong. Only something some 
policeman or bureaucrat could hassle you for. We live in an era when parents 
get arrested for letting their kids play in the park 
 .  http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/NSA-insignia.png 

Fox News reporter Shephard Smith says that most Americans caught up in the 
particular NSA surveillance net discussed in his story are just ordinary, 
everyday blokes — not reasonably suspected of anything NSA-spy-worthy. This is 
unsurprising given all we've been learning 
  from the NSA documents released by whistleblower Edward Snowden (see 
ProPublica's revelation-chart 

These days, in the eyes of our government we are all suspects. Continuously. 

And there's something very suspicious about that. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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On July 28, 1821, José de San Martín declared the independence of Peru from 
Spain. In that same date in 1868, the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the 
United States was certified. 


 Every man's memory is his private literature. 
—Aldous Huxley 

[MoLiCo] Fwd: The Fiscal Times - The Immigration Problem We're Not Talking About

2014-07-28 Thread Fred B. Ellison
The Immigration Problem We're Not Talking About



REUTERS/Joshua Lott

 http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/print/66045 Printer-friendly version
http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/printpdf/66045 PDF version

a a 


Type Size: Small

By Rob Garver http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Authors/G/Rob-Garver ,

The Fiscal Times

July 28, 2014

One of the biggest factors driving the surge of unaccompanied children
making the dangerous journey from Central America to the United States'
Southern border has been the incorrect impression that, once they arrive,
they will be allowed to stay. Unfortunately, by vastly understaffing the
country's immigration courts, the U.S. government has made that myth appear
to be reality.

Imagine this. What if the first wave of children in this migration of tens
of thousands had been deported back to Honduras, El Salvador, or Guatemala a
few months after they left home in the first place? It seems likely that
word would have got around that, contrary to rumor, the United States was
not providing blanket amnesty to children.

-Border-Spark-Controversy   National Guard Border Fix Is Fraught With

In fact, according to the Economic Policy Institute in Washington, the vast
majority of unaccompanied children crossing the border are designated for
deportation once they come before a judge. The problem is that wait time for
a hearing in immigration court is measured not in weeks or months, but in

According to Syracuse University's Transactional Records Access
Clearinghouse (TRAC), there was a backlog of 375,503 cases
http://trac.syr.edu/phptools/immigration/court_backlog/  in the
immigration court system as of the end of June. That's more than twice the
number of pending cases in 2008. It also translates into an average wait
time, according to TRAC, of 587 days for an initial hearing, with wait times
in some jurisdictions averaging much longer.

In Omaha, for instance, the average case takes 839 days to get in front of a
judge. In Los Angeles, it's 820, and in Phoenix it's 808. And these are just
averages. Immigration activists report some children waiting three to five
years for a hearing. Worse yet, in some cases, the initial hearing is only
part of the process; some drag on for years even after they first come
before a judge.

Part of the reason is that the federal immigration court system is gravely
understaffed when considering the magnitude of the task in front of it.
There are currently about 243 immigration judges, or one to every 1,545
pending cases.

Related: Jeb Bush Warns GOP on Immigration Reform

This means that families in Central America who send their children north
can report to friends and neighbors that those kids are in the United States
and aren't coming back anytime soon, creating an incentive for other parents
to send their children on the perilous trip.

The worst part about this is that it was a completely predictable and
avoidable problem.

There is a growing call among those most concerned about the influx of
illegal immigrants to amend the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims
Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, which many blame for the current
crisis on the Southern border. Originally passed in 2000, and meant to
protect the victims of human trafficking from being returned to dangerous
circumstances, the law barred the immediate deportation of children who
enter the US illegally, and who are not from Mexico or Canada. The
immigration caseload, flat or declining in the years immediately before
2000, has been on a nearly uninterrupted rise ever since.

But all the law guarantees is a hearing - not amnesty. And the passage of a
law promising a hearing to a large segment of illegal immigrants who would
not otherwise be entitled to one ensured an increased workload for the
immigration court system - a promise the U.S. government largely ignored.

Related: Perry Tests Obama by Sending Troops to the Border

It's sort of ironic the one part of the immigration system that is
underfunded is the one that provides due process to immigrants, said Daniel
Costa, Director of Immigration Law and Policy Research for the Economic
Policy Institute in Washington. In recent years, he said, funding for
immigration enforcement operations increased 300 percent - that's the part
of the system charged with apprehending illegal immigrants and bringing them
before a judge. Over the same time frame, said Costa, the funding for the
courts rose only 70 percent.

If there wasn't an immigration court crisis, 

[MoLiCo] FW: Vote No sales tax increase - amendment 7

2014-07-28 Thread Fred B. Ellison




Please Vote No on Amendment 7

 Amendment 7 is a ¾ cent sales tax for 10 years expected to generate over 5 
billion dollars within that time period. MoDOT (Missouri Dept of 
Transportation) will receive 90% of the money from the tax. Cities and counties 
will get the other 10%.  The agency's major project is the rebuilding / 
expansion of I-70 with a cost estimate between $2 and $4 billion.  

 Groceries and Fuel are exempted from the tax.  

 Fuel taxes can not be increased during the 10 years. While some consider that 
a plus, its a ridiculous policy to put into our constitution that users of our 
roads can not be taxed to pay for the roads via fuel taxes.

 6 reasons to vote NO! on amendment 7

 #1 Road repairs should be paid for primarily by those who use them the most - 
via taxes on gas or diesel fuel.  Amendment 7 strays from this common sense 
policy.   If this passes, a Grandmother on social security will pay more every 
time she shops in Missouri, while truckers who drive through Missouri will not 
pay any more than they did before. 55% of Missouri's truck traffic has neither 
an origin nor destination in Missouri.  They do the most damage to our roads 
yet they get a free pass for 10 years.  It's just bad policy to increase taxes 
on our lowest income citizens and let the big rig trucks not pay for their wear 
and tear on our roads.

  #2 Amendment 7 would be the largest tax increase in the history of Missouri 
and would double MoDot's budget.Yes MoDot has less money today than during 
the Shovel Ready days of Obama Stimulus money   MoDot spending surged during 
the past few years with one time projects and federal stimulus money.  Now they 
want you to fund that level of spending to become the new normal.

#3 Local sales tax rates would zoom to over 10% in some locations .  Missouri 
would be come the 7th highest rate for sales tax in America.

 #4 MoDot has been on a campaign promising 'candy' to anyone who might support 
this tax increase.  Airports, new sidewalks for cities, light rail.  Sharing 
your money with cities and counties. Many promises outside of MoDot's true 
mission.   While their efforts in the past couple of years are very 
questionable.   I-35 is a good case in point.  In the last year, MoDot 
resurfaced nice smooth areas of I-35 south of Cameron.   But they left 
untouched the worst part of that 10 mile stretch.

 #5 If you believe the lottery saved our schools, then you might believe this 
tax increase will save our roads. It is a general revenue tax increase - 
earmarked for roads, bridges, bicycle paths, new buses, etc.   but one must 
observe how the whole budget process works in Jeff City to really understand 
that a targeted tax increase does not work like it appears.  Lets compare to 
your house hold budget.  Maybe you want to pay off your credit card bill so you 
have a garage sale this month and raise an extra $500.  the bill comes and you 
send them all the garage sale money; $500! Now do you send your regular payment 
of $400 too?  or do you take the 400 and go shopping?  Politicians in Jeff City 
would go spend the 400 on other stuff and then proudly tell you that they 
dutifully spent the 500 just as promised.  Amendment 7 looks  like a slush fund 
to me.  just another tax increase. 

 #6  Kansas City and St Louis highways have been under construction for as long 
as anyone can remember.   The 'interstate systems'  built for those cities are 
quite frankly amazing.   Both cities now have have some of the most dense 
highway networks in the nation.  

 St. Louis  Kansas City have the most highway lane-miles per capita of any 
major American city.


Good Job MoDot,  now you can stop all that building and focus on keeping our 
roads smooth and pot hole free and do it without a tax increase.


A short version of this article was published as a letter to the editor in the 
St Joe News Press Today.  You can read and comment on it here 


More details and additional talking points are in this article 
  by a group opposing amendment 7

 You can help defeat amendment 7

 -  Forward this message to your email contact list

 - Write a letter to the editor to your local paper

 - Call talk radio and discuss amendment 7

 - Vote No on Amendment 7 on Tuesday August 5


This issue was polled about a month ago and it very close.  The efforts that 
you and your friends make to defeat it in the next week could be the difference 
of passing or failing.


In Liberty,


Paul Hamby

Maysville Missouri

816 632 0602 cell



  p.s.  you can view all 5 of the amendments / referendums on the august ballot 


August 5 2014 ballot issues http://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/2014ballot/  



[MoLiCo] Organic Consumers Association: Vote NO on Amendment 1

2014-07-28 Thread Fred B. Ellison



MISSOURI: URGENT: Protect Farmers. Vote NO on Amendment 1!

Dear Supporter,

August 5, 2014, Missouri citizens will be asked to vote for Amendment 1,
which pretends to protect family farmers.

Don't be fooled. Amendment 1 is nothing more than a free pass for industrial
factory farms seeking immunity from state and local laws that are supposed
to ensure food safety, and protect workers, communities and the environment
from toxic chemicals and waste.

Help stop the misleading Right to Farm amendment in Missouri. Pledge to
vote no' on Amendment 1 and
http://action.votenoon1.com/page/s/join-the-campaign sign up to volunteer

The Right to Farm movement was originally conceived
http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_23742.cfm  to protect
family farmers from encroaching suburban development.

But today, the movement has been taken over
http://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article603633.html  by
corporate agribusiness.

All across the country, ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council) is
pushing Right to Farm amendments
http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Right_to_Farm_Laws , similar to
Missouri's Amendment 1, in order to promote their corporate agendas. Who
funds ALEC? Companies like Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Cargill, and
DuPont, and lobbying groups like the National Pork Producers Council, the
Illinois Corn Marketing Board, and the Illinois Soybean Association.

Supporters want you to believe Amendment 1 is necessary to protect Missouri
farmers' rights. But Amendment 1 will strip local governments, and even the
state legislature, of their ability to stop industrial farm pollution. And
it will guarantee the right of foreign corporations to own Missouri

On August 5, 2014 Missouri citizens will be asked the following (vaguely
worded) question at the polls:

Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to ensure that the right of
Missouri citizens to engage in agricultural production and ranching
practices shall not be infringed?

Posed like this, an uninformed voter might think, why not?

Don't be fooled! Vote No on Amendment 1 on August 5, 2014!

-Melinda and the whole team at OCA 

Sign up to volunteer to help stop Amendment One today!

Read more here

Learn more here http://votenoon1.com  and on Facebook

Donate here https://action.votenoon1.com/page/contribute/contribute 

Fact sheets here
and here





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[MoLiCo] FW: When the State Spanks Parents (Paul Jacob on the new anti-parent paternalism)

2014-07-25 Thread Fred B. Ellison


July 25, 2014 

When the State Spanks Parents

Be a parent, go to jail? 

Should it be normal for parents to get arrested for making normal parental 
decisions  just because someone else believes it's a mistake? 

I'm not talking about demonstrable child abuse. I'm talking about the kind of 
decisions Radley Balko cites in a column on the criminalization of parenthood 

In one case, a South Carolina working mom was jailed 
  for unlawful conduct toward a child  for letting her nine-year-old play in 
a well-attended park while she worked at McDonald's. Social services took the 
child.  http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/spanky.png 

In another case, an Ohio father faces six months in jail because, unbeknownst 
to him, his eight-year-old son  
 skipped church to play with friends in the neighborhood. 

In a third, an Illinois woman was arrested for leaving a stubborn 
eight-year-old in her car for a few minutes 
  while she dashed into a store. 

We may disagree with what the parents did here (to the extent they could have 
done anything different). But arrest? Jail? 

For six months? 

One minute? 

In the world that these incidents prefigure, the only way for parents to be 
safe in using our judgment will be to stop using it. 

This would be life under the tyranny of experts and busybodies: to always 
project what the most skittish and punitive authority would require  and to 
do that instead of what we ourselves consider appropriate given all relevant, 
sometimes difficult circumstances. 

Final question: What lesson does this brave new regime teach the children? 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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On July 25, 1861, the U.S. Congress passed the Crittenden-Johnson Resolution, 
stating that the war with the seceded states of the Confederacy was being 
fought to preserve the Union, not to end slavery. 


 The most shocking fact about war is that 

[MoLiCo] FW: Legislators, Tramps and Thieves (Paul Jacob on politicians proving the need for strict term limits . . . and honest ballot language)

2014-07-24 Thread Fred B. Ellison


July 23, 2014 

Legislators, Tramps and Thieves

In the closing days of Arkansas's 2013 legislative session, solons of the 
Natural State surreptitiously voted to put a measure on the state ballot, 
without fanfare or ballyhoo. 

Five months later, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette finally noticed what happened, 
and published an editorial, Outrage of the Year 
 .' It has just been reprinted. The outrage hasn't changed. The measure would 
extend time in office for state representatives from 6 to 16 years and for 
state senators from 8 to 16 years.  

But what an Arkansan will read on the ballot seems a tad different: An 
Amendment Regulating Contributions to Candidates for State or Local Office, 
Barring Gifts From Lobbyists to Certain State Officials, Providing for Setting 
Salaries of Certain State Officials, and Setting Term Limits for Members of the 
General Assembly. 

Setting term limits? No sir. Term limits, already set by voters, would be 
drastically weakened. 

But the good people of Arkansas are beginning to hear the good news, the truth, 
thanks to the campaign being waged 
  by Arkansas Term Limits against what will be Issue 3 on the ballot. 

The group is led by Bob Porto and my brother, Tim Jacob, who are traveling the 
state speaking to audiences. Not surprisingly, the people are shocked and 
angered upon hearing the manifest fraud their representatives are perpetrating. 

At a recent talk, Jacob called it 
  an attempt to deceive the voters, noting they have done it on purpose. 

Yet another argument for strict term limits . . . and fully informed voters. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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July 24 is Pioneer Day in Utah, and Simón Bolívar Day in Bolivia, Ecuador, 
Colombia, and Venezuela. 


 That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most 
important of all the lessons that history has to teach. 
—Aldous Huxley 


Click HERE http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/ 
 to see Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit 
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a persuasive 
manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund 
http://libertyifund.org/  (LIFe) as well as Citizens in Charge and Citizens 

[MoLiCo] FW: Overkill America (Paul Jacob on the latest case of police brutality gone wild)

2014-07-21 Thread Fred B. Ellison


July 21, 2014 

Overkill America

The death of Eric Garner, a 43-year-old Staten Islander, by police chokehold 
 , not only sparked in me the usual combination of sadness, anger and 
frustration — there was an additional element: would this do it? 

Would the nation's shock, incredulity, indignation amount to anything? 

Lots of questions. But one thing not being focused on in the standard reports 
was noted 
  by Scott Shackford of Reason. It's not merely a question of why the bust went 
so violent. Why, he asks, a bust at all? We should be concerned that the 
reason why the police swarmed Garner in the first place is getting lost. He 
allegedly possessed 'untaxed cigarettes.' That is it.  

A tax matter. 

The police are arresting people — and going into overkill mode in the process — 
on tax matters. 

Couldn't this such issues be handled by mere citation, followed by a court 
summons? With an arrest the last resort? 

Why go all violent when violence is not really in order? 

But maybe it's not just about the taxes. Or contraband. Maybe this is also 
about drugs. (Yes, tobacco's a drug.) We've long had a War on Drugs in this 
country. It has not gone well. As I suggested last week 
  (as well as yesterday, on Townhall 
 ), the effects have not only been wide and deep, but inevitable. 

War is like that. Expect the unintended consequences. 

Scott Shackford suggests that New York lower the city's high sin taxes on 

But maybe the whole mindset of the modern state needs changing. Big things, 
like murder, slavery, etc., those are worth fighting about. Let's not go to war 
over the little things. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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  http://thisiscommonsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/JohnTScopes.jpg On 
July 21, 1925, in Dayton, Tennessee, high school biology teacher John T. Scopes 
was found guilty of teaching evolution in a public school classroom, and fined 
$100. The ambiguous legacy of the trial 

[MoLiCo] FW: GCRW Hosting Josh Hawley Event

2014-07-18 Thread Fred B. Ellison

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The Greene County Republican Women will be hosting Josh Hawley on Wednesday, 
July 23rd at the Springfield Pregnancy Care Center, 1342 E. Primrose Street, at 
8:30 AM. 


Josh is the founder of Missouri Liberty Project, a group which has been working 
hard to give Missouri a voice in efforts to defend our constitutional rights.  
Recently, Josh litigated the Hobby Lobby case regarding religious liberties and 
the NLRB v. Noel Canning case regarding the Obama administration's abuse of the 
recess appointment power, which was decided yesterday.

Josh is an expert on constitutional law and is very dedicated to preserving the 


Here is a link to a story from The Pathway and his interview with Megyn Kelly 
on FoxNews.

The Pathway: 

Fox News: 


 Join us on Facebook

Calendar of Events


July 23 - GCRW hosting Josh Hawley event, 8:30 am, Pregency Care Center

July 25 - Pachyderms, 11:30 am, Tower Club

July 25 -August 3 - T.A.R.G.E.T. Republican Booth

July 26 - T.A.R.G.E.T. BBQ

August 5 - Primary Election

August 5 - Primary Election Watch Party, 7:00 pm, Muse, 2160 W Chesterfield

August 8 - Pachyderms, 11:30 am, Tower Club

August 14 - GCRW, 11:30 am, Tower Club

August 22  - Pachyderms, 11:30 am, Tower Club

August 19 - Central Committee Meeting, 5:30 pm, Election Training Center, 1126 

August 22 - Pachyderms, 11:30 am, Tower Club

October 7 - Central Committee Meeting, 5:30 pm, Election Training Center, 1126 

November 4 - General Election




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Greene County Republican Committee

1345 E. Sunshine, Suite 102

Springfield, MO 65804

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[MoLiCo] FW: Six Flags Over California (Paul Jacob on an initiative to split the Golden State into smaller chunks)

2014-07-18 Thread Fred B. Ellison


July 18, 2014 

Six Flags Over California

Though the Democrats who run the failed state of California insist that 
Governor Jerry Brown is leading them to a new era of prosperity, the results 
are mixed at best. The state is riddled with public employee pension problems, 
environmental over-regulation, and high taxes, to list just a few. 

The problem? The whole system of representative democracy is skewed to 
insiders. The ratio of voters to representatives is way too high -- twice as 
high as the next nearest state. 

The best thing California has going for it is the right of citizen initiative. 
Typically, it (and the voters) get blamed for the unwillingness of their 
representatives to stay within their means.  

Enter Timothy Draper, Founder and Managing Director of Draper Fisher Jurvetson, 
a billionaire Silicon Valley professional. He has been promoting an initiative 
  to split California into six smaller states 
 : provisionally dubbed Jefferson (northern counties that have a long history 
of separatist unrest), Silicon Valley (which could become the richest per 
capita state in the union), North California (a coastal region from San 
Francisco south to Monterey County), Central California (a big expanse of many 
interior counties), West California (four west coast counties including Los 
Angeles), and South California (five counties including San Diego). Draper 
insists that his idea is the something structural, something fresh that the 
state needs to prevent further decline. 

The initiative has received enough petition signatures to qualify for a 2016 

But is it a waste of time? Even if Californians vote for it in great numbers, 
the U.S. Constitution requires a formal request from the state legislature. And 
the California Assembly is not likely to cede so much power. 

Which would provide another valuable lesson about how anti-Californian 
California's leaders are. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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On July 18, 1872, Queen Victoria gave her Royal Assent to the Ballot Act, 
which established secret voting in Great Britain. The bill had been introduced 
by Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone. 


 To restore America we need less Marx and more Madison. 
—Glenn Beck 


Click HERE http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/ 
 to see Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit 
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a persuasive 
manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund 
http://libertyifund.org/  (LIFe) as well as Citizens in Charge and Citizens 
in Charge Foundation. The opinions expressed in Common Sense (and at 

[MoLiCo] FW: The Deliberate Agrarian - New American Independence?

2014-07-18 Thread Fred B. Ellison

 http://thedeliberateagrarian.blogspot.com/ The Deliberate Agrarian 


 America's NewDeclaration of Independence 

Posted: 18 Jul 2014 05:17 AM PDT

Dateline: 18 July 2014





War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.

—George Orwell (1984)

As one more evidence that America has fully entered the world of Orwellian 
doublespeak, I offer the Independence Card shown above. It is the state of 
Maryland's version of an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card.

An EBT card is the modern equivalent of what used to be known as food stamps. 
The government issues the card to people who are needy. The people take their 
card to stores and use it to get free food. A recent statistic I found stated 
that 20% of Americans now use EBT cards.

238 years ago, when America's Declaration of Independence was signed, the word 
independence meant something different than it apparently now means in America. 
According to Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary, this is what the word 
independence used to mean:

A state in which a person does not rely 

on others for subsistence; ability to 

support one's self.

This brings to my mind an interesting reality…

Back during The Great Depression, needy people in America did not have EBT 
cards. There were soup kitchens set up to help feed the poor…


In the current form of economic depression America finds itself in, soup 
kitchens are not necessary because the poor (20% of America) now have EBT 
cards. And EBT cards can be used to buy a lot more than just soup…


This blog post is not being written to disparage all people who use EBT cards. 
I know friends and family who use EBT cards, and need the assistance. 

My purpose here is to point out that America is truly in an economic 
depression. Besides that, I just want to make it clear that people who are 
dependent on the government for their subsistence are really not independent. 

In a time of universal deceit, 
telling the truth 
is a revolutionary act.

—George Orwell 








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[MoLiCo] FW: Let Us Drive (Paul Jacob on the latest development in the continuing story of online ride sharing management)

2014-07-17 Thread Fred B. Ellison


July 17, 2014 

Let Us Drive

How about letting us drive? 

Who's us? Passengers—taxi-ride buyers. Plus anyone else who participates in the 
market transactions that take us places. 

Many Orlando, Florida cabbies are eager to work 
  with the ride-sharing company that makes the smartphone app Uber. They're 
tired of leasing cabs for $129 a day while scrambling for enough 
price-controlled fares to earn a decent living after paying that steep cost. 
Uber drivers provide their own car and let the firm's technology connect them 
to customers. Uber gets 20 percent of fare revenue.  

The politics are mostly hostile to the innovation in places like New York City 
where markets are mangled by super-high license fees and other regulations. The 
politics are also tough in Orlando, which has been cracking down on Uber 
drivers. But the mayor and Uber executives have been talking about a deal under 
which Uber could operate if it submits to . . . regulation. (Sigh.) 

Cab companies in the City Beautiful expect to rapidly lose revenue if 
innovators like Uber and Lyft get to operate freely. But Orlando taxi drivers 
expect to gain. 

If you talk to 1,000 drivers, says one, 950 will tell you they are going to 
Uber. Says another: Let Uber come here. It's going to be good for the 
customer and the driver. 

Let them come. Also kill all regulations, including fare caps, that make it 
harder for cab companies to adapt. Let terms of trade be driven—regulated—by 
traders. Not by governments. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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  http://thisiscommonsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/corrigan.jpg On 
July 17, 1938, pioneer aviator Donald Corrigan took off from Floyd Bennett 
Field in Brooklyn — New York City's first municipal airport — with a flight 
plan for a return trip to his previous disembarkation point, Long Beach, 
California. He wound up the next day in Ireland. 
One occasionally hears the phrase Wrong Way Corrigan applied, today, to 
anyone who similarly takes a slight liberty, skirting official rules or 
practices — or simply goes the wrong way. 


 We're giving our freedoms away. The American experiment was about freedom. 
Freedom to be stupid, freedom to fail, freedom to succeed. 
—Glenn Beck 


Click HERE http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/ 
 to see Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit 
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a persuasive 

[MoLiCo] FW: Needed Info

2014-07-17 Thread Fred B. Ellison

From Eric Vimont

Hi Friends,
Here is an article from a fellow that I have great respect for.
The economic warning is well founded, and the reason that we need
community restored A.S.A.P., or at least to be working toward that goal.

No Victim - No Crime

Eric Vimont  366-0999



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[MoLiCo] FW: Open Letter to Mr. Obama

2014-07-16 Thread Fred B. Ellison
From: Mary Byrne [mailto:mary.byrn...@att.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 6:22 AM
To: Undisclosed Recipients
Subject: Open Letter to Mr. Obama


At our lunch meetings, we have discussed the sentiment expressed in this
YouTube post. Thought you would enjoy knowing we are not alone:



Mary Byrne

President, Greene County Republican Women

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[MoLiCo] FW: Mercy as a Calling (Paul Jacob on what the people can do even when their government fails)

2014-07-15 Thread Fred B. Ellison


July 15, 2014 

Mercy as a Calling 

The cause of immigration reform hit a huge speed bump in recent weeks, with the 
arrival at the border of thousands upon thousands of children from war-torn 
Central America. 

War-torn? Yes. Gangs ( micro-governments in the olden style) fed by drug money 
have turned the Latin American states to our south into war zones, alas not too 
dissimilar to the gang warfare that beset some of our great American cities. 

Only worse. 

No wonder the people in those countries are scared, and desperate. Coyotes 
are taking advantage of U.S. politicians' inability to secure the border, or 
even cook up a coherent immigration policy, and charge large amounts of money 
to transport children to safety in the U.S.  

Where they are gathered and detained. 

In the midst of all the partisan bickering (a legitimate clash of ideologies, 
really) stands one hero: Glenn Beck.  While President Obama avoids the border 
  as if avoidance solves problems, radio/TV/Internet sensation Beck is taking 
his trucks and buses and volunteers directly to the area Obama avoids, the 
detention centers and surrounding cities and churches. 

He's taking food, clothing, and comforts for the children. 

Last night on The O'Reilly Factor he explained  that governments are instituted 
to provide justice. He laments the lack of justice on  immigration coming from 
Washington. But the business of the people, of caring Americans, is not 
primarily justice. 

It's mercy, Beck says. He's raised millions 
 , and he's personally taking aid to where it's needed. 

Heroic. And very neighborly. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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On July 15, 1976, Jimmy Carter accepted the nomination of the Democratic Party 
to run for the presidency. Three years later, as president, he gave his 
infamous malaise speech, in which he focused on energy but did not mention 
the one thing that actually helped turn the '70s' energy crisis around: the 
phased deregulation of oil prices that had started three months earlier, under 
his own directive. Instead of touting this deregulatory effort, Carter did the 
usual political thing and promised a number of new government programs, spoke 
exensively on a crisis of confidence meme, and vaguely talked of a spiritual 


 Oratory prevailed over science and experience. 
—Andrew Dixon White 


Click HERE http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/ 
 to see Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit 
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a persuasive 
manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund 

[MoLiCo] FW: Border Problems, Solutions? (Paul Jacob on the latest crisis of good intentions gone horribly wrong)

2014-07-14 Thread Fred B. Ellison


July 14, 2014 

Border Problems, Solutions?

Bill Maher began the panel segment of his latest Real Time with Bill Maher 
episode taking on the children at the border problem. He identified the 
underlying cause: drug cartels. 

His solution? Legalize all psychoactive drugs, particularly cocaine. 

Wait a minute. The best response to a border crisis is to legalize drugs? 

Seems orthogonal to the issue. Out of left field. 

Which is not to say I don't support legalizing drugs. But I try not to bring it 
up every discussion. Could Maher have drugs a tad too much on his brain?  

Be that as it may or may not, for the facts 
  I then turned to . . . Cato Institute. 

Only to have the good folks at Cato back up Maher's assertions. 

On July 8 
 , Ted Galen Carpenter, a Cato senior fellow, pinpointed the growth in drug 
cartels' power in Central America as central to the whole issue. The drug 
cartels are driving vulnerable populations northward to the United States to 
enhance their own profits. 

But the whole picture is more complicated. 

A month earlier, Alex Nowrasteh, Cato's immigration policy analyst, focused 
  on two American border policies that likely and unintentionally 
incentivized some of the migration and the smugglers that carry many of the 
migrants, leading to the current debacle of thousands of unaccompanied minors 
now being housed — in poor conditions — in detainee centers. 

True to form, Nowrasteh notes that some American politicians who blame 
American law for the surge actually voted for that American law in the past. 

Which is more horrifying: The idea that politicians make things worse? Or that 
comedians make more sense than our elected representatives? 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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On July 14, 1789, Paris citizens storm the Bastille. On the same date nine 
years later, in America, the Sedition Act prohibited the writing, publishing, 
or speaking false or malicious statements about the United States government. 
The passage of this repressive law spurred the formation of the first 
opposition party in the United States, with Thomas Jefferson as its leader and 


 The decline in the purchasing power of paper money was in obedience to the 
simplest laws in economics, but France had now gone beyond her thoughtful 

[MoLiCo] FW: Why are pastors silent on current events and social issues?

2014-07-14 Thread Fred B. Ellison
From: Christians Uniting for Political Action [mailto:i...@cupasalt.org] 
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2014 9:18 AM
To: felli...@advfabtech.com
Subject: Why are pastors silent on current events and social issues?


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 Christians Uniting for Political Action






Why are pastors silent on current events and social issues?


I attended a wedding a couple of weeks ago and during the reception I was asked 
the question, why are pastors so uninvolved in speaking to the social issues 
and absent from the political area? I had two answers; the first is in the 
words of Francis Schaffer, affluence and personal peace. I focused on the 
personal peace. I have heard pastors say things like, I don't want the 
controversy, or they just sit in silence waiting for the conversation to 
change. These types of responses tell me everything I need to know. 


It may seem that our spiritual boat is safe in the shallows and the chances of 
it rocking or taking on water is avoided. This indifference to the political 
storms may seem like it will protect the flock and keep the peace, but in 
reality it exposes the flock to forces that wish to subdue the powerful 
influence of the kingdom of God. While the Church is sitting in safe harbor 
those who wish to enslave all of mankind are drilling holes in our boat. How 
safe are we hunkered down in the bow while under attack? 


We are ambassadors of the kingdom of God and we are soldiers, also. We have 
plenty of defensive gear in our arsenal, but equally important are our 
offensive weapons, like truth.  If this truth is only spread amongst ourselves, 
then everything that surrounds us is left to decay, which will ultimately 
affect us.


The reality is that the ungodly are terrified of the politically active Church. 
They cannot afford truth to be proclaimed in an arena where lies and deception 
rule. Furthermore the godless believe that they own the earth. The tragedy of 
this lie is that many pastors believe that the devil is the legitimate heir of 
the earth, too. Nothing could be further from the truth according to Ps 2:8, 
where God promises His Son the nations and the ends of the earth for His 
possession. Ps. 2:10-12 goes on to warn the judges and kings to be careful not 
to make the Son angry lest He judge you. Ps 24:1 the earth is the Lord's and 
everything in it. Col. 1:16 speaks to the fact that visible as well as 
invisible thrones, dominions, principalities and powers were created through 
Him and for Him.


The Satanic left is protected by a very thin wall of lies and deception. With 
the slightest breath of truth we can blow their walls down and liberate 
millions. If there is a shed of truth to this, then why won't we? This leads me 
to the second answer that I didn't get to discuss with my friend at the wedding.


This one is much more involved and more controversial, but is absolutely 
necessary to discuss if we are to take the ship into the deep waters. The 
subject is eschatology. My first statement in regards to this subject is, if 
your belief in end time's doctrine causes you to suffer from political 
paralyses, you may need to revisit the subject. God does not license us to 
section off parts of life and assume that God is not interested. 


I love this country and it just breaks my heart to see it dismantled by the 
godless. My prayer is that the Church ceases Her inactivity. We are so focused 
on leaving the earth when our commission is on the earth. Pr. 29:2 when the 
righteous are in power the people rejoice. We are the largest single 
demographic in the country and the most capable of governing, but we see 
ourselves as grasshoppers. Wake up Church and spread salt and light into every 
sphere and jurisdiction that touches reality. 


I will be dealing with the second response in my next post.



[MoLiCo] FW: Mr. Majesty (Paul Jacob on our uncrowned king)

2014-07-11 Thread Fred B. Ellison


July 11, 2014 

Mr. Majesty

Are American presidents becoming (or have they long since become) tantamount to 
elected kings? 

Cato Institute scholar Gene Healy has penned volumes about the super-sized 
presidency (The Cult of the Presidency and False Idol: Barack Obama and the 
Continuing Cult of the Presidency, for two). So he's well-qualified to assess 
conservative law professor F.H. Buckley's Once and Future King: The Rise of 
Crown Government in America.  

Buckley both credits our Constitution for protecting our liberty and indicts it 
for fostering the modern assaults on that liberty. 

Our government has lapsed into an elective monarchy, which also afflicts 
parliamentary systems but to which presidential systems are especially 
susceptible. For presidentialism fosters the rise of Crown government. It 
encourages messianism by making the head of government the head of state, 
insulating him from legislative accountability and making it harder to remove 

Though Healy finds 
  the argument well-defended in many respects, he isn't entirely convinced. 
He'd like more evidence, for example, that parliamentary systems are as better 
equipped to reverse big and bad policies as they are at imposing them. 

I'll let these two argue the nuances regarding which form of out-of-control 
national government is most dangerously constituted. We can be grateful, at 
least, that our own elected king is curbed by term limits much less easily 
shucked than has proved the case in other presidentially governed countries. 

Like these others, we may have an elected monarch. But, pre- and post-FDR, he 
is not a monarch-for-life. Not yet. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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  http://thisiscommonsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/king.jpg On July 
11, 1977, Martin Luther King, Jr., was posthumously awarded the Presidential 
Medal of Freedom. 


I consider it an incontrovertible truth, that whatever by the constitution 
government even may do, if it relates to the abuse of power by acts tyrannical 
and oppressive, it some   
http://thisiscommonsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/luthermartin.png time 
or other will do. Such is the ambition of man, and his lust for domination, 
that no power less than that which fixed its bounds to the ocean can say to 
them, “Thus far shall ye go and no farther.” Ascertain the limits of the may 
with ever so much precision, and let them be as extensive as you please, 
government will speedily reach their utmost verge; nor will it stop there, but 
soon will overleap those boundaries, and roam at large into the regions of the 
may not. 
—Luther Martin 


Click HERE http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/ 
 to see Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit 
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a persuasive 
manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund 
http://libertyifund.org/  (LIFe) as well as Citizens in Charge and Citizens 
in Charge Foundation. The opinions expressed in Common Sense (and at 

[MoLiCo] FW: Greek Recipe for Disaster (Paul Jacob on how not to stimulate a recovery - don't do as the Greeks did)

2014-07-10 Thread Fred B. Ellison


July 10, 2014 

Greek Recipe For Disaster

Several years ago, Despina Antypa 
  and her husband worked at a leading newspaper in Athens. 

Then came the economic crisis 

The bad news was “just a whisper” at first. But when friends began losing work, 
she had the foresight and discipline to plan a new career. One unrestricted by 
language or country — just in case they ever had to leave Greece. She chose 
pastry, taking classes every weekday for two years, practicing techniques on 
weekends.  http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/amphora.png 

Sure enough, in 2011 the couple lost their own jobs. Despina threw herself into 
the task of confecting a signature delicacy good enough to sell; some 3,000 
trials and errors (“mostly errors”) later, she was satisfied. 

Then came the work of developing a website, packaging, selling. 

Orders poured in. The labors were paying off. Except that— 

The business was killed in its crib by bureaucrats. 

The Greek government demanded a lot, including 

*   advance taxes equal to “50 percent of estimated profit in the first two 
years” (money never to be returned were the business to fail);
*   minimum square footage for her shop much greater than necessary; and
*   a separate toilet for walk-in customers (although there would be no 
walk-in customers).

The arbitrary burdens proved too great. In 2013, her husband got a job offer 
that meant moving to Brussels. They jumped at the chance. There they forged the 
new life they could have forged in Greece — had they been allowed to. 

It seems that the road to recovery is not helped by hobbling the runners. 

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob. 

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On July 10, 1832, U.S. President Andrew Jackson vetoed a bill to re-charter the 
Second Bank of the United States, in effect ending formal central banking in 
the United States until the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913. There 
were many, many regulations placed upon banking, however, and rumors of free 
banking in America have been severely exaggerated. 


Those who would wish to excite and keep awake your jealousy and distrust are 
your truest friends; while they who speak peace to you when there is no 
peace—who would lull you into security, and wish you to repose blind confidence 
in your future governors—are your most dangerous enemies; jealousy and distrust 
are the guardian angels who watch over liberty—security and confidence are the 
forerunners of slavery. 
—Luther Martin 


Click HERE http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/ 
 to see Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit 

[MoLiCo] FW: 5 Years of Over $100 Billion in Improper Payments

2014-07-10 Thread Fred B. Ellison

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 5 Years of Over $100 Billion in Improper Payments 

For members of Congress, it is the legislative version of Tee-ball: government 
witnesses lined up, called to explain wasteful federal spending. And lots of 
it. The official hearing title: “Examining Solutions to Close the $106 Billion 
Improper Payments Gap.” “Excuse me for getting a little bit intense about 
this,” said...  
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 Obamacare Insurers Hit High-Cost Patients with High Drug Prices

Some insurance companies are finding ways to get around one of Obamacare’s most 
popular provisions that requires everyone to be covered equally—regardless of 
any pre-existing condition. The anti-discrimination rule was meant to guard 
against insurers who historically charged higher premiums to sick people. But 
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 Why State Tax Cuts Aren’t Driving Job Growth

When Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker delivered his State of the State address in 
January 2013, he promised that an agenda of budget cutting, reduced taxes and 
less business regulation would result in a better economic climate and more 
jobs for his state. “Unlike the message coming out of Washington, I believe 
that putting...  
 Read more...   

[MoLiCo] FW: Audit the Fed Dog and Pony Show?

2014-07-09 Thread Fred B. Ellison
Suggestion:  Email Congressman Long at the above address about H.R. 24


 Campaign for Liberty http://www.chooseliberty.org/images/Header-3.jpg 

Fred -- 

On Thursday, the House Committee on Financial Services will hold a hearing 
titled Legislation to Reform the Federal Reserve on Its 100-Year Anniversary. 

On its surface, it appears House Leadership is getting serious about scheduling 
a vote on Audit the Fed. 

But unfortunately, Thursday's hearing is nothing more than a dog and pony 

You see, while the hearing is supposed to be about reforming the Fed, Audit 
the Fed (H.R. 24) didn't even make the agenda. 

If House Leadership and committee members are serious about reforming the Fed, 
they should bring Audit the Fed to the floor for an up or down vote 

With 224 cosponsors - a clear bipartisan majority of House members - holding a 
vote virtually guarantees passage of Audit the Fed. 

But the massively popular Audit the Fed bill won't be discussed at Thursday's 

That's why it's vital you sign your Audit the Fed petitions 

As you'll see, these petitions INSIST House Speaker John Boehner, Majority 
Leader Eric Cantor, Majority Leader-elect Kevin McCarthy, and Committee on 
Financial Services Members STOP protecting Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid 
and hold an IMMEDIATE roll call vote on H.R. 24. 

But they’ll only act if you and I make our voices heard loud and clear. 

So please, Fred, help C4L 
  turn up the heat on Congress by signing your Audit the Fed petitions 

If you’ve already taken action, please forward this email to a friend. 

And if you can today, please chip in $5 or $10 to help Campaign for Liberty 
mobilize a grassroots army of Americans to force a House roll call vote on H.R. 

In Liberty, 
Norm Singleton 
Vice President of Policy 

P.S. For more information on how critical this fight is, I've included Dr. 
Paul's original email below.



 Campaign for Liberty http://www.chooseliberty.org/images/rpheader.jpg 

Dear Fred,

Even after almost six years of pumping U.S. dollars - created out of thin air - 
into the American economy, April’s jobs report showed that the American people 
are not benefiting from the recommendations of the so-called “experts.” 

All the Fed’s quantitative easing was “supposed” to dig us out of the Great 
Recession long before now. . . 

But another 800,000 Americans just dropped out of the labor force, leaving just 
over 60% of working-age adults with full-time employment - the lowest number 
since Jimmy Carter’s presidency. 

So what’s the Fed’s solution? 

More of the same. More “print-now, ask-questions-later” policies. More Federal 
Reserve-fueled dollar destruction. . . 

More printing money to pay the bills - fueling our ever-growing $17.5 TRILLION 
in national debt, which threatens to wipe out every last shred of American 

But Fred, the good news is - thanks to your support - Audit the Fed (H.R. 24) 
has reached 224 cosponsors in the U.S. House - a clear majority! 

Now - with the November elections rapidly approaching - it’s absolutely 
critical you sign the petition to House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader 
Eric Cantor, and your U.S. Senators I'll link to in just a moment! 

As you’ll see, these petitions: 

1) INSIST Republican House Leadership STOP protecting Senate Majority Leader 
Harry Reid and schedule an IMMEDIATE roll call vote on H.R. 24; and 

2) URGE your U.S. Senators to stand with my son - Senator Rand Paul - in his 
efforts to force the U.S. Senate on record on Audit the Fed. 

Won’t you please sign your petition IMMEDIATELY 

 Tun on Images

Politicians always listen better when they’re running for office. So NOW is the 
time to take action. 

It’s an especially important time to make our voices heard because many 
establishment politicians have been shaken by Eric Cantor’s stunning primary 

They know that if they continue to resist grassroots Americans, they run the 
risk of being “Cantor’d” themselves. 

As Eric Cantor’s time in Congress comes to a close, he will continue as 
Majority Leader until July 31. 

So he still needs to hear from you. Passing Audit the Fed would give him a 
chance to end his time in Leadership by doing what’s right for our nation’s 
economic future. 

If you and I can FORCE Congress to Audit the Fed, the American people will 
finally see that the Federal Reserve System leads to: 


[MoLiCo] FW: Now Okay to Walk and Talk in DC (Paul Jacob on the transit of informed tourist aides)

2014-07-08 Thread Fred B. Ellison



July 7, 2014 

Now OK to Walk and Talk in DC

Tourist guides in our nation’s capital now get to talk through 
  what they’re walking through. 

DC circuit Judge Janice Brown rules that Washington, DC, wrongly burdens First 
Amendment rights when it prohibits talking about points of interest or the 
history of the city while escorting or guiding a person who paid you to do so, 
that is, unless you pay the government $200 and pass a 100-question 
multiple-choice exam. Until her ruling, the city could jail guides for 90 days 
and/or fine you up to $300 for daring to walk and talk professionally without 
going through the hoops of regulation and licensing. 

Chastising slovenly argumentation in other courts, Brown observes that the 
record is wholly devoid of evidence supporting bans on the speech of tour 
guides Tonia Edwards and Bill Main, the stand-up persons who challenged the 

The suit’s prospects may have been enhanced by the freedom-of-speech angle. But 
although the importance of the First Amendment cannot be overstated, violating 
it is only one of many ways that governments infringe on our right to engage in 
peaceful productive activity. The assaults seem endless. Too many people are 
too unwilling to mind their own business, too eager to interfere with yours. So 
we must be eternally vigilant. 

By we, I largely mean with respect to this case and thousands like it  the 
folks at Institute for Justice, who came to the aid of Edwards and Main, and 
who incessantly champion 
  the rights of people seeking only to peaceably earn their bread. 

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode 
  | View/Print the PDF 


July 7 is Independence Day in the Solomon Islands, commemorating the island 
nation's political separation in 1978. 


Over grown military establishments are under any form of government 
inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to 
republican liberty. 
—George Washington 


Click HERE http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/ 
 to see Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit 
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a persuasive 
manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund 
http://libertyifund.org/  (LIFe) as well as Citizens in Charge and Citizens 
in Charge Foundation. The opinions expressed in Common Sense (and at 

[MoLiCo] FW: Empowering Abuse of Power (Paul Jacob on Illinoisan insiders' stranglehold on their anti-democratic, un-republican system)

2014-07-01 Thread Fred B. Ellison


July 1, 2014 

Empowering Abuse 
of Power

Have a yen to cling indefinitely to political power? You probably oppose
term limits . . . as well as the citizen initiative rights enabling voters
to term-limit you. 

And when voters possess both initiative rights and a willingness to exercise
them, it wouldn't surprise me if you pray that any judge assessing a duly
petitioned-for term limits question deems it unconstitutional. Even if it's
garnered 596,140 signatures, 300,000 more than the minimum valid signatures
required.  http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/time-expired.jpg 

You guessed it: Not a hypothetical scenario. And not, of course, about you. 

GOP gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner is leading to impose eight-year
term limits on all legislative service in Illinois. The petition has more
than enough valid signatures
YcdbAJQaysuMbwWT9Q9WkXFBw==  to reach the ballot. But incumbents sued,
citing an early 1990s decision by the Illinois Supreme Court that declared a
different term limits question unconstitutional. 

Cook County Judge Mary Mikva agrees; precedent dictates a very narrow
provision for allowing the voters to directly enact term amendments to the
Illinois Constitution. Her June 27 ruling is being appealed. 

The state's notoriously corrupt political class may wish upon a
constellation, but wishing won't make the cited precedent relevant. 

As Jacob Huebert, senior attorney at the Liberty Justice Center, argued in a
recent op-ed, term limits are exactly the type of provision the
Constitution's framers thought citizens should be allowed to propose and
vote on. He added, This isn't just a common-sense reading of what the
Illinois Constitution says; it's also what its framers said explicitly when
they included this provision. 

The stated aim of republican constitutions in America has never been to
protect incumbents from effective citizen oversight and control. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
Y4-dnCHz0BvHYcdbAJQaysuMbwWT9Q9WkXFBw==  | View/Print the PDF


ng On July 1, 1944, American activist and founder of the Ludwig von Mises
Institute, Lew Rockwell, was born. 


pg.w300h396.jpg If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent
we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. 
-George Washington 


Click HERE
http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/  to see
Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a
persuasive manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
http://libertyifund.org/  (LIFe) as well as Citizens in Charge and
Citizens in Charge Foundation. The opinions expressed in Common Sense (and
at Townhall.com
ysuMbwWT9Q9WkXFBw== , where Paul has written weekend columns 

[MoLiCo] FW: Free Talkers Now (Paul Jacob on partisans who take sides against free speech in politics)

2014-06-30 Thread Fred B. Ellison


June 30, 2014 

Free Talkers Now

Ah yes, criminal schemes. 

The Weekly Standard reminds us
HCsGA==  that when partisan Democrats declare Wisconsin Governor Scott
Walker to be at the center of a 'criminal scheme' in which Walker's
campaign illegally coordinated political activity with outside
organizations, they neglect the fact
g==ch=xm-7vrqTmwhH8Pv1HuK81EvbRBpQdxk3Sbsrp8MLUX__ND50-HCsGA==  that two
judges have already determined
g==ch=xm-7vrqTmwhH8Pv1HuK81EvbRBpQdxk3Sbsrp8MLUX__ND50-HCsGA==  that the
case against Walker is worse than bogus. 

Political coordination seems to be an infinitely elastic category of
pseudo-crime applicable to anyone a political apparatchik chooses to target.
You politically coordinate if you're a) political active, b) share
political values with any other activists, and c) read the newspapers, talk
on television. If political coordination is criminal, so is freedom of
speech and freedom of association. It's all the same species of delinquency.

Wisconsin district attorneys abused power to harass reformers like Governor
Walker, my colleague Eric O'Keefe, and others into (what they hoped would
be) silence and ineffectuality. Despite a gag order intended to shut up the
victims, though, Eric has spoken out
8MLUX__ND50-HCsGA== ; and he's sued Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm. 

In May, federal Judge Rudolph Randa observed
8MLUX__ND50-HCsGA== , for one thing, that the theory of 'coordination'
forming the basis of the investigation, including the basis of probable
cause for home raids, is not supported under Wisconsin law and, if it were,
would violate the United States Constitution. Randa granted a preliminary
injunction (pdf
X__ND50-HCsGA== ) to stop the probe. 

I'm hopeful that the bad guys won't win here. We still have the First

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 


* Though, 44 U.S. Senators are proposing to repeal it

[MoLiCo] FW: Lawmakers on ISIS: Be Very Afraid

2014-06-30 Thread Fred B. Ellison

 View this email in your browser 



 Lawmakers on ISIS: Be Very Afraid

Viewers of the Sunday morning talk shows this week might be forgiven if they 
came away from this weekend’s offerings expecting to see landing craft full of 
soldiers from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria storming the beaches of the 
United States sometime this summer. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), Chairman of the 
 Read more...   
 Like Lawmakers on ISIS: Be Very Afraid on Facebook   
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 Obama’s Stealth Sanctions Against Russia Are a Dirty Trick

These are fast times for Ukraine. The crisis over its future between East and 
West suddenly has more momentum and more chance of resolution than it has in 
many months. But it is newly fragile, too. A false move now could have us 
talking about Cold War II and Russian isolation all over again. In quick 
succession at the end...  
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 Like Obama’s Stealth Sanctions Against Russia Are a Dirty Trick on Facebook   
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 Will GM’s $2 Billion Satisfy the Growing Chorus of Lawsuits?

As General Motors and its executives were being publicly pilloried about the 
ignition-switch problems affecting millions of cars, which resulted in 54 
accidents and 13 deaths known to date, the company began to prepare for 
settlement payouts by hiring Kenneth Feinberg. An attorney who handled 
compensation issues...  
 Read more...   

[MoLiCo] FW: Hundreds of thousands have taken our no-cost Constitution course; will you?

2014-06-27 Thread Fred B. Ellison

Go HERE http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/q/1mA8AC9SQUHWr0fMqwkQ/wv  
to view this message in your browser.
 Response Action Network 

Below please find a special message from one of our advertisers. Please note 
that the following message reflects the opinions and representations of our 
advertiser alone, and not necessarily the opinion or editorial positions of 
Response Action Network.

 http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/13zqfy58ZmW13tDhrSKkYKo PLEASE 
register for Constitution 101 TODAY

Dear Fred, 

http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/13zqr4qs4HaSfzN3y0drdGl PLEASE 
register for Constitution 101 TODAY 
http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/13zqr4qs4HaSfzN3y0drdGl September 
1787. Philadelphia. 

The ink had just dried on the Constitution of the United States of America - 
four short pages that would become the most revolutionary document of all time. 

Through this document our Founding Fathers left us an incredible legacy of 
liberty. But sadly, most Americans don't know that much about the Constitution. 
In fact, in a Newsweek survey, more than half of Americans couldn't identify 
the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. 

That's why I 'd like to invite you to enroll - at no cost to you - in Hillsdale 
College's online course:  
Constitution 101: The Meaning and History of the Constitution. 

My name is Larry Arnn. I am the President of Hillsdale College. For decades, 
I've dedicated my life to education. 

America's founding principles are under attack today like never before - simply 
because so many Americans don't understand the Constitution and principles of 
liberty. This ignorance has allowed an ever-expanding bureaucracy to become 
more and more despotic. 

Constitution 101 is geared toward people who understand this disturbing trend 
in America - people like you. You already know how important the Constitution 
is to liberty, but want to know even more. 

Hillsdale offers this class at no cost, and makes it open and accessible to 
everyone, because the more Americans who understand our Constitution, the more 
likely we are to preserve it - thus preserving liberty in America. 

Please join me today by enrolling in  
Constitution 101 - and find out how to improve your understanding of the 
Constitution and the importance of liberty. 

 http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/13zrb9NGq08j1Yq9Wu5Qbq9 PLEASE 
register for Constitution 101 TODAY

And what's more, you can view all of these 10 fascinating, informative sessions 
on-demand from your computer, at your convenience. 

Over these 10 lectures, Hillsdale College's Politics faculty will teach you 
about the meaning and history of the Constitution - everything you need to know 
from the principles of liberty in he Declaration of Independence, through the 
second great constitutional crisis--slavery and civil war - up through the 
present day Progressive assault. 

There's never been a better opportunity to learn everything about the 

There's never been a better opportunity for you to do your part in preserving 
liberty in America . 

Reserve your spot, for zero cost, in Hillsdale's online  
Constitution 101 course right away. 

Hillsdale College still reveres the principles of liberty in the Constitution - 
because it requires every student - regardless of major - to take a 
one-semester course on the Constitution in order to graduate. Few colleges or 
universities even teach the Constitution, let alone require studying it! 

And we practice what we preach here at Hillsdale. Because we believe it 
unconstitutional, Hillsdale refuses all taxpayer subsidies - even indirectly in 
the form of grants or loans. We don't want bureaucrats dictating who we must 
hire, who to admit for enrollment, or what we teach. 

And, that's why I hope you'll enroll in our no-cost informative and 
Constitution 101 course now. 

Don't miss out on this great opportunity. Reserve your spot right away. 

I have the privilege of teaching the first class and last class, so sign up 
today. Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you in class! 

Yours for liberty, 

 Dr. Larry P Arnn 
Larry P. Arnn
Hillsdale College
Pursuing Truth - Defending Liberty since 1844 

P.S. No matter how much you know about the Constitution, you'll be fascinated 
with how much you can still learn. 

[MoLiCo] FW: Bong Hits, Car Misses (Paul Jacob on convergent progress)

2014-06-26 Thread Fred B. Ellison


June 26, 2014 

Bong Hits, Car Misses

Two social developments are about to collide - for our good? 

First up, the relaxing of the Drug War approach, at least against marijuana

The Drug War didn't work. Increased drug use, even in prisons, suggests
there was something fundamentally wrong with the strategy. 

With medical marijuana legalized in 19 states
g4-XDsNAA==ch=EuwNtYpRik3-7MEFhaAgAcP6lCBDhl1lNm9ltM_wOjXsub8GEblSMQ== ,
and near-complete decriminalization in Washington and Colorado, we will see
what happens when the black market is cut out of the social picture. Will
people become less responsible? More? Will there be little change?

The worst thing about drug use is incitement to violence; the second worst
thing is decreasing personal responsibility, perhaps especially relating to
automobile usage. Marijuana's violence-promotion seems completely a factor
of the black market. But, like alcohol mis-use, marijuana imbibing can
impair motor functions, and lead to traffic accidents, even fatal ones.
That's quite bad. 

How to control this? 

Well, Washington State's decriminalization law, I-502, had built in a THC
indicator for inebriation: the five nanogram rule. Alas, evidence suggests
it's, well, the wrong number. Too extreme, too picky, too low, as Jacob
Sullum reports at

Obviously, how to incentivize good driving and responsible drug use, and
dis-incentivize reckless driving and drug abuse, will continue to be a

Still, a second social development may provide a long-term alleviation of
the problem: driverless cars. The successes of the Google self-driving
prototypes, and the legal preparation for this, may soon provide a real and
safe alternative to inebriates driving around helter skelter. 

Progress comes in unexpected ways. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
aAgAcP6lCBDhl1lNm9ltM_wOjXsub8GEblSMQ==  | View/Print the PDF


On June 26, 363, Roman Emperor Julian was killed during the retreat from the
Sassanid Empire. On this same date in 1960, Madagascar gained its
independence from France; in 1963, U.S. President John F. Kennedy gave his
Ich bin ein Berliner speech. 


pg.w300h396.jpg My first wish is to see this plague of mankind, war,
banished from the earth. 
-George Washington 


Click HERE
http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/  to see
Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a
persuasive manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
http://libertyifund.org/  (LIFe) as well as Citizens in Charge and
Citizens in Charge Foundation. The opinions expressed in Common Sense (and
at Townhall.com

[MoLiCo] FW: IRS Says We Wuz Wrongish (Paul Jacob on the continuing evasions)

2014-06-25 Thread Fred B. Ellison


June 25, 2014 

IRS Says 
We Wuz Wrongish

The IRS has a Love Story relationship with citizens. Being the IRS means
never having to say you're sorry. 

Actually, in real life, as opposed to cinematic catch phrases, people who
care about each other do often feel a need to genuinely apologize about
actual wrongs. But the IRS doesn't care about us except insofar as we have
wallets. And doesn't feel sorry about anything they do to get our cash or to
protect their turf except insofar as they get caught.

Getting caught isn't so bad. The worst is a little public embarrassment and
maybe having to fork over some of the money provided by all taxpayers to a
subset of all taxpayers. Example: the agency has agreed to pay $50,000
Lm-JRZXdfFUrgKLyR5hPKK2q6TMBBBsVjMOPf9f7GCVQg==  in damages to the National
Organization for Marriage, whose tax return and donor list the IRS illegally
divulged to an opposing political group two years ago. 

The guilty IRS employee has still not been identified. And the IRS is not
really regretful. All spokesman Bruce Friedland will say is that privacy law
prohibits us from commenting
ch=pxt6YWbB0Lm-JRZXdfFUrgKLyR5hPKK2q6TMBBBsVjMOPf9f7GCVQg== . 

This isn't the only recent occasion on which IRS has divulged private
tax-return info for ideological purposes. What about an employee's abuse
ch=pxt6YWbB0Lm-JRZXdfFUrgKLyR5hPKK2q6TMBBBsVjMOPf9f7GCVQg==  of the private
tax information of U.S. Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell during a
political campaign? What about Lois Lerner's illegal provision
GCVQg==  of tax data on tax-exempt organizations to the FBI? 

Yes, the IRS targets us ideologically, in addition to the other ways they
target us. And they're not sorry. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
fFUrgKLyR5hPKK2q6TMBBBsVjMOPf9f7GCVQg==  | View/Print the PDF


Virginia became the tenth state to ratify the U.S. Constitution, on June 25,
1788. Other events on the 25th of June include Custer dying at the Battle of
Little Bighorn (1876); Igor 

[MoLiCo] FW: A Clever Change (Paul Jacob on small defeat)

2014-06-23 Thread Fred B. Ellison


June 23, 2014 

A Clever Change

Time, gentleman, please! 

North Dakota legislators had introduced HCR 3034 and passed it at the
pleadings of Secretary of State Al Jaeger. The old-timer had argued his
office needed more time: time to review petitions, time to accommodate legal
challenges to ballot measures. 

Democracy can be such a fast-moving target, er, process, you know.

HCR 3034 became Measure 1
zE9-_cxbmoYqRx06oUj0vt9ixHkE2LcvKlfryJgr2VfOE7EfQ== , a constitutional
amendment to change one thing: the length of time citizens had to circulate
petitions. It moved the deadline for signature turn-in from 90 days prior to
an election to 120 days prior, thereby cutting 30 days from the citizens and
giving it to the Secretary of State, who assured everybody that his extra
time would safeguard the credibility of the petition process. 

The measure passed two weeks ago, in part because it was conducted in a
low-turnout primary election. 

Most times politicians avoid citizen input altogether, in their fight
against initiative. But in this case, politicians nudged citizens into
sacrificing their own advantages to make it easier for the insider class. 

It's admittedly not catastrophic. Worse anti-initiative measures have passed

But could there have been a telltale sign of the malign intent here, not
seen by the voters? Nixing those 30 days did at least one crucial thing: it
disallowed signature gathering at the biggest and most popular event in the
state: the state fair. 

Could it be that it was not time at issue, but timing? 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.

P.S. You can follow initiative and ballot access news at Citizens in Charge
vt9ixHkE2LcvKlfryJgr2VfOE7EfQ== . 

Comment on this episode
Rx06oUj0vt9ixHkE2LcvKlfryJgr2VfOE7EfQ==  | View/Print the PDF


Today is Estonia's Victory Day, which has been celebrated on 23 June every
year since 1934. The date recalls the victory in the 1919 Battle of Vonnu
(near Cesis, Latvia) of the Estonian military forces (and Latvian North
brigade) and their allies over German forces (Baltische Landeswehr) who
sought to re-assert Baltic-German control over the region. The battle was
part of the 1918-1920 Estonian War of Independence, where the main adversary
of the newly independent Estonia was Communist Russia. Today, Victory Day
also marks the contributions of all Estonian nations in their fight to
regain and retain their independence. Estonian celebration of June 23 is
ceremonially tied to the following Midsummer Day celebrations on June 24.
According to Estonian laws, the state flags are not to be lowered during the
night between the days. 


I venture to prophesy that there lies before us a bitter and an evil time. 
-Auberon Herbert (1838-1906) 


Click HERE
http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/  to see
Paul's latest! 


[MoLiCo] FW: MRA Meeting Tomorrow, June 21, 10:00am

2014-06-20 Thread Fred B. Ellison



On Friday, June 20, 2014 9:28 AM, Jim Kendall mora.presid...@gmail.com wrote:


Don’t forget the MRA meeting tomorrow, Saturday, June 21.  The meeting starts 
at 10:00 am at the Library Center on south Campbell in Springfield and will 
consist of three parts:


(1) 7th Congressional District MRA.  This part will last approximately 30 – 
45 minutes and will feature a speaker from the Missouri Alliance for Freedom.  
The purpose of the Missouri Alliance for Freedom is to “protect and grow 
individual, religious, and economic liberty throughout Missouri.”


(2)Missouri Republican Assembly.  I anticipate this meeting will be 
relatively short and I will give an update on MRA and National Federation of 
Republican Assemblies.


(3)Meeting of the MRA Board of Directors: filling vacant officer positions, 
a discussion of growing the MRA throughout the state of Missouri, and any other 
business as required.  The Board of Directors consists of the President, First 
and Second Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, National Committeeman and 
Committeewoman, and Director (President) of each Congressional District 
Republican Assembly.


I anticipate all meetings will conclude by noon.  I hope you can join us on 
June 21, 2014


Jim Kendall

President, MRA



Merilyn:  Please forward to 7th District MRA

Mitch:  Please remind people in the central Missouri area



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[MoLiCo] FW: Gun Control of the Very Best Kind (Paul Jacob on actually deterring crime)

2014-06-18 Thread Fred B. Ellison


June 18, 2014 

Gun Control of the Very Best Kind

The headline
CXEsVwNnXiOVTj3X42g53C6mgS74rdl-S4bya5ka2PgFg== : Husband and wife shoot
gunmen who try to enter their St. Louis home, killing 1, police say. 

They acted when two thugs tried to force their way into their home by using
the St. Louis couple's 17-year-old daughter as a shield. She had been
outside fetching something from her car when the men grabbed her. 

Inside, the father happened to see what was happening and pulled out his
gun. His wife also retrieved a gun. Home invader Terrell Johnson entered
first and received the first bullets. He didn't survive. His partner Cortez
McClinton - arrested in 2010 on a murder charge, but eventually released
because of uncooperative witnesses - managed to escape, if only briefly. His
brother took him to a hospital for chest and thigh wounds. The police picked
him up there.  http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/HomelandSecurity.png 

Mom had also gotten off a shot but did not hit either intruder, leading one
blogger to opine that although her heart is in the right place, she needs
practice. A reader replied, rightly, that when your own daughter is directly
in harm's way, your shooting skill is hardly the only variable. 

Besides, the goal in brandishing a weapon isn't necessarily to wound bad
guys, but better yet to scare them off. There's a deterrent effect in owning

I am surprised that advocates of gun control and their compatriots in the
national MainStream Media are not all over this story. For here is yet
another dramatic proof of the need for effective gun control on which they
constantly insist. 

The gun used to thwart the invaders was very effectively controlled indeed. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
XiOVTj3X42g53C6mgS74rdl-S4bya5ka2PgFg==  | View/Print the PDF


On June 18, 1778, British troops abandoned Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 
On June 18, 1838, Auberon Edward William Molyneux Herbert was born. Auberon
Herbert (pictured) was a liberal
politician in Great Britain who, after reading the writings of Herbert
Spencer, became a radical individualist, promoting a doctrine he called


 Will Rogers
http://thisiscommonsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/WillRogers.png We
will never have true civilization until we have learned to recognize the
rights of others. 
-Will Rogers 


Click HERE
http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/  to see
Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a
persuasive manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
http://libertyifund.org/  (LIFe) as well as Citizens in Charge and
Citizens in Charge Foundation. The opinions expressed in Common Sense (and
at Townhall.com

[MoLiCo] FW: Term Limits Poster Boy #98,992,938 (Paul Jacob on a possible pledge breaker)

2014-06-17 Thread Fred B. Ellison


June 17, 2014 

Term Limits Poster Boy #98,992,938

A Wisconsin lawmaker has changed his mind
QU0ilm4hE4hYLX58cMgCb0K5EivvPSaiDE3l7dA8swqKA==  about term limits. Maybe. 

Power that politicians shouldn't have in the first place is easily abused.
And it's easy to see how incumbents who come to regard inherently abusive
power over others as normal may succumb to other ethical laxities. 

That is, power tends to corrupt. Lord Acton had a point
g==ch=4lMAxeWvgQU0ilm4hE4hYLX58cMgCb0K5EivvPSaiDE3l7dA8swqKA== . 

On the other hand, some incumbents are morally derelict before they reach
office - for example, with respect to the pledges they make to voters as a
way of appealing for votes. Scott Krug

Which breach did Scott Krug commit? That of swerving from fidelity to the
truth in 2010 about whether he would limit his tenure (I'm for real
PSaiDE3l7dA8swqKA== . . . . Four years, done.)? Or that of scuppering an
honest pledge only after it dawned on him that if he kept his promise not
to run again after serving four years, it would mean not running again after
serving four years? 

Does it matter? If Krug wasn't lying back then, he's lying right now when he
expatiates about how his newfound appreciation of the Value of Experience
DE3l7dA8swqKA==  trumps any formal vow. 

I'm gratified, and not surprised, when candidates keep their term-limit
pledges. I'm saddened, but also not surprised, when others fail to. Krug's
cruddy conduct is just one reason I must dispute Wisconsin Governor Scott
Walker's recent pronouncement that although a hyper-corrupt state like
Illinois may need term limits, Wisconsin does not. 

Acton's principle is no respecter of geographic boundaries. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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On this day in 1971, President Richard Nixon declared a War on Drugs,
which steadily decreased civil liberty and the rule of law in America.
Exactly one year later, five men were arrested for attempted burglary on the
offices of the Democratic National Committee in the 

[MoLiCo] FW: Big Business Versus Big Liberty (Paul Jacob on the story behind the story of the Cantor loss and the Brat victory)

2014-06-16 Thread Fred B. Ellison


June 16, 2014 

Big Business vs. Big Liberty

Incumbents Fear Cantor's Loss Will Fill Tea Party's Sails is the headline
qMSmsdDq7I0mA== . 

Before a few days ago
7I0mA== , GOP establishmentarians felt that they had finally quelled the
Tea Party notion that Republicans should be more than 2 to 4 percent
different from Democrats on whether the country should suffer a socialist
health care industry, endless tsunamis of red ink, etc. 

 Coca-Cola http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/Coke-Plane.png Certain big
businesses also hate Tea-Party-style boat-rocking. In his article Big
Business Vs. Libertarians in the GOP, David Boaz observes
gba0-HGkTJCBs2PI_kJMkRP75-uk9AwS-yijqMSmsdDq7I0mA==  that candidates who
plausibly oppose crony capitalism are drawing opposition from firms like
Coca Cola, Delta, Georgia Power, and ATT. These and the Georgia Chamber of
Commerce created a Georgia Coalition for Job Growth to defeat Republican
Charles Gregory and other candidates who are just too libertarian for

What do these anti-liberty businesses - in Georgia, Kentucky, California and
elsewhere - fear? The lower taxes that real-deal Tea Party candidates


And it isn't gay marriage or foreign policy that seems to annoy big and
politically connected businesses, writes Boaz. Who they oppose are
representatives who refuse to bring home the bacon, who actually take
seriously the limited government ideas that most Republicans only pay lip
service to. 

Don't be shocked to witness big businesses working against limited
government, welcoming regulation and subsidy as a way of life. 

Why? Because the mixed economy approach (whether mercantilist,
progressive, fascist, what-have-you) allows them to rig the system in
their favor, usually by discouraging competition. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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On June 16, 1723, economist and social philosopher Adam Smith was born. The
author of The Theory of Moral Sentiments and An Inquiry into the Nature and
Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Smith's interest on the theory and practice
of limited government and individual liberty has been enormous. 
Lord Byron read a collection of ghost stories to his house guests, on June
16, 1816. This inspired one guest to write the first modern vampire story,
and another, Mary 

[MoLiCo] FW: Do Not Pass Dumb, Do Not Collect Your Wits (Paul Jacob on another batch of idiotic outrage)

2014-06-13 Thread Fred B. Ellison


June 13, 2014 

Do Not Pass Dumb, 
Do Not Collect Your Wits

In the empire of fibs and euphemisms, the person who re-asserts the bald
truth can find himself excoriated not merely as a traitor to All That Is
Good And True and Beautiful, but scorned as a crazed lunatic and all-around
dangerous fellow. 

After economist David Brat defeated the House Majority Leader this week
wm4VQ== , folks left, right and center set themselves to poring through the
professor's writings for any juicy tidbit to get excited about. The drollest
kerfuffle was over this: 

If you refuse to pay your taxes, you will lose. You will go to jail, and if
you fight, you will lose. The government holds a monopoly on violence. Any
law that we vote for is ultimately backed by the full force of our
government and military.

 Max Weber: 1864-1920
http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/MaxWeber1864-1920.png Charles Cooke
OoiEafjK_sSX9gloJZo7wm4VQ==  Brat from the New York Daily News
OoiEafjK_sSX9gloJZo7wm4VQ== , the Wall Street Journal
ch=mErfH06C9H3KBm7tYvTQPmHi2sGFhOoiEafjK_sSX9gloJZo7wm4VQ== , and
Politico's Ben White, all dismissive or worse. And then, for the real meat
of the frenzy,  [a]s is its wont, the progressive blogosphere lost its
collective marbles too: One contributor sardonically described Brat's claim
as a 'doozy
OoiEafjK_sSX9gloJZo7wm4VQ== ,' while another contended that such opinions
were sufficient for 'one to question
wm4VQ==  his, shall we say, cognitive coherence.' 

Cooke's point is that Brat's thesis is obviously true. 

But it's more than that. This notion that governments claim a monopoly on
the use of force is non-controversial. It was defined neatly in 

[MoLiCo] FW: My $25 Summer School Deal

2014-06-11 Thread Fred B. Ellison

 Campaign for Liberty http://www.chooseliberty.org/images/rpheader.jpg 

Dear Conservative,

If you have children or grandchildren in the fifth grade or higher, and you 
have not yet signed up for my Ron Paul Curriculum homeschooling program, I have 
some exciting news! 

The Ron Paul Curriculum is offering an online summer school refresher program 
for just $25 

The K-5th grade courses are always free of charge.  I recommend you check them 
out and put the program to good use with your child this summer.  It may be 
just what your child (or grandchild) needs to catch up, keep up, or pull ahead.

Normally, families pay $250 a year, plus $50 per course.  

While you will still have to pay $50 per course, this deal provides you an 
opportunity to access the curriculum for three months for just $25. 

You can help speed up your child's academic progress next fall by having your 
child take just one course and do three lessons a day, five days a week.  
That's about three hours in just one morning that will enable your child to 
take a year's course, if you continue in the curriculum.

There are no textbooks to buy with my curriculum and no extra fees.

One course is free for all students: the Academic Basics Course (ABC).

This course prepares your child for high school work, and it has enabled some 
students to raise their academic performance by one full grade point.  

You can read more about it here 

For just $25, your child or grandchild can access a curriculum with materials 
prepared by some of the leading experts in their fields. 

Your child can also interact with, learn from, and teach their peers through 
our student discussion forums.  Student interaction helps them progress faster. 

This summer school program is a good way to test drive my curriculum.  It is 
also a way to inoculate your child against classroom liberalism next fall.

If you want your child’s education to include an introduction to the ideas of 
liberty, then you will be very interested in the course on government.  

The first half of this course 
  is taught by Dr. Gary North.  Dr. North is a widely published expert in 
economics and history and was also a key member of my first congressional 
staff.  The second half 
  is taught by Dr. Tom Woods, New York Times bestselling author and senior 
fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute.  It would be hard to find a better 
introduction to the freedom philosophy. 

The course on personal finance is also a winner.  It is taught by Dr. Timothy 
Terrell, who is not only an expert in finance, but, as the father of three 
teenagers, understands the challenges of teaching young people how to be 
financially responsible.  

If you want to educate your child on the pitfalls of consumer debt, this is the 
course you have been looking for.  You can find the details here 

My curriculum also features a course on public speaking, which is based on the 
world-renown Toastmasters International program.  Learn more here 

For a list of all the courses, click here 

To sign up for the summer school curriculum (which comes with a 60-day, 
money-back guarantee), click here 

The Ron Paul Curriculum is designed to strengthen both child and parent alike 
in the message of liberty while providing a comprehensive education.  I hope 
you’ll take advantage of this special opportunity to become involved in this 
For Liberty,
Ron Paul

 C4L website   
 Share this on social media   
 Forward this email to a friend   
 C4L on Facebook   

[MoLiCo] FW: Brat Beats Cantor (Paul Jacob on the need to replace failed leadership, 'viva la revolution')

2014-06-11 Thread Fred B. Ellison


June 11, 2014 

Brat Beats Cantor

Yesterday, House Majority Eric Cantor (R-Va.) received a solid thumping by
Tea Party-supported Dave Brat in Virginia's Republican Party primary. 

That bounce in my step today? Not

Americans have always loved the underdog, and certainly Brat qualified as
one: Cantor was expected to crush his underfunded challenger. Slate's Dave
Weigel reported
HMdpA==  that the Cantor campaign spent nearly $1 million in the final
weeks, while Brat struggled to spend six figures. Dave Brat and Eric Cantor

Brat, a Randolph Macon College economics professor, says he's a free-market
guy, and proudly admits, I do want to scale down Washington, DC. He also
signed the U.S. Term Limits pledge and dubbed himself Cantor's term-limit.

By a dozen percentage points, no less. 

Brat hammered
EpoQqBLRAeNc2qwIkwONk9rtHMdpA==  Cantor on the immigration issue - on which
I side with neither Brat nor Cantor - but the defeat of this major
congressional leader was about far more than that single issue. It was about
leadership and trust . . . or the lack thereof. 

Our so-called leaders aren't leading. 

And the Republican grassroots refuse to blindly follow. 

Well-known conservative activist Brent Bozell, head of ForAmerica, a group
that attacked Cantor, called the upset an apocalyptic moment for the GOP
establishment, adding, The grassroots is in revolt and marching. 

Several TV talking heads spoke about the fear the Republican congressional
leadership has of its own party's rank-and-file. Great! I hope Republicans
will keep GOP politicians scared. And Democrats will do the same with
theirs. And Libertarians and Greens will help stir the caldron. 

This is the biggest upset since those crazy term limits folks took out House
Speaker Tom Foley back in 1994. 

And I feel fine. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
oCf_x3swEpoQqBLRAeNc2qwIkwONk9rtHMdpA==  | View/Print the PDF


On June 11, 1776, the Continental Congress appointed John Adams, Benjamin
Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert R. Livingston, and Roger Sherman to draft
a declaration of independence from Great Britain. 


 David D. Friedman
09-19.32.59.png Property rights are not the rights of property; they are
the rights of humans with regard to property. They are a particular kind of
human right. 
-David D. Friedman 


Click HERE
http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/  to see
Paul's latest! 


[MoLiCo] FW: Don't Empower Venezuelan Government (Paul Jacob suggests a boycott)

2014-06-10 Thread Fred B. Ellison


June 9, 2014 

Don't Empower Venezuelan Government

If you run a company that buys oil from Venezuela, stop. 

If you purchase fuel from a company getting its product from Venezuela,

If you run a government that imposes lots of arbitrary restrictions on the
exploration, development, and/or transport of oil, stop that also.  

But don't wait for the last to happen if you can do the first. Or second. 

And the second means: Don't buy gas from Citgo. Leopoldo López

We have long had more than sufficient cause to refrain from financially
empowering Venezuela's autocratic regime, and to make it a lot easier for
domestic buyers and sellers to shun dealings with dictators who happen to be
NDdT5_EJA==ch=S1cD9R80bAnr7pLJyhbmAaZVGOJ-p6vAAplSt_WucA53K9UBn_GiJQ==  on
a lot of oil. These reasons didn't fade after the death last year of Hugo

News from the communist country
6vAAplSt_WucA53K9UBn_GiJQ==  underscores the viciousness of the Venezuelan
tyranny. Organizations like the Human Rights Foundation have called
attention to the plight of all those detained and abused for peacefully
protesting the regime by formally declaring
_WucA53K9UBn_GiJQ==  opposition leader Leopoldo López, detained since
February, to be a prisoner of conscience of the Maduro government; and by
vocally condemning the government's torture
_GiJQ==  of student protestors Marco Aurelio Coello and Christian Holdack,
also detained since February. 

Communist governments steal everyone's stuff; that is the pain that
everybody who works for a living sees and feels. They also tend to resort to
repression and torture of any who dare object to their repressive policies.
Persons free to boycott such tyranny should boycott it. Now. In order to do
so, we need not wait for a government or even have the support of our own

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
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  http://thisiscommonsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/nero.jpg Roman
Emperor Nero committed suicide on this day in June, 68 AD, ending Rome's
Julio-Claudian Dynasty, later written about with verve by Suetonius and
Robert Graves. 


 Isaiah Berlin

[MoLiCo] FW: Bypassing McDonalds to Fly (Paul Jacob on the likely consequence of the latest minimum wage hikes)

2014-06-06 Thread Fred B. Ellison


June 6, 2014 

Bypassing McDonalds to Fly

When a professional academic economist and poverty specialist like Prof.
Robert Plotnick
XZzKSCYK-28SLEspwPE74XETUPAt-EYCosNwQ==  defends a radically higher minimum
wage law, as has been put in place in SeaTac, Washington, and was just
A==ch=UyJX2IeWGvGB1g1HLXZzKSCYK-28SLEspwPE74XETUPAt-EYCosNwQ==  (with
elaborate postponement/implementation periods) in Seattle, I raise an
eyebrow. What am I missing? 

But then I read what he actually said:
IeWGvGB1g1HLXZzKSCYK-28SLEspwPE74XETUPAt-EYCosNwQ==  People aren't going
to stop flying out of Sea Tac [airport] because it costs a little more to
buy a hamburger or a beer, he says. 

No. They won't.  http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/dollarscents.png 

But that's irrelevant. With prices higher for fast food, there's certainly
going to be no increase in fast food purchases. People will still go to the
airport, but more often avoid the fast food joints, in SeaTac or Seattle. 

And, over time, as businesses struggle with reduced revenue, or at least
reduced profits, fewer of those businesses will survive. And folks with
better qualifications - say, better language skills, better people skills,
or a higher work ethic  - will move in to the forced higher-wage area (the
$15/hour minimum in both Sea Tac and Seattle is the highest city rate in the
nation) and will replace less skilled workers. 

Increasing poverty, not decreasing it: stultifying progress, both personal
and in general. 

Already the horror stories are piling up: check out the stories in the
Seattle Times. (See economist David Henderson's discussion on EconLog
osNwQ== .) 

One of the problems was inadvertently suggested by our president, who
recently intoned, Let's declare that in the wealthiest nation on Earth, no
one who works full-time should have to live in poverty. 

Great. We'll have fewer low-income workers working full time. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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30-21.19.12.png June 6 marks major life events of two eminent British
philosophers, Jeremy Bentham's death (1832) and Isaiah Berlin's birth
(1909). Bentham was known as a philosophical radical and a major influence
on the British utilitarian tradition. He authored numerous books, including
Defence of Usury and An Introduction to 

[MoLiCo] FW: Reset the Net? (Paul Jacob on what you can do to put a bump in the spies' spying)

2014-06-05 Thread Fred B. Ellison


June 5, 2014 

Reset the Net?

I don't know on which version the current Internet is said to be. Internet
4.0? Web 3.1? HTML something-or-other? (You may notice: I'm not a tech guy.)

But it's changing. Streaming video and the fast development of cloud
computing are revolutionizing the way we think about the common space
beyond our computers. 

Oh, and then there are all the post-PC devices - smart phones and tablets
and the like - metamorphosing with Ovidian avidity.

Nevertheless, there's one big element that outshines them all: government

Shhh. This is just between me and you, but . this is not just between you
and me. The NSA and other branches of our government insist on listening in.

In the past year, since Edward Snowden's NSA leaks began hitting the news
stream, we've learned more and more about how intrusive our government spies
not only want to be, but can be; not only can be, but are. 

So, to celebrate the first anniversary of the beginning of the Snowden Era,
folks at the Electronic Freedom Foundation
wEspg== , in co-operation with good netizens everywhere, have proclaimed
today, June 5, Reset the Net Day. 

A day of protest? More a day of preparation. What can you do to make your
Internet presence a bit more secure? 

Well, according to the EFF activists, and according to Snowden himself,
there are many things you can do. Encryption is one of them. 

My advice? Don't ask me about it. Consult the experts
oil41dAmKDD0PHeq7swFzi6HwEspg== . Let's think more carefully about life
under the eyes of our overlords. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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vypXNwDdoil41dAmKDD0PHeq7swFzi6HwEspg==  | View/Print the PDF


On June 5, 1851, Harriet Beecher Stowe's anti-slavery serial, Uncle Tom's
Cabin, or Life Among the Lowly, started its ten-month run in the National
Era abolitionist newspaper. 


 Isaiah Berlin
The fundamental sense of freedom is freedom from chains, from imprisonment,
from enslavement by others. The rest is extension of this sense, or else
-Isaiah Berlin 


Click HERE
http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/  to see
Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a
persuasive manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
http://libertyifund.org/  (LIFe) as well as Citizens in Charge and
Citizens in Charge Foundation. The opinions expressed in Common Sense (and
at Townhall.com

[MoLiCo] FW: The Unknown Citizen (Paul Jacob on moments of courage and inspiration that shall not be forgotten)

2014-06-04 Thread Fred B. Ellison


June 4, 2014 

The Unknown Citizen

No one knows his name. Or whether, when he was whisked away by several
people who suddenly appeared in the square, he was rushed to the safety of
friends or into police custody. 

He's Tank Man
95coV9jaKRTh0p9uw== . His claim to fame is largely symbolic, blocking a
whole line of People's Liberation Army tanks for several minutes as they
were taking a victory lap through Tiananmen Square mere hours after crushing
the encampment of protesters. Tank Man stood in front of these massive
treaded war machines, moved with them when they maneuvered to go around him,
and, once the tanks stopped, he climbed on top of the one in front, banging
on it and yelling at the driver. 

For seven weeks, protests had taken over much of Tiananmen Square in the
heart of the Chinese capital. Students began the demonstrations, which were
then joined by working folks. They spoke truth to power and crowds swelled
to hear calls for press freedom and individual liberty and basic democratic
rights to control government. Remember Tiananmen: 25th Anniversary

But on this day 25 years ago, the Chinese communist leaders, the Butchers of
Beijing, ended this Springtime burst of life and liberty by ordering the
military to fire on civilians*   and roll their tanks over people to clear
the square. The Chinese government acknowledges that hundreds died; others
put the death toll as high as 6,000. 

Tank Man and the pro-freedom movement lost. 

An obviously emotional ABC reporter told American viewers that the voices
of those who died calling for freedom and liberty are likely to be
remembered long after the sound of the gunfire that attempted to silence
them has faded away. 

Tragically, to this day, the Chinese government imprisons pro-democracy
activists who speak out, blocks Internet searches for Tiananmen Square
protests, and uses a massive police presence and arbitrary detention of
radicals to prevent any commemoration of what happened a quarter century

Still, the image of that lone Chinese worker, satchel in hand, serves as a
symbol of the desire for freedom, for the defiance of tyranny. It is forever
etched in the minds of liberty lovers everywhere. 

We cannot bring freedom to the Chinese people. They will have to continue to
struggle to achieve that on their own. 

What can we do? 

We can remain inspired by the bravery shown by Tank Man - and by bloggers
and activists in prisons throughout the world. Working through
non-governmental organizations, such as the Human Rights Foundation
Ma1DHFNTzVpB95coV9jaKRTh0p9uw== , we can assist the cause of individual
freedom by bringing attention and pressure against tyrants trying to
eliminate those who agitate for it. 

And we can let these courageous people know they aren't alone against the
tanks and truncheons.
Stand Up for Freedom 

The most important thing we can do is to make certain that our freedoms, the
rule of law, and citizen control of government through constitutional
limitations and democratic checks on power continue to be defended,
protected and expanded. 

That really begins when responsible, caring, freedom-loving individuals come
together with their neighbors, online, in social networks, at the workplace,
through civic groups, at church or school to stand up for our right to be

[MoLiCo] FW: Legal, Shmegal (Paul Jacob on the difficulty of making our Emperor abide by the rule of law)

2014-06-04 Thread Fred B. Ellison
Is this not an impeachable offense?






June 3, 2014 

Legal, Shmegal

Lots of unanswered questions about the prisoner swap of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl
for five Taliban detainees held at the Guantanamo Bay military prison. 

Will negotiating this swap cause more Americans to be taken prisoner? 

Did Sgt. Bergdahl desert his unit five years ago? Was he responsible for the
deaths of other soldiers who had to search for him in dangerous terrain? 

[Bergdahl] served with honor and distinction, National Security Advisor
Susan Rice told the media. 

How dangerous are the five released prisoners? Can we be confident they
won't return to the battlefield? Bowe Bergdahl

Only one question has been clearly answered: the Administration broke the

By law, the president must notify Congress 30 days before the release of
anyone held at Gitmo. Obama didn't do so. 

Oh I think he clearly broke the law, said CNN Legal Analyst Jeffrey
Toobin. The law says 30 days notice. He didn't give 30 days notice. 

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley concurred,
telling CNN, I don't think there's much debate that they're in violation of
the law. 

Gov. Bill Richardson (D-NM), a former Ambassador to the United Nations,
admitted as much, but called the law impractical, asking, What is [Obama]
supposed to do, give them 30 days? 

Well, yes. 

The law, after all, was passed by a Republican House and Democratic Senate,
and signed by Obama himself. 

The president added a signing statement, at the time, expressing his view
that Congress didn't have the power to so limit him. Obama, like his
predecessor, ignores the law, pretending that a president's signing
statement is an all-powerful pocket veto. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
D_zqJeWRuoXFKNxYLvVA4oLCw5ywuoNkL07VA==  | View/Print the PDF


On June 3, 1959, Singapore adopted a constitution. On the same date in 1976,
the United States was presented with oldest known copy of Magna Carta. 


04-20.08.15.png For a trivial offence, a free man shall be fined only in
proportion to the degree of his offence, and for a serious offence
correspondingly, but not so heavily as to deprive him of his livelihood. 
-Magna Carta, Clause 20 


Click HERE
http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/  to see
Paul's latest! 


Common Sense is sponsored by Think Freely Media, a 501(c)3 nonprofit
organization that assists other nonprofits in promoting freedom in a
persuasive manner. Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
http://libertyifund.org/  (LIFe) as well as Citizens in Charge and
Citizens in Charge Foundation. The opinions expressed in Common Sense (and
at Townhall.com
4oLCw5ywuoNkL07VA== , where Paul has written weekend columns since 2003)
are his own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Think Freely
Media, Liberty Initiative Fund or Citizens in Charge. 

Make Common Sense

[MoLiCo] FW: Michigan Charter School Board President Resigns Over Common Core

2014-06-02 Thread Fred B. Ellison
From: Mary Byrne [mailto:mary.byrn...@att.net] 
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2014 7:11 AM
To: Undisclosed Recipients
Subject: Fw: [New post] Michigan Charter School Board President Resigns Over 
Common Core



Just in case you haven't seen this letter from a charter school board 
president, I thought I'd pass it along to you as commentary from an insider who 
has seen CC from its underbelly.


You may not agree with all of his word choices, but, this is evidence that the 
resistance to Common Core is growing and will continue to grow as people who 
care about children are moved to speak out about what they've seen.




On Sunday, June 1, 2014 9:35 AM, Scathing Purple Musings 
comment-re...@wordpress.com wrote:


Bob Sikes posted: Brian Polet, board president of Eagle Crest Charter Academy 
in Holland, Michigan has resigned. Scathing Purple Musings has received 
permission to print his letter of resignation in its entirety: 

Respond to this post by replying above this line





 http://bobsidlethoughtsandmusings.wordpress.com/author/sikes1977/ Michigan 
Charter School Board President Resigns Over Common Core

 http://bobsidlethoughtsandmusings.wordpress.com/author/sikes1977/ by Bob 

 http://bobsidlethoughtsandmusings.wordpress.com/author/sikes1977/ Brian 
Polet, board president of Eagle Crest Charter Academy in Holland, Michigan has 
resigned. Scathing Purple Musings has received permission to print his letter 
of resignation in its entirety:

 http://bobsidlethoughtsandmusings.wordpress.com/author/sikes1977/ Dear Eagle 
Crest Charter Academy, National Heritage Academies, and Central Michigan 

 http://bobsidlethoughtsandmusings.wordpress.com/author/sikes1977/ Effective 
June 30, 2014, I officially resign as board president and from the board of 
directors of the Eagle Crest Charter Academy. Having been a part of the ECCA 
board since 1998, I have enjoyed watching it grow from a fledgling 100+ student 
body to a well-respected institution of learning, not only in the West Michigan 
area, but in the state as a whole. Throughout those years, the challenge this 
board has been to ask the question, “Is it good for our children?” We have now 
reached a “no” to the answer of that question: Common Core State Standards and 
its Orwellian sibling, Smarter Balance Assessments. Over the past few months it 
has come to light that this Academy has suffered the chaos over the past two 
years of what is commonly called Common Core. Equally apparent is the vim and 
vigor that CMU and NHA have supported implementation of CC despite a lack of 
national testing, trials and experience.

 http://bobsidlethoughtsandmusings.wordpress.com/author/sikes1977/ This 
copy-written, corporate-driven education model has been developed by 
non-teachers and edu-crats from Washington to Lansing to the detriment of 
students, parents, taxpayers and local school boards. Without control of 
curriculum and a limited control of budgets, CC has effectively removed local 
control from parents and put it the hands of ESPs, the Dept. of Ed and state 

 http://bobsidlethoughtsandmusings.wordpress.com/author/sikes1977/ As a 
logical conclusion to this hokum, ECCA has fallen victim to this Soviet-style 
education. The chaos that has ensued is not the consequence of bad management 
by NHA, but a result of a flawed educational system.

 http://bobsidlethoughtsandmusings.wordpress.com/author/sikes1977/ More 
disturbing to me is the inability to guarantee the data privacy of our 
students. Neither NHA or the State Board will be able to protect a child's data 
from corporate vultures, marketers, and political interest groups from being 
used in a malevolent way. Equally troubling is the ability for educational 
personal to manipulate tests and assessments to move any student into certain 
fields or vocations and to modify behavior without consent or knowledge of the 

 http://bobsidlethoughtsandmusings.wordpress.com/author/sikes1977/ Sadly, as 
a volunteer I have no “skins” in this game. This puts the board and its 
individual members at a decided disadvantage against the combined efforts of 
CMU and NHA. With this in mind, I want no part of a lousy educational model and 
I refuse to sign my name to a product that confuses, disorients, diminishes and 
fails to protect our students.

 http://bobsidlethoughtsandmusings.wordpress.com/author/sikes1977/ In 
conclusion, my conversations with CMU and NHA has made it quite clear that this 
is the model they want. They can have it. With CC, we no longer have the 
Socratic model of education, but a new Bill Gates vocational schooling for 
worker bees and drones. Plainly, I have not left education, education has left 
me and more importantly, our students.

 http://bobsidlethoughtsandmusings.wordpress.com/author/sikes1977/ Thank you 
for the opportunity to serve these many 

[MoLiCo] FW: Virginia's New Boss (Paul Jacob criticizes the continued corruption at the top spot in his state)

2014-05-30 Thread Fred B. Ellison


May 30, 2014 

Virginia's New Boss

Virginia's previous governor, Bob McDonnell, faces a federal prosecution,
along with his wife, Maureen, for illegally accepting gifts, luxury
vacations and large loans from a wealthy Richmond area businessman who
sought special treatment from state government. 

With that high-profile scandal unfolding, legislators came to the capitol
this year ready to enact reforms. One bill sought to prevent corruption by
banning campaign contributions and/or gifts to the governor of more than $50
from any entity seeking a grant from the Governor's Opportunity Fund.

That fund, with a current balance of $35 million, is designed to promote
economic growth by allowing the governor to personally dole out cash or
loans to assist various commercial enterprises that maintain or create jobs
in the state. 

Not hard to imagine how such a fund could be used, in reality, to reward
only those who reward the governor . . . or his campaign. And so, even in a
session marked by major partisan warfare including an ongoing budget
stalemate, every legislator in the state House and Senate, whether
Republican or Democrat, came together to vote in the affirmative for the


Last week, Terry McAuliffe, the new governor and old Clinton confidante,
vetoed this reform. Before killing it, McAuliffe offered a lame excuse about
keeping the applicants to his slush fund confidential. So much for his big
talk about transparency. 

With the legislation now dead, let's try an even better idea. End the
Governor's Opportunity Fund. Zero it out. No governor should have a slush
fund to shower millions of dollars on crony companies. No such program
should exist. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
fKJN6n7gh4NZiVIpDXwYoT9C7qzPqOr86JYtQ==  | View/Print the PDF


  http://thisiscommonsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/goddess.png On
May 30, 1989, student demonstrators unveil a 33-foot high Goddess of
Democracy and Freedom statue in Tiananmen Square. 
Also on this day: Joan of Arc was executed -- for heresy, and after much
debate about her cross-dressing -- by immolation in 1431; Christopher Kit
Marlowe, poet and playwright, died under mysterious circumstances in 1593;
Voltaire died in 1778, and his friends secretly buried him -- against
Catholic Church policy -- in the abbey of Scellières in Champagne (his body
was later disinterred and buried in Paris by the order of the National
Assembly of France). 


  http://thisiscommonsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/curry_.jpg The
climate is always changing. Climate is currently changing because of a
combination of natural and human induced effects. The natural effects
include variations of the sun, volcanic eruptions, and oscillations of the
ocean. The human induced effects include the greenhouse gases such as carbon
dioxide, pollution aerosols, and land use changes. The key scientific issue
is determining how much of the climate change is associated with humans.
This is not a simple thing to determine. 
--Dr. Judith Curry 


Click HERE
http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/  to see
Paul's latest! 


Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
oT9C7qzPqOr86JYtQ==  as well as a board member of Great Communicators
Foundation, which 

[MoLiCo] FW: A Sweltering Storm of Orthodoxy (Paul Jacob on the ongoing global warming hysteria)

2014-05-29 Thread Fred B. Ellison


May 29, 2014 

A Sweltering Storm of Orthodoxy

Can we agree to tolerate disagreement? 

Swedish climatologist Lennart Bengtsson's defection
fL11HNge97vuQ==  from an alleged climatological consensus has been greeted
with hysteria
from some colleagues. His sin was joining the Global Warming Policy
Foundation, which challenges the received wisdom. 

The alleged scientific consensus is that mankind, in its industrial phase,
is not only a cause but the pivotal cause of recent global warming/climate
change. Also that our carbonic effusions are triggering not mild, normal,
nothing-to-panic-about global climate variation but imminently catastrophic
variation.  http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/LennartBengtsson.png 

Is it okay to dispute these and related hypotheses? 

Debate about complex scientific contentions isn't a bad thing. New knowledge
is gained both by positive investigation and by correcting errors and
misinterpretations. One does not abet scientific inquiry by treating any
challenges to a favored explanation as per se illicit, regardless of
evidence or argument. 

But Bengtsson reports
Ns34wvzAy6tWV2qNe0LkxDndTtYEOmhR2NG8fL11HNge97vuQ==  that he has been
subjected to enormous pressure from all over the world that has become
virtually unbearable to me . I see therefore no other way out . than
resigning from GWPF. I had not been expecting such an enormous world-wide
pressure . from a community that I have been close to all my active life. 

What's the message? Regardless of your reasons or credentials, don't dare
deviate from our 'consensus,' at least not publicly - or else we'll make
your life very very hard. Whatever the motives and goals here, they have
nothing to do with either the methodological or the social requirements of

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
V2qNe0LkxDndTtYEOmhR2NG8fL11HNge97vuQ==  | View/Print the PDF


 On May 29, 1848, the territory of Wisconsin officially became a state. In
December, a second state constitutional convention had been held - producing
a document less radical than the first, which had been voted down by the
people earlier in the year - and soon after the territorial legislature
called for a popular vote, by referendum. The measure passed, and Wisconsin
became the thirtieth of the United States of America, the last east of the
Mississippi to enter into 

[MoLiCo] FW: Assault on Political Speech, Deferred (Paul Jacob on the continuing IRS scandal)

2014-05-28 Thread Fred B. Ellison


May 28, 2014 

Assault on Political Speech, Deferred

It's like jumping from ice floe to ice floe while being shot at. Great if
you can reach the next slab of ice while the shooters pause to reload. But
then what? 

Having been caught targeting right-leaning applicants for tax-exempt status,
the IRS decided to clear up the ambiguity in rules for tax-exempt
organizations that had led to this confusion. The solution, they decided
LY2-8OJhoZNnaG_Qg== , should be to make it impossible for a tax-exempt
organization that ever mentions political candidates or elections to avoid
getting into trouble with the IRS. 

No. What Americans needed post-scandal is what we have needed all along:
more restrictions on the government, not on our freedom to speak out.

Persons of all political stripes saw the danger in the Draconian new rules
IRS was proposing, resulting in an unprecedented 150,000 public comments --
mostly negative. So the IRS is backing down for now
ch=DkSbsh7kxT6OEm6m-fiUYH2P54fi-ZWxguMP8LY2-8OJhoZNnaG_Qg==  . . . but says
it will try again. 

Not everyone is happy about the reprieve. 

This delay is deeply disappointing and a real setback for democracy[!!] and
faith in government[!!!], says Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer. The only
hope we have is when the IRS goes back, they don't succumb to any form of
political pressure and enact a very tough rule that will equally curtail
liberal and conservative groups. 

Only hope for what? Equal-opportunity repression? 

It bodes ill that any major political figure could be so open about wishing
to stomp on our freedom of speech. 

The battle for our basic rights is far from over. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
fiUYH2P54fi-ZWxguMP8LY2-8OJhoZNnaG_Qg==  | View/Print the PDF


On May 28, 1952, the women of Greece gained the right to vote. 


26-23.36.03.png Knowledge is the conformity of the object and the


Click HERE
http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/  to see
Paul's latest! 


Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
LY2-8OJhoZNnaG_Qg==  as well as a board member of Great Communicators
Foundation, which sponsors both Common Sense

[MoLiCo] FW: Senator for the VA (Paul Jacob on the Kabuki dance our self-avowed socialist senator is performing)

2014-05-27 Thread Fred B. Ellison


May 27, 2014 

Senator for the VA

Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont socialist, has been all over the media
discussing the VA scandal. 

However, I can't find Mr. Sanders reflecting on his own role in the fiasco. 

Last September, Sanders argued
eNCeGo62aZ2zsM72os_5yDT2jbGpkNKruHZ4Q== , The VA is making progress in
reducing the disability claims backlog. I meet very often with General
Shinseki, (and) with (VA Under Secretary) Allison Hickey to see the progress
that they are making. 

Apparently Sanders, chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs,
needs new glasses.  http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/Bernie_Sanders.png

As the public and the president were discovering the depth and breadth of
the scandal, the Vermont senator moved quickly to defend the VA
uHZ4Q== : The Veterans Administration provides very high-quality
healthcare, period. It's not perfect. 

Not perfect indeed. 

Sanders also warned of a rush to judgment, noting emphatically, We don't
know how many veterans died. 

As the scandal spread nationwide, the good senator . . . freaked out. There
is right now as we speak a concerted effort to undermine the VA, he told
aZ2zsM72os_5yDT2jbGpkNKruHZ4Q==  MSNBC's Chris Hayes. 

What are the problems? Sanders asked himself
aZ2zsM72os_5yDT2jbGpkNKruHZ4Q== . The problems is . . . you have folks out
there now -- Koch brothers and others -- who want to radically change the
nature of society, and either make major cuts in all of these institutions,
or maybe do away with them entirely. 

How possible future cuts might prevent the VA from getting the job done at
present remains unclear. 

On Thursday, Sanders blocked
sM72os_5yDT2jbGpkNKruHZ4Q==  Senate consideration of HR 4031, which had
passed the House by a whopping bi-partisan 390-33 vote. The bill would have
given the VA Secretary the power to replace managers who weren't producing
for patients. 

Senator, let our vets go . . . let them escape the bureaucracy to seek the
care they deserve. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
eNCeGo62aZ2zsM72os_5yDT2jbGpkNKruHZ4Q==  | View/Print the PDF

[MoLiCo] FW: Administrative Error (Paul Jacob on the dying need for freedom of choice for veterans)

2014-05-23 Thread Fred B. Ellison


May 23, 2014 

Administrative Error

It was merely an administrative error. 

Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care System Director Sharon Helman was
awarded an $8,500 bonus, even while her operation was under investigation
for falsifying patient wait times and possibly causing the deaths of 40

The bonus
has now, after much publicity, been rescinded. Rep. Andy Harris

Sadly, the veterans who died in a fraudulently inefficient system cannot be
brought back to life. 

The hefty bonus money adds cruel insult on top of a much more serious injury
-- one we now know extends far beyond Phoenix. The investigation has spread
to 26 facilities. 

Major veterans organizations demand
lz34B2bk4SlEKO_2rbNZy1NtWpwFFRq_pEmQQ==  that Veterans Affairs Secretary
Shinseki resign, or that the president (who once again discovered the crisis
from media reports) replace him. That'd be a logical first step, signaling
in deeds, not just words, that folks will be held accountable. 

The personnel changes shouldn't stop there. And those guilty of fraud should
also face criminal charges. 

Still, some gloss over this scandal. Montana Senator Jon Tester says
Shinseki should stay and that the VA has done
4SlEKO_2rbNZy1NtWpwFFRq_pEmQQ==  a remarkable and a pretty darn good

A Washington Post editorial played down the scandal, noting that Delayed
treatment has been an issue for decades. 

The Post is half-right. The problem of this federal healthcare bureaucracy
shortchanging vets is certainly not new. 

But Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.) is 100 percent right. The Navy vet and doctor,
with years of VA experience, wants to offer vets a choice
ch=Mf1DD275pcBLmQafUlz34B2bk4SlEKO_2rbNZy1NtWpwFFRq_pEmQQ==  between the VA
or a voucher to pay for their private care. 

It's a solution aimed at protecting the vets who need care, rather than the
VA bureaucracy. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
lz34B2bk4SlEKO_2rbNZy1NtWpwFFRq_pEmQQ==  | View/Print the PDF


On May 23, 1788, South Carolina became the 8th state to ratify the U.S.
Other May 23 events include: 
* 1813: South American independence leader Simón Bolívar entered 

[MoLiCo] FW: If you like your privacy you can keep it

2014-05-23 Thread Fred B. Ellison

 header http://www.rand-2016.org/images/email-header.jpg 

Dear Fred,

Did you see my email below?

You see, I've filed my class action lawsuit against the NSA.

But that's not the only way to fight unconstitutional spying!

I've also introduced the Fourth Amendment Protection Act in Congress to fight 
this battle on multiple fronts.

Unfortunately, not enough Americans have signed the petition supporting this 

That's why, if you haven't already,  
 please sign the petition right away!

And if you've already signed,  
 please forward it to as many people as you know.

Without your help, and the help of people like you, we don't stand a chance.

Thank you for all you've done, and continue to do, for our Fourth Amendment 

In Liberty,
 sig http://www.rand-2016.com/images/rand_sig.png 
Senator Rand Paul

 Click here to Sign the Petition


From: Rand Paul [rand.p...@rand2016.com]
Subject: If you like your privacy you can keep it

Dear Fred,

Thanks to your outrage forcing Congress to put pressure on the President to 
rein in the out-of-control NSA domestic spying program, President Obama was 
compelled to address this abuse of the Fourth Amendment.

But in what has become typical for President Obama, fancy rhetoric is utilized 
to cover up the same disastrous policies.

The collection of emails, phone calls and text messages rolls on but under a 
different configuration.

That sounds like If you like your privacy, you can keep it.

But looking at this administration’s track record, trust us gets thrown out 
the window

Starting a Tea Party organization is wrong and singles you out for harassment.

We’ve already seen the outright smearing of law-abiding gun owners and the 
derision of those who cling to their guns and religion. 

We see the Obama administration covering up Benghazi, then tapping Susan Rice – 
who helped mislead the American people in the wake of that outrage – for a 

 Click to sign

And to make matters worse, President Obama is demanding we trust him when he 
claims lawyers who work for the executive branch will construct safeguards to 
protect our rights.

You and I know the fox can't guard the henhouse.  

This is madness and someone needs to slam the breaks on policies that stomp all 
over the Fourth Amendment.

This is a defining moment for our country.  Is any politician above law?

That's why I hope you'll agree to  
 stand with me by fighting back against President Obama trampling all over the 

So please  
 sign your Fourth Amendment Protection Act petition right away.

I need your help to crank up the heat on my colleagues to push this legislation 
through Congress.

And after you sign your petition, I hope you'll agree to  
 make your most generous contribution to help me mobilize millions of Americans 
through email, direct mail, online and social media ads to join this 
first-of-its-kind effort to stand up to President Obama and tell him enough is 

In liberty,
 sig http://www.rand-2016.com/images/rand_sig.png 
Senator Rand Paul

P.S. After sign your petition; please  
 make your most generous contribution to help me mobilize millions of Americans 
to this historic fight.

 Click to sign

 Like Rand Paul On Facebook



Paid for by Rand Paul for Senate 2016. 





This is a Free Speech forum. The owner of this list assumes no responsibility 
for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members.  If you do not like 
what is being said 

[MoLiCo] FW: Nashville's Trojan Horse (Paul Jacob on the newest dirty trick to tamper with term limits)

2014-05-21 Thread Fred B. Ellison


May 21, 2014 

Nashville's Trojan Horse

Beware of politicians bearing gifts. 

The titans on the Metro Nashville Charter Revision Commission voted, last
week, to recommend that a charter amendment be placed on the ballot,
weakening term limits for the Metro Council and reducing representation on

Taken together, reports
6gwbZKYPco2eA== The Tennessean, the proposed changes could throw the 2015
council elections into upheaval by eliminating one of every three seats
while offering new political life to more than half of the current council.
Nashville Metro Council

The amendment now goes to the council, needing 27 of 40 members to vote yes.
Almost that many are term-limited next year, so the measure may go on the
ballot as early as August. 

A former Metro law director on the Charter Revision Commission argued there
shouldn't be any term limits at all, but Councilwoman Emily Evans, the
amendment's sponsor, admitted to reporters that reducing the size of the
council was likely the only way to get voters to agree to a weakening of
term limits. She noted, You have to give the public something. 

While voters tend to favor reducing legislative bodies, perhaps to save on
costs and unnecessary drama, the other direction makes more sense: smaller
districts, where each citizen is more important to his or her representative
and that representative can accumulate less power. 

A 2005 attempt to cut the size of the council was blocked by strong public
opposition, so that may not be the sweetener the politicians think. 

As for term limits, voters passed them in 1994 and have three times blocked
council attempts to weaken or kill the limits. 

Nashville voters know a Trojan Horse when they see it. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
IDg_fNVtKxgrY51szpbz4mtI6gwbZKYPco2eA==  | View/Print the PDF


On May 21, 1851, slavery was abolished in Colombia, South America.


20-20.17.00.png If I were asked to answer the following question: What is
slavery? and I should answer in one word, It is murder, my meaning would be
understood at once. No extended argument would be required to show that the
power to take from a man his thought, his will, his personality, is a power
of life and death; and that to enslave a man is to kill him. 
-P.J. Proudhon 


Click HERE
http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/  to see
Paul's latest! 


Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
4mtI6gwbZKYPco2eA==  as well as a board member of Great Communicators
Foundation, which sponsors both Common Sense

[MoLiCo] FW: Preparing for a Bailout (Paul Jacob on a strong sign of a coming Obamacare bailout)

2014-05-20 Thread Fred B. Ellison


May 20, 2014 

Preparing for a Bailout

In his 2012 State of the Union speech, President Obama declared, It's time
to apply the same rules from top to bottom: No bailouts, no handouts and no

Yes. He
said that. But in reality, the handouts and cop-outs have kept on coming,
like the solar wind. bucket for bailout

A Washington Examiner editorial
tS2xA==  notes that while Obama blasted the influence of insurance
B_RJ5Dkb9Qv4DrQFTVOEXbj8iCY92-jfkU2Vta5wVeqktS2xA==  and vowed to take on
the industry ... as president, he passed a health care
g==ch=6VGOqB_RJ5Dkb9Qv4DrQFTVOEXbj8iCY92-jfkU2Vta5wVeqktS2xA==  law that
funnels more than $1 trillion in subsidies to insurers, and fines Americans
who do not purchase their products. 

Go ahead: call that a handout. 

But what about bailouts? 

While newspapers like The Washington Post insist that Obamacare is exempt
from such an eventuality, there remains the part of the Affordable Care Act
known as the risk corridor programs. These reimburse insurance plans for
claims that cost significantly more than premiums that new subscribers paid
in, according to The Post's Wonkblog
zbxpi2gWg==ch=6VGOqB_RJ5Dkb9Qv4DrQFTVOEXbj8iCY92-jfkU2Vta5wVeqktS2xA== .
The goal is to protect health insurance companies from the risks they face
in the new Obamacare exchange. 

Companies that make money will pay into a fund that will be used to bail out
companies that lose money. But, after obvious complaints about limits, the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) pushed a mandate that the
program be revenue neutral, that the money paid out not exceed that paid in.

Last Friday, in 435 pages of regulations, CMS abandoned this call for budget
neutrality. Instead, the regulation states, In the unlikely event of a
shortfall for the 2015 program year, HHS recognizes that the Affordable Care
Act requires the secretary to make full payments to issuers. 

A taxpayer bailout: fully in place. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
DrQFTVOEXbj8iCY92-jfkU2Vta5wVeqktS2xA==  | View/Print the PDF

[MoLiCo] FW: Can you pick up the phone?

2014-05-20 Thread Fred B. Ellison

 header http://www.rand-2016.org/images/email-header.jpg 

Dear Fred,

A crucial cloture vote on David J. Barron's nomination to the First Circuit 
Court of Appeals could come as soon as today.

That's why I'm asking for your immediate action.

You see, Barron was the author of 2 memos outlining the Administration's legal 
justification for targeting Americans abroad for execution without trial.

There is no valid legal precedent to kill an American citizen not engaged in 

And Harry Reid is trying to push this nomination to prevent the Obama 
administration from being held accountable for their executive power grab.

So please call 202-224-3121 and urge your Senators to vote no on his 

Send a clear message that our rights to due process and a trial by jury aren't 
subject to the legal whims of any administration.

This nomination is just the latest example of the Obama administration's 
blatant disregard for the Constitution and separation of powers.

The Executive cannot assume the role of the judiciary branch.

If an American commits an act of treason they should be tried and convicted.

If an American commits an act of treason on a foreign battlefield then they may 
be lawfully killed.

But in noncombat situations, the Fifth and Sixth Amendments still apply and 
can't be wiped away.

That's why it's urgent you call your Senators at 202-224-3121 IMMEDIATELY.

Demand they stand up for the Bill of Rights and vote no on the Barron 

The clock is ticking and a cloture vote could come as soon as today so it's 
vital you take action right away.

Thank you for all that you do.

In Liberty,
Senator Rand Paul 

P.S. President Obama has nominated David J. Barron, the author of two memos 
justifying the killing of American citizens abroad without trial to the First 
Circuit Court of Appeals.

That's why it's vital you contact your Senators right away by calling 
202-224-3121 and demand they vote no on this nomination.

After you contact your Senators please  
 chip in a contribution so I can continue to lead the fight in the Senate to 
defend the Bill of Rights.


 Like Rand Paul On Facebook


Paid for by Rand Paul for Senate 2016 


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[MoLiCo] RE: Common Core

2014-05-20 Thread Fred B. Ellison

The actual link to his 47 minute video is:


I just finished watching this and some of the information that he has
brought to the light of day is extremely disturbing. I find it hard to
believe that the people behind Common Core are so bold to think that they
can get away with this takeover of the educational system.


We need to get this information out to as many  people as possible,
especially parents with children in school.




From: Sarah Baumgartner [mailto:ellen.baumgart...@sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 11:36 AM
To: felli...@advfabtech.com; jelli...@advfabtech.com
Cc: Glenn Gohr
Subject: Common Core




I don't remember who I sent this to so please ignore any previous ones that
I might have sent.   EB


Please go to the second video on this site.  It is the shortened version and
is 40+ minutes long.   EB








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[MoLiCo] FW: The 22 Franc Minimum Wage (Paul Jacob on a win for common sense in Switzerland)

2014-05-19 Thread Fred B. Ellison


May 19, 2014 

The 22 Franc Minimum Wage

Fox News's Bill O'Reilly and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt
Romney agree with America's progressives: raising the minimum wage is common

The Swiss had a chance to prove their solidarity with that notion yesterday,
when they voted on whether to establish a minimum wage in the country, a
rather high one of 4000 francs per month (something close to 22 francs per
hour). They voted the proposal down. 

Overwhelmingly. By over 76 percent.
Frederic Bastiat's classic essay, What Is Seen and What Is Unseen 

Unlike in America, this minimum wage would have affected a huge hunk of the
population. One out of ten Swiss workers earns less than the proposed
minimum. In America, only about a single percentage of workers earns close
to the national minimum. 

This matters, as Frédéric Bastiat clearly explained
zVcCdcA7qX1o0VeLSCbWU4BRk0oYA1lghNiQF5t3bfaWQUqSg== , because price
regulations can have two effects: a loss of production, or none at all --
either hurtful or superfluous. No effect, when the price floor (as in a
minimum wage) is set lower than the level most prices are already at (or,
for which workers already work). But when the price floor gets set higher,
goods go off the market -- with too-high wage minimums, workers with low
productivity cease to get hired. 

Swiss voters could scarcely afford to risk the jobs of ten percent of the

In America, raising the minimum wage is usually a matter of sacrificing a
few people (whom voters mostly don't know -- Bastiat's unseen
3OY9gwgSA==ch=_fZMSzVcCdcA7qX1o0VeLSCbWU4BRk0oYA1lghNiQF5t3bfaWQUqSg== )
while rejoicing in the higher wages of those workers retained (the seen). 

In Switzerland, the government declared
ch=_fZMSzVcCdcA7qX1o0VeLSCbWU4BRk0oYA1lghNiQF5t3bfaWQUqSg==  the down vote
a victory for common sense. 

Which it was. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
0VeLSCbWU4BRk0oYA1lghNiQF5t3bfaWQUqSg==  | View/Print the PDF


On May 19, 1897, Oscar Wilde was released from Reading Prison. His Ballad
of Reading Gaol would later become a classic, and his only great work
following his imprisonment. 


g Legislation that limits or hampers exchanges is always either hurtful or
superfluous. Governments that persuade 

[MoLiCo] FW: Politicians Need Petition Experience (Paul Jacob on two lessons from the comedy of errors confounding Congressman Conyers)

2014-05-16 Thread Fred B. Ellison


May 15, 2014 

Politicians Need 
Petition Experience

On Tuesday, U.S. Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), the 49-year, 25-term
congressman representing bankrupt Detroit, made big news
ZC6zN31SBWgYfpxqU1BGzfFYw== . According to the Wayne County clerk, Conyers
failed to gather enough voter signatures to earn a spot on the Democratic
Party Primary ballot this Fifth of August. John Conyers

Still, I stand by my Townhall column's prediction
gs1pL8c3eV_1ZC6zN31SBWgYfpxqU1BGzfFYw== : the congressman will be on that
ballot. Conyers ran afoul of a law requiring petition passers to be
registered voters. It is unconstitutional. The ACLU filed suit on Monday
zfFYw==  to overturn it. 

Conyers only had to manage a mere one thousand signatures, which hardly
seems too tough for a seasoned incumbent. Conversely, Michiganders
petitioning for a statewide ballot measure must secure 258,087 voter
signatures - 322,609 for a citizen-initiated constitutional amendment. 

Conyers isn't alone in flunking Petition Drive 101. Two years ago,
Republican Congressman Thaddeus McCotter resigned after several staff
members falsified signatures on his petition
gs1pL8c3eV_1ZC6zN31SBWgYfpxqU1BGzfFYw== . 

Michigan's policy, making major-party politicians gather a small number of
voter signatures to obtain ballot status - independent and minor party
candidates must often collect much larger numbers - is not a mere useless
hurdle. If adopted universally, it could provide a large number of examples
that our powerful politicians actually have surprisingly weak support. 

Moreover, making politicians petition might stir their sympathy for the
struggles citizens face in gathering signatures. Working my day job with
Citizens in Charge
eV_1ZC6zN31SBWgYfpxqU1BGzfFYw== , I witness constant attacks on the
initiative petition process from legislators, who claim it's too easy to
put issues on the ballot. 

Which, of course, means that those politicians haven't ever tried. 

Politicians often tell us how important experience is. 

Give them some. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode

[MoLiCo] FW: The Next Coalition (Paul Jacob on the movement that could take down the insider state)

2014-05-16 Thread Fred B. Ellison


May 16, 2014 

The Next Coalition

Can the American people squeeze out the middle . . . like popping the
world's biggest zit? 

Ralph Nader thinks the answer is Yes, if by the middle we mean the
political center, where the Republican and Democratic Party higher-ups want
to be, and where most folks in Congress find themselves. Unstoppable, by
Ralph Nader http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/unstoppable.png 

Huge swaths of the American people, he says, are ready for some big changes.
But the ruling insider class stands in the way. 

What is needed? A coalition of progressives and libertarians and other
independents willing to work together on issues like 

*   initiative and referendum rights in every state and locality;
*   stricter ethical standards for representatives;
*   an end to bailouts of businesses and investors;
*   a rational attack on the eternal and sumptuous giveaways to
contractors for the Pentagon; and much more.

Nader thinks a coalition like this is, as the title of his book has it, 
DOurg== Unstoppable. 

His book hasn't been getting the attention it deserves. (Even from me: I'm
at Disney World as I write this, and somehow reading of books hasn't exactly
taken over my schedule.) Nader, one of the most influential activists in
American history, has hit a nerve, but not a lot of media outlets. I'm told
he did chat with the folks on Fox Business News's The Independents, but he
could use more readers and more listeners. 

Interestingly, Nader tips his hat to my day-job outfit, Citizens in Charge
n6WUy42ClxoprD8QDaZY-vP6DOurg== , as already at work doing what needs
getting done, putting citizens (not well-connected businesses and pressure
groups) at the center of the government. 

By working for greater ballot access and initiative rights everywhere. 

So, join us. (And I promise: no more pimple-popping metaphors.) 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
6Izg3jl0n6WUy42ClxoprD8QDaZY-vP6DOurg==  | View/Print the PDF


On May 16, 1843, one thousand pioneers from Elm Grove, Missouri, set off for
the Pacific Northwest, blazing what became known as the Oregon Trail. 


There is nothing in the world, where a government is, in any degree, limited
and restrained, so useful for getting rid of all limit and restraint, as
wars. The power of almost all governments is greater during war than during
peace. But in the case of limited governments, it is so, in a very
remarkable degree. 
-James Mill 


Click HERE
http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/  to see
Paul's latest! 


Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund

[MoLiCo] FW: Internet Tax Mandate House Showdown

2014-05-13 Thread Fred B. Ellison


 Campaign for Liberty http://www.chooseliberty.org/images/rpheader.jpg 

Dear Fred,

After U.S. Senate passage and a recent House hearing, I’m afraid you and I 
could be quickly approaching a FINAL showdown on the U.S. House floor over the 
National Internet Tax Mandate. 

My fears may have been confirmed when a pro-Internet sales tax Representative 
recently said he expected Congress to approve the Mandate this year! 

There’s no time to waste. 

Unless you act today, you and I could be staring straight at an election year 
economic DISASTER - all brought on by Big Government statists in BOTH parties’ 
unholy alliance with their crony “capitalist” backers! 

So won’t you please sign your petitions to your U.S. Representative and 
Senators and return them IMMEDIATELY? 

I'll give you the link to sign in just a moment, but first let me explain 
exactly what's at stake in this fight. 

If passed, EVERY American will feel the pinch of the new Internet Tax Mandate - 
even those who don’t use the Internet or just log on to check email once in a 
blue moon! 

Not only that, but it would hand the federal government massive new controls 
over state tax policies and set the stage for government at ALL levels to take 
yet another helping of your money via the Internet. 

In fact, one member of Congress stated he supports the Internet Tax Mandate 
because it would make it easier to impose a national sales tax on American 

Fred, I know if you listen to the so-called “experts,” nothing “controversial” 
is ever supposed to happen in Congress during election years. 

But looking for ways to pocket more of our hard-earned money isn’t 
“controversial” to the politicians in Washington, D.C. 

It’s politics as usual - especially when so many slick Washington, D.C. 
lobbyists representing supposedly “capitalist” corporations are just begging 
for this National Internet Tax Mandate! 

Yes. You read that right. 

Worried that many mom-and-pop small businesses all over the country are 
starting to outcompete and outsell their clients, slick corporate lobbyists are 
now DEMANDING passage of the National Internet Tax Mandate to help “cut down” 
on their competition! 

And the politicians in BOTH parties - whose eyes sparkle at the thought of 
rolling in more taxpayer dough - seem more than happy to oblige. 

I hope you’re as outraged as I am by this unholy alliance. 

Using taxes, regulations, subsidies, and government FORCE to drive out 
competition and drive up profit margins is the very opposite of free market 

Truthfully, I wonder how long our American system of government will last if 
politicians in BOTH parties continue to auction off government-guaranteed 
success to the highest lobbyist bidders. 

But that’s EXACTLY what some crony “capitalists” want. 

In fact, one supposedly “pro-business” organization bragged they were preparing 
to spend up to $50 million this election year to DEFEAT candidates who refuse 
to play ball on issues like the National Internet Tax Mandate! 

The ugly truth is this radical scheme could be devastating to the last shreds 
of American economic growth. 

Under the National Internet Tax Mandate: 

*** All Americans would pay more for the “privilege” of shopping online, as 
big-spending governors of BOTH parties work with the federal government to 
implement the Mandate. 

Big-spending governors are running their states into bankruptcy, and - instead 
of reducing spending - they want Congress to force YOU to bail them out with 
Internet sales tax revenue! 

*** Tax collectors in one state would now be free to pursue retailers across 
state lines. For example, if a customer in New York makes a purchase from an 
online retailer in Texas, that retailer MUST collect New York’s exorbitant 
sales taxes and send them to New York’s tax collection agencies. 

*** New and higher taxes would CRUSH economic growth and set the stage for 
massive new regulations that threaten the very existence of the Internet. 

That’s why it’s vital you act TODAY! 

Because of the action of good folks like you, Campaign for Liberty’s members 
and supporters have so far been able to derail this scheme - even after the 
Senate’s passage of the National Internet Tax Mandate last year. 

But House Republican leaders are openly working on their own version. 

Whether they pass the Senate version or some similar scheme, I’m afraid the 
U.S. House may be our last chance to stop the National Internet Tax Mandate. 

But it’s also critical your U.S. Senators hear from you as well, just in case 
another version of this legislation comes up in the Senate. 

So please sign your petitions to your U.S. Representative and Senators 


And if you can, please 

[MoLiCo] FW: Land Un-Grab? (Paul Jacob on too much public property)

2014-05-13 Thread Fred B. Ellison


May 13, 2014 

Land Un-Grab?

When I took up the Cliven Bundy story, just before Bundy spewed his racist
farragoes, I concentrated not on him, but on the broader issue: too much
federal government ownership of real property in the tiny state of Nevada
xNIeQ==  and elsewhere. 

Since then an expert has weighed in on my side: Terry Anderson of the
Property and Environment Research Center. 

Q==ch=B4tvm98dcQ7D5KDCeok0AuLp7v7gOLFWrmuoOkcdoff7ZZ_BexNIeQ== Barbed Wire
Fences in Grazing Lands - a technological way to establish private property
on the range 

I supported privatization of grazing lands. But I mentioned that forest land
should at least be 'state-ized,' that is, transferred to the states. And
that, it turns out, is what the current crop of Sagebrush rebels want for
grazing land. 

But there's a downside to such a transfer. Grazing fees would likely go up. 

Anderson titles his piece Careful What You Ask For
98dcQ7D5KDCeok0AuLp7v7gOLFWrmuoOkcdoff7ZZ_BexNIeQ== . 

And that cuts both ways. The environmentalists who want to centralize even
more control in Washington, D.C., think that booting out privately owned
ungulates would accrue benefits to the ecosystems. They are wrong, Anderson

But no moo may mean fewer tweets, clucks, and bugles from wildlife. As
private ranchers demonstrate, good land management can control noxious
weeds, improve water quality, sequester more carbon, and generate more
wildlife habitat.

Yes, cattle grazing has improved the ecosystem. 

Anderson prefers privatization. 

But that remains politically unlikely. The Cato Institute's Randal O'Toole
suggests a compromise:
fiduciary trusts, where the feds retain land title. Centuries of common law
bolster the idea, says O'Toole, who assures us, under this form of
oversight, trustees preserve and protect the value of the resources they
manage, keep them productive, and disclose the full costs and benefits of
their management. 

Both of these alternates are better than current government mismanagement
and overkill. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

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On May 13, 1888, Brazil abolished slavery with the passage of the Lei Áurea
(Golden Law). 


 George Orwell

[MoLiCo] FW: HB1490 Common Core Bill Voted Out of the House

2014-05-13 Thread Fred B. Ellison
From: Mary Byrne [mailto:mary.byrn...@att.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 1:43 PM
To: Undisclosed Recipients
Subject: Fw: HB1490 Common Core Bill Voted Out of the House


Hello all,


This is an update on HB 1490. Even if the bill passes out of the senate (which 
I believe it will), the bill is only an indication of progress; it is not a 
victory. The governor insisted on the real strength of the bill being removed 
if we expect him to sign it. Which means, we have more work to do regardless of 
the outcome of this bill. We'll be building alliances and preparing for January 
2015, even as this legislative session comes to a close. 


That said, we have climbed a very high mountain just to get this far. The 
legislature is VERY aware of common core and DESE's lack of transparency. We 
can rejoice in our progress and affirm our resolve to see common core defeated.







- Forwarded Message -
From: MCACC nomocommonc...@gmail.com
To: mary.byrn...@att.net 
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 1:02 PM
Subject: HB1490 Common Core Bill Voted Out of the House

HB1490 Voted Out of the HouseMay 13, 2014

By a final vote of 131:12 the Missouri House voted to adopt the Conference 
Report on HB1490, the common core bill.

They were not successful in getting an emergency clause added to the report 
meaning that if the Governor vetoes the bill, the soonest the legislature could 
consider an override would be September 10th.The bill moves on to the Senate 
which reconvenes at 3:00 this afternoon.



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for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members.  If you do not like 
what is being said here, filter it to trash, ignore it or leave.  If you leave, 
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[MoLiCo] FW: Keep the Pressure On

2014-05-13 Thread Fred B. Ellison


Dear Fred,

Senator Dempsey is not planning to put the “Protect Private Property Rights” 
bill, HB1647 on the Senate’s calendar, so it can be brought up for a vote.  He 
does not want to protect Missourian’s property rights.  That is the current 
message we are getting from Senator Dempsey and his office.
Why can't he do the right thing and put this on the calendar? 
Tom Dempsey is stalling, avoiding his constituents, and ignoring their pleas 
for him to do his job.  If this bill does not pass, it is because of one man, 
Senator Tom Dempsey. 
Fred, we need your urgent and patient persistence to call Senator Tom Dempsey's 
office, email his office, and demand that, “HB1647, Protect Private Property 
Rights” be put on the calendar now.
Senator Tom Dempsey (District 23, St. Peters, MO)
Phone: 573-751-1141
Email:  mailto:tom.demp...@senate.mo.gov tom.demp...@senate.mo.gov
Call and email Tom Dempsey.  Tell his office know that you are aware, he is the 
obstacle standing in the way of protecting Missourian's property rights, by 
stalling on HB1647 Protect Private Property Rights Bill, and to put it on the 
Calendar now. 
Don’t hang up until you get a commitment from him or his assistants that he 
will put it on the calendar.  Don't let them give you any more excuses for the 

After you call Senator Tom Dempsey, please call the Senate Majority Floor 
Leader, Ron Richard.  Senator Ron Richard must call for it to be brought to the 
floor for a vote.
Senator Majority Floor Leader Ron Richard
Phone: 573-751-2173
Tell Ron Richard, “You called Senator Dempsey to put HB1647, Protect Private 
Property Rights, on the calendar, and ask Senator Richard to call it to the 
floor for a vote”. 
For Liberty,
Lucas Staus
Executive Director
MO’ Liberty
PS:  Fred, its very important that Senator Dempsey and Senator Richard are 
flooded with phone calls and emails until they bring “HB1647, Protect Private 
Property Rights” up for a vote.  So please call them now. 
Senator Tom Dempsey (District 23, St. Peters, MO)
Phone: 573-751-1141
Email:  mailto:tom.demp...@senate.mo.gov tom.demp...@senate.mo.gov
Senator Ron Richard
Phone: 573-751-2173

PSS:  Fred, if you haven't read Amy Fox's previous email, please take the time 
to read it below.



Dear Fred,

In Nevada, the Bundy Ranch was swarmed with Federal agents a few days ago.  
They came to take control of property.

You probably heard this story over and over again on the news.

Fortunately, there was enough public scrutiny, and some brave individuals who 
prevented the Federal government from taking control. 

At least for a little while longer.
You might have been wondering, as all these events unfolded, if it happened 
there, could it happen here, or maybe you have already accepted this 
unfortunate possibility, and are desensitized to its manifestations taking 
place in Missouri.
Fred, is your property safe from bureaucrats planning to take control of your 

You see the Federal Government doesn’t need to send in the Bureau of Land 
Management, or the SWAT teams to take control of your property.
They have more sneaky ways to take away your wealth and property, and then 
redistribute it where they see fit!
Right now I promise you there are multiple city councils across the State of 
Missouri, which are doing exactly that. 

At this very second, they are scheming, planning, and in fact hiring 
professional consultants to coach them on the most effective way to get away 
with it.  

The citizens are unaware of the schemes and instead are welcoming it with open 
Many elected officials do not understand the sinister nature of these policies. 
 Others will simply deny or distort the facts, dismissing any real discussion. 

I know that sounds unbelievable, and I wish it were.  However, I am afraid it 
is chillingly true.
Let me explain how this works…
First, these councils are approached by non-governmental organizations and 
non-profits that plant a seed, a novel idea of economic growth and free money 
for their cities.

Next, the city has “visioning meetings”, directed and controlled by outside 
professional consultants.  At these meetings, these outside professionals, 
cleverly act as if their scripted discussions are organic and full of local 
input and buy-in.

In truth, they are in complete control of the presentation, they are just 
following a formula.  They are trained to bring forth problems that will only 
be solved by their pre-determined solutions.
Solutions like, new regulations, increased fees, and restrictive zoning.  Using 
fancy words such as “sustainability”, “smart growth”, “livability”, and a whole 
host of other catch phrases that sound 

[MoLiCo] FW: Six Corporations

2014-05-12 Thread Fred B. Ellison

The news media wants America to have  McNews   each and every day.  Any
other opinions are not often welcome.  

6 Corporations That Control Your Perception  /  Think Tank 


Only 118 people... sit on the boards of   288American corporations. 

Curtis J. 





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[MoLiCo] FW: Bigots Hate Competition (Paul Jacob on the economics of discrimination)

2014-05-12 Thread Fred B. Ellison


May 12, 2014 

Bigots Hate Competition

Apparently, economics is hard. But some things are pretty straightforward. 

For example, both parties to a trade gain: it's called mutual benefit
through exchange. 

Another basic principle? Employers hire labor expecting productivity.
Businesses don't hire workers who can't produce enough to more than cover
their wages - and managers fire workers when they prove they aren't
productive enough. 

And yet another? Competition for trade increases the quality of products,
reduces price, or both and tends to equalize prices for goods of the same
quality. Gary Becker: 1930-2014

An appreciation of late economist Gary Becker on reason.com
vXgDabE3kT5HhbxAg==  shows the consequence of the latter principle in a
perhaps unexpected area: discrimination. 

A company that pays someone less than they are worth encourages worker
flight, jumping ship. Companies that refuse to hire qualified women or
minorities when they could underbid similarly productive workers (demanding
higher wages) could find themselves out-competed by less discriminatory
businesses. Indeed, studies suggest they could find themselves less
profitable and even out of existence. 

Nobel Laureate Gary Becker saw this, and realized that free markets impose a
check upon bigotry. Regulations that limit competition in industry also
stifle gender workforce participation and increase inequality. [C]ountries
such as Japan that have avoided deregulation, shareholder capitalism, and
open markets, summarizes Elizabeth Nolan Brown
vXgDabE3kT5HhbxAg== , tend to lag in both productivity and workplace
gender equality. 

There are many good reasons to favor free markets. They not only make us
wealthier, they discourage prejudicial behavior. Competition punishes bad
behavior even while it emphasizes win-win scenarios. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
oC-mW6fu9sPnADEMxHTUvXgDabE3kT5HhbxAg==  | View/Print the PDF


On May 12, 1943, during World War II, Axis forces in North Africa


11-17.09.54.png I was not sympathetic to the assumption that criminals had
radically different motivations from everyone else. 
-Gary Becker 


Click HERE
http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/  to see
Paul's latest! 


Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
vXgDabE3kT5HhbxAg==  as well as a board member of Great Communicators
Foundation, which sponsors both Common Sense

[MoLiCo] FW: FDA Chief Gets It Right (Paul Jacob on getting policy right, in a modern bureaucracy of all things)

2014-05-09 Thread Fred B. Ellison


May 9, 2014 

Maximum Political Freedom

Freedom battles tyranny across the globe, with the right to speak out
politically essential for freedom to prevail. 

A decision handed down
Q==ch=CDlMicA6SqT6MPUR2iQ-VNZSFXTugexORc8rtsQqEldfZsalx3GkCA==  this week
by U.S. District Judge Rudolph T. Randa, in a case brought by Eric O'Keefe
sQqEldfZsalx3GkCA==  and Wisconsin Club for Growth, inspires much hope to
protect speech and prevent tyranny here in America. 

O'Keefe, the group and all or nearly all right-of-center groups and
individuals in Wisconsin who engaged in issue advocacy from 2010 to the
present were targeted by the Milwaukee County District Attorney and others
in a bizarre, secretive politically-motivated criminal investigation
iQ-VNZSFXTugexORc8rtsQqEldfZsalx3GkCA== . Armed agents raided homes at
dawn, seizing computers, mailing lists, files, etc.

O'Keefe and conservative state leaders were then slapped with subpoenas
(demanding all their documents) and a gag order. This effectively silenced
them from talking about the investigation. Under the circumstances, these
groups found themselves unable to raise funds or engage in political
activity since. 

The thrust of the case against them was the mere assertion that spending on
TV ads about collective bargaining or other issues was campaign spending for
Governor Scott Walker. Judge Randa found no evidence of express advocacy for
Walker and, therefore, no lawful basis for the outrageous persecution. 

The plaintiffs have been shut out of the political process merely by
association with conservative politicians, his decision read, adding a
warning that, historically, attempts to purify the public square lead to
places like the Guillotine and the Gulag. 

O'Keefe's Wisconsin Club for Growth spends what some call dark money --
donors are not disclosed -- but the judge explained that our constitutional
system cherishes and protects the free discussion of political ideas by
groups like O'Keefe's as possibly the best way . . . to address problems of
political corruption. 

This is Common sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
iQ-VNZSFXTugexORc8rtsQqEldfZsalx3GkCA==  | View/Print the PDF


On May 9, 1800, abolitionist revolutionary (and, technically, terrorist)
John Brown was born. In 1883 on this date Spanish philosopher José Ortega y
Gasset was born. 


  http://thisiscommonsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/ortega.png All
modern art begins to appear comprehensible and in a way great when it is
interpreted as an attempt to instill youthfulness into an ancient world. 
--José Ortega y Gasset 


Click HERE

[MoLiCo] FW: About those unemployment numbers

2014-05-09 Thread Fred B. Ellison

Go HERE http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/q/123hGMyaEX73L6tfVTJG/wv  
to view this message in your browser. 
 Response Action Network 

Response Action Network Newsletter
Here is your weekly update on the politics and policies affecting our 


http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/16OqOsp3ySRwRs7uj7JqjH Response 
Action Network 
http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/16OqOsp3ySRwRs7uj7JqjH The recent 
data on unemployment shows that despite an unprecedented federal intervention 
in the economy, the jobs just aren't coming back 
http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/16OrRoHHv5ubpPypeanrFS : 

The number of women not in the labor force has risen to an  
http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/16OsUl0lri6PYcZk9d1t23 all-time 
high. There was a  
http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/16OtXhiZnuJuwAqf4fFuoe loss of 
jobs in the 25-54 age group, And - in 20% of American families -  
http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/16Ov0dBDjHm94XR9ZijvKp no one 

Despite what you may have heard, the huge numbers of people dropping out of 
the labor force  
http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/16Ow39UhfTYNDli4UkXx6A can't be 
attributed to retiring baby boomers. 

And with all this, the unemployment rate went down in April. That's a neat 
statistical trick. Or maybe we should call it a lie. 


http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/16Oy92vz8je6K69UKqfzOW Response 
Action Network 
http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/16Oy92vz8je6K69UKqfzOW Stung by 
criticism from a UN report that the communist dictatorship continues to be one 
of the worst offenders of human rights in the world, North Korea's government 
decided to put together its own version of a human rights report 
http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/16OzbYOd4vQLitAPFsTBb7 . With 
hilarious results: 

The U.S. is a living hell as elementary rights to existence are ruthlessly 

There's no question that our government (state, federal and local) could do 
better when it comes to respecting the rule of law and the limits placed upon 
its power. But a living hell? We are left to wonder whether the North Koreans 
were taking all their data from Harry Reid's speeches on the Senate floor . . . 


http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/16OCkNI8T7IIXBTAqAPFfE Response 
Action Network 
http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/16OCkNI8T7IIXBTAqAPFfE The aging 
liberal Congressman from Detroit - who has been in office since 1964 - may have 
to run a write-in campaign 
http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/16ODnK0MPklnvZkvlDtGBP  this 
November after problems with his nominating petitions surfaced: 

On Friday, Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett told local media two people 
helping the Conyers campaign weren't registered voters at the time they 
collected signatures to put Mr. Conyers on the ballot. That development means 
'the congressman at this point will not have enough signatures,'' Ms. Garrett 
was quoted by the Detroit News as saying. 

Both the Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press said Ms. Garrett was basing 
her information on a letter Wednesday from Detroit City Clerk Janice Winfrey 
saying that the two people who collected signatures were legally registered to 
vote as of April 28. Mr. Conyers turned in his signatures on April 18, the Free 
Press said. 

We fully expect that Conyers will find a way to be in the November ballot. But 
we will also have to laugh if he's forced to resort to a write-in campaign. 


http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/16OGwyUIDWdlb7Dg6LpKGm Response 
Action Network 
http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/16OGwyUIDWdlb7Dg6LpKGm Former CBS 
News reporter Sharyl Attkisson has a few things to say about the press and its 
increasingly lackadaisical attitude toward covering stories that appear 
controversial (like the Benghazi attack and the Justice Department's botched 
Fast and Furious gun running scheme). Watch the video at this link 
http://responseactionnetwork.msgfocus.com/c/16OHzvdmA8PZJv4b1O3M2x  where she 
lays out how the press is letting the public down, and how the 

[MoLiCo] FW: FDA Chief Gets It Right (Paul Jacob on getting policy right, in a modern bureaucracy of all things)

2014-05-08 Thread Fred B. Ellison


May 8, 2014 

FDA Chief Gets It Right

We want safe foods and drugs. But should we want the Food and Drug
Administration? Or more regulation from it? 

We can use third-party investigations of the nature and effects of
pharmaceuticals; but a government agency doing the investigating sure has
its drawbacks. The bureaucracy's coercive regulations and costly mandates
should certainly not trump individual judgments about whether one may use a
drug.  http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/zohydroER.png 

The FDA exists, however, and its massive presence in modern medicine isn't
going away any time soon. Luckily, some of its decisions are better than
others. And now that it has authorized sale of the painkiller Zohydro ER, we
can say it made the right call here. 

The rightness of the decision is highlighted rather than contradicted by
mounting political pressure
oHQzw==  to reverse it. 

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat, and U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, a
Republican, are among those demanding that Zohydro be outlawed. Their main
complaint seems to be that the drug's very effectiveness makes it more
addictive, and more prone to abuse, than other painkillers. Officeholders
from 29 states have chimed in to demand a ban. 

I don't know the ratio of benefits to risks in taking this drug. I know that
if I'm writhing in pain, and other painkillers can't do much to alleviate
it, but Zohydro ER can, I want the freedom to decide for myself
ch=nBLqsKePcl7EZtuuJ6f16jED38rrBbROHdmqWYEUZZrwD44yWoHQzw==  whether the
benefits are worth the risks. 

We have the right to make such decisions about our own lives. 

In the meantime, FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg deserves credit for
resisting political demands that the agency rescind its approval. 

My prescription for her? Don't back down. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
6f16jED38rrBbROHdmqWYEUZZrwD44yWoHQzw==  | View/Print the PDF


On May 8, 1899, Austrian-English economist and philosopher Friedrich August
von Hayek was born. He signed the bulk of his books written in the English
language as F.A. Hayek, and is best known for The Road to Serfdom, The
Constitution of Liberty, The Fatal Conceit, and many essays, several of
them which are widely cited, including Individualism, True and False and
The Use of Knowledge in Society. 
Years earlier, on the same date in 1873, English philosopher and economist
John Stuart Mill died. Now best known for On Liberty and Utilitarianism,
Mill's letters were edited into book form by Hayek. 
On May 8, 1946, two Estonian school girls (Aili Jõgi and Ageeda Paavel) blew
up the Soviet memorial which stood in front of the Bronze Soldier in


  http://thisiscommonsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/ortega.png Life
is fired at us point blank. 
--José Ortega y Gasset 


Click HERE

[MoLiCo] FW: Your property isn't safe yet!

2014-05-08 Thread Fred B. Ellison
From: Missouri Campaign for Liberty [mailto:misso...@campaignforliberty.com] 
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 11:01 AM
To: Fred Ellison
Subject: Your property isn’t safe yet!


 Campaign for Liberty http://www.chooseliberty.org/images/Header-3.jpg 

Dear Fred,

HB1647, the bill to Protect Private Property Rights, has passed out of 
committee and needs to be put on the calendar immediately and brought up for a 
vote. This bill must pass, with only one week left on the calendar.
Please contact Senator Tom Dempsey and ask him to put HB1647 on the calendar 
and up for a vote.
President Pro Tem Senator Tom Dempsey
Phone: (573) 751-1141
Email: tom.demp...@senate.mo.gov
Then, contact your Senator at this link 
 , and tell them to support HB-1647 and protect private property rights!  

Don’t forget to click here to sign the petition 
  to protect your property rights.
Imagine being told you must vacate your home because a group of government 
bureaucrats have decided to give that land to a private business.  

Well, that goes on in states and cities across the nation. 

And the Supreme Court has said it's constitutional! 

Fred, is your property safe from federal agents stepping in and kicking you 

Maybe it’s safe today, but how about tomorrow?  

The good news is the Missouri House just passed Representative Mike Moon’s 
HB-1647, which protects private property rights. However, this bill must pass 
the Senate next and time is running short! 

The bad news is, this bill will be likely be vetoed by Governor Jay Nixon - so 
we will need to rally the votes to override this veto.  

HB1647, the bill to Protect Private Property Rights, has passed out of 
committee and needs to be put on the calendar immediately and brought up for a 
vote. This bill must pass with only one week left on the calendar.
Please contact Senator Tom Dempsey and ask him to put HB1647 on the calendar 
and up for a vote.
President Pro Tem Senator Tom Dempsey
Phone: (573) 751-1141
Email: tom.demp...@senate.mo.gov
Then, contact your Senator at this link 
 , and tell them to support HB-1647 and protect private property rights! 

Don’t forget to click here to sign the petition 
  to protect your property rights.
You see, the government doesn’t need to send in the SWAT team to steal away 
your property.   

No. . . they have more sneaky ways to take away your wealth and property - and 
then redistribute it where they see fit!  

Right now, I promise you there are multiple city councils across the state of 
Missouri that are scheming to take away your property and the citizens are 
completely unaware, or have already welcomed it with open arms. 

I know that sounds unbelievable, and I wish it were. However, I am afraid it is 
chillingly true. 

In fact, many of the people implementing these policies have no idea they are 
doing it. 

Let me explain how this works. . .  

First, these councils are approached by non-governmental organizations and 
non-profits that plant a seed - a novel idea of economic growth and free money 
for their cities.

The city begins conducting studies controlled by out of state consultants. The 
studies direct city employees regarding certain zoning policies that will 
implement sustainability, smart growth, and a whole host of other catchphrases 
that sound innocent and progressive.

These studies bring in money for the city and job security for city employees, 
and it also comes with promises of more money and development. 

These promises come with a lot of strings attached.

What are these strings, you may ask? 

The policies must be followed to receive the funding. That means a few people 
decide who can get the money, who can develop the land, and what purposes the 
land can be used for - it can even be as ridiculous as determining how much 
turf grass you can have on your property. 

While these policies may not immediately impact your property at first, when 
you intend to build something on your property or go to sell your property, 
they may affect your ability to use your land the way you wish. 

You see, a property’s value is tied entirely to its use. 

Fred, by rendering your property useless, or at least useless for the intent 
that you planned to use it, they have achieved their goal, and that is the 
redistribution of wealth - your wealth, that is. You are left with only one 
option. . . surrender your property to them.

You can put a stop to this, and you must!
Please contact Senator Tom Dempsey and ask him to put HB1647 on the 

[MoLiCo] FW: Abridge Too Far (Paul Jacob explains the axiom 'it can always get worse')

2014-05-07 Thread Fred B. Ellison


May 7, 2014 

Abridge Too Far

Sick and tired of too much money in politics? Worried the average
citizen's voice is being drowned out? 

Thirty-six Democratic U.S. Senators have just the thing: a re-write of the
First Amendment. 

They've co-sponsored a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Senate
Joint Resolution 19
WaX1Ajtf1Y-twAy8cNNgYtBNA== . 

We would give the power back to the Congress, says chief sponsor Sen. Tom
Udall (D-NM). 

Wait. That's amending reality. Congress never had any such power. The
instructions in the Constitution are quite clear: Congress shall make no
law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ... 

These 36 solons reverse course with the wording

... Congress shall have power to regulate the raising and spending of money
and in-kind equivalents with respect to Federal elections, including through
setting limits on -- 

1.  the amount of contributions to candidates for nomination for
election to, or for election to, Federal office; and
2.  the amount of funds that may be spent by, in support of, or in
opposition to such candidates.

Our brand new constitution would not contain a single word of restraint.
Instead, powerful congressional incumbents would wield complete and total
control over all money to be raised or spent by their competitors. 

And note: they already enjoy a tremendous name recognition advantage over
their challengers. What happens when incumbents limit campaign spending too
low for challengers to compete? 

Its negation of rights is so sweeping that the amendment actually states,
Nothing in this article shall be construed to grant Congress the power to
abridge the freedom of the press. 

No worries for the New York Times, then. But just how much of the First
Amendment do the rest of us get to keep? 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
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On May 7, 1992, Michigan ratified a 203-year-old proposed amendment to the
United States Constitution making the 27th Amendment law. The amendment had
been written by James Madison and was part of the original twelve amendments
that became the ten amendments making up the Bill of Rights. It bars the
U.S. Congress from giving itself a pay raise until after the next election,
so that voters have a chance to decide whether those voting for the raise
will be in Congress to receive it. 


  http://thisiscommonsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/ortega.png The
metaphor is perhaps one of man's most fruitful potentialities. Its efficacy
verges on magic, and it seems a tool for creation which God forgot inside
one of His creatures when He made him. All our other faculties keep us
within the realm of the real, of what is already there. The most we can do
is to combine things or to break them up. The metaphor alone furnishes an
escape; between the real things, it lets emerge imaginary reefs, a crop of
floating islands. 
--José Ortega y Gasset 


Click HERE
http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/  to see
Paul's latest! 


Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund

[MoLiCo] FW: Red Light Camera Stealth Tax Bill on Calendar!

2014-05-05 Thread Fred B. Ellison

Dear Missouri Citizens,

Representative Hinson’s bill, House Bill 1557, which LEGITIMIZES Red Light 
Cameras, passed the Missouri House earlier this session and is now on the 
informal Senate calendar.
We must stop this bill immediately!

Please click here to find your Missouri Senator 
 , and call and email them and DEMAND they vote NO on HB 1557 and support 
nothing short of a FULL BAN on Red Light Cameras.
Read details regarding this bill in the email below from St. Louis Coordinator 
Heather Coil and then call and write your Senator right away.
In Liberty,
Deb Wells
Senior Director of State Operations
Campaign for Liberty

 Campaign forLiberty http://www.chooseliberty.org/images/Header-3.jpg 

Dear Fred,

Cha-ching, cha-ching. . .

This is the sound that inspires Representative Dave Hinson.

This is the sound that gets his attention.

It's also the reason he supports plastering every roadway in Missouri with Red 
Light Cameras.

Every Red Light Camera in Missouri is an ATM machine for Dave Hinson and his 
allies in the Missouri House and Senate.
Instead of cutting out wasteful spending to make ends meet, Dave Hinson invents 
new schemes to rob us of every penny we earn.

Every time you're blinded by the flash of a Red Light Camera in Missouri, you 
can thank Dave Hinson.

Every time you have to slam on the brakes at a shortened yellow light, thank 
Dave Hinson. 

Every time you're hit with a Red Light Camera ticket that costs you and your 
family big bucks – even when you weren’t even driving the car - thank Dave 

Dave Hinson is assessing the Red Light Camera stealth tax unfairly on drivers.
And even worse, Dave Hinson and his colleagues are treating you like you are 
You see, while we have been working tirelessly to promote House Bill 1976 which 
BANS Red Light Cameras and Automated Traffic Devices (like speed cameras), Dave 
Hinson and his money-hungry friends in the Missouri House and Senate probably 
think you aren’t paying attention.
They probably think they can sneak a bad bill past you and pull the wool over 
your eyes.
They probably think that you don’t care enough about your constitutional 
rights, privacy, and safety to stop them.
But they are WRONG!
Hinson’s bill, House Bill 1557, which LEGITIMIZES Red Light Cameras, passed the 
Missouri House earlier this session and has been moving quickly, but quietly, 
through the Senate.
We must stop this bill immediately!
Please click here to find your Missouri Senator 
 , and call and email them and DEMAND they vote NO on HB 1557 and support 
nothing short of a FULL BAN on Red Light Cameras.
But before you do, let me explain why this is so important.
Missouri courts have been throwing out Red Light Camera tickets for years. But 
Dave Hinson wants these tickets to stick – and he isn’t concerned about 
compromising you and your family’s safety to do it.
You see, current Missouri law states that running a red light is a moving 
violation and must assess points to your drivers license. Since most Red Light 
Camera tickets don’t assess points and violate this Missouri law, they are 
often thrown out in the courts by anyone who challenges them.
But since the company that runs the cameras, American Traffic Solutions, 
donates to Hinson’s campaign, he found a way to please his donors and trick the 
public at the same time.
Hinson introduced a bill to make it legal for Red Light Cameras to not assess 
This little change to Missouri law in Hinson’s bill makes Red Light Cameras 
LEGAL in Missouri. And he probably thinks you are too stupid to realize it.
He probably thinks you don’t care enough about your privacy to care – that you 
don’t mind him putting your safety at risk so he can secure more campaign 
donations for himself and his colleagues.
So won’t you sign our No More Red Light Camera Petition 
  and then click here to find your Missouri Senator 
 , and call and email them and DEMAND that they vote NO on HB 1557 and support 
nothing short of a FULL BAN on Red Light Cameras before it is too late?
Why am I so insistent that you do this?
Because your constitutional rights, privacy, and safety are too important not 
Because you are too good to stand idly by while a politician passes laws to 
line their pockets.
ELEVEN members of the Missouri Senate are receiving donations from American 
Traffic Solutions - just like Hinson. That is almost 1/3 of the Senate!
We must let them know they were elected to represent the PEOPLE – 

[MoLiCo] FW: Term Limits Now (Paul Jacob says we need term limits in Illinois and everywhere, now more than ever)

2014-05-02 Thread Fred B. Ellison


May 1, 2014 

Term Limits Now

Government of, by and for the people. 

Yeah, right. 

If government were of, by and for us . . . well, for starters, we'd have
term limits. 

Especially in Illinois. The Land of Lincoln has become the nation's capital
of corruption - four of the last seven governors went on to serve time in
prison.  http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/TermLimitsandReform.jpg 

The state's most powerful politician is House Speaker Michael Madigan, the
longest-serving speaker in state history. Madigan is powerful, yes, but not
at all popular - rated negatively by a substantial 65 percent of the public.

So much for popular government. 

But yesterday, the negativity of Illinois politics was met quite positively
- and head-on. The Committee for Legislative Reform and Term Limits
giUWgydrGkVOCUzhrFPexUNQQ==  to the state Board of Elections a 36-foot long
box, weighing nearly two tons, filled with 68,000 pages of petitions
containing nearly 600,000 voter signatures. 

That's more than enough
GkVOCUzhrFPexUNQQ==  signatures to place the constitutional amendment onto
the ballot. The measure will limit state legislators to eight years in
office. It will also reduce the size of the state senate and increase the
size of the state house, while upping the legislative vote needed to
override a governor's veto to the same two thirds threshold found in 37
other states. 

Yet, hours before all those voter signatures were presented to officials, an
attorney connected to Speaker Madigan filed a lawsuit hoping to block the
vote. The news report on the lawsuit quoted sources who asked not to be
identified for fear of risking their ability to secure state grant dollars.

Term limits. Now. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
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On May 1, 1851, Queen Victoria performed the ritual function of opening the
Great Exhibition in London. 


 Herbert Spencer
er.jpg All socialism involves slavery. 
-Herbert Spencer 


Click HERE
http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/  to see
Paul's latest! 


Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
GkVOCUzhrFPexUNQQ==  as well as a board member of Great Communicators
Foundation, which sponsors both Common Sense

[MoLiCo] FW: Tickets going fast

2014-04-30 Thread Fred B. Ellison

 Campaign for Liberty http://www.getlibertynow.org/images/Header_3.jpg 

Dear Fred,

A few days ago, I shared exciting details about the One-Day Political 
Leadership Schools coming to Missouri. The response has been tremendous, and 
tickets are going fast!

Are you ready to effect major political change and reclaim your lost liberties?

Are you ready to make the politicians finally listen and undo the harm they 
have done over the years?

This isn’t a seminar on ideas or theories – this school is about how to create 
meaningful change. 

You will learn:

•How to be respected and feared by the political class

•How mass movements fail and why

•Why Confrontation-Based lobbying is superior to Access-Based lobbying

•How to choose battles that will grow your organization

•How to pass and defeat legislation

•How to target legislators who vote against you and which to go after first

•And much more!

If you are frustrated by politicians who say one thing at the Tea Party Rally 
but break their promise at the Capitol, you need to be at one of these schools.

The Des Peres, MO class will be held on Saturday, May 3 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
at The Lodge Des Peres, located at 1050 Des Peres Road in Des Peres , MO. 
Registration begins at 8:15 a.m.

The Springfield, MO class will be held on Saturday, May 3 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
at the Baptist Bible College, Administration Building Room 202, located at 628 
E. Kearney St. in Springfield, MO. Registration begins at 8:15 a.m.

The Complete One-Day Political Leadership School promises to be an experience 
you won’t soon forget.

Seating is limited, so we can’t guarantee that tickets will be available at the 

Click here to purchase your ticket for the Des Peres, MO 
  school today. 

Click here to purchase your ticket for the Springfield, MO 
  school today. 

In Liberty,

Deb Wells
Missouri Campaign for Liberty

P.S. Campaign for Liberty believes that greater constituent pressure upon the 
political class is a healthy thing. If you believe in limited government, you 
are welcome to attend — no matter what organization you belong to.

P.P.S. The remaining tickets won’t last long. Click here to purchase your 
ticket for the Des Peres, MO 
  school today. 

Click here to purchase your ticket for the Springfield, MO 
  school today. 

 C4L website   
 Share this on social media   
 Forward this email to a friend   
 C4L on Facebook   
 C4L on Twitter


Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) 
and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax 
deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions 
(IRC § 162(e)(1)). 


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[MoLiCo] FW: Don't Miss This!

2014-04-29 Thread Fred B. Ellison
From: Reach Liberty reachforlibe...@gmail.com

Subject: Don't Miss This!

Date: April 24, 2014 at 7:54:48 PM CDT

To: k.16.theob...@gmail.com

Reply-To: Reach Liberty reachforlibe...@gmail.com


May 3rd Foundations for Conservative Leadership training.

 View this email in your browser


Don't MISS this!  

As we watch the federal level news, doom clouds our eyes and despair falls over 
our hearts.  One more hideous executive order from the Obama machine, and we 
want to run for the border. 

But hope isn't lost!  Freedom is a rising tide right now in America.  

You see it in the actions of the brave souls who marched on the Bureau of Land 
Management (BLM) thugs at the Bundy Ranch.  And you see it in the state 
legislatures that are passing nullification and interposition laws banning the 
federal government overreach.

And that's exactly why you need to be at the Foundations for Applied 
Conservative Leadership on May 3rd.  I can't stress how critical this training 

 Click here to sign up for the Springfield class on Saturday May 3rd 
Everything you think you know about politics – including any cynicism or 
pessimism – will be turned upside down at this school.

Our training class Springfield are less than one week away!

Some of you will know what I'm saying when I talk about spending a lot of time 
and energy on fighting for liberty, and feeling like nothing ever changes, 
except for the worse! 

There is a reason for that!  The way we are being told to do politics isn't the 
way to win. 

I was fortunate enough to take the class a few months ago, and I've got more 
hope for America than I've had since I found out America was in trouble in 

Don't waste another minute - click below and save $5 from the at-the-door 

 Click here to sign up for the Springfield class on Saturday May 3rd 
I also attended a 3-day training a month ago.  When I suggested that we would 
have over 50 people at the Springfield training, they said we were about to 
witness a vast acceleration of real, healthy change in Missouri. 

And I don't want you to miss this! 

I'm tired of feeling bullied by the very ones whose main purpose is to protect 
our liberties!  I think it is time we united in effective action and brought 
the fight to the statists!  

Here were some of the points you have to look forward to that really gave me 
- The reason we lose isn't because of voter fraud or corruption.  It's because 
we aren't unified in our activism, and our methods are nearly worthless to 
effect change!

- We have been told certain myths by the political class that make their lives 
easier, and make it easier for them to continue to under-perform

- And of course you'll learn what the greatest lie in politics is!  Can you 
guess it?

This special event will be a turning point in your life.

I know, it sounds too good to be true.

  But when you come out of this class, 
you will be empowered to take action and will see how we can take back our 

There is no substitute for this training.
Click here right now to reserve your seat before it is gone.

 Springfield class Saturday May 3rd 
In Liberty,

Kyle Theobald
Reach Liberty Organizer
In cooperation with Campaign for Liberty
PS: Did I mention that they LOSE money on these schools?!  They put on the 
schools at a loss because it's that important to them to prepare us for the 
political battles ahead.

So what are you waiting for?! 
 Click here NOW to register for the Springfield class on Saturday May 3rd.



8:15am - Registration opens
9:00am - School starts promptly
5:00pm - School ends promptly

Reach out if you have any questions!


Kyle Theobald

If we have your 

[MoLiCo] FW: What is the deal with Diehl?

2014-04-29 Thread Fred B. Ellison
From: Missouri Campaign for Liberty [mailto:misso...@campaignforliberty.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 9:30 AM
To: Fred Ellison
Subject: What is the deal with Diehl?


Dear Fred,

Please read Heather Coil’s important email below.

Missouri House Bill 1976 needs to be brought to the floor for a vote 
immediately, so please call and email Representative John Diehl now:

Phone: 573-751-1544 
E-Mail: john.di...@house.mo.gov 

Then click here to sign Missouri Campaign for Liberty’s NO MORE RED LIGHT 
CAMERAS Petition 

In Liberty,

Deb Wells
Senior Director of State Operations
Campaign for Liberty

Image removed by sender. Campaign for Liberty


That’s how long a staffer for House Majority Leader John Diehl threatened we 
will have to wait to pass legislation to BAN Red Light Cameras and Automated 
Traffic Devices.

Why? Because he is upset that we called him and his cronies out for receiving 
money from American Traffic Solutions.

Do you think we should have to wait TWO YEARS to get rid of these invasive, 
money-grabbing machines?

Should Missourians be robbed of their due process rights for TWO YEARS just 
because leadership would rather keep getting checks from the Red Light Camera 
companies than represent you?


If John Diehl cares about your rights, he won’t make you wait two years. He 
won’t make you wait another minute! And he won’t let the money he received from 
the Red Light Camera companies stop him from doing the right thing and bringing 
HB 1976 to BAN Red Light Cameras up for a vote IMMEDIATELY!

Please call and email Rep. John Diehl today and demand he support and hold a 
vote on HB-1976 IMMEDIATELY.


Rep John Diehl (R-District 87) 
Phone: 573-751-1544 
E-Mail: john.di...@house.mo.gov


We can do this RIGHT NOW. . . this legislative session. But I need your help.

Click here to sign our NO MORE RED LIGHT CAMERAS Petition 

Time is of the essence.

The legislative session is quickly coming to a close. House Majority Floor 
Leader Rep. John Diehl is holding our bill to repeal Red Light Cameras hostage 
in the Missouri House of Representatives.

It is Diehl’s job to bring bills up for perfection and a vote, but he is 
refusing to give his support and dragging his feet.

Why won't John Diehl allow an up or down vote in the House on HB-1976?

Maybe it's because Diehl receives more campaign contributions from American 
Traffic Solutions (ATS) - the company that runs the Red Light Cameras - than 
any other member of the Missouri House.

ATS gave him $1500 in 2013 alone - and first quarter campaign donation 
reporting for 2014 shows that ATS is paying off more of our legislators every 
single day.

Every Red Light Camera in Missouri is an ATM machine for John Diehl and his 
cronies in the Missouri House and Senate.

Instead of cutting out wasteful spending to make ends meet, John Diehl supports 
the “scamera” scheme to rob us of every penny we earn.

Please call and email Rep. John Diehl today and demand he support and hold a 
vote on HB-1976 IMMEDIATELY.


Rep John Diehl (R-District 87) 
Phone: 573-751-1544 
E-Mail: john.di...@house.mo.gov


The bill is on the calendar – it’s ready to be brought up. We have done 
everything we need to do; it’s time for Diehl to represent Missouri and bring 
HB 1976 up for a vote and BAN Red Light Cameras once and for all!

Tell John Diehl:


* We will NOT accept stall tactics.
* We will NOT accept him waiting until the end of the session - giving us 
NO TIME to get it through the Senate and put into law – to bring this to a vote.
* We will NOT allow him and other members of the legislature to water this 
bill down with amendments until it is useless.
* We will NOT be bullied out of our safety, privacy, and constitutional 
rights by an elected official
* We will NOT wait TWO YEARS!


You see Fred, John Diehl is the Majority Leader in the House, and he thinks he 
runs the state of Missouri.

But he's wrong - this is our state.

For too long he's been able to kill bills in the House just because he doesn't 
like them.

We must FORCE Diehl to support our bill and hold a vote in the House on the 

Tell John Diehl we won’t wait two years – and it is wrong of his staff to even 
threaten it! Insist that Diehl represents the PEOPLE of Missouri, not the Red 
Light Camera companies that are paying him.

It's downright immoral and against common sense not to repeal Red Light Cameras 
in Missouri, but then again:


** John Diehl probably doesn't care that in 2012, a Kansas City, Missouri 
study found that accidents increased 29% in traffic lanes with Red Light 
** He probably doesn't care that one Kansas City intersection had a 121% 
increase in 

[MoLiCo] FW: DOJ Op Is Tyranny (Paul Jacob on a new affront to the Bill of Rights)

2014-04-29 Thread Fred B. Ellison


April 29, 2014 

DOJ Op Is Tyranny

Tyrants traditionally lash out at any number of people and groups they find
dangerous or inconvenient: churches, entrepreneurs, voluntary associations,
you name it. In America, our government has been having difficulty not
showing some amazingly tyrannical leanings. Mass spying and data
accumulation, partisan tax programs, and now . 

Operation Choke Point.

In the Wall Street Journal, Frank Keating, CEO of the American Banking
Association, wrote that government officials in this wing of the U.S.
Department of Justice are asking banks to identify customers who may be
breaking the law or simply doing something government officials don't like.
Banks must then 'choke off' those customers' access to financial services,
shutting down their accounts. 

One target? Porn stars, according to a variety
zXzIFxiNguCBmVZwYFomg6GTw==  of reports
mVZwYFomg6GTw== . 

Teagan Presley, adult film actress and stripper, had her Chase account
abruptly closed - along with her husband's. She was told that she was high
risk. Other adult industry professionals have revealed similar treatment. 

Don't blame the banks; they're being coerced by the DOJ. According to
Keating, a bank that won't shut down a questionable account when directed
to do so, Justice slaps the institution with a penalty for wrongdoing that
may or may not have happened. 

As distasteful as the porn industry may be, this DOJ program is worse. It's
full-blown rogue government. 

It may have been designed to prosecute those breaking the law via fraud and
identity theft
Zz5ZxryIXvHnkFEbR3qLzXzIFxiNguCBmVZwYFomg6GTw== , but its modus operandi is
outside the law, bullying regulated banks into punishing other businesses
and people, without any court proceedings taking place. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
XvHnkFEbR3qLzXzIFxiNguCBmVZwYFomg6GTw==  | View/Print the PDF


On April 29, 1945, U.S. troops liberated the Dachau concentration camp. 


 Herbert Spencer
er.jpg It is not . chiefly 

[MoLiCo] FW: What Private Builders Build (Paul Jacob on what government must not be praised for)

2014-04-28 Thread Fred B. Ellison


April 28, 2014 

What Private Builders Build

In 2012, President Obama caused an uproar among those of us who praise
individuals for their individual achievements. Sneering
yBzrUVJVBrwbcLGmUhh4BzbtCjKHmJropIhEqDQ7MaRb7xtDQ==  at persons proud of
their success, Obama stressed the truism that in a society, achievers get
help from other people. On his short list of invaluable assistance:
government's helpful building of roads and other infrastructure. 

Like many of us
pIhEqDQ7MaRb7xtDQ== , Donald Boudreaux criticizes the president's
philosophical assumptions. But he adds
cLGmUhh4BzbtCjKHmJropIhEqDQ7MaRb7xtDQ==  that Obama is also wrong to imply
that it's government which makes most or all of the infrastructure on which
we rely.

[A] great deal of infrastructure is built privately. FedEx, for example, is
infrastructure: It's a combination of vehicles, warehouses, organizational
knowledge and other specific capital that businesses and households rely
upon to transport freight and packages. . . . 

Of course, FedEx isn't a road or a bridge. But so what? FedEx, no less than
a road or bridge, enhances our abilities to pursue our private goals.
[I]nfrastructure isn't only those things supplied by government. 

Moreover, we don't benefit from government's monopolization of the segments
of infrastructure provision that governments do monopolize. If government
hadn't permitted competition in packages from UPS, Fed-Ex and others, Obama
could have added you didn't ship that package to you didn't build that
road. But how could this justify disparaging individual achievement, or be
anything to boast about? Government's commandeering of enterprises reduces
quality and alternatives. 

The answer to You didn't build that, if and when it's true, is: Well, let

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
cLGmUhh4BzbtCjKHmJropIhEqDQ7MaRb7xtDQ==  | View/Print the PDF


On April 28, 1789, Lieutenant William Bligh and 18 sailors were set adrift
by the rebel crew of the HMS Bounty, which returned briefly to Tahiti and
then set sail for Pitcairn Island. On the same date in 2001, millionaire
Dennis Tito became the world's first space tourist. 


 Herbert Spencer
er.jpg The present social state is 

[MoLiCo] FW: Don't Miss This! - Leadership Training, May 3rd

2014-04-25 Thread Fred B. Ellison
From: Reach Liberty reachforlibe...@gmail.com

Subject: Don't Miss This!

Date: April 24, 2014 at 7:54:48 PM CDT

To: k.16.theob...@gmail.com

Reply-To: Reach Liberty reachforlibe...@gmail.com


May 3rd Foundations for Conservative Leadership training.

 View this email in your browser


Don't MISS this!  

As we watch the federal level news, doom clouds our eyes and despair falls over 
our hearts.  One more hideous executive order from the Obama machine, and we 
want to run for the border. 

But hope isn't lost!  Freedom is a rising tide right now in America.  

You see it in the actions of the brave souls who marched on the Bureau of Land 
Management (BLM) thugs at the Bundy Ranch.  And you see it in the state 
legislatures that are passing nullification and interposition laws banning the 
federal government overreach.

And that's exactly why you need to be at the Foundations for Applied 
Conservative Leadership on May 3rd.  I can't stress how critical this training 

 Click here to sign up for the Springfield class on Saturday May 3rd 
Everything you think you know about politics – including any cynicism or 
pessimism – will be turned upside down at this school.

Our training class Springfield are less than two weeks away!

Some of you will know what I'm saying when I talk about spending a lot of time 
and energy on fighting for liberty, and feeling like nothing ever changes, 
except for the worse! 

There is a reason for that!  The way we are being told to do politics isn't the 
way to win. 

I was fortunate enough to take the class a few months ago, and I've got more 
hope for America than I've had since I found out America was in trouble in 

Don't waste another minute - click below and save $5 from the at-the-door 

 Click here to sign up for the Springfield class on Saturday May 3rd 
I also attended a 3-day training a month ago.  When I suggested that we would 
have over 50 people at the Springfield training, they said we were about to 
witness a vast acceleration of real, healthy change in Missouri. 

And I don't want you to miss this! 

I'm tired of feeling bullied by the very ones whose main purpose is to protect 
our liberties!  I think it is time we united in effective action and brought 
the fight to the statists!  

Here were some of the points you have to look forward to that really gave me 
- The reason we lose isn't because of voter fraud or corruption.  It's because 
we aren't unified in our activism, and our methods are nearly worthless to 
effect change!

- We have been told certain myths by the political class that make their lives 
easier, and make it easier for them to continue to under-perform

- And of course you'll learn what the greatest lie in politics is!  Can you 
guess it?

This special event will be a turning point in your life.

I know, it sounds too good to be true.

  But when you come out of this class, 
you will be empowered to take action and will see how we can take back our 

There is no substitute for this training.
Click here right now to reserve your seat before it is gone.

 Springfield class Saturday May 3rd 
In Liberty,

Kyle Theobald
Reach Liberty Organizer
In cooperation with Campaign for Liberty
PS: Did I mention that they LOSE money on these schools?!  They put on the 
schools at a loss because it's that important to them to prepare us for the 
political battles ahead.

So what are you waiting for?! 
 Click here NOW to register for the Springfield class on Saturday May 3rd.



8:15am - Registration opens
9:00am - School starts promptly
5:00pm - School ends promptly

Reach out if you have any questions!


Kyle Theobald

If we have 

[MoLiCo] FW: Value the Vote (Paul Jacob on what voters value and what they don't value)

2014-04-24 Thread Fred B. Ellison


April 24, 2014 

Value the Vote

What happens when politicians create a special new election date in order to
place a tax increase before voters . when least expected? 

Did I mention that, as the Seattle Times reported, Proposition 1 enjoyed
massive support among politicians, labor unions, environmentalists,
social-equity groups and business coalitions? 

Or that the YES campaign outspent the NO side by $654,922 to a mere $7,700,
a nearly 100 to 1 margin?

The answer: On Tuesday, voters in one of the most liberal counties in
America said NO. A solid 55 percent rejected the ballot measure. 

Proposition 1 would have hiked King County's 9.5-cent sales tax by 0.1
percent and imposed a $60 annual car-tab fee. The idea was to provide more
funding for mass transit and local roads, with 60 percent of that revenue
going toward the area's mass transit system. 

Transit officials argued that without the additional dough they'd have to
make deep service cuts. 

The voters are not rejecting Metro; they are rejecting this particular
means of funding Metro, explained County Executive Dow Constantine. We
know the people of King County love and value their transit service. 

Love? Perhaps. Ridership is reportedly at a near-record high, about 400,000
a day. 

Value? Not so much. 

This very progressive electorate expressed, with utmost clarity, their
unwillingness to pay higher taxes for transit. Further, there's an
unmistakable signal in the refusal of King County Metro officials to
consider raising the price of their beloved service to become sustainable. 

Isn't it only fair to ask those riding the bus to pay the fare? 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
tGJvUmt0ksLe0YXuN_8zIOEdE-0aK2AFUnG3Q==  | View/Print the PDF


On April 24, 1792, the French national anthem, La Marseillaise, was
composed by Capt. Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle. Eight years later to the
day, the United States Congress approved a bill establishing the Library of


There is no greater impediment to the advancement of knowledge than the
ambiguity of words. 
-Thomas Reid 


Click HERE
http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/  to see
Paul's latest! 


Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
IOEdE-0aK2AFUnG3Q==  as well as a board member of Great Communicators
Foundation, which sponsors both Common Sense
ksLe0YXuN_8zIOEdE-0aK2AFUnG3Q==  and Paul's weekly Townhall Column
Kj2YuvP1isCstGJvUmt0ksLe0YXuN_8zIOEdE-0aK2AFUnG3Q== . The opinions
expressed in Common Sense and at Townhall are Paul Jacob's and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of Liberty 

[MoLiCo] FW: The Colluders (Paul Jacob on the unraveling of the excuses for the IRS in the ongoing Tea Party targeting scandal)

2014-04-21 Thread Fred B. Ellison


April 21, 2014 

The Colluders

Inadvertent? Un-partisan? No direction from above? 

Such were many of the early claims
ch=HrvqfQDY32QyvxeGgDzBvyRlmtLs5JRK7W8cqyIgo7dIoUHy257RNQ==  in response to
the scandal over IRS's targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups
applying for tax-exempt status. 

The characterization was not vindicated when Lois Lerner - who ran the
agency's division dealing with exempt organizations until she resigned in
semi-disgrace -a sserted her Fifth Amendment rights rather than tell us what
she knows. Sundry revelations
w==ch=HrvqfQDY32QyvxeGgDzBvyRlmtLs5JRK7W8cqyIgo7dIoUHy257RNQ==  since the
scandal broke have further exploded the claim that lowly functionaries acted
independently of high officials. 

Now Cleta Mitchell, a lawyer for True the Vote, which combats voter fraud,
is being vindicated in charges of collusion between Lerner and congressional
Democrats. From THE KELLY FILE

[T]he only difference between what happened in Watergate when Richard Nixon
asked the IRS to go after his political enemies was when Richard Nixon
asked, they refused
57RNQ== , according to Mitchell. When these Democratic politicians said,
'Go do something about these conservative groups because they're challenging
us. . . .' the IRS [did] their bidding to try and silence these groups. 

Mitchell appeared on
7dIoUHy257RNQ== The Kelly File to discuss recently released IRS email
implying coordination between Democrat Elijah Cummings of the House
Oversight Committee (of nothing to see here
JRK7W8cqyIgo7dIoUHy257RNQ==  fame) and the IRS. After applying for
tax-exempt status, True the Vote received sets of nearly identical questions
- on widely separate occasions - from both the IRS and Cummings. That's not
only collusion, it's guileful sharing of taxpayer information that is
supposed to remain confidential. 

Disturbing, but not surprising
57RNQ== . 

This is Common Sense. This is Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
DzBvyRlmtLs5JRK7W8cqyIgo7dIoUHy257RNQ==  | 

[MoLiCo] FW: The Tiny State of Nevada (Paul Jacob on the undue size of the federal government's property holdings)

2014-04-18 Thread Fred B. Ellison


April 18, 2014 

The Tiny State of Nevada

Nevada isn't really that big of a state. Oh, sure, it appears large on the

But 81 percent of that land mass isn't Nevada. It's federal government
property, run by various branches of the nation's central government in
Washington, D.C. 

Much of the controversy surrounding the Cliven Bundy ranch, and the rustled
cattle, and the standoff with the federales, has to do with federal
government land.  http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/tinynevada.png 

From my reading of the Bundy family ranch affair, it appears that the legal
question is not one of taxes, but of usage fees; not of endangered
tortoises, but cattle. But mostly about land. My sympathies are with the
Bundies. They seem to have a very old adverse possession case against the

I wasn't surprised to learn that federal judges didn't look very kindly to
the Bundies' customary rights. Federal judges prefer legislated law to
common law. We're a long way from our roots, folks. 

But the issue lurking behind all other issues is the over-dominance of the
federal government in twelve western states. Five of them have over half of
their land titled to and run by the federal government: Orgeon, Idaho,
Alaska, Utah and Nevada. This imbalance gives just too much power and
purview to federal agencies, who are then tempted to run roughshod over
locals. That is, state citizens. 

Cliven Bundy may be dead wrong legally, but politically, he has a point. 

The federal government should privatize all or most of its grazing lands and
desert lands. Its forest lands should at least be state-ized - given back
to the states. 

This is a federal republic, right? Not an empire? 

The states are not supposed to be mere conquered provinces. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob. 

Comment on this episode
kFwLqhpVaNJNlOc4sBZv5JvcrSwKiB5RUiRZw==  | View/Print the PDF


On April 18, 1689, Bostonians rebelled against the government of Sir Edmund
On this day in April, in 2007, the Supreme Court of the United States, split
5-4, upheld the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. 
April 18 marks the 1772 birthday of David Ricardo, English political
economist and one of the most influential thinkers in economic theory. 


When all is said, slave-mindedness is the despicable thing. 
-Albert Jay Nock 


Click HERE
http://thisiscommonsense.com/2014/02/15/video-our-pension-problem/  to see
Paul's latest! 


Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
5JvcrSwKiB5RUiRZw==  as well as a board member of Great Communicators
Foundation, which sponsors both Common Sense
aNJNlOc4sBZv5JvcrSwKiB5RUiRZw==  and Paul's weekly Townhall Column
rgJscX0o6Y8GkFwLqhpVaNJNlOc4sBZv5JvcrSwKiB5RUiRZw== . The opinions
expressed in Common Sense and at Townhall are Paul Jacob's and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of Liberty Initiative Fund or the Great
Communicators Foundation.


[MoLiCo] FW: The Next Step

2014-04-17 Thread Fred B. Ellison
From: Rand Paul [mailto:rand.p...@randpacusa.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2014 8:05 AM
Subject: FW: The next step 



Dear FRED,

Did you see my email below?

You see, I just filed my class-action lawsuit against the NSA.

But that's not the only way to fight unconstitutional spying!

I've also introduced the Fourth Amendment Protection Act in Congress to fight 
this battle on multiple fronts.

Unfortunately, not enough Americans have signed the petition supporting this 

That's why, if you haven't already,  
 please sign the petition right away!

And if you've already signed,  
 please forward it to as many people as you know.

Without your help, and the help of people like you, we don't stand a chance.

Thank you for all you've done, and continue to do for our Fourth Amendment 

In Liberty,
 sig http://www.rand-2016.org/images/rand_sig.png 
Senator Rand Paul

 Click to sign


From: Rand Paul [rand.p...@randpacusa.com]
Subject: The next step



Dear FRED,

My class-action lawsuit against President Barack Obama’s NSA and its 
unconstitutional spying on Americans is officially on.

Now, I’m looking for ten million Americans to stand with me and take the next 
step to TAKE BACK our rights.

Can I count on your help?

Without it, I truly fear where our fragile Republic could be headed . . .

Recent news reports revealed that Barack Obama’s NSA is looking through 
billions of our emails and phone records every day!

I’ve created a special Fourth Amendment Protection Act petition, and I’m 
counting on you to fill it out IMMEDIATELY.

As you’ll see, this petition insists that my colleagues in Congress stand with 
me as I fight to stop President Obama from shredding our Constitution’s Fourth 

The truth is, I believe this is an absolutely critical and defining moment for 
our country . . .

My hope is this will be remembered for decades as the moment the American 
people stood up to their government and demanded our liberties be respected.

But I fear without your help, it could be the moment the American people 
quietly shrink from a fight and instead surrender their last bit of protection 
from complete government control of their lives.

 Click to sign

I know there are those who argue that Americans must give up every last bit of 
our liberty to win our country’s ongoing fight against terrorism.

“Trust us,” they say.

I also know their promises of safety can be tantalizing.

But today we know President Obama’s IRS routinely targeted his political 
opponents and grassroots conservatives.

The Justice Department targeted reporters and their families for wiretapping 
and harassment for daring to criticize the administration.

And we see the Obama administration covering up Benghazi, then tapping Susan 
Rice -- who helped mislead the American people in the wake of that outrage -- 
for a promotion.

“Trust us” is out the window.

And even if our rulers were angels -- and you and I had nothing to fear from an 
overbearing and intrusive government -- the NSA’s spying doesn’t even keep us 

One of my colleagues, defending this massive program, stated that last year’s 
Boston bombing proved why we need programs like this.

Actually, it proves quite the opposite.

Instead of acting on real intelligence warnings from at least one other nation 
about the dangers the bombers posed, government agents were busy secretly 
sifting through the personal phone and email records of hundreds of millions of 

I believe instead of unreasonably targeting every American for spying, our 
federal government should focus on only the truly dangerous!

This is an astounding assault on the Constitution, and I truly fear what could 
happen to our country if you and I allow this to go on.

That’s why, in addition to suing the Obama administration over this outrage, 
I’ve introduced the Fourth Amendment Protection Act in the U.S. Senate.

 Click to sign

This bill will prevent the government from sifting through the emails of 
American citizens and require them to obtain a warrant before searching the 
data of specific terrorist suspects.

If we don’t act, how long until these spying capabilities suffer some “mission 
creep” and they start using the GPS 

[MoLiCo] FW: Hearing Notice: Articles of Impeachment against Governor Nixon

2014-04-17 Thread Fred B. Ellison
From: Mary Byrne [mailto:mary.byrn...@att.net] 
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2014 12:09 PM
To: Undisclosed Recipients
Subject: Fw: Hearing Notice: Articles of Impeachment against Governor Nixon


Several of our members have expressed interest in knowing more about the 
articles of impeachment filed against Governor Nixon. 


State Representative Mike Moon is among the three representatives who filed. 
For more information, and an opportunity to make your opinion heard by your 
state legislator, see below:


- Forwarded Message -
From: Ron Calzone r...@mofirst.org
 Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2014 3:48 AM
Subject: Hearing Notice: Articles of Impeachment against Governor Nixon

 http://www.mofirst.org/emails/Impeachment-HR-Hearings-1.php Click here to 
view this in your browser.



Dedicated to the sovereignty
of Missourians.


HEARING NOTICE: Articles of Impeachment Against Governor Nixon

House Hearing April 23rd

 http://www.mofirst.org/ Missouri First Home

Resource Page


April 17, 2014


Should the Governor Nixon be impeached?

Article VII Section I of the Missouri Constitution says, “All elective 
executive officials of the state, and judges of the supreme court, courts of 
appeals and circuit courts shall be liable to impeachment for crimes, 
misconduct, habitual drunkenness, willful neglect of duty, corruption in 
office, incompetency, or any offense involving moral turpitude or oppression in 

Notice that most of the constitutional grounds for impeachment are NOT criminal 
in nature. The purpose of impeachment is to “check” an official who is damaging 
the People and his office in some way, even if no crime has been committed. It 
doesn't even have to be a malicious act – notice that “incompetency” is grounds 
for impeachment.

In1843 Judge John Leland was impeached for deficiency in legal knowledge, 
negligence, tardiness, and inattentiveness.


Impeachment is NOT a Finding of Guilt

When the House of Representatives votes to impeach an official, they are not 
saying he is guilty – all they are saying is that there's enough evidence to 
hold a trial. In Missouri, unlike virtually all the other states, the actual 
impeachment trial and determination of guilt is left up to seven judges. When 
the governor is the object of the impeachment, the Senate selects “seven 
eminent jurists” from among sitting judges across the state.

So the question before the House Judiciary Committee 
next week, and possibly the whole House later on, is, “Is there enough cause to 
hold an impeachment trial of Governor Nixon?”

I think there is. What do you think? Please learn more about impeachment and 
fill out a witness form, either for or against impeaching Governor Nixon, and 
we will deliver it to the committee. (See more details below the witness form 


Hearing On Wednesday!
Fill out your witness by Tuesday.

Committee: Judiciary 


Date:  Wednesday, April 23

Time:  Upon noon adjournment

Room:  HR 1


HR 380 http://www.house.mo.gov/billsummary.aspx?bill=HR380year=2014code=R : 
Marshal, HR 476 
http://www.house.mo.gov/billsummary.aspx?bill=HR476year=2014code=R  Moon, 
HR 923 http://www.house.mo.gov/billsummary.aspx?bill=HR923year=2014code=R  

Articles of Impeachment against Governor Nixon


Please double check the hearing schedule 
http://www.house.mo.gov/HearingsDateOrder.aspx  before traveling to the 



Witness Form - I will hand deliver your witness form and also make your 
testimony available online for the committee to read.


Generic Witness Form: Witness form link for HR 380, 476, 923  


The House Resolutions -- Articles of Impeachment

Tuesday, April 22nd, the House Judiciary Committee will hold public hearings 
for three separate articles of impeachment:

*   HR 380 
http://www.house.mo.gov/billsummary.aspx?bill=HR380year=2014code=R : Adopts 
Articles of Impeachment for Governor Jay Nixon for the issuance of Executive 
Order 13-14, which recognizes same-sex couples for the purpose of filing joint 
married tax returns in spite of the Missouri's Constitution marriage amendment.

*   HR 476 
http://www.house.mo.gov/billsummary.aspx?bill=HR476year=2014code=R  Adopts 
articles of impeachment against Governor Nixon for failure to issue writs of 
election to fill vacancies in the General Assembly without delay as required by 
state law

*   HR 923 
http://www.house.mo.gov/billsummary.aspx?bill=HR923year=2014code=R  Adopts 
articles of impeachment for the Governor based on his failure to discipline or 
dismiss executive branch employees responsible for the released of concealed 
carry endorsement information to 

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   >