Re: modperl 2

2002-06-09 Thread Thomas Klausner


On Sun, Jun 09, 2002 at 12:42:15AM -0400, Jaberwocky wrote:
 Does any one know of any modperl 2 resources? mailing lists,
 stuff like that. 

mod_perl 2 issues are discussed here on the mod_perl mailing list

Please read this before posting:

You'll find lots of documentation here:

 D_OMM  + -+
 O_xyderkes |   neu:  Arbeitsplatz   |   
 M_echanen  | |
 M_asteuei  ++

FreeBSD Apache/mod_perl/OpenSRS/expat problem + solution

2002-06-09 Thread Bill O'Hanlon

Hi folks,

I just ran down a problem that was somewhat hard to find, and I didn't see any
mention of anything like it in the archives anywhere.  I thought it might be
helpful to mention the details in case someone else is ever in the same

I'm running FreeBSD 4.5, with perl 5.6.1 and Apache 1.3.24.  I had a working
installation of the regular OpenSRS perl code via cgi-bin, but I thought I'd
get it running under Apache::Registry in mod_perl.  To my surprise, the Apache
daemons would dump core whenever I tried to log in with manage.cgi.

It turns out that the current FreeBSD port of Apache uses it's own internal
version of expat, which is an XML library of some kind.  This internal
version doesn't connect up well with the version that XML::Parser is expecting
to find.  Turning this off in the Apache build fixed the problem, and the
OpenSRS code runs very nicely under mod_perl now.  At this point, I don't
understand what functionality I've lost by not having the expat code built into
the Apache binary.

The configure option to leave out expat is --disable-rule=EXPAT.  In the
FreeBSD port, that's easily added to the CONFIGURE_ARGS variable in the

I don't know if this applies to any other platform.  My guess is that it could,
since I think the default for Apache is to use the internal version of expat.

Hope this helps someone!


Professional Network Services, Inc. 612-379-3958

apache 2 mod_perl 2 Apache::DBI

2002-06-09 Thread Yuri A. Kabaenkov

  How can i install Apache::DBI module with mod_perl 2?

Best regards,
 Yuri  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: FreeBSD Apache/mod_perl/OpenSRS/expat problem + solution

2002-06-09 Thread Mike Melillo

I came across the same problem while trying to install a bunch of XML
modules via the CPAN module.  It was pretty frustrating when the module
installations kept dying when it got to expat, even after a installed
the expat port time and time again.  I think I solved the problem
similarly to the way you did, either that or I just decided I didn't
need the XML modules installed.


-Original Message-
From: Bill O'Hanlon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sunday, June 09, 2002 10:31 AM
Subject: FreeBSD Apache/mod_perl/OpenSRS/expat problem + solution

Hi folks,

I just ran down a problem that was somewhat hard to find, and I didn't
see any
mention of anything like it in the archives anywhere.  I thought it
might be
helpful to mention the details in case someone else is ever in the same

I'm running FreeBSD 4.5, with perl 5.6.1 and Apache 1.3.24.  I had a
installation of the regular OpenSRS perl code via cgi-bin, but I thought
get it running under Apache::Registry in mod_perl.  To my surprise, the
daemons would dump core whenever I tried to log in with manage.cgi.

It turns out that the current FreeBSD port of Apache uses it's own
version of expat, which is an XML library of some kind.  This internal
version doesn't connect up well with the version that XML::Parser is
to find.  Turning this off in the Apache build fixed the problem, and
OpenSRS code runs very nicely under mod_perl now.  At this point, I
understand what functionality I've lost by not having the expat code
built into
the Apache binary.

The configure option to leave out expat is --disable-rule=EXPAT.  In
FreeBSD port, that's easily added to the CONFIGURE_ARGS variable in the

I don't know if this applies to any other platform.  My guess is that it
since I think the default for Apache is to use the internal version of

Hope this helps someone!


Bill O'Hanlon
Professional Network Services, Inc.

Re: FreeBSD Apache/mod_perl/OpenSRS/expat problem + solution

2002-06-09 Thread Perrin Harkins

 I just ran down a problem that was somewhat hard to find, and I didn't
see any
 mention of anything like it in the archives anywhere.

The expat issue has been discussed quite a bit on this list, and is
documented here:

Sorry to hear you had trouble finding it.  That section of the guide is
the first place you should look when you're having segfault problems.

- Perrin

2 New Books Needed (was MVC soup, separating C from V in MVC)

2002-06-09 Thread Ron Pero

Two good books could be written on these subjects:

* Mastering Design Patterns with Perl (I understand that Mastering
Algorithms with Perl sells quite well)

* Rapid Web Application Development with Perl

The second one would describe the various application frameworks available,
and related tools. Perhaps an expansion of what is at It would describe what is
available in order to help people decide what to use, it would demonstrate
principles of application development, with model code. And, it could help
unify the efforts that are out there -- if two systems are extremely
similar, why not combine them. It would be interesting to see what eternal
principles have emerged from the experience of creating more than one way
to do it. Is there a best way or two? Or 4 or 5?
Laying out each system in a systematic way, eg in a chart of features,
would be an interesting way to define each system. Or like the DBI book has
a systematic, uniform format for each DBD driver to describe itself.

It is hard to dip into each app framework to see how it ticks, but a book
that does that for me would be extremely interesting. From an analysis of
the systems, we might find some general principles or best practices,
guiding the future evolution of the field.

There are perl programs that read a database schema, then generate a
complete application for viewing and administering the db. That is rapid
app development!

I'm not the person to write these books, but perhaps someone(s) here is.


At 12:35 AM 06/08/02 -0400, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 I wish I had more to offer to the discussion, but I echo Bill's
 sentiments that a write-up would be much appreciated

There really are a lot of articles about MVC for web applications.  It
sounds like Jesse has a new one coming out soon.  I covered the basics
of it here:

And the templating tools we've discussed are all covered in my
templating tutorial.  It's getting a little long in the tooth, but I
think it does a good job of conveying the angle that each of the tools
has taken.

Rob and I talked about writing something, but honestly I have a hard
time thinking of what more there is to say.  The best thing to do is go
and look at the many examples of MVC frameworks for Perl (bOP,
OpenInteract, CGI::Application, etc.) and dive into their sample code.

- Perrin

Re: [OT] MVC soup (was: separating C from V in MVC)

2002-06-09 Thread Perrin Harkins

 What I didn't like about this is I then had to adjust the so-called
 controller code that decoded the user input for my request object to
 include these new features.  But really that data was of only interest
 the model.  So a change in the model forced a change in the

No, a change in the user interface forced a change in the controller,
which is fine.  Your user interface now supports parameters of starting
page and page size, so the controller has to know how to handle those
parameters and translate them for the model.  (Incidentally, it's not
such a good idea to make page size a query arg.  Better to put it in
some config file on the server.)

For example, you might have controller code like this:
my $query = $apr-param('query');
my $page  = $apr-param('page');

my $search = Model::Search-new(
query = $query,
page  = $page,

The controller is tightly coupled to parsing and handling user input,
but knows nothing about what that model object will do with it.  It is
basically translating HTTP requests into sets of method calls on model

 So now I just have been passing in an object which has a param()
 (which, lately I've been using a CGI object instead of an
 so the model can have full access to all the user input.  It bugs me a
 because it feels like the model now has intimate access to the user

I agree, this is not good.  The controller is supposed to be parsing
that stuff and abstracting it from the model.  The model shouldn't care
if you decide to start encrypting some parameters, or getting them from
the user's session, or using different names for them on different

 My second, reasonably unrelated question is this: I often need to make
 links back to a page, such as a link for page next.  I like to build
 links in the view, keeping the HTML out of the model if possible.  But
 something like a page next link that might contain a bunch of
 it would seem best to build href in the model that knows about all

I don't think it makes a huge difference, but I would probably assemble
these either in the controller or in the view.  The model would just
provide the data.  If they are simple links (i.e. same params always, no
logic) you should be able to use any templating system to build them.
Template Toolkit has a URL plugin for convenience:

- Perrin

Re: Building high load mod_perl/Mason servers

2002-06-09 Thread Perrin Harkins

 We are going to be moving to mod_perl, but I am
 worried about how to keep from getting into the same kind of trap with
 mod_perl as with PHP.

You may want to read my article about building a large site with

 So I am thinking whatever I do it should fit within an existing
 something like Mason. But I am confused about what real advatage Mason
 provides, and how things like source code control would work if we are
 running lots of servers.

Your best bet to avoid spaghetti code with Mason is to use OO perl
modules for all of the real functionality in the application and then
use Mason's components as templates for displaying the results.  Mason
is good at handling the plumbing aspects of web development and
provides an environment for doing HTML templates with in-line perl.  See
this article for more on appropriate use of components and modules:

There are many frameworks for mod_perl, so if Mason doesn't look like
exactly what you want you can check out some others here:

 Do people use rsync to keep up to date?

If you have a high-volume commercial site, you would be better off with
a slightly more structured process.  You can set up a script to make
releases which will tag the CVS tree and build a release in some package
format like RPM or .tar.gz.  Then you can QA that release and later
install the same release, all with development continuing in CVS for the
next release.  This allows you to easilly go back to a prior release if
a disastrous bug is found in production.  (Well, there are issues like
config files and database changes which complicate things, but that's
the basic idea.)

- Perrin

RE: FreeBSD Apache/mod_perl/OpenSRS/expat problem + solution

2002-06-09 Thread Michael Johnson

Yeh, it does apply on other BSD platforms--but I don't think it's specific
to BSD(s). I use the same args on Net and Open on Apaches I've built on
those platforms. I came across this issue with AxKit. There's tons of
references on the web as well:

-Original Message-
From: Bill O'Hanlon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, June 09, 2002 7:31 AM
Subject: FreeBSD Apache/mod_perl/OpenSRS/expat problem + solution

Hi folks,

I just ran down a problem that was somewhat hard to find, and I didn't see
mention of anything like it in the archives anywhere.  I thought it might be
helpful to mention the details in case someone else is ever in the same

I'm running FreeBSD 4.5, with perl 5.6.1 and Apache 1.3.24.  I had a working
installation of the regular OpenSRS perl code via cgi-bin, but I thought I'd
get it running under Apache::Registry in mod_perl.  To my surprise, the
daemons would dump core whenever I tried to log in with manage.cgi.

It turns out that the current FreeBSD port of Apache uses it's own internal
version of expat, which is an XML library of some kind.  This internal
version doesn't connect up well with the version that XML::Parser is
to find.  Turning this off in the Apache build fixed the problem, and the
OpenSRS code runs very nicely under mod_perl now.  At this point, I don't
understand what functionality I've lost by not having the expat code built
the Apache binary.

The configure option to leave out expat is --disable-rule=EXPAT.  In the
FreeBSD port, that's easily added to the CONFIGURE_ARGS variable in the

I don't know if this applies to any other platform.  My guess is that it
since I think the default for Apache is to use the internal version of

Hope this helps someone!


Bill O'Hanlon
Professional Network Services, Inc. 612-379-3958

can't make test for mod_perl 1.27

2002-06-09 Thread Vicki Brown

/usr/ports/www/apache13/work/apache_1.3.24/src/httpd -f
`pwd`/t/conf/httpd.conf -X -d `pwd`/t 
httpd listening on port 8529
will write error_log to: t/logs/error_log
letting apache warm up...\c
Syntax error on line 3 of
Invalid command '=pod', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
included in the server configuration

Is this a buggy test or something I've missed/  make worked fine. I built and
installed mod_perl into apache as a DSO.

(please Cc: me directly as I subscribe to the digest form of this list)
- Vicki

Vicki Brown ZZZ  Journeyman Sourceror:
P.O. Box 1269  zz  |\ _,,,---,,_Scripts  Philtres
San Bruno, CA   zz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_ Perl, Unix, MacOS
94066 USA |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-'
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)

Re: FreeBSD Apache/mod_perl/OpenSRS/expat problem + solution

2002-06-09 Thread Bill O'Hanlon

On Sun, Jun 09, 2002 at 12:43:38PM -0400, Perrin Harkins wrote:
  I just ran down a problem that was somewhat hard to find, and I didn't
 see any
  mention of anything like it in the archives anywhere.
 The expat issue has been discussed quite a bit on this list, and is
 documented here:
 Sorry to hear you had trouble finding it.  That section of the guide is
 the first place you should look when you're having segfault problems.
 - Perrin

Eeek!  Thanks the for the pointer to the warnings and errors guide.

I guess when I first tried to find out what was going on by STFW, I thought it
was something OpenSRS specific.  Later, when I'd found something that seemed to
work, I didn't go back and search for expat or XML_Parse.

It's reassuring to see that the fix that I'd guessed at is the right one to
use, though.

Thanks again,


Professional Network Services, Inc. 612-379-3958