Re: funky process tree + stillborn masters

2010-06-08 Thread Jamie Wilkinson
On Apr 28, 2010, at 12:05 AM, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:

 Update from the trenches: I've traced this down to the newrelic_rpm agent
 I've also filed a bug with NewRelic:

I'm happy to announce the recently released 2.12.2 newrelic_rpm gem fixed this 
long-running issue for me (newrelic_rpm causing some unicorns to fail to start) 

Huge thanks to Bill Kayser from NewRelic  Eric Wong for his patient debugging!

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Re: funky process tree + stillborn masters

2010-04-28 Thread Eric Wong
Jamie Wilkinson wrote:
 Update from the trenches: I've traced this down to the newrelic_rpm
 Noticed this is not the 1st time this has been brought up, since
 newrelic spins up the stats collector in its own thread.
 Attempted the (old) logger mutex monkeypatch mentioned in the unicorn
 docs without luck. Noodled with various permutations of
 NewRelic::Agent.shutdown in before/after_fork without success.
 NewRelic apparently has some compat issues with bundler, but that
 didn't affect it, nor did switching to the plugin.
 I'm running the latest newrelic_rpm agent (2.11.2) and the latest
 unicorn (0.97.1). 
 I imagine this is contention over its logfile. Is there any
 low-hanging fruit I should try?

Hi Jamie, thanks for the follow up.

Exactly which version of Ruby + patchlevel are you using?   Some of the
1.8.7 releases had threading bugs in them which you may be hitting:

But ...

 I've also filed a bug with NewRelic:

 # straces show there's a bad file descriptor read -- presumably logfiles.
 # I've noodled with shutting down the agent in unicorn before/after forks
 # without a lot of luck. Tried newrelic as a plugin with the same issue,
 # as well as some of the bundler fixes mentioned in the FAQ, as well as
 # the

Now that we know it's NewRelic, I suspect it could be reading from the
agent's client socket, not a log file.  You can map fd = files/sockets
with ls -l /proc/$pid/fd or lsof -p $pid

Perhaps in the before_fork hook you can try closing the TCPSocket (or
similar) that NewRelic is using.  Merely stopping the agent thread
isn't guaranteed to close the client socket properly (in fact, I can
almost guaratee it won't close the socket at the OS level).

Since you're on Linux, try putting the output of ls -l /proc/#$$/fd or
lsof -p #$$ in both the after_fork+before_fork hooks to get an idea of
which descriptors are open across forks.

 # Unicorn doesn't play very nicely with threads, are there are any other
 # manual setup/teardown methods beyond NewRelic::Agent.shutdown I could
 # try to get fd's closed properly between forks?

There's nothing inherent to Unicorn that prevents it from playing nicely
with threads.  It's just not playing nicely with threaded code written
without potential fork() calls in mind.

Eric Wong
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Re: funky process tree + stillborn masters

2010-04-27 Thread Jamie Wilkinson
Update from the trenches: I've traced this down to the newrelic_rpm agent

Noticed this is not the 1st time this has been brought up, since newrelic spins 
up the stats collector in its own thread.

Attempted the (old) logger mutex monkeypatch mentioned in the unicorn docs 
without luck. Noodled with various permutations of NewRelic::Agent.shutdown in 
before/after_fork without success. NewRelic apparently has some compat issues 
with bundler, but that didn't affect it, nor did switching to the plugin.

I'm running the latest newrelic_rpm agent (2.11.2) and the latest unicorn 

I imagine this is contention over its logfile. Is there any low-hanging fruit I 
should try?

I've also filed a bug with NewRelic:


On Apr 19, 2010, at 11:21 AM, Eric Wong wrote:

 Hi Jamie, any more news on this issue?  I plan on doing a minor release
 later today or tomorrow with a few minor bug fixes in unicorn.git
 Eric Wong

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Re: funky process tree + stillborn masters

2010-04-19 Thread Eric Wong
Hi Jamie, any more news on this issue?  I plan on doing a minor release
later today or tomorrow with a few minor bug fixes in unicorn.git

Eric Wong
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Re: funky process tree + stillborn masters

2010-04-11 Thread Eric Wong
Eric Wong wrote:
 Do the following two patches help?  I've also pushed out a few
 cleanups to unicorn.git and also put up a prerelease gem at:

Hi Jamie, did you get a chance to try this?

Eric Wong
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