[Mpls] Interest group Endorsements of 3rd Ward candidates

2002-12-29 Thread Mike Jones
This election is very rushed and involves candidates with limited funding.  
Maybe instead of giving them more work with your tests and questionaires and 
such, you should do a little research yourself and then endorse a candidate. 
 It takes time to write a questionaire, why not spend it elsewhere?

-Mike Jones

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Re: [Mpls] 3rd Ward race- does the Gay community have a friend in this race?

2002-12-29 Thread Jhpalmerjp

Very interesting post, and a bit revisionist I think.  You mention how only 3 
candidates screened with Stonewall and OM is the only candidate to have won the 
approval of the Stonewall Caucaus, yet during the time of that three week ago 
challenge you also said:

I'm a member of the Stonewall DFL board, one of 2 board members that live in the 3rd 
ward. Why was I given no notice of this screening? Why was no notice given on the 
Stonewall DFL's board and general membership mailing list? Were all the DFL candidates 
given notice of this screening?  -[Mpls] RE: Minneapolis Third Ward Politics, 
December 8th


Also, some of the candidates apparently weren't invited to screen for the Stonewall 
DFL endorsement. At this time (sunday evening) I have yet to receive a request as a 
Stonewall DFL Board Member for a vote on an endorsement. It will thusly be impossible 
for Stonewall DFL to endorse before the convention tomorrow. Any alleged Stonewall DFL 
endorsement before the convention tomorrow is thusly bogus.  -[Mpls] Third Ward 
politics and endorsements, December 8th

Which was the post where you made the request of candidates to fill out the 
questionnaires.  I specifically commisserated with you regarding this at the 3rd Ward 
convention, because despite also being a Stonewall member I have never received any 
notice either.  And despite mentioning this to Andy at the convention, still have 
received no reason or notice.

So my question to you is how do you go from calling this endorsement bogus to OM is 
the friend of the Gay Community  Did another endorsement arise in the meantime?  Did 
someone pull you to the side and twist your arm, or have you adopted the Norm Coleman 
strategy?  Because as I read back over the stuff that you wrote around the endorsement 
it was insisting on a Northsider, calling for a blocking of then endorsement, and 
refuting the Stonewall endorsement, now you're calling it the Truth

Is this what Moore of the same old thing is about?  Is that really what the 3rd Ward 

Going to the convention you spoke of how the stink of the machine was already there 
and made an impassioned plea:

The Northside is not Nordeast. The Northside end of the 3rd Ward is challenged by 
unemployment and devastated by addiction. We have been red lined to near obscurity on 
the political and economic maps. When was the last time the Northside had a 3rd Ward 
Councilman? I don't even remember...

So for all the dynasties, you've had your chance to govern.  For all the hacks, the 
3rd isn't going to switch any majorities on the council.

please step aside... and select candidates that call the Northside half of the 3rd 
Ward home, against all odds. Select candidates that reflect our working class 
traditions and diversity. 
Select candidates that will shape Minneapolis future rather than wallow in it's past.
-[Mpls] 3rd Ward- the Northside needs representation, November 25th

And yet a little over a month later, you're hailing OM as the greatest gift to the 3rd 
ward and backpedalling.  I don't care that you found someone else to support, that's 
each individual's choice, but the statements are inconsistent, and the logic does jibe.

The Gay community has a lot of friends in this race, many of them are candidates, and 
many of them have said openly that they support such things as Domestic Partner 
benefits, including Don Samuels.  How about we stick to the issues, and keep our logic 
consistent.  These scare tactics are unbecoming of anyone, least of all, that which is 
supposed to be the best the DFL has to offer in this race.   But I can understand 
the reason for the panic.

There's nothing that OM has that I can see says he knows how to deal with the issues 
that you mentioned.  Don Samuels has it all.  And as you requested, he's a Northsider. 
 Don has what it takes to bring an authentic community voice to the City Council 
rather than a recycled  bureacratic one bogged down in red tape.  So with one day to 
go, I want to invite you to come on home Dyna.  Come back to your roots and the words 
you said and support someone who fulfills them: Don Samuels.  Stand up for him in 
One day to go and then we'll know.

Jonathan Palmer
Consistently supporting a consistent candidate
in Victory

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[Mpls] Third Ward Election

2002-12-29 Thread Jim Mork
As I look at the ward on the map, it occurs to me
that the CM comes from east of the river because
the NE voters turn out on election day.  Maybe
the North voters consider downtown politics too
boring to spend their time on it.  That's why the
poorer parts of America have so little influence.
They think political participation is for other
people.  Not to say they don't have SOME reasons
for such beliefs (the rampant buying of
government by the rich being one), but voter
groups who seldom show up at the polls are safely
ignored in politics.  We don't generally turn
people away in this part of the country, but we
don't hunt them down and force them to vote, either.

Jim MorkCooper Neighborhood

Blessed are the peacemakers for they will
 be called children of God--Matthew 5:9

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Re: [Mpls] Third Ward Election

2002-12-29 Thread Dennis Plante

Somehwhere in between "not turning them away" and "not hunting them down", lies the answer.
Believe it or not, most of who we are as adults are from what we learn growing up. I dare say that many of the non-participants (on the Northside) don't participate for a reason other than finding city politics "boring". In most instances, it is probably more related to a belief that was instailled in their parents, their grandparents, and their great grandparents, that they in fact did not have the right to vote, regardless of what the federal laws might say.
I think that even a brief observation of the ethnic composition of the "poorer constituents" currently living on the Northside would indicate that most of them came from somewhere else not too awfully long ago. Many of those places they came from, were not quite as indifferent to their participation (in politics) as the "Minnesota Nice" people they now live with.
It is my belief that ifwe ever want to find a happy balance in our community, that it is incumbentupon the people that were fortunate enough to grow-up with the belief that their vote counts, to go past what is normally expectedof them anddo a better job reaching out to those that have, over time, become totally disenfranchised. With the right to vote comes responsibilities.

Dennis Plante

From: Jim Mork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Mpls] Third Ward Election 
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 05:56:59 -0800 (PST) 
As I look at the ward on the map, it occurs to me 
that the CM comes from east of the river because 
the NE voters turn out on election day. Maybe 
the North voters consider downtown politics too 
boring to spend their time on it. That's why the 
poorer parts of America have so little influence. 
They think political participation is for other 
people. Not to say they don't have SOME reasons 
for such beliefs (the rampant buying of 
government by the rich being one), but voter 
groups who seldom show up at the polls are safely 
ignored in politics. We don't generally turn 
people away in this part of the country, but we 
don't hunt them down and force them to vote, either. 
Jim MorkCooper Neighborhood 
"Blessed are the peacemakers for they will 
 be called children of God"--Matthew 5:9 
United for Peace http://www.unitedforpeace.org/ 
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[Mpls] 3rd ward

2002-12-29 Thread Linda Higgins
Could someone please tell us what labor organization has endorsed the
Republican candidate in the 3rd ward race? Is it affiliated with the

linda higgins
Old Highland


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[Mpls] Labor Endorsement

2002-12-29 Thread Constance Nompelis
Valdis Rozentals has been endorsed by the MN Labor
Federation. (I'm not sure how or if that's related to
AFL-CIO, to be honest, because that's not my area in
this campaign, but I'll ask the other staff who will

Connie Nompelis
Ventura Village
Friends for Valdis

--- Linda Higgins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Could someone please tell us what labor organization
 has endorsed the
 Republican candidate in the 3rd ward race? Is it
 affiliated with the
 linda higgins
 Old Highland
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 Discussion - Mn E-Democracy
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Re: [Mpls] 3rd Ward race- does the Gay community have a friend inthis race?

2002-12-29 Thread dyna

Very interesting post, and a bit revisionist I think.

	Not at all, I'm applying the same principles now that I did 
to criticize the endorsement process- we need an fair process to pick 
a council member of the highest character.

  You mention how only 3 candidates screened with Stonewall and OM 
is the only candidate to have won the approval of the Stonewall 
Caucaus, yet during the time of that three week ago challenge you 
also said:

I'm a member of the Stonewall DFL board, one of 2 board members 
that live in the 3rd ward. Why was I given no notice of this 
screening? Why was no notice given on the Stonewall DFL's board and 
general membership mailing list? Were all the DFL candidates given 
notice of this screening?  -[Mpls] RE: Minneapolis Third Ward 
Politics, December 8th

	That was then, this is now. I have talked to folks who 
attended the screening and they have satisfied me that Olin Moore 
deserves the endorsement.


Also, some of the candidates apparently weren't invited to screen 
for the Stonewall DFL endorsement. At this time (sunday evening) I 
have yet to receive a request as a Stonewall DFL Board Member for a 
vote on an endorsement. It will thusly be impossible for Stonewall 
DFL to endorse before the convention tomorrow. Any alleged Stonewall 
DFL endorsement before the convention tomorrow is thusly bogus.  
-[Mpls] Third Ward politics and endorsements, December 8th

	Stonewall DFL did not endorse before the convention, or 
attempt to do so.

Which was the post where you made the request of candidates to fill 
out the questionnaires.  I specifically commisserated with you 
regarding this at the 3rd Ward convention, because despite also 
being a Stonewall member I have never received any notice either. 
And despite mentioning this to Andy at the convention, still have 
received no reason or notice.

	After being denied the Stonewall DFL endorsement in 2001 R.T. 
Rybak took his responses to the Stonewall DFL screening questionnaire 
and publicly posted them. By doing so he proved that he was just as 
much a friend to the gay community as Stonewall DFL's endorsed 
candidate. Don Samuels and the other candidates have had every 
opportunity to post their responses to the same screening 
questionnaire Olin Moore gave positive answers to here. Why hasn't 
Don Samuels answered that questionnaire? Why can't I find anything in 
writing that Don Samuels has written supportive of the gay community?

So my question to you is how do you go from calling this endorsement 
bogus to OM is the friend of the Gay Community  Did another 
endorsement arise in the meantime?  Did someone pull you to the side 
and twist your arm, or have you adopted the Norm Coleman strategy? 
Because as I read back over the stuff that you wrote around the 
endorsement it was insisting on a Northsider, calling for a blocking 
of then endorsement, and refuting the Stonewall endorsement, now 
you're calling it the Truth

	Once in a while one has to admit that they were wrong. Over 
80% of the delegates turned out to endorse Olin Moore. Given that 
mandate, I would be foolish to support a candidate who defies and 
insults the wisdom of those 70 some neighbors who turned out to 
select a DFL candidate for the 3rd ward seat. If Don Samuels had any 
real community values he'd respect the choices of his neighbors and 
join them in supporting the DFL endorsed candidate, Olin Moore.

Is this what Moore of the same old thing is about?  Is that really 
what the 3rd Ward needs?

	No. Don Samuels' campaign by it's own admission has been 
playing fast and loose with the election laws. We just got rid of a 
criminal council member, we don't need another.

Going to the convention you spoke of how the stink of the machine 
was already there and made an impassioned plea:

The Northside is not Nordeast. The Northside end of the 3rd Ward is 
challenged by unemployment and devastated by addiction. We have been 
red lined to near obscurity on
the political and economic maps. When was the last time the 
Northside had a 3rd Ward Councilman? I don't even remember...

So for all the dynasties, you've had your chance to govern.  For all 
the hacks, the 3rd isn't going to switch any majorities on the 

please step aside... and select candidates that call the Northside 
half of the 3rd Ward home, against all odds. Select candidates that 
reflect our working class traditions and diversity.
Select candidates that will shape Minneapolis future rather than 
wallow in it's past.
-[Mpls] 3rd Ward- the Northside needs representation, November 25th

	That was posturing, basically I was doing some bargaining. I 
knew the chance of electing a Northside candidate in a low turnout 
special election was zilch. So I used my vote and voice as bargaining 
chips to get a candidate that would be supportive of the Northside. I 
voted for Vanessa Freeman on the first ballot and Don Samuels on the 
second. But on the 3rd ballot I and the 

Fwd: Re: [Mpls] 3rd Ward race- does the Gay community have afriend in this race?

2002-12-29 Thread dyna
	Ops. forgot to sign my post.

		Dyna Sluyter in Hawthorne

Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 11:53:23 -0600
Subject: Re: [Mpls] 3rd Ward race- does the Gay community have a 
friend in this race?


Very interesting post, and a bit revisionist I think.

	Not at all, I'm applying the same principles now that I did 
to criticize the endorsement process- we need an fair process to 
pick a council member of the highest character.

  You mention how only 3 candidates screened with Stonewall and OM 
is the only candidate to have won the approval of the Stonewall 
Caucaus, yet during the time of that three week ago challenge you 
also said:

I'm a member of the Stonewall DFL board, one of 2 board members 
that live in the 3rd ward. Why was I given no notice of this 
screening? Why was no notice given on the Stonewall DFL's board and 
general membership mailing list? Were all the DFL candidates given 
notice of this screening?  -[Mpls] RE: Minneapolis Third Ward 
Politics, December 8th

	That was then, this is now. I have talked to folks who 
attended the screening and they have satisfied me that Olin Moore 
deserves the endorsement.


Also, some of the candidates apparently weren't invited to screen 
for the Stonewall DFL endorsement. At this time (sunday evening) I 
have yet to receive a request as a Stonewall DFL Board Member for a 
vote on an endorsement. It will thusly be impossible for Stonewall 
DFL to endorse before the convention tomorrow. Any alleged 
Stonewall DFL endorsement before the convention tomorrow is thusly 
bogus.  -[Mpls] Third Ward politics and endorsements, December 8th

	Stonewall DFL did not endorse before the convention, or 
attempt to do so.

Which was the post where you made the request of candidates to fill 
out the questionnaires.  I specifically commisserated with you 
regarding this at the 3rd Ward convention, because despite also 
being a Stonewall member I have never received any notice either. 
And despite mentioning this to Andy at the convention, still have 
received no reason or notice.

	After being denied the Stonewall DFL endorsement in 2001 R.T. 
Rybak took his responses to the Stonewall DFL screening 
questionnaire and publicly posted them. By doing so he proved that 
he was just as much a friend to the gay community as Stonewall DFL's 
endorsed candidate. Don Samuels and the other candidates have had 
every opportunity to post their responses to the same screening 
questionnaire Olin Moore gave positive answers to here. Why hasn't 
Don Samuels answered that questionnaire? Why can't I find anything 
in writing that Don Samuels has written supportive of the gay 

So my question to you is how do you go from calling this 
endorsement bogus to OM is the friend of the Gay Community  Did 
another endorsement arise in the meantime?  Did someone pull you to 
the side and twist your arm, or have you adopted the Norm Coleman 
strategy?  Because as I read back over the stuff that you wrote 
around the endorsement it was insisting on a Northsider, calling 
for a blocking of then endorsement, and refuting the Stonewall 
endorsement, now you're calling it the Truth

	Once in a while one has to admit that they were wrong. Over 
80% of the delegates turned out to endorse Olin Moore. Given that 
mandate, I would be foolish to support a candidate who defies and 
insults the wisdom of those 70 some neighbors who turned out to 
select a DFL candidate for the 3rd ward seat. If Don Samuels had any 
real community values he'd respect the choices of his neighbors and 
join them in supporting the DFL endorsed candidate, Olin Moore.

Is this what Moore of the same old thing is about?  Is that really 
what the 3rd Ward needs?

	No. Don Samuels' campaign by it's own admission has been 
playing fast and loose with the election laws. We just got rid of a 
criminal council member, we don't need another.

Going to the convention you spoke of how the stink of the machine 
was already there and made an impassioned plea:

The Northside is not Nordeast. The Northside end of the 3rd Ward 
is challenged by unemployment and devastated by addiction. We have 
been red lined to near obscurity on
the political and economic maps. When was the last time the 
Northside had a 3rd Ward Councilman? I don't even remember...

So for all the dynasties, you've had your chance to govern.  For 
all the hacks, the 3rd isn't going to switch any majorities on the 

please step aside... and select candidates that call the Northside 
half of the 3rd Ward home, against all odds. Select candidates that 
reflect our working class traditions and diversity.
Select candidates that will shape Minneapolis future rather than 
wallow in it's past.
-[Mpls] 3rd Ward- the Northside needs representation, November 25th

	That was posturing, basically I was doing some bargaining. I 
knew the chance of electing a Northside candidate in 

[Mpls] Union payola - here's how the strategy works......

2002-12-29 Thread Victoria Heller

The unions deliver the DFL votes.  Then the Council delivers our money to
the unions.

That's why the $2,500 boiler costs $30,000.

That's why the $20 million Stone Arch Apartments costs $33 million.

That's why rents are $1,000 rather than $500.

That's why we subsidize building stuff we don't need (i.e. riverfront
housing for the rich, Target store, stadium, Cub store, Guthrie, skating
rinks, Block E, etc..)

That's why Mpls schools cost $17,000 per student.  By the way, the Austin,
Texas per student cost is $7,450.   [You know you're in Minneapolis when
folks celebrate spending the most rather than producing results.]
Unrelated note:  There are no state income taxes in Texas either.

Now here's a little known little secret - the private sector figured this
out some time ago - and didn't like making those involuntary political

One more secret - paying property taxes is still a voluntary act.  When
local government gets too goofy, too greedy, too corrupt - people and
businesses just leave.

Vicky Heller
Cedar-Riverside and North Oaks


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Fwd: [Mpls] union printers/DFL Cash Machine has a union bugbackflow preventor

2002-12-29 Thread PennBroKeith
In a message dated 12/29/02 10:21:40 AM Pacific Standard Time, PennBroKeith 

 Keith says: Let me correct my misstatement for the record--
Keith Reitman states:  I believe an 'in kind' donation from a small,
independent business PERSON surviving in the hood is sweeter money then 
'Machine made money'. 
 This is what I had said and was corrected by LH:  
Keith Reitman states:  I believe an 'in kind' donation from a small,
independent business surviving in the hood is sweeter money then 
made money'. 
  In a message dated 12/28/02 8:43:33 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
 com writes:

It is also illegal. Corporate donations are illegal in Minnesota 
And in-kind donations can be made only by people, not businesses. In
addition, they cannot be any larger than the cash amount that can be 
by any person, in this case I believe $300.  So an owner of a printshop 
donate up to $300 worth of printing and must be listed in the 
campaign finance disclosures as personally giving an in-kind donation of
that amount. But a company cannot.

linda higgins
old highland


 Keith says: Let me correct my misstatement for the record--

  Keith Reitman states:  I believe an 'in kind' donation from a small,
  independent business PERSON surviving in the hood is sweeter money then 
  made money'. 

This is what I had said and was corrected by LH:

  Keith Reitman states:  I believe an 'in kind' donation from a small,
  independent business surviving in the hood is sweeter money then 'Machine
  made money'. 

In a message dated 12/28/02 8:43:33 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

  It is also illegal. Corporate donations are illegal in Minnesota elections.
  And in-kind donations can be made only by people, not businesses. In
  addition, they cannot be any larger than the cash amount that can be 
  by any person, in this case I believe $300.  So an owner of a printshop can
  donate up to $300 worth of printing and must be listed in the candidate's
  campaign finance disclosures as personally giving an in-kind donation of
  that amount. But a company cannot.
  linda higgins
  old highland

---End Message---

RE: [Mpls] 3rd Ward race- does the Gay community have a friend in this race? Yes, several.

2002-12-29 Thread Joseph Barisonzi

Most of the campaign volunteers are out -- well campaigning -- rather
then responding to Dyna's outrageous posts.

1. The Unsupported Accusations

The Samuel's campaign is in no way playing loose with the rules. Dyna
is making leaping assumptions based on partial information at best.  We
have printed no where near 70,000 literature pieces.  Simply because
Dyna, as a likely primary voter has received 5 mailings -- she assumes
everyone in the ward has.  Nothing could be further from the truth.
Simply because Dyna doesn't know who the Samuel's donor list is she
assumes it must be coming from illegal or illicit sources.  Is it so
hard to believe that a professional African-American man without a party
endorsement would have the resources to raise money to run for office?

When the campaign finance reports are filed the list of donors and
expenses of the campaign will be appropriate, responsible, legal and
moral. To imply otherwise is completely irresponsible.

2. Don supports GLTB civil rights

Don Samuels as an individual and as a candidate is pro-choice and
supports GLTB civil rights. He would have supported the Domestic
Partnership ordinance which recently passed the City Council.  He would
work closely with the Minneapolis delegation to advocate that the city
be allowed to extend domestic partnership benefits to Minneapolis City

Don was never invited to screen with Stonewall DFL prior to the
endorsement, and their endorsement of the DFL-endorsed candidate after
the DFL endorsement was a foregone conclusion. As Stonewall DFL's
leadership has expressed on this list before they are obligated by their
organizational charter to support only the DFL-endorsed candidate. Don
is not that candidate.

3. The dark-side of the DFL

I can not close without responding to this comment of Dyna's:  If Don
Samuels had any real community values he'd respect the choices of his
neighbors and join them in supporting the DFL endorsed candidate, Olin

As a Democrat I find this offensive and the exact sentimentality that is
justifiably driving voters from the DFL in droves. With this philosophy
we wouldn't have a single statewide elected Democrat.  Both Mark Dayton
and Mike Hatch ran against the DFL-endorsed candidates on their
respective roads to victory.  Even the party heroes like Rodger Moe
and Skip Humphrey have run against the DFL endorsement.  The idea that
60% of 72 people, no matter how representative, should solely choose who
the candidate should be to the exclusion of other choices is utterly

If the party is going to be revived, and re-earn a majority either in
Minnesota or nationally -- the idea that it is disrespectful to run
against a DFL-endorsed candidate must whither away. We need the new
faces, the new ideas, the new constituencies, and the new voices that
non-traditional candidates offer.  We do not need more of the same party
insiders propped up by organizational loyalty -- we need to reach out
and lift up authentic community leaders.

4. A viable alternative

Fortunately there are many Democrats, both in the 3rd ward and around
the city that felt it was in the best interest of the DFL, the best
interest of the city, and the best interest of their neighbors in the
Third Ward to provide an authentic community voice -- someone who may
not have played all the political games -- but someone with diverse,
unique experience and a well developed moral and political compass -- a
real chance to be considered by all the voters in the Third Ward. We
don't choose, they don't determine, only some will vote -- but we have
tried to create a level playing field where the best candidate will
emerge from the will of the people.

On Monday night we will learn the voters choices. 

Proud to be working hard to give amplification to an authentic community

Joseph Barisonzi


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[Mpls] Re: Labor Endorsement

2002-12-29 Thread Linda Higgins
Thanks! They are not related to the AFL-CIO. According to their website,
their name is actually the Republican Party Labor Federation of Minnesota.

This brings up a question that maybe a union member on the list can  answer:
Doesn't the term labor endorsed mean that a real labor union or an
individual local has endorsed the candidate? After all the election lawsuits
that have been filed over the years, isn't there a legal definition of this

So who is this group made up of?  Seems as if they've co-opted a term and
are using it to misdirect voters.

linda higgins
old highland

- Original Message -
From: Constance Nompelis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2002 11:46 AM
Subject: Labor Endorsement

 Valdis Rozentals has been endorsed by the MN Labor
 Federation. (I'm not sure how or if that's related to
 AFL-CIO, to be honest, because that's not my area in
 this campaign, but I'll ask the other staff who will

 Connie Nompelis
 Ventura Village
 Friends for Valdis

 --- Linda Higgins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Could someone please tell us what labor organization
  has endorsed the
  Republican candidate in the 3rd ward race? Is it
  affiliated with the
  linda higgins
  Old Highland
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[Mpls] A couple of corrections and questions regarding North Oaks

2002-12-29 Thread Victoria Heller
Ken Bradley wrote:

Actually, you know you're in North Oaks when folks celebrate receiving the
most. How many low income and immigrant folks is the gated community of
North Oaks currently supporting. You know the folks that do all low paying
service related jobs and other tasks that people from North Oaks seem to
enjoy; law service, health care, and on, and on, and on.

Vicky responds:

Actually, North Oaks hasn't had any gates for thirty years.

I don't know what received the most means.  My immediate neighbors
consist of a teacher, a carpenter who owns his own remodeling business, an
engineer, a periodontist who teaches dentistry at the U of M, and an
insurance salesman.  The City has lots of seniors and many immigrant
families (they do, to the best of my knowledge, support themselves
however.)  I see lots of the teenagers working at Cub, Arby's, and Culver's
when they're not in school.  I know lots of North Oaks women who spend all
of their time raising money for various charities.  The four families on my
street are Democrats.

Please tell me Mr. Bradley, what's wrong with these people?

As you know, those who earn (emphasize earn, not receive) the most, pay the
most.  It seems to me that they should be thanked, rather than scorned.  If
it were not for them, everyone else would be paying a lot more.

Vicky Heller,
Cedar-Riverside and North Oaks


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Re: [Mpls] Back-flow preventers

2002-12-29 Thread steven meldahl

I agree that the backflow preventers on the boiler feed are a little bit of
overkill, but they have been a requirement since at least 1988  until 1994,
when I did Mpls Truth in Housing
Inspections Reports, unless they dropped the requirement for a few years
(which I doubt).  But as Jim Graham indicated, they are a simple item to
install and if you already have a copper feed, should not take more than 30
minutes to install.

Steve Meldahl
Jordan (work)
- Original Message -
From: David Brauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2002 11:33 AM
Subject: [Mpls] Back-flow preventers

Here's a post that will have my anti-bureaucracy and landlord friends
chuckling with I told you so...

So we're selling our house (anyone want to live in prestigious East
Kingfield?). Part of the selling process is getting a Truth-In-Housing

Our abode - lovingly upgraded from the rental property it was when we bought
it - passed with flying colors...except for the dreaded back-flow

These small pieces of shrapnel apparently keep water from flowing into the
city's water system if somehow there is negative pressure. We need three of
them. Two are $5 parts that screw on our exterior hose faucet and the one in
our laundry tub.

The third is a bit more problematic...it goes on the water supply to our
boiler. That means cutting copper pipe, installing the thing, adding a
second shut-off valve...in other words, a plumber and a permit.

Since our plumbing was upgraded three years ago, I asked the inspector what
the deal was. New requirement as of June 1, he explained. It's a silly
thing...you'd probably only need one if a car hit the fire hydrant outside
AND your boiler water supply was turned on...then the negative pressure
might suck the water out of your radiators into the city system.

Anyone with a boiler knows how infrequently they add water to their system.
Our water supply has probably been on for a grand total of five minutes in
the 8 years we've owned the house. The odds of negative pressure occurring
WHILE the water supply is on roughly match the chances of winning the

So, my question: why was this requirement added? What was the justification?

As always, I'll accede to superior info, but right now, this looks like one
silly regulation.

David Brauer
King Field


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Re: [Mpls] 3rd Ward race- does the Gay community have a friend inthis race?

2002-12-29 Thread Mark Snyder
On 12/29/02 11:53 AM, dyna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jonathan Palmer says:
 Going to the convention you spoke of how the stink of the machine
 was already there and made an impassioned plea:
 The Northside is not Nordeast. The Northside end of the 3rd Ward is
 challenged by unemployment and devastated by addiction. We have been
 red lined to near obscurity on
 the political and economic maps. When was the last time the
 Northside had a 3rd Ward Councilman? I don't even remember...
 So for all the dynasties, you've had your chance to govern.  For all
 the hacks, the 3rd isn't going to switch any majorities on the
 please step aside... and select candidates that call the Northside
 half of the 3rd Ward home, against all odds. Select candidates that
 reflect our working class traditions and diversity.
 Select candidates that will shape Minneapolis future rather than
 wallow in it's past.
 -[Mpls] 3rd Ward- the Northside needs representation, November 25th
 Dyna responds:

 That was posturing, basically I was doing some bargaining. I
 knew the chance of electing a Northside candidate in a low turnout
 special election was zilch. So I used my vote and voice as bargaining
 chips to get a candidate that would be supportive of the Northside. I
 voted for Vanessa Freeman on the first ballot and Don Samuels on the
 second. But on the 3rd ballot I and the Northside got a good deal
 with Olin Moore, a candidate that his lived in and understands both
 the Northeast and Northside.

I think Dyna's response to Jonathan Palmer's statement serves as a perfect
example of why the DFL continues to fall by the wayside.  More and more of
us are growing tired of the cynical and jaded tactics of bargaining and
posturing employed by the DFL rather than identifying the set of values or
principles that you stand for and sticking with them.

How many people do we remember said about Paul Wellstone that even though
they disagreed with him, they respected how he stuck to his principles?  How
long will it take for the rest of the DFL to wake up to that novel concept?

I'm looking forward to the primary results tomorrow simply because I'd like
to see Dyna's statement that the chance of electing a Northside candidate
in a low turnout special election was zilch be proven wrong.

Mark Snyder
Windom Park


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Re: [Mpls] Union payola - here's how the strategy works......

2002-12-29 Thread ken bradley
Hello Victoria  Minneapolis Folks: 
Victoria wrote: "You know you're in Minneapolis when folks celebrate spending the most rather than producing results."
Victoria Signed: Vicky Heller Cedar-Riverside and North OaksKen Bradley: Actually, you know you're in North Oaks whenfolks celebratereceiving the most. How many low income and immigrant folks is the gated community of North Oaks currently supporting. You know the folks that do all low paying service related jobs and other tasks that people from North Oaks seem to enjoy; law service, health care, and on, and on, and on. 
Ken Bradley Corcoran Neighborhood
Victoria Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
The unions deliver the DFL votes. Then the Council delivers our money tothe unions.That's why the $2,500 boiler costs $30,000.That's why the $20 million Stone Arch Apartments costs $33 million.That's why rents are $1,000 rather than $500.That's why we subsidize building stuff we don't need (i.e. riverfronthousing for the rich, Target store, stadium, Cub store, Guthrie, skatingrinks, Block E, etc..)That's why Mpls schools cost $17,000 per student. By the way, the Austin,Texas per student cost is $7,450. [You know you're in Minneapolis whenfolks celebrate spending the most rather than producing results.]Unrelated note: There are no state income taxes in Texas either.Now here's a little known little secret - the private sector figured thisout some time ago - and didn't like making those involuntary politicalcontributions.One more secret - paying property taxes is still a voluntary act. Whenlocal government gets too goofy, too greedy, too corrupt - people andbusinesses just leave.Vicky HellerCedar-Riverside and North Oaks___Minneapolis Issues Forum - A City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn E-DemocracyPost messages to: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Digest, and more: http://e-democracy.org/mplsDo you Yahoo!?
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[Mpls] Where one lives

2002-12-29 Thread List Manager
Folks, we have rules against personal attacks. This exchange is one reason

Please folks, carve up the issues, not each other. If you feel the need to
take a potshot directly at someone, email them directly. 

It's a good idea to restrain hyperbole, too (see the post that started this
exchange), but the rules are less strict about that.

David Brauer
List manager

-Original Message-
ken bradley
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2002 2:26 PM
To: Victoria Heller; Mpls Forum
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Union payola - here's how the strategy works..

Hello Victoria  Minneapolis Folks: 
Victoria wrote: You know you're in Minneapolis when folks celebrate
spending the most rather than producing results.
Victoria Signed: Vicky Heller Cedar-Riverside and North Oaks

Ken Bradley: Actually, you know you're in North Oaks when folks
celebrate receiving the most. How many low income and immigrant folks is the
gated community of North Oaks currently supporting. You know the folks that
do all low paying service related jobs and other tasks that people from
North Oaks seem to enjoy; law service, health care, and on, and on, and on. 
Ken Bradley Corcoran Neighborhood
 Victoria Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

The unions deliver the DFL votes. Then the Council delivers our money to
the unions.

That's why the $2,500 boiler costs $30,000.

That's why the $20 million Stone Arch Apartments costs $33 million.

That's why rents are $1,000 rather than $500.

That's why we subsidize building stuff we don't need (i.e. riverfront
housing for the rich, Target store, stadium, Cub store, Guthrie, skating
rinks, Block E, etc..)

That's why Mpls schools cost $17,000 per student. By the way, the Austin,
Texas per student cost is $7,450. [You know you're in Minneapolis when
folks celebrate spending the most rather than producing results.]
Unrelated note: There are no state income taxes in Texas either.

Now here's a little known little secret - the private sector figured this
out some time ago - and didn't like making those involuntary political

One more secret - paying property taxes is still a voluntary act. When
local government gets too goofy, too greedy, too corrupt - people and
businesses just leave.

Vicky Heller
Cedar-Riverside and North Oaks


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[Mpls] Twin Cities third worst in income disparity

2002-12-29 Thread Michael Atherton

Twin Cities third worst in income disparity


A new study of 2000 Census data by 
American City Business Journals found 
white median household incomes in the 
Twin Cities were nearly double blacks' 
earnings, with blacks making $519 for 
every $1,000 whites make.

My guess for a part of this disparity,
in Minneapolis, is the high school 
dropout rate for African-Americans.
Maybe our new school board members
can set goals and can tell us what 
they're going to do about it.

Any other suggestions as to what causes
this disparity in our city compared to

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park


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[Mpls] 3rd ward race

2002-12-29 Thread Tamir Nolley
As dissapointed as I am that the issues of police
brutality and abuse of police power has gotten in this
race, I think I'd predict that the primary survivors
will be Valdis Rozentals and Shane Price as they were
the two top vote getters in the last race, and with
all of the political and legal problems the DFL is
having this year, and what I believe is a growing
Republican wave Northeast.

I wonder who DFLers would support in such a contest,
or if they'd try to run a write-in candidate, and thus
be accused of splitting the voteh.

Tamir Nolley

(Still annoyed that no one is openly talking about
putting the killer cops in the same jails as all of
the other criminals.)

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[Mpls] This Week in The Minneapolis Observer

2002-12-29 Thread Craig Cox
T H E  M I N N E A P O L I S  O B S E R V E R
A Weekly Digest of All Things Minneapolitan
Vol. 2, No. 20
December 30, 2002

To subscribe ($12/yr.), just hit 'reply' and state your intentions. We'll
be happy to set you up.


* City Seeks to Block Cable Transfer Plan
* Expanding Block E?
* Vegetarian Institution Will Become Blue-Collar Bar
* Right-Wing Think Tank too Partisan?
* Segregation City
* Local NAACP Head Resigns
Plus: Honeywell and the Axis of Evil, in search of the perfect steamer,
Chief Olson's next job, cushions on Minnehaha, waking the gardener within,
and a New Year's greeting from 1932.


Time Warner Cable, already in hot water with the city over alleged
franchise violations, now finds itself stymied locally in its bid to
consolidate its holdings nationally.

City officials are blocking a request from the cable giant to transfer the
city's cable franchise to a new company about to be created by the merger
of Time Warner Entertainment and Comcast. They say Time Warner has failed
to convince them that the as-yet unformed corporation is capable of
managing the operation.

In a December 18 letter to Ways and Means Committee chair Barbara Johnson,
chief information officer Karl Kaiser and city coordinator John Moir
counseled the committee and the City Council to deny the request, which
they said could lead to dire consequences for city cable subscribers.

Time Warner has not proven that the still-unformed company is financially
qualified to manage the city's cable franchise, Kaiser and Moir argue. And
because Time Warner continues to balk at fulfilling current conditions of
its contract with the city, there is little reason to rely on the company's
assurances that the transfer will be painless.

The city has been wrangling with Time Warner on this request since
September, claiming the company has provided insufficient and inaccurate
information about the transfer, has refused to pay the city's costs to
study the proposal, and has refused to clean up current franchise

The move came as a result of a recent restructuring of AOL Time Warner in
which the company's cable unit, Time Warner Entertainment, was merged with
Comcast, another major cable provider. To consolidate the two companies'
cable franchises, the federal government requires city approval. But if the
city does not act by January 4, 2003, federal regulators will consider it a
done deal.

Block E developer Dan McCaffery, whose chain-heavy retail fortress on
Hennepin has been blamed for the continued suburbanization of downtown, is
looking for new territory.

One of the city's first vegetarian restaurants will close in February and
be replaced by a Chicago-style bar and restaurant, reports Scott Russell in
the Southwest Journal (http://www.swjournal.com).

Rank of Honeywell among U.S. arms dealers that have illegally sold weapons
to Iraq: 1
--Source: the German newspaper Die Tageszeitung

Center of the American Experiment (CAE), the thriving local right-wing
think tank from which Governor-elect Tim Pawlenty selected 5 of his 13
transition advisors, should be required to surrender its tax-exempt status,
writes Rob Levine in City Pages (http://www.citypages.com).

The Twin Cities area now boasts the third-largest income gap between whites
and blacks in the nation.

The Minneapolis Observer is published 48 times/year by Independent Media,
L.L.C. ©2003 Independent Media, 4152 Snelling Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55406;
www.mplsobserver.com. No part of this publication may be reprinted without
the permission of Independent Media. Subscriptions: $12/yr. To unsubscribe,
send us an e-mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and we'll get you off the list
and refund the unused portion of your subscription.

Editor: Craig Cox
Deputy Assistant Senior Executive Editor: Sharon Parker
Contributing writers: Chris Dodge, Leo Mezzrow
Equine consultant and coffee shop correspondent: Nora Cox
Perspective: Martin Cox
Thanks to: Katharine Krueger and Kevin Lynch

Fight media consolidation! Support the independent press! Pick up your
neighborhood newspaper!

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[Mpls] Sears Building update

2002-12-29 Thread List Manager
Steve Brandt has obviously been working Christmas week...

Today, the City Council is expected to authorize the city's development
agency to draft a solicitation to developers. The agency would work with
neighbors of the Lake Street complex to draft guidelines for developers. The
Minneapolis Community Development Agency hopes to have the guidelines ready
for council approval by winter's end.

Three development proposals have come and gone in the past 13 years.But
this time there will be important differences


David Brauer
List manager


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[Mpls] 'Twas the night before the election....

2002-12-29 Thread Jhpalmerjp
'Twas the night before the election, when all through the ward,
Not a campaign was stirring, it seemed we'd all be ignored.
The lit was dropped on the windshields with care,
In hopes that tomorrow soon would be there.

The hacks were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of victory danced in their heads.
And candidates in Northeast, and those in the North,
Had just settled down, for what the Primary would bring forth.

When out in the streets there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the grass not covered with snow,
Gave the lustre of mid-day to the scene below.
When, what to my wondering ears should report,
But an Authentic Community Voice with waves of support.

With supporters of all races, creeds and colors,
I knew in a moment it was the candidate before all others;
More impressive than any, his passion shone bright
And he whistled, and shouted, his priorities through the night:

Now, Families! Now, Development! Now Community And Nonviolence!
On Housing! On Safety! On Fairness And Conscience!
From the edge of the North! Through Northeast and all!
Now dash away! Dash away! On to City Hall!

And with him they came, their hearts filled with hope
No longer would they settle, no longer merely cope;
For here was a man, authentic and real
A voice from the community, not some backroom deal.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard at the door
A quick knock-knocking, from who, I wasn't sure.
As I drew it open, what should I see,
There stood Don Samuels, Council Candidate, Ward 3.

He was clad in ideals, from his head to his foot,
Knowledge, Compassion, and Community Input 
A bundle of wisdom he carried from his life,
Not to mention two loving daughters and a very capable wife.

His eyes -- how they twinkled! His experience shone through!
His dedication and commitment, no challenge could undo!
His smile warmed you from your head to your toes,
An authentic respresentative, one instantly knows;

A guardian ad litem, an activist and artist, 
One conversation with him and I knew which candidate was smartest.
Long on community, yet short on hot air,
I knew when we needed him, as our councilmember he'd be there

He was running I knew, just to do good work
Not for career move or fame, or any special perk
And passing his lit and shaking my hand
He thanked me for my time, and leaving, made a request not a demand

He sprang to the community, to him they gathered round
A wave of support lifting him up off the ground
And I heard his request as he walked out of sight,

Jonathan Palmer
Poetically Supporting DON SAMUELS
in Victory

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[Mpls] Re: Bike Racks and Paths

2002-12-29 Thread jeff carlson
Mike Jones writes:

Downtown is woefully scant of bike racks.  You would
think they would 
be an 
obvious investment to go along with all of the bike

Also, we need bike lanes ALL the way down Hennepin,
down Lake, down 
and down Lyndale, especially here in Uptown.  I'm sick
of SUVs mowing 
down because I have to share a lane with them.  Uptown
is HEAVY in bike 
traffic.  It is against city law to bike on sidewalks,
and just plain 

(JC) Mike, you have my full solidarity on this issue. 
Your harrowing bicycle experience in Uptown is
repeated all over the city on the roads that remain to
be traffic-calmed.  Fortunately, traffic calming is
improving bicycle and pedestrian safety  all over the

For those unfamiliar with the term, traffic calming in
our context usually entails safety measures on streets
that have four lanes of traffic and little space for
bikes and pedestrians, such as Hennepin and Lyndale. 
Car traffic is clearly designated in two lanes, making
space for bikes on either side.  On commercial
streets, turn lanes and bump-outs can be used as space
allows, as on Franklin Avenue east of Chicago.  Other
visual stimuli encourage drivers to slow down,
including trees, pedestrian level street lighting,
benches, and cooler paving materials such as brick.

No Minneapolis street is wide enough for four lanes
and parking on both sides.  Lyndale and Hennepin would
be well served with two lanes of through traffic, a
center turn lane and a designated lane for bikes.  

Jeff Carlson, Whittier

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[Mpls] 3rd Ward- Don Samuels' campaign leaves more questions unanswered

2002-12-29 Thread dyna
Most of the campaign volunteers are out -- well campaigning -- rather
then responding to Dyna's outrageous posts.

	Since when is a request that a candidate account for who 
bankrolled their campaign outrageous?

1. The Unsupported Accusations

	The greatest support for my accusations comes from Don 
Samuels' own campaign.

The Samuel's campaign is in no way playing loose with the rules. Dyna
is making leaping assumptions based on partial information at best.  We
have printed no where near 70,000 literature pieces.

	A few days ago Jonathan Palmer 'fessed up:

	Over the last five days his campaign has mailed over 20,000 
pieces of literature into the Ward.

	As my good friend Jonathan has stated 20,000 pieces were 
mailed, obviously more pieces were printed for the literature drops. 
And given that Don Samuels' campaign has dropped here in old 3-10, 
one of the lowest turnout precincts in the city, it's reasonable to 
assume that Don Samuels' campaign dropped lit at every residence in 
the ward. There are something like 168,000 residences in this city's 
13 wards, so you need about 15,000 of a piece to be assured of 
delivering to every residence in the ward. Of the 5 pieces of Don 
Samuels' lit I found littered about my home yesterday, there were 3 
distinct designs. Only one of these designs was mailable as a card 
and none fit the christmas card format of the previous 5 mailings. 
So it is safe to assume that  3 pieces with a printing of about 
15,000 each were dropped over the last few days. That comes to about 
45,000 pieces, but to be conservative we'll round down to 40,000.

	So we take the 20,000 pieces that Jonathan said were mailed, 
plus probably 40,000 or more that were dropped, and we can be fairly 
certain that Don Samuel's campaign has had at least 60,000 full color 
double sided pieces of lit printed.

	Joseph, a few days ago you stated:

	  The total printing and mailing budget was less then $5,000 
and we are within budget.

	Joseph, the cheapest mailing rate you could have gotten would 
be that for carrier route presorted 1st class letters at $.275/piece. 
So mailing 20,000 pieces cost your campaign at least $5500. That 
means, using your and Jonathan's own numbers, that the entire budget 
for those pieces was consumed by the mailing alone.

	That leaves the question of who printed 60,000 pieces and who 
if anyone paid for said 60,000 pieces. Never mind what mailhouse did 
about $1,000 worth of presort and who if anyone paid for that... 
Joseph, Don Samuels' campaign has more than a bit of explaining to 
do. I'd suggest you quit trying to snow us and come clean- who 
supplied these services, what was the value of them, and who paid for 
them or were they donated?

  Simply because
Dyna, as a likely primary voter has received 5 mailings -- she assumes
everyone in the ward has.  Nothing could be further from the truth.
Simply because Dyna doesn't know who the Samuel's donor list is she
assumes it must be coming from illegal or illicit sources.

	I made no such accusation.

  Is it so
hard to believe that a professional African-American man without a party
endorsement would have the resources to raise money to run for office?

	No, but I would question the fiscal wisdom of a candidate who 
paid for 60,000 pieces of lit for just a primary race for less than a 
full term. Especially when he would be redistricted out of the ward 
in the next election cycle.

When the campaign finance reports are filed the list of donors and
expenses of the campaign will be appropriate, responsible, legal and

moral. To imply otherwise is completely irresponsible.

	And I'm quite sure they'll be interesting reading- to bad we 
can't see them before the primary.

2. Don supports GLTB civil rights

	Then why hasn't he publicly stated so- one wonders if this is 
an election eve conversion?

Don Samuels as an individual and as a candidate is pro-choice and
supports GLTB civil rights. He would have supported the Domestic
Partnership ordinance which recently passed the City Council.  He would
work closely with the Minneapolis delegation to advocate that the city
be allowed to extend domestic partnership benefits to Minneapolis City

Don was never invited to screen with Stonewall DFL prior to the
endorsement, and their endorsement of the DFL-endorsed candidate after
the DFL endorsement was a foregone conclusion.

	No, the Stonewall DFL has yet to endorse a candidate in this 
race- please research your charges better next time.

 As Stonewall DFL's
leadership has expressed on this list before they are obligated by their
organizational charter to support only the DFL-endorsed candidate. Don
is not that candidate.

	No, Stonewall DFL has no obligation to support a DFL endorsed 

3. The dark-side of the DFL

	When all else fails, drag out the ghost of DFLs past...

I can not close without responding to this comment of Dyna's:  If Don
Samuels had any real community values he'd respect