Re: [Mpls] MTC - Can we ELECT the Met Council?

2004-04-05 Thread David Shove
1. My number one choice would be the make the Met Council elective. The
best by far.

2. A few days back I suggested recalling gov TP. Apparently a judge must
pass on it, and that judge has just denied such a request.

3. So, if we can't have #1, how about seceeding? Let gov TP wreck Greater
Minnesota, and get his greedy hands off the Metro area. We could set up as
a new state, and tell Gov TP to go to a place where the sun doesn't shine.

The metro area is being treated by TP and the Corporate Kings he
serves as a third world country, and TC citizens as tenth-class natives to
be scammed and tricked, taxed and denied. It is the wealthy areas in MN
stripmining all the poorer areas for whatever resources it has, then
drogooning the peasants into servitude. So secession would be better.

My dislike for Gov TP equals my dislike for Pres GB. Both are disasters,
arrogantly destroying everything that isn't owned by the filthy rich. It's
them or us. You bet it's class war - and it's time we stopped them
attacking us.

This is NOT politics as usual - it is rule or ruin. Gov TP thinks he can
just ram his way thru our world and our lives and we'll do nothing. Let us
not go quiet into that dark night.

--David Shove

On Sun, 4 Apr 2004, Bob Spaulding wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote (on Mpls forum):
  I know this is really crazy, but why shouldn't
 Minneapolis opt out of the
  Metro transit system?

 I think the Governor's actions are making the case for just the opposite

 The Met Council should be an elected body.

 We would not be subject to wild swings in the Council every four or
 eight years, as we are now.  It wouldn't be a totally Republican or
 Democratic council as it is now, there would be shades of gray, just
 like real life.

 An elected Council would answer the call of two totally disparate
 groups.  It would address the problems urbanites are having with
 mismanagement of the transit strike, and dislike the conservative shift
 the Council has taken in planning its regional blueprint.  And for all
 those groups that feel the Council interferes with local control, it
 improves connections with local communities by bringing additional
 accountability.  (This group includes Lake Elmo and suburban developers
 and landholders.)

 How realistic is the possibility?  Realistic enough to have the
 Minnesota Legislature passed such a proposal in the 1990s, only to have
 it vetoed by Governor Carlson.

 All right.  Attack away.  But be sure to explain how more democracy and
 accountability at the Met Council would make the situation worse than it

 Bob Spaulding
 Downtown Saint Paul Resident
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Re: [Mpls] MTC - Can we ELECT the Met Council?

2004-04-05 Thread Jeff Rosenberg
The big problem I have with an appointed Met Council is the destructive
effect it has on any kind of unified vision for the future. Ted Mondale's
Met Council had a very nice regional blueprint in place, until Bell's Met
Countil decided they didn't like it and replaced it. So what gives? The next
Met Council will probably replace that one. That's not a vision for the
future. It's more of the same.

--Jeff Rosenberg
Who has had it with Mr. Bell

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Re: [Mpls] MTC - Can we ELECT the Met Council?

2004-04-04 Thread Bob Spaulding
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote (on Mpls forum):
 I know this is really crazy, but why shouldn't
Minneapolis opt out of the 
 Metro transit system? 

I think the Governor's actions are making the case for
just the opposite approach.  

The Met Council should be an elected body.  

We would not be subject to wild swings in the Council
every four or eight years, as we are now.  It wouldn't
be a totally Republican or Democratic council as
it is now, there would be shades of gray, just like
real life.

An elected Council would answer the call of two
totally disparate groups.  It would address the
problems urbanites are having with mismanagement of
the transit strike, and dislike the conservative shift
the Council has taken in planning its regional
blueprint.  And for all those groups that feel the
Council interferes with local control, it improves
connections with local communities by bringing
additional accountability.  (This group includes Lake
Elmo and suburban developers and landholders.)

How realistic is the possibility?  Realistic enough to
have the Minnesota Legislature passed such a proposal
in the 1990s, only to have it vetoed by Governor

All right.  Attack away.  But be sure to explain how
more democracy and accountability at the Met Council
would make the situation worse than it is.

Bob Spaulding
Downtown Saint Paul Resident

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