[NTG-context] Re: units module for LMTX?

2023-08-13 Thread Wolfgang Schuster

Xavier B. schrieb am 13.08.2023 um 23:19:

Thanks, Wolfgang.
You are referring to this [https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/_unit]

Yes, the \unit command works out of the box without the need to load a 


If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / https://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
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archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
wiki : https://contextgarden.net

[NTG-context] Re: Why overbar is so big

2023-08-13 Thread Hans Hagen

On 8/13/2023 10:39 PM, Xavier B. wrote:

Running LMTX I have an error: lualibs-os not found:

lua error   > lua error on line 35 in file 

token call, execute: 
...nt/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/l-sandbox.lua:180: module 
'lualibs-os' not found:
 no field package.preload['lualibs-os']
 no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.4/lualibs-os.lua'
 no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.4/lualibs-os/init.lua'
 no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.4/lualibs-os.lua'
 no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.4/lualibs-os/init.lua'
 no file './lualibs-os.lua'
 no file './lualibs-os/init.lua'
stack traceback:
 [C]: in upvalue 'requiem'
 ...nt/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/l-sandbox.lua:180: in function 
 (...tail calls...)
 [ctxlua]:1: in main chunk
25 \subsubject{Versió}
27 Contínuament canvio aquest document, afegint, modificant o eliminant 
algunes parts seves. En aquest sentit, és una obra permanentment inacabada. Per 
aquest motiu convé saber quina versió del document esteu llegint.
29 \medskip
30 La versió d'aquest document és la {\bf 0.4.0-alfa.\currentdate[year,-, 
32 \bigskip
33 Aquest document ha estat generat, \currentdate[weekday,{ },day,{ 
},month,{ },year] a les \currenttime, usant programari lliure 
(\goto{\Context}[url(http://wiki.contextgarden.net)] versió 
\contextversionnumber, \goto{\texenginename}[url(http://www.luatex.org)] versió 
\texengineversion\space i \goto{PGF/Ti{\em 
k}Z}[url(http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgf/)]) sota un entorn 
\goto{GNU/Linux}[url(https://www.linuxfoundation.org)] (\goto{Artix 
Linux}[url(https://artixlinux.org)]). La revisió d'aquest document és la número 
34require "lualibs-os"
35 >> tex.sprint(math.floor(os.resultof("git log --pretty=oneline | wc 
-l")+1))}}[url(https://repo.or.cz/apunts-espa-matematiques.git/shortlog/HEAD)]. El conjunt 
de les versions s'administra amb \goto{git}[url(http://git-scm.com/)]. Teniu el codi font del 
document en aquest repositori: 

Can you give me the solution here?
I have no clue what lualibs-os is so ... if it's something third party 
you and try.


and cross your fingers. Also, whenever using lua code that is not part 
of context keep in mind that we use lua 5.4


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
   tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / https://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : https://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
wiki : https://contextgarden.net

[NTG-context] Re: units module for LMTX?

2023-08-13 Thread Xavier B.
Thanks, Wolfgang.
You are referring to this [https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/_unit]
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / https://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : https://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
wiki : https://contextgarden.net

[NTG-context] Re: units module for LMTX?

2023-08-13 Thread Wolfgang Schuster

Xavier B. schrieb am 13.08.2023 um 23:00:

I see there is no units module available anymore [1][2]:

  mtxrun --script install-modules --list

1. The scripts installs third party modules but the units module is from 
Hans and is already included in the ConTeXt distrubution.

2. ConTeXt provides since a few years a built-in \unit command which 
made the module obsolete.


If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / https://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : https://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
wiki : https://contextgarden.net

[NTG-context] units module for LMTX?

2023-08-13 Thread Xavier B.
I see there is no units module available anymore [1][2]:

 mtxrun --script install-modules --list

[xan@coronari apunts-espa]$  mtxrun --script install-modules --list
mtx-install-modules | loading entries from file 
mtx-install-modules | loading entries from file 
mtx-install-modules |
mtx-install-modules | account : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-account.zip
mtx-install-modules | algorithmic : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-algorithmic.zip
mtx-install-modules | animation   : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-animation.zip
mtx-install-modules | annotation  : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-annotation.zip
mtx-install-modules | bibmod-doc  : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : bibmod-doc.zip
mtx-install-modules | bnf : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-bnf.zip
mtx-install-modules | chromato: 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-chromato.zip
mtx-install-modules | collating   : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : Environment-for-collating-marks.zip
mtx-install-modules | crossref: 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-crossref.zip
mtx-install-modules | cyrillicnumbers : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-cyrillicnumbers.zip
mtx-install-modules | degrade : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-degrade.zip
mtx-install-modules | enigma  : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : enigma.zip
mtx-install-modules | fancybreak  : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-fancybreak.zip
mtx-install-modules | filter  : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-filter.zip
mtx-install-modules | french  : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-french.zip
mtx-install-modules | fullpage: 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-fullpage.zip
mtx-install-modules | gantt   : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-gantt.zip
mtx-install-modules | gfsdidot: 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : gfsdidot.zip
mtx-install-modules | gm  : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-gm.zip
mtx-install-modules | gnuplot : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-gnuplot.zip
mtx-install-modules | greek   : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-greek.zip
mtx-install-modules | grph-downsample : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : grph-downsample.lua.zip
mtx-install-modules | gs  : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-gs.zip
mtx-install-modules | high: 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : high.zip
mtx-install-modules | inifile : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-inifile.zip
mtx-install-modules | karnaugh: 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : karnaugh.zip
mtx-install-modules | layout  : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-layout.zip
mtx-install-modules | letter  : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-letter.zip
mtx-install-modules | letterspace : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-letterspace.mkiv.zip
mtx-install-modules | lettrine: 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-lettrine.zip
mtx-install-modules | lua-widow-control   : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : lua-widow-control.zip
mtx-install-modules | mathsets: 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-mathsets.zip
mtx-install-modules | pocketdiary : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : PocketDiary-V2.zip 
mtx-install-modules | pret-c.lua  : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : pret-c.lua.zip
mtx-install-modules | rst : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-rst.zip
mtx-install-modules | rsteps  : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-rsteps.zip
mtx-install-modules | simplebib   : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-simplebib.zip
mtx-install-modules | simplefonts : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-simplefonts.zip
mtx-install-modules | simpleslides: 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-simpleslides.zip
mtx-install-modules | stormfontsupport: 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : stormfontsupport.zip
mtx-install-modules | taspresent  : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-taspresent.zip
mtx-install-modules | tikz: https://mirrors.ctan.org/install
 : graphics/pgf/base/pgf.tds.zip graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots.tds.zip 
mtx-install-modules | title   : 
https://modules.contextgarden.net/dl : t-title.zip
mtx-install-modules | transliterator 

[NTG-context] Re: Why overbar is so big

2023-08-13 Thread Xavier B.
Running LMTX I have an error: lualibs-os not found:

lua error   > lua error on line 35 in file 

token call, execute: 
...nt/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/l-sandbox.lua:180: module 
'lualibs-os' not found:
no field package.preload['lualibs-os']
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.4/lualibs-os.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.4/lualibs-os/init.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.4/lualibs-os.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.4/lualibs-os/init.lua'
no file './lualibs-os.lua'
no file './lualibs-os/init.lua'
stack traceback:
[C]: in upvalue 'requiem'
...nt/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/l-sandbox.lua:180: in 
function <...nt/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/l-sandbox.lua:165>
(...tail calls...)
[ctxlua]:1: in main chunk
25 \subsubject{Versió}
27 Contínuament canvio aquest document, afegint, modificant o eliminant 
algunes parts seves. En aquest sentit, és una obra permanentment inacabada. Per 
aquest motiu convé saber quina versió del document esteu llegint.
29 \medskip
30 La versió d'aquest document és la {\bf 0.4.0-alfa.\currentdate[year,-, 
32 \bigskip
33 Aquest document ha estat generat, \currentdate[weekday,{ },day,{ 
},month,{ },year] a les \currenttime, usant programari lliure 
(\goto{\Context}[url(http://wiki.contextgarden.net)] versió 
\contextversionnumber, \goto{\texenginename}[url(http://www.luatex.org)] versió 
\texengineversion\space i \goto{PGF/Ti{\em 
k}Z}[url(http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgf/)]) sota un entorn 
\goto{GNU/Linux}[url(https://www.linuxfoundation.org)] (\goto{Artix 
Linux}[url(https://artixlinux.org)]). La revisió d'aquest document és la número 
34require "lualibs-os"
35 >> tex.sprint(math.floor(os.resultof("git log --pretty=oneline | wc 
El conjunt de les versions s'administra amb 
\goto{git}[url(http://git-scm.com/)]. Teniu el codi font del document en aquest 

Can you give me the solution here?

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / https://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : https://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
wiki : https://contextgarden.net

[NTG-context] Re: Pass string into text background graphic

2023-08-13 Thread Thangalin
Hi again,

you could remove the \localcontrolled around the advance

I thought I tried that, but the counter incremented to 6, instead of 4.
Using higher-level primitives seems more like the ConTeXt way.

> why twice ? you only have to typeset the text once, right?
> >
> {text:\number\numexpr1+\rawcountervalue[ConcurrentTextGetCounter]/2\relax}}

I don't know why the counter is incremented twice for each concurrent
environment; the document is typeset once, in three passes. Dividing by two
solves the issue, if there's a deeper issue, I'm at a loss to explain it.

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / https://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : https://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
wiki : https://contextgarden.net

[NTG-context] Re: side-by-side paragraphs broken?

2023-08-13 Thread Hans Hagen

On 8/13/2023 6:12 PM, Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:


in more recent versions of lmtx, the side-by-side mechanism appears to 
be broken; example below. The right-hand paragraph does not respect the 
margin and backspace setting. The output looks fine in mkiv and with 
older versions of lmtx (the one from texlive, so 2023.03.10). Not sure 
if this has been reported yet.

fixed in next upload

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
   tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / https://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : https://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
wiki : https://contextgarden.net

[NTG-context] side-by-side paragraphs broken?

2023-08-13 Thread Thomas A. Schmitz


in more recent versions of lmtx, the side-by-side mechanism appears to 
be broken; example below. The right-hand paragraph does not respect the 
margin and backspace setting. The output looks fine in mkiv and with 
older versions of lmtx (the one from texlive, so 2023.03.10). Not sure 
if this has been reported yet.

All best





\defineparagraphs[Half] [n=2]
\setupparagraphs [Half]

\setupparagraphs [Half]
\setupparagraphs [Half]



\input ward
\input knuth

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / https://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : https://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
wiki : https://contextgarden.net

[NTG-context] Font switching, default features, and a request

2023-08-13 Thread Hamid,Idris
Dear gang,

Consider the following example:




% \addff{arabic}

الثَّعْلَبُ الْأَسْمَرُ السَّرِيعُ يَقْفِزُ فَوْقَ الْكَلْبِ الْكَسُولِ!
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!

{\tfxx \type{\tfxx} \getbuffer}

{\tfx \type{\tfx} \getbuffer}

\type{\tf} \getbuffer

{\tfa \type{\tfa} \getbuffer}

{\tfb \type{\tfb} \getbuffer}

{\tfc \type{\tfc} \getbuffer}

{\tfd \type{\tfd} \getbuffer}

There are three font switches to choose from:


Let's toggle one at a time:

1) \definedfont[almfixed*arabic]

a) gives us the correct bidi output, but only for the \tf size
b) is ignored for every other size switch.

a) and b) are expected behavior.

2) \switchtobodyfont[almfixed]

a) gives us Arabic-script bidi output,
b) exhibits no Arabic-script features
c) gives the same result for each size switch

This means that the fontfeature "arabic" -- already predefined in ConTeXt 
(font-pre.mkiv) -- is not explicitly applied.

Curiously, invoking


does not affect the output. Why is it that \addff{arabic} does not work here?

3) \switchtobodyfont[almfixed*arabic]

suppresses the font entirely and we're back to Latin Modern for all sizes. 
Assuming that this is expected behavior, it appears to follow that fontfeatures 
cannot be invoked for \switchtobodyfont and the like, only from within the 
typescript read by \switchtobodyfont etc.


Since ALMFixed is already distributed with ConTeXt, could Hans make the 
fontfeature "arabic" default for this font? That is


should automatically

a) give us Arabic-script bidi output (already there),
b) exhibit Arabic-script features (missing)
c) gives the same result for each size switch (already there)

(Indeed, it would be useful to have *arabic-predefined typescripts/bodyfonts 
for a few other commonly available/used Arabic fonts as well. Would be willing 
to make a list at some point, test, etc.)

Thank you in advance for considering this request.

Best wishes

Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / https://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : https://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
wiki : https://contextgarden.net

[NTG-context] Re: Scaling characters without font switching in CLD

2023-08-13 Thread Hans Hagen via ntg-context

On 8/13/2023 12:56 AM, Hamid,Idris wrote:

On Aug 12, 2023, 4:20 PM -0600, Hans Hagen , wrote:

btw, no need for squeezine as there are virtual commands for scaling; not for 

 From your original CLD template:

local function topthing(characters,target,base,accent)
--if not characters[target] then
 local data1 = characters[base]
 local data2 = characters[accent]
 if data1 and data2 then
 characters[target] = { -- "Ḥ"
 height   = (data1.height or 0) + 0.5*(data2.height or 0),
 depth= data1.depth,
 width= data1.width,
 unicode  = target,
 commands = {
 { "slot", 0, 0x048 },
 { "left", 0.5*(data2.width  or 0) + 0.5*(data1.width  or 
0) },
 { "up",   0.5*(data2.height or 0) },
 { "slot", 0, 0x2D9, },

a little lesson in efficiency attached


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
   tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl

-- Ṯṯ Ḥḥ Ḫḫ Ḏḏ Šš Ṣṣ Ḍḍ Ṭṭ Ẓẓ Ġġ Āā Īī Ūū ʿ ʾ

local function process(characters,target,value)
if value == "force" then
return true
elseif characters[target] then
return false
return true

local function below(characters,value,target,base,accent,left,down,depth)
if process(characters,target,value) then
local data1 = characters[base]
local data2 = characters[accent]
if data1 and data2 then
characters[target] = {
height   = data1.height,
depth= depth*data2.height,
width= data1.width,
unicode  = target,
commands = {
{ "slot", 0, base },
{ "left", left*(data2.width  or 0) + 0.5*(data1.width  or 
0) },
{ "down", down*(data2.height or 0) + (data2.height or 
0) },
{ "slot", 0, accent },

local function ccrap(characters,value,target,base,template,scale,mirror)
if process(characters,target,value) then
local data1 = characters[base]
local data2 = characters[template]
if data1 and data2 then
local height1 = data1.height
local height2 = data2.height
local width1  = scale * data1.width
characters[target] = {
height   = height2,
depth= 0,
width= width1,
unicode  = target,
commands = {
mirror and width1 or 0,
height2 - (mirror and 0 or scale*height1),
mirror and -scale or scale,
mirror and -scale or scale

-- in principle one can have some extra parameters for shifts but this
-- is suboptimal anyway and only meant for minion

local function initialize(tfmdata,feature,value)
if value then
local characters = tfmdata.characters

below (characters,value,0x1E6E,0x054,0x0AF,0.50,0.07,0.20) -- Tlinebelow
below (characters,value,0x1E6F,0x074,0x0AF,0.45,0.07,0.20) -- tlinebelow
below (characters,value,0x1E24,0x048,0x2D9,0.50,0.10,0.30) -- Hdotbelow
below (characters,value,0x1E25,0x068,0x2D9,0.50,0.10,0.30) -- hdotbelow
below (characters,value,0x1E2A,0x048,0x2D8,0.50,0.10,0.35) -- 
below (characters,value,0x1E2B,0x068,0x2D8,0.50,0.10,0.35) -- 
below (characters,value,0x1E0E,0x044,0x0AF,0.50,0.07,0.20) -- Dlinebelow
below (characters,value,0x1E0F,0x064,0x0AF,0.40,0.07,0.20) -- dlinebelow
below (characters,value,0x1E62,0x053,0x2D9,0.50,0.12,0.30) -- Sdotbelow
below (characters,value,0x1E63,0x073,0x2D9,0.40,0.12,0.30) -- sdotbelow
below (characters,value,0x1E0C,0x044,0x2D9,0.50,0.12,0.30) -- Ddotbelow
below (characters,value,0x1E0D,0x064,0x2D9,0.40,0.12,0.30) -- ddotbelow
below (characters,value,0x1E6C,0x054,0x2D9,0.50,0.12,0.30) -- Tdotbelow
below (characters,value,0x1E6D,0x074,0x2D9,0.40,0.12,0.30) -- tdotbelow
below (characters,value,0x1E92,0x05A,0x2D9,0.50,0.12,0.30) -- Zdotbelow
below (characters,value,0x1E93,0x07A,0x2D9,0.40,0.12,0.30) -- zdotbelow

ccrap (characters,value,0x02BE,0x063,0x043,0.5,false) -- some fake

[NTG-context] Re: Why overbar is so big

2023-08-13 Thread Mikael Sundqvist

On Sun, Aug 13, 2023 at 9:13 AM Xavier B.  wrote:
> So,
> Finally is it a bug in MKIV? It seems you fix some kind of bug in your 
> messages. Is it true?
> > The output with Luametatex is correct but Luatex creates a raised bar
> > (and different linebreaking).
> >
> > \showglyphs
> >
> > \startTEXpage[offset=1ex]
> >  \ruledhbox{$\overline{OA} = \overbar  {OA} = 4.2$}
> >  \par
> >  \ruledhbox{$\underline   {OA} = \underbar {OA} = 4.2$}
> >  \par
> >  \ruledhbox{$\widetilde   {OA} = \widebar  {OA} = 4.2$}
> >  \par
> >  \ruledhbox{$\overbracket {OA} = \underbracket {OA} = 4.2$}
> > \stopTEXpage
> >
> > I'll add a 'force fix in spite of extensible being present' in mkiv. In
> > lmtx we always fix also because we drop in nicer shapes (watch the round
> > tips in lm and fancy tips in antykwa) and concluded that fonts will
> > remain as they are.
> >
> > Hans
> As you suggested, I will give a try to LMTX but be aware most user still use 
> MKIV until most distros upgrade the texlive version of context to LMTX.
> Regards,
> Xavier

One can also try to instead use the accent mechanism instead of a stacker:

% engine=luatex

\definemathtopaccent[widebar] ["0305]



The \widebar is defined (almost) like that in lmtx.

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / https://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : https://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
wiki : https://contextgarden.net

[NTG-context] Re: Why overbar is so big

2023-08-13 Thread Hans Hagen via ntg-context

On 8/13/2023 9:08 AM, Xavier B. wrote:


Finally is it a bug in MKIV? It seems you fix some kind of bug in your 
messages. Is it true?

Not really. It's a a bug in the fonts (that will stay if only for 
compaibility reasons). There is a catch in mkiv that compensates for it 
but only when characters are not there. So, for these two I now force 
the catch.

In lmtx we have a bit different approach: we just assuem they are wrong 
in all fonts and fix them or replace them. We also have a more advanced 
math engine so we can control placement better.

There are also 'font parameters' involved that can be bad (i guess that 
designers can't really test math font parameters). In lmtx we have more 
of them, beyond what opentype math provides.

All of this is handled in goodie files. That mechanism is present in 
mkiv but no one ever bothered to spent time on it. That said: the last 
two years Mikeal and I spent a *lot* of time on math and we don't really 
look back at mkiv / mkii also because there is way more neat things now 
(most probably go unnoticed) ... you can read about it in some documents 
that come with context, articles in tugboat, and there are talks by 
Mikael at tug meetings on YT.

 The output with Luametatex is correct but Luatex creates a raised bar
 (and different linebreaking).


  \ruledhbox{$\overline{OA} = \overbar  {OA} = 4.2$}
  \ruledhbox{$\underline   {OA} = \underbar {OA} = 4.2$}
  \ruledhbox{$\widetilde   {OA} = \widebar  {OA} = 4.2$}
  \ruledhbox{$\overbracket {OA} = \underbracket {OA} = 4.2$}

I'll add a 'force fix in spite of extensible being present' in mkiv. In
lmtx we always fix also because we drop in nicer shapes (watch the round
tips in lm and fancy tips in antykwa) and concluded that fonts will
remain as they are.


As you suggested, I will give a try to LMTX but be aware most user still use 
MKIV until most distros upgrade the texlive version of context to LMTX.
It's not that hard to install lmtx alongside. If distributions take from 
texlive then likely you also end up with files that are not needed (base 
package) and lack some fonts (esp math) by default. You'd also benefit 
from the last couple of years advancements. Keep in mind that for a long 
term tex (document) project a snapshot approach is healthy because you 
never know what a distribution adds / replaces (esp fonts can be a mess 
and you want to know what you use).


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
   tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / https://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : https://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
wiki : https://contextgarden.net

[NTG-context] Re: Why overbar is so big

2023-08-13 Thread Xavier B.

Finally is it a bug in MKIV? It seems you fix some kind of bug in your 
messages. Is it true?

> The output with Luametatex is correct but Luatex creates a raised bar 
> (and different linebreaking).
> \showglyphs
> \startTEXpage[offset=1ex]
>  \ruledhbox{$\overline{OA} = \overbar  {OA} = 4.2$}
>  \par
>  \ruledhbox{$\underline   {OA} = \underbar {OA} = 4.2$}
>  \par
>  \ruledhbox{$\widetilde   {OA} = \widebar  {OA} = 4.2$}
>  \par
>  \ruledhbox{$\overbracket {OA} = \underbracket {OA} = 4.2$}
> \stopTEXpage
> I'll add a 'force fix in spite of extensible being present' in mkiv. In 
> lmtx we always fix also because we drop in nicer shapes (watch the round 
> tips in lm and fancy tips in antykwa) and concluded that fonts will 
> remain as they are.
> Hans

As you suggested, I will give a try to LMTX but be aware most user still use 
MKIV until most distros upgrade the texlive version of context to LMTX.

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / https://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : https://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
wiki : https://contextgarden.net