Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt minimal on chromebook

2014-02-18 Thread Bill Meahan

On 2/18/2014 12:21 AM, Martin maaca Rehula wrote:

ChromeOS is Linux-based operating system. I don't know, what exactly is different 
compared to normal Linux distribution. You should be able to execute Linux 
binaries there.

.deb packages are not any ultra proprietary, extra DRM-protected things. It is 
just .tar.gz archive enclosed in the ar archive. So, you can easily extract 
files from the .deb package, copy them to your chromebook and execute them. I 
don't expect dependency on too many libraries.


Actually, ChromeOS only uses the Linux /kernel/ but is not a Linux 
distribution in any way, shape or form.

 No shell, no utilities, no package manager ala apt-get. It boots 
directly into Chrome and that is the only application that is permitted 
to run on it. Any apps must be written as Chrome extensions and have 
very limited ability to run directly on the kernel. Google intends 
everything to be written in HTML5/Javascript.

I won't even mention how Google reads almost everything to serve you 
better ads.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan

For every problem there is a solution which is simple, clean
  -- and wrong. H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)

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Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt with Emacs

2014-01-10 Thread Bill Meahan

On 1/10/2014 1:52 PM, Fabrice Couvreur wrote:

I use Emacs as an editor and I compile my files with LuaLaTeX by 
adding the following lines to the end of the file:

%%% Local Variables:
%%% Mode: LaTeX
%%% LaTeX-command LuaLaTeX-shell-escape
%%% End:

I discovered ConTeXt, and I would like to know which lines to add to 
the end of files.

Thank you.

Set ConTeXt as your default TeX flavor in the AUCTEX settings. AUCTEX - 
Tex Default Mode -  Check Other then type in context-en-mode or, if 
English is not your language, modify appropriately

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan


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Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt with Emacs

2014-01-10 Thread Bill Meahan

On 1/10/2014 1:52 PM, Fabrice Couvreur wrote:

I use Emacs as an editor and I compile my files with LuaLaTeX by 
adding the following lines to the end of the file:

%%% Local Variables:
%%% Mode: LaTeX
%%% LaTeX-command LuaLaTeX-shell-escape
%%% End:

I discovered ConTeXt, and I would like to know which lines to add to 
the end of files.

Thank you.

This /fragment/ from my .emacs file should show you some other helpful 

;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(ConTeXt-clean-intermediate-suffixes (quote (\\.tuc \\.tui 
\\.tup \\.ted \\.tes \\.top \\.log \\.tmp \\.run \\.bck 
\\.rlg \\.mpt \\.mpx \\.mpd \\.mpo \\.tuo \\.tub \\.top 
-mpgraph\\.mp -mpgraph\\.mpd -mpgraph\\.mpo -mpgraph\\.mpy 
-mprun\\.mp -mprun\\.mpd -mprun\\.mpo -mprun\\.mpy)))
 '(ConTeXt-clean-output-suffixes (quote (\\.tuc \\.log \\.dvi 
\\.pdf \\.ps)))

 '(ConTeXt-engine nil)
 '(LaTeX-beamer-item-overlay-flag nil)
 '(LaTeX-biblatex-use-Biber nil)
 '(LaTeX-mode-hook (quote (preview-mode-setup)))
 '(TeX-PDF-mode t)
 '(TeX-bar-LaTeX-buttons (quote (new-file open-file dired kill-buffer 
save-buffer undo cut copy paste [separator nil] latex next-error view nil)))
 '(TeX-bar-TeX-buttons (quote (new-file open-file dired kill-buffer 
save-buffer undo cut copy paste [separator nil] tex next-error view nil)))

 '(TeX-close-quote })
 '(TeX-command-list (quote ((TeX %(PDF)%(tex) %`%S%(PDFout)%(mode)%' 
%t TeX-run-TeX nil (plain-tex-mode texinfo-mode ams-tex-mode) :help 
Run plain TeX) (LaTeX %`%l%(mode)%' %t TeX-run-TeX nil (latex-mode 
doctex-mode) :help Run LaTeX) (Makeinfo makeinfo %t 
TeX-run-compile nil (texinfo-mode) :help Run Makeinfo with Info 
output) (Makeinfo HTML makeinfo --html %t TeX-run-compile nil 
(texinfo-mode) :help Run Makeinfo with HTML output) (AmSTeX 
%(PDF)amstex %`%S%(PDFout)%(mode)%' %t TeX-run-TeX nil (ams-tex-mode) 
:help Run AMSTeX) (ConTeXt context --once --synctex %t TeX-run-TeX 
nil (context-mode) :help Run ConTeXt once) (ConTeXt Full context 
--synctex %t TeX-run-TeX nil (context-mode) :help Run ConTeXt until 
completion) (BibTeX bibtex %s TeX-run-BibTeX nil t :help Run 
BibTeX) (Biber biber %s TeX-run-Biber nil t :help Run Biber) 
(View %V TeX-run-discard-or-function nil t :help Run Viewer) 
(Print %p TeX-run-command t t :help Print the file) (Queue %q 
TeX-run-background nil t :help View the printer queue :visible 
TeX-queue-command) (File %(o?)dvips %d -o %f  TeX-run-command t t 
:help Generate PostScript file) (Index makeindex %s 
TeX-run-command nil t :help Create index file) (Check lacheck %s 
TeX-run-compile nil (latex-mode) :help Check LaTeX file for 
correctness) (Spell (TeX-ispell-document \\) TeX-run-function nil 
t :help Spell-check the document) (Clean TeX-clean 
TeX-run-function nil t :help Delete generated intermediate files) 
(Clean All (TeX-clean t) TeX-run-function nil t :help Delete 
generated intermediate and output files) (Other  TeX-run-command t 
t :help Run an arbitrary command

 '(TeX-default-mode (quote context-en-mode))
 '(TeX-engine (quote luatex))
 '(TeX-kpathsea-path-delimiter t)
 '(TeX-modes (quote (tex-mode plain-tex-mode latex-mode doctex-mode)))
 '(TeX-open-quote \\quotation{)
 '(TeX-source-correlate-method (quote synctex))
 '(TeX-source-correlate-mode t)
 '(TeX-source-correlate-start-server t)
 '(TeX-view-predicate-list (quote ((nil nil
 '(TeX-view-program-list (quote ((Sumatra PDF (\C:/Program Files 
(x86)/SumatraPDF/SumatraPDF.exe\ -reuse-instance (mode-io-correlate  
-forward-search %b %n)  %o)
 '(TeX-view-program-selection (quote (((paper-letter style-pstricks) 
dvips and start) (output-dvi Yap) (output-pdf Sumatra PDF) 
(output-html start

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan


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Re: [NTG-context] EPUB woes

2013-11-20 Thread Bill Meahan

On 11/20/2013 8:59 AM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:

As far as ConTeXt is concerned, you can process the above XML quite 
easily. Come to think of it, it may be a useful to provide a module that

maps HTML5 to PDF.


I would vote for that approach. It is pretty much analogous to what I 
have decided to do. I'm doing my actual writing in HTML. creating CSS 
for ebooks and ConTeXt environment files for PDF. I'll probably hack the 
html2latex Perl script to do the mapping. Pandoc will /not/ meet my 
needs because Markdown does not distinguish between emphasized text and 
italic text and Pandoc compels all other input markup to behave like 
Markdown. Textile would be perfect but only outputs HTML well. The 
RedCloth implementation does output LaTeX but ignores CSS-style classes 
applied to paragraphs et. al.

My needs are much simpler than the majority of people on this list. I 
have no need for math, no need for indexes, no need for bibliographies, 
footnotes or citations. BUT I want really top-notch visual output 
whether in PDF or printed on dead trees. The latter is usually the 
result of giving the printer process PDF files anyway so for the visuals 
I want, PDF is the common denominator and TeX (whether LaTeX or ConTeXt) 
is the most reasonable path, InDesign is not for poverty-stricken 
wretches like me.

Unfortunately (for many reasons) the market for the stuff I write is 
hell-bent to replace printed books and even replace high-quality 
electronic presentation with formats in which the reader chooses almost 
everything, regardless of whether it compliments the text or not. EPUB 
(especially EPUB3) does appear to /want/ to provide 
author/designer-determined presentation but it can still be ignored or 
overridden by the reader. I don't want to  even imagine the visual 
discordance of reading something like /Jane Eyre/ with double-spaced 
Comic Sans but if the e-reader allows it

I'll crawl back under my rock, now.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan


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[NTG-context] EPUB woes

2013-11-16 Thread Bill Meahan
I have been trying for a very long time to generate an epub document via 
context without success.

I have followed the steps on the wiki to the letter, using the 
export-example file provided with the standalone distribution. A PDF 
generated from the file is exactly what I would expect from an example. 
The generated epub, however, is useless - all the text is jammed 
together into one continuous block with no formatting whatsoever.

Adobe Digital Editions 2.0 crashes trying to open it. Sumatra and Sigil 
get it open but the results are as described above. Obviously I am 
missing a step or doing something wrong but I cannot see what.

Context Standalone from a couple of days ago. Windows 7-64 (Home 
Premium) but I got the same results several months ago on a Linux system 
so I do not think it is OS-related.

Sign me, Frustrated!

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan

  “Writing is like getting married. One should never

   commit oneself until one is amazed at one's luck.”

   —Iris Murdoch

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[NTG-context] [***SPAM***] Textile

2013-11-16 Thread Bill Meahan
To save possibly reinventing the wheel, has anyone written a filter for 
processing Textile markup analogous to the filters for Markdown and 

I tried using Pandoc to provide multiple formats of output (ConTeXt, 
EPUB, MS Word) from a common source but Pandoc is excessively tied to 
Markdown which does not understand the difference between emphasized 
text and italic text and only outputs {\em word}, emword/em, 
\emph{word} and so forth which means I have to go through every instance 
of the tag and change tags where I want explicit italics as I use other 
typographical techniques (small-caps or sans-serif or ...) for emphasis 
but some things (book titles, ship names, foreign words/phrases et. al) 
are always set in italics by convention. Pandoc continues its map 
everything to em ways even if the input is textile or (X)HTML. There 
are some other neat advantages to Textile as well such as local styling 
(CSS or \begin{environment}... or \startenvironment ...)

I know a lot of computer languages now and I really don't want to learn 
Lua or Haskell -- I'm retired! :)

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan

  “Writing is like getting married. One should never

   commit oneself until one is amazed at one's luck.”

   —Iris Murdoch

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Re: [NTG-context] EPUB woes

2013-11-16 Thread Bill Meahan

On 11/16/2013 11:00 AM, Keith J. Schultz wrote:

Hi Bill,

Using a PDF as a basis for creating an Epub ebook is actually a lost cause.
EPUB is a container format that just wraps around your PDF. I do not know of any
ereader that can actually adjust the formatting/layout of a pdf in any 
useful way. You are stuck with the formatting in the PDF.

For a EPUB-ebook to adjust properly you need to use HTML5 and CSS. Producing 
PDF an sticking it into a
EPUB or MOBI wrapper just does not make sense.


You are totally misreading what I wrote!

I know there is no direct PDF - EPUB route and it's a fool's errand to 
think there is. However, with appropriate headers, ConTeXt is supposed 
to create either a PDF or and EPUB from a common source file marked up 
for ConTeXt. Hence, if I run

wwm$ context options export-example.tex

I expect to get a PDF *but* if I run

wwm$ mtxrun --script epub --make export-example.tex  - the same 
export-example.tex as above

I would /expect/ to get a valid EPUB file, or so I'm lead to believe.

At the moment, I'm simply trying it out using Hans' export-example.tex 
file that comes as part of the standard ConTeXt distribution, either 
Standalone or part of one of the other distributions. I haven't even 
opened the export-example.tex file in an editor (yet) in this round of 
trials and I've even run the script against it right in the /base/ 
directory where it is found in the distribution so I don't understand 
why it is not producing a valid EPUB. Once I've got that sorted out, I 
can try applying the lessons learned to my own documents.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan

  “Writing is like getting married. One should never

   commit oneself until one is amazed at one's luck.”

   —Iris Murdoch

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Re: [NTG-context] EPUB woes

2013-11-16 Thread Bill Meahan

On 11/16/2013 12:37 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:

On Sat, 16 Nov 2013, Bill Meahan wrote:

I would /expect/ to get a valid EPUB file, or so I'm lead to believe.

1. Wait until the EPUB readers catch up. It took almost 10-15 years 
for the browsers to catch up with the HTML standards, and I don't have 
much hope for EPUB readers here. Last I checked, none of them 
supported even MATHML-2.

2. Write a script (either using xmlproc, or using you favorite XML 
parser in your favorite language) that converts the XML generated by 
ConTeXt into a standard XHTML file. This is the easiest and the 
least time consuming alternative.

3. Modify the way in which ConTeXt generates the XML files. Ideally, I 
should be able to write something like

\setupparagraph[tag=p, class=default]

to tell context that \startparagraph ... \stopparagraph should 
translate to `p class=default ... /p. Last I checked the code 
that generates the XML file, there was no easy way to change the tags 
and classes.

I hope that the above description clarifies the situation.


Thanks for the clarification.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan

  “Writing is like getting married. One should never

   commit oneself until one is amazed at one's luck.”

   —Iris Murdoch

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[NTG-context] Win64 Version of ConTeXt Standalone?

2013-11-15 Thread Bill Meahan

I'm curious (not complaining).

Does a Win64 version of the Standalone suite exist? Certainly the 32-bit 
binary works fine (the exigencies of WOW64 notwithstanding) but it seems 
odd to me 64-bit versions for Mac, Linux, FreeBSD or FreeBSD/Debian 
exist but not a 64-bit Windows version. This seems particularly odd 
given most laptops/desktops the last few years have been 64-bit with a 
64-bit OS even the cheap consumer-grade laptop I bought my wife.

Is there a technical reason or simply lack of a maintainer?

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan

  “Writing is like getting married. One should never

   commit oneself until one is amazed at one's luck.”

   —Iris Murdoch

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Re: [NTG-context] Using *fleurons*

2013-11-11 Thread Bill Meahan

On 11/10/2013 10:12 AM, Francisco Gracia wrote:
*Fleurons* are small decorative pieces that were often used in the 
past for filling big blank spaces in books. They are seldom used 
nowdays. As besides they will not appear more than a few times in any 
book (mainly at the end of chapters), the easiest thing to do if one 
insists in using them (for instance for simulating an old edition of 
some past work) is to arrange its presence manually in the source 
document in the way one would do for any other figure or piece of text.

The following has worked quite well for me. I hate using a centered * * 
* for a thematic break so I use a fleuron. I write fiction, not 
math-filled academic-journal articles or textbooks so this may not be 
applicable in your case.

First, I use one of many available dingbat fonts to provide the 
fleuron. I am partial to the curly-ques in Nymphette (a 
readily-available free font) but there are many others.

In my preamble I define:

\definefont[FleuronFont] [nymphette sa 1.5]

Then where I want to place a fleuron I can do something like this.

\midaligned{{\MedBlue \FleuronFont g}}

In this case, the text letter 'g' corresponds to the particular little 
symbol I want.


Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan

  “Writing is like getting married. One should never

   commit oneself until one is amazed at one's luck.”

   —Iris Murdoch

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[NTG-context] Overriding pdfview

2013-06-26 Thread Bill Meahan

How does one override the default pdf viewer for MKIV Standalone on 
Windows 7-64 so --autopdf starts Acrobat Reader instead of sumatrapdf.exe?

I don't have sumatra and do not wish to install it just to satisfy 
this one application. WTH is it anyway? (I know what it is, it's a 
rhetorical question). Making some obscure pdf viewer the default with no 
clear way to change it is not a good idea. For Windows, the vast 
majority of people have Acrobat Reader which is very often preinstalled. 
For Linux, it's less clear what the default should be but {xpdf 
|evince|acroread} are quite common. Can't speak to OSX as I've never 
used it but I'd bet a coffee Acrobat Reader is (or can be) there, too.

I have searched through the source and tried editing l-pdf.lua but that 
doesn't seem to fix the problem. I shouldn't have to edit system source 
in any event.

Mark me frustrated.

Bill Meahan
Westland, Michigan

The nice thing about standards is there are so many of them.  -- Henry 

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Re: [NTG-context] Overriding pdfview

2013-06-26 Thread Bill Meahan

On 6/26/2013 10:20 AM, luigi scarso wrote:

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 3:53 PM, Bill Meahan wrote:

How does one override the default pdf viewer for MKIV Standalone
on Windows 7-64 so --autopdf starts Acrobat Reader instead of

I don't have sumatra and do not wish to install it just to
satisfy this one application. WTH is it anyway? (I know what it
is, it's a rhetorical question). Making some obscure pdf viewer
the default with no clear way to change it is not a good idea. For
Windows, the vast majority of people have Acrobat Reader which is
very often preinstalled. For Linux, it's less clear what the
default should be but {xpdf |evince|acroread} are quite common.
Can't speak to OSX as I've never used it but I'd bet a coffee
Acrobat Reader is (or can be) there, too.

I have searched through the source and tried editing l-pdf.lua but
that doesn't seem to fix the problem. I shouldn't have to edit
system source in any event.

Mark me frustrated.

I don't see l-pdf.lua in my standalone .

TYPO: It's l-pdfview.lua sometimes my memory

From my standalone (updated yesterday)

if os.type == windows then

opencalls = {
['default'] = pdfopen --rxi --file,
['acrobat'] = pdfopen --rxi --file,
['fullacrobat'] = pdfopen --axi --file,
['okular']  = 'start test 
c:/data/system/kde/bin/okular.exe --unique', -- todo!
['sumatra'] = 'start test 
c:/data/system/sumatrapdf/sumatrapdf.exe -reuse-instance',

['okular']  = 'start test okular.exe --unique',
['sumatra'] = 'start test sumatrapdf.exe 
-reuse-instance -bg-color 0xCC',

closecalls= {
['default'] = pdfclose --file,
['acrobat'] = pdfclose --file,
['okular']  = false,
['sumatra'] = false,
allcalls = {
['default'] = pdfclose --all,
['acrobat'] = pdfclose --all,
['okular']  = false,
['sumatra'] = false,

pdfview.method = acrobat -- no longer useful due to green pop up 
line and clasing reader/full

pdfview.method = sumatra   ===

runner = function(cmd)
os.execute(cmd) -- ..   /null


Although I first discovered this when trying to use SciTE, it does the 
same thing if invoked from the command line. The pdf viewer does not 
appear in any of the SciTE *.properties files.

Bill Meahan
Westland, Michigan

The nice thing about standards is there are so many of them. --Henry 

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Re: [NTG-context] Overriding pdfview

2013-06-26 Thread Bill Meahan

On 6/26/2013 3:29 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:


- on none of my window boxes acrobat was preinstalled
- there is no robust way to start acrobat
- pdfopen has to be adapted to major updates of acrobat
- there is (at least on my machine) a potential clash between reader 
and professional

- acrobat occasionally tends to block
- the latest version of acrobat has funny popups when opening docs

while sumatrapdf

- is pretty fast
- has matured quite well
- remembers the current page
- renders quite ok
- even supports some basic interactivity
- (has an ugly yellow pop up windows but those can nowadays be recolored)
- can be installed as portable application
- works ok wine/linux (in fact has my preference now when on linux)

sumatrapdf may be the best PDF viewer ever invented. As a lawyer might 
say, I'll stipulate that. If someone who wants to use ConTeXt has 
never heard of it and has to use a search engine to even know what it 
is, however, it's not a great default to have on a *public* distribution.

Similar arguments could be made for Calibre (which I use).

so, enough reasons for me to have changed the defaults (esp because 
one can always set different defaults)

That was my original question: how do I change the default without 
hand-editing a file in the base distribution? That's not only bad 
practice, it's liable to get overwritten on the next update.

Does one use texmf.cnf or something else with a very recent MKIV?

Although I first discovered this when trying to use SciTE, it does
the same thing if invoked from the command line. The pdf viewer does
not appear in any of the SciTE *.properties files.

I haven't settled on SciTE as the editor I want to use but a SciTE-only 
workaround misses the point.

context --autopdf=acrobat yourfile.tex
context --autopdf=fullacrobat yourfile.tex

When run from the cmd.exe command line, acrobat _does_ get launched 
_but_ it gets launched before ConTeXt has created the pdf file then 
hangs so the only way to exit is a Ctrl-C in the cmd.exe window. Simply 
closing acrobat simply causes acrobat to launch again.

A better solution would be to assume the person installing ConTeXt does 
not have a PDF reader *at all* and include some minimal self-contained 
reader (no dll's needed) in the distribution itself, the way rsync is 
included. I really don't care which one, as long as there is *something* 
present. MuPDF might be a good choice but I'm quite sure everyone on the 
list has a favorite they would like to see as the included viewer for 
one reason or another. As long as ConTeXt is guaranteed to find it, it 
is a good default.

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Re: [NTG-context] Overriding pdfview

2013-06-26 Thread Bill Meahan

On 6/26/2013 6:24 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:

If there is one thing I have learned in developing software since 1965 
(not a typo), it is to never depend on /any /third-party application 
being present. If it is not part of the base system install, it probably 
won't be there. I've even met Unix systems without /make/. Requiring the 
user to use some flag or other seldom flies and results in many 
nastygrams and late-night phone calls. If you need it, include it.

I pass on this group of scars on my butt for what it's worth and declare 
the topic closed.

Bill Meahan
Westland, Michigan

The nice thing about standards is there are so many of them.  -- Henry 

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Re: [NTG-context] orphans and widows in poems

2013-06-17 Thread Bill Meahan

On 6/17/2013 1:39 AM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:

  Verse page.
You don’t need any tricks to prevent page breaks in a lines environment because
\setuplines[option=packed] already does it.


You still need to make each stanza an individual lines environment, 
don't you?

Bill Meahan
Westland Michigan

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Re: [NTG-context] orphans and widows in poems

2013-06-16 Thread Bill Meahan

On 6/16/2013 3:46 AM, Pablo Rodríguez wrote:

I'm afraid that I get widow lines in the lines environment.

Is there no way to avoid orphans and widows in the lines environment?
It's a bit ugly, but if the poem consists of individual stanzas, you can 
put each stanza in an non-bordered frame.

% Set up the lines environment to put the contained lines in a frame so 
they are kept together

\setuplines[indenting={yes,small,even},   --  whatever options you want

% Then wrap your stanzas in individual line environments
A maiden fair was seated there,
Her hair of fine-spun gold.
Azure eyes so clear and bright,
So wondrous to behold.

A frame will never be split across pages.

BTW this trickis on the wiki on the Verse page.

Bill Meahan
Westland Michigan

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Re: [NTG-context] UWIN?

2013-06-15 Thread Bill Meahan

-Original Message-

 My changes were simple - I used the setuptex file that came with 
 standalone, and tweaked it ever so slightly.

So basically all you did was replacing platform detection with
and commented out three lines of code that notify about the change?
(Did you just find those lines annoying or did they actually fail to

Just curious: what does
uname -s
uname -m
return on cygwin or what is the best way to detect windows in
(I believe that should be easy enough.)

[Bill Meahan] 

UWIN is available here:
The site doesn't seem to be up on weekends, though. Open Source with
Eclipse license.

On my system which is a Athlon 64 X2 (dual core) running Vista (32

uname -s gives UWIN-VI
uname -m gives i1586
echo $SHELL gives /usr/bin/ksh

Would probably want to do a leading match on the UWIN and a
trailing match on the 86 parts since the rest will vary based on
cpu and operating system edition.

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Re: [NTG-context] UWIN?

2013-06-14 Thread Bill Meahan

Hans wrote:

Just wondering: why are users using unix shells on windows for
running tex? does it have advantages?

Or is the availability of unix commands the main reason?

In no particular order:

The Unix utilities, richer scripting language, compatibility with
existing Unix systems one might need to deal with. Familiarity for
those of us who have spent many more years working with Unix than

If you need/want a GUI interface, Windows is great and that's where
the applications are, for the most part.
If you need/want a command-line environment, Unix is much more
capable and powerful than the DOS world of the Windows command line.

Something like UWIN or Cygwin allows one to have both.

I have no familiarity at all with Macs since using the original Mac
Plus to publish a newsletter in the late 1980's so I'm not
slighting/disparaging Macs in any way. I won't comment on what I
don't know about.

[Bill Meahan] 

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Re: [NTG-context] Typefaces ... how does this work?

2013-06-13 Thread Bill Meahan
This approach works well for me, no modules required:

(this is NOT a complete working example!)


\definefont[alt][fontname sa 1.0]

 Blah blah blah
 Blah blah {\alt boo hoo hoo}
 Blah blah blah

The sa 1.0is optional but if you want to adjust the alternate font
so the x heights match you'll need it.

fontname comes from running mtxrun --script fonts --list --all

I use this approach extensively and never had a hiccup but, as
always, your mileage may vary.

-Original Message-

I want to adjust my document to have Lucida as main typeface, but
with brief passages (a few words at most) in a typeface that has the
IPA glyphs like Gentium.

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[NTG-context] Problems with SciTE 3.31 and context package

2013-05-17 Thread Bill Meahan
Having a bit of a problem. I installed SciTE, scintillua and Hans' 
customizations yesterday and things are not working. SciTE crashes as 
soon as my context files are loaded.

SciTE is version 3.31 (latest)
scintillua is version 3.3.0-1 (latest precompiled which has 64-bit .so 
file included)

context add-ons are from a recent beta and have file dates as late as 

system is Linux LadyGeraldine 3.2.0-43-generic #68-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 15 
03:33:33 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

wwm@LadyGeraldine$ SciTE
Lua Error: /usr/share/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer.lua:508: attempt 
to compare number with nil.

Lua Error: Table of folds expected from 'lexer.fold'.
Lua Error: /usr/share/scite/lexers/scite-context-lexer.lua:508: attempt 
to compare number with nil.

*** glibc detected *** SciTE: realloc(): invalid pointer: 0x09d9e5c0 ***

Backtrace not included

I'll try compiling from source if you think it will help.

Ideas appreciated. Thanks

Bill Meahan
Westland, Michigan USA

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Re: [NTG-context] Problems with SciTE 3.31 and context package

2013-05-17 Thread Bill Meahan

On 05/17/2013 02:20 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:

you can try to comment

lexer.fold= context.fold

That works!  Thanks for the fast response.

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] upto current

2013-03-22 Thread Bill Meahan

On 03/22/2013 03:31 AM, Keith J. Schultz wrote:

Hi All,

Maybe, we could setup a collaborative work group to do the documentation.

That is a group of us are responsible for certain groups of commands. This way
the manuals can become more complete. That way some of the more advance
stuff that is hardly documented finally gets documented.

What we would need is a specification for:
In 45+ years of programming[1] it has never ceased to amaze me how 
the wheel has to be reinvented for every new system whether 
language, macro package or whatever. Why do it again? Why not adopt 
some documentation system that is already widely-used and for which 
infrastructure and knowledge of use is already in place?

I have no investment in any particular system. I'm happily 
generating other types of non-computer-related documents using 
reStructuredText since I can easily convert that various publication 
formats as required without separate source files for each format. 
It seems to me docutils has everything that would be needed to 
document ConTeXt and is very widely used given the popularity of 
Python (which makes me cringe). If doxygen or something else would 
work better, so be it. The point is, **use something that exists 
instead of expending time and effort reinventing the wheel yet again!**

[1] I was, am and will be a programmer and not a software 
developer or software engineer. The term adequately depicts what 
I did/do while the others are simply too pretentious. Find the old 
article Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal in an archive somewhere 
-- I've been a real programmer and I suspect Hans is, too. :)

Sorry for the rants but it is so frustrating to have to install so 
many different language support and documentation systems simply 
because I use FOSS tools exclusively.

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] reStructuredText module

2013-03-12 Thread Bill Meahan

Philipp Gesang wrote:

Hi Bill.

···date: 2013-03-11, Monday···from: Bill Meahan···

Am I correct in thinking the rst module does not process the class
and container directives?

When I wrote the module I was working with the reST spec [0] and
the syntax reference [1]. It’s been a while, but afair I
implemented the spec completely (with the limitations described
in the manual). It does not, to my knowledge, define the
directives you mention and I don’t know what they’re supposed to

(Btw. like much of the spec, “container” and “class” sound
suspiciously HTML-specific. If that is true, they address one
output markup which happens to be -- not Context! I might find
the time to add a simple wrapper for the container thingy (to
boxes or framed?). However, I doubt that it’s possible to
replicate the behavior of HTML divs + CSS without a larger effort
[2]. In this case it might be preferable to have docutils
generate some XML and directly typeset the result with Context.)

Best regards

Hi Philip

The .class and .container direectives are certainly there with *ML in mind but 
I think there might be analog situatins in ConTeXt.

.. class::  classname

blah, blah, blah

exists to stick a class name on the following element for styling with an 
external stylesheet of some sort. CSS/CSS3 are probably the primary examles but 
other XML-bases markus apply just as well

.. class::classname

blab, blab, blab

could yield

  p class=classnameblab, blab, blab/p
  h2 class=classnameblab. blab, blab/h2

or anything else that can take a class name attribute.

.. container:: containername

  Foo, bar, baz

  bunch of stuff


  div class=containername

foo, bar, baz

bunch of stuff


I would think ,, class:: 
ought to map quite well in ConTeXt:

  \setupsomething [classname] [attributelist]




for suitable values of something

.. container:: probably maps to something like \frame[containername]
although frames as such cannot cross page boundaries. Perhaps there is (or 
could be) a more suitable construct. I'm trying to be exemplary not directive. 

ConTeXt environment files are certainly analogus to CSS files and are used with 
the same end goals in mind.

styling markup elements through class= or equivalent is rapidly becoming 
the order of the day for a wide variety of documents. Certainly (X)HTML, epub2, epub3, ODT, DOCX 
and an increasing horde of others are either there or heading there very soon.

Am I way off base here?

Bill Meahan
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[NTG-context] reStructuredText module

2013-03-11 Thread Bill Meahan
Am I correct in thinking the rst module does not process the class 
and container directives?

I looked through the Lua source and didn't see anyplace where these 
directives are processed although I will be the first to admit I 
don't know much about Lua. I retired from software development 
before Lua became popular and never bothered to learn it. Assembler, 
FORTRAN, C, SQL, PL/SQL, Perl I know or knew, Lua I do not. :)

I use these directives heavily and pandoc ignores them so I'm 
beginning to think I have a problem generating EPUB + ConTeXt + 
HTML(5) versions of the same document from common rst source.

Thanks!  All information and suggestions welcome.

Bill Meahan
Westland, Michigan USA

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Re: [NTG-context] A trouble with setupbodyfontenvironment

2013-03-01 Thread Bill Meahan

On 02/28/2013 06:51 PM, Alasdair McAndrew wrote:
Actually, maybe my version is a bit old: context --version 
returns 2011.05.18 18:04.  I'll try to update it.  (I'm using Ubuntu 
12.04, but when I tried to update using apt-get the system told me 
that I had the latest version).  In the meantime I'll try your 


Most of the software in the repository is a few to several revisions 
behind. The texlive package, for example, is from 2009  :(

Best to install the standalone or install texlive yourself using the 
installer from CTAN. I have both on my 12.04 system though I mostly use 
the standalone version.

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] HTML output

2013-02-19 Thread Bill Meahan

On 02/19/2013 09:22 AM, Marco Patzer wrote:

Within the limits of CSS you obtain a quite close match¹. But it's
up to you to create the matching CSS.


You can do a pretty good job of matching the printed page with HTML5 + 
CSS3 here's a good reference:

Unfortunately, implementation of these standards is a bit spotty. The 
problem is in the browsers. Chrome/Chromium has done the best job of 
implementing HTML5 to date, IE the worst. with Firefox and Safari in 

Similarly, EPUB (based on XHTML) is in a similar situation. EPUB3 is 
based on HTML5 while EPUB2 on XHTML1.1 The corresponding CSS support 
tells you how well most e-book readers handle the new format. At the 
moment, there is very little support for EPUB3 in applications and 
dedicated readers (Kindle, Nook  al.)

It's best if you design your document with these formats in mind or put 
up with how your document is rendered.

As a not-very-good fallback, you can always convert your document to 
PNG/JPEG images and use HTML to simply display them in the proper order.

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] Facepalm (was Typesetting LibreOffice (ODT) documents with ConTeXt)

2013-02-10 Thread Bill Meahan

On 02/09/2013 06:44 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:

Sooner or later, you'll reach the limit of markdown. In those 
situations, I use gpp to preprocess the file. See 


I saw that early on and knowing that was possible helped me decide I 
/would/ use pandoc :)

Sort of looks like reStructuredText and its roles may help quite a bit 
in mapping to CSS definitions and custom style definitions in ConTeXt 
environment files.  That may well be all I need for my particular 
situation(s). Since pandoc can use either one, ReText can be set to use 
rst instead of markdown and the fact markdown  rst are quite similar, 
I'm expecting to use that instead of markdown /per se/.

Pandoc 1.10 supports EPUB3 directly. Nice!

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] Facepalm (was Typesetting LibreOffice (ODT) documents with ConTeXt)

2013-02-10 Thread Bill Meahan

On 02/10/2013 12:07 PM, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد wrote:

I never heard of retext before, so I spent some time with it... thanks 
for the reference! Unicode support seems solid, even bidi (via Qt).

OTOH it's waaay too geeky for the average citizen to install -- too 
many steps (python, pyqt,...), have to search for your .conf file 
through a python interpreter and you still can't find it after that 
etc. Then in Windows it turns out to be an .ini file, not a .conf 
file! Then you have to make a .bat file to start it with a mouse 
click, etc.

I'm spoiled by Linux:

prompt$ sudo apt-get install retext

installs ReText and all dependencies.//If you must have a GUI, Synaptic 
or even Ubuntu Software Center make it pretty easy by hiding the apt 
infrastructure. They will still auto-load all dependencies. I like GUI 
stuff but I've been using computers from before there even was a command 
line so command lines are not scary for /me/. Yes, I'm that old./

Once in a while/ Linux is easier to use than Windows. ;-)

Glad you found something that works well.

Bill Meahan
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[NTG-context] Facepalm (was Typesetting LibreOffice (ODT) documents with ConTeXt)

2013-02-09 Thread Bill Meahan
Aditya and Idris were sufficiently strong in their recommendation to use 
Markdown+pandoc for multi-format document production (including ConTeXt) 
I decided to take another look.


I suddenly realized the custom formatting I thought I would lose is 
simply a matter of creating CSS and ConTeXt environment files to specify 
the formatting and styling. I already use environment files according to 
the ConTeXt Project Structuring and translating that to CSS is more a 
matter of spending some time doing it rather than complexity.

Let's go for two facepalms.

What made the difference is a little editor, written entirely in Python 
so it is cross-platform, called ReText. It is less powerful than Emacs 
but has the advantage of almost-real-time preview of what the produced 
document will look like in plain HTML. It's not quite WYSIWYG but it 
_is_ the next best thing and satisfies my needs. You can find ReText at  As I said, it (should) work for 
Windows and Mac users but you must have WebKit installed for the preview 
feature. Mac users have it by default since Safari uses it. Actually, 
Apple wrote it. Of course, you need Python installed as well.

Thanks again!

Bill Meahan
Westland, Michigan USA

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Re: [NTG-context] block with different formatting per line?

2013-02-06 Thread Bill Meahan

On 02/01/2013 06:16 PM, Ingo Hohmann wrote:


is it possible to define a block, where lines are automatically 
formatted differently?

For example:
first line in caps,
second in bold,
others normal.

Is this possible? And how?

My #1 Wish List item for ConTeXt is /allowing/ stylesheets at the 
paragraph level. That would allow closer correspondence with what 
CSS/CSS3, Scribus, ODT, EPUB3 al do and make it much easier to write 
transformation scripts whether XSLT, lua code, Perl code or whatever 
favorite tool one wishes to use.

I envision something like (psuedo code):



\input tufte

  \input knuth


The output would have the tufte quote formatted according to my 
stylesheet and knuth in whatever the global style is.

The style parameter in the start/stop paragraph would, of course, be 
/optional/ so existing documents would be unchanged from current 
behavior but allow the introduction of paragraph styles.

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] Typesetting LibreOffice (ODT) documents with ConTeXt

2013-01-31 Thread Bill Meahan

On 01/31/2013 04:19 AM, Keith J. Schultz wrote:

Hi Bill,

I will jump in here after I have been following this thread.

Saved the documents as standard text file. In LaTeX I set up the environments 
as I
needed then.

This work flow work quite well.


Yeah, if all else fails I can always write a few Perl scripts. :)

Before I retired, I wrote a LOT of Perl code that supplemented a huge 
corporate application in real time. Perl may not be the favored language 
these days but it gets the job done. :)

I also edit (and report for and ...) an organizational newsletter. I use 
Scribus for that.

Thanks for the input.

Bill Meahan
Westland, Michigan USA

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[NTG-context] Typesetting LibreOffice (ODT) documents with ConTeXt

2013-01-30 Thread Bill Meahan
I scoured the wiki and mailing-list without finding a definite answer. 
The most recent discussion I can find is from 2006 and at that time it 
was possible but nobody had yet developed the appropriate template, 
XSLT style-sheet, module or whatever to actually do it.

For a number of reasons (including an absolute necessity to produce MS 
compatible .doc files) I need to maintain and write documents using 
LibreOffice Writer (or Writer) but the quality of the PDF files 
is, shall we say, not satisfactory. Exporting to LaTeX 2e is possible 
(and standard equipment in LO-W) but after using both for a while now, I 
vastly prefer ConTeXt. I could probably use something like the TEI tools 
to transform the ODT file to XHTML or TEI p5 and process that but I've 
found over many years such intermediate transformations have a lot of 
problems of their own.

I don't need math support for /my/ work but I am sure others who do need 
it would like to follow the same route to great PDFs.

Any solutions?

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] Typesetting LibreOffice (ODT) documents with ConTeXt

2013-01-30 Thread Bill Meahan

On 01/30/2013 02:45 PM, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد wrote:

Have you considered using markdown/pandoc? You can either

I appreciate the suggestion but it does not meet my needs.

I currently use GNU Emacs and YASnippet. All my work-to-date is already 
in raw context which YASnippet and my snippet collection makes easier 
than Markdown. TEA and TextAdept and SCIte provided similar 
functionality. I am familiar with Markdown and don't like it in the least.

Markup (whether Markdown, (X)HTML, textile, raw context or whatever) is 
still 1970's-style processing (we did roff/nroff/troff in those days). 
Part of the objective is to get away from plain-text + markup so I (and 
the other users) can get near-WYSIWYG processing and preview the 
documents as they are written. No doubt some fine-tuning would be 
required with a direct-to-ConTeXt method but it still has other 
advantages. Including making it possible for my wife to use it. :) She 
was an excellent social worker but her computer skills are quite wanting 
even after many years of my tutelage.

An XSLT stylesheet would allow direct export of a document from LO-W 
which could then be be tweaked if necessary.

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] Typesetting LibreOffice (ODT) documents with ConTeXt

2013-01-30 Thread Bill Meahan

On 01/30/2013 04:21 PM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:

ConTeXt is able to read from zip files.
Hans posted a simple example to process odt files a few years ago.


Hmm. Didn't show up when I used the list search. Perhaps I simply missed 
it, I'll look again. Thanks.

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] Typesetting LibreOffice (ODT) documents with ConTeXt

2013-01-30 Thread Bill Meahan

On 01/30/2013 05:13 PM, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد wrote:

But in general odt is too much of a mess for my limited skills. And 
although Bill does not like it in the least I am not aware of a 
better cross-format solution than markdown/pandoc whenever I am forced 
to deal with M$-Word workflows and ConTeXt in my own writing.

Everybody has their own preferences. As one-time net.god Henry Spencer 
put it, The nice thing about standards is there are so many of them.

If I can go out on a limb: What Bill seems to want is a general 
WYSIWYG-ConTeXt solution. Generalizing Thomas's remark, I'm not sure 
that the word-processor paradigm is appropriate for such a thing 
(unless one is very disciplined in using the word processor). But a 
WYSIWYG structured layout processor like Framemaker (is there some 
free imitation out there?) may output xml that is more regular, 
predictable, and easier to map to ConTeXt than any M$-Word imitation.

Scribus (~InDesign) has an XML-based format, too but no direct 
conversion to M$-word. Doesn't look all that bad to me but I'm hardly an 
XML expert. At least it's free (beer and freedom). Sigil works directly 
on epub2 (XHTML+) but doesn't support epub3 (XHTML++) yet. TEI tools can 
convert odt - XHTML, epub2 epub3 and several others including LaTeX but 
not ConTeXt. How successfully is another question.

I write fiction with an occasional stab at poetry (mostly as part of a 
fictional work) not academic papers so my considerations are somewhat 
different. The content and theme often require different typography and 
formatting on an individual book basis. (See Bringhurst)

Sadly (and I really mean that) there are a couple of ebook publishers 
who /insist/ on submissions being in M$-Word format and then they will 
do the conversions to mobi, epub, fb2 and pdf themselves even if I can 
do a better job. Plus, most of my writer friends work in word processors 
which means that it is far easier to exchange manuscripts for proofing  
feedback is via the (ugh) .doc file.

Best wishes

Bill Meahan
Westland, Michigan USA

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Re: [NTG-context] ntg-context Digest, Vol 103, Issue 43

2013-01-15 Thread Bill Meahan

On 01/15/2013 11:07 AM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:

Am 15.01.2013 um 15:54 schrieb H. Özoguz

Am 15.01.2013 14:41, schrieb





Hi Wolfgang,

that does not work here.

My minexample is:





Bli bla blu. Trallalalala.

\section{First section}

\subsection{First subsection}



Between First section and First subsection you see 4 lines. But it should 
be only one line according to your suggestion. Is that a bug, a version issue, or did I something 

Dunno, looks like a unwanted side effect of grid mode.


I have had similar problems with the grid. I set a portion of my book in 
a different typeface to simulate a hand-written letter. With the grid 
on, the lines in the alternate typeface are spaced quite widely (double 
space?). It seems to be related to the size or x-height of the 
alternate font. If different than the size of the body font, things go 
awry. If I use something like italics instead of a different typeface, 
though, no problems are seen.

Bill Meahan
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[NTG-context] SciTE integration FYI

2013-01-08 Thread Bill Meahan
A quick FYI: the URL given in the manual for the LPeg lexers package you 
need is no longer valid. That project is not hosted on 
any more.

Use this one instead:

Bill Meahan
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[NTG-context] Lettrines MKIV

2012-12-10 Thread Bill Meahan
Does the lettrine module not work with MKIV? The following setup was 
taken directly from the module documentation. Sorry for the extra text 
but I wanted to try and make sure there were at least five lines of output.

If I remove all setups and just use the defaults, I don't get the error 
message but the output is messed up.

Same behavior with either TeXLive 2012 or the 06-DEC-2012 beta.
Xubuntu 12.04 i386

Minimal example



  \lettrine{T}{he moon was full his heart was empty}. Dear
Juliet was not in her balcony. Romeo contemplated the scene,
though about it a bit and decided he needed a drink. In the bar
he met Larissa, one of the wantons who hung out there. Five vodka
martinis later she looked just like Juliet to Romeo. Of course,
the fat, bald and hairy man tending the bar looked like Juliet, too.
A night with Larissa left Romeo with the clap. No wonder he tried
to kill himself!


Error message:

! Missing number, treated as zero.

system   tex  error on line 7 in file lettrinetest.tex: 
Missing number, treated as zero ...

 1 \usemodule[lettrine]
 2 \setuplettrine[T]
 3 [Findent=0.2em,Nindent=0.2em,Oversize=0.05em,Hang=0.15em,Lines=4]
 5 \starttext
 7 \lettrine{T}{he moon was full his heart was empty}. Dear
 8 Juliet was not in her balcony. Romeo contemplated the scene,
 9 though about it a bit and decided he needed a drink. In the bar

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] Including movies in pdf files

2012-12-02 Thread Bill Meahan

On 12/02/2012 03:43 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:

Thanks for checking. This means that it is a viewer issue on Linux :-(


FWIW, Adobe Acrobat Reader 11.0 installs and runs on Xubuntu 12.04 i386 
(at least the normal functions run, haven't tried any of the oddball stuff).

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] 'kern': TrueType table and GPOS lookup feature

2012-11-30 Thread Bill Meahan

On 11/30/2012 11:05 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:

On 11/30/2012 10:58 AM, Steve White wrote:

5) There was also a report that OpenType kerning doesn't work in some
E-Book readers (I know this isn't the forum for that, but ...) .  My
iriver Story kerns very nicely text in FreeSerif.  Can I get an example
of an E-reader for which kerning fails?  (I really don't doubt that they

Natively I suppose? If a pdf file is viewed on an ebook reader it's 
not the ereader's issue.


PDF preserves typography IF the fonts are on the machine or embedded in 
the document. That includes kerning.

EPUB and Kindle are based on XHTML and pay no attention to any 
typography or kerning set by the creator. The *user* chooses the 
typeface and line-spacing while the text width is either the width of 
the screen or the width of the window if run on PC,Mac al. Any kerning 
is strictly a function of the E-reader and the particular typeface 
(font) chosen by the user.

The EPUB3 spec alleviates this somewhat as it allows font embedding.

Bill Meahan
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[NTG-context] Standalone current

2012-11-29 Thread Bill Meahan
What, if anything, is the difference between the version of ConTeXt in 
the TeXLive distribution and the version one gets when running --context=current --modules=all


Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] Standalone current

2012-11-29 Thread Bill Meahan

On 11/29/2012 01:19 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:

On 11/29/2012 7:09 PM, Bill Meahan wrote:

What, if anything, is the difference between the version of ConTeXt in
the TeXLive distribution and the version one gets when running --context=current --modules=all

the texmfcnf.lua file

Thank you! That helps my understanding of the system.

Bill Meahan
Westland, Michigan USA

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Re: [NTG-context] beta

2012-11-22 Thread Bill Meahan

On 11/21/2012 05:41 PM, Otared Kavian wrote:

Hi Hans,

I made some testings with the new beta and noticed that there are a few maths 
characters or commands which are broken now.

Strictly FYI, Arkandis Digital Foundry has a couple of math fonts 
available. I can't say how good/useful they are since I don't typeset 
math but I noticed them while visiting the Arkandis site and thought I'd 
pass the information along.

More info:

Bill Meahan
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[NTG-context] inright with location=hanging does not do what is expected.

2012-11-20 Thread Bill Meahan
Apparently the listserver thought this was spam given my original 
subject lines contained a backslash, square brackets and curly brackets. :(

Let's try this again:

Maybe I'm reading the documentation (such as it is) wrong but  I would 
expect specifying [location=hanging] to drop the margin text down 
alongside what follows instead of raising up to be even with what has 
preceded it.

Minimal example:


\input montgomery
\inright[][align=right,location=hanging]{Shoulder Text}
\input knuth


The Shoulder Text is aligned upward from the end of ward so it is 
alongside the ward quote. I would have expected it to be aligned 
downward alongside the knuth quote.  Am I missing something?

Bill Meahan
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[NTG-context] [***SPAM***] \inright[][location=hanging]{} does not do what is expected.

2012-11-19 Thread Bill Meahan
Maybe I'm reading the documentation (such as it is) wrong but  I would 
expect specifying [location=hanging] to drop the margin text down 
alongside what follows instead of raising up to be even with what has 
preceded it.

Minimal example:


\input montgomery
\inright[][align=right,location=hanging]{Shoulder Text}
\input knuth


The Shoulder Text is aligned upward from the end of ward so it is 
alongside the ward quote. I would have expected it to be aligned 
downward alongside the knuth quote.  Am I missing something?

Bill Meahan
Westland, Michigan USA

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[NTG-context] Suddenly can't run context

2012-11-18 Thread Bill Meahan
Something has changed on my system and I can't find it. Perhaps someone 
can point me where I should look.

I've had the texlive2012 installed since it came out and until a couple 
of days ago everything worked just fine. All of a sudden, things 
changed. I did nothing directly to the texlive distribution.

wwm@escherton$ context --version  gives the error output at the end of 
this note

wwm@escherton$ sudo context --version works just fine

wwm@escherton$ mtxrun --version works just fine as does mtxrun --script 
fonts --reload c.

I created a new user.

context@escherton$ context --version works just fine

I deleted the texlive distribution  and re-installed it. No change. I've 
run sudo context --generate several times with no change in behavior. 
I've deleted the local .texlive2012 directory but since context won't 
run, it doesn't get recreated. I can set TEXMF and then context will run 
but it takes a much longer time than usual and the disk activity light 
is on almost solid.

Any ideas?

Linux Escherton 3.2.0-33-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 18 16:19:45 UTC 
2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

(XUbuntu 12.04)

Error output below:

wwm@Escherton$ context --version

mtxrun  | forcing cache reload
resolvers   | resolving | unknown configuration file 
resolvers   | resolving | unknown configuration file 
resolvers   | resolving | unknown configuration file 
resolvers   | resolving | unknown configuration file 
resolvers   | resolving | unknown configuration file 
resolvers   | resolving | unknown configuration file 
resolvers   | resolving | unknown configuration file 
resolvers   | resolving | unknown configuration file 
resolvers   | resolving | unknown configuration file 
resolvers   | resolving | unknown configuration file 

resolvers   | resolving |
resolvers   | resolving | warning: no lua configuration files found
resolvers   | resolving | no texmf paths are defined (using TEXMF)
resolvers   | resolving |
mtxrun  | the resolver databases are not present or outdated
resolvers   | resolving | using suffix based filetype 'lua'
resolvers   | resolving | remembering file 'mtx-context.lua'
resolvers   | resolving | using suffix based filetype 'lua'
resolvers   | resolving | remembering file 'mtx-contexts.lua'
resolvers   | resolving | remembered file 'mtx-context.lua'
resolvers   | resolving | using suffix based filetype 'lua'
resolvers   | resolving | remembering file 'mtx-t-context.lua'
resolvers   | resolving | using suffix based filetype 'lua'
resolvers   | resolving | remembering file 'mtx-t-contexts.lua'
resolvers   | resolving | remembered file 'mtx-t-context.lua'
resolvers   | resolving | using suffix based filetype 'lua'
resolvers   | resolving | remembering file 'context.lua'
mtxrun  | unknown script 'context.lua' or 'mtx-context.lua'

Bill Meahan
Westland, Michigan USA

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Re: [NTG-context] Suddenly can't run context

2012-11-18 Thread Bill Meahan

On 11/18/2012 07:53 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
1. Run mtxrun --generate as normal user followed by context --make; 

Won't run as me - same error messages. Ran as another normal user but 
it didn't do anything for me. Same running via sudo

2. Something is messed up in $HOME/texmf or $HOME/.texlive2012. Rename 
these directories to something different and try again.


Done that several times -- no dice



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Re: [NTG-context] Epub woes

2012-11-17 Thread Bill Meahan

On 11/17/2012 02:08 AM, luigi scarso wrote:

( IPDF is the output of the new iTEX from Knuth, see


That should have been *IDPF* (International Digital Publishing Forum) 
which is the group that defines the epub standard.

Some day I'm goint to learn how to tpye.  ;)

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] Epub woes

2012-11-16 Thread Bill Meahan

On 11/15/2012 11:17 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:

Pandoc does generate ConTeXt output as well, which you can then 
process the usual way to generate pdf.

The advantage of pandoc is that **in addition** to latex/context 
output, you can generate docbook/epub/html/doc/troff/ and other output 
formats as well.


I'm installing pandoc now. Looks pretty interesting. I suppose it's time 
I learned (extended) Markdown anyway. Thank goodness emacs has a mode 
for that. :)

Thanks for the info!

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] Epub woes

2012-11-16 Thread Bill Meahan

On 11/16/2012 02:13 AM, luigi scarso wrote:

I just started working on the epub output of my lecture notes
again, since there were no readers able to output math until 2
weeks ago.

Is there any reader able to read mathml ?


If you use Google Chrome (Chromium), you can get Readium from the Google 
Web Store. It's the IPDF's reference implementation of the epub3 
standard including MathML

Bill Meahan
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[NTG-context] Epub woes

2012-11-15 Thread Bill Meahan
I tried to generate an epub document using ConTeXt following the recipe 
on the wiki. Didn't work. So, I tried running the export-example.tex 
file that comes with the distribution, unmodified. Same bad results.

Cover is not generated
TOC is not generated (though it is noted this might be the state of 
the export)

Sectioning doesn't happen.
Paragraphing doesn't happen.
The resultant epub file cannot even be opened with FBReader.

Importing the epub into Sigil shows one big blob of text, with only the 
between word spacing that's present in the source file. The \quotation{} 
markup did get turned into quotation marks, chapter numbers were 
generated and the rest of the markup was stripped out.

Same behavior with both the TeXLive 2012 version of ConTeXt and a quite 
recent beta.

Up-to-date Ubuntu 12.04

Linux Escherton 3.2.0-32-generic #51-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 26 21:32:50 UTC 
2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

What am I doing wrong?

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] Epub woes

2012-11-15 Thread Bill Meahan

On 11/15/2012 02:24 PM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:

You have to tag paragraphs with


which are converted to p and /p otherwise you get br/ between paragraphs.


Oh, my! I'll have to go back and change hundreds of paragraphs! :(

What about the chapter headings, mucked up metadata c? I am using 
\startchapter..\stopchapter already.

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] Epub woes

2012-11-15 Thread Bill Meahan

On 11/15/2012 07:13 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:

Have you considered using pandoc to generate epub?

If your text is relatively simple (no multiline math, no fancy image 
scaling, no complicated tables, etc.), then Markdown is a reasonable 
input format. You can use pandoc to translate the text to multiple 
output formats (including ConTeXt).

In general, I have found pandoc's XHTML export to be more predictable 
than that of ConTeXt. I have used pandoc's epub export only for short 
articles, but from what I remember, it does handle cover images and 
toc correctly.


Nice idea Aditya but in this particular case it won't suffice.

I'm working on a rather long novel, not a technical document, and my 
/primary/ target electronic format is PDF. That PDF can be distributed 
electronically or submitted directly to a printer. In the current 
market, however, so many people want to read books on their smartphone, 
dedicated ebook reader or tablet an author really limits their market if 
they don't distribute an ebook version.

Of course, the two primary ebook formats (in terms of market) are epub 
and Kindle which is easy to generate from an epub. Sticking to ConTeXt 
allows me to generate PDF, Process PDF and epub from a single source. I 
can easily touch up the epub in Sigil if I need to.

For this kind of document, typography and excellent typesetting are 
extremely important (in the printed/PDF version, anyway). ConTeXt gives 
me that.

I'll keep pandoc in mind for some other documents, though. Thanks for 
the lead.

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] \chapter{} vs \startchapter..\stopchapter

2012-11-09 Thread Bill Meahan

On 11/09/2012 03:05 AM, luigi scarso wrote:

On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 8:49 PM, Bill Meahan wrote:

I note there are two different ways of handling a chapter:

The traditional \chapter{mytitle}

\startchapter[title=mytitle, ownnumber=N ..]

Is there any difference or advantage/disadvatage to using one
method or the other?

\startsection.. \stopsection: tagged pdf.

I don't quite understand the difference between tagged pdf and what 
you get when you use a TOC. I get the expected bookmarks (PDF TOC) using 
the latter.

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] \chapter{} vs \startchapter..\stopchapter

2012-11-09 Thread Bill Meahan

On 11/09/2012 01:25 PM, luigi scarso wrote:

On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 7:12 PM, Bill Meahan wrote:

I don't quite understand the difference between tagged pdf and
what you get when you use a TOC. I get the expected bookmarks (PDF
TOC) using the latter.

You need acrobat (the adobe reader is not enough, but I still have to 
check the reader 11)  to see the tagged content.

Got it. Sadly, recent versions of Acrobat do not (currently) run on 
Linux and there are problems running it via WINE. I do have a legal copy 
of Acrobat 8 around here. Perhaps that will work.

Adobe stopped supporting Linux after Acrobat 9 :(

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] [OT] Spacing research

2012-11-08 Thread Bill Meahan

On 11/08/2012 02:58 AM, Nicola wrote:

people in this list may be interested in reading this:


It was very interesting. Everything that makes my stuff look better is 
most welcome.

Bill Meahan
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[NTG-context] \chapter{} vs \startchapter..\stopchapter

2012-11-08 Thread Bill Meahan

I note there are two different ways of handling a chapter:

The traditional \chapter{mytitle}

\startchapter[title=mytitle, ownnumber=N ..]

Is there any difference or advantage/disadvatage to using one method or 
the other?

Other than the source code, is there anything that lists the keys for 
\startchapter somewhere? It's not documented in even the most recent 
command reference.

Many thanks!

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] scripts

2012-10-30 Thread Bill Meahan

On 10/30/2012 01:20 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
 filename 21 

This has been the correct Bourne shell (POSIX) syntax for many years. I 
think it goes all the way back to Bell Labs V7 IIRC

instead of filename.

is a bash-ism

I checked the scripts in the context tree and so far found no 
occurences but has two 's in it that might need fixing.


Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] scripts

2012-10-30 Thread Bill Meahan

On 10/30/2012 01:39 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:

sure, till one replaces bash by something non-bash-ish while the user 
still thinks he's running bash (i always fear the moment that someone 
decides that swapping the 'cp' arguments without renaming the command 
is a good idea -)

(i wouldn't be surprised if it can backfire badly in more complex 


My background is in commercial Unix and I've had situations like 
having to administer an HP box (HPUX) a Sun box (Solaris) a Teradata box 
(some flavor or other of SYS V R4) some BSD and Linux on the same day. 
:) Only thing I could count on was the official ATT Bourne shell syntax.

I use ksh93 (the ATT distribution) as my login shell.

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] scripts

2012-10-30 Thread Bill Meahan

On 10/30/2012 07:21 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:

So the question is, should the scripts that come with context (like 
the installer) be explicit and become #! /bin/bash ?


If you're depending on specific syntax or features of bash, that would 
be the way to go. I suspect most/all Linux and BSD distributions come 
with bash, even if it's not the default shell.

Solaris or HPUX or AIX not so much. Since I didn't always have root, I 
couldn't install bash even if I wanted to so I stuck to Bourne shell. 
KSH93 is a superset but 100% upwards compatible so anything written for 
the Bourne shell will run as expected. Not quite sure what PDKSH does.

Bill Meahan
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[NTG-context] PDF security settings

2012-10-13 Thread Bill Meahan

Setting author, title, keywords metadata is rather simple.

Is there a corresponding way to set PDF security properties, e.g. 
allow/disallow comments, allow/disallow printing c.

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] PDF security settings

2012-10-13 Thread Bill Meahan

On 10/13/2012 02:32 PM, luigi scarso wrote:

On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 8:12 PM, Bill Meahan wrote:

Setting author, title, keywords metadata is rather simple.

Is there a corresponding way to set PDF security properties, e.g.
allow/disallow comments, allow/disallow printing c.

Have you seen qpdf ?


I was hoping to do it directly from ConTeXt instead of using a separate 

Bill Meahan
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[NTG-context] Multi-paragraph quotations according to AP

2012-09-24 Thread Bill Meahan
One of the things I do with ConTeXt is publish a newsletter. The 
organization I publish for requires me to conform to the Associated 
Press (AP) Stylebook for all grammar, punctuation and usage. The AP 
Stylebook requires every paragraph in a quotation to have an open 
quotation mark but only the last paragraph has the close quotation 
mark at the end.

\startquotation .. \stopquotation easily takes care of the open on the 
first paragraph and close at the end of the last. What I can't figure 
out is how to put an open quotation mark on the intervening paragraphs.

I've tried various combinations of \setupstartstop and friends but 
without success. Is there an easy/straight-forward way to do this?

Example (line spaces between paragraphs are for illustration purposes 

This is the first paragraph. It has an open quotation mark but no 
close. Blah, blah blah 

This is the second paragraph. It has an open quotation mark, too, but 
no close. Blah, blah blah 

This is the third paragraph. It has an open quotation mark as well but 
no close. Blah, blah blah 

This is the last paragraph and it needs a closing quotation mark, too.

Thanks, everyone.

Bill Meahan
Westland, Michigan USA

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Re: [NTG-context] Multi-paragraph quotations according to AP

2012-09-24 Thread Bill Meahan

On 09/24/2012 05:24 PM, Sietse Brouwer wrote:
\setupquotation[repeat=yes, middle=“] or 
\setupdelimitedtext[quotation][repeat=yes, middle=“] The repeat key 
specifies whether to put something at the start of intervening 
paragraphs; the middle key tells us what to put there. If you have 
time, could you add a note explaining those keys to ? I'd be much 
obliged. Kind regards, and good luck with your work, Sietse 
Unfortunately, I get _two_ open-quote marks on the first paragraph and a 
space between the open-quote mark and the first word of the other 

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] Multi-paragraph quotations according to AP

2012-09-24 Thread Bill Meahan

On 09/24/2012 07:08 PM, Sietse Brouwer wrote:

\setupquotation[repeat=yes, middle=“]


Problem in my test file :(  Works fine if I create a new file and put in 
bits and pieces from my test file rather than running the whole thing.

I use the TexLive 2012 version but I tested with today's ConTeXt 
standalone and got the same results.


Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] No cmyk support in MKIV (TexLive 2012 version)?

2012-09-10 Thread Bill Meahan

On 09/10/2012 03:13 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:



Thanks as always. Spotted the 7 not .7 typo two minutes after I hit 
the send key. Sigh.

Everything is working fine now and even the error message has disappeared.

Thanks, as always.

If anyone wants to see what I'm using ConTeXt for, visit (PDF output of ConTeXt is converted to jpeg 
for the web externally).

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] No cmyk support in MKIV (TexLive 2012 version)?

2012-09-10 Thread Bill Meahan

On 09/10/2012 10:59 AM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:

Just curious. Why don't you enable hanging punctuation?


I thought I did!  From my environment file:



Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] No cmyk support in MKIV (TexLive 2012 version)?

2012-09-10 Thread Bill Meahan

On 09/10/2012 08:06 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:

It did not look enabled at first glance. All the end quotes on 69 [1] 
look a bit short of the line length (but I don't recall whether 
hanging punctuation hangs the quotes or not).

However, now that I looked carefully, I see that hanging punctuation 
is indeed enabled (the hyphen in the 3rd last para of Page 69, and all 
those commas and period on page 1 [2]).


Hope you enjoy the story! :)

Bill Meahan
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[NTG-context] No cmyk support in MKIV (TexLive 2012 version)?

2012-09-09 Thread Bill Meahan
Trying to define some spot colors using the wiki examples. I get the 
following error message every time I run MKIV:

colors   cmyk color space is not supported

Here's the relevant section of my environment file:

% Turn on colors.
% Define the colors we want to use and give a print shop Pantone
% equivalents to work with,
% set up the cmyk fallbacks


% Define tints of spot colors to be used in document for coloring text
   [p=1,e=PANTONE 294 PC]

   [p=1,e=PANTONE 300 PC]

I do get the DarkBlue in my pdf output but no sign of the LightBlue 

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] Promotion of the ConTeXt IRC channel

2012-09-07 Thread Bill Meahan

On 09/07/2012 06:57 AM, Marco Patzer wrote:

At the moment the channel is dead, which is probably due to the fact
that no one knows of its existence. But it might turn into a
valuable source of information, e.g. regarding installation problems
for which the mailing list might not be as suitable.

After being on the internet since the early 1980's I can say with 
certainty if one person is having a particular problem others have or 
will have it, too. A searchable archive of answers (like a mailing list 
archive) is far more valuable than the ephemeral presence of any sort of 
IM channel.

IM channels are really helpful when an expert needs to walk someone 
through something or do interactive problem investigations in real-time, 
but answers, regardless of how unique they seem at the time, are best 
kept where others can find them because they *will* be needed again.

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] \setupdelimitedtext not working in TeXLive 2012

2012-09-03 Thread Bill Meahan

On 09/03/2012 12:31 AM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:

Am 03.09.2012 um 04:14 schrieb Bill Meahan

The syntax changed in MkIV, you need now 
\setupdelimitedtext[quotation:1][..,..=..,..] etc.

Thanks, Wolfgang!  Super-helpful as always and much appreciated.

Bill Meahan
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[NTG-context] \setupdelimitedtext not working in TeXLive 2012

2012-09-02 Thread Bill Meahan
This used to work to provide proper behavior for nested quotations. Now, 
it doesn't work and the log shows errors for all 3 of

missing or ungrouped '=' after 'n' (371quotation:)where n=1,2,3 
as they are encountered.




Did the syntax change or is it a bug?

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] correspondence: Wrong version string in module?

2012-08-25 Thread Bill Meahan

On 08/25/2012 07:05 AM, Sietse Brouwer wrote:

Y'know, Hans and Wolfgang having time travel powers would explain an
awful lot. The inhuman speed of development ... the instantaneous
answers ... and that haunting feeling, impossible but inescapable,
that ConTeXt is bigger on the inside.

Probably only the tip of the iceberg of what they are giving us for 
Christmas. :)

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] setuptex on Debian

2012-08-24 Thread Bill Meahan

On 08/24/2012 11:36 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:

recently i had to configure a debian machine (normally i use opensuse) 
and found out that some scripts didn't work because instead of bash 
something dash (b-d) was used ... maybe that's the issue

The safest thing to do for scripts is to stick to /bin/sh - the POSIX 
shell. Bash is a good shell but not the default shell on many *nix, BSD 
and *nux systems. On BSD, it has to be installed as an optional package. 
/bin/sh may not always be the default but I've yet to find a system 
where it isn't present in the default install.

/bin/sh is a superset of the original Unix Bourne shell and implements 
most features of ksh - the Korn shell.

Relying on the features of any other shell (bash, dash, csh, zsh c.) 
may get some extra functionality but breaks portability. Bash will run 
scripts written for /bin/sh without modification but the reverse is not 
always true.

Just an FYI from someone who's been using Unix, derivatives and 
work-alikes since Bell Labs V7 :)

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] setuptex on Debian

2012-08-24 Thread Bill Meahan

On 08/24/2012 12:32 PM, luigi scarso wrote:

$source setuptext
 but the last one is a bash extension.

Actually it is in ksh (or ksh93) predefined as an alias for '.'

I *think* it's in the POSIX standard but I'm not quite sure.

'sh' on Debian-derived systems (including *buntu) is an alias for dash, 
not the POSIX shell although the man page for dash says it is being 
worked on for POSIX compliance.

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] Pointer to manual.

2012-08-16 Thread Bill Meahan

On 08/16/2012 11:25 AM, Taco Hoekwater wrote:

On 08/16/2012 04:06 PM, john Culleton wrote:

Still looking for a pointer to the latest revision of Context
Reference Manual even if incomplete. Or is there a separate MKIV

Best wishes,

FYI: The version at the wiki has a Cover Date of June 1, 2011 while the 
version that comes with Tex Live 2012 has a Cover Date of June 9, 2011

I haven't looked at the SVN version (yet).

Bill Meahan
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Re: [NTG-context] A series of articles about text-editors for the MAPS

2012-08-08 Thread Bill Meahan

On 08/08/2012 09:19 AM, Martin 'golodhrim' Scholz wrote:

Hi Willi,

I used vim/gvim in the past and switched to emacs. I write all my stuff
with ConTeXt and with some tweaking of the commands you can also make
mkiv run inside of emacs. also nice is to write your metapost and use
the metapost mode for it that can generate a preview inside emacs for
you. Together with auctex and reftex emacs is in my opinion the best
tool for writing TeX/LaTeX/ConTeXt documents.

I USED to run emacs + auctex but the ConTeXt support in auctex is 
minimal so I asked on the auctex mailing list if there would be any 
expansion of the ConTeXt support. I got back a one-sentence reply:

Code doesn't change itself.

That ticked me off as the FSF has done for 30+ years. Not everyone is a
developer and just having the source code doesn't mean you understand 
the language, the programming style, the particular programmer's choice 
of tricks or the way the software is broken up into functions, what 
functions are global and what functions are package-specific.

A polite, No, there's nobody working on it right now. might not have 
gored my ox so badly.

Since I'm going to have to write the kind of ConTeXt support I want, I 
switched to Textadept. Textadept is conceptually similar to emacs but it 
has been designed from the ground up for modern systems (emacs dates 
back to the 1970's) and uses Lua for an extension language. Lua is 
sufficiently similar to languages I have worked with in the past so 
learning it is pretty easy compared to learning LISP (aka Long 
Indecipherable Sets of Parentheses) which is unlike anything else, period.

Textadept is based on Scintilla rather than some home-grown display 

I'm working on a ConTeXt-specific extension mode for ConTeXt that will 
not only provide syntax highlighting and command completion, but will 
provide command-specific option and parameter pick-lists for each 
command. Unfortunately, it's in my queue behind a couple of other big 
writing/journalism projects and won't be done for a while.

I thought I was done coding after 45+ years of doing it but I guess I'm not.

Sorry for the rant.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

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  creative fantasy and appallingly
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  —Anthony Powell

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Re: [NTG-context] A series of articles about text-editors for the MAPS

2012-08-08 Thread Bill Meahan

On 08/08/2012 11:02 AM, luigi scarso wrote:

Anyone involved in TeX programming has no fear of all others languages.

I've never programmed in Plain TeX. I'm not afraid of other languages, 
though. I've programmed in Assembler (several varieties for 8-bit, 
12-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit machines), SPS, FORTRAN II, FORTRAN IV 
(several varieties), WATFOR, FORTRAN 77, FOCAL, BASIC/Visual Basic 
(several varieties), C, Ada, PL/SQL, SQL, Perl, sh, ksh, bash, FORTH and 
several others I've forgotten including some application-specific 
macro languages. LISP, however, isn't structured like any of those. 
Lua is. For the way my brain works, the learning-curve for Lua is much 
shorter than the learning-curve for LISP.

why not Scite ? It's the Hans's preferred editor.

Tried it, have it installed, added Hans's lexers but still wasn't 
satisfied. If I have to hack on something to get what I want, Textadept 
is easier to hack than SciTE since it's pretty much a reimagining (as 
the folks in Hollywood like to say) of emacs for the 21st Century and 
designed for user-driven additions/expansions.

I've already added interactive spell-checking with aspell (in a separate 
window), dictionary lookup (and thesaurus-only lookup) via dict, running 
context with a single key and launching a PDF viewer with a single key

This is getting way OT. Let's end it here.
Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
  hard work.”

  —Anthony Powell

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Re: [NTG-context] Et tu, Taco?

2012-08-06 Thread Bill Meahan

On 08/05/2012 05:00 PM, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس   سماوي حامد wrote:

Dear Knights of the ConTeXt Table,

I am sad to report that our beloved Taco has gone over to the dark side:

Is there a Merlin among us to bring back our holy grail? Wolfgang? Luigi?


Best wishes

Poor Taco. Other than the tabs he has managed to duplicate the 
features Emacs has had for some time now albeit at the expense of 
installing a couple of optional packages. Then there's Lyx, Texworks...

Perhaps we need our own deprogrammers to help rescue our community 
members from the Cult of Mac. :)

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
  hard work.”

  —Anthony Powell

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[NTG-context] Layers

2012-08-06 Thread Bill Meahan

Is there any issue with stacking layers on top of each other?

What I want to do is create a newsletter nameplate consisting of a base 
layer containing a JPEG graphic of a logo, a partially-transparent layer 
above that to screen the graphic and a top layer containing the 
newsletter name in a large and fancy font ala' *The New York Times  al.

I've already created a nameplate in Inkscape and can simply place the 
resultant graphic but I'd like to do the whole thing in ConTeXt if I can 
as I could easily use the technique in other situations.

I'll wikify any answers.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
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  —Anthony Powell

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Re: [NTG-context] Layers

2012-08-06 Thread Bill Meahan

On 08/06/2012 02:47 PM, luigi scarso wrote:

I'll add that to the wiki under Layers where it will be a little easier 
to find. :)

Many, many thanks!

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
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  —Anthony Powell

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Re: [NTG-context] Et tu, Taco?

2012-08-06 Thread Bill Meahan

On 08/06/2012 03:42 PM, Alan BRASLAU wrote:

Oh, you mean TECO...


Yup. Type in your name on the command line and try to guess what it will 
do. :)

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
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Re: [NTG-context] Adobe Source

2012-08-03 Thread Bill Meahan

On 08/03/2012 08:30 AM, Philipp Gesang wrote:

Hi all,

here’s the announcement:

A typescript and a demo file can be found here:

Use as you like.

Thank you Philipp! This is a really important event in the history of 
electronic fonts and it's wonderful you've made it available to ConTeXt 
users so quickly.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
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Re: [NTG-context] Adobe Source

2012-08-03 Thread Bill Meahan

On 08/03/2012 12:17 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:

On 3-8-2012 18:13, Bill Meahan wrote:

if needed we can add the typescript to the distribution

I'll raise my glass of unsweetened iced tea in toast to that idea! :)

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
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  —Anthony Powell

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Re: [NTG-context] SVG?

2012-07-29 Thread Bill Meahan

On 07/29/2012 04:25 AM, luigi scarso wrote:

On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 6:33 PM, Bill Meahan wrote:

No, mkiv still uses inkscape. Some time ago I've seen rsvg I've also
tried a kind of native support with a lua binding for librsvg, but the
rsvg converter is not good as the inkscape program.

No problem! Just looking to see if I needed to take that extra step 
while I'm still in Inkscape.

Not an issue just a curiosity.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

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  creative fantasy and appallingly
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Re: [NTG-context] Font recognition with command context, but not with command texexec

2012-07-29 Thread Bill Meahan

On 07/29/2012 03:34 AM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:

For MkII you have to load the typescript file and the typescript
yourself while for MkIV these two steps are done together with the
\setupbodyfont command when the name for the typeface, typescript and
file is the same (e.g. gentium and type-gentium).


This little text is enough to demonstrate the problem.


Just curious: will ConTeXt use the fontconfig mechanism some day or are 
there technical/philosophical reasons not to?

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

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  creative fantasy and appallingly
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[NTG-context] SVG?

2012-07-28 Thread Bill Meahan
Do recent versions of MKIV (specifically, the one in TeXLive 2012) 
support SVG graphics directly or is it still necessary to convert to PDF 
as in the wiki example?

I've created a couple of items in Inkscape and can save them to PDF 
directly without the automatic background conversion but native SVG 
support would be better if it exists.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
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  —Anthony Powell

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Re: [NTG-context] define vs setup

2012-07-26 Thread Bill Meahan

On 07/26/2012 04:13 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:

On 26-7-2012 05:21, S Barmeier wrote:

You can \setup what you \define|d yourself and \setup what is
pre\define|d, but not \setup something that is not \define|d.

Maybe ;)

it depends .. often it's:



sometimes there are no defines because a feature is generic or global in
nature. often a define generates a command (\whatever, \startwhatever), etc

btw, a redefine does not reset already set parameters (in mkii that is
often the case but not in mkiv)

it all depends on what kind of functionality you're dealing with


OK, let's deal with a specific use case.

I'm publisher/editor/reporter/photographer/mailer/janitor/coffeemaker 
for an organizational newsletter. I've done lots of other newsletters 
before but using DTP programs. I really want to use ConTeXt for this one
because the layout is (required to be) absolutely identical from one 
issue to the next.

Like a traditional newspaper, the front page will contain the masthead, 
headline and (for this one) a mandatory Privacy Act Notification. I'm 
virtually certain I can handle the three special bits using layers and
which will leave the margins and text area the same as the rest of the 
pages albeit with no header or footer. Hence, by definition, the front 
page is a makeup page for which the examples on the wiki are a bit, 
shall we say, sparse.

Without the makeup page, a \setuplayout [settings] works just 
wonderfully - I have a dummy with which I'm doing testing so I actually 
tried it. :)

Would I correctly, then, do the following:

% Global layout

[settings]   % Only those things that are different from the global


% other definitions, fonts yadda, yadda, yadda


\startmakeup [frontpage]
% place the layers

% content


% continue content as required


Sorry for the length of this note but I thought it better to explain the 
whole thing upfront than in bits and pieces.

Thanks for all the help. I'm really loving ConTeXt but switching after
mumble years of using LaTeX and DTP programs is proving a little more 
of a challenge than I expected. Old dogs *can* learn new tricks but it 
takes a bit more work. :)

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
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  —Anthony Powell

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Re: [NTG-context] define vs setup

2012-07-26 Thread Bill Meahan

On 07/26/2012 11:34 AM, Marco Patzer wrote:

On 2012-07-26 Bill Meahan wrote:

Hi Bill,

it's a typo:



Sorry 'bout that. :)

I've never been a good typist even though I can dump a lot of text 
into a file in a short time. It *is* correct in my actual test file.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

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  creative fantasy and appallingly
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[NTG-context] define vs setup

2012-07-25 Thread Bill Meahan

I'm confused again. :\

When do you use a \defineSOMETHING instead of \setupSOMETHING ?

Must something be \define'ed before it is \setup or is it the other 
way around or is one required or one not or Reading the manual and 
wiki just leaves me more confused since examples are given which use one 
OR the other but don't seem to require both. Or am I missing something 

Reading the pages for the individual commands doesn't help since it is 
often the case the page detailing the \define commands mostly seem

to imply \define inherits from \setup.


Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
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  —Anthony Powell

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Re: [NTG-context] setupbars

2012-07-09 Thread Bill Meahan
On Mon, 9 Jul 2012 09:26:51 +0200
Wolfgang Schuster wrote:

 The underlying Lua code accepts only “ex” and “em” as valid options
 for the “unit” key but I would also vote to accept either “pt”, “mm”
 etc. as unit value or to allow “rulethickness=…pt”.

It proposal has my vote!

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
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Re: [NTG-context] TeXlive 2012 released

2012-07-08 Thread Bill Meahan
On Sun, 8 Jul 2012 10:59:42 +0200
luigi scarso wrote:

Seems to have made it to several US mirrors. I installed it on both my
laptop and my desktop a short while ago. Each used a different mirror
for the installation.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
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Re: [NTG-context] beta

2012-06-27 Thread Bill Meahan

On 06/27/2012 08:52, Hans Hagen wrote:


I uploaded a new beta. In the process of cleanup I kicked out some of
the supp-* modules, most noticeably the visual debugger. That one has
been replaced by another mechanism and a merge of some functionality
already present in modules (and more might be moved into it).

Which beta will be included in the released version of texlive 2012?

Will other updates be included in texlive updates?

Just curious about how closely the texlive version (which I use) follows 
the beta version referred to on the list.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
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Re: [NTG-context] beta

2012-06-27 Thread Bill Meahan

On 06/27/2012 10:11, Mojca Miklavec wrote:

No. They might be included in TLContrib, but betas are often a bit
broken and I find it very important to have a stable working version
at least in TeX Live.

Bugs that are reported  easy to fix may see bugfixes in TeX Live, but
betas as such won't propagate into TL. Also, if fonts that are being
used by ConTeXt will be updated during the year, it might be desirable
to update font names in ConTeXt in TeX Live as well.


Great information. Over four decades of working on computers (hardware 
design through embedded OS creation through global corporate app 
development) have taught me to be wary of chasing features in The 
Latest and Greatest version of anything. :)

Bug fixes are a different issue!

I'm really beginning to love ConTeXt over LaTeX and I'm glad to see the 
extensive work you folks are doing to improve the product.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
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  —Anthony Powell

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Re: [NTG-context] beta

2012-06-27 Thread Bill Meahan

On 06/27/2012 11:22, luigi scarso wrote:

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Bill  wrote:

You can also see an  exotic extension of MKIV in

Yep. That is definitely exotic!

My use-case has nothing to do with mathematics, I'm more interested in 
typesetting traditional prose according to various book designs. Also in 
publishing an organizational newsletter which has a fixed layout hence 
is amenable to using TeX rather than DTP.

Terrific product that can handle both your usage and mine just as adroitly.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
  hard work.”

  —Anthony Powell

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Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt and SciTE

2012-06-20 Thread Bill Meahan

On 06/20/2012 11:24, Aditya Mahajan wrote:

On Wed, 20 Jun 2012, Hans Hagen wrote:

On 20-6-2012 05:04, Bill Meahan wrote:

Anybody got a ctags file for ConTeXt? :-)

what are ctags

They allow you to jump around to specific locations in a file.

SciTE also uses them to generate auto-completion/insertion of language 
commands so a ctags file for ConTeXt itself would be useful.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
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  —Anthony Powell

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Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt and SciTE

2012-06-20 Thread Bill Meahan

On 06/19/2012 17:57, Hans Hagen wrote:

On 19-6-2012 23:27, Bill Meahan wrote:

On 06/19/2012 16:43, Hans Hagen wrote:

and you can give spell checking a try (you can use mtxrun --script
--scite to convert a list with words into one suitable for the context


fyi: the context lexers do realtime checking in combination with regular


Tried this, ran into problems.

1. Running the command as shown generates a spell-xx.lua file but 
complains about a spell-xx.lucluac file not being present.

2. The lexer does not load the spell-xx.lua file but will find the 
spell-xx.txt file and try to use that.

3. English words are only found if the 'xx' is 'uk' while 'en' or 'us' 
or 'ca' (Canadian) are not found no matter if % language={en | us | ca} 
(one choice only, I'm just using shorthand here). uk is one particular 
form of English with particular spelling rules (e.g. 'our' instead of 
'or' in words like 'honour' al. There are also some terms proper in UK 
English that are not considered proper in US English and vice versa.) If 
all variants are not allowed, the generic 'en' ought to be used instead 
of 'uk' as it could be confusing to non-UK users. Ozzies and Kiwis may 
not mind but Yanks and Canucks do. :-)

4. Every 3-letter word is indicated as misspelled. This may be a 
side-effect of using the SCOWL word lists as they only deal with words  
3-letters (except for some acronyms). Hence common words like 'was' or 
'who' or 'and' are marked as misspelled.

5. Only the first screen-full of text was color-coded. The rest of my 
document did not even have keyword highlighting. Turning off the 
spell-checking by removing the 'language=uk' line restored keyword 
highlighting throughout the whole file.

SciTE 3.1.0 on FreeBSD-9.0-i386

The wordlist(s) tried were from SCOWL 7.1 at
formed by cat en*80 | sort | uniq spell-uk.txt

Yes, that is a big wordlist but decades of doing crosswords has left me 
with a large vocabulary. ;-)

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
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Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt and SciTE

2012-06-20 Thread Bill Meahan

On 06/20/2012 14:44, Hans Hagen wrote:

On 20-6-2012 20:02, Hans Hagen wrote:

indeed, internally there is a limit of length 2

i can probably do a check for length i.e. if no 3 character words then
also no checking

the next version has

return {

so in your case the 3 would be a 4 and that value is checked when coloring


Cool! Many thanks.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

“Writing is a combination of intangible
  creative fantasy and appallingly
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  —Anthony Powell

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Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt and SciTE

2012-06-20 Thread Bill Meahan

On 06/20/2012 14:02, Hans Hagen wrote:

On 20-6-2012 18:37, Bill Meahan wrote:

1. Running the command as shown generates a spell-xx.lua file but
complains about a spell-xx.lucluac file not being present.

luac compiles the lau file into bytecode (luac comes with lua and needs
to match the lua version in scite)

I'll have to check the version in scite. I tried manually compiling with 
lua 5.1 with no success.

hm, do you have spell-ca and spell-en etc files? there is no hard coded
uk check

I only tried it with spell-en.{txt | lua} - error message said no valid 
word list loaded. Made a hard link from spell-en.txt to spell-uk.txt and 
it found that. I manipulated the line 1 from %  language=en to

%  language=uk to see the difference.

Bill Meahan, Westland, Michigan USA

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  creative fantasy and appallingly
  hard work.”

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Re: [NTG-context] ConTeXt and SciTE

2012-06-19 Thread Bill Meahan

On 06/19/2012 04:58, Hans Hagen wrote:

On 19-6-2012 06:54, Bill Meahan wrote:

(Textadept has no realtime log pane so I cannot use it here without
sacrificing too much convenience.)

Might be fixable, at least on *nix system. Textadept 5.4 does allow 
running processes in a subshell. I'll have to investigate a bit.

on linux it's a bit more complex as you need to figure out where scite
keeps its properties files and that's sort of hard coded in the binary

(but it does work on linux)

Finding the properties files is pretty easy (/usr/local/share/scite/), 
Not sure where to put the lexers directory, though. I changed per the instructions. There is no 
file, nothing I've found (so far) in the global file to enable lpeg 
support. Took a scan of the source code and didn't see anything 
blindingly obvious. I'll keep searching.

on osx it's not working as there is no lpeg support provided there

I'm on a FreeBSD-9.0 system. Since OSX is based on FreeBSD perhaps it is 
really there but it will take whatever I find out to make it active.

I'll let everyone know what I find. Thanks for the response.

Bill Meahan K8QN

The pessimist complains about the wind;
 the optimist expects it to change;
 the realist adjusts the sails.

-- William Arthur Ward

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