Generating income as a reason for orgainsed entry in the EHR[WAS: Re: hub, spoke, new Esperanto for healthcare, was Re: form-to-form translator, was Re: Solving the data type problem, was: ODB vs. RDMBS was: OIO-0.9.1 released

2003-12-29 Thread Adrian Midgley
On Monday 29 December 2003 22:06, Thomas Beale wrote:

 Experience with structured entry systems on the other hand (mainly in
 Europe) has shown that the computability of the data is much higher.
 I agree that computability of structured data is much higher. That is
  why the OIO project seeks to deliver structured data but allow the
  end-users maximal control regarding how the data are structured.

 but allowing end-users to do this is almost a guarantee that the
 structured data will not be computable; 

One likely reason for computing that data is because income is generated 
(via billing) from the recording of certain specific codes/concepts in the 
note.  Those dependent on that income may well wish (those working for 
them) to have a very specific way to record that strongly encourages that 
use of that externally developed and defined code/concept/archetype.
A collection of examples are those in the next spasm of Primary Care in 
the NHS.

Dr Adrian Midgley  I use Free software because it is better carefully didn't ask. 

Re: hub, spoke, new Esperanto for healthcare, was Re: form-to-form translator, was Re: Solving the data type problem, was: ODB vs. RDMBS was: OIO-0.9.1 released

2003-12-28 Thread Andrew Ho
On Sat, 28 Dec 2003, Tim Churches wrote:
 Converters are necessary evils. But having spent far too much time
 writing converters (80-90% of any epidemiological or statistical study
 is spent in data management and data preparation, which usually means
 writing custom converters), I am **very** interested in any means of
 having to write fewer of them in the future, not more.

Perhaps more re-use and more automative generation will lead to less need
for custom, hand-built converters that you are familiar with?

  This like saying if we standardize English then we won't have to
  worry about learning new words and slangs.
 People with strong individualistic traits tend to be suspicious of

This is quite characteristic of many physicians and scientists.

  These may be useful - but they are not replacements for converters.
  Thus, they must not prevent development of an adequate converters

 I have never seen any data dictionary, minimum dataset, terminology or
 other data harmonisation effort which has said Thou shall not develop
 data converters or converter infrastructure. Never, not once, ever.

Promoters of restrictive terminology tend to suggest converters are needed
only for exceptional cases and ought not be used regularly.  Instead of
recognizing converters as a desirable part of the semantic network, they
tend to see them as necessary evil :-).

  As I pointed out repeately, a constraint language is not sufficient. We
  also need a translation infrastructure. This is exactly why OpenEHR, in
  its current form, is inadequate.

 I agree with you here - that a translation infrastructure is needed -
 one that can take data collected in accordance with given metadata, and
 automatically convert the data into another form as defined by different
 metadata. AFAIK, openEHR does not currently provide that. But I have a
 hunch that openEHR may provide an excellent, principled basis on which
 to build such converter infrastructure.

Maybe you would be willing to help in this effort?

  The tricky part is avoiding falling into the same trap our predecessors
  fell into. OpenEHR's emphasis on creating common archetypes suggest it
  may fall into that exact same trap.

 Which trap was that?

Focusing on forming political structures to build and promote common
archetypes/terminology rather than constructing translator/converter

  To the extent that OpenEHR does not provide a translation facility, it
  will be rather hard for humans to create their own unique archetypes and
  make full use of them.

 Sorry, you've lost me there - what does a translation have to do with
 the ability to create archetypes?

Lack of translation tools leads to significant *disincentives* of
organized medicine to permit individual physicians the option of creating
their own archetypes.

 do you mean that everyone should have their own definitions of data

Not that they should - but that they can.

 With translators between them? Instead of shared definitions?

Yes. Without a translator infrastructure in place, shared definitions
(=restrictive terminiology) will be the only remaining option.

   Pretty soon, some will argue (effectively) that the
  solution to mutually incompatible OpenEHR archetypes will be to agree on a
  standard set of archetypes to use.

 I think the idea is to try to avoid the stage of mutually incompatible
 archetypes as far as possible, and skip straight to agreeing on a
 standard set of archetypes.

Such thinking leads us straight back to SNOMED, HL7, etc. Note that
mutually incompatible archetypes need not come from human error -
instead, they can also be caused by lack of translators! :-)

 Information system standards reflect existing constraints, not cause

By not providing an infrastructure to support translators, information
systems such as the one proposed by OpenEHR will be far more restrictive
and less semantically descriptive than free text. Organizations that
choose to adopt such systems will likely place new restrictions on their
physicians' ability to communicate.

  The question is _who_ should be allowed to describe medicine to
  computers? Should it be the priesthood of software engineers? The
  priesthood of elitist medical experts? Or any willing physician?

 That's a good question, and no-one is sure of the answer yet.

That is not so. Through design-decisions that we make when we construct,
test, and deply these information systems, we give clear answers to this
set of questions.

 Certainly the priesthood model has often failed, or often been rather

Surprisingly, we often do not act like we learned anything from these

   It is only possible to standardise those areas in which there is
   consensus or shared knowledge (or sometime shared belief). That's a lot
   of medicine, but not all of it.
  And who shall decide which fragment of knowledge to carve into stone?


Re: hub, spoke, new Esperanto for healthcare, was Re: form-to-form translator, was Re: Solving the data type problem, was: ODB vs. RDMBS was: OIO-0.9.1 released

2003-12-28 Thread Nandalal Gunaratne
 Exactly! That's the goal. But to do that, we need to describe a lot of
 medicine to computers in a way that they can understand.

This is one of the things we are trying to do. This does not need a standardization 
but rather a framework on which to develop, collect, information and to share them. 
Sharing forms is one simple way, sharing the structure on which a form should be 
built to allow sharing and comparison is another necessity.

A good simple example is the ICD10 Procedure Coding System. The system has developed a 
structure to facilitate coding which makes a way a computer will understand. This 
may look strange initially but once learnt makes for a less verbose, simple 
structured way of collecting data.

What do you think?

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Re: hub, spoke, new Esperanto for healthcare, was Re: form-to-form translator, was Re: Solving the data type problem, was: ODB vs. RDMBS was: OIO-0.9.1 released

2003-12-28 Thread Andrew Ho
On Sun, 28 Dec 2003, Thomas Beale wrote:
 Those who paint converters as evil are likely responsible for
 standardization failures of our past. Any information system that does
 not fully support converters cannot provide extensible semantics
 well, I don't think that's true - consider the 'information system'
 represented by a set of class texts in some library; for these to
 interoperate with the class texts of another programmer, there are
 various possibilities:
 - programmers A and B can collaborate to produce new or changed classes
 which work for both of them


In this context, collaborate is a out-of-band translation effort.

 - programmer B can inherit from a class of programmer A

Inherit is a special form of A-to-B translator.

 - programmer B can use a class of programmer A (i.e. use its interface)

This is re-use, not extension. Also, programmer B's ability to locate and
retrieve A's class also requires translation (of B's intention mapping to
A's published description).

 - the  system built by programmer B, having no prior knowledge of the
 system built by programmer A, might try to talk to it and use a dynamic
 invocation interface to ask it what its operations are and then try and
 make sense of them and call them

 I suggest that converters are analogous to the last category here; the
 first three categories represent some kind of a priori collaboration.

If you insist, you can call them a priori collaboration but they should
be modeled as translators if we wish to eventually automate much of it

 As I pointed out repeately, a constraint language is not sufficient. We
 also need a translation infrastructure. This is exactly why OpenEHR, in
 its current form, is inadequate.
 as I have pointed out a number of times in the past, there is room for
 'translation' of data via archetypes; all I have said is that it is not
 the front line approach in achieving interoperability.

I differ in this assessment. Interoperability through re-use of OIO forms
or OpenEHR archetypes is trivial. Our research and development focus will
be on translation services.

 it would be interesting to see:
 - the constraint language definition that you propose

This is the forms-metamodel, for example.

 - a description of the translation tools

1) Pick 2 forms, 2) define mapping between question items, 3) define
re-coding/transform functions, if any.

 - the OIO equivalent of a systemic arterial blood pressure
 measurement, an Apgar result, a glucse tolerance test result, a
 psychiatric note, 

These are all single data items. They will just be Question items on
OIO forms. For example (blood pressure),

  descriptionsystemic arterial blood pressure, supine/description


 A classic case of blaming human users for inadequate information
 systems!!!  Now, let's whip the human end-users into submission so that
 they won't dare question the wisedom of the perfect machines :-).
 Getting out of the sea of incompatible data means some kind of

Cooperation is one thing. Having no other option (to agree to disagree and
then use translators) is quite another thing.

 Sure it does. What if computer software can create these data converters
 without human intervention?
 if that's true, then you in fact have some kind of systematically
 computable compatibility between forms, and they are not in fact
 completely independently created.

Appearance of intelligence comes from the ability to discover non-obivous
relationships between concepts :-).

Completely independently created does not necessarily mean zero
computable compatibility.

 Can you show how you came to these conclusions?

  1) OpenEHR lacks a fully functional, open-source implementation
  -- No code to download.

  2) OpenEHR has no translation facility (and no recognition that a
 translation infrastructure is central to its professed future-proof
  -- Per OpenEHR design documents and recent discussion

  3) Target audience is not any willing physician - thus it is not capable
 of supporting a grass-roots build-out.
  -- No end-user tools that support deployable archetypes/templates for
  data collection and reporting

  4) Overly complex archetype model - unnecessarily hard to understand,
 needlessly difficult to implement
  -- why archetype model cannot be simpler is unclear
  -- archetype model did not come from incremental development based on
  real implementation experiences (that drove incrementally
  complex model)
  -- use of much jargon in documents that describe OpenEHR archetype
  model. If it is easier to understand, it may be easier to

 Perhaps we should publish a comparative analysis of a very simple

Re: hub, spoke, new Esperanto for healthcare, was Re: form-to-form translator, was Re: Solving the data type problem, was: ODB vs. RDMBS was: OIO-0.9.1 released

2003-12-24 Thread Nandalal Gunaratne

I agree with you completely. To think that the whole of medicine can be standardised 
is  to set forth on a never ending, increasingly frustrating quest. There are too many 
areas. In a sense let us start with the end user and tell them to collect data, and 
let them collect data in a way which makes it easy to build communicating portals for 
sharing information in a flexible way. Let the programmers worry about getting them to 
communicate rather than trying to tell them HOW they should communicate.



- Original Message -
From: Horst Herb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 14:14:43 +1100
Subject: Re: hub, spoke, new Esperanto for healthcare, was Re: form-to-form 
translator, was Re: Solving the data type   problem, was: ODB vs. RDMBS was: OIO-0.9.1 

 On Wed, 24 Dec 2003 12:32, Andrew Ho wrote:
  3) My proposal is to build hubs from the bottom-up - based on OIO forms
 that are in-use. Analagous to building a dictionary - opposite from
 building an universal language. Let's learn something from
 the failure of Esperanto,
 A MAJOR point, and I see this failure happening all over again and again, be 
 it in the domain of coding (where countless professionals have been mucking 
 around for decades in the quest for the ultimate coding system instead of 
 settling for a thesaurus like growing dictionary of terms) or in the domain 
 of health record architectures
 I'd wish we would settle for small independent modules all communicating via 
 *simple* protocols (like XML-RPC via HTTPS or Jabber), using self-growing 
 terminology dictionaries.
 I don't believe we need a monolithic architecture. All we need is well defined 
 APIs to extract and submit data.
 I don't believe these APIs need to be consistent/synchronized/monolithic:
 - there is no reason why demographic information should be dealt with in the 
 same way as for example vaccination records or a cardiovascular examination 
 or drug interactions.
 If our systems get too complicated, we will never get there. With all due 
 respect, the ADL of OpenEHR looks to me like a further complication rather 
 than simplification for example - yet another mini language where I believe 
 that using existent versatile markups (like YAML) could have the achieved the 
 same goal with less steep learning curve and the benefit of human 

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Re: hub, spoke, new Esperanto for healthcare, was Re: form-to-form translator, was Re: Solving the data type problem, was: ODB vs. RDMBS was: OIO-0.9.1 released

2003-12-24 Thread Horst Herb
On Wed, 24 Dec 2003 14:59, Thomas Beale wrote:
 I just had a look - it's cute! However, it only does the dADL part of
 ADL, not the cADL part - there is no constraint semantics that I saw

Think outside of the square. What is a constraint?

I can exactly describe all our object-relational database structures including 
all constraints as well relationships with YAML.

I can furthermore serialize any type of Python (Perl, Ruby ...) object with 

Now, if I can express archetypes as Python object (which I can of course) and 
I can accurately serialize that object with YAML, such an (empty) object 
would be the archetype, wouldn't it?

YAML was not designed as a markup language, although to me it still is one. It 
was designed to serialize objects from any high level language, and for 

You can use YAML just as a replacement for XML - but that would be using only 
a fraction of it's potential.

Shall I map you an example archetype in YAML? It would be easy I suppose. The 
power of data types like nested maps (dictionaries, hashtables) and ordered 
lists in combination with anchors (hyperlinks, relationships) allows you to 
express any type of constraint you can come up with. At first, you might 
think this is not so, it is overly simplifying. But then try to find a 
concrete example you cannot express in it, 


Re: hub, spoke, new Esperanto for healthcare, was Re: form-to-form translator, was Re: Solving the data type problem, was: ODB vs. RDMBS was: OIO-0.9.1 released

2003-12-23 Thread Thomas Beale
Horst Herb wrote:

If our systems get too complicated, we will never get there. With all due 
respect, the ADL of OpenEHR looks to me like a further complication rather 
than simplification for example - yet another mini language where I believe 
that using existent versatile markups (like YAML) could have the achieved the 
same goal with less steep learning curve and the benefit of human 

I just had a look - it's cute! However, it only does the dADL part of 
ADL, not the cADL part - there is no constraint semantics that I saw 
(but I promise to read the entire spec soon). dADL has about 1/4 of the 
syntax of YAML, so I wouldn't say it's terribly complex. Regardless, I 
am 90% sure that the dADL parts of an ADL archetype could be saved in 
YAML - if this seems a useful thing to do, we can write a YAML 
serialiser class, leaving the cADL part of the archetype in the middle 
intact, or perhaps with YAML-ised leaf nodes or similar.

Another language we just found out about is HUTN - human usable textual 

I actually still think we did a nice job on dADL - have a look at the 
'description' and 'ontology' sections of 
I wish XML had been done like this, to speak the truth... The 
'definition' part is in cADL.

- thomas

Re: hub, spoke, new Esperanto for healthcare, was Re: form-to-form translator, was Re: Solving the data type problem, was: ODB vs. RDMBS was: OIO-0.9.1 released

2003-12-23 Thread Andrew Ho
On Wed, 24 Dec 2003, Horst Herb wrote:

 On Wed, 24 Dec 2003 12:32, Andrew Ho wrote:
  3) My proposal is to build hubs from the bottom-up - based on OIO forms
     that are in-use. Analagous to building a dictionary - opposite from
     building an universal language. Let's learn something from
     the failure of Esperanto,

 A MAJOR point, and I see this failure happening all over again and again, be
 it in the domain of coding (where countless professionals have been mucking
 around for decades in the quest for the ultimate coding system instead of
 settling for a thesaurus like growing dictionary of terms) or in the domain
 of health record architectures


Well said :-).

 I'd wish we would settle for small independent modules all communicating via
 *simple* protocols (like XML-RPC via HTTPS or Jabber), using self-growing
 terminology dictionaries.

DrugRef.Org, FreeB, and ZSVG_Graph have already started this process. We
don't need to settle anything - just keep building these modules.

If they are easy to connect to, many systems will connect to them.

 I don't believe we need a monolithic architecture. All we need is well
 defined APIs to extract and submit data.

Again, I am opposed to wasting time discussing what is or is not a
well-defined API. Put forth a proposal via OpenHealth if you like, build
it, and maybe your colleagues will eventually try it and give feedback.
(Or just use it quietly).

By the way, I have been able to communicate with DrugRef.Org via XML-RPC
in Zope without issue. Great work! Look for it in a future release of OIO


Best regards,

Andrew P. Ho, M.D.
OIO: Open Infrastructure for Outcomes