Re: [osol-discuss] gcc compilation problem after upgrade to solaris 11.0

2011-12-10 Thread Ali Bahrami

On 12/10/11 4:20 AM, Bruno Damour wrote:

I upgraded some time ago from solaris 11 express to solaris 11.0.
I have a gcc/gnu installation built from sources in a zone.
I've discovered that trying now to compile doesn't work any longer.
Typically, configure fails with a message seaming to guess that I'm trying to 
cross compile without providing a --host option.
I sort of guess this is related to solaris 11 now beeing 64bit only ?
Doesn anyone know how I could recover a working gcc (apart from installing the 
ips provided gcc which is gcc-4.5.2 and recompiling my gcc 4.6.2) ?
Thanks for any hint


configure:6049: gcc -o conftest -I/usr/local/include -L/opt/local/lib -R/opt/local/lib 
conftest.c 5

 conftest.c:17:19: fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory

   This has nothing to do with Solaris being 64-bit only.
All that means is that there's no longer a 32-bit kernel.
Most people haven't run the 32-bit kernel for years, as x86
hardware has been able to support 64-bits for a long time.
Rest assured that S11's ability to run 32-bit code in natively
in userland is still there.

It's been ages since I built gcc, but I think that the messages about
cross compiling are just part of the process it goes through. Had the
test compile worked, it would likely have determined that it wasn't
building a cross compiler.

I think the error message about not finding stdio.h is likely at
the root of things. Have you installed the system header files?

# pkg search -r /usr/include/stdio.h
# path   file   usr/include/stdio.h 

# pkg install system/header

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] 32-bit noexec_user_stack on per-process basis?

2010-10-21 Thread Ali Bahrami

On 10/20/10 21:42, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:

While I still like the idea of a runtime function (new syscall
or extension to mprotect()) to control default stack or heap
permissions (mainly for use with a preloadable shared object
to apply to existing binaries that don't have a spare program
header, although some other runtime uses might be imaginable),
leaving oneself the leeway to patch a binary statically also
seems desirable.  I gather that something had been done
to leave some room so that for newer binaries, one could
patch in runpath changes longer than the original runpath
(whereas for older ones, one might well have been limited
to a new runpath that fit in the same space as the old one).

Are there any _current_ uses you can see for a spare unused
(PT_NULL) program header other than changing it into a
PT_SUNWSTACK header?  (I imagine that there's always a good
chance that future uses as yet unsupported might turn up,
i.e. some future feature that could be retrofitted into existing
binaries given a spare header to put it into; but I'm thinking
now in terms of current possibilities.)

The something was

6516118 Reserved space needed in ELF dynamic section and string table
PSARC 2007/127 Reserved space for editing ELF dynamic sections

This is definitely a similar idea, elfedit being the common thread.

I don't see another use for a spare program header, other
than for this SUNWSTACK purpose, at this time. However, the
cost of an extra program header is nil, so that doesn't worry me.

We'll see...

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] 32-bit noexec_user_stack on per-process basis?

2010-10-20 Thread Ali Bahrami

On 10/20/10 3:39 AM, wrote:

I had a few minutes today to try an experiment, and I'm afraid
the idea of having ld always generate a PT_SUNWSTACK is a non-starter.

The problem is that it overrides the behavior of 'set noexec_user_stack=1'
in /etc/system, and can therefore quietly allow programs that would
not previously been able to execute on the stack do so.

Thanks for this investigation.

There is another issue we haven't explored is the use a system call;
there's a sysconf(_SC_STACK_PROT) but there's no way to set in on the
fly.  If we create a function to change it on the fly, we could make a
LD_PRELOAD object which enforce it.  The current mapped pages would not be
protected but threadstacks and additional pages would be rw-.


Yet another possibility would be for ld to issue an extra PT_NULL
program header, rather than a PT_SUNWSTACK. PT_NULL is a no-op, and
would not alter behavior, but elfedit can be later be used to turn it
into something else, such as PT_SUNWSTACK.

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] 32-bit noexec_user_stack on per-process basis?

2010-10-19 Thread Ali Bahrami

On 10/17/10 10:01, Ali Bahrami wrote:

I've had the same thought about having ld always generate
a PT_SUNWSTACK, and even sent some internal email yesterday
proposing it to my fellow linker alien. It's actually simpler
than what we do now, since we'd just remove the code that
checks the header flags against the ABI defaults before issuing
the header. It seems reasonable to me, and we'll see what others think.

   I had a few minutes today to try an experiment, and I'm afraid
the idea of having ld always generate a PT_SUNWSTACK is a non-starter.

The problem is that it overrides the behavior of 'set noexec_user_stack=1'
in /etc/system, and can therefore quietly allow programs that would
not previously been able to execute on the stack do so.

I used the following test program to play with this.

#include stdio.h
#include strings.h

Code bytes for

static void f(void) { }

obtained by compiling with 'cc -Kpic', and using dis to disassemble.

f:  55 pushl  %ebp
f+0x1:  8b ec  movl   %esp,%ebp
f+0x3:  83 ec 04   subl   $0x4,%esp
f+0x6:  89 5d fc   movl   %ebx,-0x4(%ebp)
f+0x9:  8b 5d fc   movl   -0x4(%ebp),%ebx
f+0xc:  c9 leave
f+0xd:  c3 ret
0x80509ee:  90 nop
0x80509ef:  90 nop
unsigned char fbuf[] = {
0x8b, 0xec,
0x83, 0xec, 0x04,
0x89, 0x5d, 0xfc,
0x8b, 0x5d, 0xfc,

main(int argc, char **argv)
double buf[(sizeof(fbuf) + 7) / 8];
void (* fp)(void);

bcopy((void *) fbuf, buf, sizeof(fbuf));
fp = (void *) buf;
return (0);

I then put the following in /etc/system on my X86 system, and rebooted:

set noexec_user_stack=1
set noexec_user_stack_log=1

On my system:
% cc main.c
main.c, line 44: warning: assignment type mismatch:
pointer to function(void) returning void = pointer to void
% ./a.out
Segmentation Fault (core dumped)

This is what you'd expect: The a.out, and the IA32 ABI allow an executable
stack, but the kernel denies it due to noexec_user_stack. Running the same
executable on a system without the /etc/system setting, it works:

% ./a.out

Back on my system, let's give it a PT_SUNWSTACK, and disable the executable

% cc -Kpic -M /usr/lib/ld/map.noexstk main.c
main.c, line 40: warning: assignment type mismatch:
pointer to function(void) returning void = pointer to void
% ./a.out
Segmentation Fault (core dumped)

And using elfedit to modify the stack header, we can make this program
run to completion:

% elfedit -e 'phdr:p_flags -or sunwstack x' a.out
% ./a.out

Note that we've still got noexec_user_stack set. Putting this all together,
it appears that exec() uses the following rules when setting up the stack
for an executable:

1) Initialize stack protections to ABI default for platform
2) If noexec_user_stack is set, remove the execute bit from
   the stack permissions.
3) If the executable has a PT_SUNWSTACK header, replace the stack
   permissions with those given by the header.

So I'm imagining a system out there, in production, with noexec_user_stack set.
This system has a bunch of executables built with the ld defaults, and so, these
objects have no PT_SUNWSTACK. Two things happen:

1) The system is upgraded, and has our new ld that always
   issues PT_SUNWSTACK.

2) The executables are rebuilt on this new system.

The result is that programs on this production system that would previously
not have been allowed to execute code on the stack will now be allowed to do
so. And this will have happened happened without anyone thinking about the
security implications, or even being aware that they should. That's bad.

Until there's a consensus that Solaris should ignore the platform ABI,
I think we're back to the original assertion that the best you can do is
to always link with -M /usr/lib/ld/map.noexstk, and to set noexec_user_stack.

Since executables that need an executable stack are rare, another answer
is to always set noexec_user_stack, and to insist that programs that need
an executable stack must have a PT_SUNWSTACK that makes it so.

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] 32-bit noexec_user_stack on per-process basis?

2010-10-17 Thread Ali Bahrami

On 10/17/10 4:58 AM, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:

While it doesn't help existing binaries, would it be possible
to for new 32-bit binaries persuade the linker to issue a
redundant (same as ABI) PT_SUNWSTACK header?  That I
suppose elfedit _would_ be able to change after-the-fact.

I gather one could do it indirectly, by linking with -M /usr/lib/ld/map.noexstk
and then restoring stack execute permission with elfedit
(so that someone could take it away again later if they wanted to),
but that's clearly silly.

I just tried back on SXCE snv_97 (still haven't updated) with a map file
stack = STACK ?RWX;
and that appeared to work - the header was generated with the requested
permissions.  So it ought to be rather easy to change the linker to just
generate the header explicitly by default.

The point would be if inserting the seemingly redundant header could
happen by default, which would allow someone to correct the developer's
omission of turning off stack execute permission when linking.

OTOH, I suppose elfedit would mess with signed executables (not that
they're that big a deal until enforcement is generally available).

And of course, whenever reasonably expected calculations involving
future times would pass the Jan 19 03:14:07 2038 mark, the existing
32-bit ABI would be broken anyway.  (to figure out something
involving a 30 year mortgage, that would already have been a problem
for a couple of years now...)  Too bad larger time_t wasn't part of largefile

I've had the same thought about having ld always generate
a PT_SUNWSTACK, and even sent some internal email yesterday
proposing it to my fellow linker alien. It's actually simpler
than what we do now, since we'd just remove the code that
checks the header flags against the ABI defaults before issuing
the header. It seems reasonable to me, and we'll see what others think.

I don't view the fact that elfedit breaks the signature of an
object as a problem. If we deliver an object with an executable
stack, and it's modified in the field, that's the sort of thing
you'd want to detect.

You can certainly cause ld to inject a redundant header yourself,
using a mapfile. However, as you pointed out earlier in this thread,
it's a rare application that really needs an executable stack. So
if you're aware enough of the issue to be able to arrange for a
PT_SUNWSTACK to be added to the object with a mapfile, you might as well
and make it non-executable, rather than the redundant one. The redundant
header is only really helpful if it's always put there by ld as a default

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] 32-bit noexec_user_stack on per-process basis?

2010-10-16 Thread Ali Bahrami

On 10/16/10 08:54 AM, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:

Doesn't help with existing binaries, but it's good to know for
when one can re-link.  If there's a way to construct an
LD_PRELOAD'able shared object to do the trick for existing
binaries, I don't see how given the description of mprotect(2),
to specify the entire present (and future) stack or heap of a process.

 From some of the stuff I've looked at, it seems that executables were
first widely built to disable an executable stack
(using something as boring as /usr/bin/who as the test case)
in Solaris 9; on Solaris 8, I didn't see a program header for the stack for
the who executable, but when I recompiled with the -M option you
gave, and checked the new binary with elfdump, I saw the additional
program header.

There are a few oddball programs that legitimately want a segment
that's both writable and executable (because they compile on-the-fly);
some LISP interpreters used to do that, I think; and I can imagine that
some Forth implementations might want to do strange things.  (I wonder
if the JVM does anything like that?)  But I suppose they ought
to create an explicit anonymous mapping with the permissions they
desire for that use.

I believe you've already covered the essential facts, so allow me to toss
out some related supplemental trivia...

The stack permissions are set up within exec, based on the executable's
PT_SUNWSTACK program header, 'set noexec_user_stack' in /etc/system,
and failing those, the ABI mandated default.

The stack headers that come in later with other objects don't have a
vote in this, and their PT_SUNWSTACK headers are ignored, including
PRELOAD objects.

Another point of trivia is that if you have an executable with a
PT_SUNWSTACK, you can use elfedit to make its stack executable:

% elfedit -e 'phdr:p_flags -or sunwstack x' /bin/ls
% elfdump -p
Program Header[6]:
p_vaddr:  0   p_flags:[ PF_X PF_W PF_R ]
p_paddr:  0   p_type: [ PT_SUNWSTACK ]
p_filesz: 0   p_memsz:0
p_offset: 0   p_align:0

Unfortunately, the reverse is generally not possible: ld doesn't issue a
PT_SUNWSTACK when the permissions match the ABI defaults, so there's
nothing there for you to edit.

When I introduced the new mapfile syntax for ld earlier this year,
the question of whether we could change the default to make stacks
non-executable came up. I asked around, and the general consensus
seemed to be that while no one wants an executable stack, that going
against the ABI seemed to be a step too far.

All of which seems to say that linking with

-M /usr/lib/ld/map.noexstk

is about the best you can currently do.

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Doc for build upgrade

2010-09-02 Thread Ali Bahrami

On 09/02/10 08:18, Rob McMahon wrote:

On 02/09/2010 12:30, Rob McMahon wrote:

Eric Andersen wrote:

If you want to build the official Oracle ON, I don't know. I think you need 
access to closed bits of the OS.

If you want to move to the Illumos ON, there are instructions here (at least to 
get you to 145, not sure about 146):

I've just been trying this, and it all went without a hitch up to the point 
where you're supposed to reboot into 145. I have not errors, and I'm in the new 
boot environment:

os-devel_145 NR / 86.05G static 2010-09-02 11:42

but uname still says snv_134, which doesn't sound right to me. I'm going to 
continue with the code download and build, but I'm suspicious now.

Okay, sorry to reply to myself, but I think this is terminal. `dmake setup' 
fails with

ld: fatal: .../illumos-gate/usr/src/common/mapfiles/common/map.noexstk: 31: 
expected a `=', `:', `|', or `@'
*** Error code 1
dmake: Fatal error: Command failed for target `cw'

This line is

$mapfile_version 2

So I suspect I'm running an old version of ld. `ld' is

ld: Software Generation Utilities - Solaris Link Editors: 5.11-1.1689

Can someone confirm that this should have been updated with the move from 134 - 145, and 
let me know what version the ld in that release should be. under the new BE says 
No updates available for this image.

Any tips (even a works for me sent to me off list would be an encouragement 
to go back and see where I went wrong).



Hi Rob,

   The necessary support for the new mapfiles integrated in snv_135. It does
look like your build system is still at 134.

Sorry, I don't have the ld version # for 135 handy, but you can test by
looking for a symbol that was introduced with this change:

% elfdump -sN.dynsym /lib/ | grep Dbg32_map_cexp_id
 [380]  0x0001090c 0x006c  FUNC GLOB  D2 .text  

If you get output like the above, you've got the new mapfile support.
If you get no output, then you don't.

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Community distro, teamwork and being clear

2010-07-22 Thread Ali Bahrami

On 07/22/10 14:19, Paul Gress wrote:

On 07/22/10 04:35 AM, Dennis Clarke wrote:

See :

Note that there is specific references to Solaris 8 and Solaris 10
update 10 and Nevada and even Solaris Nevada (OpenSolaris 2009.06,
snv_111) but there is no such thing as OpenSolaris 2010.xx and there
never will be.

Anything we have heard about a 2010 release of OpenSolaris is just a
pack of lies.

Prove me wrong if you can.

Maybe not prove wrong, but cast doubt.

Near the bottom there is just a heading Solaris Nevada. If I look at
some of the bug id's, they have the latest ones, not used in earlier
revisions. Maybe Solaris Nevada means latest or there's an official
release planned called just Solaris Nevada.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list


   That's right. Nevada just means mercurial tip to us.
It's just a codename for Future Release With Unknown Name And Date.
Nevada is easier to say... :-)

SUNWonld-README is how we keep track of what's found under
usr/src/cmd/sgs. It tracks what we've done, what it got back ported to,
and so on. In the case of OpenSolaris, we generally make a new entry after
a release has happened, and move the relevant lines up from the bottom of
the file. Hence, no OpenSolaris 2010.xx entry means nothing more than that it
hasn't happened. SUNWonld-README is clearly not a marketing document.
That's why it's checked in with the code.

I understand the temptation to read more into it than that, but
that's all it is.

I'd also like to clarify that linkers.{central,sfbay} is a server
we use to hold our files.  It is 99% ABI documents (available via
google) or obsolete planning documents. Anything on it with
value to the community has probably been covered on one of our blogs,
which are full of information you'd be hard pressed to find elsewhere.

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Using opensolaris 134 and sunstudio compiler

2010-07-20 Thread Ali Bahrami

Andre Lue wrote:

getting  ld: fatal: file smartd.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 when trying to 
build 64 bit versions of programs for most things where the 32 bit version  builds fine.

gmake  all-recursive
gmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/andre.l/smart/smartmontools-5.38'
Making all in .
gmake[2]: Entering directory `/home/andre.l/smart/smartmontools-5.38'
source='utility.cpp' object='utility.o' libtool=no \
DEPDIR=.deps depmode=none /usr/bin/bash ./depcomp \
-m64   -erroff=%none,wbadinitl,wbadasgl,badargtypel2w -xO2  -library=no%Cstd,no%Crun  -c 
-o utility.o utility.cpp
source='os_solaris.cpp' object='os_solaris.o' libtool=no \
DEPDIR=.deps depmode=none /usr/bin/bash ./depcomp \
-m64   -erroff=%none,wbadinitl,wbadasgl,badargtypel2w -xO2  -library=no%Cstd,no%Crun  -c 
-o os_solaris.o os_solaris.cpp
CC  -erroff=%none,wbadinitl,wbadasgl,badargtypel2w -xO2  -library=no%Cstd,no%Crun   -library=no%Cstd,no%Crun  -o smartd smartd.o atacmdnames.o atacmds.o ataprint.o knowndrives.o scsicmds.o scsiata.o scsiprint.o utility.o  os_solaris.o  -lnsl 
ld: fatal: file smartd.o: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

ld: fatal: file processing errors. No output written to smartd
gmake[2]: *** [smartd] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/home/andre.l/smart/smartmontools-5.38'
gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/andre.l/smart/smartmontools-5.38'
gmake: *** [all] Error 2

for d in `ls *.o`; do file $d; done
atacmdnames.o:  ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable AMD64 Version 1
atacmds.o:  ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable AMD64 Version 1 [CMOV]
ataprint.o: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable AMD64 Version 1 [CMOV]
knowndrives.o:  ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable AMD64 Version 1 [CMOV]
os_solaris.o:   ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable AMD64 Version 1 [CMOV]
scsiata.o:  ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable AMD64 Version 1 [CMOV]
scsicmds.o: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable AMD64 Version 1 [CMOV]
scsiprint.o:ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable AMD64 Version 1 [SSE2 CMOV]
smartd.o:   ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable AMD64 Version 1 [SSE CMOV]
utility.o:  ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable AMD64 Version 1 [CMOV]

if I recompose the failure line and add -m64 it completes. Am I doing something 
wrong or is there something wrong with the code? Can someone guide me on a 
proper fix for this?

CC  -erroff=%none,wbadinitl,wbadasgl,badargtypel2w -m64 -xO2  
-library=no%Cstd,no%Crun   -library=no%Cstd,no%Crun  -o smartd smartd.o 
atacmdnames.o atacmds.o ataprint.o knowndrives.o scsicmds.o scsiata.o 
scsiprint.o utility.o  os_solaris.o  -lnsl

This is the env used:
export CC=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc
export CCX=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
export CONFIG_SHELL=/usr/bin/bash
export PATH=/opt/SUNWspro/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/ucb
ulimit -s 32768
export CXXFLAGS= -library=no%Cstd,no%Crun 
export LDFLAGS= -library=no%Cstd,no%Crun 
export CFLAGS= -m64 
export CPPFLAGS= -m64 

Just a guess, but I bet that if you add a '-dryrun' option to
your CC line, you'll see that the compiler is adding one or
more 32-bit objects at the head of the command line that it
feeds to the linker.

The linker decides what type of object it's building based on the
first object on the command line, so if I'm right about the above,
then that 32-bit object is going to cause ld to complain when it
encounters your 64-bit objects.

The right fix is to tell the compiler to produce a 64-bit object
with -m64 as you've done.

- Ali

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris gcc but gnu-ld

2010-07-12 Thread Ali Bahrami

On 07/11/10 07:40, Günther Schmidt wrote:

Hi all,

is it possible to make Sun's gcc-3.4.3 use the gnu linker instead of the
hard-wired Sun ld?


Hi Günther,

   From reading the rest of this thread, I gather that the
GNU ld -x option is the problem.

 Delete all local symbols.

We're always interested in adding support for GNU options
that are compatible with the Solaris ld, so next time something
like this comes up, you might consider sending a message
to the tools-linking OpenSolaris list.

I'm guessing that the use of -x is not essential to building
this executable, so one workaround might be to simply edit
the Makefile(s) produced by configure to remove it.

Or, I think the Solaris ld -zredlocsym option seems to do
the same thing --- you might try replacing the use of -x
with that. Perhaps configure could even be updated to do
that substitution, if you're interested in feeding GNU changes
upstream to their package implementors.

Both of the above involve some hacking, but I think you're
going to have far more luck that way, rather than symlinking
/usr/bin/ld to point at the GNU ld. The two linkers are not
plug compatible (as you've seen), though there is substantial
overlap. On top of the obvious reasons not to do this, gcc is
built knowing  which linker it is using (Solaris or GNU), and
if you switch the linker out without rebuilding gcc, you'll
probably hit other harder issues.

For my part, I'll look into making -x an alias for -z redlocsym
in the Solaris ld. That won't help you immediately, but will
knock down one more obstacle going forward.

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris gcc but gnu-ld

2010-07-12 Thread Ali Bahrami

On 07/12/10 14:37, Günther Schmidt wrote:

Hi Ali,

as it turns out everything went fine, ie. the compilation of ghc
(6.10.4) succeeded without problems.

The configure script was already set to check whether ld understood the
-x option or not, but it chose the ld it found in the path, which was
the gnu-ld. Once I reordered my path the configure script saw that it
was /usr/bin/ld which doesn't accept -x it acted accordingly.

Best regards


Awesome! I'm glad to hear you're back on track. I'll have
to remember that one... :-)

It sounds like configure is using the wrong test.
Rather than ask which ld is in the users path, it should
be asking which ld the compiler is configured to use. Of
course, that's probably a much harder question to answer
in full generality...

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris gcc but gnu-ld

2010-07-12 Thread Ali Bahrami

On 07/12/10 15:00, Rainer Orth wrote:

Ali  writes:

It sounds like configure is using the wrong test.

Indeed, this is plain nonsense.

Rather than ask which ld is in the users path, it should
be asking which ld the compiler is configured to use. Of
course, that's probably a much harder question to answer
in full generality...

Not at all :-)

$ gcc -print-prog-name=ld

Or, better yet, run the test with gccld option, or, it it isn't
passed through, gcc -Wl,ld option.  Second-guessing the compiler is
guaranteed to fail.

Hope this helps.


Full generality would include handling non-gcc compilers, and environment
variables like LD_ALTEXEC.

But really, we're talking about gcc here, so yeah, I agree.

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] open source apps on Solaris OpenSolaris Nevada etc.

2010-04-30 Thread Ali Bahrami

Dennis Clarke wrote:

ELF Header
  ei_magic:   { 0x7f, E, L, F }
  ei_class:   ELFCLASS32  ei_data:   ELFDATA2LSB
  ei_osabi:   ELFOSABI_SOLARISei_abiversion: EAV_SUNW_CURRENT
  e_machine:  EM_386  e_version: EV_CURRENT
  e_type: ET_EXEC
  e_flags: 0
  e_entry: 0x8056800  e_ehsize: 52  e_shstrndx:  36
  e_shoff:   0x6a5d0  e_shentsize:  40  e_shnum: 37
  e_phoff:  0x34  e_phentsize:  32  e_phnum: 6

Anyone know what ELFOSABI_SOLARIS is ?

Well, yes...

When I enter ELFOSABI_SOLARIS into google, the first hit is
the Nevada CR under which it was integrated, and the second is the
PSARC case.

If you read the PSARC case, you'll see that ei_osabi and ei_abiversion
are ELF header fields that have always been there, which we have begun
to tag correctly for our platform, and which are ignored by the

Since they're ignored by, this shouldn't be a concern. Has
this change caused a problem?

Well what happens if you take that binary and try to run it on Solaris 10?

You can take an old object to a new system (which you also discuss), but taking
an object built on a new system to run on an older system has never been
supported as far as I know. I'm confused about what you're trying to
show with this point.


- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] OpenSolaris, Solaris 10, SXCE, Indiana: which to use for a developer?

2010-01-02 Thread Ali Bahrami

Jürgen Keil wrote:

On Sat, Jan 02, 2010, Jürgen Keil wrote:
[OpenSolaris Indiana: GNU?]

Well, it does have both the gnu utilities (/usr/gnu/bin)
and the solaris counterparts, and in the default setup 
the /usr/gnu/bin directory is ahead of /usr/bin in $PATH.

I simply removed /usr/gnu/bin from $PATH, but I still got vim instead
of vi[1] (in /usr/bin AFAIR),

Yep, that's true.  OpenSolaris does not have the real vi.
Not sure what the reason is; the source seems be available
in the onnv mercurial repository, so I guess the real vi
would be re-distributable with OpenSolaris.

and bash as root sh.

Ok, so change root's shell in /etc/passwd.

If there is a way to
configure OpenSolaris to be(have) like Sun's Solaris
(for which I develop software and to which I'm used (besides
*BSD)), then please let me know.

If you target Solaris 10, then you should probably
run Solaris 10 on your development system, too.

The old vi and Bourne shell (sh) are in /usr/has/bin.

- Ali

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] ld: fatal: Error 1 running make on libiconv 1.13.1

2009-10-25 Thread Ali Bahrami

Pen-Yuan Hsing wrote:

I am trying to compile and install the latest libiconv 1.13.1 (downloaded 
directly from the official GNU site) on my installation of i386 OpenSolaris 

1. [i]./configure --prefix=/usr/gnu --enable-shared --with-pic[/i]

2. [i]make[/i] ends with this error:

libtool: link: gcc -shared -Wl,-z -Wl,text -Wl,-h -Wl, -o .libs/  .libs/iconv.o .libs/localcharset.o .libs/relocatable.o   -lsec -lc   
Text relocation remains 	referenced

against symbol  offset  in file
aliases_lookup  0x129a6 .libs/iconv.o
aliases_lookup  0x12ee4 .libs/iconv.o
[b]ld: fatal: relocations remain against allocatable but non-writable 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/src/libiconv-1.13.1/lib'
make: *** [all] Error 2

I have the latest binutils installed (2.20) and GCC 4.3.2 from Package Manager.
Also, the following configure options have been unsuccessfully atttempted:

./configure --prefix=/usr/gnu --enable-shared
./configure --prefix=/usr/gnu --with-pic
./configure --prefix=/usr/gnu

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

libtool is passing ld the option '-z text'. This option,
which is a very good thing to use, tells the link-editor
to disallow relocations against readonly text:

 -z text

 In dynamic mode only, forces a fatal error if any  relo-
 cations   against   non-writable,  allocatable  sections
 remain. For historic  reasons,  this  mode  is  not  the
 default  when  building  an executable or shared object.
 However, its use is recommended to insure that the  text
 segment  of  the dynamic object being built is shareable
 between multiple running processes. A shared  text  seg-
 ment  incurs  the  least relocation overhead when loaded
 into memory.

The use of -ztext is not your problem --- it's simply allowing
the linker to catch the problem, which is that the object iconv.o
has relocations against the text segment.

The most likely reason for this is that .libs/iconv.o was not
compiled PIC. I recommend starting with a fresh clean workspace,
and when you build it, capture all the output into a log file
that you can examine later:

make 21 | tee output.log

and then look at the output.log file and note which flags are
being passed to the compiler. You'll want to see an option like
-pic, -fpic, -Kpic, or -KPIC, depending on the compiler.

- Ali

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] emacs mappings on opensolaris

2009-10-14 Thread Ali Bahrami

Harry Putnam wrote:

When I first started using opensolaris about a yr ago... some kind
soul here told me how to set things up so that emacs works like it
does on linux.

Not having to use Esc-x instead of M-x for example.. and so that
backspc does delete to the left... I don't recall if there was more
but I've lost my notes about this... and my old .emacs file that
contained it.

I wonder if someone can coach me a bit before I commit suicide, or
take an axe to RMS. (That may not be a smart thing to say on a solaris
OS hehe).

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Is this it?

It was the first thing google brought up when I entered Harry Putnam emacs 

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] [zfs-discuss] Which kind of ACLs does tmpfssupport?

2009-09-15 Thread Ali Bahrami

Roland Mainz wrote:

Umpf... the matching code is linked with -Bdirect ... AFAIK I can't
interpose library functions linked with this option, right ?

You could set LD_NODIRECT to defeat direct bindings --- see
However, I agree with the thought that it would be easier to just
have a ZFS filesystem to test against.

- Ali

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] How Best to Handle

2008-07-30 Thread Ali Bahrami
Daniel Templeton wrote:

 2) Offer a single package that includes all the tuned libraries under a 
 sub-directory and provide a way to switch among them, such as the 
 modules command (which is on our list of things to port).

This sounds like a pretty good match for hardware capabilities.
You can produce multiple versions of your libraries, each tagged with
their specific hardware requirements, and then produce a shared
object filter on top of them. The runtime linker will select the
best library to actually load at runtime, based on your end user's

Here's a blog that Rod wrote about the subject of object filters:

and the Solaris Linker and Libraries guide has some information
on the subject also:

This will work, as long as the options you want to use
correspond to the defined hardware capability bits.

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Problems compiling Build 87

2008-04-11 Thread Ali Bahrami
Joerg Schilling wrote:
 Is this expected or did I do something wrong:
  Check ELF runtime attributes 
 ./lib/amd64/ .SUNW_dynsymsort: duplicate 0x0015a500: 
 $dtrace30275.mutex_lock_kernel, mutex_lock_kernel
 ./lib/amd64/ .SUNW_dynsymsort: duplicate 0x0015aa90: 
 $dtrace30275.mutex_trylock_adaptive, mutex_trylock_adaptive
 ./lib/amd64/ .SUNW_dynsymsort: duplicate 0x0015adc0: 
 $dtrace30275.mutex_trylock_process, mutex_trylock_process
 ./lib/amd64/ .SUNW_dynsymsort: duplicate 0x0015b260: 
 $dtrace30275.mutex_unlock_queue, mutex_unlock_queue
 ./lib/amd64/ .SUNW_dynsymsort: duplicate 0x0015b300: 
 $dtrace30275.mutex_unlock_process, mutex_unlock_process
 ./lib/amd64/ .SUNW_dynsymsort: duplicate 0x0015b660: 
 $dtrace30275.mutex_recursion, mutex_recursion
 ./lib/amd64/ .SUNW_dynsymsort: duplicate 0x0015bda0: 
 mutex_lock_impl, $dtrace30275.mutex_lock_impl
 ./lib/ .SUNW_dynsymsort: duplicate 0x000a7c30: 
 $dtrace32271.mutex_lock_kernel, mutex_lock_kernel
 ./lib/ .SUNW_dynsymsort: duplicate 0x000a8144: 
 mutex_trylock_adaptive, $dtrace32271.mutex_trylock_adaptive


Those check_rtime messages are informational, and won't affect
the correctness of your builds. To eliminate them, you
need to use a linker that includes both of these:

  6602451 new symbol visibilities required: EXPORTED, SINGLETON and 
  6630135 symbols created for dtrace -G should be removed in the final link

This means snv_79 or newer for your build system.

You should get none of these SUNW_XXXsort messages after that. If you do get
a few, those would be from your own code, as discussed in

Let me know if this doesn't cover your case.


- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] BSD vs SYSV ps (was [osol-announce] No update on SXCE Build 79)

2008-02-01 Thread Ali Bahrami
 Agreed, especially since both ps's are really the same program:

  % ls -ilF /usr/bin/ps /usr/ucb/ps
  198275 -r-xr-xr-x  71 root  bin 8164 Jan 27 02:11 /usr/bin/ps*
  198275 -r-xr-xr-x  71 root  bin 8164 Jan 27 02:11 /usr/ucb/ps*
 No, not really.  (Both are called through an indirect isaexec wrapper
 and that is the link you are seeing (with 71  links)

Well shoot, the size and link count are dead giveaways. sigh

Sorry about the bogus claim. I'll back down to since we already
have code for both.

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

[osol-discuss] BSD vs SYSV ps (was [osol-announce] No update on SXCE Build 79)

2008-01-31 Thread Ali Bahrami
James Carlson wrote:
 One particular annoyance of mine  being that it is fairly easy to write a
 single ps which does both ps -ef and ps uxga.
 Not only easy to write, but that's the default on other OSes.  (AIX
 had that a decade or more ago.  :-)
 That's one of the sorts of things that are hard to fix, even though
 easy to write.  It's not a big project, and you can't point to $1e9 of
 new revenue to fix minor annoyances, so it has to be done in someone's
 copious free time.

Agreed, especially since both ps's are really the same program:

% ls -ilF /usr/bin/ps /usr/ucb/ps
198275 -r-xr-xr-x  71 root  bin 8164 Jan 27 02:11 /usr/bin/ps*
198275 -r-xr-xr-x  71 root  bin 8164 Jan 27 02:11 /usr/ucb/ps*

I'm sure we'll get this done eventually... :-)

In the meantime: I was whining about this to Andy Rudoff a few years ago,
and he quickly came back with the following csh alias to paper over
the difference:

# Use /usr/ucb/ps if there is no argument starting with a -
alias ps '(if (\!* == ) exec /usr/bin/ps; if (\!* =~ -*) exec 
\!*; exec /usr/ucb/ps \!*)'

Later, I put this into my .bashrc:

 # Use /usr/ucb/ps if there are arguments and they start without a '-'.
 # This lets me cling to to the BSD flags while still having standard
 # ps available.
 function ps() {
 case $1 in
 /usr/bin/ps $*
 /usr/ucb/ps $*

I still think we should adopt the merged behavior, but this has
made my fingers happy for several years now.

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Solaris 11 release timing (or should I run Solaris 10 on a laptop?)

2007-11-26 Thread Ali Bahrami
Sergio Enrique Schvezov wrote:
 Maybe things have changed...
 [i]Here at IBM Rational, we are not using OpenSolaris at all - we are tasked 
 with making things work on Solaris 10, not OpenSolaris. What external 
 version of Solaris 10 will have this linker fix, and in what expected 

I believe that fix is in Solaris 10 Update 4 (also known as 8/07).

I also thought that purify contained a workaround for the issue (discussed in 
email thread you reference), but I don't know what came of that.

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] gcc with GNU ld ?

2007-09-08 Thread Ali Bahrami
Akhilesh Mritunjai wrote:
 I'm aware of the issue... but what I'm actually saying is that wouldn't it be 
 more consistent if gcc uses gld and sun cc uses sun ld ?
 This message posted from
 opensolaris-discuss mailing list

gcc and gld are separate programs that solve separate problems.
There's no requirement that they be used together. They are, of
course, close cousins. Still, I don't think it's more consistent to
always pair them no matter what platform you're on. The combination
that is most likely to work well is going to be gcc (or cc) with the
native linker, be it on Solaris or elsewhere (and note that gld is
the native linker in some places, notably Linux).

Naturally there are exceptions, but these nearly always come down
to one of:

1) The build configuration is gld-centric and is too
   hard to wrangle for Solaris.
2) The C code makes use of gcc features that really
   assume gld.

I wouldn't say that either of these are a matter of consistency,
just pragmatism. Lot's of free software these days assumes a linux
environment, and sometimes other platforms don't get as much

In both cases, the best thing would be to fix the package to do the
right thing under Solaris and contribute the changes back to the

Full Disclosure: I work at Sun, on the Sun linker. It's OK with
me if you use gld though. Good luck!

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Two problems in the nightly build mail

2007-07-06 Thread Ali Bahrami
陶捷 Tao Jie wrote:
 I don't know, but I've succeeded to build ON b66 with SS12 and it works 
 well now.
 But it's a debug version. And as I've mentioned in the previous email, I 
 fail to Install the non-debug version.
 2007/7/6, Boyd Adamson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Hi, Ali
No, you may safely ignore duplicate SUNW_dynsymsort messages.
 They are
more about tidiness than correctness.  See here if you are
in the details:
I'm surprised to see those errors, as ON should be completely clean
following the putback described in that flag day message. One
possibility is that you are using a new copy of
usr/src/tools/script/ against an older copy of the
libelf code.
   err... I don't know why it occurs :(
   I'm building ON b66 on the Solaris Express B66 with Sun Studio 12.
 Umm... is building with Studio 12 supported yet?
 opensolaris-discuss mailing list

We're not building ON with Studio 12 yet, we're still on Studio 11. My nightly
builds with Studio 11 came out clean with regards to SUNW_dynsymsort messages.
So, I think the compiler change is likely the cause of those warnings.

We'll mop up those warnings as part of the switch to the new compiler (I'm not 
where we are on that). In the meantime, you should feel free to ignore the 
warnings --- they don't change the way the resulting code works.

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] Two problems in the nightly build mail

2007-07-05 Thread Ali Bahrami
陶捷 Tao Jie wrote:


  Check ELF runtime attributes 
 ./lib/amd64/ .SUNW_dynsymsort: duplicate 0x00023e38: 
 elf32_getehdr, _elf32_getehdr
 ./lib/amd64/ .SUNW_dynsymsort: duplicate 0x000240c8: 
 _elf32_getphdr, elf32_getphdr
 ./lib/ .SUNW_dynsymsort: duplicate 0x52a8: 
 elf32_xlatetof, _elf32_xlatetof
 ./lib/ .SUNW_dynsymsort: duplicate 0x00015890: 
 _elf32_getehdr, elf32_getehdr
 ./lib/ .SUNW_dynsymsort: duplicate 0x00015b1c: 
 _elf32_getphdr, elf32_getphdr
 ./lib/ .SUNW_dynsymsort: duplicate 0x00015fd0: 
 elf32_getshdr, _elf32_getshdr
 What's the problem here? Is it serious?

No, you may safely ignore duplicate SUNW_dynsymsort messages. They are
more about tidiness than correctness.

See here if you are interested in the details:

I'm surprised to see those errors, as ON should be completely clean
following the putback described in that flag day message. One possibility
is that you are using a new copy of usr/src/tools/script/
against an older copy of the libelf code.

I have a full nightly build of the latest sources building right
now for other reasons, so I'll be able to double check that assertion
in a few hours...

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

Re: [osol-discuss] librtld_db failed to initialize; symbols from

2007-07-02 Thread Ali Bahrami
Madhusudhan Reddy wrote:
 Thanks mph i have checked the values of ulimit for both process and 
 file...both are set as unlimited.  As you have said that core might be 
 truncated.Actually i have seen this problem coming only a few times...why is 
 it so ? I have taken the output of truss and but i cannot analyse them... 
 please help if you can
 Madhusudhan Reddy

Can you clarify what you mean when you say you've only seeing this a few times?
Does it happen every time on this particular program, but not otherwise? Or
do you mean that it sometimes fails with this particular program, but other
times it succeeds?

- Ali
opensolaris-discuss mailing list