[Origami] Origami Camp

2017-04-21 Thread Dee and Bob
> I have been given a new challenge this time: a week-long (M-F), 2 to
> 3-hour per day "origami camp." I don't have a roster yet, but the kids will
> likely be 4th to 6th grade. In addition to scheduling the origami
> curriculum, I can break up the afternoon with a recess and a snack.
> My first thought (after "YIKES!")

Dawn - YIKES! is right! :-)

I've never done a day-camp, but I had an origami club at my kids elementary
school for about 4 years (3rd to 5th grades). We'd meet once a week for a
couple of hours for a grading period of 8 weeks. Normally what I would do
is start very easy - I would always have some new kids. Then I would do
bases - concentrate on the preliminary base, or the waterbomb, for a
meeting or two, and fold several models using that base. After that I would
go to a different base, then more difficult things like petal folds and
squashes, rabbit ears and sinks ... then some modulars.

The thing that was hardest for me was remembering that what was easy for me
to fold wasn't always that easy for the kids to fold.

It was generally pretty fun though.


Re: [Origami] Origami Digest, Vol 131, Issue 3

2017-03-05 Thread Dee and Bob
> I've been asked to teach origami to a large group of 3rd-5th graders. I
> have the option of dividing them up into smaller groups.  Or what other
> types would you suggest?

My two favorite models for teaching are:

Topsy Turvy - designed by Seiryo Takekawa
Found in "Origami for Parties" by Kazuo Kobayashi and Makoto Yamaguchi
This is a really fun toy - needs a BIT more precision to make it work
properly, but even the sloppiest can usually be made to sort of work. You
stand the model on on end, let go and it rolls over. I've taught it to many
people of many ages and they all seem to like it.

Yacht - Traditional
   found in "Amazing Origami for Children" by Steve and Megumi Biddle
I googled this and didn't come up with an image. Essentially it is a kite
base with a few more folds that allows a "sail" to stand up straight. You
can blow on the back of the sail and scoot it acorss the table.

I don't know how available these books are, so contact me offline if you're
interested in them and I can try to walk you through folding them with some
pictures or something.


[Origami] STEM origami class at library

2017-03-01 Thread Dee and Bob
Hi guys!

One of the local libraries has contacted me about teaching an origami class
for teens this coming June. The theme of the classes is "Building for the
Future" (or something like that). In view of the recent NOVA program, I
thought it would be really cool to do a flasher.

There is a simple one that I found by Jeremy Shafer. It is square. Does
anyone know of others? Maybe one with a hex pattern?

Do you think it is too ambitious? I am not sure how many - if any - of the
teens will have folded before. It is fairly straightforward to me - but
I've been at this for 40+ years LOL! Had anyone ever taught these before?

I will be teaching it to my regional group this coming meeting (Sunday the
5th if anyone in the Centennial, CO, area) so that may give me a better
idea as to what to expect, but any thoughts from the greater community
would be welcome!



[Origami] NOVA - Origami Revolution

2017-02-16 Thread Dee and Bob
Watched this wonderful show last night - amazing! I was glad to see some
familiar faces and there were a LOT of new names! Cool!

I had to laugh, though, one young man in the protein lab (I have forgotten
his name) was talking about how a flat piece of paper that has been creased
can be folded back into what it was by following the creases - which is
what they are trying to do with the proteins to cure disease. I looked at
the paper he was holding and told my husband - that's a crane. About 10
seconds later he held up a crane. :-)

It was a neat show! Congrats to all!


[Origami] My favorite Paper globe

2017-02-04 Thread Dee and Bob
I saw this Sonobe Unit globe several years ago. It is actually quite cool -
I still have a folded 30 unit around somewhere.  There is a three piece, a
six piece and a 12 piece as well. Just be aware it is hard on color ink :-)



[Origami] Waterbomb variation

2017-01-09 Thread Dee and Bob
> I folded this variation of the water bomb:
> https://www.facebook.com/neorigami2/videos/vb.10179635552/
> 1573818892634083/?type=3
> Can you please tell me who created this particular variation?
> I learned to fold it from one of Gay Merrill Gross' books ... Paper
Creations, and the author is indeed Sam Ciulla.


Re: [Origami] Origami Digest, Vol 127, Issue 7

2016-11-08 Thread Dee and Bob
> A week ago I showed a couple of pictures of how I presented my models for
> the exhibition that was a part of the IV International Origami Meeting in
> Facatativ?. ... Two days after Dee (Dee and Bob) mentioned her husband
> had made some of those for her over the years. And the day after that
> Meenakshi asked for pictures.
> Dee, thanks for letting us know about the display cases. I would also
> really love to see some pictures. Can you share some with us?

Wow - it has been so long since I used them ... the last time I checked one
was missing (probably scavenged for something else) and the other was
coming apart. I can check my photo library, but I suspect that most of the
pictures I would have showing them would be on film still LOL!! Took me a
while to get into the digital age photographically NOW I can't get enough!

Give me some days to look for them and I'll try to get back to you. :-)


[Origami] Display case

2016-11-04 Thread Dee and Bob
> The "glass case" is made of a transparency sheet with electrical tape to
> attach the walls and give it a different look : )
I am so glad to know someone else does this! My husband has made a couple
of these for me over the years. They look pretty sharp until the tape
starts shrinking, then, you just clean them up and re-do it. I think there
are even different colors of electrical tape now, too.


[Origami] Origami "hearing"

2016-09-30 Thread Dee and Bob
Recently listening to "The Outstretched Shadow" by Mercedes Lackey and
James Mallory and one of the characters, a small Elf boy, is introduced
playing with paper boats on a lake.

[Origami] Janessa's Book

2016-08-24 Thread Dee and Bob
> /plain;   charset=utf-8
> Hi Everyone,
> I have recently released a book of my dollar models "The Dollar Bill
> Origami Book: 30 Designs That Turn Money into Art?.
> It contains 30 dollar origami models and the diagrams are done by the very
> talented Marcio Noguchi.
> The book can be found here:
> http://a-fwd.com/asin=1510709495
> Thanks,
> Janessa Munt

I highly recommend it -  I got it a while ago (OUSA announced delivery of
copies) - so much fun!

Janessa sent me some models through the Winter Exchange one year and as
soon as I saw the book I snapped one up!


[Origami] Paper Menagerie and Links to OUSA remote classes

2016-07-12 Thread Dee and Bob
Just ordered Ken Liu's "Paper Menagerie" after is showed up in my "Kindle
Daily Deal." It caught my eye since it has - I believe - Quentin Trollip's
lovely "Tiger " (which I just saw in the BOS magazine)! Maybe someone else
mentioned it before, but I didn't realize it had won so many sci-fi awards.

I also FINALLY had time to sit down to the link for one of the two remote
classes I paid for (but was unable to do in person for the OUSA
convention). Dice and Double Dice was really a nice box. I will be doing
the remote classes again, I believe.


[Origami] leaving models for tips, etc.

2016-06-23 Thread Dee and Bob
> I have looked on this feature like the take a penny/leave a penny at many
> stores.
> There have been constant comments on the various lists, on what do I do
> with my excess origami models. This is your perfect chance to get rid of
> those excess models and for them to find a good home. Your throw away model
> could be someone's treasure.

We were in Italy at one time and I folded a model using foil paper and left
it on the booklet that they had the check in. The waiter came up and, with
all of us watching, picked it up and crunched it and put it on the plates
with the trash. I don't think he even looked at it to see what it was.

On the other hand, that same trip at another restaurant, the waiter was so
entranced I offered to fold another crane.  He got the other waiter (it was
a small place) AND the CHEF to come out and watch me fold it!


[Origami] Sighting

2016-05-24 Thread Dee and Bob
This has probably been mentioned a bunch already - but I am now binge
watching "House of Cards." In season 1, Clair Underwood does some folding
... although you never actually see Robin Wright doing the folding :-)


[Origami] You can BUY hexagonal paper!?!

2016-02-06 Thread Dee and Bob
> The Source is working on getting our hexagon paper restocked.
I had no idea - after cutting my own all these years! Will check this our
for sure :-)


Re: [Origami] Origami Digest, Vol 117, Issue 12

2016-01-17 Thread Dee and Bob
> And it is a *beautiful* model.  Thanks!!
>   /bernie\
It is one of my favorite snowflakes. There is a very similar one in
Kasahara's Creative Origami - or maybe it is Amazing Origami - I bought
them at the same time and I don't remember which is which.

In there he claims that someone has determined there are a large number of
different ways the snowflake can be folded. I haven't figured out more than
a couple, but I really do like them!

I like Dennis Walker's "Snowflake" as well, and Tomoko Fuse has some in one
of here books - I don't read Japanese, so I don't know the title, but it
has stars in it. Some of her snowflakes are made with multiple pieces of
paper, but there are a few that are made with hexagons.

I like snowflakes. :-) I folded 30 or 40 very small snowflakes (the hexagon
was a little over an inch at the widest) for the tables at the PCOC in


[Origami] Strung cranes are gone

2016-01-17 Thread Dee and Bob
> Let me know ASAP if anyone wants them.
> Dee
The strung cranes are already asked for. Thanks everyone!


[Origami] Strung cranes

2016-01-14 Thread Dee and Bob
Hi everyone!

Got a question for you all - would anyone like to be the recipient of
several thousand strung cranes?

The librarian that has them is moving and can't take them with her. I have
no need for them, or room for that matter.

I can keep them for short term, but I need to tell her in a day or two if I
want them.

These, by the way, are the cranes that many people folded - oh, 10 or 12
years ago - for a project started by someone in the Governor's well - first
Lady's - office here in Colorado, and many of you contributed.

Let me know ASAP if anyone wants them.


[Origami] glue for modulars

2015-12-25 Thread Dee and Bob
> Origami scofflaws:
> What kind of glue do you use when you're attaching modules together
> permanently for sturdiness?
> Constraints: in the United States, need it quickly so ordering online isn't
> an optio
Probably to late to answer, but I like Elmer's Glue stick ... up to a
certain point it is even a bit repositionable. (Is that a word? Outlook
doesn't like it :-)


[Origami] Newsletters have homes - thanks!

2015-12-08 Thread Dee and Bob
> I have some binders full of old newsletters from clubs. Rather then just
> toss them into the recycle bin, I thought I would see if anyone were
> interested in having them.

Nothing is being recycled! Thanks everyone - will contact you personally
for addresses, etc. :-)


[Origami] Old newsletters

2015-12-04 Thread Dee and Bob
Hi All -

I am downsizing a bit, so I am getting rid of - gasp - paper things ;-)

I have some binders full of old newsletters from clubs. Rather then just
toss them into the recycle bin, I thought I would see if anyone were
interested in having them.

I have CHAOS, OCOP, and WCOG in the main.

Contact me offline, no sense in filling mailboxes. If I don't hear from
anyone by the end of the weekend, I will recycle them.



[Origami] Fortune Tellers

2015-11-19 Thread Dee and Bob
> Can you please help me with a second question regarding fortune tellers: to
> your knowledge, around what grade and age are fortune tellers particularly
> popular among kids?
Oh gosh - that was SO LONG AGO ;-)

I think, as someone mentioned before, that it was mostly the girls that
started them (mainly because the fortunes tended to be "You will marry this
person" or "You will have x number of children." I remember them being
popular when I was in the 5th or 6th grade - so 11 or 12 years old.


[Origami] Fortune tellers

2015-11-13 Thread Dee and Bob
> As a  child, were you taught to color the outer flaps and add numbers
> inside or to just color the inner flaps?

We just wrote the name of the color on the outermost flap, numbers on the
inside and fortunes down deep ... This fold is what got me started in
origami. I was folding one in the library and the librarian saw me. She
came over and said "Here is a book you might like," and handed me Robert
Harbin's "Secrets of Origami." Couldn't make heads or tails of it until I
hit the fortune teller there (I think he called it a salt cellar?) ... the
rest is history ;-)

I have used fortune tellers in other ways. I helped in the classroom when
my kids were smaller and suggested a fortune teller for science ... the
kids put colors or something on the outside flaps, planets on the inside
and then a fact relating to that planet where the fortune should go. I
think the teacher did that later in another class with another subject as
well ...

Klutz used to make a craft/book with fortune tellers as well - I haven't
seen it in a long time, though. Googled it and several others popped up :-)


[Origami] Momotani's Locomotive - Amusement Park

2015-10-26 Thread Dee and Bob
Hi all -

Trying to do the Locomotive in Momotani's "Origami Amusement Park" and I
can get all of it except the two finishing touches. :-P

I don't see how the lock works, to hold the front together and I doing
understand what is going on with how to do that twisty thing on the back
roof area.

Anyone have photos? Hints? Suggestions?



[Origami] Making tissue foil

2015-10-25 Thread Dee and Bob
> >A few years back I had a need for duo tissue paper (2 pieces of tissue
> >bonded together) and used my standard method for foil-backing paper...
> >Anyone have any ideas or experience with duo-tissue preparation?
> >-- JC

At PCOC Michael Verry taught a class on making tissue foilk that I thought
was much easier than any other I had ever done.

We started by rolling the tissue paper around a tube that was covered with
waxed paper.

He used Elmer's Glue, Methyl Cellulose and water (1 cup each) as a bonding

We painted that onto the foil and rolled the tissue paper off the tube onto
the foil.

It took a bit of practice to not get a few bubbles or creases in the tissue
paper, but it dried quite quickly and - so far - has held up really well.

[Origami] Folding games

2015-04-28 Thread Dee and Bob

 After 14 conventions, I managed to have a lovely collection of Origami
 games. Here is the incomplete guide for the late nights hours activities.
 Incomplete, as I am sure there are many more! Please add your games by a
 comment at the end of the article, and help me complete it!

 all the best,
 Ilan Garibi

These all look like a lot of fun!


[Origami] Online classes

2015-03-26 Thread Dee and Bob

 So in that spirit, we on the OrigamiUSA Special Folding Fun Sessions team
 are developing more on-line classes that can be taken by ANYONE with
 computer internet access ANYWHERE!

Is there still an enrollment fee for these online classes?


[Origami] Origami makes Sporcle

2015-03-09 Thread Dee and Bob
Perusing the latest Sporcle trivia questions - this one caught my eye.



[Origami] Robert Lang and BYU

2015-02-18 Thread Dee and Bob

 Thanks to all the origami folks who voted for the BYU entry in the NSF
 Vizzie awards, because WE WON!!! Woo-hoo! See, the internet is good for
 more than cat videos and photos of food, it's also good for crashing polls
 and stuffing ballot boxes!

 So thanks to everyone, and if you'd like to see the winning entry, it's


 Best regards,


:-) Congratulations! I came downstairs this morning and my husband had the
latest issue of Popular Science Magazine opened on the sofa where I would
be sure to see the blurb about it in the magazine.


[Origami] square paper not square

2015-02-04 Thread Dee and Bob

  Square Origami Paper - That's Never Square !!!
  Why is it not square when folded corner to corner (diagonally).
  It's packaged as square origami paper.

 It probably was square when it was cut.

 Paper is made with water and is never totally dry.

I live in Colorado - where it is very dry -  I generally make do and
split the difference in models that I am just doing for fun. For nicer
models, a friend keeps his paper in a plastic box with a film can - yeah I
know those are hard to find, but you can probably find something else -
with holes in the top and a damp sponge. It seems to help.

[Origami] Gloves/sweaty hands

2015-01-04 Thread Dee and Bob

 What is your recommendation for people who are eager to
 fold Origami models but have the problem of excessive sweaty
 hands which causes the paper to get wet after folding very few steps?

 Cloth gloves seems to make the precise folding hard and disposable
 gloves(medical gloves?) make the hands to sweat even more.

When I have needed the dexterity of fingertips and yet protection of some
sort in my palms (and protection of the paper :-) I have cut the fingertips
off the cloth gloves. Depending on the type of material the gloves are made
of, you may have to use some sewing thread or cloth glue to keep the
fingers from fraying and making a mess.


Re: [Origami] Delta Ad

2014-12-19 Thread Dee and Bob

 Delta Airlines, which people from Minneapolis love to hate, produced a
 feel-good video with an attractive arrangement of paper airplanes. It?s

I don't think they folded all million airplanes, though! LOL! It would be
impressive to see.

[Origami] PCOC Boulder Facebook Page

2014-09-30 Thread Dee and Bob
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Day Everyone

I am working on a Facebook page for the PCOC in to be held October 2015 in
beautiful Boulder, Colorado.

Please check out the page and Like it to get updates about the convention!


Dee Lynch

[Origami] Joe Pesci Origami

2014-05-01 Thread Dee and Bob

 Mark wrote :

 This video is full of the F-bomb. I found it mildly funny and can see the
 truth in it.

 Rude, crude and Not in the least bit Safe For Work.  A claymation Joe
 Pesci rehashing his Goodfellas shtick on a piece of paper. Don't say you
 weren't warned.


LOL!! I only watched it because of this glorious review and I am still
chuckling ... how MANY times have I been saying that in my head - as I am
folding something over my head! LOL!!


[Origami] Origami Sighting

2014-04-02 Thread Dee and Bob
May have been mentioned - I am behind in my reading, but Facebook has a
Capital One ad this evening with a Dollar Bill High Heel.

Way cool! Whose is it?


[Origami] Another link on the same page

2014-03-21 Thread Dee and Bob

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

 No more need to squeeze the tube from the bottom, if this gets to market:


 or this




I checked this out and found this link on the page:



[Origami] DaVinci Robot airplane folding

2014-02-17 Thread Dee and Bob

 My wife just showed me this video:



Thanks for sharing Sy - I wasn't impressed until they threw in the ...
object ... for size comparison :-)


[Origami] eBay and origami

2013-11-12 Thread Dee and Bob
 Each day from the beginning of November through the end of December, ebay
 is featuring a holiday-themed origami design that appears as a tiny
 vignette in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.  The company asked me
 to make 15 designs based on specific images including a turkey, Santa
 Claus, Christmas tree, Christmas wreath, dreidel, polar bear, cardinal,
 bells, etc.  Some of what I produced is single-piece origami from a square,
 while other designs (by necessity, given the image they're based on) are
 composed of multiple pieces and are more like paper craft.  Two images have
 already appeared that are earlier designs of mine, a reindeer and a couple
 of penguins.  Unfortunately, the images only seem to appear on some
 people's computers, perhaps depending on whether one is a frequent ebay
 user or not (they have yet to show up on my screen).  But if you can find
 them. . . enjoy!  (And if anyone can uncover the secret for how to make
 them appear, please let me know.)

 --Peter Engel

I am on eBay nearly everyday lately and haven't seen anything origami ...
and you think I would all my watch items and missed auctions are for
origami books!

I'll keep my eyes open for it though.


[Origami] Goofed up my own story!

2013-10-18 Thread Dee and Bob
 I looked it up just now - and they don't mention the villain's name, but
  the episode is called Origami and the villain is an art thief that can
  fold himself into different things.

 Sorry. Accidentally hit send. Anyway, I saw that episode. The villain's
 name was Kunihiko Kasahara.

 Joseph Wu, Origami Artist (via iPhone)

Dang!! That's right!! Oh well - still kind of and obscure reference :-) I
wound up kind of getting interested in the show after that ;-)


[Origami] Akira Yoshizawa reference

2013-10-16 Thread Dee and Bob
 My auto spell checker changed origamist to organist so the dialog should
 have been:

 Ted: Well, call me Akira Yoshizawa?

 [Quizzical looks from the other players]

 Ted:?the world's most famous origamist?I fold. [Throws his cards on the
 table and walks out.]


Once my kids were watching cartoons (many years ago since they are both n
their 20s now) and started yelling for me. When I went to see what was
going on -  they told me that the bad guy on Jackie Chan was Akira
Yoshizawa!! I didn't realize I had talked about him often enough for them
to have remembered.

I looked it up just now - and they don't mention the villain's name, but
the episode is called Origami and the villain is an art thief that can
fold himself into different things.(And it was only 12 years ago ... so
they would have been 11 and 9 :-)


[Origami] NO - sorta - Scotland pix

2013-09-11 Thread Dee and Bob
 Dear all

 Assia and I have finally selected these souvenirs of great days in
 Edinburgh at the BOS Autumn convention.  Thanks to all concerned! We really
 had a wonderful time in a beautiful city.

 If you can bear holiday snaps, here's another album of a coach tour we took
 beforehand with Tomoko Fuse and Taro Toriumi.


 Dave Brill

Oh my - well, I've Never been to Scotland (but I've been to Oklahoma ... )
and now I want to go there.

LOVE the glasses with eyes on springs - made me laugh out loud!!


[Origami] Toilet Paper Origami

2013-08-27 Thread Dee and Bob
 I finally finished my small collection of toilet paper origami diagrams
 which you can see here (line diagrams):
 ? http://www.origami-resource-center.com/toilet-paper-origami.html#diagram
 and here (photo diagrams):
 ? http://www.make-origami.com/toilet-paper-origami.php
 Some of you may find the models funny while others may roll their eyes and
 groan.? To each his own!

This made me smile ... I went to the ladies room at my office the other day
and someone had folded a bat-looking thing and left in on the floor. It was
obviously folded since part of it was folded over to hold it all together.

Just to trump it, I pulled a single square off and folded a crane and
placed it next to the bat-thing.

The next time I was there, they had both disappeared. Today however, I ran
into a friend in the hall, and  she laughed and said Was it you folding
toilet paper?



[Origami] Chinese Take Out boxes

2013-08-08 Thread Dee and Bob
  Anderson Cooper was ?blown away? today ? reporting it to be an ?a-ha
  moment of his life? to learn the beloved (Origami) Chinese food carry out
  box unfolds into a plate.
 To AC's comment how could I have never known this my daughter said
 Ancient Chinese Secret. See it (rerun from 3/18/2013) here.

LOL!! Well, Anderson was a bit to gushy over it ... I would be hesitant to
try it though, mostly the dishes I get are a LOT saucier than what he
demonstrated with AND seems like a lot of the boxes I have seen lately have
a wire handle to carry them that I am not sure how you would take it off.

Re: [Origami] Origami Digest, Vol 87, Issue 24

2013-07-29 Thread Dee and Bob

 What is the Origami diagramming symbol for ?collapse the model? ?
  I vote for this:

 That's pretty much exactly what my attempts look like...


Bwahahahahahahahah!! Made me laugh out loud! LOVE Bambi vs Godzilla! (But U
have a weird sense of humor ... )

[Origami] Alicante, Spain

2013-07-07 Thread Dee and Bob

Can any of our Spanish friends tell me if there is a folding group in
Alicante? Or some good places to buy paper and books?

My daughter was doing a semester abroad there this last spring and her host
sister is interested in learning some origami.


Re: [Origami] Origami Digest, Vol 83, Issue 18

2013-03-19 Thread Dee and Bob

 I had asked: Does it make a difference in what side do I place the head
 and tail of that arrow regarding the folding line?

 Anna answered, The arrow should start and end on the part that actually
 has to be folded over.

 I now ask all of you, does everyone else agree with Anna? It makes sense to
 me, but I had asked a friend to revise some diagrams, it had the arrows
 just like Anna is describing them, but my friend suggested to turn the
 arrows around. That's why I decided to ask the majority here just to be
 sure about what's the right way.

 Who seconds Anna's motion? ; )

I doubt I will second but I definitely agree - that is the first thing I
do is see where the ends are to know what part to fold over and back.

[Origami] 3D Letters and US News and World Report

2013-03-02 Thread Dee and Bob

 Before now I made posts in 2011 and 2012 about my search for an origami
 illustration that changed my life. I had been searching for that
 illustration since around the year 2000 and I am happy to tell you all that
 after more than 12 years of searching I finally found it!

How fantastic you were able to find it! Thanks for sharing.

 I'm looking for the best modular units to use for making three-dimensional
 letters - like a giant letter T, etc. made out of many units put together.

Have you thought of Sonobe modules? There is one book I have that uses
Sonobe modules to make pieces to that classic puzzle that when you put all
the pieces together properly it makes a cube. (Don't remember which book
off the top of my head, sorry). And there are some wonderful animals made
of Sonobe modules in one of Kasahara's books


Re: [Origami] Origami Digest, Vol 82, Issue 23

2013-02-25 Thread Dee and Bob

 Where I live stores sell ordinary paper of something close to B1 size, that
 would be 707 X 100 cm, which is something like 27 4/5 X 39 2/5 in.

 I want to know if this paper size exists in the countries where each of you
 live, ok? Can you easily find ordinary paper with those dimensions where
 you live? And do they sell even bigger papers in those same stores?

I work for a company where we have big plotters. The plotters have 20lb
bond paper that comes in rolls up to 36 inches wide (about 91 cm) by 150
feet (a little over 45 meters). The supply people purchase them from
Staples, but I would imagine they would be available at other office
stores. The rolls can be fairly pricey ($35 a roll or more), though.

I know a store that, in the past, carried uncut sheets of bond paper -
usually in colors. Those sheets were probably for feet by five or six feet.
I never bought any, so I can't be sure. They have downsized their store
recently and no longer carry it.

There have been MANY times I have been tempted to use an old plot to fold
something, but since most of what gets plotted is proprietary, I am sure it
would be highly frowned upon.


[Origami] Folding ArtClay

2012-12-12 Thread Dee and Bob
  Gerardo asked:
  Do you think it's possible to use gold or silver plating in an origami
  model? Can it be done on a paper folded model or would it have to be
  in some other material? Has anyone tried to do this?
  I tried that with Elephant Hide, and simple bronze coating in a process
  called Electroforming. Its doable, expensive and the main problem is that
  you put the model into a liquid - the paper absorb it and start to deform
  because of that. I found no solution to this problem yet.
 I think it would be better to investigate folding a sheet of Art Clay
 Silver, which can then be fired in a torch or small kiln.


I have tried folding the art clay. They have a product called paper, but it
is really rather thick and I was told that it can't be made thinner - I
wasn't able to try rolling it thinner on my own though. Since it is thick -
and only about a 3 inch square, your models have to be pretty simple and
not a lot of folds.

While you can use a torch to fire the silver CLAY pieces - their paper has
to be done in a kiln.

Granted, my knowledge comes from a trade show I went to some 10 years ago
when it was first being marketed, so they may have made some improvements.
And I actually haven't purchased it since I would have to also purchase a
kiln to do anything with it. I do periodically go to their website and I
haven't ever seen anything to tell me that they have changed the product


[Origami] KCET short film

2012-09-10 Thread Dee and Bob

 Southern California television station KCET has made a short
 documentary about some origami happenings in LA.  Have a look:
 http://www.kcet.org/arts/artbound/watch/#featured.  You can see shots
 of the exhibition The Infinite Possibilities of Paper at the Japan
 American National Museum and an interview with its curator Meher
 McArthur.  There are also shots of me and members of the USC community
 building a new origami fractal, the Snowflake Sponge, and interviews
 with me and curator Margaret Wertheim.

 -- Jeannine Mosely

How Awesome! I think my favorite shot was a longer shot of you all working
on the sponge and seeing the three big stained glass windows above you.
