orion-list Dating the Hebrew Bible

2001-06-10 Thread Walter Mattfeld

Dear Bruce,

 Please check out my Archaeology Menu on my website (click on the url in
 signature) for my dating of each and every book in the Primary History
 (Genesis-2 Kings) via archaeological anomalies revealed by Biblical
 Archaeology. Archaeology has revealed that certain sites were either
 abandoned or had not yet come into existence yet within the time frames of
 the biblcal scenarios. This anomaly dates the texts to a period of time
 after these sites came into existance. Some sites did not come into
 existence until the 7th century BCE (like Aroer in the Negeb).
Jericho never had an Iron Age wall,
 although Holy Writ claims its walls were rebuilt by Hiel the Bethelite in
 Ahab's days. This anomaly suggests a text written after everyone had
 forgotten Jericho never had such a wall, which suggests a text of either
 the late 6th or 5th centuries BCE.

I would also suggest you navigate to the OT Menu and read my article titled
The Pentateuch a Second Temple Creation ? (Unraveling the Japheth
Mystery), where I argue that Noah's blessing for Japheth to co-rule Canaan
with Shem is an allusion to co-rule by the Persians and Jews, making Genesis
and the Pentateuch a Persian era creation. In the same article I explain how
Athenian Greek myths about Medus, son of Medea of Colchis (former wife of
Jason and the Argonauts) and a Greek king of Athens, is portrayed as the
founder of Media. Thus accounting for Genesis' portrayal of Madai as being
of a Japhethic descent (Japheth being the Greek Titan, Iapetos). Citing
Datis, the Median general intrusted with the invasion of Greece (his alleged
letter to the Athenians being preserved by  Diodoros Siculus) I point out
that the Persian court in Darius II's days was promulgating the Medus myth
as an excuse to invade Greece and take back that patrimony claiming his
ancestor, Medus had been wrongfully deprived it (ca. 499-40 BCE). If my
suppositions are correct, then Genesis was written ca. 490 BCE or

As regards Ian's recent reply about the problems of dating texts via the
study of word forms, he is right on target. There simply doesn't exist
enough written material like is the case of Assyrian and Babylonian texts to
establish a dating framework (said subject being discussed last year on the
b-hebrew list).

 All the best,Walter

 Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld
 Walldorf by Heidelberg
 Baden-Wurttemburg, Germany

 - Original Message -
 From: Bruce Wildish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2001 1:43 AM
 Subject: orion-list re: dating the hebrew texts

  Perhaps this is not the bets place for this, but perhaps
  those who have expertise in Hebrew can give me their two
  cents worth on something. I am one of those who is
  sympathetic to the viewpoint of Phillip Davies and numerous
  others (e.g. Nodet, Lemche, Thompson) that the Hebrew Bible
  and the religious views it promotes are post-exilic, i.e.
  Persian or even hellensitic in some cases and is closer to
  thew world of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the intertestimental
  literature than to the social-religious environment of the
  pre-exilic world. I have seen the same sort of view
  expressedby some on this list (e.g. that the later chapters
  of Ezekiel that refer to the Zadokites might be this late,
  or that Nehemiah might be 2nd century). Though I can find
  many reasons to agree with this view the one big thorn for
  me in this lineof thinking is the continued insistence of
  many scholars that the Hebrew of the biblical texts excludes
  this possibility because it is demonstrably more ancient
  (i.e. pre-exilic or exilic at the latest). I have not been
  able to find much in way of critical commentary on this
  point and would appreciate the input of those on this list.
  Bruce Wildish
  Mississauga, Ontario

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orion-list Dating the Hebrew Bible

2001-06-12 Thread Walter Mattfeld
 all of this in perspective,
it says in essence:

It is quite normal to be confused and possess only partial knowledge.

Fondly,   Walter

Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld
Walldorf by Heidelberg
Baden-Wurttemburg, Germany

For private reply, e-mail to Walter Mattfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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message: unsubscribe Orion. Archives are on the Orion Web
site, http://orion.mscc.huji.ac.il.

Re: orion-list Dating the Pentateuch

2001-06-14 Thread Walter Mattfeld

Dear Dierk,

The Daphnae being referred to is called Tahpanhes by Jeremiah (Jer 43:8). It
was situated on the eastern border of Egypt and protected the eastern
approaches to Egypt.

In regards to your request for further bibliography on the Kittim with Greek
names found on ostraca at Tell Arad-

Baker notes-
In the ostraca from the late 7th century BC found at Arad in the Judaean
desert, mention is made of Kittim with Greek names (Aharoni 1968:11). This
could point to the existence of Greek, if not Cypriot, soldiers in the
service of the Israelite king, Josiah. (p.93, Vol. 4, David W. Baker,
Kittim.  David Noel Freedman, Editor. The Anchor Bible Dictionary. 6 Vols.
New York. Doubleday. 1992)

Bibliography (noted by Baker):
Aharoni, Y. 1968. Arad: Its Inscriptions and Temple. Biblical Archaeologist

All the best,  Walter

Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld
Walldorf by Heidelberg
Baden-Wurttemburg, Germany

- Original Message -
From: Dierk van den Berg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: orion-list Dating the Pentateuch
 Answer: I've indeed mismatched the Psamettichs, that's all.
 Answer: Correct, but not at 'Daphne near Antioch' at the Orontes, but at
 strategic turn-off Paneion near 'Daphne near Antioch' in the Paneas. Cf.
 post on Pliny's map orientation.
 'Kittim' who bear Greek names. Hmmh. Do we know Kittim who don't bear
 Graeco-Roman names? On the Tal Arad find: I need the reference to check
 reliability of the information.

For private reply, e-mail to Walter Mattfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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orion-list Dating the Pentateuch

2001-06-14 Thread Walter Mattfeld

Viewers may have an interest in the below letter posted to another list

Dear George,

Yes, I have studied John Croft's proposals and even given several critiques
on them. Some of these critiques are in the Ancient Bible History discussion
list's archives (to access these archives, click on my signature url,
navigate to my Links Menu and the ABH link near the bottom of the Links Menu

As you may recall, he posits that the Exodus is a garbled memory of the
arrival of the Philistines, and that the Israelites are really Philistines !
Their defeat in Egypt and settlement in Philista has become the Hebrew
Exodus according to his theory.

My research suggests that the only Philistine connection in regards to the
Exodus, is that when they did settle in Philista, some Canaanites fled to
the Hill country, joining the brigand Habiru and thus these refugees
preserved the story of their Hyksos ancestors being expelled from Egypt (ca.
1540 BCE) and conquered at Sharuhen (Tell Ajjul by Gaza ?). The notion of
Hebrew slaves fleeing an Egyptian bondage doesn't come from Egypt and the
Hyksos though, it comes from the Canaanite Habiru. In the course of the Late
Bronze Age, Canaan was in bondage to Egypt and raided regularly for tribute
and slaves. To escape the Egyptian bondage within their own country, some of
the natives fled to the Hill Country and linked up with the Habiru.
Contemporary documents, the Amarna Letters from Canaanite Princes serving
Pharaoh speak of Slaves kiling their Canaanite princes, and then fleeing to
become Habiru.  I thus understand the Pentateuchal traditions of a Hebrew
bondage, flight and conquest of Canaan to be a garbling of real historical
events which have been combined, the Hyksos Exodus of 1540 BCE preserved by
the refugees fleeing the Philstine invasion of their country and the Habiru
traditions, all of whom who were Egypt's slaves in their own land. They
fought Egypt and the Philistines for mastery of Canaan, TAKING BACK THEIR
Sooo, that's my understanding of the true origins of the Exodus traditions
(cf. my article titled The Exodus Traditions (Their Pre-Biblical
Backgrounds), if interested, click on my url in my signature line and
navigate to the OT Menu).

All the best,  Walter

Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld
Walldorf by Heidelberg
Baden-Wurttemburg, Germany

- Original Message -
From: George Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 2:19 AM
Subject: Re: Dating the Pentateuch


 Have you ever had the opportunity to explore the Philistine
 Theory of the source of Exodus supported by John Croft?  It's
 really quite elegant.  And over the past several months, I've
 become more and more interested in it.


For private reply, e-mail to Walter Mattfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe from Orion, e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
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site, http://orion.mscc.huji.ac.il.

Re: orion-list Daniel

2001-10-13 Thread Walter Mattfeld
 carefully and
 deliberately crafted than Daniel, and this suggests to me that Daniel
 was edited in a time when higher emotions were present, such as the
 time of the persecution of Antiochus and the resulting political and
 religious revolution. E-N was, in this way of looking at things, a
 refinement of nationalistic feelings in response to Hyrcanus I forcing
 the Syrians to accept him as a client king rather than as a mere
 governor. It seems to me that the Qumran literature identifies more
 with the reinvention of what it meant to be a Jew that occurred in the
 time of the Maccabees than with the later fine-tuning that
 crystallized after the establishment of the Jewish nation state. Hence
 the variety of Danielic and related traditions versus the relative
 lack of same when it comes to Ezra-Nehemiah-like materials.


 Dave Hindley
 Cleveland, Ohio, USA

For private reply, e-mail to Walter Mattfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: orion-list Re: orion V2002 #17

2002-05-06 Thread Walter Mattfeld
 cannot rule out a form of pagan idolatry where a
 deceased king is honored and considered the rising sun
 in the eternal life.  In this case then the origin of
 the name does not precludes that it was involved in
 its very origin as a religio-mythic cult of a
 primogenetor king who eternally lives and reigns and
 who can give us enlightenment.  Judaism seems to have
 broken off from this cultic sun-worship and imputed to
 the one-uncreated-God the faculties and personality of
 $ama$ and established monotheism as an outgrowth and a
 response to this.

 Victor Horovitz  wrote:
 Although the sun may have been adored in Israelite
 religion, biblical or post biblical, as has been
 asserted by many scholars (see, for example Morton
 Smith's article on Helios in Palestine in the Orlinsky
 Volume of Eretz Israel, or Hadley? articles and
 books), your argument is simply wrong, backward, and

 I agree that the Israeli sun worshipping would be
 irrelevant since it would have been post Sumerian
 period which first gave evidence to this phenomenon.
 Conseuently, Judaism would have been a development as
 an outgrowth from Sumerian culture, which appears to
 have lapsed back into its former Sumerian form from
 time to time.

 Victor Horovitz  wrote:
 As for adoring the rising sun, in particular, I might
 refer you to the famous Sun Disk inscription of
 Nebobaladan (King, Babylonian Boundary Stones no. 36)
 which tells that the statue of $ama$ was lost, and
 until it was miraculously rediscovered, it was
 substituted for by a niphu.  Now, niphu designates a
 sundisk model, round and decorated with a four pointed
 star with wavy lines characteristic of $ama$ between
 each arm of the star. If you look at a picture of the
 tablet you will see such a niphu. What is relevant to
 your suggestion about this, is that the Akkadian verb
 napahu, from which niphu is derived, means to break
 out in flames, and also sun rise, so if we may learn
 anything from this it may be that the accepted
 non-anthropormorphic symbol of the Babylonian Sun God
 $ama$ was a model of the rising sun.

 Yes, Victor, $ama$ would have been associated with the
 sun and time, hence he would be considered as
 father-time or the eternal one, or, perhaps
 called, Lord Sun-Rise.  It is from this origin that
 it appears that Judaism was born.  Substituting or
 replacing Ehad the One the eternal and uncreated
 God, who is the source of all creation, with $ama$,
 forms the new monotheistic religion of Judaism.  The
 first Jews had adored the sun but as the Father who
 could enlighten us and give revelations.  He could
 speak through prophets, kings, priests, and reveal
 himself to the human family.  The disolvement between
 monolitheistic cult worship with the sun and without
 it seems to have drifted in and out suggesting priests
 from different schools existed and that the high
 priests were selected shifting between these different
 schools from time to time.

 Best regards,

 John N. Lupia
 501 North Avenue B-1
 Elizabeth, New Jersey 07208-1731 USA

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