Re: [osg-users] Compiled Maya 7.01 OSG Exporter

2008-10-06 Thread Jon Newell

Hi Andreas,

We have managed to compile a functional version for Maya 8.5,  though we 
have not tried for version 7.   We have also fixed up the multexturing 
export and are gradually adding some functionality as we need it.
I have found this plug in not overly reliable for exporting large 
scenes, i.e it has a habit of crashing Maya so hopefully we can fix that 
as well.

I have had this /// Error: The operation completed successfully./ 
problem before and tracked it back to missing dependencies, have you 
checked the plug in  with dependency walker www.*dependencywalker*.com 
to see if you are missing anything?

You can often  find missing dll's at



Andreas Åhrling wrote:

I have read the archive threads and I have the same problems as other 
people posted got maya says

/// Error: The operation completed successfully./

From what I can understand Neils posts it could be the 
osgcharacter.dll that could be the cause of this problem. So with some 
help from my developer

that can do the things with compile, we recomiled, but we get the same 
problem over and over again.

Do anyone have a working version of the osg exporter for maya 7?

Many thanks


neil south

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Re: [osg-users] Exporting from Maya

2008-09-07 Thread Jon Newell

Hi Todd,
I mostly use FLT for this, painful though it is, I am not sure why your 
textures are missing though?
I tend to use Maya Bonus Tools organise files prior to export just to 
keep everything together.
You will need to remember to freeze transforms on all objects including 
group nodes, and also delete all history.
I have compiled a modded Maya  8.5  version of the DIO soft maya 
exporter obtained from

It sort of works, that is, it functions ok for models that are not 
overly complex, as soon as you are  exporting  models with polygons over 
the 30 k mark it falls over. 
The code itself could do with a cleanup to say the least and I have not 
had the time to pull it apart to try and fix it.
At risk of getting a bollocking, getting content into the osg in 
general is unnecessarily difficult IMHO.



Todd J. Furlong wrote:
I'm interested in getting the community's input on the best way to 
export from Maya to an OSG-readable format.  I'm looking for something 
that will support scene structure, textures, and potentially shaders. 
We tried FLT export from Maya, but the textures didn't come into OSG. 
Has anyone come up with a reliable way to bring in Maya data?

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Re: [osg-users] Exporting from Maya

2008-09-07 Thread Jon Newell

Hi Gordon,

A fair call and admittedly one I was expecting given my  blaspheming 
;)  as a lowly content creator I will just quietly crawl back into my 
hole and dream of flawless

interlinking toolchains.that's a gaming background for you :)
Seriously though when we get out from under the current workload we plan 
to do just as you have rightly suggested.  We need it so other folks 
must also have need for a prime time 3d app with decent osg export 



Gordon Tomlinson wrote:

Not quite a bollocking yet Jon ;)

But if you want to make it easier to get Maya models into Osg perhaps you
could write a direct Maya file reader for OSG and if you're feeling really
generous or adventurous you could also add write capabilities for the Maya
file handler :)

On a general note, I have used most scene graphs technologies that have been
out over many years I have been involved in vis-sim (dang a long time now
too ) and the OSG offers the most import capabilities, I have never had a
real issue in getting my data in to OSG, whether the data is traditional
vis-sim, GIS, GeoInt, Lidar, Web, KML, Satellite, CAD, 3d, Flt, User data
etc. Now I may have had to use other tools at time to convert data or wrote
my own loaders(e.g. LIDAR), that perfectly acceptable and understood.

The power of The OSG is that the USERS can extended it very easily if OSG is
not currently supporting an area they would like, OSG supports a whole lot
of areas most scene graphs do not thanks to hard work and generous
contributions of many folks on the list past and present but it cannot
really be expected to support everything.

Jon, I and others look forward to your generous contribution of a Maya file
reader so that it is not unnecessarily difficult to work with in the future
for Maya users :)  ( see no bollocking ;) )

Gordon Tomlinson 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jon Newell
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 8:46 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Exporting from Maya

Hi Todd,
I mostly use FLT for this, painful though it is, I am not sure why your 
textures are missing though?
I tend to use Maya Bonus Tools organise files prior to export just to 
keep everything together.
 You will need to remember to freeze transforms on all objects including 
group nodes, and also delete all history.
I have compiled a modded Maya  8.5  version of the DIO soft maya 
exporter obtained from

It sort of works, that is, it functions ok for models that are not 
overly complex, as soon as you are  exporting  models with polygons over 
the 30 k mark it falls over. 
The code itself could do with a cleanup to say the least and I have not 
had the time to pull it apart to try and fix it.
 At risk of getting a bollocking, getting content into the osg in 
general is unnecessarily difficult IMHO.



Todd J. Furlong wrote:
I'm interested in getting the community's input on the best way to 
export from Maya to an OSG-readable format.  I'm looking for something 
that will support scene structure, textures, and potentially shaders. 
We tried FLT export from Maya, but the textures didn't come into OSG. 
Has anyone come up with a reliable way to bring in Maya data?

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Re: [osg-users] osg and speedtree

2008-08-10 Thread Jon Newell

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your assistance,  at this stage we have mostly completed 
option 1, still a few issues but mostly functional,  this is essentially 
little more than a quick and dirty hack that does limit scope on what we 
can do with the trees in our particular circumstance. In the long run 
this approach won't cut it, and we will look at a more complete 
solution, I can see  at a glance however that we are likely to hit the 
same issues with LOD's as you o joy :)

Will let you know how we get along and if we work out a way around it.



Schmidt, Richard wrote:

Hi Jon,
we have tried to integrate speedtree into osg.

There are serveral ways to do it:

1. alternative: Just use the opengl example from speedtree and wrap it
with a custom drawable. Using this solution there are many 

* easy to integrate
* your are using the texture loading/management of speedtree

* you loose the ability of multithreading/multicontext stuff of osg,
because the speedtree example uses CG in a non-multicontext version

2. alternative: Create a osg wrapper for CG (as custom stateattributes)
in osg and use the example to build the appropiate osg geometry.
* no need to touch the speedtree shader
* useable in multicontext/multithreaded environment.
* Integrating CG into osg is a daunting task. However CG does not make
any guaranties about the opengl state after it has been applied, so you
can't use it with other stateattributes or in a hierarchy of statesets.
So I wouldn't recommend using CG at all in OSG.

3. alternative: Like above you port all the geometry to osg as well as
the CG shaders to GLSL. Porting the shaders to GLSL is easy. I haven't
done anything with shaders before, but if you take a look at Mike
Weiblen GLSL quickrefernce it should be really easy to port the CG
* now is pure osg, you don't have any custom drawable or wrappers in it,
EXCEPT: SpeedWind - Speedtree provides a class for creating wind. Just
build a basic wrapper which gets called in the update cycle. 

The next thing you have to care about is how you organize your
scenegraph (for LOD stuff). Thats were I am currently stuck with. 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jon
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 1:56 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: [osg-users] osg and speedtree

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] osg and speedtree

2008-08-06 Thread Jon Newell

Hi  everyone,

I know this question has been asked previously but I have not  been able 
to locate a definitive answer so..
We have a need to implement speedtree into OSG,  and am wondering if 
anyone has had prior success with this?
From a cursory glance it does not appear that it will be as straight 
forward as the SPT documentation would have us believe.

If so does anyone have any pointers, tips or perhaps even  reference 
code they may be willing to share that may be of assistance???

I would be grateful for any help!


Jon Newell

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Bump mapping question

2008-07-02 Thread Jon Newell

Hi  Judie

A rarer than hens teeth content question :)
We just use a standard 24 bit normal maps,  for which we use a few 
different tools,  the least sophisticated or useful of which is the 
Nvidia tool, works but is ugly and output is average.
Xnormal  www.*xnormal*.net  and Crazybump are 
the primary ones, of which crazy bump is outstanding for extracting 
normal maps and displacement maps from images  Xnormal is great for 
extracting normal maps from high rez models. X normal  is free, 
Crazybump is not.


Judie wrote:

fyi... I found this link:

and I am downloading NVidia's plugins for photoshop now hoping that
will be what I need.

On Jul 2, 10:37 am, Judie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am trying to add bump mapping and I am wondering what the bump map
format should be (i.e. bmp with 8 bits). Are there any examples? I am
using osgFX::BumpMapping. I want to know what the format for the map
in this call should be:
bump-setOverrideNormalMapTexture( bumpTex );


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Re: [osg-users] Active stereo support in OSG?

2008-04-23 Thread Jon Newell
Hi Bob,

We have more or less this exact setup,   2 x Christie Mirage HD3's,
Quadro  5600  and Nuvision 60GX shutter glasses on a 160 degree curved 
screen. Once the correct parameters are declared  we have has no 
problems running in Quad buffer stereo with OSG. The only issue we have 
encountered has been with occasional swapping of left and right  that we 
have isolated to the less than stellar drivers Nvidia have been 
releasing of late. 



Frauciel Luc wrote:
 -Message d'origine-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la 
 part de Jean-Sébastien Guay
 Envoyé : mercredi 23 avril 2008 15:39
 À : OpenSceneGraph Users
 Objet : [osg-users] Active stereo support in OSG?

 Hi everyone,
 Hi Jean-Sebastian

 I'd like to ask if anyone has experience using active stereo 
 with OSG. 
 To be more precise, the hardware we're looking to use is

 Mirage HD3K projector
 nVidia Quadro FX 5600 video card
 nuvision emitters and 60GX LCD shutter glasses


 I work with nVidia Quadro FX 5600 and nuvision emitters and 60GX LCD shutter 
 glasses on a daily basis.
 OSG will work out of the box in QUAD_BUFFER mode.
 The only thing you'll have to do is to declare some parameters to adjust 
 stereo with the geometry of your projector :
 See :

 OSG_STEREOON  Turn stereo on
 OSG_STEREO_MODE   QUAD_BUFFER Use quad buffered stereo when in stereo.
 OSG_SCREEN_DISTANCE   0.50Set the distance the viewer is from screen in 
 metres (default shown)
 OSG_SCREEN_HEIGHT 0.26Set the height of image on the screen in metres 
 (default shown)
 OSG_SCREEN_WIDTH  0.325 Set the width of image on the screen in 
 metres (default shown)
 OSG_EYE_SEPARATION0.06Set the eye separation - interoccular distance 
 (default shown.) 

 And that should be ok for the OSG side.
 On the hardware side, you'll have to connect cables :D and check the stereo 
 enable box in the nvidia settings panel.

 You should have the same result than with anaglyphic stereo (a better result 
 in fact).

 Now, I think this setup requires (and supports) quad-buffer 
 stereo. And I think I saw that OSG supports that 
 out-of-the-box. Does it work well? 
 Any issues setting it up? Any gotchas on the OSG side?

 One problem we have is that the hardware is off-site (*far* 
 off-site), and it's unlikely we'll have access to it for 
 testing. We just have regular GeForce 8800 cards and regular 
 monitors here. Should I expect it to just work(tm) ? Is 
 there a way I can do some useful testing here? 
 Perhaps using anaglyphic stereo with red/cyan glasses, (we have those
 :-) - will that be representative of the quad-buffer stereo support?

 Thanks in advance,

 Jean-Sebastien Guay[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 osg-users mailing list


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 osg-users mailing list

Jon Newell
Lead Developer
Unit 4, 19 Musgrave St, 
West End, Queensland, 4101

Mob 0421 979 810
Ph (07) 3846 5066
Fax (07) 3255 3530

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[osg-users] glsl examples

2008-01-29 Thread Jon Newell
Hi everyone, 

Im wondering if anyone has an example of a GLSL normal mapped osg file I could 
have a look at?  The provided examples have been useful for simple generators 
(no intended disrespect to Benoit Mandelbrot). However I need to integrate an 
illuminated Ward or Ashkihmin/Shirley shader into my scene to simulate some 
Alucobond surface treatments on a building and thus far am not achieving much 

any help would be most appreciated!


Jon Newell 


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