Er, Firstly, I have to say that my English is poor(not a good student in
university...now I regret very much)and I learn OSG and C++ for a short
time, but I like them very much. Yesterday I used the osg-user for the first
time, Mr Wang Rui told me that I can ask for some help here, so I am here
now. :)
The way it is, I modeled in SolidWorks and then I derived model as STL
format(SolidWorks can only export STL and VRML, and I perfer to use STL, STL
is more current). When I use OSG to show the model,  I found that the model
is very angular, every surface shines...This is not what I want, I hope it
looks more smooth, so I use the SmoothVisitor, but the old smoothvisitor
smooth too much ,the model looks a little terrible ,OSG v 2.9.10 have new
function which can set the creaseAngle, Firstly  some error happened, Wang
Rui change some code to make sure the SmoothVisitor  is compatible with
 BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE, but after this the model looks as same as before, I
changed the STL model, the creaseAngle, they don't work. Then I read the
source code...read and read...near a week...finaly I found that I can't
understand how it works. Now I am helpless, How can I smooth the STL model?
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