On 04/27/2012 03:55 PM, Thomas Lerman wrote:

I am trying to get JasPer to work with osg so I can have the jp2 plugin. I have 
tried the standard distribution from their website and the modified files in 
this thread. I am getting the following linker errors (I am only showing the 
errors from release mode, debug is similar but not the same) preventing me from 
building the plugin. It appears to be a conflict with what both are linked 
with. Before I spend too much time, I figured I would post in hopes of someone 
with an answer. Any help is greatly appreciated.

It looks like Jasper and OSG may be compiled with different C runtime libraries. Jasper is compiled with LIBCMT (/MT option to the compiler), while OSG is compiled with MSVCRT (/MD option). You'll want to change Jasper to use /MD (or /MDd in debug mode). That should take care of it.


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