Re: [osg-users] Plan for OpenSceneGraph-2.8 release work

2009-02-01 Thread Sukender
Hi Robert,

For info, I recently added a nightly build cron job on my *main* OSG dir 
(Machine is named SUKENDER1 on the dashboard - VC8sp1). That means that all 
my software links to the latest SVN. I'll keep it as is until 2.8 is released.


PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Fri, 30 Jan 2009 20:27:10 +0100, Robert Osfield a 

 Hi All,

 Now the last of the 2.7.x dev series is done, I'm now focused on
 getting the up coming OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch stable and as well
 tested as possible.  Yep this means lots of nagging about testing from
 me ;-)

 Since 2.7.9 was made earlier I've checked in couple of fixes from
 myself and from members of the community. Changes aren't too major
 though so shouldn't require another dev release.  I would like users
 from the community to start hammering 2.7.9 against your own apps so
 we can spot any other glitches that need fixing.

 As long as no show stoppers are reported I will create the
 OpenSceneGraph-2.8 other the weekend, or at the latest on Monday 2nd
 February.  I'll also probably tag the OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0-rc1 at the
 same time.  From here on out it's a case of testing the build and
 execution across as many platforms as well, and as many applications
 and usage models as possible.  If things go well with testing of the
 release candidates next week, potentially could have the final stable
 OSG-2.8.0 out by the end of next week.   Next week the testing out in
 the community against end user applications will be absolutely crucial
 for the final quality of the software, short change testing, and you
 short change quality.

 In effect the work I've down over the past few weeks on bedding down
 the dev series is me doing all the testing and debugging that I can
 easily make on software/data I have at this end.  By me declaring
 2.7.9 is the last in the dev series and that next I'm making the
 OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch it's because against my own testing and the
 relative limited testing of those keen enough to use svn/trunk
 suggests that the software is pretty near ready.  But... this is a big
 but, the tests that I can do are limited, and the number of users
 testing against svn/trunk only are subset of the overall OSG
 community, between us we can't get full coverage of all platforms that
 OSG users use, and all usage models that OSG users applications put
 the OSG through, so there is no way we can guarentee that you'll have
 a completely trouble free experience.

 The only way to make sure that you have a great experience with
 OSG-2.8 is for you to pull down 2.7.9 and the upcoming 2.8.0-rc*
 release candidate series and test it directly against your
 applications.  Sure there are risks that builds might break, but this
 is pretty low, sure there might risks of new bugs, but it with both
 these cases it's far easier and productive to get this problems to use
 while the community is all working together to fix all problems that
 arise.  If want a quick turn around on resolve problems next week is
 the week to do it.

 The alternative of waiting for everyone else to do the testing for
 you, and then upgrade once we tag OSG-2.8.0 is tagged is just a game
 of roulette, no one else has your exact applications needs, no one
 else has your exact computer set up, your are unique.  And what
 happens if you play this game of risk and you find a build error or a
 bug??  We'll bugs will get fixed but another release won't be out for
 at least a couple more months can you wait that long???

 So I know it's a pain have to pile on extra work, doing testing of 3rd
 party software, but it's the best way for to help us to help you :-)

 Thanks in advance for your help and support,
 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Plan for OpenSceneGraph-2.8 release work

2009-02-01 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Sukender,

On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Sukender wrote:
 For info, I recently added a nightly build cron job on my *main* OSG dir 
 (Machine is named SUKENDER1 on the dashboard - VC8sp1). That means that all 
 my software links to the latest SVN. I'll keep it as is until 2.8 is released.

Great thanks.

I'll be making the OpenSceneGraph-2.8 either today or tomorrow, at
this point it would be worth compiling against this branch rather than
snv/trunk.  I will be attempt to the two in sync until 2.8.0 is out
the door, but the 2.8 branch is what 2.8.0 will be tagged from, as
will all the release candidates so will be the best base for testing
of convergence of 2.8.0.

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Plan for OpenSceneGraph-2.8 release work

2009-01-30 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi All,

Now the last of the 2.7.x dev series is done, I'm now focused on
getting the up coming OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch stable and as well
tested as possible.  Yep this means lots of nagging about testing from
me ;-)

Since 2.7.9 was made earlier I've checked in couple of fixes from
myself and from members of the community. Changes aren't too major
though so shouldn't require another dev release.  I would like users
from the community to start hammering 2.7.9 against your own apps so
we can spot any other glitches that need fixing.

As long as no show stoppers are reported I will create the
OpenSceneGraph-2.8 other the weekend, or at the latest on Monday 2nd
February.  I'll also probably tag the OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0-rc1 at the
same time.  From here on out it's a case of testing the build and
execution across as many platforms as well, and as many applications
and usage models as possible.  If things go well with testing of the
release candidates next week, potentially could have the final stable
OSG-2.8.0 out by the end of next week.   Next week the testing out in
the community against end user applications will be absolutely crucial
for the final quality of the software, short change testing, and you
short change quality.

In effect the work I've down over the past few weeks on bedding down
the dev series is me doing all the testing and debugging that I can
easily make on software/data I have at this end.  By me declaring
2.7.9 is the last in the dev series and that next I'm making the
OpenSceneGraph-2.8 branch it's because against my own testing and the
relative limited testing of those keen enough to use svn/trunk
suggests that the software is pretty near ready.  But... this is a big
but, the tests that I can do are limited, and the number of users
testing against svn/trunk only are subset of the overall OSG
community, between us we can't get full coverage of all platforms that
OSG users use, and all usage models that OSG users applications put
the OSG through, so there is no way we can guarentee that you'll have
a completely trouble free experience.

The only way to make sure that you have a great experience with
OSG-2.8 is for you to pull down 2.7.9 and the upcoming 2.8.0-rc*
release candidate series and test it directly against your
applications.  Sure there are risks that builds might break, but this
is pretty low, sure there might risks of new bugs, but it with both
these cases it's far easier and productive to get this problems to use
while the community is all working together to fix all problems that
arise.  If want a quick turn around on resolve problems next week is
the week to do it.

The alternative of waiting for everyone else to do the testing for
you, and then upgrade once we tag OSG-2.8.0 is tagged is just a game
of roulette, no one else has your exact applications needs, no one
else has your exact computer set up, your are unique.  And what
happens if you play this game of risk and you find a build error or a
bug??  We'll bugs will get fixed but another release won't be out for
at least a couple more months can you wait that long???

So I know it's a pain have to pile on extra work, doing testing of 3rd
party software, but it's the best way for to help us to help you :-)

Thanks in advance for your help and support,
osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Plan for OpenSceneGraph-2.8 release work

2009-01-30 Thread Jean-Sébastien Guay

Hi Robert,

The only way to make sure that you have a great experience with
OSG-2.8 is for you to pull down 2.7.9 and the upcoming 2.8.0-rc*
release candidate series and test it directly against your

I'll try and do this in the beginning of next week for our apps.

osg-users mailing list