On 09/07/2012 05:28 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:
Hi All,

I plan to tag a developer release this afternoon, but before I do I'd
like some feedback from testing out in the community to make sure that
it's building a running OK.

This dev release won't contain all the submissions that have
accumulated over the last couple of months, if you one that is pending
please be patient.  After taking things easy w.r.t open source dev
over the summer I'm now steadily going through submissions, it's quite
a backlog so it'll take me a few weeks to review them all.  During
this period I plan to keep making dev releases rather than wait till
all submissions have been processed.  If you feel a submission had
been missed out/overlooked please don't be shy in checking up on
progress on it, sometimes submissions I've actually responded to and
await a response that hasn't forth coming so it's worth checking up
just in case there is something else I need from the submission.

Thanks you help in test :-)


To whom it may concern, I noticed that the CDash site (cdash.openscenegraph.org) seems to be broken. Not sure how long it's been that way.

Anyway, current SVN builds fine on RHEL 6.2.

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