Re: [PEIRCE-L] List moderator;s request for a pause in the 'mark' v. 'tone' discussion, Classifying Signs (was Mark Token Type)

2024-04-23 Thread Ben Udell

Gary was not on your recipient list but you obviously intended for him to 
receive it.  Peirce-l doesn't receive your messages, at least for the time 
being. - Ben

On 4/22/2024 3:53 PM, John F Sowa wrote:

Gary and Ben,

Why do you insist on punishing me instead of Jon?  Or both?

You asked me to forward any note to Jon to you for prior approval.  I went one 
step further.  I promised that I would never again send or reply to any note by 
Jon.  As you may have seen, my notes to everybody else are perfectly fine.

The reason why I continued that thread is for one very simple reason:  I 
refused to let Jon have the last word. There are many prominent Peirce 
scholars, who subscribed in former years and some who continue to subscribe but 
do not send any notes.  As some have explained (offline to me), there is one 
very annoying reason:  Jon never allows anybody to have the last word.  Just 
look back at many, many threads.  In every thread in which Jon is involved, he 
has the last word.   And that is not because he had he stronger argument.

In many notes on very interesting threads, somebody will make one remark that Jon 
disagrees with.  He'll respond to that point with "a barrage of quotations" (as 
Robert Marty said) and ignore all the other issues.  And he continues on that narrow 
thread until the other person stops -- usually from exhaustion or disgust.

You asked me to forward any note to Jon to you for prior approval.  I went one 
step further.  I promised that I would never again send or reply to any note by 
Jon.  As you may have seen, my notes to everybody else are perfectly fine.

So please restore by access to P-List.  I guarantee that there will never again 
be any note from me that anybody might complain about.

And since I cannot say anything to Jon, I recommend that you make one 
suggestion to him:  Please imitate Socrates, especially as Plato portrays him 
in the early essays  Socrates never contradicts anyone.  He just ask questions. 
 For people whose ideas are erroneous, inconsistent, or poorly thought out, 
their answers quickly get them tied up in knots.

If Jon were to imitate Socrates, he could state all his comments and quotations 
as questions -- and often get much more interesting responses.   Often from 
people who have very  important  new ways of looking at the old issues.

John_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Re: [PEIRCE-L] List moderator;s request for a pause in the 'mark' v. 'tone' discussion, Classifying Signs (was Mark Token Type)

2024-04-20 Thread John F Sowa
Ben, Gary, List,

As I said in my last note, this thread has wasted everybody's time for no 
useful purpose.

The real expert on this topic is Tony Jappy, who has devoted years of research 
and publications to this topic.  As I said in the first notes, Tony is the 
expert on this topic..  But he does not enjoy debates of this kind -- for very 
good reason .  So I posted excerpts from Tony's writings.   And I would have 
been happy to discuss those issues, which are far more important then just 
supporting a choice of one label (tone) vs another (mark).

But Jon would never stop.  He kept repeating the same claim over and over  and 
over again.  He would not even consider the issues that Tony had published in 
books and articles.

In any case, Tony is the expert.  If anybody has any doubts on these issues, 
discuss them with Tony offline.  I have zero desire to continue.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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► PEIRCE-L is owned by THE PEIRCE GROUP;  moderated by Gary Richmond;  and 
co-managed by him and Ben Udell.

Re: [PEIRCE-L] List moderator;s request for a pause in the 'mark' v. 'tone' discussion, Classifying Signs (was Mark Token Type)

2024-04-20 Thread Ben Udell

Well said. Joe Ransdell would be proud. - Best, Ben

On 4/20/2024 6:26 PM, Gary Richmond wrote:


As Edwina accurately commented a few days ago, this exchange between John
and Jon has become less a discussion and more a debate, so much so that I
have commented  -- now for the third time -- that it would seem to me that
Peirce-L members now (and perhaps for some time now) have enough
information in the form of argumentation and accompanying textual (and
other) support to make up their own minds as to who has made the stronger
case, John for 'mark' or Jon for 'tone'. Or perhaps it still remains a
question in some Listers' minds. Or perhaps a certain ennui has settled in
for some here leading to a sense of "so what?" or "who really cares?" or
"enough already!" I personally have found the exchange stimulating and

In any event, I am requesting that the two principal participants in the
thread, Jon Alan Schmidt and John Sowa, as well as all others who have
chimed in (including me), cease this particular discussion for now,
including their not commenting on my decision as moderator for* all* to
take a break from it. Should there be some good reason to take up the
question again in the future, I would ask that the two principals first
present that reasoning me off List. I would also ask that neither of them
now attempt "to have the last word" in this matter.

There are many topics of potential interest to members of Peirce-L such
that I would hope that other List members, given a window of opportunity to
suggest new topics for discussion, will indeed introduce them whether they
result in a threaded discussion or not. Rarely have I suggested that
certain participants were posting too frequently. But both Joe Ransdell and
I finally had to intervene as List moderators in the interest of the
Peirce-L community's well-being to say *just* that and to request in this
case, that John and Jon post no more than twice a week for the next two
weeks. Should either of them have questions regarding this action, I would
ask them to please write me off List.

The ideal for both Joe and me has always been that Peirce-L be as
self-moderating as possible. But sometimes forms of participant
*immoderation* calls for the moderator to step in the interest of the
health of the List. I am doing so now.


Gary Richmond (writing as Peirce-L moderator, co-manager with Ben Udell)

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► PEIRCE-L is owned by THE PEIRCE GROUP;  moderated by Gary Richmond;  and 
co-managed by him and Ben Udell.
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► PEIRCE-L is owned by THE PEIRCE GROUP;  moderated by Gary Richmond;  and 
co-managed by him and Ben Udell.