Re: Re: Anthrax attack in Africa

2002-07-03 Thread Patrick Bond

- Original Message -
 I don't recall this incident, but it suggests a US connection.  Any

In Zim's main weekly, the Financial Gazette, I used to have a column, and
this is what I wrote on this story on 29 January 1993:

 How Rhodesia poisoned SA

 The South African Defense Force and South African Police are capable of
untold horrors, and, via the independent press and the Goldstone Commission,
scandals emerge nearly every week which otherwise should, in a humane
society, lead to the government's resignation.  Yet the origins of the most
contemptible covert operations aimed at civilians or opposition political
groups may never be known, if President FW de Klerk's current plans for a
no-strings-attached amnesty plan are eventually consummated.
 So it is up to insiders to reveal occasional secrets, and to gutsy
researchers to put these into some form of coherent story.  Thus it is
useful to look at fresh allegations about Rhodesian-era contributions to
modern-day South African roguery by Mr Jeremy Brickhill.
 Currently an Oxford doctoral student and filmmaker, Mr Brickhill fought for
ZAPU in the 1970s and in 1987 nearly lost his life when aspiring assassins
carbombed him at the Avondale shopping centre.  His analysis of the role of
Rhodesian chemical and biological experiments in South Africa can be found
in the Winter 1993 issue of the American magazine Covert Action Quarterly,
in an article entitled Zimbabwe's Poisoned Legacy:  Secret War in Southern
 For years rumours have circulated about nefarious Rhodesian Special Forces
experiments, including former CIO director Ken Flower's own admission that
poisoned uniforms were planted for ZANU's use, leading to the deaths of
hundreds of cadres.  One case of likely biological warfare, reports Dr Meryl
Nass of the University of Massachusetts in the same magazine, was an
extraordinary outbreak of anthrax in 1978-80:  It affected large areas,
killed thousands of head of livestock, and produced the largest number of
human anthrax cases in one disease outbreak ever reported in the world.  It
caused extensive economic hardship in areas with a predominantly black
population, while leaving white areas unscathed.
 Mr Brickhill reviews a range of evidence of chemical and biological warfare
conducted against ZANU and ZAPU guerrillas in the late 1970s by the CIO and
Selous Scouts.  He discusses the means by which the Rhodesians' Operation
Favour manipulated Bishop Abel Muzorewa and Mr Ndabaningi Sithole to
recruit 5 000 pro-government guerrillas notorious for their undisciplined
and murderous behaviour.  And he suggests how, subsequently, Operation
Winter transferred the Rhodesian lessons and military assets directly to
South Africa under the nose of British transition team and US authorities.
 Mr Brickhill maintains that had the major Western players been so inclined,
much could have been done to halt the migration of trained killers and their
wares down South:  Field testing of chemical and biological weapons by the
Rhodesians must have been of great interest to many other countries.  With
their extensive penetration of the Rhodesian military and intelligence
services, the British intelligence service MI-6 could hardly have failed to
learn the details of the poison war.  Ken Flower himself confirms the close
liaison he maintained with the CIA, MI-6 and other Western intelligence
 By the time the Lancaster House deal was negotiated, Mr Brickhill says, the
future of the Rhodesian military was decided:  The South Africans were to
be the principal beneficiaries of the Rhodesian [covert military] assets;
they, after all, had to carry on the fight [against the ANC].  The Rhodesian
assets were happy enough to go to South Africa.  The British and Americans,
while not displeased with the arrangement, were concerned with potential
political and diplomatic repercussions.  Hence the stipulation that the
transfer of the Rhodesian assets should appear to be informal and
 Even Mozambican FRELIMO officials were drawn into the web of deception by
the British, Mr Brickhill insists.  They were told that if they agreed to
help keep ZANU guerrillas under control and committed to the election
process, the MNR would be disbanded.  Mozambique's former Security Minister
Sergio Vierra later told Mr Brickhill:  We were naive.  We were very
 At the time independence was being celebrated in Zimbabwe, the Rhodesian
Special Forces were already being assimilated into the SADF.  The Recce
Commandos welcomed the Selous Scouts and SAS, and the poisons technology was
incorporated for future use.  Mr Brickhill alleges that the shadowy Civil
Co-operation Bureau of the SADF ─ acknowledged to be the centre of 1980s
death squad activity ─ was originally set up to encourage Rhodesian dirty
tricks operators, and many of the CCB operators were Rhodesians.  The SADF
also established the Directorate of Special Tasks with the Rhodesians, which
organised the 

Re: Anthrax attack in Africa

2002-07-02 Thread Ian Murray

- Original Message -
From: Michael Perelman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The NY Times had an interesting editorial blasting the FBI for
 arresting the anthrax suspect, who the author seems to think is
the guilty
 party.  In the course of the story, the author asks:

 Have you examined whether Mr. Z has connections to the biggest
 outbreak among humans ever recorded, the one that sickened more
 10,000 black farmers in Zimbabwe in 1978-80? There is evidence
that the
 anthrax was released by the white Rhodesian Army fighting
against black
 guerrillas, and Mr. Z has claimed that he participated in the
white army's
 much-feared Selous Scouts.

 I don't recall this incident, but it suggests a US connection.


On a related note:

Remembering an African martyrdom
A review of Ludo De Witte's The Assassination of Lumumba
(translated from the Dutch by Ann Wright and Renee Fenby).

By Sreeram Chaulia

I prefer to die with my head held high, unshakeable faith and the
greatest confidence in the destiny of my country rather than live
in slavery .
 - Patrice Lumumba from his death cell, January 1961

July 2 is the anniversary of the birth of one of Africa's greatest
sons, Patrice Emery Lumumba. He died young at the age of 36, when
he was felled by a hail of bullets whose origin dated back to a
diabolical six month long plot of the Belgian and American
governments and their puppet collaborators in newly independent
Congo. When Belgian sociologist Ludo De Witte published the Dutch
version of this book in 1999, Brussels instituted a parliamentary
enquiry into the long-suspected and just-proven allegations of
direct Belgian responsibility for the assassination of a legally
elected Prime Minister of a sovereign country. The enquiry
concluded against the grain of evidence that Belgian ministers of
Gaston Eysken's cabinet of 1960-61 were morally responsible, but
had not ordered Lumumba's physical elimination. Public apologies
to the Lumumba family and the Congolese people were added as sops
to sweeten the eyewash that sought to protect the highest
authorities of the land whose hands were unquestionably soaked in
Lumumba's blood.

The English translation of De Witte's investigative post mortem
will help disseminate to a world-wide audience the four decade old
truth that Brussels is still balking to admit - its heads of state
and government, foreign minister, minister for African affairs and
consuls in Africa all acted as first rate criminals and
conspirators in a bid to recolonize the Congo and liquidate the
hope of the masses, Lumumba. It shatters to smithereens the
publicity smokescreen erected after 1961 that the assassination
was a Congolese affair, a settling of scores among Bantus, which
had nothing to do with the West. In De Witte's own evaluation, his
book is a staggering example of what the Western ruling classes
are capable of when their vital interests are threatened (p xxv).

Enemy number 1 of the neo-colonial cabal
De Witte's central thesis is that Lumumba became a man who
frightened the Belgians once they realized that he helmed of a
holistic anti-colonial revolution that would uproot all vestiges
and structures that benefited the former colonial masters. The
pillars of Belgian imperialism - mining corporations and trusts,
white army officers and bureaucrats, religious missions, etc -
expected to hold on to their exploitative and privileged positions
after independence, albeit with an African façade. Prime Minister
Lumumba and other radical nationalists like Pierre Mulele took
independence seriously and began Africanizing key paraphernalia of
governance and law and order in the two short months they were
allowed to hold office, July and August of 1960.

Belgian sovereign Badouin, Prime Minister Eyskens and Foreign
Minister Wigny charted out a strategy of using the mineral-rich
southern province of Katanga as a lever against Lumumba's Congo
by aiding its secession. Besides putting up the reactionary Moise
Tshombe as the legitimate President of Katanga and helping him
militarily to secure his independence against Lumumba's center,
Wigny wrote in September to his consulate in Congo-Brazzaville,
the constituted authorities have the duty to render Lumumba
harmless (p 23). The Belgian minister for African affairs,
D'Aspremont Lynden, authorized a clandestine mercenary operation
called Operation Barracuda in October saying, The main aim to
pursue is clearly Lumumba's elimination definitive (French
emphasis original, p 25).

Meanwhile, CIA chief Allen Dulles told the Eisenhower
administration that Lumumba was a Castro or worse and persuaded
Ike to declare at a National Security Council meeting that he
favored Lumumba's elimination. Chemical scientist Gottlieb was
sent to the Congo with poisonous gases to mount an operation to
either seriously incapacitate 

Re: Re: Anthrax attack in Africa

2002-07-02 Thread Michael Perelman

In the recent Lumumba movie, they bleeped out Frank Carlucci's name
when they were organizing the assassination.


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

Re: Anthrax attack in Africa

2002-07-02 Thread Shane Mage

The NY Times had an interesting [op]editorial blasting the FBI for not
arresting the anthrax suspect, who the author seems to think is the guilty
party.  In the course of the story, the author asks:

Have you examined whether Mr. Z has connections to the biggest anthrax
outbreak among humans ever recorded, the one that sickened more than
10,000 black farmers in Zimbabwe in 1978-80? There is evidence that the
anthrax was released by the white Rhodesian Army fighting against black
guerrillas, and Mr. Z has claimed that he participated in the white army's
much-feared Selous Scouts.

I don't recall this incident, but it suggests a US connection.  Any

The article was a valiant effort to produce an unconspiracy
theory for the anthrax episode--patriotic motivation plus
bureaucratic FBI fumbling.  Chip Berlet himself could have done
no better.  Totally, pathetically, unconvincing, of course.

Shane Mage

When we read on a printed page the doctrine of Pythagoras that all 
things are made of numbers, it seems mystical, mystifying, even 
downright silly.

When we read on a computer screen the doctrine of Pythagoras that all 
things are made of numbers, it seems self-evidently true.  (N. 