Re: [PEN-L] non-reductionist genetics

2005-05-07 Thread Jim Devine
so? there's never anything that's completely new under the sun. (thus,
redux appears in lots of pen-l e-mails.) The author was arguing that
the rejection of reductionism is taking hold, which suggests that it
may some day be the orthodoxy. If so, that's new.

  The unselfish gene
  The new biology is reasserting the primacy of the whole organism - the
  individual - over the behaviour of isolated genes

On 5/6/05, Autoplectic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Not much new here, I'm afraid; evo. theorists have been railing
 against gene-centricity etc. 

Jim Devine

Re: [PEN-L] non-reductionist genetics

2005-05-07 Thread Autoplectic
On 5/7/05, Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 so? there's never anything that's completely new under the sun. (thus,
 redux appears in lots of pen-l e-mails.) The author was arguing that
 the rejection of reductionism is taking hold, which suggests that it
 may some day be the orthodoxy. If so, that's new.


Not, it isn't; reductionism in biology has been rejected for quite a
while. See Alexander Rosenberg's Instrumental Biology or The Disunity
of Science for the nitty gritty.

C'mon Mr. Krinkle, tell me why [Primus]

Re: [PEN-L] non-reductionist genetics

2005-05-07 Thread Michael Perelman
Aren't Ian and Jim just talking past each other here without fundamentally 
about anything substantial?
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at

Re: [PEN-L] non-reductionist genetics

2005-05-07 Thread Autoplectic
On 5/7/05, Michael Perelman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Aren't Ian and Jim just talking past each other here without fundamentally 
 about anything substantial?


There are a variety of anti-reductionist approaches in biology
relative to the entities/relations in question, from population
genetics to whether embryology is a kind of computation that is
amenable to reverse engineering:

 McFadden is simply highlighting some aspects of contemporary research
controversies. As long as biology persists as a discipline there will
be immense controversies. Evolution is downright weird. I don't think
Jim and I are disagreeing..yet :-

C'mon Mr. Krinkle, tell me why [Primus]

[PEN-L] non-reductionist genetics

2005-05-06 Thread Jim Devine
The unselfish gene 

The new biology is reasserting the primacy of the whole organism - the
individual - over the behaviour of isolated genes

Johnjoe McFadden 
Friday May 6, 2005
The Guardian [U.K.]

What is a gene? Scientists eager to uncover genes for heart disease,
autism, schizophrenia, homosexuality, criminality or even genius are
finding that their quarry is far more nebulous than they imagined.
Uncovering the true nature of genes has turned biology on its head and
is in danger of undermining the whole gene-hunting enterprise.

The first clues turned up in study of the cell's metabolic pathways.
These pathways are like Britain's road networks that bring in raw
materials (food) and transport them to factories (enzymes) where the
useful components (molecules) are assembled into shiny new products
(more cells). A key concept was the rate-limiting step, a metabolic
road under strict traffic control that was thought to orchestrate the
dynamics of the entire network.

Biotechnologists try to engineer cells to make products but their
efforts are often hindered, apparently by the tendency of the key
genes controlling the rate-limiting steps to reassert their own
agenda. Scientists fought back by genetically engineering these genes
to prevent them taking control. When they inserted the engineered
genes back into the cells they expected to see an increase in yields
of their products. But they were disappointed. The metabolic pathways
slipped back into making more cells, rather than more products.

Geneticists were similarly puzzled by an abundance of genes with no
apparent function. Take the prion gene. This is the normal gene that
in mad cow disease is transformed into the pathogenic brain-destroying
protein. But what does it normally do? The standard way to investigate
what a gene does is to inactivate it and see what happens. But
geneticists who inactivated the mouse's prion gene found that the
mutant mice were perfectly normal. The prion gene, like many other
genes, seems to lack a function.

But a gene without function isn't really a gene at all. By definition,
a gene has to make a difference; otherwise it is invisible to
natural selection. Genes are those units of heredity that wrinkled
Mendel's peas and are responsible for making your eyes blue, green or
brown. A century of reductionist biology has tracked them down,
through Watson and Crick's double helix, to the billions of A, T, G
and C gene letters that were spewed out of the DNA sequencers. But now
it seems that the genes, at the level of DNA, are not the same as
genes at the level of function.

The answer to these riddles is being unravelled in an entirely new way
of doing biology: systems biology. Let's return to that road network.
We may identify a particular road, say the A45, that takes goods from
Birmingham to Coventry, and call it the BtoC road, or BtoC gene.
Blocking the A45 might be expected to prevent goods from Birmingham
reaching Coventry. But of course it doesn't. because there are lots of
other ways for the goods to get through. In truth the road (or gene)
from BtoC isn't just the A45 but includes all those other routes.

Rather than having a single major function, most genes, like roads,
probably play a small part in lots of tasks within the cell. By
dissecting biology into its genetic atoms, reductionism failed to
account for these multitasking genes. So the starting point for
systems biologists isn't the gene but rather a mathematical model of
the entire cell. Instead of focusing on key control points, systems
biologists look at the system properties of the entire network. In
this new vision of biology, genes aren't discrete nuggets of genetic
information but more diffuse entities whose functional reality may be
spread across hundreds of interacting DNA segments.

This radical new gene concept has major implications for the gene
hunters. Despite decades of research few genes have been found that
play anything more than a minor role in complex traits like heart
disease, autism, schizophrenia or intelligence. The reason may be that
such genes simply don't exist. Rather than being caused by single
genes these traits may represent a network perturbation generated by
small, almost imperceptible, changes in lots of genes.

And what about selfish genes, the concept introduced by the Oxford
biologist Richard Dawkins to describe how some genes promote their own
proliferation, even at the expense of the host organism? The concept
has been hugely influential but has tended to promote a reductionist
gene-centric view of biology. This viewpoint has been fiercely
criticised by many biologists, such as the late Stephen Jay Gould, who
argued that the unit of biology is the individual not her genes.
Systems biology is reasserting the primacy of the whole organism - the
system - rather than the selfish behaviour of any of its components.

Systems biology courses are infiltrating curricula in campuses across
the globe and systems biology centres 

Re: [PEN-L] non-reductionist genetics

2005-05-06 Thread Autoplectic
On 5/6/05, Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The unselfish gene
 The new biology is reasserting the primacy of the whole organism - the
 individual - over the behaviour of isolated genes
 Johnjoe McFadden
 Friday May 6, 2005
 The Guardian [U.K.]

Not much new here, I'm afraid; evo. theorists have been railing
against gene-centricity etc. since George Williams 1966 classic
Adaptation and Natural Selection.

McFadden's own preferred hypotheses are themselves extremely
controversial, as he tries to bring quantum theory as crucial to
understanding/explaining the origins of cells and a whole lot more:

The first target in our search for the quantum-classical border
inside the cell will be a proton that is part of one of the cell's
many proteins: a single molecule of the enzyme called
beta-galactosidase. The enzyme looks rather like any other protein
inside the cell: a tightly knotted bundle of amino acid rope made up
of about 1000 amino acids. But this enzyme is currently inactive. Its
job, when it is active, is to hydrolyse (react with water) the
disaccharide milk sugar lactose, breaking into its two component bits:
glucose and galactose. However, the human host to our E. coli cell has
not drunk any milk since breakfast and it is now the middle of the
night. The enzyme has nothing to do until the next batch of lactose
arrives, along with the breakfast cereal, the next morning. Our cell
has been without food for some time now and has exhausted its
reserves. To conserve energy, it switches itself into a kind of
hibernation state called dormancy, until the lactose arrives.

Our information is that within the beta-galactosidase enzyme lies our
target proton on one of the protein's amino acids. This proton
(remember, a hydrogen nucleus) is attached to an oxygen atom within
the amino acid molecule, by a covalent bond. Our sources also tell us
that nearby lies a nitrogen atom which like the oxygen atom, is
relatively electron rich and would like to capture our target proton.
We will imagine that if our proton is supplied with enough energy then
it might escape the pull of the oxygen atom's electrons and hop onto
the nitrogen atom. In fact, we will suppose that calculations indicate
that at body temperature the surrounding thermal energy gives the
proton a 50% chance of hopping from one atom to another.

C'mon Mr. Krinkle, tell me why [Primus]