Re: Perl versus UNIX Korn Shell

2003-11-05 Thread Danny Faught
Esposito, Anthony wrote:
How would you convince someone that programming in Perl is better than 
using the UNIX Korn Shell?

I need some intellectual ammo to convince my colleagues that Perl is a 
better, more powerful language, to do our scripting.  Any suggestions?  J
The shell doesn't do most of the work.  Mostly, you're calling external 
programs, like grep, cat, sort, etc.  These don't all have a consistent 
interface, and they differ from one system to another.  Plus, you'll 
likely end up having to learn sed and/or awk.

Why learn all these different tools, plus perhaps two additional 
languages (sed and awk)?  It's all available in Perl, plus much more, 
including a nice debugger.  And well-written Perl scripts are portable.

BTW, if you insist writing a shell script and need something like awk, 
why not use Perl instead of awk?

There are a few cases where I would favor bash over Perl - when it's 
easier to call several existing utilities than to install additional 
Perl modules (avoid the clutter of those system(...) calls), and when 
I have a very short script that needs to redirect its output to a file.
Danny R. Faught
Tejas Software Consulting

Re: OSCON Perl Trainers BOF is *6pm* Monday

2003-07-07 Thread Danny Faught
Peter Scott wrote:
I apologize for the lack of notice; the BOF was moved
to 6pm some time ago and for some reason the web
site wasn't updated and I forgot to post an update
here.  Hope you can make it.  We'll be in Salon F.
Sorry I only got to see you guys for a few minutes - I had made plans 
based on the 7pm time.

I added a page on the Wiki at to identify which trainers 
are here at OSCON and to continue a virtual discussion as the need arises.
Danny R. Faught
Tejas Software Consulting
publisher of Open Testware Reviews -

roommate for OSCON

2003-06-03 Thread Danny Faught
Read on if you're going to OSCON this July and would consider sharing 
hotel costs.

I'd like to stay at the conference hotel (high speed Internet!) but 
would like to reduce the costs by sharing the room.  I have a 
reservation at $129 per night at the Marriott.  I'll be there July 6-11 
but it's okay if the schedules don't match exactly .  Let me know know 
if you wouldn't mind having a roommate.

Decided to try here before using O'Reilly's generic roommate list.
Danny R. Faught
Tejas Software Consulting
- subscribe to Open Testware Reviews -

Re: professional associations

2003-06-02 Thread Danny Faught
Michael R. Wolf wrote:
What organizations have helped you as a trainer? That is, how have you
advanced your training skills, as distinguished from your technical
The most help I've gotten hasn't been from a formal organization, but 
from hanging out with Jerry Weinberg's groupies, sometimes joking 
referred to as Weinborgs because of the way people tend to get 
assimilated (willingly) into his community.

Jerry is a legendary pioneer in the software industry, though at least 
half of the software professionals I ask have never heard of him.  He's 
authored probably 30 books.

I'm attending his workshop on experiential training design next month, 
where I'm hoping to learn how to involve the participants much more in 
my courses.  (Sorry, the course is full, with a long waiting list.) 
Maybe I'll also learn how to rely less on PowerPoint - Jerry never uses 

I've learned a lot of soft skills from Jerry, especially communication 
skills.  I used them today teaching a kid who supposedly has a learning 
difficulty (I didn't see any difficulty - perhaps I'm blind to it 
because I have the same problem he does :-).

I could go on, but I'll leave it at that.  The easiest way to get 
introduced to Jerry, besides reading his books or meeting him in person, 
is to subscribe to the SHAPE forum -

BTW, thanks for the pointers.  I ought to look up some of those 
organizations.  I tried Toastmaster a few times.  My problem is that I 
don't get nervous enough in front of a crowd any more.
Danny R. Faught
Tejas Software Consulting
- subscribe to Open Testware Reviews -

learning programming in one day

2003-04-03 Thread Danny Faught
I have an opportunity to propose a one-day conference tutorial on the 
basics of programming (very likely using Perl as a basis).  Am I nuts 
for trying this?

The audience will be software testing professionals, with a good level 
of computer literacy, but probably little or no programming experience. 
   There is a general desire among many testers to learn how to 
program so they can automate their tests.  I can't hope to make them 
programming wizards by the end of one day.  I'm thinking I could 
introduce them to the basics so they'd be more motivated and able to 
learn more from a book or a longer course.

Alternately, I could specify that participants already know at least one 
programming language, and I could focus on teaching Perl.  I already do 
a tutorial that does this to some extent, though I currently focus more 
on testing techniques than systematically teaching Perl.

Any feedback on this before I put together a proposal?
Danny R. Faught
Tejas Software Consulting

Re: script to mimic the cusor movement on a terminer or shell

2003-03-05 Thread Danny Faught
Automating interactive programs take some extra work.  Does the program 
accept input immediately after it starts, or do you need to wait until 
the screen is drawn?

I cut my teeth on this sort of thing using expect/tcl, and it looks like 
there are Perl modules that can also let you do sent/expect sequences so 
that everything is properly synchronized.
Danny Faught
Tejas Software Consulting

Re: 2nd best Perl publisher

2002-12-14 Thread Danny Faught
Tim Maher wrote:

And so far, nobody's commented on my inqury regarding help with

My experience with magazines is that they really love illustrations, and 
they provide professionals to do them.  Perhaps it's the same with 
books.  Authors sometimes have trouble coming up with illustrations for 
technical topics.
Danny Faught
Tejas Software Consulting

Re: 2nd-Best Perl Publisher?

2002-12-14 Thread Danny Faught
Clinton A. Pierce wrote:

I'll second the Scott Meyers/SAMS notion.  They're a fairly easy 
publisher to write for, a good book will earn a fair sum, and Scott has 
his head screwed on straight.

I did a pre-publication review for Software Testing by Ron Patton and 
published by Sams.  The editing was really top-notch, and that's not 
something I see very often.

I didn't like the fact he referenced very little of the existing 
literature, though - I don't recall whether Sams insisted on this or 
not, since it targets a beginning audience.  There were several 
references to other books from Sams that were marginally relevant, 
though there's a vast wealth of highly relevant literature from other 
Danny Faught (former Books Guide editor for
Tejas Software Consulting

Re: 2nd-Best Perl Publisher?

2002-12-13 Thread Danny Faught
Tim Maher wrote:

In contrast, I've been warned that I might not even get minimum
wage for the hours I put into my book with some of the other
publishers out there. (And I seem to recall Randal remarking in
this forum that, Camels and Cookbooks aside, Perl book-writing is
better viewed as a charitable contribution than a money-making venture).

I know many authors who have written about software testing and software 
process.  All say that they got much more value from the book in 
marketing their services than in the miniscule money they earned 
directly from the book.  This cuts across many publishers (though none 
have gone through O'Reilly.)  Many of the books go out of print within a 
few years.  The only person who's ever told me he's made a decent profit 
from a book is Steve Heller, and he writes technology-based books 
(actually, probably more like what you're proposing than what most of my 
colleagues write).

The criteria by which I'm currently considering best-osity
(ouch!) would include a competent Perl-aware editorial staff,
help with diagrams (do they still do that in the industry?),
adequate promotion of the product, honestly keeping their side of
the bargain, etc.

Am I leaving out any important criteria?

Policy for reverting rights when it goes out of print.  Competent and 
experienced editorial staff (competent in editing, not just in the 
technology), especially the particular editor you will get - watch out 
for a bait-and-switch to a junior editor.

Which publishers get your vote for second-Nth best ?

I haven't shopped around seriously yet - none of my book ideas have come 
up for air yet.  But I see many books coming out of Addison 
Wesley/Pearson, Wiley, and Dorset House.  A small publisher that has 
courted me is Artech House.  And I've seen a few from Sam's/Macmillan. 
These are who I plan to start with.

I've heard a few horror stories about Wiley (e.g., dreadfully poor 
editing), and a few others who had no problems with Wiley.  Again, these 
are more process- and industry-oriented books; I'm not sure how many of 
these labels publish highly technical books.  I tend to stick with 
O'Reilly when I can - I think second place is a distant second.

Consider getting a book agent.
Danny Faught
Tejas Software Consulting

Re: How to Run Seminars... [was: Giving my first Perl presentation]

2002-12-04 Thread Danny Faught
Michael R. Wolf wrote:

As part of a Training Certification at a community college outside
Princeton, NJ, I took a course that was taken directly (and I mean
directly) from this book. 

Very interesting - I hadn't heard of any courses based on the book.

Could you say more about the Training Certification?
Danny Faught
Tejas Software Consulting

Re: private CS tutor rates

2002-10-05 Thread Danny Faught

Michael R. Wolf wrote:

I got  the following request from a friend of mine.  Do you have any
suggestions to help him with a price point for private computer
science tutoring?

As a benchmark, I know someone with a Computer Moms (Mentors on the 
Move) franchise. She helps ordinary folks learn how to use their 
computers, and thus is probably at a lower skill level than what you're 
talking about. She charges $75/hour.


Re: Marketing help wanted

2002-07-18 Thread Danny Faught

Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
 Speaking at conferences is necessary to establish a reputation and to
 practice your craft, but it's not really a great market for new
 customers, unless you make sure you're *really* visible during the
 rest of the conference.

I often get involved behind the scenes, and that helps with name
recognition.  I was a track chair at the last conference I went to, and
I'm on the board of the next one.  I've been known to organize dinners,
like when many of the people on my swtest-discuss mailing list are going
to be at the same conference.  

 Yeah, everything I loathed about sales when I was a simple grunt
 technician, I now find I must do to sell Stonehenge.  Schmooze.  Throw
 parties.  Have an exhibit booth.  Network with past associates.

Yup.  :-)  There's a bit of a difference selling a company and selling
an independent consultant.  As an individual, I don't think it makes
sense for me to have a booth.  I spend my time at conferences meeting
people, and maintaining contacts with my peers who are a rich source of
referrals.  It's more about having a few meaningful contacts than
blanketing the market.  I find this approach much more rewarding than
when I was doing technical sales support for a consulting firm.

 It's not enough to simply give a brilliant talk at a conference.  The
 people that hang around afterward are mostly just tech-heads, usually.

I'm told that doing a full-day tutorial is much better than a track
session talk.  Only for a longer format do they get a sense of your
ability as a trainer.  I agree that it's not sufficient.  I figure that
people have to run across my work along at least two or three
independent paths before they'll start to trust me.  I've left bread
crumbs on lots of different paths to facilitate this.  :-)
Danny Faught
Tejas Software Consulting

Re: Marketing help wanted

2002-07-17 Thread Danny Faught

William R Ward wrote:
 Sure, if it's made worth my while financially.  But I'm also working a
 full time job, so I can't do it often (I have to take vacation time to
 do it).  

I have a colleague who insists on working full-time while doing training
on the side.  I honestly don't understand how that business model works,
but he seems to be happy with it.  Probably evening or weekend courses
done in installments like I'm guessing you're doing.  That would have to
be all local gigs.  Apparently he even does consulting work.  Several
folks I've seen hanging out in try to
get a consulting practice off the ground this way, though the negative
reaction we've seen on this list is also common there.

 But finding such gigs is even harder, I would think.

If you sign on with a training company that markets nationally, then
you'll probably have to travel.  Being open to travel makes things
easier, opens up many more opportunities.  Of course, you'll have to
play by their rules, even if you use your own material.  It wouldn't
work for you if you're really an independent spirit.

Most of what I've been doing for the last six months or so is just
conference tutorials.  It doesn't pay very well, but I've been told it's
a good way to market myself for more serious gigs.  And of course I get
to practice my skills, and I get free admission to the conference and
partial travel reimbursement.  It's pretty cool seeing my picture on the
brochure that's going out to like-minded folks nationwide.
Danny Faught
Tejas Software Consulting

Re: experiential exercises

2002-07-01 Thread Danny Faught

Vicki Brown wrote:
 Just to get things straight as I lurk on this thread.  Are we talking
 experiential as the subject states, or experimental as people have used
 in their replies... the two words do not really have the same meaning...

It's a strange word, isn't it!  My original question was about
experiential training.  (As in, the Association for Experiential
Education, - little to nothing about technical
training there, though.)

It's encouraging to hear that people have been using some semblance of
experiential exercises for perl training.  I'd love to hear any other
examples or experiences.
Danny Faught
Tejas Software Consulting