[perl #57230] Class variables with 'my' don't work in rakudo

2008-07-27 Thread jn...@jnthn.net via RT
On Wed Jul 23 14:56:05 2008, masak wrote:
 Using 'has' works in rakudo:
 $ perl6 -e 'class A { has $.x; method foo { say $.x } }; my A $a .=
 new; $a.foo'
 But using 'my' (to create a class attribute as per S12:616) doesn't
 $ perl6 -e 'class A { my $.x; method foo { say $.x } }; my A $a .=
 new; $a.foo'
 ...epic fail...
I've done enough to get class attributes in place so as to pass this
(and a good bit more besides). There's a bit more to do on them, but the
basics at least work now. So will resolve this ticket; if we find other
bits not working in relation to this, we can create more specific
tickets for those.



[perl #57316] multisub in Test.pm causes complex subtraction to fail

2008-07-27 Thread Jonathan Leto
# New Ticket Created by  Jonathan Leto 
# Please include the string:  [perl #57316]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=57316 

Howdy folks,

I have attached a diff which includes a patch to is_approx() in Test.pm
which prints out debugging information to STDOUT when is_approx() fails. It
seems to be borking on subtracting complex numbers.

This generates the following trace output when I run

../../parrot perl6.pbc log10.t

6309 new P25, Perl6Scalar   P25=PMCNULL
  6312 find_lex P8, $got  P8=PMCNULL
  6315 unless_null P8, 6P8=Float=PMC(0xb6c5eb38)
  6321 find_lex P10, $expectedP10=PMCNULL
  6324 unless_null P10, 6   P10=Complex=PMC(0xb6c5ea58)
  6330 set_args PC16 (2), P8, P10
PC16=FixedIntegerArray=PMC(0x839403c) P8=Float=PMC(0xb6c5eb38)
  6334 find_sub_not_null P30, infix:- P30=PMCNULL
  6337 get_results PC18 (1), P12
PC18=FixedIntegerArray=PMC(0x8394020) P12=PMCNULL
  6340 invokecc P30 P30=MultiSub=PMC(0x8214548)
  2226 get_params PC30 (2), P0, P1
PC30=FixedIntegerArray=PMC(0x8218464) P0=PMCNULL P1=PMCNULL
  2230 new P2, ComplexP2=PMCNULL
  2233 subtract P2, P0, P1  P2=Complex=PMC(0xb6c5da98: 0+0i)
P0=Float=PMC(0xb6c5eb38) P1=Complex=PMC(0xb6c5ea58)
set_number_keyed() not implemented in class 'Float'
current instr.: 'is_approx' pc 6044 (EVAL_20:2140)
called from Sub '_block11' pc 211 (EVAL_11:40)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 806
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;evalfiles' pc 1088
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1267
called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6::Compiler;main' pc 14567 (perl6.pir:172)

If anyone can point me in the right direction about what in the malarky is
going on, that would be awesome.


Jonathan Leto
Index: log10.t
--- log10.t	(revision 0)
+++ log10.t	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use v6;
+use Test;
+plan 1;
+is_approx(log10(-10 + 0i), 1 + 1i * pi / log(10), got the log10 of -10);
Index: Test.pm
--- Test.pm	(revision 29781)
+++ Test.pm	(working copy)
@@ -61,13 +61,23 @@
 multi sub isnt($got, $expected) { isnt($got, $expected, ''); }
-multi sub is_approx($got, $expected, $desc) {
-my $test = abs($got - $expected) = 0.1;
+multi sub is_approx($got, $expected, $desc, $eps) {
+say 4 arg;
+my $residual = abs($got - $expected);
+my $test = $residual = $eps;
+unless $test {
+print sprintf(got:\t %.8f differs from\nexpected: %.8f by\nresidual: %.8f\n, $got, $expected, $residual);
 proclaim($test, $desc);
-multi sub is_approx($got, $expected) { is_approx($got, $expected, ''); }
+multi sub is_approx($got, $expected, $desc) {
+say 3 arg;
+is_approx($got, $expected, $desc, 0.1);
+multi sub is_approx($got, $expected) { say 2 arg; is_approx($got, $expected, '', 0.1); }
 multi sub todo($reason, $count) {
 $todo_upto_test_num = $num_of_tests_run + $count;
 $todo_reason = '# TODO ' ~ $reason;

[perl #57330] 'exit' from deep within rakudo call stack causes segmentation fault

2008-07-27 Thread Carl Mäsak
# New Ticket Created by  Carl Mäsak 
# Please include the string:  [perl #57330]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=57330 

$ svn info | grep Revi
Revision: 29791

The following works:

$ ./perl6 -e 'exit'
$ ./perl6 -e 'sub a { exit }; a()'

But this doesn't:

$ ./perl6 -e 'sub a { b() }; sub b { exit }; a()'
perl6(26935) malloc: *** error for object 0x27c4c40: double free
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Segmentation fault

[perl #57340] Empty {} or pair {1=2} does not create anonymous hash in rakudo

2008-07-27 Thread Carl Mäsak
# New Ticket Created by  Carl Mäsak 
# Please include the string:  [perl #57340]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=57340 

From S06 http://dev.perl.org/perl6/doc/design/syn/S06.html:

] {...} is always a block. However, if it is completely empty or consists
] of a single list, the first element of which is either a hash or a pair, it
] is executed immediately to compose a Hash object.
] [...]
] $obj =  { 1=2, 3=4, 5=6 };   # Anonymous hash

Rakudo is not up to spec on this point:

$ ./perl6 -e 'my $a = { 1 = 2 }; say $a1'
get_pmc_keyed() not implemented in class 'Closure'
current instr.: '_block11' pc 39 (EVAL_13:21)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 806
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1305
called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6::Compiler;main' pc 14567 (perl6.pir:172)

$ ./perl6 -e 'my $a = {}; say $a.keys'
Method 'keys' not found for invocant of class 'Closure'
current instr.: '_block11' pc 39 (EVAL_13:19)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 806
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1305
called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6::Compiler;main' pc 14567 (perl6.pir:172)

[perl #57336] Using attribute variables outside of methods causes strange errors in rakudo

2008-07-27 Thread Carl Mäsak
# New Ticket Created by  Carl Mäsak 
# Please include the string:  [perl #57336]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=57336 

This works...

$ ./perl6 -e 'class A { my $.a; method m { say $.a } }'

...and this...

$ ./perl6 -e 'class A { has $!a; method m { say $!a } }'

...but not this...

$ perl6 -e 'say $.a'
error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected '\n', expecting '('
in file 'EVAL_13' line 11
Could not find non-existent sub self
current instr.: '_block11' pc 11 (EVAL_13:11)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 806
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1305
called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6::Compiler;main' pc 14567 (perl6.pir:172)

...nor this...

$ perl6 -e 'say $!a'
The opcode 'getattribute_p_ic_sc' (getattribute3) was not found.
Check the type and number of the arguments
current instr.: 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;evalpmc' pc 744
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;compile' pc 438
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 776
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1305
called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6::Compiler;main' pc 14567 (perl6.pir:172)

(Granted, they should throw errors, but errors related to using
attribute syntax outside of a class definition.)

This one could be made to work, but currently doesn't:

$ perl6 -e 'class A { my $.a; say $.a }'
error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected '\n', expecting '('
in file 'EVAL_13' line 27
Could not find non-existent sub self
current instr.: 'parrot;A;_block22' pc 36 (EVAL_13:27)
called from Sub 'parrot;A;_block21' pc 25 (EVAL_13:18)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;evalpmc' pc 744
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;compile' pc 438
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 776
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1305
called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6::Compiler;main' pc 14567 (perl6.pir:172)
perl6(27093) malloc: *** error for object 0x279c820: double free
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Segmentation fault

This one probably shouldn't work, but it shouldn't segfault either:

$ ./perl6 -e 'class A { has $.a; say $.a }'
error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected '\n', expecting '('
in file 'EVAL_13' line 25
Could not find non-existent sub self
current instr.: 'parrot;A;_block23' pc 33 (EVAL_13:25)
called from Sub 'parrot;A;_block22' pc 25 (EVAL_13:18)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;evalpmc' pc 744
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;compile' pc 438
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 776
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1305
called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6::Compiler;main' pc 14567 (perl6.pir:172)
perl6(27084) malloc: *** error for object 0x27c9640: double free
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Segmentation fault

[perl #57318] Untodo a test

2008-07-27 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Michael G Schwern 
# Please include the string:  [perl #57318]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=57318 

The value can be used for attribute name in derived classes is passing on my 
machine.  Remove the TODO flag.

Index: t/spec/S12-class/inheritance.t
--- t/spec/S12-class/inheritance.t  (revision 21559)
+++ t/spec/S12-class/inheritance.t  (working copy)
@@ -43,12 +43,13 @@

  #?rakudo skip 'stringification of objects'
  is($foo_bar.getme, $foo_bar, 'can call inherited methods');
-#?rakudo 4 todo 'various oo bugs'
+#?rakudo todo 'various oo bugs'
  is($foo_bar.getme.baz, Foo::Bar::baz, 'chained method dispatch on altered 

  is($foo_bar.value, undef, 'value can be used for attribute name in derived 
  my $fud;

+#?rakudo 2 todo 'various oo bugs'
  lives_ok { $fud = $foo_bar.getme.fud }, 'chained method dispatch on altered 
  is($fud, Foo::Bar::fud, returned value is correct);

Schwern What we learned was if you get confused, grab someone and swing
   them around a few times
 -- Life's lessons from square dancing

Re: [perl #57318] Untodo a test

2008-07-27 Thread Moritz Lenz
Thank you, applied as r21575 in the pugs repository, where the tests are

I see that you have a commit bit for the pugs repository already, so if
you feel confident, go ahead and check in changes by yourself.


Michael G Schwern (via RT) wrote:
 # New Ticket Created by  Michael G Schwern 
 # Please include the string:  [perl #57318]
 # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
 # URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=57318 
 The value can be used for attribute name in derived classes is passing on 
 machine.  Remove the TODO flag.
 Index: t/spec/S12-class/inheritance.t
 --- t/spec/S12-class/inheritance.t(revision 21559)
 +++ t/spec/S12-class/inheritance.t(working copy)
 @@ -43,12 +43,13 @@
   #?rakudo skip 'stringification of objects'
   is($foo_bar.getme, $foo_bar, 'can call inherited methods');
 -#?rakudo 4 todo 'various oo bugs'
 +#?rakudo todo 'various oo bugs'
   is($foo_bar.getme.baz, Foo::Bar::baz, 'chained method dispatch on altered 
   is($foo_bar.value, undef, 'value can be used for attribute name in derived 
   my $fud;
 +#?rakudo 2 todo 'various oo bugs'
   lives_ok { $fud = $foo_bar.getme.fud }, 'chained method dispatch on altered 
   is($fud, Foo::Bar::fud, returned value is correct);

Moritz Lenz
http://moritz.faui2k3.org/ |  http://perl-6.de/

[perl #57310] [PATCH] Add Default Stringification of Objects

2008-07-27 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  chromatic 
# Please include the string:  [perl #57310]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=57310 

From masak in IRC today:

class A {}; say A.new
polyglotbot OUTPUT[get_string() not implemented in class 'A'

The attached patch fixes that, but it doesn't work yet due to some sneaky 
inheritance in P6Object.  This has to wait on changes to vtable declaration 
and identification.

-- c

=== languages/perl6/src/classes/Object.pir
--- languages/perl6/src/classes/Object.pir	(revision 29799)
+++ languages/perl6/src/classes/Object.pir	(local)
@@ -87,6 +87,18 @@
 .return $P0.'hash'()
+.sub 'get_string' :vtable :method
+.local string what
+what  = self.'WHAT'()
+.local string name
+name  = 'obj:'
+name .= what
+name .= ''
+.return( name )
 =item item()
 Return the scalar component of the invocant.  For most objects,

[perl #57332] Matching against nonexistent class throws wrong kind of error

2008-07-27 Thread Carl Mäsak
# New Ticket Created by  Carl Mäsak 
# Please include the string:  [perl #57332]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=57332 

$ svn info | grep Revi
Revision: 29791

There's no problem matching against an extant class:

$ ./perl6 -e 'class A {}; say mm, pie ~~ A'

But matching against an undefined class doesn't work:

$ ./perl6 -e 'say mm, pie ~~ A'
Method 'ACCEPTS' not found for invocant of class 'Failure'
current instr.: 'infix:~~' pc 12501 (src/gen_builtins.pir:7936)
called from Sub '_block11' pc 34 (EVAL_13:17)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 806
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1305
called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6::Compiler;main' pc 14567 (perl6.pir:172)

Now, it shouldn't work (because A hasn't been defined), but

* The error is all wrong. The class 'Failure' has got nothing to do with it.
* It feels like this could/should be intercepted at BEGIN time, just
like the `class DerivingClass is NotYetDefinedClass {}` error. In both
cases, it's a question of an undeclared bareword.

[perl #57324] t/fetchspec is obsolete?

2008-07-27 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Eric Wilhelm 
# Please include the string:  [perl #57324]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=57324 


It seems that this file may be no longer used (no change since r25301 - 
2008-01-27), or possibly just needs a comment to explain why it is 
different than the 'svn co' or 'svn up' which the Makefile does.


[perl #57346] parsefail on m/foo/ (/foo/ works)

2008-07-27 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Adrian Kreher 
# Please include the string:  [perl #57346]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=57346 

I've been adding tests to S05 for a few days, and I've noticed that the m/foo/ 
form fails, but /foo/ works.
Adrian Kreher

[perl #57226] The statement '.say while =$*IN' makes parrot segfault

2008-07-27 Thread Patrick R. Michaud via RT
This has to do with 'while' not being recognized as a stdstopper in
Rakudo yet.  See #57352.


[perl #57352] Implement stdstopper in grammar

2008-07-27 Thread Patrick R. Michaud (via RT)
# New Ticket Created by  Patrick R. Michaud 
# Please include the string:  [perl #57352]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=57352 

Currently Rakudo doesn't recognize certain keywords as being
expression terminators -- examples would be 'while', 'if',
'for', etc.

This is a placeholder ticket on which to link the other tickets
that are awaiting this change in order to be fixed.


[perl #57334] Zero-arg 'return' does not work with statement-modifier 'if' in rakudo

2008-07-27 Thread Patrick R. Michaud via RT
This is because statement modifiers aren't yet recognized as
stdstopper in Rakudo's grammar yet.  See #57352.