Re: [Phono-L] Nutcracker Suite

2011-12-17 Thread Dan Kj
 I have the 2 Edison discs, but they are rather noisy pressings;  it would 
be nice to find later paper-label pressings - if they were in the catalogue 
long enough.   I recently bought (and overpaid, but I didn't know)  an 
electric Edison of the Peer Gynt Suite, and although 2 discography sources 
showed it to be similar to the acoustic Edison with 2 parts on each side, it 
actually has just Morning and Ase's Death played so slowly and 
lugubriously that they almost fill each side!They did something similar 
a couple of years earlier,  with Victor Herbert's Suite of Serenades - even 
though all 4 parts would easily fit on 2 Edison sides, only 2 parts were 
recorded with a lot of wasted blank space.

 Back to the Nutcracker:  5 decent Edison cylinders from the London branch. 
Although played by the National Military Band,  the harp part was wisely 
retained in Waltz of the Flowers.  My copy of Flowers looks new, but has a 
waver that makes the harp unpleasant to hear;  the Syracuse University 
Belfer Lab people have overcome most wavering on most of their transfers, so 
this is quite enjoyable.All in one zipped folder, for your convenience:

Do check the Belfer site - the transfers are excellent, and you are allowed 
to download all of them.  No telling when anything on the Internet might 
disappear, so save save save.

- Original Message - 
From: Philip Carli

To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Nutcracker Suite

A happy choice in many formats and performances in the acoustic and early 
electric era.  If you don't have the Long Play version, the original 10 
DD sides from 1918 offer a really colorful and energetic performance as 
well (indeed led by Sodero - he gets really tight playing from the strings 
in the Overture Miniature), lacking the March, which was subsequently 
issued by Edison in 1920 in a version by Conway's Band.  We have two 
versions for the season: four sides of Herman Finck and the Palace Theatre 
Orchestra's second recording of the suite, done in 1914 for English 
Columbia (brilliantly recorded, with the slowest yet most precise version 
of the March I've heard), and Percy Pitt leading the B.B.C. Wireless 
Symphony Orchestra in 1927 on six sides (stylish and brightly colored in 
the manner of 1920s English orchestras - those narrow-bore piston-valve 
French horns and straight-toned double-reeds really cut).  Also, the Pryor 
Band's 1912 Victor recording of the Overture is re
ally wonderful - as finished woodwind playing as has ever been recorded, 
and rather startlingly delicate. P. Carli

From: [] on 
behalf of Jim  Cartwright []

Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 9:37 PM
To: 'Antique Phonograph List'
Subject: [Phono-L] Nutcracker Suite

Since World War II, Tschaikowsky's Nutcracker Ballet , always a popular
concert item has become a Holiday Season favorite.   I just cranked up my
Edison C-2 Long Playing

Phonograph  listened without record change interruptions to the slightly
abridged Edison long-playing diamond disc record (30004) of Casse-Noisette
(Nutcracker) Suite performed by Edison's house orchestra, the American
Symphony Orchestra, no conductor listed on the label but no doubt directed
by Cesare Sodero.   At this time of year I recommend this record to all
collectors of antique phonographs despite its low volume level  the
occasional skip or repeat but be sure to fully wind the phonograph before
starting since the music lasts almost 20 minutes.   Merry Christmas!

Jim Cartwright

Phono-L mailing list

Re: [Phono-L] Todd Augsburger

2011-05-11 Thread Dan Kj
He was ultimately a very old and successful man who left a legacy of great 
comfort and happiness to millions of people.  Nothing came from imaginary 
gods, witches, ghosts, angels, or any other stupidity thought up by people 
who want to control the thoughts of others.  What you DO in life is all that 
counts -  preaching is just self-serving nonsense.  There are no gods. None. 
Or do you Praise God! for giving you cancer?  That's some kinda evil 
god, if so. I'd rather understand the truth. Being too simple to 
understand how Life was C-R-E-A-T-E-D is just sad, sorry to say.

- Original Message - 
From: Vinyl Visions

Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Todd Augsburger

Apparently, Thomas Edison was a genius, but ultimately a fool:
Psalm 14:1 a “The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” (NIV)

He was too smart to realize that everything on this earth has been created 
by a loving and wonderful God. This didn't just happen in some cosmic 
explosion of swamp gas or whatever (and for anyone who believes that - where 
did the swamp gas come from or where did the stuff that exploded originate - 
how about it was C-R-E-A-T-E-D?).

I have been blessed as a cancer survivor and give thanks to God for my 
recovery, so I definitely relate to Todd Augsberger, who has gone on to a 
better place. I feel sorry for anyone who believes that we are only - Dust 
In The Wind or finds some kind of comfort in the Peggy Lee song - Is That 
All There Is?

Without God, it isn't possible for us to leave the world even a tiny bit 
better than when we entered, as we have nothing to offer without HIM.

Date: Tue, 10 May 2011 21:43:06 -0400
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Todd Augsburger

 I'm about at Edison's level of faith, less his occasional (and very real)
need to protect his businesses by pandering to the religious crowd when
reporters pushed him on the God subject.  He saw no evidence of a kindly,
merciful being which oversaw Nature and the world. (Think of Mina trying 
get him to attend a service to thank God for victory in Cuba.  Shouldn't 
also thank God for the yellow fever which killed our soldiers?, he 
asked. )

I see Life as an opportunity  obligation to get through our years without
being nasty, cruel, thoughtless, greedy, etc - but we WILL be those things
at some point,  and can only try to make up for that  maybe leave the 

a tiny bit better than when we entered.   Being decent doesn't require a
mythical father-figure floating in the sky.

Phono-L mailing list

Re: [Phono-L] Todd Augsburger

2011-05-10 Thread Dan Kj
I'm about at Edison's level of faith, less his occasional (and very real) 
need to protect his businesses by pandering to the religious crowd when 
reporters pushed him on the God subject.  He saw no evidence of a kindly, 
merciful being which oversaw Nature and the world. (Think of Mina trying to 
get him to attend a service to thank God for victory in Cuba.  Shouldn't we 
also thank God for the yellow fever which killed our soldiers?, he asked. ) 
I see Life as an opportunity  obligation to get through our years without 
being nasty, cruel, thoughtless, greedy, etc - but we WILL be those things 
at some point,  and can only try to make up for that  maybe leave the world 
a tiny bit better than when we entered.   Being decent doesn't require a 
mythical father-figure floating in the sky.

- Original Message - 
From: Stephen Madara

Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Todd Augsburger

If you have a chance read his blog where he discusses his struggles and 
faith coping with ALS ( Lou Gehrig's Disease ).

Phono-L mailing list

Re: [Phono-L] Magnetic Pickup Repair/Restoraion

2011-04-02 Thread Dan Kj
When I was maybe 14 or 15 (not recently!) I got a Silvertone radio/phono 
from a flea market for a couple of dollars.  The radio/amp needed work,  but 
I connected the crystal pickup directly to the speaker and the volume was 
quite adequate - through headphones, the volume was overwhelming

- Original Message - 
From: RBaumbach

To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Magnetic Pickup Repair/Restoraion

The service data lists crystal cartridges for both of these.

About 30 years ago I had a V-225 (the one that plays both sides of the 
record).  I was able to find a couple of NOS cartridges for it, but of 
course they were as dead as the used ones in the record changer.  At least 
the needles were new.

On MondayMarch 28, 2011, at March2820118:27 PM, 

Bob, does this mean the V-210 and V-215 also have crystal cartridges?

Phono-L mailing list

Re: [Phono-L] Pics of Oddball CliftoPhone tonearm and reproducer

2011-03-30 Thread Dan Kj
The close shot of the needle-chuck sure looks as if the pivots are solid 
wings attached at both ends.  If so, it's a wonder if it makes any noise at 
all, and I suspect it is particularly brutal on records.

- Original Message - 
From: Ron L'Herault

To: 'Antique Phonograph List'
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Pics of Oddball CliftoPhone tonearm and reproducer

Wow, oddball is right.  It responds to lateral grooves, right?  Does it
rotate to move the needle bar to the front for vertical reproduction? 
those washers on it you have to wonder if there is a missing piece of 

that was between arm flange and reproducer too.

Ron L

-Original Message-
From: [] 

Behalf Of Vinyl Visions
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 1:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Pics of Oddball CliftoPhone tonearm and reproducer

Phono-L mailing list

[Phono-L] Happy Edison's Birthday

2011-02-10 Thread Dan Kj
 I think it's weird when people leave birthday greetings for dead people at 
the cemetery,  so I will say:

 Happy Edison's Birthday to US , and a big fat THANK YOU to Thomas Alva 
Edison - thanks for living  producing so many nifty inventions  !!

ps - Sorry I touched some of your furniture  got yelled at by the Tour Lady 
in 1976, but I couldn't help it.  Sneaked some touches at the Lab, too.

Phono-L mailing list

Re: [Phono-L] Who says some phono collectors aren't creepy??

2010-12-17 Thread Dan Kj
I guess The Waltzing Doll would have been too cheerful and light-hearted 
for this 

(Is she supposed to be dead or just comatose, or  ?)

- Original Message - 
From: john robles

To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Who says some phono collectors aren't creepy??

Creepy. I know it's not supposed to be, technically, but it is!

--- On Fri, 12/17/10, wrote:

Subject: [Phono-L] Who says some phono collectors aren't creepy??
Date: Friday, December 17, 2010, 7:35 AM

This was shared on another newsgroup and I thought others might want to see

Phono-L mailing list

Re: [Phono-L] Edison attachment to play Victor and Pathe records

2010-11-13 Thread Dan Kj
That was actually a decent deal ($61 final bid)   because it was for TWO 
adapters - one for laterals  one for Pathe type ... I didn't even know that 
Pathe-only adapters were made - the ones I have or have seen were either for 
both or lateral-only.

- Original Message - 
From: Tom Jordan

To: 'Antique Phonograph List'
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 2:43 PM
Subject: [Phono-L] Edison attachment to play Victor and Pathe records

Someone on the list was asking about one of these last week.  I just saw
this one on e-bay.  It looks rough, but thought you might be interested in
seeing it.

It is item number   280585802435.

Phono-L mailing list


2010-10-23 Thread Dan Kj
I think that's exactly what this is.  See the No.7 wood horn on Type 48, at 
this site:

- Original Message - 
From: John Maeder

To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 4:00 PM
is it?

I had one of these 'Baby' horns on a Repp Vitaphone years ago.

Phono-L mailing list

Re: [Phono-L] Fw: YouTube - Historic Film: Market Street 1906

2010-10-18 Thread Dan Kj
The Lyeberry of Congress American Memory site has had this for about 10 
years link )

- Original Message - 
From: harvey kravitz

To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 10:26 PM
Subject: [Phono-L] Fw: YouTube - Historic Film: Market Street 1906

Hey Guys,
This was forwarded to me. Check out the phonograph in the later part of 

Harvey Kravitz

- Forwarded Message 
From: Jerry OConnor
To: Dave Kushner
Sent: Sun, October 17, 2010 8:25:44 PM
Subject: Fw: YouTube - Historic Film: Market Street 1906

This story was shown on 60 minutes tonight and the actual date of this 
shot was one week before the April 1906 earthquake.  This silent movie of 
Street in 1906 has been on the internet for a few years and I received it 

year as a email.   jerryo

Phono-L mailing list 

Phono-L mailing list

Re: [Phono-L] Union wish list - Pathe Actuelle upright

2010-06-05 Thread Dan Kj

This is nice, but probably won't make its way to Union:

- Original Message - 
From: Peter Fraser

To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2010 1:32 AM
Subject: [Phono-L] Union wish list - Pathe Actuelle upright

I guess I have a wish list item to add to the pile:  an upright Pathe 
Actuelle, which is the Pathe disc machine with the wacky umbrella parasol 
style tonearm/sound radiator gizmo.

I've craved one for a really long time, and finally found one a little 
while ago.  It was going to get handed off to another friend at Union to 
be brought back to me, but the deal fell apart for a bunch of really 
tragic reasons that I still feel pretty awful about.  But that's another 

In any case, if any of you have a lead on one for less than $500 in decent 
shape and functional - and that could make its way to Union - please let 
me know.

Phono-L mailing list

Re: [Phono-L] Doctors call for patients

2010-06-02 Thread Dan Kj
If they'll pay $500 to repair $5 worth of old wax, maybe .  Has there been 
much charity associated with this effort ?

- Original Message - 
From: john robles

To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Doctors call for patients

Mike -
Will my insurance cover it? :-)
John Robles

--- On Tue, 6/1/10, Michael F. Khanchalian 

From: Michael F. Khanchalian
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Doctors call for patients
To: Antique Phonograph List
Date: Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 9:15 PM

This is your yearly reminder that I will be set up at Union in the usual 
spot to bring healing to your beloved but ailing wax recordings with 
cracks, in pieces, pitted, etc etc.

Come on by,

Best regards,

Dr. Michael
Cylinder Doctor

Phono-L mailing list

Re: [Phono-L] Union wish list

2010-05-26 Thread Dan Kj
I wish:  my car would go that far  back (doubtful) ... that *I* could drive 
that far and back (impossible - I fall into a trance after 100 miles) ... 
that I could afford it (well, I prolly can) .. and that my current job would 
allow it (nope - nobody to take my place over a weekend) .

Phono-L mailing list

Re: [Phono-L] Vitaphone Tone Arm

2010-04-30 Thread Dan Kj
Actually, the spring/string assembly needs to be in the correct position - 
hooked to the side and pulling sideways for laterals, or unhooked and 
pulling down for hill  dales.

With an Edison cygnet horn attached directly to the reproducer, a good band 
record is impressive !

- Original Message - 
  And, yes, it is capable of playing
vertical modulation about as well as lateral.  This is because the 
connection from the wood arm to the soundbox diaphragm is accomplished 
with a string that is oriented at approximately a 45 degree angle to the 
center of the diaphragm.  This arrangement causes either vertical or 
lateral motion of the wood arm to be transmitted (rather poorly) to the 

Phono-L mailing list

Re: [Phono-L] re mirek and his prices

2010-04-28 Thread Dan Kj
I just got a price on a 5pound box, 9x9x9 inches, from Mirek's town to 
mine, with $500 insurance:  $23.19 Canadian.

Mirek's shipping charge seems reasonable and non-profit, to me

Phono-L mailing list

Re: [Phono-L] Dual Lateral/Vertical Reproducer

2010-04-28 Thread Dan Kj
 Does this attachment fit an Edison disc machine?  Sounds just like one 
that I have

Sent: Tue, April 27, 2010 4:29:08 PM
Subject: [Phono-L] Dual Lateral/Vertical Reproducer

Hello - I found a dual lateral/vertical reproducer in an antique shop today. 
It was in a box of accessories for a floor model Victrola XI.  I asked if 
they would part with just that piece and managed to buy it pretty 
reasonably.  It has what appears to be a Bakelite diaphragm - it's opaque 
brown.  The needle holder has two holes - one in line with the diaphragm for 
the lateral records, and one angled for vertical cut records.  Its backing 
has two L-tubes that can be twisted around to position the reproducer for 
the appropriate record type.  When in position for a vertical cut record the 
diaphragm is positioned face down horizontal to the turntable - as with an 
Ultona.  It's not an Ultona, but  I don't see any markings indicating what 
company manufactured this piece.  I was hoping someone would recognize it by 
this description and might know something more about it.

Phono-L mailing list

Re: [Phono-L] Craigslist Rant

2010-04-12 Thread Dan Kj
I understand how you might feel, yet can also speak from a seller's 
position :  until I get cash in hand, the thing is open to all comers.
I tried like Heck to sell an old van, some months ago.  Dozens of emails, 
dozens of calls, dozens of liars who promised to visit yet never showed up. 
Then there were the low-ball-bastards, offering $200 when I was asking 
guys who couldn't rub 2 quarters together.

While I waited for one flakey kid to scrape up $500,  an earlier prospect 
put $800 cash in my hand.  Money talks,  etc 

- Original Message - 
From: john robles
I need to rant. I have been made a sucker. I sold my nice mahogany Victrola 
XVI in order to buy a Victrola XIV in beautifully grained American Walnut on 
Craigslist. The deal was made a few days ago (all documented in email) and I 
was set to drive down to San Clemente tomorrow to get it. Tonight the seller 
writes me and says Hi John, I'm sorry to say this but I have another offer 
on the

Victrola for $600. The collector thAt looked at it said it has an
uncommon walnut finish. Anyway, I am giving him until next weekend to
pay/pickup. I'm sorry for any inconvience this may have cause you. Good
luck to you.
So I sold my nice XVI for nothing. And the seller reneged on a done deal 
because she got a better offer (by the way, her ad asked for $450 and I 
agreed to pay that). The other collector is going to find out that it isn't 
Circassian, and I hope he renegs on her. I reported her to Craigslist for 
gogn back on the deal. Obviously I am very unhappy about this. I just wanted 
to vent.
Thank you for listening! Now I have to find a nice victrola to replace my 

Phono-L mailing list

[Phono-L] Any Edison Crapographs?

2007-08-18 Thread Dan Kj
Cheapo, late-model portables, surely.

 Crap-O-Edisons wouldn't be so easy to fake,  what with the precision 
feed-screws and all.

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Wright

Correct me if I'm wrong, everyone, but isn't the only reason we have
crap-o-phones at al because a very large number of inner workings showed up
in India or something?

[Phono-L] Another gem from Mario

2007-07-17 Thread Dan Kj
Meanwhile, real antiques are readily available and sometime go begging or into 
the trash !   I just got another Standard disc machine, in very decent 
condition, out of the trash of an elderly neighbor whose kids stuck her into a 
'home'.Some modification to the spindle  it'll be ready to play 'normal' 

- Original Message - 
From: Mario Frazzetto
To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Another gem from Mario

No prob Ray. It is just amazing how many of these crapophone auctions there
are in Australia, and Germany seems to be the other big culprit.

[Phono-L] Another gem from Mario

2007-07-17 Thread Dan Kj
The rapidly-approaching-death Buffalo NY, unfortunately.   We are now below the 
population of 1890.

- Original Message - 
From: john robles
To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Another gem from Mario

I'd like to know what neighborhood you're in, Dan!

Dan Kj wrote:
  Meanwhile, real antiques are readily available and sometime go begging or into
the trash ! I just got another Standard disc machine, in very decent
condition, out of the trash of an elderly neighbor whose kids stuck her into a
'home'. Some modification to the spindle  it'll be ready to play 'normal'

- Original Message - 
From: Mario Frazzetto
To: Antique Phonograph List

Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Another gem from Mario

No prob Ray. It is just amazing how many of these crapophone auctions there
are in Australia, and Germany seems to be the other big culprit.

Phono-L mailing list

Phono-L mailing list 

[Phono-L] All you phonograph/old car guys - check this out

2007-07-09 Thread Dan Kj
 The hand-holds are too short to give much torque for a lugnut wrench (I've had 
to STAND my fat self on the handle of lugnut wrenches, to get the nut to move) 
and why would Edison even make a lug nut wrench??

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 10:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] All you phonograph/old car guys - check this out

In a message dated 7/9/2007 6:13:33 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

If I had  the car and the plugs, I'd sure go for it! Time will  tell...

I don't know why you guys think that its a spark plug wrench--or even a  tire
iron--looks like a lug nut wrench to me with the shallow wrench head.

Art Heller

[Phono-L] Marconi Velvet Tone discs

2007-07-06 Thread Dan Kj
I've played only one of my Marconi discs (Everybody Works But Father, by Lew 
Dockstader) - and found that is sounded very well, indeed.   I also have 4 
doubled-sided Marconi records of Spanish band music (issued in South America, I 
assume) and a few other titles which I don't recall.

I am sure that damage to the records would occur long before damage to the 
machine, which is probably why both Columbia and Victor dumbed-down their 
recording ranges before 1910.  Heavily recorded electrical discs experienced 
same ground-into-crud fate, in the 1920s.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Marconi Velvet Tone discs

In a message dated 7/4/2007 10:23:43 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Do you play yours?  I thought they were too fragile to play.  How do you
 keep them from slipping?  I am now curious how these sound.

Hi All,
Well, I'm not Robert but I play my Marconi Records. I merely play them on a
modern lightweight tone arm electric 78 rpm phonograph. The sound can be simple
awsome! I have also played a few Columbias from the same era that seem to
blow away the Victors with depth and roundness on tone.
However, something changed in Columbia's recording equipment and by the time
the Blue Label records came out the sound quality in the lower range seems to
have greatly diminished.
 My only assumption is that the strong notes in the lower register were
causing damage to the reproducers used in the Columbia. The mica would finally
start to disintigrate from the extra strong vibration and caused that squealing
sound at certain tones and if the reproducer was too stiff the damage to the
grooves would soon become apparant.
Just my personal observations.
Rick A. Jorgensen

[Phono-L] Where can I get covers for 78s? (on topic)

2007-07-03 Thread Dan Kj
Bags Unlimited sleeves are okay, but Disc-O-File sleeves are suberb and 
worth the extra cost, at least for your most treasured records !

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Wright

 Anyone out there with actual Disc-o-file sleeve experience wish to give 
 regarding its comparison to the BagsUnlimited sleeves?

[Phono-L] Where can I get covers for 78s? (on topic)

2007-07-03 Thread Dan Kj
make that


- Original Message - 
From: Dan Kj
To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Where can I get covers for 78s? (on topic)

 Bags Unlimited sleeves are okay, but Disc-O-File sleeves are suberb and 
 worth the extra cost, at least for your most treasured records !
 - Original Message - 
 From: Robert Wright

 Anyone out there with actual Disc-o-file sleeve experience wish to give 
 regarding its comparison to the BagsUnlimited sleeves?

[Phono-L] Official Questionnaire for early Edison discphonographs

2007-06-25 Thread Dan Kj
The photo page opens fine on my Thinkpad.

By the way, about this item :

11) Latest patent date on dataplate: 8-26-11 (Unsure of the 6 in 26).

8-26-11 was a Saturday,  and most patents since 1848 have been issued on 
Tuesdays, so either 8-22 or 8-29 would be more likely.

 To see early vs. late details, Refer to photos posted on:
 http:// (then:) (and
 finally:) .html

 Directions from Peter Fraser on accessing these photos:
 the password is pook2e (no quotes).

[Phono-L] Victor P bracket

2007-06-21 Thread Dan Kj
ps - all clean meant  scraped right down to the bare steel in this case.  

- Original Message - 

I knew someone who had the same finish on all the door hardware in his house 
   he removed every piece  got them all clean again with some kind of 
 industrial polishing compound.  I couldn't tell if he was disappointed when I 
 told him the pieces were  SUPPOSED to have spots of different-colored metal. 
From  Thu Jun 21 14:13:43 2007
From: (
Date: Thu Jun 21 14:14:53 2007
Subject: [Phono-L] Unusual Edison Horn

This is quite an interesting horn and it sold for quite a bit of money. Does 
anyone know about these horns and how long Edison produced them?

AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from 
AOL at
From  Thu Jun 21 14:48:39 2007
From: (
Date: Thu Jun 21 14:50:17 2007
Subject: [Phono-L] Unusual Edison Horn

Isn't that the West Point horn?  These were essentially Amberola 50  
horns turned upside down, and made available as replacements for  
earlier horns after the latter were discontinued.

On Jun 21, 2007, at 2:13 PM, wrote:

 This is quite an interesting horn and it sold for quite a bit of  
 money. Does anyone know about these horns and how long Edison  
 produced them? 

 AOL now offers free email to everyone.  Find out more about what's  
 free from AOL at
 Phono-L mailing list

[Phono-L] Edison/Dalhart question

2007-05-26 Thread Dan Kj
If B  C are known, it's a safe bet that A was also issued.  It was standard 
practice to get 3 good takes  put all into production to speed the process.

[Phono-L] Why hasn't anyone bid?

2007-05-12 Thread Dan Kj
Plus $80 (EIGHTY!) to mail a machine you can hold in one hand.  sheesh. 

- Original Message - 
From: Norman Bruderhofer
To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Why hasn't anyone bid?

 Well, you are just right. Here's Grandma's Graphophone QQ. It -has- 
 to be rare because it is from 1894 and the seller has a modest price...
 Beware of the small whirring sound !
From  Sat May 12 13:52:29 2007
From: (
Date: Sat May 12 13:53:01 2007
Subject: [Phono-L] Why hasn't anyone bid?

In a message dated 5/12/2007 1:07:09 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

It -has-  to be rare because it is from 1894 and the seller has a modest  

As long as we're looking at great values on eBay, you surely wouldn't want  
to miss this lavishly described treasure:
Best regards,
Rene Rondeau

** See what's free at
From  Sat May 12 14:13:34 2007
From: (Dennis Back)
Date: Sat May 12 14:14:09 2007
Subject: [Phono-L] Why hasn't anyone bid?
In-Reply-To: 001701c794d0$a3d01520$8a01a...@new

--- Dan Kj wrote:

 Plus $80 (EIGHTY!) to mail a machine you can hold in
 one hand.  sheesh. 

A...Dan, you are wrong.  The machine goes in one
hand, BUT.he is including TWO CYLINDERS (which
will go in the OTHER hand)  =  $80 shipping.


I have to go now.I have to get back to my backyard
and all the mason jars.


 snooze, you lose. Get messages ASAP with AutoCheck
in the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.
From  Sat May 12 15:39:08 2007
From: (john robles)
Date: Sat May 12 15:40:11 2007
Subject: [Phono-L] Why hasn't anyone bid?

Notice how the guy said if it didn't sell on ebay he would send it to an 
auction house? Then he ended it and started it again to allow international 
buyers to bid? This guy's blowing smoke. Whoever said it was worth 5 million 
was crazy, and this guy knows he'll never get that, so he's desperately trying 
at ebay to sell it for half a mil. Pathetic.

Robert Plavzic wrote:  I wonder?

Or one could save up and probably buy all the phonographs at the the Union
show for the same money!

It does raise the question as to where some people get their idea of prices.
The usual story of peope who have Grandma's Graphophone B and because its
old and they have never seen another think that it must be worth a few
thousand $ !

all the best

Phono-L mailing list

[Phono-L] Wonderful Windups

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj-
Indeed!  Their $50 Orthophonic bracket (a bit more now, I think)  made my 
$25 Credenza into a thing of beauty (well, a thing of utility - it was as 
beautiful as it will ever get )

- Original Message - 
From: Steven Medved
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Phono-L Digest, Vol 2, Issue 219

 The Smiths are one of the few people who make parts of outstanding 


I can vouch for the quality of the parts at I got a
bracket for my Victor 9-16 and it was superb.


[Phono-L] Searching...Carriage question

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj-
I suspect that it would fit, but the stylus wouldn't be in quite the correct 
spot.  That's what happened when I moved the carriage from an Amberola X to 
a Fireside - it works, but the stylus/record angle is not right.

- Original Message - 
From: Steven Medved
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Searching...Carriage question

 Hi John and all who care,

 I saw a Gem on eBay with a large horizontal carriage and there is a Gem D 
 Australia with a large horizontal carriage and a model O (New Amberola
 Graphic article).  My standard D with a new spring would not play a 
 B, but according to Frow an order was put in to equip some D and E Gems 
 a Diamond B.  What I want to find out is if the Fireside B carriage will 
 the Gem or if there were some special large horizontal carriages made for
 the Gem that were horizontal, as opposed to the large 45 degree carriage
 with the Gem E.  I have never owned a Gem or Fireside, so I was hoping
 someone would know.  A 45 degree elbow would allow a Gem with a horizontal
 carriage to accept a straight horn, in the Edison Standard Diamond B 
 kits Edison supplied an elbow, a white horn rubber, a reducer, a Diamond 
 and the large carriage with no feedscrew, you used the old one.

 I totally agree with what you said, but for years I have wanted to know if
 Edison made a special carriage, and finally remembered the Gem and 
 cranes look similar.


 I kind of think putting the Fireside B carriage on a Gem would be like
 putting cat's paws on a duck. ;-)

 Phono-L mailing list

 Phono-L Archive 

[Phono-L] ebay nr 6582393385

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj-
It does appear that the top of the spindle is flush with the record surface, 
so I'll guess that it wouldn't have a hold-down nut - unless somebody cut 
off the spindle at some time .  Only thing I can tell about that label is 
that it looks old - note the dirt around each corner tack

- Original Message - 
From: Ron L'Herault
To: 'Antique Phonograph List'
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] ebay nr 6582393385

 It looks like the picture of the  $3.00 Victor on page 13 of 
 Victor Data Book and page 19 of his LFTD, 5th printing.  It says that the
 soundbox is unique to this instrument, the least expensive produced by
 Victor and sold as a children's machine.  What I can't tell is if it is
 supposed to have a record hold down nut or not.

 Ron L

 -Original Message-
 From: [] 
 Behalf Of Robert Plavzic
 Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 8:10 AM
 Subject: [Phono-L] ebay nr 6582393385



 Apart from what looks like an Edison Gem horn  Busy Bee reproducer would
 the rest be OK? I have heard that a series was made of these in Italy in 

 '70's. Has any one else seen this style label?

[Phono-L] Diamond Disc Reproducers

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
In fact, if the Edison Disc reproducer is not adjusted *just right*,  one 
can hear the brass ringing along with the surface noise !
Thus the use of pot metal, methinks.  Brass is long-lived, but not 
acoustically inert.

- Original Message - 
From: Bruce Mercer
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 5:13 PM
Subject: [Phono-L] Diamond Disc Reproducers

 Can anyone tell me if the Edison Diamond C reproducer used in the
 Amberola models, is made of Pot metal and therefore suffers damage due to
 the brittle metal ? I believe there were two types of Diamond C, the 
 one having a nickle coated finish and the later one being finished in 
 Were both versions made of the same material (ie) Pot metal.
 Were there any pot metal parts on the Edison Diamond Disc reproducer ?

 No, pot metal was never used on any of the disc reproducers.


[Phono-L] RE: Open-horned phonos

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
I am sure that Edison's sales were much higher than Victor's, until the 
success of the Victrola.
There are quite a few Columbia Q machines out there, too !

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 10:02 PM
Subject: [Phono-L] RE: Open-horned phonos

 Hello, all:

 Why does one see so many more open-horned Edison machines than Victors? 

[Phono-L] john9ten sent you this eBay item: Victor Vitrola Phonograph VV-IX w/ Morning Glory Horn (#6513932683)

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
It is all pieces-parts !  So, anything goes ..  I would think that the ID 
plate matches the motor, if nothing else

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 9:01 PM
Subject: [Phono-L] john9ten sent you this eBay item: Victor Vitrola 
Phonograph VV-IX w/ Morning Glory Horn (#6513932683)

john9ten sent you this eBay item.

Personal message:
This doesn't compute...if you enlarge the pic where you can see the motor 
care decal, it seems that the decal shows a single spring motor.  This is a 
late Victor case with the slip in tonearm bracket, and the rest of the stuff 
looks right except for the ID plate, am I right or am I crazy?
And thanks for the birthday greeting, Mike, you are the best! 

[Phono-L] Styli assistance, please

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
I play lots of records acoustically, and don't get black dust on the needle; 
I'd stop immediately, if so (not counting dirt, which is another story).  If 
your needle is grinding BLACK out of the grooves every time, your machine is 
in serious need of repair.  However, I do not play records with the standard 
pre-1925 Victrola equipment, which had a terrible tracking angle. That might 
be your problem.   (Exhibition or Victrola No.2 - both are pretty stiff)  By 
the way, that diamond needle on your Victrola is certain to destroy your 

As for Edison diamonds -  they can become chipped without warning, and cut 
the heck out of your records.  I've had to stop playing Blue Amberols, 
because I can't find a good diamond replacement.

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Wright

 Maybe this is the place to finally find out whether my thoughts on playing
 disc records on a phonograph are founded and based or just neurotic 

 If the man is worried enough about quality playback to worry about stylus
 radii, why would anybody suggest he drag a 1-pound reproducer with what
 amounts to a headless finishing nail in it through the grooves?!

[Phono-L] Recorder

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
It is a recorder?  Sure it isn't a reproducer??

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2005 3:33 PM
Subject: [Phono-L] Recorder

I have finally got to a strange electronic recorder that I got in a 
 cabinet I purchased a few years ago. It fits in a large carriage Edison
 Cylinder player and has a Stanton?? 500 cartridge and 2 different stylis 
 that are
 marked 2 and 4. It has a standard RCA push type jack on the top. I am not 
 how to post a picture of it. Any information about how to use this 
 would be helpful and greatly appreciated. I have never seen one before. 
 e-mail me of list for pictures. Thanks, Bob 

[Phono-L] Styli...

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj

 Rough shaped diamonds were plated into place with nickel, then the nickel 
was ground away in the same operation that shaped the tip.
 New ones would be another story (one my clutzy fingers won't be telling! )

- Original Message - 
From: Ron L'Herault
To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 4:04 PM
Subject: RE: [Phono-L] Styli...

 How are DD styli held into the stylus bar and what does one use to fasten 
 a new one?

[Phono-L] Re: Edison Phono on Antique Road Show this week

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
On the plus side, he DID know that Edison made something called Art 
Models, but he thought that was 1907 or so  this wasn't one of them  
and they were Disc models, for that matter.  But he'd heard of Art Models!

ps - The owner thinks all the records are worn out;  maybe it's because 
he's hearing them with the wrong stylus?

From: Bob

 ... and he didn't say anything about the cylinders or include them in the
 appraisal.  Very disappointing indeed.

[Phono-L] half a horn better than none?

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
Wyatt's sells unpainted reproduction cygnet elbows for $125

- Original Message - 
From: Ron L'Herault

 An antique dealer/friend of mine has turned up the front half of an
 eleven panel cyl. Phonograph horn.  Yes, it is missing the rear conical
 section.  Does it have any value as is?  Does someone make/have just the
 conical section?  It is red, maybe repainted, heavyish steel.  It has
 one dented area but no rust.

[Phono-L] Even More Unusual item on eBay

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
 Or maybe just CON something? hehe

CON Automatique du MufflerShoppe

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Plavzic
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Even More Unusual item on eBay


 So what do we call this, Concert Automatique HMV, Concert Automatique Dog
 model, Concert Automatique Lemon?

 At least the legs are padded...for the asylum I think? There are some 
 indecent fakes appearing on the market at the moment.

[Phono-L] Unusual item on eBay

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
They usually had an internal resistance of between 2,000 and 4,000 ohms, for 
connection to something like a Radiola 18

- Original Message - 
From: Ron L'Herault
To: 'Antique Phonograph List'
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Unusual item on eBay

 It might be interesting, if it works, to parallel outputs from a portable 
 or MP3 player and pump them through an Orthophonic horn with this thing.
 Thinking Al was interested, I didn't go back and bid on it.

 Ron L

 -Original Message-
 From: [] 
 Behalf Of Dan Kj
 Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 1:45 PM
 To: Antique Phonograph List
 Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Unusual item on eBay

 I'll find out about the windings, when it gets here (I bought it; for $10,
 what the heck) ...  I do have a driver made to fit on the Edison diamond
 disc machine, and it still works fine - but was also still in its box 
 might not have been used in the past.

 - Original Message - 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 12:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Unusual item on eBay

 In a message dated 7/4/2005 1:45:17 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

 This  doo-hicky is a speaker driver that is intended to go in  place of
 sound box on a phonograph. It uses the horn of the phonograph  as the
 necessary horn for its operation. There were several such  attachmernts
 phonographs in the days of battery radios. It's  reasonable to expect 
 the winding in these speaker attachments are  open, and that the thing
 wouldn't work, but... 

[Phono-L] Unusual item on eBay

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
The doohickey arrived, this morning!  It's in very nice shape, and the coil 
is intact:  1880 ohms, I read.
I'll hook it up to the Radiola 18, tomorrow.  I think it should fit on the 
gooseneck of the Victor I .

- Original Message - 
From: Doug
To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Unusual item on eBay

 One thing that we need to have clear here. In the days that these speaker
 units were made, the output impedance of the rtadio was in the order
 1000-2000Ohms. That was the general impedance of headphones, horn speakers
 and the early magnetic cone speakers. What they did was couple the output
 tube to the phones or speaker. This device that we're talking about is
 rerally a horn speaker without the horn.Your Victrola furnished the 
 horn. Victor did this on several models of orthophonic Victrola-Radiola

 The other thing to remember is that the output power of those old 
 was probably not a whole watt. The output power of a modern transistor
 radio, especially a large one is higher than one of the  old battery sets!
 Now, back to the topic of impedance. The headphones we use today ar low
 impedance devices, so the voltage output of your stereo or transistor set 
 far lower than on the mid-twenties set. If you're confused, lemme make it
 worse. High impedance means (in this case) high voltage, low current in 
 speaker. Low impedance means low voltage, high current. So, in order to
 match the old speakers to modern outputs, you can use an output 
 whose secondary impedance is low (4-8 Ohms) and whose primary impedance is
 2000 Ohms or so (It isn't critical). You simply connect the low impedance
 side to the transistor set, and the high impedance side to the horn 
 and it will work very well.  In this, you're just hooking the transformer 
 reverse, to match the spaeker to your signal source.

 Since probably the fifties or so, the Hi-Fi headphones are really little
 speakers that are mounted in the ear pads, so that's why they are low
 impedance units; they're just speakers.  Oh, and the other thingdon't
 push the old speaker units too hard. They were never made to handle much
 output, and a modern stereo amplifier could blow them out pretty quickly.
 remember that the 3-dialers put out less than a watt, and some of these
 stereo sets could vaporize the coils in the litle ole horn speakers. (My
 Fisher 800C puts out something like 35 wayys per channel).

 If you're confused, my day has been worth while!

 - Original Message - 
 From: Ron L'Herault
 To: 'Antique Phonograph List'
 Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 4:51 PM
 Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Unusual item on eBay

 Does that mean that you couldn't use the headphone jack of a portable
 player?  Too bad, because that could be secreted under the closed lid of
 machine.  Could you use any other normal Audio output?

 Ron L

 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Behalf Of Dan Kj
 Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 4:03 PM
 To: Antique Phonograph List
 Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Unusual item on eBay

 They usually had an internal resistance of between 2,000 and 4,000 ohms,
 for connection to something like a Radiola 18

[Phono-L] E-bay listing for the AUXETOPHONE

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
Not necessarily.  I got an item I really wanted, bids for which stood at 
$995 just before ending time ... I bid $1000.05  got the item.

From: Jim Nichol

I have nothing against sniping. But if you're going to snipe, you have to 
do it correctly. You need to bid at LEAST 50% more than the current price, 
not 10% as was done here.
 Jim Nichol 

[Phono-L] Rebuilding a Victor Number 4 reproducer

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
I noticed someone in the UK, selling them.  He's on ee-bay, too:

Whether the gasket is exactly correct might be another question...

 - Original Message - 
 From: Daniel Melvin
 Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 10:05 PM
 Subject: [Phono-L] Rebuilding a Victor Number 4 reproducer
 Anyone know what type of gaskets are needed to rebuild a Victor Number 4 
 reproducer? They appear to be somthing kind of flat like a Number 2, but 
 larger around. Does anyone sell these gaskets?

[Phono-L] identifying 2min or 4 min records (U.S. Everlasting)

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj-
Well, Charles Hibbard was the sound engineer  Albert Benzler was musical 
director, and both came from Edison. They must have gained some important 
knowledge  perhaps improved on it.  Knowing that the Everlasting celluloid 
records could stand up under heavier use, I imagine they knew they could cut 
them with more amplitude and they wouldn't wear out, the way loud wax 
cylinders did.

- Original Message - 
From: bruce78rpm
To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] identifying 2min or 4 min records (U.S. Everlasting)

I have always been intrigued by the exceptional sound of the U.S.
 Everlasting Cylinders. I only own a couple of them with the 2 minuteThe
 Fireman's Song #235 by Hamilton Hill an absolutely remarkable performance
 with loud splendid baritone voice, band, galloping horses effect, clanging
 bells, and cheering crowd. Was it ever revealed just why this company's
 cylinders produced such superior volume compared to Edison or Columbia?


[Phono-L] identifying 2min or 4 min records (U.S. Everlasting)

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj-
Luckily, I've had only one (so far) which has split the seam !

- Original Message - 

  It is remarkable that only US Everlasting made cylinder records out of
 flat sheets of celluloid rather than tubes. If you look closely, you can 
 see the ends where they butt each other down the length of the record.


[Phono-L] Edison tuning record

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj-
During house cleaning, I find that I've got an Edison tuning record 
(3342-B-5) ...  I know I am being perfectly lazy in asking:  what musical 
note is this ? 

[Phono-L] Edison disc needed...

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj-
52044 was still acoustical, so doesn't attract the interest of those looking 
for electric Edisons in the 52000 range.
My copy cost me $2 (but I cannot find it! )

- Original Message - 

 I have a clean copy of 52044, that I think would be fine for your 
 but it is one of thirty-five 52,000 series Diamond Disks I plan to list on
 ebay in the near future. (52,044 is the lowest number of the group.) I 
 need  to
 get fair-market value for the records, but am not out to gouge  anyone.

 Is there an established price range for this particular record folks? 

[Phono-L] Phonographs as an Investment

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj-
Ideal fantasy:  sell the whole collection around 8-10 years ago, buy ee-bai 
stock when it was first offered, sell now at the inflated value, and 
repurchase collection at the new lower prices.  haha

ps - Quite agreed about Kurt Nauck.  I can't count the number of times I 
have seen my 'wins'  thought: I bid $15 on this, and he's letting me have 
it for the minimum of $3. Bless that man!

pps - Have you tried FedEx?  I've used them a few times, and their rates 
were half of UPS and the P.O.

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Wright

I think Kurt Nauck's is simply the best vintage record auction that has ever
been, run by honestly one of the kindest, smartest, and without question,
most honest people I've ever been blessed to meet and get to know.  Just a
couple of years before eBay, I bid $1000 on a 10, 78rpm, RCA Victor picture
disc of Enrico Caruso and ended up winning it for just over $600.  That

I will say this, however -- if we get one more single postage stamp
increase, I'm gonna let the USPS have it.  For however many people stopped
mailing letters because of e-mail, there's been at least half of them
spending ten to fifty times as much on postage to ship eBay winnings back
and forth.  I had never had occasion to ship so much as one single package
in my life up to age thirty, but since eBay happened, my yearly spending on
shipping has hovered around a grand a year.  And I never really sent letters

Re: [Phono-L] 20 pathés, etc. - a new question

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
I'd like:  a Gabel's Automatic Entertainer  a Regina Hexaphone

I believe that both could be ordered in home versions, which didn't require 
a coin  could play several records in sequence (or if not available that 
way, they SHOULD have been.  hehe )

I have a couple of the Pathe cone machines (Actuelle - the fan-folded 
Lumiere was sold by HMV, methinks)  .. the sound of the Actuelle with tone 
arm is pretty nice. I think (this was a while back)  I got a 20 Pathe 
disc to play on a tabletop reflex machine, by removing the lid prop; 
trouble was, the motor couldn't spin the record fast enough !!

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Wright

  I'd love to hear from each of you what one or two phonographs you wish you 
had, but don't, and the specific appeal
of those one or two machines that qualifies them for your shortest short 

[Phono-L] Dutch

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
actually, 'Dutch' references are many  mostly fond, if not beloved  (except 
for those darned ELMS, durnit!)

Dutch apple pie a Dutch Uncle   Dutch shoes  the Old Dutch Mill 
  double Dutch   Dutch door  being in Dutch (hear Billy 
Murray, singing:  You May Be Irish, Murphy, But I Think That You're In 
Dutch!    your Dutch is up!    Dutch auction   Dutch Coffee 
(look this one up - it is fantastic  you must try it!)

My people should be so lucky;  nobody cares about the Danes or the Swedes. 

- Original Message - 
From: Mike Stitt
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 11:56 AM
Subject: [Phono-L] Dutch

I have a tree in the front yard that suffers from Dutch elm disease!!!
You know, I suffer from amnesia and this is deja vu all over againI 
think I have already forgotten this!

[Phono-L] Re: Phono-L Digest, Vol 1, Issue 48

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
Actually, the horn is a new thing, currently being made in China

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 6:24 PM
Subject: [Phono-L] Re: Phono-L Digest, Vol 1, Issue 48

 Hi All... The Phono in question Looks like my VV-VI exept for the new
 Wood on the back of the cabinet to cover the inside horn square hole
 and the new wood covering where the two doors were and the inside horn!
 The Back bracket is of colombia/Hawthorne Sheble/Rear Mount Ohio 
 talkaphone Era. The horn is a cheap 30's / 40'S European Table top Horn 
 Phonograph Horn.. I have a whole machine with a garrad 30 motor in it with 
 the same horn in Green
 Randy Lee Munro/phono-l 

[Phono-L] Edison business phonos

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
Mine has a 6 mandrel, as did all Edison Biusiness phonos, I believe

and somebody needs to take it off my hands for $500 or an offer!

- Original Message - 
From: Steven Medved


 Did the early Edison business phonographs have the standard length of 
 record?  I am talking about the wooden case ones that came out before the 

[Phono-L] The Practical Long Play Record

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
So, did Theodore work on the Edison LP at all  ?

- Original Message - 
From: Bruce Mercer

 Since Edison did invent the first true microgroove record and a special
 elliptical stylus for playback, even though they were years ahead of their
 time in practicality,  ... 

[Phono-L] Theodore Edison

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
I knew Theodore had worked at the Lab since he graduated in 1923, so it 
seemed unlikely that he'd have nothing to do with the LP work.  I know I've 
read in more than one place about his LP work, but have had trouble 
remembering where.

.  Here's one quote, from Lee Munsick: Ask me sometime about the problems 
Theodore Edison told me he had in the development of the Edison Long Playing 
machine and recordings. .  Lee also calls Theodore the project supervisor 
for the LP.

- Original Message - 
From: Bruce Mercer
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 4:08 PM
Subject: [Phono-L] Theodore Edison

 - Original Message - 
 From: Bruce Mercer
 Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 3:05 PM
 Subject: Re: Phono-L Digest, Vol 3, Issue 109


 Message: 1
 Date: Tue, 02 May 2006 15:02:00 -0400
 From: Dan Kj
 Subject: Re: [Phono-L] The Practical Long Play Record
 To: Antique Phonograph List
 Message-ID: 004a01c66e1a$e7120240$6600a...@new
 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;

 So, did Theodore work on the Edison LP at all  ?

 No. Charles picked up after T.A. retired in 1927, leaving him head of the
 company in that year. Both Charles and Theodore went to MIT with Theodore
 having a penchant for mathematical physics and was secretly pursuing
 electrical recording and playback in a separate laboratory set up for 
 It was during this time that electrical recording 'finally' got into 
 It is Theodore we have to thank for the marvelous C-1 and C-2 
 The pick-up is absolutely ingenious and the phonographs have a wonderful
 sound, especially playing the 52000 series. Unfortunately, they came too
 late. They were brought out late in 1928 and were the last phonographs
 made by the company. Very few C-1s are known. Only a few dozen C-2s are
 known to exist, of which I am a proud owner and can attest to their usual
 Edison quality.
 btw...the L.P. cylinder Edison made in 1899 had 450 grooves per inch.
 Obviously, it wasn't practical at that time either for even more reasons,
 one being a suitable material for pressing. Still, that's when the L.P.
 work began and was first achieved. As far as Theodore goes, I bow to him
 for the electronic phonographs and that ingenious pick-up with the offset
 diamond stylus.


[Phono-L] Edison C-450

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
Wow, that is a nice deal for you, John!   I think that consoles still aren't 
much appreciated, nor Edison disc machines ... the shipping also factored 
into it, surely.  If it had been within driving distance of ME, you'd have 
had some more competition!  :)

- Original Message - 
From: john robles
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 8:27 AM
Subject: [Phono-L] Edison C-450

 Hello all
  I purchased the Edison C-450 (XVIII Centruy Adam) on ebay - why do you 
 think it went for such a deal? Is it the fact that he wouldn't ship? I am 
 sure there are plenty of people in the area that wold be wiling to pick it 
 up (like me!).
  Anyhow, as long as it loks as the pictures show, I am happy. I note that 
 the serial number is 332, seems relatively low. I will submit a review of 
 the machine when I get it. Gotta love those hand painted grilles...
  John Robles 

[Phono-L] Victor long playing records

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
I don't think that either speed or groove size can be patented.

For an interesting account of the Columbia LP, try  - Ed Wallerstein 
mentions the RCAVictor lp, too. I've read elsewhere that recommendations 
were made (I think by Wallerstein) for saving the RCA program by developing 
a smaller, jewelled stylus, lighter pickup, and steadier motor, but the 
interest just wasn't there.

All 10 Program Transcriptions which I have seen were/are made of standard 
shellac-formula stuff;  the 12 of Victrolac, which was covered in US patent 
number 2130239.  Vinsol is the plastic, extracted from shredded longleaf 
yellow pine stumps, while PVC (which we call vinyl) is 57% chlorine and 43% 

- Original Message - 
From: Doug
To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 8:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Victor long playing records

 Before I read the other related posts, I can MAYBE answer this. Columbia
 succeded in recording a wide (frequency) range microgroove disc for 33 1/3
 speed on a soft material that was beginning to appear on 78 RPM records
 (Remember RCA's Red Seal Deluxe records?). I'd say that Dr. Goldmark 
 used the best of all the former techniques and put them together on one 

 Certainly, Edison went to a microgroove cut, because it made sense. He
 should have used an electric motor so he would be able to have the 33 1/3
 speed for a full playing time. But Edison had an aversion to electric 
 in phonographs, though he could have had them; others did. Victor was wise
 enopugh to use the then standard 33 1/3 speed. Goldmark simply combined
 those two factors and made his microgroove LP discs. Of course, it was a 
 more complicated that that, but it was the logical combination of 
 as I see it.

 One other thing that came to mind. Let's say that Edison patented the
 microgroove cut in 1925 (or so). His patent would have expired in 1942, 17
 years later. Probably an Edison patent was why RCA didn't use a 
 cut pitch. Was the 33 1/3peed patented? I doubt it. It was in wide use in
 the the thirties through the forties. But, if Edison did have a patent on
 his microgroove records, Goldmark was free to use the technique because 
 17 year patent life had passed.

 Now, on the exacr character of materials on the Victor Lp discs, I don't
 doubt for a second that there was more than one material for the LP 
 We're going to have to find someone who has lab notes or something from
 Victor, explaining all of this.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Robert Wright
 To: Antique Phonograph List
 Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 8:03 PM
 Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Victor long playing records

 To Ben, Doug, Peter, and all the fine folks of this list, my profound
 for your fascinating and thorough contributions on this subject.  In a
 matter of days, I now know more than I had learned through some 15 years
 incidental research.  I can't thank you enough.

 A bit more info on materials used:  My 12 Stokowski PT's are flexible
 (Vinylite?), while all my 10 are the same brittle shellac as normal 78's
 the era.  I would think Victrolac was a slightly (if at all) modified
 shellac formula that was more about marketing 'the next next big thing'
 being a revolutionary material (no pun intended).  I am curious exactly
 Z shellac is, a notation I've seen on VE scrolls in Nauck's auctions.

 We do have two questions so far unanswered, to which I'd like to add a
 1.  Do we have a way to find out the exact dimensions of the stylus
 for use with Program Transcriptions?  Does anyone know of a 'white paper'
 the subject buried somewhere in the old RCA Victor files, perhaps?
 2.  Does a complete list of PT's exist anywhere that we know of?  Is 
 way to know which releases used matrices specially recorded for LP vs.
 dubbed PT's?
 3.  If 33.3rpm Vitaphones were a Victor concern (right? weren't they?),
 Edison invented the microgroove (as well as the micromicrogroove with his
 almost unplayable 80rpm LP's), and Victor combined a type of microgroove
 with their PT LP's, then exactly what did Columbia get credited for
 inventing in 1948?

 Again, many thanks to you all,

[Phono-L] Edison LP machine w/both reproducers

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
I notice that the LP consoles and the Edisonic machines have the same extra 
framework, attached to the underside of the lid.
It doesn't seem to be strength-related, as the lids aren't unusually wide  
all 4 sides rest on the cabinet.  What could be the purpose?

The round holes in the horn opening are interesting, too.  Seems like too 
much wood is left, blocking some of the sound

- Original Message - 
From: Andrew Baron
To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 12:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Edison LP machine w/both reproducers

 Hi Peter and thanks for posting the photos.  I agree it would be a
 shame to part this out.  How many of these were made to begin with,
 let alone still be around?

 Not for me at this time, but best of luck placing this in
 appreciative hands.  Some day I'd love to find a complete Edison Long
 Play set of parts.

 Andy Baron

 On May 27, 2006, at 8:12 PM, Peter Fraser wrote:

 Hi -

 I picked it up today, mainly because the guy seemed like he had
 another guy waiting in the wings, and i didn't want to waffle and
 chance missing out.

 It's the smallest model, the C-1.  It's in presentable shape, but
 borderline in terms of too-nice-to-discard.

 They only made these for about a year, so the rarity factor is large
 but the shipping cost for the cabinet may doom it to a mechanism-only

 Here are pictures:

 click the link at the top of the 

[Phono-L] Cleaning blue amberol records

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
I have used some other brand of a 'pledge'-like spray, in the past - seems 
fine to me.  On celluloid cylinders and some Pathe discs, cleaned over 10 
years ago, all looks and sounds well.

- Original Message - 
From: john robles
  Some of us old timers used to clean them with Pledge (without waxy 
 buildup). I swear when I did this the resulting sound was richer...
  Has this method become a major sin yet??
  John Robles 

[Phono-L] victor machine

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj-
 Victor also made machines for export, with neither model numbers nor 
identifying marks except on the inside of the reproducer - these aren't 
mentioned by Baumbach, either.  Victor had to make sales any way possible, 
during the years before the Victrola became so popular.

- Original Message - 
From: Mike Stitt
To: Antique phonograph discussion list for pre-1930 phonographs
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 9:08 PM
Subject: [Phono-L] victor machine

I don't believe Victor would sell any of it's mechanisms to the after
 market trade. 

[Phono-L] Packing Disaster - Take a look

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj-
Almost looks as if it was smashed and THEN put in the boxes!  

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Wright 

I am floored.  It takes a lot to get me on the verge of nausea from just a
 picture, but that second one nearly did me in.  Unbelievable.

[Phono-L] Is Phonolist Still Operating?

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj-
I've gotten several Phonolist items, today and over the past several days 
... seems fine to me !

- Original Message - 
From: Steven Medved
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 11:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Is Phonolist Still Operating?

 Hi Rick,

 I just noticed the same thing, it must be down.


Hello All,
   Although my allegience is here on Phono-L I just noticed that I have
gotten no postings from the other list for quite some time. I have been 
there also for quite some time. Has anyone heard from them?

Rick A. Jorgensen 

[Phono-L] Listening to old cylinders

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj-
Forgotten! Not here ... that's mostly what I hear at my house, either on old 
machines or modern.   Also have 1300 of those UCSB recordings downloaded, so 

- Original Message - 
From: John Keister
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 4:40 PM
Subject: [Phono-L] Listening to old cylinders

 I just imagine that all of you have gone to the website and listened to some actual recordings 
 of the forgotten old cylinders. In case there may be one person who 
 hasn't, try it. Reminds me of my grandmother house. 

[Phono-L] Idelia SOLD

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj-
It sounded great, too!  Did you download the file provided by Guido?  Very 

Time to go over the old Fireside with Pledge, I guess ... I'll certainly 
never have an Idelia!

- Original Message - 
To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2006 10:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Idelia SOLD

I don't think there are hundreds of Idelias out there.  Terry Baer, who
 has researched and documented known Ideals and Idelias, knows of about 50 
 them.  Of course there are probably a few more that he does not know 
 It is likely that most have been restored.  So the number of original,
 unrestored, Idelias in pristine condition is probably less than ten.  That
 may explain why this one went so high, even though it did not even have a
 wooden horn!  (The wood grained metal horn was pretty nice, however).


[Phono-L] Taft's Idelia

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj-
haha..  yep, the ones he recorded himself, which outlined his whole plot  :)

- Original Message - 
From: Peter Fraser
To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Taft's Idelia

 the selfsame cylinders he received as a BRIBE?

 no, i'm kidding...really.  i'm kidding!

 On Feb 12, 2006, at 2:52 PM, Dan Kj- wrote:

 I believe Edison presented the Idelia to Taft so that he'd have a
 way to hear his Edison cylinders.

[Phono-L] You Guys Must Camp Online

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
74 and 34% humidity in Buffalo!  Oh wait, that IS Western NY  :)

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] You Guys Must Camp Online

 Thanks group, for the rapid - and I mean rapid - response to my query 
 Dan Melvin's email address.  I've contacted him, and soon all will be 
 with the world...

 I hope everyone is having weather as nice as what we're enjoying here in
 western New York State!

 Best to all,
 George Paul 

[Phono-L] Cracked Cylinder

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
Any repair should be done ASAP, before the whole thing shrinks ...I have 
seen repairs which played without problem

[Phono-L] Edison and the Tube/bragging on Steve Medved.(Now Tesla and Steve)

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
But we shouldn't take a professional rivalry as hatred;  when Edison heard 
about Tesla's laboratory being destroyed by fire, he offered space in his 
own buildings for Tesla to use.  It seems that Edison resented George 
Westinghouse, instead of Tesla. The War of the Currents has been a little 
overblown, methinks - its duration was fairly short, as Edison lost interest 
in electricity and turned to iron mining (and cashing in most of his General 
Electric stock to finance it!)

Interesting irony :  When the first Niagara Falls generating station opened, 
the entire capacity was contracted by nearby factories - and all they needed 
was DC!  It wasn't until all the local factories were supplied that the 
advantage of AC (transmitting to Buffalo, in this case) really made a 
difference.  (This info from a good book that Santa brought me:  Empires of 
Light, by  Jill Jonnes )

- Original Message - 

 Tesla was another nemesis of Edison. 

[Phono-L] What do you think of this restoration?

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
hahaha... happened when I replaced the toilet in Mom's bathroom ... oh, but 
the sink is pink  won't match the new white toilet, so better replace that 
... egads, look at this linoleum... tear it up... eeks, look at this wood! 
... tear that up ... the tub had to go, to get the floor out ... might as 
well take out this crummy wainscoting... and the plaster on the walls... and 
the ceiling... and need a new window ... yikes @ the joists ... replace 
those ... oh-no @ this section of the cellar wall... rebuild that ... 
pipes no good ... replace all the hot  cold in the whole house ... and the 
water heaters ...and most of the gas pipes... and might as well replace the 
water to the street, because the original is from 1907 ... etc

One toilet turned into 3 months of weekends  evening work + over $15,000

- Original Message - 
From: Doug
To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 9:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] What do you think of this restoration?

 You got it! It's happened to most of my cars.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Ron L'Herault
 To: 'Antique Phonograph List'
 Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 9:45 PM
 Subject: Re: [Phono-L] What do you think of this restoration?

 An example of shipwright's disease is when a fellow needs to replace the
 gaskets in his reproducer.  While he is at it, he replaces the diaphragm,
 and shines up the reproducer body.  Then, to make it all look good, he
 shines the tone arm body but then the horn looks a little shabby so it
 repainted.  This just points up the fact that the felt on the turntable
 faded so it gets replaced. But having done that one notices how dull the
 finish of the case is so everything is take out/off so the wood can be
 refinishedetc.  But all he intended to do was replace the sound box

[Phono-L] RCA microgroove LP demo disc from ca. 1932 - any info??

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
Not all that rare, actually;  every buyer of a new 78/LP phono got that 
album, with the (DL-5) Victor Artists Party Lp. Not common either, of course 

- Original Message - 
From: Steven Medved
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] RCA microgroove LP demo disc from ca. 1932 - any 

 Hi Robert,

 I always understood RCA Victor made the first 33 rpm around 1933 and it 
 a failure, so I believe this would be a very rare record.


[Phono-L] RCA microgroove LP demo disc NEW QUESTION!

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
odd... I am getting nothing which Robert posts, unless included in a reply, 
as below.  Weird.

- Original Message - 
To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] RCA microgroove LP demo disc NEW QUESTION!

 this is a fun topic.

 just an opinion, but i'd say victor didn't issue many LP sets programmed
 for changers because they just never had much of a chance given the dismal
 market conditions.  all from memory, but i think i remember this was only
 about a 2-year run.  it would thus probably make sense to use existing low
 cost program material, then create new if the market seemed to respond to
 it.  and by the 2-year mark, it hadn't, so they just quit.

 the early-30s RCA changers that play 78 and 33, use the fling-o-matic
 disappearing center spindle and 2nd tonearm approach - or the 10
 swing-away magazine approach.  either would require a 3-record set to be
 programmed 1/4, 2/5, 3/6.  seems to me the orthophonic sets came in two
 different configurations (changer and non-changer) so perhaps they just
 decided to wait to produce those til they thought the market warranted it
 as well.

 a little bit of googlization turns up this link to a 1932 ad for the
 RAE-84, which cost a goodly amount ($310).  the ad includes records, but i
 can't see if they're LPs or not.

 calling Doug Houston...he's encyclopedic on this topic...

 Robert Wright wrote:
 Darn.  I wish I'd made that connection before posting my question.
 Dan.  It is indeed the DL-5 record that's missing.  Aside from the fact
 the blurb described precisely the musical content of DL-5, I'm recording
 copy right now and side 1 was already just over 11 minutes.  Further,
 I never noticed it before, the grooves of DL-5 are indeed microgroove;
 not exactly, they're a little wider than a 1949 Columbia LP, but they're
 certainly not as wide as standard 78 like I thought.  (Side 2 turned out
 clock in around 9:25, btw.)

 In fact, I went back to check my other Program Transcriptions and all the
 10 PT's have the same fine groove pitch.  But I have a pair of 12 PT's
 that are just as widely-grooved as VE Orthophonics, even though their
 original sleeves instruct use with the orange-shank chromium-tipped
 (as well as the yellow paper insert inside each original sleeve).
 thing that made the 20 minutes from a single 10 record claim suspect
 that a lot of my PT's don't come close to using the entire available
 particularly the 12 PT's (one of which is one-sided and only uses about
 1.5 worth of its cutting space, almost looks like Gen. Pershing's
 Forum record).  So although they certainly could've put up to 20 minutes
 a 10 and probably more than 30 minutes on a 12, they just never did it

 Seems pretty pointless.  For all the boasting about the convenience of
 putting on a stack and having your entire evening's entertainment
 'programmed' automatically, not only did RCA NOT take advantage of the
 technology they were pushing in terms of using cutting space, I've never
 seen any multiple PT sets that were changer-sequenced.  (These 12 PT's
 Stokowski's 1st Symphony, records 3  4 of a 4-record set, and they're
 sequenced for changer-play -- though that blurb did say the 12 records
 wouldn't work with the changer.)  As it turned out, I think a lot of the
 PT's were just dubs of existing recordings anyway, both sides of a 12 78
 fitting on one side of a 10 33, such as my PT of Paul Whiteman
 Rhapsody in Blue with George at the piano.  Boo, RCA.  Not good enough.
 wonder it failed -- probably would have even without the Depression.

 (Get this - I'm timing the Stokowski sides, and the two-sided 12 came in
 7:40 per side, with electric volume fadeouts at the ends.  The one-sided
 had 4:08.  Bleh, lame.)

 This means I've been playing PT's with the wrong stylus all this time.
 LP stylus 'clicks' down into the first groove with a satisfying tick,
 than the 78 stylus, but they both make the same music and surface noise.
 guess this means the orange-shank needles weren't 1 mil OR 2.5 mil, but
 somewhere in between?  Does anyone know for sure what stylus size exactly
 fits the Program Transcription groove?

 And what exactly should Columbia be credited for, ca. 1948?  Using a 1
 groove in conjunction with vinyl, or what?  Seems like they didn't

 Thanks again,

 - Original Message -
 From: Dan Kj
 To: Antique Phonograph List
 Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [Phono-L] RCA microgroove LP demo disc from ca. 1932 -any

 Not all that rare, actually;  every buyer of a new 78/LP phono got that
 album, with the (DL-5) Victor Artists Party Lp. Not common

[Phono-L] Edison and the Tube/bragging on Steve Medved.(Now Tesla and Steve)

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
Small additional info:  Tesla accepted this offer, and worked at the Edison 
lab for a time in 1895.

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Kj
To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 12:26 AM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Edison and the Tube/bragging on Steve Medved.(Now 
Tesla and Steve)

 But we shouldn't take a professional rivalry as hatred;  when Edison heard
 about Tesla's laboratory being destroyed by fire, he offered space in his
 own buildings for Tesla to use. 

[Phono-L] The Practical Long Play Record

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj

- Original Message - 
From: Bruce Mercer

 Since Edison did invent the first true microgroove record and a special
 elliptical stylus for playback, even though they were years ahead of their
 time in practicality,  You have to remember that even Columbia's L.P. did 
 have as small a groove as the Edison L.P.. It's easy to see just how
 significant those light weight pickups were to microgroove records in
 general. Edison was just way ahead of his time.

Young Theodore Edison, to be precise ;  most of the LP work was his own 

[Phono-L] Klingsor

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
Having hollered at undamped (non-dampened? free?)  piano strings (as a kid, 
of course!) I am going to guess that the Klingsor strings are too short to 
produce an audible effect when a record is played at them. Do let us know 
what happens in real life, though ! 

[Phono-L] Klingsor

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
 The Klingsor is going to sound chintzy and pallid, whatever the length of 
strings.  It has a tiny horn and leaky tonearm.
Its value lies in its novelty and rarity, not its sound.  Pretty, shiny 
strings will make it look nice, which is good enough.

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Wright
To: Antique Phonograph List
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Klingsor

 String length has nothing to do with it.  Piano strings are that long
 because of the amount of sustain desired (right, Bruce?).  Holler into an
 unmuted autoharp, its strings aren't wildly different.

[Phono-L] Absurd? I guess not

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj
Yikes.  Some parts from the hardware store, a few minutes with a Dremel tool 
and some hot motor oil, and one would duplicate this set of parts for about 

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Phono-L] Absurd? I guess not

 In a message dated 9/15/2005 4:40:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

 You found me out! That's my warped sense of humor! I don't own an Edison
 that needs a $350 spring and hanger. I don't know what kind of cygnet
 the buyer has in mind but I would go with the early style that doesn't
 use a spring. That should save $150 dollars or so..That humor again

 Not warped at all. Any sense of humor is worthwhile. I find it hard to
 concieve anyone paying more than a few bucks for one. At $350.00 I would 
 have to
 have it framed and hang it on a wall. 

[Phono-L] Test

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj-
 My message below was returned 'address unknown', several times last week. 
Let's test it now:

Watching the special edition of Young Frankenstein, I see that a deleted
scene had an old phono:

They had the 'reading' of the will via a 78 played on a curiously lidless
Victor Credenza !  There was some kind of odd molding on the edge to dress
it up, but the lid was definitely gone.  The wonderful Richard Haydn runs
the machine, and obviously knew how to work a Victrola;  the voice on the 
record was obviously John Carradine !

Some pics:

[Phono-L] John Robles sent you this eBay item:EDISONGEMPHONOGRQAPH C. 1900 LOTS OF EXTRAS (#6574012330)

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Kj-

That's one - they might be called anything, by sellers.  A common brand-name 
on these is KENT, and those usually sound good  are easy to fix.

Robert Wright wrote:

Can anyone tell me the official 'name' of the adapter that lets you play
Path? records on an Edison Diamond Disc machine? I can't find any pictures
of one to compare to this eBay listing, and the seller doesn't know anything
about it: