Named range

2007-05-24 Thread Philipp.Landmann
Hey everybody!

It´s even more fun now with my named range problem.

When I give the sheets these names:

mWb.setSheetName(0, first sheet);
mWb.setSheetName(1, second sheet);
mWb.setSheetName(2, third sheet);

It´s no problem.
But when I give them these names or any other:

mWb.setSheetName(0, tech sheet);
mWb.setSheetName(1, log sheet);
mWb.setSheetName(2, com sheet);

I get the message:
Name darf integriertem Namen nicht gleichen (Name may not equal integrated name)
Alter Titel: Drucktitel
Neuer Titel: ...

Any ideas?

named range

2007-05-21 Thread Philipp.Landmann
Hi everybody!

I have the following problem:
I have a workbook with two sheets.
Now I would like to have repeating rows for both of them like this:

mWb.setRepeatingRowsAndColumns(0, -1, -1, 0, 2);
mWb.setRepeatingRowsAndColumns(1, -1, -1, 0, 2);

When I open the generated workbook I get this message:
Name darf integriertem Namen nicht gleichen
It seems like the named range for the print title is injured.
How can I solve this problem?

Best regards,

sdm - 25 Jahre Kompetenz im Software-Engineering

Philipp Landmann   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
sdm AG
software design  management
Carl-Wery-Str. 42, 81739 München
Tel. +49 89 63812-xxx, Fax -490

Vorstand: Edmund Kuepper (Vorsitzender), Burkhard Kehrbusch, 
Ruediger Azone, Dr. Uwe Dumslaff, Kai Grambow, Dr. Michael Rading 
Aufsichtsrat: Pierre Hessler (Vorsitzender)
Sitz und Amtsgericht: Muenchen HRB 126057

Named Range / Formula

2006-04-19 Thread Thompson, Marshall
In the excel UI, I can manually create a named range with the formula:
This lets my range refer to any cells in row 30 between B and L that
have data.

I am generating a spreadsheet with Java / POI.  I would like to do the
same thing programattically.  The user will use my code to extract a
spreadsheet from the database on demand.  They will have excel charts
pointing at the extracted spreadsheet.  The data from one extract to the
next may appear at a different location on the extracted spreadsheet.
The charts refer to named ranges, so it doesn't matter that the data has
moved, as long as I can create a named range pointing at the appropriate

Thus, I need to be able to create a named range with a formula as
indicated above.

I can create named ranges -- this works:

HSSFName testName = pWorkbook.createName();

But, I cannot create them with a formula -- this fails:

HSSFName labels = pWorkbook.createName();
);  ==fails on this line

Error is:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string:
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(

I have examined the API, I am afraid that I cannot do what I need to do.
Hopefully, I have missed something.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

Marshall B Thompson
Premier, Web Solutions

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AW: How to modify cells using the named range

2003-04-02 Thread Clauss, Arne

Thanks for the reply!

I tried the following code using poi 1.10.0dev:

HSSFName myName = wb.getNameAt(wb.getNameIndex(Test));
cat.debug(HSSFName= + myName.toString());
String ref = myName.getReference();
cat.debug(String of reference= + ref);
AreaReference myAreaReference = new AreaReference(ref);
CellReference[] myCellReference = myAreaReference.getCells();
HSSFSheet mySheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
cat.debug(Length of CellReference= + myCellReference.length);
HSSFRow myRow = mySheet.getRow(myCellReference[0].getRow());
HSSFCell myCell = myRow.getCell((short) myCellReference[0].getCol());

When the program executes I get the following output:

String of reference=Tabelle1!$B$5

and an Exception occurs getting the AreaReference:
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1

I think the reference String looks quite nice. Where's the fault?

Any help is welcome!



 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Danny Mui [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 25. März 2003 19:04
 An: POI Users List
 Betreff: Re: How to modify cells using the named range
 That method simply gives you a HSSFName object that gives you the 
 formula-based reference (i.e Sheet1!A2:A5).
 You can use:
 |AreaReference ref = new AreaReference (name.getReference());
 That will get you your cell indices, albeit the long way.  Maybe this 
 should be easier?
 Clauss, Arne wrote:
 I would like to modify an excel-file in an web-application. 
 Because the 
 design of the excel-file could be changed I would like to 
 use the named 
 ranges for putting the information into the excel-file. I 
 think, that 
 this make me independent of design changes (adding new rows an 
 I just want to get a cell for modifying it by the using the 
 named range 
 of the cell to find it.
 I have found in the class HSSFWorkbook the method getNameIndex. 
 What should I do with the returned index. I haven't found a 
 method for 
 getting a HSSFCell with the returned index.
 Any help is appreciated.
 Kind regards,
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