Re: [pox-dev] Using connection object at my component in POX

2013-04-01 Thread chenli
Dear Murphy:

Thanks. Now I add some extra events and named it
as  like below:

from pox.core import core
import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of

from pox.lib.revent.revent import EventMixin
log = core.getLogger()

class define_event(EventMixin):
  _eventMixin_events = set([raise_fail])

class Fail_server_invoke(object):
  def __init__(self, intervals):
self.connections = set()# Attribute
self.interval = intervals
define_event.addListeners(self) #Add Listener
log.debug( - )
log.debug( Fail_server_invoke_class wait for raise_fail event )
log.debug( - )

  def _handle_raise_fail (self, event):
log.debug(Server failed)

But I got some problems when I use another component to add following lines
in launch function.

core.registerNew( Fail_server_invoke, interval)

And I also import the module Fail_server_invoke like below:
from Fail_server_invoke import *

The error message is 'NameError: name 'raise_fail' is not defined', but I
already define 'raise_fail' in

Thanks for helping.

Best Regards,

2013/3/30 Murphy McCauley

 On Mar 29, 2013, at 11:40 PM, chenli wrote:

  1. The meaning for registering
  Is core.registerNew(Mycomponent) the function to register to core
 object, and we can use the methods in core which defined in
 /pox/pox/ ?
  If I register the Mycomponent to core, the other components can
 communicate with Mycomponent by core object?

 I think the answer here is yes.  One of the purposes of the core object is
 to provide a rendezvous point for component instances.  This allows a
 number of things, not all of which are really used extensively at this
 1) It means you often just need to import core instead of a whole bunch of
 2) Multiple components that all implement the same interface can register
 under the same name and other components can find the active one.
 3) It's not always clear where long-lived objects should be.  One option
 is as a global variable of some module.  core is a (possibly) more
 structured alternative which (among other things) hopefully encourages
 components to be capable of being instantiated more than once.  (In
 practice, this is rarely true so far.)

  2. The code section for raising ConnectionUp event
  And the second problem , I want to know where is the raiseEvent which
 raise ConnectionUp event happened. In other words, maybe it looks like

 I'm not sure why it's helpful to know exactly where this event is raised,
 but it's in openflow.of_01 along with the rest of the stuff specific to
 communicating with OpenFlow 1.0 switches (not counting the stuff related to
 the OpenFlow protocol itself which is in libopenflow_01).

 It's slightly more complicated than just raising it on core.openflow.
  Connection objects are owned by an OpenFlowNexus.  core.openflow is the
 default nexus, but there can be others.  So the actual ConnectionUp event
 is raised on whichever nexus the Connection belongs to.

 -- Murphy

Re: [pox-dev] Using connection object at my component in POX

2013-04-01 Thread Murphy McCauley
On Apr 1, 2013, at 3:46 AM, chenli wrote:
 Thanks. Now I add some extra events and named it as  
 like below:
 from pox.core import core
 import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of
 from pox.lib.revent.revent import EventMixin
 log = core.getLogger()
 class define_event(EventMixin):
   _eventMixin_events = set([raise_fail])
 class Fail_server_invoke(object):
   def __init__(self, intervals):
 self.connections = set()# Attribute
 self.interval = intervals
 define_event.addListeners(self) #Add Listener
 log.debug( - )
 log.debug( Fail_server_invoke_class wait for raise_fail event )
 log.debug( - )
   def _handle_raise_fail (self, event):
 log.debug(Server failed)
 But I got some problems when I use another component to add following lines 
 in launch function.
 core.registerNew( Fail_server_invoke, interval)

Events are published from objects, not classes.  define_event is a class -- you 
need an instance of it.  Is there just one, or will there be an instance of it 
per server or something?  In any case, you need an instance, and then you need 
to call addListeners and raiseEvent on the instance, not a class.

 And I also import the module Fail_server_invoke like below:
 from Fail_server_invoke import *
 The error message is 'NameError: name 'raise_fail' is not defined', but I 
 already define 'raise_fail' in

Hard to say what the problem is here without the code and/or a stack trace.

Hope that helps.

-- Murphy

Re: [pox-dev] Using connection object at my component in POX

2013-03-30 Thread chenli
Dear Murphy,

Thank you very much.

I already see the example in forwarding( now, and using
Listener to wait until ConnectionUp happened.

I'd want to ask some questions about POX programs.

1. The meaning for registering
Is core.registerNew(Mycomponent) the function to register to core object,
and we can use the methods in core which defined in /pox/pox/ ?

If I register the Mycomponent to core, the other components can communicate
with Mycomponent by core object?

2. The code section for raising ConnectionUp event
And the second problem , I want to know where is the raiseEvent which raise
ConnectionUp event happened. In other words, maybe it looks like

Thanks for your helping.

2013/3/29 Murphy McCauley

 On Mar 28, 2013, at 12:28 PM, chenli wrote:

 I want to get connection object to send the ofp_flow_mod object.

 I already see the Communicating with a Datapath(Switch) section which in
 POX Wiki.

 And I also create a class to get the connection object which saved in
 connections attribute.

 But I'd want to know how to use the instance for My_class which created at
 the component?

 I tried it at the component I wrote like below.

 from pox.core import core
 import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of
 from pox.lib.recoco import Timer
 import time

 class c_class (object):
   def __init__(self):
 self.connections = set()# Attribute
 core.openflow.addListeners(self) #Add Listener
   def _handle_ConnectionUp (self, event):

 def launch():

   c_object = c_class() #Get instance

   msg = of.ofp_flow_mod()
   msg.match.dl_type = 0x0800
   msg.match.nw_src =
   msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = 24))


 But I got the error message NameError: global name 'c_objcet' is not

 Well, the immediate cause of this is that the object you created is
 c_object, not c_objcet.

 Can someone help me or give me an example?

 You've got some additional problems here.  The minor one is that
 c_object.connections is a plain set -- it doesn't have a send() method.  If
 you want each connected switch to install the flow, you have to use a loop:
   for con in c_object.connections:

 It's not clear to me that this is what you actually want to do, though.
  If you have more than one switch, the flow is probably going to be
 different for each one, since the port probably won't always be 24.

 If this *is* really what you want to do, core.openflow.connections always
 has all the connections -- there's no need to keep your own set.

 The bigger problem here is more conceptual.  At the time of launch(), no
 switches will have connected yet, so there's nobody to send the flow to.
  There are a couple ways around this, but the easiest is probably to just
 wait until you see a ConnectionUp from a switch, and *then* send the
 ofp_flow_mods you want.

 I'd suggest you read some of the examples in the forwarding package.

 Hope that helps.

 -- Murphy

Re: [pox-dev] Using connection object at my component in POX

2013-03-30 Thread Murphy McCauley
On Mar 29, 2013, at 11:40 PM, chenli wrote:

 1. The meaning for registering
 Is core.registerNew(Mycomponent) the function to register to core object, and 
 we can use the methods in core which defined in /pox/pox/ ?
 If I register the Mycomponent to core, the other components can communicate 
 with Mycomponent by core object?

I think the answer here is yes.  One of the purposes of the core object is to 
provide a rendezvous point for component instances.  This allows a number of 
things, not all of which are really used extensively at this point:
1) It means you often just need to import core instead of a whole bunch of 
2) Multiple components that all implement the same interface can register under 
the same name and other components can find the active one.
3) It's not always clear where long-lived objects should be.  One option is as 
a global variable of some module.  core is a (possibly) more structured 
alternative which (among other things) hopefully encourages components to be 
capable of being instantiated more than once.  (In practice, this is rarely 
true so far.)

 2. The code section for raising ConnectionUp event
 And the second problem , I want to know where is the raiseEvent which raise 
 ConnectionUp event happened. In other words, maybe it looks like 

I'm not sure why it's helpful to know exactly where this event is raised, but 
it's in openflow.of_01 along with the rest of the stuff specific to 
communicating with OpenFlow 1.0 switches (not counting the stuff related to the 
OpenFlow protocol itself which is in libopenflow_01).

It's slightly more complicated than just raising it on core.openflow.  
Connection objects are owned by an OpenFlowNexus.  core.openflow is the 
default nexus, but there can be others.  So the actual ConnectionUp event is 
raised on whichever nexus the Connection belongs to.

-- Murphy