Re: [Pws] AlwaysCrashing

2008-02-10 Thread Guzdial, Mark
I believe that you can safely delete the .old files -- that just clears out the 
history.  I concur with the idea of trying it on another machine.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Julian Rohrhuber
Sent: Fri 2/8/2008 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Pws] AlwaysCrashing
maybe someone else could host the swiki for a test and see whether it 
is due to the files or due to the machine / squeak image?

The situation is pretty bad - the hfbk swikis were in heavy use by a 
lot of different people and I find it to be a shame that this has 
been offline for such a long time now.

David T. Lewis wrote:
  The swapping issue would relate to total memory usage on your
  server, and may have nothing at all to do with your Squeak application.
  Are you sharing the server with other people? If so, find out what
  has changed, and who or what is hogging the system resources.

this box is dedicated to run the swiki only and it can only be the swiki
process hogging resources, there's nothing else running on the box.
(apart from the tiny and hardly used webserver on :80)

  oh, just forgot: a LowSpaceDebugLog appeared, i put it on

  You are starting your Squeak image with a fixed object memory
  allocation (-memory 128m). The low space alert presumably means
  that Squeak has used up the available object memory.

I thought this could make it crash earlier, but it still took a couple
of hours. it was usually (for years) started with -headless only.

the amoount of data in the swiki is only gradually increasing.

during testing, i had two swikis not starting up, but responding with
file closed. could this mean one of them triggering the bug ? (in one
case one single swiki is 879MB, mainly for three .old pages totalling 573MB)

  Just guessing,
  but this may be nothing more than a side effect of the system
  swapping, hence Squeak going slower, hence perhaps not able to
  keep up with things in some way. You can of course increase
  the fixed allocation, or remove the -memory option entirely
  to permit the VM to dynamically extend object memory. Of course
  this would further aggrivate the memory swapping problem, so
  you need to figure out what is going on there regardless.


without the fixed allocation the same symptoms occur; i can either put
it on a P IV/1800 / 256MB or a dual PIII/1000 / 512 MB.

after five+ years, both of these machines run out of memory after some
time, while the amount of data in the swiki has meanwhile reached ~2.1 GB.

if this is another limit i'll have to ask some of the professors to
squeeze their uploads to smaller sizes. (just kidding)

other than that, i'm stumped.



btw, i'm on the list, no need to cc: me ;)

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Re: [Pws] keyword to action object

2008-02-10 Thread Guzdial, Mark
I don't know if there's any documentation for Comanche out there on the Web 
anymore.  I'd look around the Squeak Swikis.  I know that Bolot Kerimabaev 
built a more sophisticated module mechanism, but I don't know how it worked.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wed 2/6/2008 10:45 PM
Subject: [Pws] keyword to action object

I've been playing with old versions of Squeak (2.5, 2.6) and Swiki (Danger 
Bird) on Vista. it works more or less. I've got Danger Bird working, but it 
seems to be better served on 2.7, as recommended in Section 9 of Squeak 

PWS seems to be a non-starter. I follow the instructions, but it doesn't 
seem to be serving anything. That's a pity. And for what it's worth I'd do 
all this stuff on a Mac, but my computers will no longer perform OS 9, so 
Windows it is.

I have a question about paragraph three, pg. 247 in SM. It's important to 
connect the string token that will be in the URI to an actual piece of 
functioning code in the image. For the PWS that would be done with this:

PWS link: 'example' to: (SimpleExampleAction new.)

I can't get PWS to work for me, so where do I look for the equivalent to 
link:to: in Comanche/Swiki?

The links in Danger Bird call a number. That's the token on the URI. I want 
to see how the token is associated to an action, so I can make the 
connection between any given link and it's action file.



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