Re: ANNOUNCE: Gazest 0.3.7 -- a Pylons powered wiki

2007-10-22 Thread Bruce Wang
On 10/18/07, Yannick Gingras [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Greetings Pyloneers,
   I'm am please to announce the release of Gazest 0.3.7, a Pylons
 powered wiki.


Both the idea and the demo looks cool!

I tried it using easy_install, but failed with python-openid version

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/number5/bin/gazest-god-mode, line 5, in ?
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
line 2564, in ?
for dist in working_set.resolve(
line 528, in resolve
raise VersionConflict(dist,req) # XXX put more info here
pkg_resources.VersionConflict: (python-openid
2.0.1-py2.4.egg), Requirement.parse('python-openid=1.1,=1.2'))

Didn't try bleeding edge yet, git looks scary ;)

BTW: Is there any docs available now?

simple is good
skype: number5

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Re: ANNOUNCE: Gazest 0.3.7 -- a Pylons powered wiki

2007-10-22 Thread Yannick Gingras

Bruce Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Both the idea and the demo looks cool!


 I tried it using easy_install, but failed with python-openid version
 conflicted: [sniped]

This is quite annoying and I'm note sure how to solve the problem.
Maybe someone in here have an idea.  Your python-openid is too recent.
If you don't have it installed, setuptools will pick a suitable
version; but if you have a too recent version installed, it will just
say that it's too recent and it won't fetch an older version.  This is
really pissing me off because I wanted to postpone the switch to
Alchemy 0.4 a bit but everyone and their dog is going to have Alchemy
0.4 on disk now that it's stable.

My only solution would be to kick the global openid and to install it
in a workingenv for the apps that needs it.  The instructions to
install Gazest in a workingenv are included in the tarball.
 Didn't try bleeding edge yet, git looks scary ;)

Git is more scary than Mercurial but really not much.  I use both all
the time: I love them both and I could not pick a definitive winner.
The Python web community seems to standardize on Mercurial; this is a
really good choice but I don't want to switch until Maris release a
patched versions of hg.setuptools.  The current version will bork
setuptools when it's outside of a Mercurial repo.  No doubt that you'd
hate me if I was to ask you to install a plugin that renders your
setuptool unusable.  I have a patched version in here:

 BTW: Is there any docs available now?

There is some doc in the tarball but not much.  I imagine there will
be a wiki for the user doc in the near future.  I'm a bit out of my
app slots at webfaction but I'm working on a new hosting deal.

Yannick Gingras

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Re: Reducing pylons app memory usage?

2007-10-22 Thread Marcin Kasperski

 you should see if the Apache configuration you are using
 defines a value for the ThreadStackSize directive. 

Thanks for the hint.

I am still to make my experiments, but here is initial summary for
this thread from my point of view.

It is highly suspected, that significant part of the RAM consumption
is caused by the thread stacks and thread-local data. Therefore some
tuning here is likely to improve things.

The following paths are to be explored:

1) Keep using embedded mod_wsgi (and apache worker mode), but:
   - experiment with ThreadStackSize, trying to reduce it from default 8MB
   - tune worker threads count and processess count (standard
 apache worker parameters)
   - check whether there are any unnecessary apache modules loaded
   - as a safety measure, set some MaxRequestsPerChild

2) Consider (and test) mod_wsgi daemon mode. Main advantage over
   embedded mode is that it will allow to tune wsgi threads (count,
   stack size...) separately from main apache threads.

3) Serve content using standalone paste, either directly, or using
   reverse proxy
threadpool_nworkers = 5
  to tune worker threads count (default is 10).
  In such case, nginx is to be explored as an alternative for apache
  (to serve the static content and perform reverse proxying)

(I leave out the idea of using fastcgi/scgi with flup, I do not think
it has any advantages over 2) and 3) in my case, similarly I leave out
the idea of standalone cherrypy as I do not know about any advantages
over paste)

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Re: Reducing pylons app memory usage?

2007-10-22 Thread Bob Ippolito

On 10/17/07, Graham Dumpleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Note that in general the argument that lighttpd and nginx are better
 because they are quicker in serving static files is totally
 meaningless in the context of Python web applications, as the real
 work is being done in the Python application and that along with any
 database access will be your bottleneck. Unless your web application
 is specifically being used as a mechanism for working with large
 numbers of very large distinct static media files, you will not really
 gain anything from using lighttpd or nginx as static files isn't the
 bottleneck. All you will possibly do is just make your setup and
 configuration more complicated than it needs to be.

That's not true. nginx or lighttpd are far better than Apache +
mod_proxy by any metric, at least with Apache 2.0.x on FreeBSD, Mac OS
X, or Linux (other platforms I have not tried myself). Also, unless
you're using lots of mod_rewrite, nginx isn't any more complicated
than Apache. In fact, I find it much easier because you don't have to
figure out what you have to turn off.

In an environment with only 96 mb available, using a web server that
uses forks or threads is a really bad choice anyway. That pretty much
rules Apache 2.0.x out.


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Re: Reducing pylons app memory usage?

2007-10-22 Thread Bob Ippolito

On 10/17/07, Ian Bicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ben Bangert wrote:
  On Oct 17, 2007, at 2:24 PM, Christoph Haas wrote:
  Why am I still confused by the top columns after 15 years of UNIX usage.
  Yes, the virtual usage is around 100 MB while the resident size is at
  about 18 MB.
  Of course, since most of this ram use is from the libraries, it means it
  will increase very little should you run multiple Pylons apps in a
  single process. You can do this with the ini file to tell Paste to load
  multiple apps, and even host them on different virtual hosts, that'll
  save you some ram if you're running multiple Pylons apps on the same

 It'd be hot if you could load up Pylons and then fork for each app,
 sharing a bunch of the libraries.

 You can't.  But such a thing is not impossible.  Mmm... a whole entry point:

use = egg:DeploySubprocess
app = config:%(here)s/myapp.ini
# maybe also:
add_libraries = /path/to/some/virtualenv-or-workingenv/

 It'd fork, use that add_libraries to do a site.addsitedir(), and maybe
 start up with flup's scgi or fcgi server, with s/fcgi_app on the
 unforked site, forwarding any requests over, and doing a little process
 management (just passing over signals, so that you can kill both as a
 unit by killing the parent).

 I'm guessing 200 lines of code.  Who wants to write it?

 Note you won't notice the memory savings unless you look closely; it's
 hard to see shared memory.  Surprisingly hard.  But much of the memory
 will be shared between the master process and the forked subprocess.

But any of those pages are going to get written to any time you touch
any of those objects due to the ref count changing. If you actually
those libraries, the savings should disappear pretty fast. Doing this
for C code makes more sense since you don't increase the ref count on
functions in C when you call them, but I think most modern OS' already
share C libraries across processes using a copy-on-write strategy.


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Re: connection reset on file upload

2007-10-22 Thread Clemens Hermann

Finally I found the source of the problem.
In case of a file upload the responsible controller is called
immediately, even before the file is completely uploaded. The
execution of the controller instructions is stalled until the file is
uploaded completely if
- request.POST['data_file'] is accessed
- a template is rendered
If however a string response is sent via * return this is my string
response * no delay occurs. So in this case the controller sends a
response even before the browser has uploaded the file. This is the
reason for the connection reset message.

def upload(self, environ):
return this is my string response

reproduces the problem on a file upload form. As its is imho valid
controller code the error should not occur but the controller should
be stalled at/before the return statement.



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Re: Pylons curve and surface fitting web site tutorial complete

2007-10-22 Thread Gerard Flanagan

On Oct 18, 11:24 am, zunzun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have completed work on a new Pylons curve and surface fitting web
 site tutorial, the URL is;

  James Phillips

Thanks for the tutorial, I found it interesting.  Almost inspired me
to write my first pylons app, if I could just find the time!



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Re: Pylons without Myghty

2007-10-22 Thread Mike Orr

On 10/21/07, Stou Sandalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am running 0.9.6, after some tinkering I found out it was
 ToscaWidgets that was causing the dependency, sorry.

 Is there something out there a bit 'newer' or 'cleaner' than tw that
 someone can recommend?  At least something that doesn't depend on all
 those packages from PEAK that are 3 years old (PyProtocols, etc.)

The non-ToscaWidgets way is plain ol' FormEncode but then you're going
lower level.  ToscaWidgets has been positioning itself as the high-end
solution; I don't know of any other that works with Pylons.  So the
real question is, when will ToscaWidgets modernize its dependencies?

Looking at TW's, the only ancient dependency is RuleDispatch.

I recall a discussion about wanting to improve RuleDispatch and spin
it off, but apparently this has not been done yet and there are
insufficient volunteers for it.

I'm stunned that ToscaWidgets would depend on Myghty by default,
especially since it's spun off from TurboGears which prefers
Genshi/Kid.  Maybe they did this as a courtesy to Pylons 0.9.4 and
they could change it fairly easily?

Though looking at, I don't see how Mako is strictly required
unless you invoke the Mako extra.  Though I'm not sure how you'd
install an extra with easy_install anyway.


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Re: cleaner ToscaWidgets

2007-10-22 Thread Mike Orr

On 10/21/07, Max Ischenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Stou,

 On 10/22/07, Stou Sandalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am running 0.9.6, after some tinkering I found out it was
  ToscaWidgets that was causing the dependency, sorry.
  Is there something out there a bit 'newer' or 'cleaner' than tw that
  someone can recommend?  At least something that doesn't depend on all
  those packages from PEAK that are 3 years old (PyProtocols, etc.)

  I am desperately looking for such a a thing myself. Alas, the best
 approach I found so far is write forms in plain HTML (Mako) and use
 formencode validators + stock @validate Pylons decorator.

So, to toscawidget or not to toscawidget?  I'm about to write some
forms soon.  I was going to learn TW because I assumed it would be
better in the long term when I add more Javascript features, and
better to start with it now than to rewrite my forms in it later.  Is
TW really that bad?  I don't care about a few extra dependencies as
long as I know who's using them.


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Re: cleaner ToscaWidgets

2007-10-22 Thread Max Ischenko
Hello Mike,

On 10/22/07, Mike Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So, to toscawidget or not to toscawidget?  I'm about to write some
 forms soon.  I was going to learn TW because I assumed it would be
 better in the long term when I add more Javascript features, and
 better to start with it now than to rewrite my forms in it later.  Is
 TW really that bad?  I don't care about a few extra dependencies as
 long as I know who's using them.

You 've got to use it for a while to make a judgement. It was a fine idea
and I don't want to spread FUD. My problems with TW were:

 - rough (random bugs)
 - hard to use (basically no docs)
 - too complicated an implementation
 - development stalled

Max Ischenko -- Ukrainian software developers community -- my blog (Russian)

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Re: Pylons without Myghty

2007-10-22 Thread Alberto Valverde

Mike Orr wrote:
 On 10/21/07, Stou Sandalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am running 0.9.6, after some tinkering I found out it was
 ToscaWidgets that was causing the dependency, sorry.

 Is there something out there a bit 'newer' or 'cleaner' than tw that
 someone can recommend?  At least something that doesn't depend on all
 those packages from PEAK that are 3 years old (PyProtocols, etc.)

Out of curiosity, is there any inherent problems in packages 3 years old?

 The non-ToscaWidgets way is plain ol' FormEncode but then you're going
 lower level.  ToscaWidgets has been positioning itself as the high-end
 solution; I don't know of any other that works with Pylons.  So the
 real question is, when will ToscaWidgets modernize its dependencies?

Yeah, I've been planning to drop the ruledispatch dependency long ago
since it has caused more problems than it has solved (specially due to
its C speedups). I've just comitted a TODO file [1] as a kind of roadmap
for things I'd like to get done before releasing a final stable 1.0.

 Looking at TW's, the only ancient dependency is RuleDispatch.
 I recall a discussion about wanting to improve RuleDispatch and spin
 it off, but apparently this has not been done yet and there are
 insufficient volunteers for it.
 I'm stunned that ToscaWidgets would depend on Myghty by default,
 especially since it's spun off from TurboGears which prefers
 Genshi/Kid.  Maybe they did this as a courtesy to Pylons 0.9.4 and
 they could change it fairly easily?

TW doesn't depend on Mighty. However, I've nailed the problem and worked
around it in newest trunk: Apparently Pylons declares a
python.templating.engines entry point, pylonsmighty, which TW tries to
load when initialized [2]. This will cause a DistributionError if Myghty
is not installed.

 Though looking at, I don't see how Mako is strictly required
 unless you invoke the Mako extra.  Though I'm not sure how you'd
 install an extra with easy_install anyway.



[2] Actually, it tries to load all entrypoints by default on init time.
This should be fixed so they're loaded JIT to prevent this kind of errors.

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Re: ANNOUNCE: Gazest 0.3.7 -- a Pylons powered wiki

2007-10-22 Thread Mike Orr

On 10/22/07, Yannick Gingras [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is
 really pissing me off because I wanted to postpone the switch to
 Alchemy 0.4 a bit but everyone and their dog is going to have Alchemy
 0.4 on disk now that it's stable.

I've been diverting sqlalchemy list messages to a folder so I missed
the release.  I've updated the introduction to SQLAlchemy 0.4 for
people in a hurry.  There's still a link to the 0.3 version for those
maintaining existing apps.

My application is still on 0.4 beta 6, which is working fine.  I
assume 0.4 final has not introduced any new bugs that would impact
Pylons applications.  Does anybody have reason to believe the

One improvement in 0.4 final is that engine_from_config correctly
converts 'false' and '0' values to False rather than True, to conform
with the Pylons/Paste standard.  Pylons' default configuration seems
to prefer 'true' and 'false' nowadays.


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Re: cleaner ToscaWidgets

2007-10-22 Thread Alberto Valverde

Max Ischenko wrote:
 Hello Mike,
 On 10/22/07, *Mike Orr* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So, to toscawidget or not to toscawidget?  I'm about to write some
 forms soon.  I was going to learn TW because I assumed it would be
 better in the long term when I add more Javascript features, and
 better to start with it now than to rewrite my forms in it later.  Is
 TW really that bad?  I don't care about a few extra dependencies as
 long as I know who's using them.

I'm obviously biased in regards to this so I hope a happy user chimes in
instead of giving my opinion. :)

 You 've got to use it for a while to make a judgement. It was a fine
 idea and I don't want to spread FUD. My problems with TW were:
  - rough (random bugs)

I'd really appreciate some tickets at TG's trac to nail them.

  - hard to use (basically no docs)

Fair enough. This is something I would really have liked to solve long
ago but seems like some sort of mental blockade of mine. I've tried  my
best to personally give support in TW's mailing list to anyone needing
help (secretly hoping users would fill the docs gap :) but experience
has shown it's no substitute for real documentation. I hope to have time
to change this soon.

  - too complicated an implementation.

Ironically enough one of the reasons I spun TW out of TG's widgets was
to simplify the implementation. I suspect the use of RuleDispatch
greatly contributes to this perception, this is something I plan to
change too. [1]

  - development stalled

?? [2]



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Re: cleaner ToscaWidgets

2007-10-22 Thread Mike Orr

On 10/22/07, Alberto Valverde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   - hard to use (basically no docs)

 Fair enough. This is something I would really have liked to solve long
 ago but seems like some sort of mental blockade of mine. I've tried  my
 best to personally give support in TW's mailing list to anyone needing
 help (secretly hoping users would fill the docs gap :) but experience
 has shown it's no substitute for real documentation. I hope to have time
 to change this soon.

The lack of documentation has been the main reason I haven't stepped
into the the ToscaWidgets learning curve yet.

If you know me, you know that documentation is my forte, so I'll be
writing at least a Pylons-ToscaWidgets howto and a
FormEncode-ToscaWidgets comparision once I know enough to do it.

Alberto, is the ToscaWidgets trunk kept reasonably stable?  Meaning,
Cheetah has a rule that all changes have to pass the unittests before
being checked in, and backward compatibility is generally maintained,
so that the trunk is almost always more usable and less buggy than the
last release.  Pylons, SQLAlchemy, and Supervisor seem to have a
similar attitude because I've had good luck with their trunks.  Does
ToscaWidgets keep a clean trunk too?  Is it safe enough for
application development, knowing that we may have to change our API
calls occasionally? Are there any anticipated changes which will
change the API?


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Re: cleaner ToscaWidgets

2007-10-22 Thread Alberto Valverde

Mike Orr wrote:
 On 10/22/07, Alberto Valverde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - hard to use (basically no docs)
 Fair enough. This is something I would really have liked to solve long
 ago but seems like some sort of mental blockade of mine. I've tried  my
 best to personally give support in TW's mailing list to anyone needing
 help (secretly hoping users would fill the docs gap :) but experience
 has shown it's no substitute for real documentation. I hope to have time
 to change this soon.
 The lack of documentation has been the main reason I haven't stepped
 into the the ToscaWidgets learning curve yet.
 If you know me, you know that documentation is my forte, so I'll be
 writing at least a Pylons-ToscaWidgets howto and a
 FormEncode-ToscaWidgets comparision once I know enough to do it.

Your SQLAlchemy 0.4 tutorial made me brave enough to make the jump from
0.3 :) I'd really appreciate any effort in the docs area. Thanks!

 Alberto, is the ToscaWidgets trunk kept reasonably stable?  Meaning,
 Cheetah has a rule that all changes have to pass the unittests before
 being checked in, and backward compatibility is generally maintained,
 so that the trunk is almost always more usable and less buggy than the
 last release.  Pylons, SQLAlchemy, and Supervisor seem to have a
 similar attitude because I've had good luck with their trunks.  Does
 ToscaWidgets keep a clean trunk too?

I try my best to keep it that way. Unit tests always pass before
anything is committed and there haven't been any major API changes since
 I first released it.

Keep in mind TW didn't start from scratch but evolved from TG's widgets.
trying to mimic their API as much as possible (except some small
improvements and new functionallity, namely being able to mix and match
templating engines). What I'm trying to say with this is that most API
experiments already took place before TW was born.

 Is it safe enough for
 application development, knowing that we may have to change our API
 calls occasionally? 

Yes. TW hasn't even got a stable release yet so the trunk is as stable
as it can be. All eggs that have been packaged are really snapshots of
the trunk and experiments take place in separate branches before being
merged and announced in the mailing list.

Today I merged a breaking change which aims to reduce all the boiler
plate needed to configure TW in Pylons as described by James' An
Alternative ToscaWidgets Setup with Mako [1] (which, BTW, I should
update, as soon as confluence mails me my lost passwd, to reflect the
changes...). However, this change will not affect existing widgets, only
the way TW's middleware is initialized.

Are there any anticipated changes which will
 change the API?

I expect a little breakage in the public API to take place before 1.0 is
out since I want to remove the RuleDispatch dependency. However, I don't
think it will affect many users (if any at all) since it uses an obscure
feature (adapt_value()) involving generic functions which I haven't seen
in the wild.

I might also rename the package name to tw and move the widget
packages inside the tw namespace (ie: tw.forms, tw.mochikit, etc...) to
avoid the redundant from toscawidgets.widgets import foo. This should
be easily aliased and DeprecationWarned though...



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Re: UNS: Re: cleaner ToscaWidgets

2007-10-22 Thread Alberto Valverde

Philip Cooper wrote:
 Alberto Valverde at about 10/22/07 2:07 PM said:
 Max Ischenko wrote:
 Hello Mike,

 On 10/22/07, *Mike Orr* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So, to toscawidget or not to toscawidget?  I'm about to write some
 forms soon.  
 I'm obviously biased in regards to this so I hope a happy user chimes in
 instead of giving my opinion. :)

 Wrks 4 me.  Turbogears is not great on documentation of widgets but 
 it's a not better than starting from scratch.  Things like date picker 
 and tinyMCE are not things I really want to recreate.
 I've started 
 for my own edification. More to come later.
  - hard to use (basically no docs)
 Pretty easy to use.  Everytime someone writes a doc, it seems they are 
 already super-users so they jump right into creating a custom widget. 
   Too advanced if you don't know what magic is behind a basic widget. 
   Understanding how DataGrid works makes the whole tw world make sense 

Glad to hear this. :) So maybe I should reduce the initial scope of the
docs I have in mind and not dive directly into custom widgets but
concentrate on how existing widgets are used?


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Re: Reducing pylons app memory usage?

2007-10-22 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Oct 22, 10:28 pm, Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/17/07, Graham Dumpleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Note that in general the argument that lighttpd and nginx are better
  because they are quicker in serving static files is totally
  meaningless in the context of Python web applications, as the real
  work is being done in the Python application and that along with any
  database access will be your bottleneck. Unless your web application
  is specifically being used as a mechanism for working with large
  numbers of very large distinct static media files, you will not really
  gain anything from using lighttpd or nginx as static files isn't the
  bottleneck. All you will possibly do is just make your setup and
  configuration more complicated than it needs to be.

 That's not true. nginx or lighttpd are far better than Apache +
 mod_proxy by any metric, at least with Apache 2.0.x on FreeBSD, Mac OS
 X, or Linux (other platforms I have not tried myself). Also, unless
 you're using lots of mod_rewrite, nginx isn't any more complicated
 than Apache. In fact, I find it much easier because you don't have to
 figure out what you have to turn off.

 In an environment with only 96 mb available, using a web server that
 uses forks or threads is a really bad choice anyway. That pretty much
 rules Apache 2.0.x out.

The complexity I am referring to is not in configuring nginx, but that
you also have to install and configure some separate supervisor system
which starts up and ensures that your backend process is running. You
also need to integrate that into the system startup scripts whereas
web servers such as Apache on prepackaged Linux distributions
generally have that. This is extra software dependencies and extra
work to setup. Although it may be manageable if you are running a
single web application, it becomes a lot more work if you want to run
a mix of web applications, or multiple sites, all in distinct
processes as you may then need separate supervisor configurations and
startup scripts for each. Because Apache when using appropriate
modules can itself act as the supervisor for the applications, it all
becomes somewhat simpler as the configuration is all in one spot and
all the startup scripts become irrelevant as that would already exist
for Apache.

BTW, Apache/mod_proxy or Apache/fastcgi/flup solutions are not the
fastest way of supporting WSGI applications with Apache and better
performing, easier to setup solutions exist that don't need horrible
rewrite rules. So, comparing to those solutions doesn't give the full

Also, as I keep trying to put out, speed of request handling and
proxying is generally not the problem as your bottleneck is more often
than not going to be in your Python web application or in the way it
interacts with a database. Thus, for most it would be far more
important to use a system which has less dependencies on third party
packages and is easier to setup.

True, the answer may not always be Apache, especially, if forced to
use a memory constrained environment more tailored to PHP web
application hosting. In some respects though this points out an issue
that Python web developers still have yet to come to grips with. That
is that web hosting solutions offered by companies tend to be tailored
to PHP programming which has a model which throws away stuff at the
end of each request. This is in contrast to Python where everything
generally persists and so applications are fatter. This isn't helped
by Pythons batteries included mentality as all that does is cause
additional memory bloat due to a lot of dead unused code being
imported that you don't really need. If Python folks expect to work
within the constrained environments offered for PHP web applications,
then the large frameworks have to find ways of cutting down on memory
use somehow.


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Re: Reducing pylons app memory usage?

2007-10-22 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Oct 22, 10:12 pm, Marcin Kasperski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2) Consider (and test) mod_wsgi daemon mode. Main advantage over
embedded mode is that it will allow to tune wsgi threads (count,
stack size...) separately from main apache threads.

Noting though that mod_wsgi daemon mode doesn't allow tuning of stack
size on a process group basis yet. Only way of tuning it at the moment
would be to use 'ulimit -s' within the environment of Apache itself.
Ie., set it from the Apache 'envars' startup file.


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Re: Pylons without Myghty

2007-10-22 Thread Stou Sandalski

On Oct 22, 12:52 pm, Alberto Valverde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mike Orr wrote:
  On 10/21/07, Stou Sandalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am running 0.9.6, after some tinkering I found out it was
  ToscaWidgets that was causing the dependency, sorry.

  Is there something out there a bit 'newer' or 'cleaner' than tw that
  someone can recommend?  At least something that doesn't depend on all
  those packages from PEAK that are 3 years old (PyProtocols, etc.)

 Out of curiosity, is there any inherent problems in packages 3 years old?

No, not really.  Except for the TW ones requiring almost manual
install (somehow I have never been able to simply do easy_install -U
ToscaWidgets)... I always had to do an easy_install on those packages
by hand, that is Google for the toscawidgets download directory and
then use that for easy_install PyProtocols, etc.

 TW doesn't depend on Mighty. However, I've nailed the problem and worked
 around it in newest trunk: Apparently Pylons declares a
 python.templating.engines entry point, pylonsmighty, which TW tries to
 load when initialized [2]. This will cause a DistributionError if Myghty
 is not installed.
 [2] Actually, it tries to load all entrypoints by default on init time.
 This should be fixed so they're loaded JIT to prevent this kind of errors.

Yes that's what I noticed but I couldn't figure out what to do about



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Re: Reducing pylons app memory usage?

2007-10-22 Thread Cliff Wells

On Thu, 2007-10-18 at 12:18 +0200, Marcin Kasperski wrote:

 I am watching with interest efforts to port WSGI to nginx which show
 up on some lists. Nevertheless, it seems it will take some time...

Actually I believe Manlio's implementation is usable right now for WSGI
2.0, with WSGI 1.0 support slated for the next release.
Regardless, WSGI support isn't required to run Pylons under Nginx.  I
personally use plain HTTP proxying and am quite satisfied.


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Re: Reducing pylons app memory usage?

2007-10-22 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Oct 23, 10:53 am, Cliff Wells [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 2007-10-18 at 12:18 +0200, Marcin Kasperski wrote:
  I am watching with interest efforts to port WSGI to nginx which show
  up on some lists. Nevertheless, it seems it will take some time...

 Actually I believe Manlio's implementation is usable right now for WSGI
 2.0, with WSGI 1.0 support slated for the next release.

Except that there is no such thing as WSGI 2.0. The only version of
WSGI that exists is 1.0.

What they have done is taken once core idea which had been put up for
future discussion for a WSGI 2.0 and implemented that. What has been
done should not be called WSGI 2.0 as there isn't a guarantee that
WSGI 2.0 will ever even be created or that it will look like what they
have implemented.

For further information about the ideas that have been put up for a
successor to WSGI 1.0, then see:


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Re: Reducing pylons app memory usage?

2007-10-22 Thread Cliff Wells

On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 23:24 +, Graham Dumpleton wrote:

 The complexity I am referring to is not in configuring nginx, but that
 you also have to install and configure some separate supervisor system
 which starts up and ensures that your backend process is running. 

I think this argument doesn't really hold.  Either you have to install
a supervisor process or you don't.  If you do have to, then you
arguably need to install one for Apache as well, so the complexity is
equivalent.  If you don't have to (I've had Pylons and TurboGears
sites up for months without restarts or supervisors), then once again
the complexity is even.

 You also need to integrate that into the system startup scripts whereas
 web servers such as Apache on prepackaged Linux distributions
 generally have that. 

If by integrate you mean add a line or two to /etc/rc.local (or your
distro's equivalent), then I'll agree with you, but simultaneously fail
to see your point.

 This is extra software dependencies and extra work to setup. 

I'll take this added complexity, subtract the complexity of reducing
Apache's memory footprint and still come out with an overall savings in

I'll agree that Apache can be made more efficient (ignoring the
threading vs async debate) but doing so is far more complicated and
error-prone than installing Nginx and a supervisor.  Apache starts out
big and must be pruned down, Nginx starts out small and pretty much
stays there regardless.  

 Although it may be manageable if you are running a
 single web application, it becomes a lot more work if you want to run
 a mix of web applications, or multiple sites, all in distinct
 processes as you may then need separate supervisor configurations and
 startup scripts for each. 

Since the OP mentioned 96MB of RAM, I'll assume he's running single web
app.  Unless he requires mod_svn or some other esoteric module, there's
simply no way Apache can win here.

 Because Apache when using appropriate
 modules can itself act as the supervisor for the applications, it all
 becomes somewhat simpler as the configuration is all in one spot and
 all the startup scripts become irrelevant as that would already exist
 for Apache.

I know this is difficult for an Apache expert to grok, but configuring
Apache is everything except easy to understand.  Some of this is due to
Apache's rather large feature-set, but some of it is also due to
Apache's rather weird and limited configuration syntax.

 Also, as I keep trying to put out, speed of request handling and
 proxying is generally not the problem as your bottleneck is more often
 than not going to be in your Python web application or in the way it
 interacts with a database. Thus, for most it would be far more
 important to use a system which has less dependencies on third party
 packages and is easier to setup.

In general I agree, but if Apache is sucking down 1/10th or more of your
memory (and with 96MB, that's certainly likely), then it will certainly
reduce overall system performance significantly as disk caching will
suffer and you'll be forced to swap much sooner.

 True, the answer may not always be Apache, especially, if forced to
 use a memory constrained environment more tailored to PHP web
 application hosting. 

I generally find Apache preferable to Nginx when one or more of the
following conditions is present:

1) Some esoteric feature of Apache is needed.
2) The customer/user is an Apache expert.
3) I don't care about the installation and hope someone else has to
maintain it.

  If Python folks expect to work
 within the constrained environments offered for PHP web applications,
 then the large frameworks have to find ways of cutting down on memory
 use somehow.

I'm not sure the blame is being aimed in the right direction here.  I
don't think PHP is what Pylons is competing with and I have a definite
concern that tailoring it to run in a $7/month hosting account would
require too deep of cuts.  RoR is much more of a direct competitor, and
has been noted, Pylons uses a fraction of the RAM RoR does (not to
mention CPU).

Quite frankly, were I consulting with a customer in the same position as
the OP, what I'd be suggesting is they quit trying to run their site in
a toy environment.  I think a 96MB VPS is fine for testing, but not a
realistic deployment environment for much more than a personal blog or
photo album.

As an aside, my Pylons (paste+cherrypy) app for Breve only uses around
48MB after a couple months of uptime (there are four Pylons backends
load balanced by Nginx):  

hosting ~ # ps -U twisty -o rss,vsz,command
48000 132720 /usr/bin/python /var/www/virtual/ 
serve breve1.ini
48312 133264 /usr/bin/python /var/www/virtual/ 
serve breve2.ini
46024 130860 /usr/bin/python /var/www/virtual/ 
serve breve3.ini
47920 132860 /usr/bin/python 

Re: cleaner ToscaWidgets

2007-10-22 Thread Max Ischenko
Hello Alberto,

On 10/22/07, Alberto Valverde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   - too complicated an implementation.

 Ironically enough one of the reasons I spun TW out of TG's widgets was
 to simplify the implementation. I suspect the use of RuleDispatch
 greatly contributes to this perception, this is something I plan to
 change too. [1]

   - development stalled

 ?? [2]


Thanks a lot for your reply; it's very helpful. It looks like I should put
aside a few hours and re-evaluate TW to have an up-to-date opinion.
Hopefully Mike Orr could write some Pylons HOWTO by then. ;)


Max Ischenko -- Ukrainian software developers community -- my blog (Russian)

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Re: UNS: Re: cleaner ToscaWidgets

2007-10-22 Thread Max Ischenko
On 10/23/07, Mike Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Glad to hear this. :) So maybe I should reduce the initial scope of the
  docs I have in mind and not dive directly into custom widgets but
  concentrate on how existing widgets are used?

 Yes.  Think in terms of somebody who has used another Python form
 library or has handcoded all their forms, and just wants to use the
 standard widgets at first.  They'll be curious about any special
 widgets TW provides such as a date picker, WSIWYG editor, combo box,
 enhanced file uploader, etc -- things they've had to struggle with or
 do without in their other libraries.  They don't want to build custom
 widgets yet; they just want to build forms that work.

I'd say that even tutorial for a simple form (2-5 fields, nothing fancy)
would work if it highlights how TW is different from other approaches, like
handcoding, and what it can give you.

Max Ischenko -- Ukrainian software developers community -- my blog (Russian)

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Re: Reducing pylons app memory usage?

2007-10-22 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Oct 23, 11:54 am, Cliff Wells [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 2007-10-22 at 23:24 +, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
  The complexity I am referring to is not in configuring nginx, but that
  you also have to install and configure some separate supervisor system
  which starts up and ensures that your backend process is running.

 I think this argument doesn't really hold.  Either you have to install
 a supervisor process or you don't.  If you do have to, then you
 arguably need to install one for Apache as well, so the complexity is
 equivalent.  If you don't have to (I've had Pylons and TurboGears
 sites up for months without restarts or supervisors), then once again
 the complexity is even.

You do not need a separate supervisor if you use mod_python, mod_wsgi
or mod_fastcgi. In the case of mod_python and embedded mode of
mod_wsgi the standard Apache child process supervisor does it all for
you. For mod_wsgi daemon mode the mod_wsgi implementation makes use of
the Apache runtime library supervisor directly, the same one used by
Apache to manage its child processes. For mod_fastcgi it contains its
own supervisor implementation.

In all cases the supervisor is a part of Apache or provided by the
Apache module in question, there is no need to install a separate
supervisor system. It is only when you use mod_proxy to a back end web
server, or use fastcgi in external process mode that you need to
install a separate supervisor. Thus the supervisor comes for free if
you don't restrict yourself to using mod_proxy to a back end web

  You also need to integrate that into the system startup scripts whereas
  web servers such as Apache on prepackaged Linux distributions
  generally have that.

 If by integrate you mean add a line or two to /etc/rc.local (or your
 distro's equivalent), then I'll agree with you, but simultaneously fail
 to see your point.

And that may well be fine if you know your way around UNIX system
administration. More and more you are getting people coming to Python
web application programming who know nothing about UNIX system
administration, so if getting things to work simply means adding a
line or two in the Apache configuration to get it all going, it is
much better than having to install a separate supervisor system and
ensure that the system starts it all up on a reboot.

An Apache installation on the other hand is already going to be setup
to start on boot. Using periodic cron jobs to check if an application
is running and restart it, or using 404 error document handler scripts
to trigger starting of an application like one sees suggested
occasionally are not robust solutions.

  This is extra software dependencies and extra work to setup.

 I'll take this added complexity, subtract the complexity of reducing
 Apache's memory footprint and still come out with an overall savings in

Use mod_wsgi daemon mode or mod_fastcgi and the memory footprint of
Apache is not the big deal that people think it is as you can limit
your web application to run in a single or limited number of threaded
processes, thereby getting rid of most of the problems. Yes, this is
not much different to mod_proxy in terms of architecture, but you are
able to skip the need for a separate supervisor if you want to ensure
your application always stays running. You are of course throwing out
the good features of Apache in as far as its scalability, but then if
you need to do this, scalability is the least of your worries.

Whether you use Apache or a backend web server implemented in Python,
the fact remains that the bulk of the memory consumption comes from
the Python web framework and application. Just the starting memory
size for the most popular Python web frameworks range from 5MB up to
15MB and that is before any of the user specific code has been loaded.

Even if you use a Python web server backend, on Linux it would appear
you are still going to have to contend with the large stack size it
allocates to each thread as that is a property of Linux and not
Apache, so you still need to configure your system around that, or
reduce the numbers of threads you use, something that can also be done
with Apache daemon process solutions. But then, why that is an issue I
don't know, for reasons mentioned below.

  Although it may be manageable if you are running a
  single web application, it becomes a lot more work if you want to run
  a mix of web applications, or multiple sites, all in distinct
  processes as you may then need separate supervisor configurations and
  startup scripts for each.

 Since the OP mentioned 96MB of RAM, I'll assume he's running single web
 app.  Unless he requires mod_svn or some other esoteric module, there's
 simply no way Apache can win here.

If one doesn't know that running your Python web application embedded
within the Apache child processes is not your only option then this is
true, but mod_proxy is not the only solution, other options do exist
such as mod_wsgi