Re: Can't reconnect until invalid transaction is rolled back with repoze.who / repoze.what

2011-04-20 Thread Gustavo Narea
Hello, Daniel.

Thanks, that's a good suggestion! I've just changed it


On 20/04/11 15:09, Daniel Holth wrote:
 I notice you begin building the query with one dbsession which must be
 a ScopedSession, then call dbsession.remove(), and then execute the query.

 It would probably be better to put dbsession.remove() at the top of
 the function.
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Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
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Re: Can't reconnect until invalid transaction is rolled back with repoze.who / repoze.what

2011-04-19 Thread Gustavo Narea

I finally got some time today to investigate this further and fix it.

I think the only way to solve this at the level is by 
rolling back the transaction *before* issuing a query. I agree that, 
ideally, this would've been handled in the repoze.who-friendlyform plugin, 
but the problem is that these two plugins and independent from each other.

I'll wait 24 hours before releasing this, to allow time to get some feedback 
on the change:

I've tested it and all the tests pass, but maybe I missed a reason why this 
solution is not a good one.


 - Gustavo.

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Re: Logging failed login attempts

2011-04-16 Thread Gustavo Narea
Hello, Jason.

On Apr 15, 9:49 pm, Jason McKellar wrote:
 I'm using Repoze.what with Pylons 1.0 and I can't figure out how to
 log failed login attempts. This would be extremely useful to see if
 there are any brute force attempts on the application. I have logging
 in the method that checks the password, but this will not help if the
 username is incorrect. Had anyone figured out how to do this?

This is handle by repoze.who and I think you'd have two options:

- If you're using the repoze.who SQLAlchemy plugin, then you have
method in the User class to check the password, which you can use to
log wrong passwords.
- If you're using another repoze.who authenticator plugin, you'd have
to replace the existing authenticator with a subclass like thus:


 - Gustavo.

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Re: Repoze

2011-03-22 Thread Gustavo Narea

I was replying to you, when I noticed you found the problem as you've
reported in a comment to that wiki page.

(BTW, I don't understand why someone would need to protect the entire
application like that (using that RepozeMiddleware).)

 - Gustavo.

On Mar 21, 10:46 pm, mani sabri wrote:
 I followed this 
 and it's working except now every controller redirects me to to the
 login page and wont work until some user is loged in.
 It acts the same even if I add @ActionProtector(is_anonymous()) before it!
 Am I missing something ? should I read the documentations more carefully
 or ... ?! Any help?

 Kind Regards
 Mani Sabri

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Re: repoze.what with https

2010-12-12 Thread Gustavo Narea

I'm afraid the only solution would be to write a WSGI middleware like:

class SSLOnlyLoginMiddleware(object):

def __init__(self, app): = app

def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
if environ['PATH_INFO'].startswith(/login/) and
environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] != https:
headers = [(Location,;)]
start_response(301 Moved Permanently, headers)
body = []
body =, start_response)

return body

And put it before repoze.what/who.


- Gustavo

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Re: No 'repoze.who.logins' key in request.environ

2010-11-24 Thread Gustavo Narea
Hello, Jeremy.

That item in the environment is set by the FriendlyFormPlugin, which
is an alternative to the built-in RedirectingFormPlugin (the one
you're using):

All you need to do is replace the RedirectingFormPlugin with
FriendlyFormPlugin, and pass more arguments if you'd like to do more
advanced things.

The examples should help you implement what you need, but let me know
if you have more questions :)


  - Gustavo.

On Nov 23, 9:46 am, Jeremy wrote:

 I am using repoze.who, repoze.what and repoze.who.openid for my
 authentication and authorization needs. Since I needed to integrate
 repoze.who.openid, I did not use repoze.what-quickstart but merely
 configured repoze.who and repoze.what by hand.

 Here is the configuration I use:

 def add_auth(app, app_conf):

     # Setting up repoze.who plugins
     auth_tkt = AuthTktCookiePlugin(
         secret = 'xx',
         cookie_name = 'oatmeal')

     openid = OpenIdIdentificationPlugin(
         store = 'file',
         store_file_path = app_conf['cache_dir']+'/sstore',
         openid_field = 'openid',
         came_from_field = 'came_from',
         error_field = 'error',
         session_name = 'beaker.session',
         login_form_url = '/login',
         login_handler_path = '/dologin_openid',
         logout_handler_path = '/logout',
         logged_in_url = '/login',
         logged_out_url = '/login',
         rememberer_name = 'auth_tkt')

     form = RedirectingFormPlugin(
         login_form_url = '/login',
         login_handler_path = '/dologin',
         logout_handler_path = '/logout_form',
         rememberer_name = 'auth_tkt')

     usermodelplugin = UserModelPlugin()

     # Defining identifiers
     identifiers = [('auth_tkt', auth_tkt), ('openid', openid),
 ('form', form)]
     # Defining authenticators
     authenticators = [('authenticator', usermodelplugin)]
     # Defining challengers
     challengers = [('openid', openid)]
     # Defining metadata providers
     mdproviders=[('mdproviders', usermodelplugin)]

     # Setting up repoze.what

     groups = SqlGroupsAdapter(Group, User, Session)
     # we need to map some of the attributes to the default model
     groups.translations['section_name'] = 'name' # the group name is
 stored into instead of group.group_name
     groups.translations['item_name'] = 'id' # we are using to
 identify a user instead of user.user_name

     permissions = SqlPermissionsAdapter(Permission, Group, Session)
     permissions.translations['section_name'] = 'name'
     permissions.translations['item_name'] = 'name'

     groups_adapter = {'all_groups': groups}
     permissions_adapter = {'all_perms': permissions}

     app_with_auth = setup_auth(

         # set up repoze.who

         # enable logging on stdout for easy debug
         log_level = logging.DEBUG,
         log_stream = sys.stdout)

     return app_with_auth

 Authentification and authorization both work great : I can log in, log
 out, both with openid and a login and password. However I'd like to
 implement some more features, among which notifying the user when he
 provided a non valid login or password (it would be even better if
 those could be two different errors) or a non registered openid.
 I thought of using pylons.tmpl_context, but of course it is not
 available in the authenticator (if I understood correctly, since the
 authenticator is part of the middleware, it is executed before pylons,
 thus preventing any use of the tmpl_context variable). I looked at
 some tutorials, and found that there is a 'repoze.who.logins' key in
 request.environ which acts as a login counter. My problem is: this key
 is not present in my application.

 Would you know why it isn't ? And do you know of any mean by which I
 could implement the error notifying I talked about ?

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Re: Can't reconnect until invalid transaction is rolled back with repoze.who / repoze.what

2010-11-18 Thread Gustavo Narea
Hello, Josh.

On Nov 17, 4:34 am, Josh Kelley wrote:
 On Nov 16, 5:45 pm, Gustavo Narea wrote:

  Thanks for the information.

  I couldn't find the message Can't reconnect until invalid transaction
  is rolled back in the output you pasted and I think the link to the
  FAQ refers to another type of issue.

 Sorry.  There are actually two exceptions; the first I already posted,
 and here's the second, with the Can't reconnect until invalid
 transaction is rolled back error.

 I don't know why I got two exceptions on a single request?  I assumed
 the Pylons / repoze stack would have aborted after the first.  (Unless
 the second exception was while trying to render the error page?  If
 that is what's happening, is there a way to keep repoze.who from
 breaking rendering the error page?)

  I've been reading about that error on the MySQL documentation and it
  seems like all the possible causes are external to the 

  You can try and tweak the Session if you want; it may or may not help.
  I don't think handling the exception in is an
  appropriate solution because we'd silencing a problem that should be

 I understand that the causes of the MySQL server has gone away are
 external to the app and will work on that later; my concern right now
 is that (as far as I can tell) isn't cleaning up
 when this happens, which causes the app to get stuck in the Can't
 reconnect until invalid transaction is rolled back state (and I have
 to restart the app to get anything working again).  The FAQ I linked
 to does appear to be a different specific issue, but its solution of
 using a try/except block to properly handle rollbacks seems to apply
 here too.

If I make handle the exception, I'd be silencing
that error, which I'd rather not do as that sort of things always make
debugging harder.

If you had another WSGI middleware that uses SA, chances are you'd get
the same error, so I think a better solution for you would be to
subclass ErrorMiddleware like this:

class MyErrorMiddleware(ErrorMiddleware):

def exception_handler(self, exc_info, environ):
exception_class = exc_info[0]
if exception_class in (InvalidRequestError, OperationalError):
# rollback...
return super(MyErrorMiddleware,
self).exception_handler(exc_info, environ)

That should avoid the second exception, allowing the error page to be
returned without problems. And it'd also work if that error happens
within your application and you're not expecting it.

I'm happy to reconsider handling the exception if more hit the same
problem, though.


 - Gustavo.

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Re: Can't reconnect until invalid transaction is rolled back with repoze.who / repoze.what

2010-11-16 Thread Gustavo Narea
Hello, Josh.

Thanks for the information.

I couldn't find the message Can't reconnect until invalid transaction
is rolled back in the output you pasted and I think the link to the
FAQ refers to another type of issue.

According to the traceback, the exception is raised when the user
object is loaded. Before that, the plugin would've issued another
query to verify the username and password, and it seems like that
query did succeed (you can see it by increasing the verbosity of the
SQLAlchemy logger). So somehow, the connection is lost between those
two queries (while the repoze.who middleware is being executed).

I can't see anything on the plugin that would cause that -- in fact,
as I mentioned yesterday, this is the first time I hear about this in
2 years.

I've been reading about that error on the MySQL documentation and it
seems like all the possible causes are external to the application:

There's some troubleshooting information there. If you can't still
find the problem, I'd recommend writing to the SQLAlchemy mailing list
with the output of the logger at the INFO level -- You can CC me on
that email so that I can keep an eye on it and see if I can help.

You can try and tweak the Session if you want; it may or may not help.
I don't think handling the exception in is an
appropriate solution because we'd silencing a problem that should be


 - Gustavo.

On Nov 16, 2:07 am, Josh Kelley wrote:
 On Nov 15, 4:54 pm, Gustavo Narea wrote:

  The only thing I can think of is that the repoze.who middleware was
  added in the wrong order. Please have a look at this 

  I don't remember seeing that error before. Can you please paste the
  traceback if the location of the middleware is not the problem?

 Thanks for the reply.

 My looks very similar to the one you linked.  The middle
 is slightly different (I haven't done anything with caching, and I
 added ToscaWidgets; neither looks like it should be a problem):

     # Routing/Session/Cache Middleware
     app = RoutesMiddleware(app, config[''], singleton=False)
     app = SessionMiddleware(app, config)

     # CUSTOM MIDDLEWARE HERE (filtered by error handling middlewares)

     app = twa.make_middleware(app, {
         'toscawidgets.framework': 'pylons',
         'toscawidgets.framework.default_view': 'mako',
     app = add_auth(app)

     if asbool(full_stack):
         # Handle Python exceptions
         app = ErrorHandler(app, global_conf,

 My add_auth uses repoze.what.plugins.quickstart.setup_sql_auth, like
 the one you linked.  (Actually, I think I followed your cookbook

 I posted the traceback to

 After investigating a bit more, here's my understanding of the
 problem.  Please correct me if I'm wrong:

 As described 
 uses of Session should make sure that they end with a call to
 rollback(), close(), or remove().  Pylons does this in its
 BaseController, but because is configured as
 middleware, it executes outside of BaseController's try/finally block,
 so any errors it encounters are never rolled back.

 I can think of three solutions:

 1) Give repoze.what.quickstart a Session object with autocommit=True,
 so that it never has to rollback.  I guess this would mean creating
 two session objects (one for Pylons with autocommit=False, one for
 repoze.who / repoze.what with autocommit=True); are there any caveats
 with doing this?
 2) Initialize and close the Session within middleware rather than
 within the Pylons app (something 
 3) Add try/except blocks to

 #3 seems like the correct solution, but I'm very new to Pylons,
 repoze, SQLAlchemy, and WSGI middleware, so I could easily be
 misunderstanding something.

 Josh Kelley

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Re: Can't reconnect until invalid transaction is rolled back with repoze.who / repoze.what

2010-11-15 Thread Gustavo Narea

The only thing I can think of is that the repoze.who middleware was
added in the wrong order. Please have a look at this example:

I don't remember seeing that error before. Can you please paste the
traceback if the location of the middleware is not the problem?


On Nov 14, 4:25 am, Josh Kelley wrote:
 I'm getting the dreaded MySQL server has gone away and Can't
 reconnect until invalid transaction is rolled back pair of errors in
 my Pylons application.

 From what I've read online, the Can't reconnect until invalid
 transaction is rolled back is supposed to be avoided by Pylons'
 default lib/ wrapping each controller's operations in a


 block.  However, from what I can tell, I'm getting this error within
 repoze.who's middleware (specifically,'s
 _BaseSQLAlchemyPlugin.get_user), which I assume is executing outside
 of this try / finally block, so Session is never removed or rolled
 back, so the Can't reconnect until invalid transaction is rolled
 back error is never cleared.

 How do I fix this invalid transaction state?  I've read all of the
 suggestions on handling MySQL server has gone away and will work on
 those, but before I do so, I'd like to know that if an error does
 somehow slip through, it won't leave my app in a broken invalid
 transaction state.

 Josh Kelley

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Re: Big picture with repoze.who/what?

2010-10-24 Thread Gustavo Narea
Hello, John.

On Oct 21, 7:39 pm, JohnWShipman wrote:
 If there isn't currently anything online that discusses these big-
 picture details, I'd be happy to write one, once I understand it well

I think Richard did a good job answering your individual questions, so
I'd like to point you to this article I wrote which I think will give
you a full picture:

I think it's similar to the article he mentioned, but probably a bit
more deep.


 - Gustavo.

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Re: Big picture with repoze.who/what?

2010-10-24 Thread Gustavo Narea
On Oct 24, 2:53 pm, Gustavo Narea wrote:
 I think Richard did a good job answering your individual questions, so
 I'd like to point you to this article I wrote which I think will give
 you a full picture:

You'll probably find the first part useful (everything before
Creating a Web application protected with repoze.who and

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Re: repoze auth on Opera

2010-09-27 Thread Gustavo Narea
Hello, Anders.

These are the only Opera-specific problems that we're aware of, AFAIR:

There seem to be workarounds for each of them.


 - Gustavo.

On Sep 22, 5:01 pm, Anders Eide wrote:
 I used this guide 
 ( to 
 setup auth in my project. Login works fine in Firefox and IE, but when I 
 login using Opera, I'm getting incorrect username or password.

 Anyone else who have experienced this?

 Anders Eide

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Re: Kerberos using AuthKit, repoze.who or something else

2010-07-23 Thread Gustavo Narea

Just a small clarification:

On Jul 16, 9:34 pm, Aurynn Shaw wrote:
 The flow is, the Identifier tests for the user credentials (can look in
 the HTTP environment, as well as cookies), and if the user is not logged
 in, passes to the Challenger. The Challenger requests credentials (a 401
 Not Authorized), as you'd expect.

If the user is not authenticated and is not trying to log in in the
current request, nothing happens; the WSGI application will work as
usual. The challenger only comes into play when so is requested by the
WSGI application (the identifier has no influence); by default it
happens when the application itself returns 401.

Or in a graphical way, this is what happens before your application
receives the request:

And this is what happens after your application returns a response:

 - Gustavo. :)

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Re: How to use repoze and redis in pylons?

2010-07-12 Thread Gustavo Narea
Hello, Gopalakrishnan.

A repoze.who identifier is the component that checks whether the user
was authenticated previously. A challenger is the component in charge
of asking the user, somehow, to provide their credentials (e.g.,
username and password).

So thanks to identifiers, we don't have to challenge on every request.


 - Gustavo.

On Jul 7, 9:25 pm, Gopalakrishnan Subramani wrote:
 Hello Gustavo,

 Can you please let me understand what is identifiers, challengers? I
 will be using form based authentication,
 where the user name and password shall be stored in the redis
 database. I would store the group and permission also as part of

 I can refer HTPasswdPlugin and try to make Redis based
 authentication.. Still I could not get
 identifiers and challengers



 On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 1:32 AM, Gustavo Narea wrote:

  On Jul 7, 7:11 pm, Gopalakrishnan Subramani wrote:
   Can you please tell me what is that extra argument .. contains?

  The arguments to configure repoze.who:

   Like whatpylonsproject, if you have any sample app which uses
   redis for both authentication and authorization, it will be easy for me..
   you have any sample app please?

  I'm sorry, but I haven't seen an application like that publicly
  available. :/


   - Gustavo.

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Re: How to use repoze and redis in pylons?

2010-07-07 Thread Gustavo Narea

On Jul 7, 7:11 pm, Gopalakrishnan Subramani wrote:
 Can you please tell me what is that extra argument .. contains?

The arguments to configure repoze.who:

 Like whatpylonsproject, if you have any sample app which uses
 redis for both authentication and authorization, it will be easy for me.. Do
 you have any sample app please?

I'm sorry, but I haven't seen an application like that publicly
available. :/


 - Gustavo.

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Re: How to use repoze and redis in pylons?

2010-07-06 Thread Gustavo Narea

Basically, once you create an instance of the Redis source adapter for
repoze.what [1], you need to pass it to the repoze.what middleware.
The following illustrates how it could be done:

from redis import Redis
from repoze.what.middleware import setup_auth
from repoze.what.plugins.redis import adapters

def make_app():
# ...


# Configuring repoze.what:
redis_groups = adapters.RedisGroupAdapter(Redis())
redis_permissions = adapters.RedisPermissionAdapter(Redis())
groups = {'redis': redis_groups}
permissions = {'redis': redis_permissions}

app = setup_auth(app, groups, permissions, ...)

AFAIK there's no authenticator plugin for repoze.who, though. You can
either use another storage mechanism for authentication, or write a
simple Redis-based repoze.who authenticator plugin [3].

You may find the following links useful too:

HTH. :)

 - Gustavo.


On Jul 5, 4:24 pm, Gopalakrishnan S wrote:

 I want to use the redis as my database backend and repoze.what and
 repoze.who for user login. I could not identify the right application
 which uses redis and repoze with pylons.

 There is repoze.what.plugins.redis plugins availble, but I don't know
 to use it.

 Please help me out.



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Re: Struggling with Authkit Authentication

2010-06-07 Thread Gustavo Narea
Hello, Mike.

I agree it's not a common situation, but I think some things are
simpler than they seem; for example, if you have two metadata plugins
(e.g., SQL and LDAP), they both would be used regardless of the
successful authentication method.

If I got it all right, you'd need at least 5 repoze.who plugins:
1 identifier, the one that handles the login form.
1 LDAP authenticator.
1 SQL authenticator.
1 LDAP metadata provider.
1 SQL metadata provider.

Of which only the identifier and the LDAP metadata provider should be
customized. The identifier would be customized in order to remove
everything after the at sign (e.g., becomes
gustavo). And the LDAP metadata provider would be customized to
filter/process the attributes retrieved. This would be translated into
Python as:

Or, if you want to make sure that it's save to remove everything after
the at sign for internal users, you can customize both authenticators:

I think that way everything will work.


 - Gustavo.

On Jun 6, 8:20 pm, Mike Orr wrote:
 Ok, I'll see, but I'm not sure how generally useful they'd be. My
 problem is the following.

 1) Some users are internal and have LDAP accounts, and their roles are
 calculated from their LDAP properties.  (Roles = metadata for the
 identity object, which will later be used for authorization. It also
 includes record IDs for users who have permission only to specific

 2) Some users are external, so their username, password, and roles are
 in a SQL database.

 3) Some users are hybrid, in that their authentication is LDAP but
 their roles are in the database. (They have higher permissions than
 their LDAP properties would indicate.) This is indicated by a database
 record with a null password.

 4) I distinguish internal vs external users by the syntax of the
 username. Internal users have to enter their full email address,
 because the domain indicates they're internal (i.e., authenticate via
 LDAP). This is to prevent two different users from having the same
 username, because there are thousands of LDAP users and we don't know
 when somebody joins or leaves or what future usernames will be. But
 we're getting pushback from users that they don't want to type the
 domain, which is different than how they log into other applications
 (those that don't have external users). So I'm thinking about just
 choosing a priority; i.e., consult the database first or consult LDAP
 first, and then deal with identical usernames when/if users complain
 they can't log in. (We could also use a separate form field to
 indicate internal/external, but users wouldn't like that either.)

 6) The LDAP plugin puts the user's properties into the identity object
 I think, but I don't want to force the application to process the raw
 LDAP properties all the time, because they're obscure and squirrely. I
 want it to calculate the roles right when they log in, in the same
 format used for external users. It looks like I'd have to write a
 plugin for that.

 7) The normal cascading seems to try one authentication method first,
 and use that if it succeeds, and otherwise try the other. It doesn't
 allow for the hybrid case where both succeed and their metadata is
 merged in the identity object. (Full name from LDAP, roles from
 database.) That's where it looks like I'd have to write a custom
 plugin that spans three or four of the standard plugins.

 8) The whole identity structure (how the metadata is created and used)
 is not the way my application works. I'm not sure if changing the
 structure would lead to a reasonable compromise.

 So #7 and #8 may lead to generic patches, but I'm not sure if they'd
 be generic enough to be generally useful. On the other hand, I think
 other people may also benefit from a more flexible form of cascading
 and metadata handling.I'm not sure if I can design one that would make
 everybody happy, but if I can I'll send it in.

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Re: Struggling with Authkit Authentication

2010-06-07 Thread Gustavo Narea
Mike said:
 So that would require two LDAP queries or two SQL queries for every login?

The way I suggested, yes.

If that's an issue, you could extend the authenticators (or create your own) 
so that you retrieve everything in one go, putting the metadata in a temporary 
location in the WSGI environ and then making a metadata provider that moves it 
to the identity dict.

 That brings up another issue I forgot. The LDAP plugin seems to assume
 a long-running connection that will never be broken, and has no
 provision to reconnect. (The constructor takes a connection rather
 than a factory.) I don't know if LDAP is as likely to close idle
 connections as MySQL is, but our server does go down occasionally.  In
 my app, I connect to LDAP separately for each login attempt. I suppose
 that might increase the latency, but it does mean I don't have to
 worry about reconnecting. It should probably start with a long-lived
 connection but reconnect gracefully.

The plugin only uses the simple_bind_s method of the connection object, so 
you could define a class with that method so that you can connect to the LDAP 
server on every login attempt.

Or, the plugin could be modified to do it automatically when required. I can 
apply a patch to do it.
Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

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Re: Pylons 0.10 and 1.0 Beta 1 Released

2010-02-06 Thread Gustavo Narea
Thank you guys for the hard work!

Is the 0.9.7-0.10 change log available anywhere?

 - Gustavo.

On 06/02/10 03:46, Ben Bangert wrote:
 Without further ado,
 I'm pleased to announced that Pylons 0.10b1 and 1.0b1 are now out. I have not 
 put them on Cheeseshop to ensure they're not downloaded accidentally. 
 Upgrading / Installing
 I have updated upgrading instructions here:
 The instructions to install from scratch on Pylons 1.0b1:
 The upgrading page covers the important upgrading instructions that Mike Orr 
 touched briefly on before.
 Note that these are *beta* releases, intended for us to discover remaining 
 issues and continue updating any other documentation where applicable. Very 
 little has actually changed in Pylons since 0.9.7, apart from 1.0 dropping 
 all of the legacy functionality and a few explicit clean-ups.
 Routes, Beaker, and WebHelpers however have been seeing quite a bit of 
 updates through the life of Pylons 0.9.7 so no one should think that the 
 developers working on Pylons and its related parts have been hanging out 
 doing nothing. :)
 Since Pylons 0.9.7 was released on February 23, 2009, almost one year ago now:
 * Routes 1.11 was released, and 1.12 with some great updates will be out 
 * Beaker has gone from 1.2.2 - 1.5 with 3 major updates substantially 
 increasing its ease of use and reliability
 * WebHelpers is now at 1.0b4 with major updates, core functions rewritten, 
 and new docs up
 * SQLAlchemy has gone from 0.4 to 0.5 (with 0.6 in beta)
 I believe this speaks a great deal about the benefits of keeping the core 
 Pylons functionality separate from other parts, as a variety of bug fixes and 
 features can be improved without requiring new Pylons releases to quickly 
 address bug reports.
 How to Help!
 To bring Pylons to 1.0, many docs likely need very small changes. Also, it 
 would be great to take care of reference docs where people have commented 
 about problems/tips. Helping is fairly easy, especially if you're familiar 
 with restructured text.
 Clone the Pylons repository on Bitbucket:
 Edit the documentation files under pylons/docs/en/ to read as appropriate, 
 commit the fix, and push it to bitbucket.
 Issue a pull request on bitbucket so that we'll know your fix is ready. 
 Ideally you should include a note in it about what your fix remedies.
 Bug Reports
 Did your upgrade not go according to plan? Was there something missing that 
 you needed to do from the upgrading docs? 
 Let us know by filing a bug report (mark component as documentation, and 
 milestone as 0.10:
 You'll need to login to file a bug report, or feel free to reply to this 
 announcement with the issue. 
 Thanks (in alphabetical order) to Mike Bayer, Ian Bicking, Mike Burrows, 
 Graham Higgins, Phil Jenvey, Mike Orr, and anyone else I missed for all their 
 hard work on making Pylons and its various components what they are today.
 - Ben

Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.

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Re: Repoze.what and Max-Age

2010-01-27 Thread Gustavo Narea
Thanks for the tip, Audrius!

I wasn't aware of those arguments, so I've just released repoze.what-
quickstart so people can customize the Max-Age both with Python code and .ini 


 - Gustavo.

Audrius said:
 On Sun, 2010-01-10 at 17:49:12 +, Gustavo Narea wrote:
  Hello, Justin.
  It seems like you're configuring repoze.what and repoze.who via
  repoze.what- quickstart [1].
  That package configures authentication (i.e., repoze.who) so that the
  cookies are handled by the AuthTktCookiePlugin [2], but that
  repoze.who identifier plugin doesn't allow specifying that (yet).
 I'm not sure if OP needs login session expiration, but if he does,
 AuthTktCookiePlugin in latest repoze.who already supports that giving
 timeout and reissue_timeout arguments to its constructor method or
 make_plugin factory function.  It looks like AuthTktCookiePlugin docs
 are not up to date on the website (Last updated on Jan 23, 2009.),
 also there's no way to set these arguments via repoze.what-quickstart.
 I think quite a few people would find that handy, although there's
 always a way to bypass quickstart and configure repoze.what by yourself
 (quickstart code could be used as example, it's not hard to understand).
 As for remember me functionality, OP is left to implement it himself
 or wait for someone to do that for him.
  So there are two options:
   1.- Request this feature on Chances are if
  you provide a patch, it'll get a applied and a new release will be
  done very soon.  Then I'll update repoze.what-quickstart so you can
  pass this argument to AuthTktCookiePlugin.
   2.- You use your own AuthTktCookiePlugin-based identifier. But then
  you will have to configure repoze.who/what manually, without
  I would go for option 1.
Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

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Re: Repoze.what and Max-Age

2010-01-10 Thread Gustavo Narea
Hello, Justin.

It seems like you're configuring repoze.what and repoze.who via repoze.what-
quickstart [1].

That package configures authentication (i.e., repoze.who) so that the cookies 
are handled by the AuthTktCookiePlugin [2], but that repoze.who identifier 
plugin doesn't allow specifying that (yet).

So there are two options:
 1.- Request this feature on Chances are if you 
provide a patch, it'll get a applied and a new release will be done very soon. 
Then I'll update repoze.what-quickstart so you can pass this argument to 
 2.- You use your own AuthTktCookiePlugin-based identifier. But then you will 
have to configure repoze.who/what manually, without repoze.what-quickstart.

I would go for option 1.


 - Gustavo.


Justin said:
 I am trying to use Repoze.what with pylons. I would like to be able to
 configure the expiration time for my site cookies as well as add a
 remember me button to the login view. I can not seem to find any
 documentation on where to configure these options though, when using
 the quickstart option.
 Anyhelp would be much appreciated.
Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |
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Re: Authentication Authorization for multiple apps?

2009-12-16 Thread Gustavo Narea

Regarding the authorization bit, as of repoze.what 1.1 (whose first alpha is 
going to be released by the end of this month), it's going to be possible to 
have that sort of pluggable authorization rules too thanks to the 
implementation of ACLs.

With repoze.what 1.0.X, you can only have authorization rules have to be 
attached to your controllers or controller actions.


 - Gustavo.

flzz said:
 Greetings all,  my company is currently in the process of migrating to
 python + pylons as our development platform of choice.  We currently
 have a good bit of traffic to support and to help ease maintenance and
 operation overheads we will be creating multiple pylons applications
 to service certain aspects of our application on the whole.  To the
 question.  Is it possible to have a single Authentication and
 Authorization model (repoze.who repoze.what) that is shared among
 multiple pylons applications?   We currently utilize the debian
 packaging system (Ubuntu) to handle software deployment,  so the
 approach I can see us taking is to abstract out the AA portion of the
 system into its own package (deb/egg).  Then from that point we will
 create our own pylons template that includes the use of this system.
 Am I off base with this approach at all?  it seems uniformity of WSGI
 and the modular nature of pylons should make this doable.
Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |


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Re: Access to root WSGI application

2009-06-04 Thread Gustavo Narea

Hi, Wyatt.

Wyatt said:
 I want to get access to the root WSGI middleware, the one that is
 hit first when a request is made. In this example:

 pipeline = somefilter auth urlmap

 ...I want access to `somefilter`. I couldn't find a reference to the
 root app anywhere in the environ. Does anyone know how to access this?

You can't, because it works like this:

class Middleware1(object):
def __init__(self, app): = app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
# ... do something ...
return, start_response)

class Middleware2(object):
def __init__(self, app): = app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
# ... do something ...
return, start_response)

class Middleware3(object):
foo = some value
def __init__(self, app): = app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
# ... do something ...
return, start_response)

pylonsapp = make_app(...)
pylonsapp = Middleware1(pylonsapp)
pylonsapp = Middleware2(pylonsapp)
pylonsapp = Middleware3(pylonsapp)

So in Middleware1, for example, you cannot access Middleware3 and vice versa. 

 For now, I created a wrapper app that saves a reference to itself in
 the environ.

If you really want it, the standard way to do it is to put in the environ 
whatever you need from that middleware, not the whole middleware.

For example, if what you need is the foo argument of Middleware3 in 
Middleware1, you can use this:

class Middleware1(object):
def __init__(self, app): = app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
# ... do something ...
if in environ:
# here it is!
return, start_response)

class Middleware2(object):
def __init__(self, app): = app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
# ... do something ...
return, start_response)

class Middleware3(object):
foo = some value
def __init__(self, app): = app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
# ... do something ...
environ[] =
return, start_response)

pylonsapp = make_app(...)
pylonsapp = Middleware1(pylonsapp)
pylonsapp = Middleware2(pylonsapp)
pylonsapp = Middleware3(pylonsapp)

Then this value will be available in any middleware* and the application 


PS: Not exactly any middleware; it will be available for any middleware 
under it... So if we had a fourth middleware, it wouldn't be able to access 
Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

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Re: Repoze.what Implementing permission system based on reputation

2009-04-23 Thread Gustavo Narea


If, for example, the reputation score is stored in a column of the users' 
table as an integer, you could write the following repoze.what predicate 

from repoze.what.predicates import Predicate

class minimum_reputation(Predicate):
message = Your minimum score reputation must be of at least  \
  %(minimum_score)s, but you have %(current_score)s

def __init__(self, minimum_score, **kwargs):
super(minimum_reputation, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.minimum_score = minimum_score

def evaluate(self, environ, credentials):
current_user = get_user_db_object_from_somewhere()
if current_user.score  self.minimum_score:

For more info:

Then you can use it in your actions, like this:

from repoze.what.plugins.pylonshq import ActionProtector
from somewhere import minimum_reputation

class MyCoolController(BaseController):
def some_action(self):
# This code is executed if the current user has
# a reputation score of at least 5. If not, authorization
# will be denied and s/he will see a message that reads:
# Your minimum score reputation must be of at least 5
# but you have X (where X is her/his current score)

For more info about this, check:

By the way, if you may want to create the following aliases:

class good_reputation(minimum_reputation):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(good_reputation, self).__init__(3, **kwargs)

class excellent_reputation(minimum_reputation):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(excellent_reputation, self).__init__(5, **kwargs)


  - Gustavo.

On Thursday April 23, 2009 15:56:22 wrote:
 We are developing social networking application in Pylons. We use
 username-password system and permission which comes part of
 repoze.what/who. Now we need  to give permission to certain resources
 based on user reputation score.

 What is the architecture required using repoze.what? Can some one
 through sample/example code?

 We are first time web developers and getting hard into Pylons but
 managing well.. Any help shall be greatly appreciated

Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

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Re: Repoze.what Implementing permission system based on reputation

2009-04-23 Thread Gustavo Narea

On Thursday April 23, 2009 16:32:35 Gustavo Narea wrote:
 By the way, if you may want to create the following aliases:
 class good_reputation(minimum_reputation):
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
 super(good_reputation, self).__init__(3, **kwargs)

 class excellent_reputation(minimum_reputation):
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
 super(excellent_reputation, self).__init__(5, **kwargs)

Better yet:

good_reputation = minimum_reputation(3)
excellent_reputation = minimum_reputation(5)

... so you can use them as in:

class CoolController(BaseController):
def something_for_people_with_good_reputation(self):
# do something...

def something_for_people_with_excellent_reputation(self):
# do something...

Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

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Re: (Repoze.what) Checking section and items

2009-04-21 Thread Gustavo Narea

Hello, Kless.

If you want to try the source adapter you're writing, you should use its
methods without the slash in the beginning.

For example, if you already defined _create_section, you should call

HTH ;-)


On Sunday April 19, 2009 18:36:24 Kless wrote:
 I'm creating a repoze.what source adapter for Mongo [1]. In several
 methods its says [2]: When implementing this method, don’t check
 whether the section really exists; that’s already done when this
 method is called.

 When are being called those checks?
 I've implemented '_section_exists' and '_item_is_included', and they
 works ok. But if I call to i.e. '_create_section' the anterior methods
 are not being called.



Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

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Re: repoze.what how to check the user has permission or not

2009-04-21 Thread Gustavo Narea

I have no idea, to be honest -- Did you modify repoze.what itself too?

Please make sure the level of the logger used by repoze.what is at least INFO 
and then run Pylons this way:
AUTH_LOG=1 paster serve development.ini

Finally, visit that controller action again and post the log of that request 
(well, at least the part where the permissions are printed).

This will help us find what's going wrong.


On Friday April 17, 2009 21:27:25 karikrishni wrote:
 I will try translation changes and let you know.

 Any idea why is_met fails but @ActionProtecter pass the permission?

 if is_met(has_permission('admin_post')):
 post.user_can_suspend = True
 post.user_can_suspend = False

 fails.. I have given the permission to the logged in user but still it
 fails. But in the ActionProtector, it works

 def edit(.)

 Sorry, I mess up two questions with the single post..
Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

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Re: repoze.what how to check the user has permission or not

2009-04-17 Thread Gustavo Narea


Those two functions were introduced in repoze.what-pylons v1.0rc4; make sure 
you're not using an older release:
easy_install -U repoze.what-pylons

The latest stable release is v1.0.

Please let me know if it worked for you :)

  - Gustavo.

On Friday April 17, 2009 20:28:51 karikrishni wrote:
 Hi Gustavo  Group,

 I could not find is_met with my latest pylons  repoze which is
 installed using easy_install. Am I missing something?

 It will be great help for me to get answer for this to hack more into
 pylons on my weekend :-).


 On Apr 15, 8:25 pm, karikrishni wrote:
  I imported from 'repoze.what.plugins.pylonshq import is_met' but I am
  getting error 'ImportError: cannot import name is_met'.
  On Apr 15, 12:06 pm, karikrishni wrote:
   Thanks Gustavo. This is what I am expecting.. Thanks a lot..
   On Apr 15, 12:04 pm, Gustavo Narea wrote:
In addition to protecting your action with a predicate, you want to
evaluate the has_predicate inside that action -- am I right?
If so, you can use a code like this:

from repoze.what.plugins.pylonshq import is_met
# (...)
@ActionProtector(has_permission('post'), cool_denial_handler)
def view(self, id):
# ...
if is_met(has_permission('whatever')):
# Do something

Please let me know if this is not what you want.
On Wednesday April 15, 2009 04:49:31 wrote:
 I have a view method which needs to enable certain html for the
 super user  to edit/modify/unpublish the content.

 def view(self, id):
 identity = request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity')
 db_session = meta.Session()
 data_model = db_session.query(model.DataModel).filter_by


 How to check whether user has appropriate permission to enable html

 I am successfully using decorator to protect the action like below.
 I want to know how to  call has_permission method?

 @ActionProtector(has_permission('post'), cool_denial_handler)
 def edit(self, id):
 db_session = meta.Session()

Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

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Re: repoze.what how to check the user has permission or not

2009-04-17 Thread Gustavo Narea


You can change that without changing the original source code:

If you're using repoze.what.plugins.quickstart:setup_sql_auth(), you can use 
the following code:

# Create a dictionary for the so-called translations:
translations = {
# You said you didn't want the underscore
'user_name': 'username',

# Then somewhere in your middleware setup...
app = setup_sql_auth(..., translations=translations, ...)

Then you can try again -- and don't forget to revert any modification on the 
source code of repoze.who/what or their plugins; if there's something else 
that you don't like, it's most likely that you can change it easily.

Please let me know if it works now.

  - Gustavo.

On Friday April 17, 2009 21:09:28 karikrishni wrote:
 Thank you for quick response. I updated my repoze.what-pylons with
 latest. Now it is not giving any error but functionally, it is not

 if is_met(has_permission('admin_post')):
 post.user_can_suspend = True
 post.user_can_suspend = False

 fails.. I have given the permission to the logged in user but still it
 fails. But in the ActionProtector, it works

 def edit(.)

 I did few changes to the User class but this is not related to
 permission issue. I need your comment.

 class User(DeclarativeBase):
 Reasonably basic User definition. Probably would want
 __tablename__ = 'users'

 id = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True)
 #TODO: Unique constraint
 user_name = Column(Unicode(100))

 I added id column 'id' which is primary key. In the sample, user_name
 was primary key.
 I didn't like underscore in user_name.. I want it to be simply
 'username'. Is recommended to do that? any side effect?


 On Apr 17, 11:40 pm, Gustavo Narea wrote:
  Those two functions were introduced in repoze.what-pylons v1.0rc4; make
  sure you're not using an older release:
  easy_install -U repoze.what-pylons
  The latest stable release is v1.0.
  Please let me know if it worked for you :)
- Gustavo.
  On Friday April 17, 2009 20:28:51 karikrishni wrote:
   Hi Gustavo  Group,
   I could not find is_met with my latest pylons  repoze which is
   installed using easy_install. Am I missing something?
   It will be great help for me to get answer for this to hack more into
   pylons on my weekend :-).
   On Apr 15, 8:25 pm, karikrishni wrote:
I imported from 'repoze.what.plugins.pylonshq import is_met' but I am
getting error 'ImportError: cannot import name is_met'.
On Apr 15, 12:06 pm, karikrishni wrote:
 Thanks Gustavo. This is what I am expecting.. Thanks a lot..

 On Apr 15, 12:04 pm, Gustavo Narea wrote:
  In addition to protecting your action with a predicate, you want
  to evaluate the has_predicate inside that action -- am I right?
  If so, you can use a code like this:
  from repoze.what.plugins.pylonshq import is_met
  # (...)
  @ActionProtector(has_permission('post'), cool_denial_handler)
  def view(self, id):
  # ...
  if is_met(has_permission('whatever')):
  # Do something
  Please let me know if this is not what you want.
  On Wednesday April 15, 2009 04:49:31 wrote:
   I have a view method which needs to enable certain html for the
   super user  to edit/modify/unpublish the content.
   def view(self, id):
   identity = request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity')
   db_session = meta.Session()
   data_model =
   db_session.query(model.DataModel).filter_by (id=id).first()
   How to check whether user has appropriate permission to enable
   html tags?
   I am successfully using decorator to protect the action like
   below. I want to know how to  call has_permission method?
   @ActionProtector(has_permission('post'), cool_denial_handler)
   def edit(self, id):
   db_session = meta.Session()
  Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
  | Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |
  Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
  | Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

You received

Re: repoze.what how to check the user has permission or not

2009-04-15 Thread Gustavo Narea


In addition to protecting your action with a predicate, you want to evaluate 
the has_predicate inside that action -- am I right?

If so, you can use a code like this:

from repoze.what.plugins.pylonshq import is_met

# (...)

@ActionProtector(has_permission('post'), cool_denial_handler)
def view(self, id):
# ...
if is_met(has_permission('whatever')):
# Do something

Please let me know if this is not what you want.


On Wednesday April 15, 2009 04:49:31 wrote:
 I have a view method which needs to enable certain html for the super
 user  to edit/modify/unpublish the content.

 def view(self, id):
 identity = request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity')
 db_session = meta.Session()
 data_model = db_session.query(model.DataModel).filter_by


 How to check whether user has appropriate permission to enable html

 I am successfully using decorator to protect the action like below. I
 want to know how to  call has_permission method?

 @ActionProtector(has_permission('post'), cool_denial_handler)
 def edit(self, id):
 db_session = meta.Session()


Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

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Re: Accessing REMOTE_ADDR during unit tests

2009-04-03 Thread Gustavo Narea

On Friday April 3, 2009 19:10:09 Bryan wrote:
 Some of my controllers look in the request for 'REMOTE_ADDR' to get
 the client's ip address for logging.  When I run my unit tests with
 nosetests, REMOTE_ADDR is not present in the request object, causing
 an error.

 I would like to insert a fake ip address into the request in my unit
 tests so that I don't have to change my controllers to accommodate
 testing.  Anyone know how I can do this?

def test_something(self):
environ = {'REMOTE_ADDR':}'something'), extra_environ=environ)

Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

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Re: Accessing REMOTE_ADDR during unit tests

2009-04-03 Thread Gustavo Narea

Yes, I think you shouldn't rely on that variable because it may not be present 
even on live sites because theoretically it's not mandatory, although I 
haven't see the first case yet where it's not available.

On Friday April 3, 2009 20:20:11 Bryan wrote:
 Thanks, that works.  I think I am going to change my controller code
 to ip = request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR', 'No IP address?') instead.
 That will be less work that appending special arguments to all of my
 requests in testing.  I was hoping there was a way to do it for all
 functional test get() calls.

 On Apr 3, 10:39 am, Gustavo Narea wrote:
  On Friday April 3, 2009 19:10:09 Bryan wrote:
   Some of my controllers look in the request for 'REMOTE_ADDR' to get
   the client's ip address for logging.  When I run my unit tests with
   nosetests, REMOTE_ADDR is not present in the request object, causing
   an error.
   I would like to insert a fake ip address into the request in my unit
   tests so that I don't have to change my controllers to accommodate
   testing.  Anyone know how I can do this?
  def test_something(self):
  environ = {'REMOTE_ADDR':}'something'), extra_environ=environ)
  Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
  | Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

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Re: repoze.what-pylons working sample project

2009-03-29 Thread Gustavo Narea

Hello, Andrius!

I've just finished the sample application, which is available for download 

Now it shows how to test the protected areas with repoze.who and repoze.what.

I've also updated the HOWTO on the Pylons Wiki to mention this sample 

I'll try to updated the repoze.what-pylons docs to also explain how to 
configure the functional test suite.

I hope you'll enjoy it! Please feel free to ask if you have further questions!



On Thursday March 26, 2009 14:30:47 Audrius Kažukauskas wrote:
 On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 01:45:35 +0100, Gustavo Narea wrote:
  I'm sorry about the delay, but I've been very busy this week.
  I've started a project at
  The only thing it misses is a test suite using repoze.who-testutil. I'm
  stuck with a weird DB problem; I'll ask for help if I'm not able to fix
  it. I also wish to add more comments to it.
  Once it's finished, I'll update the HOWTO and post a message on this ML
  to let you know.

 I understand that right now is not the proper time to ask (PyCon and
 such), but I was wondering what's the progress with test suite?  I'd
 like to use repoze.who-testutil, unfortunately the documentation
 regarding setting it up via repoze.what is missing (marked as TODO), and
 it's not clear to me how to do it properly.  I would be very grateful
 for any help with that.

Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

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Re: repoze.who CAS plugin

2009-03-16 Thread Gustavo Narea

On Monday March 16, 2009 16:15:17 Eric Lemoine wrote:
 Does anyone know if there's a repoze.who plugin for CAS (Central
 Authentication Service)?

Not yet.

But if you want, you can create it by reading the repoze.who docs and posting 
your questions (if any) to the Repoze mailing list (or joining #repoze on 

Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

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Re: repoze.what-pylons working sample project

2009-03-15 Thread Gustavo Narea

Hello, Graham.

On Saturday March 14, 2009 03:30:39 Graham Higgins wrote:
 On Mar 13, 12:45 am, Gustavo Narea wrote:
  I'm sorry about the delay, but I've been very busy this week.

 Thanks for your efforts on this. I'd like to meet Gopal's request for
 a paster-ready repoze.what app. I already have a working repoze.who
 +repoze.what auth'n'auth template in Shabti [1] but it's based on an
 earlier how-to and I suspect that it would make more sense to use a
 Pylons-specific repoze.what plug-in if it can be made to work.

Whoa, that's really nice. And yes, repoze.what-pylons makes some things

I'll give you a hand, if you don't mind. I've created this fork for that:


  Anyway, what was the exact problem you have?

 For me:

 1. The action in the login form refers to a URL-cum-action: '/
 login_handler' which is not mentioned anywhere else in the tutorial.

That's right! I just fixed it. Thanks :)

 2. When transcribed into a project, the plugin -- when configured
 according to the tutorial -- doesn't successfully authenticate. The
 log shows, somewhat cryptically: no identities found, not
 authenticating. In my Shabti template, in order to avoid a database
 issue, I ended up following mcdonc's advice and adopting a different
 config approach - see setup_sql_auth in [1].

Sorry, what did you exactly change? I see your add_auth() function looks like 
that in the HOWTO.

  I've started a project at

 I can't seem to find any reference to a skip_authentication keyword
 parameter for setup_sql_auth  in the plugin code but I'm probably
 looking in the wrong place. Any pointers?

Oh, that's right. I inserted that keyword argument because I'll use the 
repoze.who-testutil plugin:

That key is exactly used here:

It makes testing repoze.who applications much, much easier. I'll include it in 
the repoze.who HOWTO when I have time, but if somebody else does it sooner, 
it'd be great ;-)

Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

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Re: repoze.what-pylons working sample project

2009-03-12 Thread Gustavo Narea


I'm sorry about the delay, but I've been very busy this week.

I've started a project at

The only thing it misses is a test suite using repoze.who-testutil. I'm stuck 
with a weird DB problem; I'll ask for help if I'm not able to fix it. I also 
wish to add more comments to it.

Once it's finished, I'll update the HOWTO and post a message on this ML to let 
you know.

Anyway, what was the exact problem you have?


On Saturday March 7, 2009 07:11:00 Krishgy wrote:
 Hi Gustavo Narea  All,

 I couldn't make repoze.what working with my application when I am

 Can you project a simple pylons project with the example? It is


Gustavo Narea xri://=Gustavo.
| Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |

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Re: Authorization with repoze.what in Pylons

2009-02-24 Thread Gustavo Narea


I'd make sure they're indeed installed in the current virtualenv:
   easy_install -U repoze.what-quickstart repoze.what-pylons

This is the first time I see this problem, but I'm sure it's in the 

Gustavo Narea

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Re: Authorization with repoze.what in Pylons

2009-02-24 Thread Gustavo Narea

On Tuesday February 24, 2009 23:26:58 dw wrote:
 Thanks for all your help.

No worries! I'm glad to know it's working now! ;-)
Gustavo Narea

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Re: dealing with cookies

2009-02-23 Thread Gustavo Narea

Hello, Jonathan.

Unfortunately you can't know where a cookie was defined because they are sent 
through the following HTTP header:
Cookie: cookie1=value1cookie2=value2

Which doesn't specify the host where they were defined.


On Monday February 23, 2009 21:17:31 Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
 i've got an annoying issue with cookies...

 in my setup, i unfortunately had some cookies baked with
 and others with

 this didn't cause an issue in pylons, but it did cause an issue in a
 section of the site that was offloaded to php ( which was running a
 blog, and blocking if there was no preview cookie ).

 to consolidate things, I dropped www off our website, and am piping
 things through exclusively

 i have a few users with stray cookies that pylons is
 reading -- is there an easy way to invalidate these through pylons ?

 everything that i'm seeing in response.cookies is just k/v - there's
 no domain or other info.
 i can't remember if the domain info is supposed to be sent with
 cookies or not.

 anyone have a clue ?
Gustavo Narea

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Re: dealing with cookies

2009-02-23 Thread Gustavo Narea

On Monday February 23, 2009 21:38:53 Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
 I was afraid of that.  I guess I just need to change the cookie name
 and have some sort conversion facility.

Yes, I think that's the solution.

Gustavo Narea

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Re: MySQL auth

2009-02-20 Thread Gustavo Narea

On Friday February 20, 2009 10:58:13 wrote:
 I'm looking for autorization based at mysql. As I see authkit nornally
 support only sqlite and postgres. I'm newby in Pylons and can't to
 understand how to use this and
 how to change LDAP to MySQL.

 Any another blogs, examples, discussions are welcome.

If you're looking for alternatives, you may try repoze.who and repoze.what for 
authentication and authorization, respectively. In the URL below you'll learn 
how to configure both quickly (most of that is just copypaste):

I've never used AuthKit, but I guess it does support MySQL. Anyway, the 
plugins you'd be using with the tutorial above are DBMS-independent, so MySQL 
will work like a charm.
Gustavo Narea

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Re: Authorization with repoze.what in Pylons

2009-02-11 Thread Gustavo Narea

Thanks for spotting that, Roger! ;-)

Yes, you're right. I just fixed the HOWTO accordingly.


On Wednesday February 11, 2009 12:54:20 Roger Demetrescu wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 17:51, Gustavo Narea wrote:
  Hello, everybody.
  I'm pleased to announce that I have:
   1.- Finished the guide on how to use repoze.what in Pylons:
 .what 2.- Created a plugin to integrate repoze.what in Pylons
  So hopefully now using repoze.what in Pylons-based applications will be
  much easier. :)

 Hi Gustavo,

 I found 2 lines of code in your tutorial that says:

   came_from = str(request.params.get('came_from')) or url_for('/')

 If request doesn't have a 'came_from' param, the get() method should
 return None, right ?
 But doing a str(None) or failsafe_value  would never reach the
 failsafe_value, because None is evaluated as a True value in this
 boolean expression.

 Maybe you meant:

   came_from = str(request.params.get('came_from') or url_for('/'))

 Since I'm on a machine that doesn't have python installed, I didn't
 test your code, so I may be missing something here.

 Best regards,


Gustavo Narea

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Authorization with repoze.what in Pylons

2009-02-10 Thread Gustavo Narea

Hello, everybody.

I'm pleased to announce that I have:
 1.- Finished the guide on how to use repoze.what in Pylons:
 2.- Created a plugin to integrate repoze.what in Pylons applications:

So hopefully now using repoze.what in Pylons-based applications will be much 
easier. :)

Gustavo Narea

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Re: State of Auth with Pylons

2009-01-27 Thread Gustavo Narea


On Tuesday January 27, 2009 15:16:36 TJ Ninneman wrote:
 Does the cookie get set within a custom Challenger plugin or within  
 the Authenticator plugin?

It's the way TurboGears itself deals with so-called flash messages, it's not 
specific to authentication messages.

But I'd subclass the authenticator to flash the message you want (e.g., login 
succeeded, login failed).

This conversation reminds me that logged in messages are not supported yet in 
TG2. Going to solve it now...

Gustavo Narea

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Re: State of Auth with Pylons

2009-01-26 Thread Gustavo Narea

Just for the record, there's already an SQLAlchemy/Elixir-based repoze.who 

So you don't have to write it yourself.


PS: Regarding your problem, I think RedirectingFormPlugin is a good solution. 
But anyway, I think this conversation deserves its own thread.

On Monday January 26, 2009 20:18:04 TJ Ninneman wrote:
  Have you managed to deal with the problem of login handlers and error
  messages, that is what happens if a user tries to log in and for
  whatever reason, fails?
  I'm currently using repoze.who, and haven't managed to overcome this
  major point, even though I've discussed it at length with Chris

 LOL, no I haven't.  We are still early enough in development of this
 site that I just figured I'd go back and figure that out later.

 What about setting a session based flash message in your custom auth

 class UserModelPlugin(object):

  def authenticate(self, environ, identity):
  username = identity['login']
  password = identity['password']
  except KeyError:
  return None

  success = authenticate_user(model.User, model.meta.Session,
 username, password)
  if success:
  return success
   environ['beaker.session']['flash'] = Some sort of explanatory
 failure message
   return None

 Of course you have to be using the session middleware and put your
 auth middleware after your session middleware.


Gustavo Narea

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Re: FormEncode and International Languages

2009-01-26 Thread Gustavo Narea

On Monday January 26, 2009 23:20:37 Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
 How are people dealing with FormEncode and International Languages?

You write to an international mailing list talking about international 
languages. Then you assume English/Spanish/* means national language to us?

Tell us where you're from so that we can know what languages are international 
to you. Better yet, stick to internationalization.

 Our project is dealing with a lot of French writers typing things like
 é , which fails many formencode tests.

Use UnicodeString instead of String:

I don't think the problem will be present on other validators -- at least I 
guess so.

 This is more of an 'approach' issue:

 - how are you handling internationlization in Pylons from a business
 standpoint ?  ie - what are you supporting and where ?

In my case, I work for a non-profit and we try to support all possible 
languages. Translators are all volunteers. 

But anyway, I think the languages to be supported always depend your target 

 - how are you handling this technologically ?

Given the context, I think you're looking for this:

Gustavo Narea

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Re: State of Auth with Pylons

2009-01-23 Thread Gustavo Narea

On Friday January 23, 2009 22:34:25 Mike Orr wrote:
 repoze.what can handle authorization for at least some sites, but I'm
 not sure how finished it is.

Out-of-the-box, repoze.what v1 supports the groups/permissions authorization 
pattern like AuthKit, but allows you to store such groups/permissions in 
different sources (databases, XML files, ini files, etc.) and you may write 
so-called predicates to support additional authorization patterns.

Regarding how finished it is, it's got its first stable release this week, 
it's been used in production websites for some time and has around 5 plugins 
to date.

While I'm its author, I agree that right now it's not good/acceptable for 
every website whose core authorization mechanisms are not based on the 
groups/permissions pattern. Specially if you're searching for out-of-the-box 
support for:
 * Content-sensitivity authorization (e.g., make assertions like users that 
belong to the 'editors' group may edit blog posts but the blog post whose id 
is '1' can only be edited by the admin instead of a content-insensitive 
assertion like any user in the 'editors' group may edit blog posts).
 * Roles-based authorization.

I mean, it *is* possible to do the above with repoze.what -- it's just not 
ready to use and you have to make it yourself. But if you feel comfortable 
creating your authorization system from scratch, I'd recommend you give r.what 
a try; I think it's very extensible -- but of course my opinion is biased ;-)

Limitations like the ones above will be addressed in repoze.what v2.

Gustavo Narea

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Re: python -3 switch

2009-01-22 Thread Gustavo Narea

On Thursday January 22, 2009 13:05:47 Jorge Vargas wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 5:59 AM, wrote:
  python 2.6 has a switch -3 which will show warnings about code that is
  not compatible with python 3
  is ther a way to use tis switch with pylons?
  pylons don't use python directly and there's no such switch for

 many of pylons dependencies do not yet work on py3k therefore pylons
 itself still doesn't works there. that said we do run on 2.6. the
 simplest way I see of doing that is to change the shebang line of the
 paster command, which should be in $ENV/bin/paster, where ENV depends
 on your system and/or if you are using virtualenv. $ which paster will
 tell you.

A work-around is to run your test suite with that switch (`python -3 

But of course, this won't be effective in projects that don't have a decent 
code coverage.

Gustavo Narea

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Re: Can't deploy with FastCGI on Apache2

2009-01-22 Thread Gustavo Narea


On Sunday January 18, 2009 23:29:31 Gustavo Narea wrote:

 I've tried the tutorial at
g+Apache, +FastCGI+and+mod_rewrite, but I can't get it to work.

 As suggested on the tutorial, I made a first try with CGI (using the
 attached script) but I get the error found in the attached log.

 What's the problem?

 Thanks in advance.

 PS: The last line is run_with_cgi(wsgi_app).run(), but I replaced it to
 run_with_cgi(wsgi_app) as you'll see in the script.

Gustavo Narea

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Can't deploy with FastCGI on Apache2

2009-01-18 Thread Gustavo Narea

I've tried the tutorial at,
+FastCGI+and+mod_rewrite, but I can't get it to work.

As suggested on the tutorial, I made a first try with CGI (using the attached 
script) but I get the error found in the attached log.

What's the problem?

Thanks in advance.

PS: The last line is run_with_cgi(wsgi_app).run(), but I replaced it to 
run_with_cgi(wsgi_app) as you'll see in the script.
Gustavo Narea

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from paste.deploy import loadapp
wsgi_app = 
import os, sys
def run_with_cgi(application):
environ = dict(os.environ.items())
environ['wsgi.input']= sys.stdin
environ['wsgi.errors']   = sys.stderr
environ['wsgi.version']  = (1,0)
environ['wsgi.multithread']  = False
environ['wsgi.multiprocess'] = True
environ['wsgi.run_once']= True
if environ.get('HTTPS','off') in ('on','1'):
environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https'
environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'http'
headers_set = []
headers_sent = []
def write(data):
if not headers_set:
 raise AssertionError(write() before start_response())
elif not headers_sent:
 # Before the first output, send the stored headers
 status, response_headers = headers_sent[:] = headers_set
 sys.stdout.write('Status: %s\r\n' % status)
 for header in response_headers:
 sys.stdout.write('%s: %s\r\n' % header)
def start_response(status,response_headers,exc_info=None):
if exc_info:
if headers_sent:
# Re-raise original exception if headers sent
raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
exc_info = None # avoid dangling circular ref
elif headers_set:
raise AssertionError(Headers already set!)
headers_set[:] = [status,response_headers]
return write
result = application(environ, start_response)
for data in result:
if data:# don't send headers until body appears
if not headers_sent:
write('')   # send headers now if body was empty
if hasattr(result,'close'):
# Deploy it using FastCGI
[Sun Jan 18 23:15:58 2009] [error] [client] /home/gustavo/public_html/tg2-app/tg2appenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/PEAK_Rules-0.5a1.dev_r2582-py2.6.egg/peak/rules/ DeprecationWarning: object.__new__() takes no parameters
[Sun Jan 18 23:15:58 2009] [error] [client] /home/gustavo/public_html/tg2-app/tg2appenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ToscaWidgets-0.9.5dev_20081026-py2.6.egg/tw/core/ DeprecationWarning: object.__new__() takes no parameters
[Sun Jan 18 23:15:58 2009] [error] [client]   obj = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kw)
[Sun Jan 18 23:15:59 2009] [error] [client] /home/gustavo/public_html/tg2-app/app/app/model/ DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
[Sun Jan 18 23:15:59 2009] [error] [client]   import md5
[Sun Jan 18 23:15:59 2009] [error] [client] /home/gustavo/public_html/tg2-app/app/app/model/ DeprecationWarning: the sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead
[Sun Jan 18 23:15:59 2009] [error] [client]   import sha
[Sun Jan 18 23:15:59 2009] [error] [client] Error - class 'genshi.template.eval.UndefinedError': {'inputs': {}, 'errors': {}, 'locale': ['en-US', 'en'], 'flash': '', 'request': Request at a7226ac GET http://localhost:8080/%7Egustavo/tg2-app/app/dispatch.cgi/, 'quote_plus': function quote_plus at 0xb7b8f4fc, 'session': {'flash_status': '', '_accessed_time': 1232316959.220782, '_creation_time': 1232316959.220782, 'flash_message': ''}, 'url': function url at 0xa4743e4, 'auth_stack_enabled': True, 'config': {'error_email_from': 'pa...@localhost', 'pylons.app_globals': app.lib.app_globals.Globals object at 0xa6a7dec, 'pylons.paths': {'templates': ['/home/gustavo/public_html/tg2-app/app/app

Re: Problems with AuthKit (was: Django or Pylons - comparison details)

2008-12-10 Thread Gustavo Narea


On Wednesday December 10, 2008 07:56:18 Dalius Dobravolskas wrote:
 I personally think that it is not possible to
 write universal authorization system that will satisfy everyone but it
 is possible to simplify writing one to very low level.


Let me advertise repoze.what a little bit... Sales are decreasing lately ;-)

 Let's analyze your case in light of those helper functions:
  - Customisable table names

In repoze.what, you can customize table and column names, reuse tables from 
different databases and hopefully customize anything you may ever want to 

Or you may use no database at all and store your groups and permissions in 
files (for example) using Ini files:

  - Users, Roles and Permissions

repoze.what supports them out-of-the-box. And in v1.0 final version they will 
be optional, for those who prefer a different authorization pattern.

  - Hide/show menu items pulled from the DB, based on permissions

repoze.what ships with so-called predicates, including one called 

For example, TurboGears 2 developers use that predicate as:
 class SomeController(BaseController):

 def index(self):
 flash('You are an editor!')
 # ...

(@require is a rather small  trivial decorator provided by TG, which can be 
used in other WSGI frameworks if you copy/paste it)

For more info:

Gustavo Narea

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Re: repoze.what -- Authorization for WSGI applications

2008-11-28 Thread Gustavo Narea

On Thursday November 27, 2008 11:31:08 Lawrence Oluyede wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 8:03 PM, Gustavo Narea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Slight point about the documentation: you use the same color for
 hyperlinked text and non-hyperlinked text
 and I think it somewhat misleading.


Thanks, I'll try to correct it asap. 
Gustavo Narea

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Re: repoze.what -- Authorization for WSGI applications

2008-11-28 Thread Gustavo Narea

On Thursday November 27, 2008 14:13:06 Dalius Dobravolskas wrote:
 I agree with that. Even more REMOTE_USER is not enough to distinguish
 between different authentication methods when multiple methods are

 Because of that I offer to do following in r.who:
 Set REMOTE_USER as username. Usually all authentication systems
 provides one or another form of username.
 Set x-wsgiorg.user_data with data dict (e.g. certificate details,
 OpenID SREG data and etc.). Name was proposed by Ian Bicking.

That sounds good to me, but I don't why that's not done. There must be a good 
reason, I think.

 This way r.who and r.what will be compatible with other authentication
 and authorization solutions.

Right. :)

Gustavo Narea

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Re: repoze.what -- Authorization for WSGI applications

2008-11-28 Thread Gustavo Narea

On Thursday November 27, 2008 23:26:06 Graham Dumpleton wrote:
 Does that mean you ignore AUTH_TYPE variable passed in from Apache
 where Apache module performs the authentication?

repoze.who sets that variable when it performs the authentication. However, if 
you want to bypass r.who authentication when the server already authenticated 
the user, you'll have to specify it explicitly (create a rather simple r.who 
identifier to do so).

Gustavo Narea

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Re: repoze.what -- Authorization for WSGI applications

2008-11-27 Thread Gustavo Narea

Hello, Graham.

On Thursday November 27, 2008 11:07:00 Graham Dumpleton wrote:
 Why is it dependent on repoze.who? A nicely decoupled system would
 only need to know that authentication had succeeded which generally is
 identifiable by REMOTE_USER being set in the WSGI environment
 dictionary passed from outer middleware, 

On the one hand, because I wanted to take advantage of the repoze.who system 
to run certain authorization-related actions during the process of 
identification (this is, prepare the authorization system).

On the other hand, because REMOTE_USER (which isn't set by r.who) is not 
always enough and also some of the future features will rely on 
future/existing repoze.who plugins, for example:
 - I'll write an X.509-based repoze.who identifier which will authenticate the 
user if she has a valid SSL cert issued by a trusted Certificate Authority; 
also, there will be a r.who metadata provider which will load the properties 
of her certificate. Then, with r.what, you'll have X.509-based predicates [1] 
which will use the data loaded by the MD provider (e.g., The user must work 
at ABC, The user's certificate must have been signed by our own Certificate 
 - Likewise, the repoze.who LDAP plugin will also load the attributes of the 
current user (e.g., Organization Units) and such data may be very useful for 
authorization through r.what predicates [1] (e.g., Only the Human Resources 
department can access the payroll).

Trying to achieve the above independently of repoze.who will require much too 
more code/effort for the developer because she will have to (1) take care of 
the X.509/LDAP authentication (possibly using an authentication framework), 
(2) extract the attributes required by the predicates she's going to use and 
(3) pass such data to repoze.what so that the predicates can work. On the 
contrary, this way everything will work out-of-the-box.

Authentication and identification is absolutely independent of authorization, 
but authorization very often relies on identification. This is why the goal is 
to leave r.who as an independent authentication/identification-only project, 
but make an authorization framework based on its powerful and extensible 
identification system.

 where outer middleware has
 performed authentication, or even where it didn't and REMOTE_USER was
 set by a web server capable of doing authentication itself such as

For example, in such a situation, you'd just need to configure repoze.who with 
an identifier that takes that value as the userid, which is very trivial and 
authorization through r.what will work as usual.

I would have thought seriously about decoupling it if I knew of any limitation 
in the authentication and identification systems of r.who, but I can't think 
of a situation that cannot be even solved by extending it.


Gustavo Narea

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repoze.what -- Authorization for WSGI applications

2008-11-26 Thread Gustavo Narea
Hello, everybody.

I'm writing to let you know about the authorization framework I have been 
working on, repoze.what:

Some of its features are:
* Web framework independent.
* Authorization only. It will only do authorization and nothing else.
* _Highly_ extensible.
* _Fully_ documented.
* Your application's `groups` and `permissions` may be stored in an SQLAlchemy
  managed database, thanks to the SQL plugin (repoze.what.plugins.sql).
* The only requirement is that you use the repoze.who authentication framework
  (which is configured for you by repoze.what).
* It's not hard to get started!

It's not a stable software yet, but it's just reached its first beta.

Gustavo Narea

Get rid of unethical constraints! Get freedomware:

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Re: auth and auth

2008-11-25 Thread Gustavo Narea

On Tuesday November 25, 2008 07:18:56 Dalius Dobravolskas wrote:
 repoze.what: Looks like TurboGears 1. The main mistake makes everyone
 when they implement authorization plugin/middleware, they think that
 everyone builds social networks or simple sites where you have users
 in groups with roles. In real world that does not work sometimes. I
 think it much better to leave control for user:

I guess you've only read the outdated documentation at I'm 
currently preparing the first beta and the new documentation, but here's an 
excerpt from the main page:

 .. topic:: Overview

 :mod:`repoze.what` is an `authorization framework` for WSGI
 applications, based on :mod:`repoze.who` (which deals with

 On the one hand, it enables an authorization system based on the 
 groups to which the `authenticated or anonymous` user belongs and 
 the permissions granted to such groups by loading these groups 
 and permissions into the request on the way in to the downstream
 WSGI application.

 And on the other hand, it enables you to manage your groups 
 and permissions from the application itself or another program, under 
 a backend-independent API. For example, it would be easy for you to
 switch from one back-end to another, and even use this framework to
 migrate the data.

 It's highly extensible, so it's very unlikely that it will get in 
 your way. Among other things, you can extend it to check for many 
 other conditions (such as checking that the user comes from a 
 given country, based on her IP address, for example).


 Unless mentioned otherwise, the following features are available in
 :mod:`repoze.what` and its official plugins:

 * ``Web framework independent``. You can use it on any WSGI
   application and any WSGI framework (or no framework at all). Web
 frameworks may provide integration with it (like `TurboGears 2`_, which features a strong integration
 with :mod:`repoze.what`).
 * ``Authorization only``. It doesn't try to be an all-in-one auth
   monster -- it will only do `authorization` and nothing else.
 * ``Highly extensible``. It's been created with extensibility in mind, so
   that it won't get in your way and you can control authorization however
 you want or need, either with official components, third party plugins or
 your own plugins.
 * ``Fully documented``. If it's not described in the manual, it doesn't
 * ``Reliable``. We are committed to keep the code coverage at 100%.
 * ``Control access to any resource``. Although it's only recommended to
 control authorization on action controllers, you can also use it to
 restrict access to other things in your package (e.g., only allow access to
 a database table if the current user is the admin).
 * Your application's `groups` and `permissions` may be stored in an
 SQLAlchemy managed database, thanks to the SQL plugin
 * The only requirement is that you use
 the powerful and extensible `repoze.who`_ authentication framework.
 * `It's not hard to get started!`

 And according to the to-do list, we *will* have official plugins to:

 * Enable `OAuth`_ support.
 * Enable authorization based on certain network conditions
   (e.g., grant access if the user's IP address belongs to a given IP range,
   deny access if the user's host name is, grant access based
 on the user's ISP).
 * Enable authorization based on `client-side SSL certificates`_ (e.g., allow access if the
   `Certificate Authority` is XYZ, allow access if the user is called John
   Smith or Foo Bar).
 * Enable authorization based on LDAP attributes of the authenticated user's
   entry (e.g., allow access if the user can be reached at a cellular phone,
   allow access if the user belongs to the ABC organization).
 * Enable a highly extensible `CAPTCHA`_ driven authorization mechanism to
 restrict access to a given resource (possibly the hardest to create
 * Store groups in ``Htgroups`` and ``ini`` files, and re-use LDAP
   `Organizational Units` as groups.
 * Store permissions in ``ini`` files.

Oh, and it already provides a module to get started very quickly with 
repoze.who and repoze.what at the same time, which is used in TurboGears 2.

Gustavo Narea.
General Secretary.
GNU/Linux Matters

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Re: auth and auth

2008-11-25 Thread Gustavo Narea

On Tuesday November 25, 2008 12:29:17 Dalius Dobravolskas wrote:
  What if you need to combine multiple authentication schemes in the same

 You can add multiple middlewares. The problem is when middlewares or
 plugins conflict with each other (e.g. because of lack of options).
 repoze.who does not help to solve this problem.

Can you please provide one example in which that problem is present in 
repoze.who? Just one.

In all honesty, I don't like that approach of loading middleware just to add 
authentication methods. repoze.who's approach is elegant because it has broken 
up the various components involved in authentication (the so-called 
identifiers, authenticators, challengers and metadata providers) so that they 
can all work _harmoniously_, controlled by repoze.who itself. That's why 
repoze.who scales up and scales down.

Gustavo Narea.
General Secretary.
GNU/Linux Matters

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Re: auth and auth

2008-11-25 Thread Gustavo Narea

On Tuesday November 25, 2008 20:55:15 Dalius Dobravolskas wrote:
 E.g. similar patches or similarly named cookies while they should be
 different. I have accidentally named my AuthKit cookie and beaker
 session the same name once and have had time until I have understood
 where is problem. I have not checked that but I doubt that there is
 any mechanism preventing user from doing such simple mistakes in
 repoze.who. Or am I wrong?

Yes, you are wrong, as Gael pointed in the previous message. Come on, there's 
no such a problem with repoze.who.

Based on the your statements on this thread, I'd say you barely read the 
repoze.who documentation.

  In all honesty, I don't like that approach of loading middleware just to
  add authentication methods.

 And instead you do the *same* just in slightly different way.
 repoze.who specifies in config which plugins to load. AuthKit
 specifies in config which middlewares to load. I offer to specify in
 code which middlewares to load. Technically I can write AuthKit-like
 middleware that allows to do the same as AuthKit (but I don't see
 value in that). As I have already written repoze.who adds another
 level of complication (components) to WSGI.

  repoze.who's approach is elegant because it has broken
  up the various components involved in authentication (the so-called
  identifiers, authenticators, challengers and metadata providers) so that
  they can all work _harmoniously_, controlled by repoze.who itself. That's
  why repoze.who scales up and scales down.

 It looks like you are the person who understands something here. Could
 you explain to me why this division into components is good? Why is it
 not enough WSGI for this task?

Whatever you say. This is turning into an endless debate with the same 
arguments on both sides -- you vs. everybody else.
Gustavo Narea.
General Secretary.
GNU/Linux Matters

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